Scenario graduation to school “Stars lights up a kindergarten. Graduation script in dow modern Graduation in kindergarten on the theme of a star

Irina Korogodina
Scenario graduation to school "Stars light up kindergarten"

School graduation script: « Stars light up the kindergarten»

Purpose of the holiday:

1. form a comprehensively developed, holistic personality;

2. develop an aesthetic perception of festive events;

3. educate the creative abilities of children, moral purity and aesthetic attitude to life and performing arts.

preliminary work: development script, learning poetry, musical material, developing a sketch for decorating the hall.


The roles are played by adults - the Host, Baba Yaga.

The roles are played by children - count, two, four, five - children of the preparatory group.

Under the solemn music, the presenters enter.

1Ved: Good afternoon, dear mothers, fathers, grandparents!

2ved: Today in our children's the garden is a very solemn and exciting holiday!

1 ved: Holiday of parting!

2ved: Let it be unusual and memorable!

1st Vedas: There is one country in the world, you cannot find another like it.

Not marked on the map, and the size is small ...

2nd century: But a wonderful people lives in that glorious country.

And wherever you look, a friend walks next to you

1 ved: So time passed quickly, no one noticed.

And now these wonderful moments cannot be returned.

2 ved: At the holiday they will give everyone a chance to talk about the most important thing.

And this holiday high school graduation for you - a moment of glory.

1ved: We have not small talents revealed in the kindergarten,

And singers and musicians will be able to amaze you!

2ved: So, attention, meet kindergarten graduates"Chamomile"!

(Leaders take turns calling pairs alumni.)

B1 - Fair and calm, always worthy of praise,

Children respect Maxim, everyone wishes him success.

Likes to help adults and kinder not to find.

V1-Vova is our shirt-guy, he will not disappear anywhere.

Well, if necessary, he will lead him.

B2-Arina loves to sing, dance, read different books,

We wish to study it only for 5 and in school develop their talents.

B1-Cyril school we see off and sincerely wish

So that the lessons answered without hesitation, without difficulty,

And the teacher even gasped and said "Wow!"

B2-Eva is our laughter, a cheerful and nice little girl.

B1-In sports, Rustam has no equal, we wish him victories,

V2-Liza - a dancer anywhere! And the mind and all took.

We will miss you. Promise to visit us!

B1-Adelya - the most musical and the friendliest,

The most responsible and most calm.

B2-Our Yana is smart, endowed with kindness,

We believe that only "4" And "5" notebooks will be filled in.

B1-Light we wish true friends, a lot of health and sunny days,

In your studies, success and only goodness, may your life be full of joy.

SONG "Big round dance"

1. We were born to live happily

To play together, to be strong friends.

To give each other smiles and flowers,

So that all our dreams come true in life.

Chorus: So let's have a big round dance.

Let all the people of the Earth join us in it,

Let only joyful laughter sound everywhere,

Let the song become clear to everyone without words.

2. We want to roll in the green grass

And watch the clouds float in the blue.

And dive into the cool river in the summer heat,

And in the palm of your hand to catch the warm mushroom rain.

3. We were born into the world to live happily,

To give flowers and smiles to each other.

So that grief disappears, trouble disappears,

So that the bright sun always shines.

Child: The sun gently shines in the sky, the breeze plays with foliage,

Well, today we are very sad, "Chamomile" we say goodbye to you!

Child: We invited all our relatives here to our festive farewell concert,

To get a mysterious ticket to the adult world today in this hall.

Child: All behind: horses, dolls, guns. We are adults, not kids.

You can pick up our toys, we leave them to you from the bottom of our hearts.

Child: With love, educators, relatives will wave after their graduates.

Do not be afraid for us, we are already big, and we are grateful to you for your care.

Child: And the same boys will come to you, and girls with and without pigtails.

Child: Farewell, our kindergarten! you with love,

We will also remember everything ahead of us for a long time, but only as kids.

We will never be again!

Child: Minutes are flying, the earth is spinning,

And time can't be turned back.

We promise to study well and visit our loved ones kindergarten!

Child: There will be many holidays us: spring and autumn, birthday, Christmas trees,

And this one is the first high school graduation will remain in the hearts of children for a long time.

Leading: And here are our first presenters, meet!

Child: Today I'm just overwhelmed with different feelings! I want to immediately, and cry and laugh, and educators to hug and childhood golden remember ...

Child: And I want to run away faster!

Child: Where, if not a secret?

Child: In adulthood!

Child: Well, it always has time! Let's dive into the memories...

Song "A country childhood»

1. This song will be picked up, the song will be picked up by everyone

About the beautiful and wonderful golden country.

We live there childhood, there is noise and hubbub-

And this country kindergarten.

Chorus: You wake up in the morning, smile at the sun,

You smile at the wind - hello!

Hello my friend and comrade, hello my kindergarten!

We went here, we hurried here from a year to seven,

We were kids, now we are grown up.

2. All the guys will meet here, meet their friends,

A sea of ​​\u200b\u200bsmiles awaits them, as many inventions.

This kind fairy tale is full of joy,

It is a pity that it ends in the evening.

Child: They told the whole truth, or rather they sang! And we were pulled by pigtails, and things were lost, as I recall ...

Child: Okay, okay, it's all over! Think only of the good. And better announce the next number!

Child: And there is no next number ...

Child: Why?

Child A: Because the memories continue!

Vedas: "Moment of glory" today not only for alumni but also for our beloved parents! Want to see what they are capable of?

Games for parents: "Remember school»

Fun tasks for parents.

1. There are 4 apples in the basket. Divide them among four children so that each child gets an apple and one apple remains in the basket. (give one apple in the basket)

2. There were 10 pears on a pear, and two fewer pears on a willow. How many pears grew on the willow? (pears do not grow on willows)

3. 3 candles were lit in the room. Then one of them was extinguished. How many candles are left in the room? (one, because two burned down)

4. There were three glasses of berries on the table. Vova ate one glass of berries and put it on the table. How many glasses are on the table? (3)

1. One evening they came to the bear for a pie neighbours:

Hedgehog, badger, raccoon, "oblique", a wolf with a cheating fox.

And the bear could not share the cake for everyone,

Help him quickly - count all the animals.

2. Grandmother baked a sweet pie, called all her grandchildren and granddaughters,

Grandma has many grandchildren was: divided the pie into ten parts,

So that everyone can try a sweet grandmother's pie.

A piece - Marina, a piece - Svetlana,

A piece - Danila, a piece - Maryana,

Ilyusha, Kiryusha, Alena and Masha -

Our smallest granddaughter.

And Vova just sat down at the table, immediately ate two pieces.

How many grandchildren did the grandmother have?

2 "Songs about school» : "What is taught in school» , "Two by two is four", "When we leave school yard» , “Here we are a year older”. (recognize the music)

Child: In give! Are we going to know too much?

Leading: and let's guys and we will guess puzzles:

1. Two nimble piglets are so cold, they are already trembling.

Count and tell me how many boots to buy them? (8)

2. They flew over the river birds: pigeon, pike, two tits,

Two swifts and five eels. How many birds, answer quickly? (5)

3. The mother goose brought six geese to the meadow for a walk.

All goslings are like balls. Three sons, how many daughters? (3)

Leading: guys, now there will be riddles again! We answer "No" or "Yes", just think first.

IN school can sing songs? - V school can make noise?

Can I run in the hallway? - write with chalk on the fence, solve equations?

Does the board answer everything? Will we get doubles?

Go to physical education?

speak English? late at school to come?

Leading: our children are great, in school they will be well behaved, listen to the teacher and receive only "4" And "5"

Child: and now the moment of glory for the dancers "Tango"!

Tango dance

1st presenter: Someone is knocking on our door, but is afraid to enter here,

I'll go and have a look, and then I'll tell you.

2nd host: The kids came to us for the holiday,

They brought their wishes for you.

(Children of the younger group enter.)

1Child: Coming soon school you will go please don't be lazy

We wish you guys to study well!

2 Child: You rarely played with us, called kids,

Sometimes they offended us, they didn’t give us toys!

3Child: But now you are not like that, you are now quite big,

We came to congratulate you on your transition to first grade.

The kids do the dance "Ladybug"

They give a chamomile, on the petals of which the names of professions are written, and leave. Graduates take turns tearing off a petal and reading the name of the profession.

Leading: and now guys, tell us who you want to be.

Child: I dream of becoming a great geneticist,

To solve the problems of old age!

And in the new century of the new millennium, give immortality to man!

All: But why?

Child: But because with childhood I want to know:

Is this true, or is it a lie that parrots live 200 years?

Child: I dream of becoming an architect, building a city without corners.

Dream come true now: at home I draw from circles.

My house is completed, there is not a corner in it, mom, a dream has come true!

You can no longer, as before, loving, put me in a corner.

All: WOW!

Child: I dream of becoming the head of the central bank,

The whole world so that in Russian surprise:

Buy a ticket to a distant planet,

And mom into space on a plate for a ride!

Child: I want to become a star to conquer everyone with talent,

I will sing songs from the stage, and they will give me an award there.

Leading: Of course, you guessed that our star Arina dreams of becoming an artist.

Arina: I will become a very famous singer.

I will sing the best songs in the capital.

I invite you all to watch the concert,

I will send a ticket to everyone.

Child: Maxim, do you know what I dream about? I so want to school study for one five ...

Maksim: Dreaming is not harmful. Here you are exactly like an excellent student! And here I am ... although, who knows ...

Child: Hush, it seems someone is coming here!

scene"Ratings" (4 children) 4k and 5k come out.

4ka: Hello, five. How are you doing?

5ka: I miss you terribly school, for excellent students. After all, they rejoice at every five. And how are you?

4ka: I can’t wait for the school year either, I even have dreams about dream of school.

5ka: Which?

4ka: Do you remember Mashenka Petrova? I dream about how my grandmother asks her what grades she received. Masha answered: 4 - in the Russian language and mathematics. Grandmother looked in her notebooks, and there were two 2. Masha explained to her So: and you add two 2, you get 4.

5ka: Oh, wait, someone is coming here.

The hall under the march includes 2-ka and Kol. 2nd commands:

2ka:Our motto: Lazy is our favorite, lazy is our idol. With lazy people we will conquer the whole world! Stop! One-two! Let's welcome our competitors.

Col: Hello, nerds! At ease! Disperse!

2ka: I suppose you are talking about knowledge? What is knowledge? Kol explain...

Col: The more you know, the more you forget

The more you forget, the less you know

And if you don't know anything, there's nothing to forget.

2ka: Smart. At least write it down! Say something else.

count: I'm walking on carpet. You are walking along the “carpet”. We are walking on the carpet.

5ka: It's also not right, whoever walks will still be on the carpet.

4ka: But, for example, the kitten lies on the carpet.

Col: Trouble with this carpet ... or carpet. Generally with carpets.

2ka: Well done! My heart is immediately light from such deep knowledge, I even want to sing.

Song of the Deuce (to the motive of the song "Our neighbor") 2ka and count sing.

I live and do not miss, because there is not a day,

to school lazy people forgot about me

If your studies are tight, the subject does not go in any way,

I to you, loafers, a friend was not better and no

PV (to the chorus, the boys join hands and dance the white swans)

I will decorate your notebook and diary with love.

I do not need your knowledge, be calm, student.

Let them put you in a corner, I have one answer:

I'm your friend, loafers, it was better and no. (Dance)

5ka: Shame on you! What do you teach children with your songs? What will they grow up to be?

2ka: Of course, - losers.

5ka: How unpleasant you are, get out of here.

2ka: Get out of here, you bastards. They also insult us, honorary members of the club of loafers.

4ka: Oh, you fools, no one loves you and is not waiting. Because without knowledge there will be nothing good in the world. Yes, talk to them. Let's get out of here, Fiver.

Col: Since they do not need us, I know who we will be useful in school! And here she is flying! (LETTERS ARE PLACED ON THE FLOOR)

Baba Yaga in a white apron flies into the hall on a broom, (CHILDREN SIT IN CHAIRS.)

Baba I: Oh, in a hurry! Almost broke the transport. found out that you are in going to school, and I want to go to first grade with you!

Leading: Wait a minute, Baba Yaga, how old are you?

B.Ya.: One hundred!

Leading: How many?

B.Ya.: Well, two hundred, so what?

Leading: Too much.

B. Ya.: And to learn, by the way, is never too late.

Leading: OK then. What can you do? Can you read and write?

B.Ya.: No, of course not. But I can shoot at sparrows with a slingshot, put buttons on a chair, pull girls by pigtails, pinch, scream, whistle. On a broomstick I drive: dryn-dryn-dyn. In! How much can I!

Leading: Yes, granny, this is completely in school is useless.

B. Ya .: Here they are raising me again, but what can you do yourself?

Leading: Here, Yaga, look, here are the letters, you need to make words out of them. Let's try!

Baba Yaga tries to compose words, nothing happens. Sweeps letters with a broom.

Vedas: Double! See it right!


Yaga: Okay, okay, these aunties are capable of anything! And you yourself - do you know how?

Vedas: We can do everything! And dance, and guess riddles, and distinguish the march from the polka!

Yaga: Ha, I can dance too, but can you sing?

Vedas: Of course we can, listen!

Song "Cool you hit"

1. How did we manage to grow up: admire, look,

We now have portfolios, and in the portfolios are primers

We continue, we continue graduation party

And everyone will say to start "very cool you hit"

PV: Cool you got to our ball - this is class!

Graduation is today!

2. Here, warmth, care, affection were given to us every day

In the kindergarten, as if in a fairy tale, we were not too lazy to go.

Educators for a prank forgave us every day,

But friends, it’s not worth being sad, we’ll meet more than once!

Yaga: In give!

Vedas: Yes, because we have today "Moment of glory"!

Yaga: Look, how smart! I want to be famous too!

Vedas: Guys, announce the number of our esteemed guest!

Child: Baba Yaga is speaking. What is your last name, grandma?

Yaga: (kisses the broom) Metelkin!

Child: Grandma, what will you perform?

Yaga: Couplets, honey!

I am a poor old lady

I'm not afraid of anything.

I fly on a broomstick

Anyway, I turn around.

I have four teeth, my mouth is sewn up.

I have such lips - to the ears!

I have been dieting for many years

I eat mushrooms for lunch.

I can with a cat, I can with a mouse,

I can fly like a dove

I can rare beauty

Sing songs in a round dance. (bows)

Yaga: And you also boasted that everyone here is very smart.

Vedas: Do not doubt it, you can check it!

Yaga: Yeah, then attention! First challenge!

1. I have a grandson Kuzya, a cat Barsik, a dog Knopa, a mouse Norushka. How many grandchildren does the grandmother have?

2. On the thermometer - plus 20 degrees. How many degrees will be on two such thermometers?

3. Two girls played chess for 3 hours. How long did each girl play?

4. There are 8 benches in the park. Three have been painted. How many benches are there in the park?

6. Why does a duck swim?

7. Which is lighter - 1 kg of iron or 1 kg of fluff?

8. Sasha comes to schools from home in 20 minutes. How long will it take to get to schools if he goes along with a friend?

Vedas: Comrade Metelkina, it seems to me that it's time for you to return to the fairy tale, Kuzenka - your granddaughter is bored there alone.

Yaga: Oh, Kuzenka, dear, but what am I, probably hungry, the device is ready for takeoff! drin, melons melons... Have a good study... happy!

Vedas: A - then in she went to school. A grandson needs to be educated! Well, we continue!

Graduates, Your friends want to congratulate you, who stay in kindergarten for another year

(children of the senior group come in with congratulations)

Child: good luck, good hour, the brightest, lucky hour!

May a clear sun pour for you from every book you read.

Child: you came to kindergarten for kids,

Couldn't even hold a spoon

And now, you all see for yourself, you have grown wiser and grown up!

Child:Goodbye friends,

It's sad to part with you

It's a pity that in we can't go to school

We still need to gain strength.

Child: With whom now to play and sing?

Whom to fight for checkers?

Endure for a whole year

To in school enroll.

Child: Meet us in a year,

Grow up and get smarter

Wait right at the gate

First graders with a briefcase.

Child: many good things are waiting for you ahead,

We wish you all a good journey!

joke song "Seeds"

(performed by a girl and a boy of the senior group)

1. It’s not ducks quacking, it’s not frogs croaking, It’s Senya and I, together we gnaw seeds together Seeds, Senechka brings me seeds,

In summer, the night is short, only half a sack was eaten.

(boy singing)

2. The sun is already rising, I gnaw, she gnaws


It's time to milk the goat, but he gnaws and I gnaw.

Seeds, seeds, we waste time in vain,

From such a groom in the heart is just a husk

3. Our guys are great, they give cute lollipops

Seeds, seeds, I sweep from the porch with a broom,

I see Senya at the gate again carrying seeds

4A recently Senya made me offer: “come as a mistress to the house, we will legally gnaw”

Seeds? --- seeds

I told Senechka: "I'd rather live alone, But without a rodent husband!"

Child: you today with childish say goodbye to the garden forever.

Now you need to study going to school.

Child: Wake up early in the morning, wash your face well,

To in don't yawn at school, do not peck at the desk with your nose.

Dress neatly so that it is pleasant to look at.

Stroke the form yourself, check, you are big now.

Child: Accustom yourself to order, do not play hide and seek with things.

Treasure each book and keep them in order.

Child: Don't giggle in class, don't move your chair back and forth.

Respect the teacher and don't disturb your neighbor.

Don't tease, don't be arrogant, school try to help everyone.

Child: Do not frown in vain, be bold - and you will find friends for yourself.

That's all our advice, and there is no wiser and easier.

You, my friend, do not forget them. Goodbye! Good luck!

(children of the eldest group leave)

presenter: IN children's garden, you learned not only to count and draw, sing and dance, most importantly, you learned to be friends, listen to a poem about friendship.

Child: Friendship is a warm wind,

Friendship is a bright world

Friendship is the sun at dawn

A fun feast for the soul.

Friendship is only happiness

Friendship is one thing.

With friendship, bad weather is not terrible,

With friendship - life is full in spring.

A friend will share the pain and joy,

A friend will support and save.

With a friend, even an evil weakness will melt and leave in an instant.

Believe, keep, value friendship, this is the highest ideal.

She will serve you, because friendship is a valuable gift!

presenter: and friendship is fun and joy! And so our children will now sing a cheerful song "From what?" (boys stand opposite girls)

1. What, what, what are our boys made of?

From freckles and crackers, from rulers and batteries

Our boys are done!

2. What, what, what are our girls made of?

From flowers and bells, from notebooks and glances

Our girls are done!

3. Of what, of what, of what are our boys made?

From springs and pictures, from glass and blotters

Our boys are done!

4. What, what, what are our girls made of?

From handkerchiefs and balls, from riddles and marmalades

Our girls are done!

Leading: And now the waltz alumni.

Child: We will grow up and mature

And we will grow stronger every day

And in the fall to study in school

We will definitely go.

After all, in school has a lot of interesting things,

Knowledge lives in books there.

They will open a wonderful world,

In which teachers will lead

Vedas: Well, well, now we want the parents to take an oath. You must say YES loudly and clearly! Or not!

Leaders take turns reading.

1. Will we always help children in their studies? - Yes!

2. To be children the school is proud? - Yes!

3. Are you afraid of leapfrog tasks? - No!

4. Formulas to remember are nonsense for you? - Yes!

5. We swear never to beat children! - Yes!

6. Just a little scolding sometimes? - Yes!

7. Let's be calm, like water in a river? - Yes!

8. Will we be wise, like a star in the sky? - Yes!

Song by M. Voinov « Childhood first step»

1. We say goodbye to kindergarten, with beloved kindergarten

And on this lilac evening "Thank you" we tell him

You warmed and cherished us, you protected and appreciated us,

You recklessly believed in us, gave us your love.

PV: Childhood the first step is behind, life is a steep staircase ahead

We say goodbye to you at this hour, childhood first step remember us.

2. Here we drew, sculpted, learned to play and make friends,

How quickly we became big and us don't forget kindergarten.

Activities, walks and songs, open hearts

How joyfully we lived together, how friendly voices sound.

Child: OK it's all over Now! It's time to say goodbye!

AND the school is waiting for yesterday's preschoolers.

But only we, girls and boys,

We swear we won't forget kindergarten!

Child: Farewell, our dear kindergarten we will part soon.

We have grown up and soon we will study in school.

Child: All workers kindergarten thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Look, our mothers, how good we have become!

Child: Thanks to the teachers for the affection and warmth,

We were with you side by side and on a gloomy day it is light.

You took pity on us, loved us, you raised us like flowers,

It is a pity that we cannot take you with us to the first class.

Child: We are sad, very sorry to leave.

We promise to visit our garden!

But it's time to say goodbye

We want to say thank you to everyone!

Child: It was cozy, beautiful in the group,

In the morning we were happy to go to the kindergarten,

We speak to all of you together:

Children: (in chorus): THANK YOU! (air kiss)

And bow to you to the ground.

1. Lead.

Not a day, not two, but for many years you went to kindergarten

You met the dawn on the road and saw off the sunset.

You were loved, taken care of, so that you grow up happy

Any question you have can be answered here.

Here you found friends, heard for the first time,

Poems about his mother, a story about his homeland.

Well, that's all, the hour has come that we've all been waiting for.

We gathered for the last time in a cozy bright hall.

Song "Farewell" to the music "Olympics 80"

1. There comes a moment of farewell outside the window lilac May

Children's the garden says goodbye, my dear group goodbye.

We have finished our program, the first call will be in September

Don't worry, neither mom nor dad are ahead of 100 ways, 100 roads.

PV: Friends break up, tenderness remains in the heart

We will cherish the songs, goodbye, until we meet again

We will never forget the guys educators, dear nannies

The kindest and most beautiful, the sweetest and most dear.

In September we will go to school how much new will be around

We will never forget guys, we are d / garden "Chamomile", second sweet home.

Vedas: And now the most solemn and exciting moment is coming for our children! Participants "Minutes of Glory" the first ever award is presented - Diploma "With the end kindergarten» . The floor is given to the head.

Graduation script in kindergarten "Stars light up"


Today is a solemn and a little sad day - in kindergarten a holiday of graduation to school. We have been preparing for it for a long time. I hope both adults and children will have good, bright memories from the holiday. We will congratulate our children, and they will give us their gifts. Meet the graduates!

Children with hoops, balls and balls run into the hall. Noise, fun.


Guys! Guys! You are graduates today, we are going to see you off to school, and you are playing around like kids. That's how surprised, all of us were alarmed. You made your guests laugh. Ay, well done!


Please forgive us all

We just wanted to fool around here for the last time!

Clap your hands harder, we'll go in now.


Have you seen the night sky? No, of course you saw it. What a magnificent, bewitching picture! How brightly the stars shine! But if the stars are lit, then someone needs it.

They say that every person is a whole world, a whole universe. One can argue with this. So let's dwell on the fact that every person is a star, and nothing less. And sometimes a parade of stars happens in outer space, and in this parade everyone shows all the best. We will see such a parade. So today, stars will light up in our sky, 19 at once. These are the stars of the graduates of the Yagodka group.

So, attention! Stars on stage!

Music sounds, graduates come out.

Exit of children with balls of muses "World of childhood" Dance with balls.

Children line up in a semicircle, release the balls.

reb: Today I almost didn't sleep. She fiddled all night and waited for the dawn.

And suddenly it became clear to me that with me - Today is my first graduation!

reb: The sun gleefully knocks on the windows with a cheerful ray,
And today we are proud of the important word: "Graduate"

reb: And today, on the day of farewell, we will not lose heart,
We will remember our kindergarten for a long time with a kind word!

reb: You carefully kept us here, taught us how to sculpt, draw and dance.

Thank you from all the guys

ALL: Thanks to our beloved kindergarten!

The song "Our Kindergarten" Golden Hive "

child: We grew up, almost like first-graders, we forgot what papillae and porridge are. For the garden, we are now graduates. We without five minutes - students!

reb: Parents came to our holiday and looked at us with excitement.
As if everyone saw the grown-up children for the first time now.

reb: Today, even dads were worried when we got dressed before the ball.

And we became more beautiful, and smarter, more attentive, kinder and more mature!

child: We will remember the group and toys, and the bedrooms are affectionate comfort,
And how to forget friends, girlfriends, with whom we lived here for so many years !

The song "Goodbye, toys!" L.A. Vakhrusheva

Children sit on chairs (each has its own chair)





OH GUYS, LOOK AT SOMEONE LEFT THIS MAGIC STAR CHEST with a letter. WHAT SHOULD WE DO, HOW WE SHOULD BE, HOW TO KNOW WHO BROUGHT THIS TO US? (a small chest is brought into the hall, 3 helium balloons are tied to it)

LET'S READ THE LETTER: (reads the letter)

Clever and clever, jokers and jokers ....

Future athletes - Olympians

Theatre, cinema, stage stars

And just golden children! Hello! Hello Polaris! I have been watching you since your birth. You have become so big, smart, strong, beautiful. I congratulate you on your first prom. Your finest hour has come! And my assistants, little stars, will help to hold this ball. (I take out 1 star from the chest)



Graduates: "Memories of childhood"

1 child So we grew up and us,

Waiting for the first grade at school

And, remember, five years ago,

How did we go to kindergarten?

2 children Yes, what are you, did not go,

They took us in wheelchairs.

We often sat on the handles,

They couldn't stomp their feet.

3 children I remember crying every day

Everyone was waiting for mom. Looked out the window.

And Yegor walked with a pacifier,

And someone wore diapers.

4 children Yes, we were all good

Well, what can we take after all, kids?

And I did this

I fell asleep over soup at lunchtime.

5 children I used to eat badly.

Spoon fed me

The bib saved us from porridge,

From tea, soup. curdled milk.

6 children And if we didn't sleep

We were rocked on the handles,

Listening to the boo-by-buy,

We closed our eyes.

7 children And remember, I'm made of sand,

He built big cities.

8. reb. Oh, Danya, don't!

We all baked cakes,

Not very cleverly, as they could.

And we played with you

They fed each other.

9. reb. We loved throwing sand

Nastya loved to kiss.

10 children They were such fools

Fighting with hands and feet

And some even teeth.

11 children All this is in the past, but now

Chorus: We all go to 1st grade.

Vedas: 2 star for our stars - nursery.

Children's performance.

Presenter: Oh funny, funny! You were, after all.
And when they grow up a little, they will also come to your school.
1st baby: Hi guys, girls and boys!
You are already quite big, and we are still babies.
2nd baby: We guys, kids, all came to congratulate you!
You enter the first class and do not forget about us
3rd baby: We wish you to study, get fives!
And remember your favorite kindergarten more often.
4th baby: Don't think we are little kids!
We'll meet you after school and ask about your grades.
5th baby: It's a pity to part with you, but it's time to say goodbye.

Dance "Karapuzy"

Vedas: Say thank you to the kids.

VED: 3 star for our stars. Fabulous.

(Sneezing is heard behind the curtain, and then the brownie Kuzya appears.)

Vedas: Who are you? Where did you come from?

Kuzya: I'm a brownie, from kindergarten. I am here! Kuzey is my name. As I settled here from the first day, so I live in the garden. I meet some children, I see off others! And how can I not see my graduates? Watched them for five years.

1-v: Why haven't we seen you before?

Kuzya: And housewives are not supposed to show themselves.

Vedas. Everything is possible today! Come on, Kuzenka. What a joy! Brownie in the garden! Meet, Kuzenka, guests with the inhabitants of our garden. Tell me how you lived with them all five years.

Kuzya: Oh, it's good for me to live here! And what happy children live here! In our house, there are different activities for each child: drawing, sports, and songs and dances. Learned everything in five years. Here, see for yourself.

Children dance the waltz "Anastasia"

(To the music, a hut runs out, on chicken legs, followed by Baba Yaga).

BABA YAGA: Cursed, stand, stop chasing your grandmother!

(The hut does not stop, everything runs).

BABA YAGA: Well, stand, my hut,

I'll let you go, for firewood!

Stay where you are, one or two!

(The hut stops. Baba Yaga notices Kuzya)

Baba Yaga: You are my emerald! How long have I been looking for you, wandering through the forests. I go to different establishments at night. Who did you leave me for? Kuzenka! Come back, I forgive everything!

Kuzya:(peeping out from behind the Host): They tell you, there is no me!

Yaga: You are my falcon! Why are you so emaciated, my diamond one? From the face you slept completely. And you, Kuzenka, want to bend your back on strangers?! Come back, dear!

Kuzya: Where can I return to you? How can I find a hut when she runs through the forest. (Goes around the hut) Come on, hut, turn to me in front!

Yaga (admiringly): General! All in the grandmother!

Kuzya: The stove is not heated, the windows are not washed, the pans are not cleaned!

Yaga: Son!

Kuzya: What am I to you, grandmother, son?

Yaga: Yakhontovy you are mine! Let's go home soon!

Kuzya: Yeah, now I'm running, running,

I'll just tie my bast shoes,

Better clean up in the hut

And learn to bake cheesecakes!

Here are our chefs

Let the whole world know them

The best meatballs

Better than fruits and sweets.

A carrot in vinaigrette

More appetizing than caviar

Children, let's say the loudest in the world

To our chefs: - Hurrah!

Children: Hurrah!

Yaga: Why, Kuzenka, are the kids so beautiful? Yes, and in the hall is so elegant, festive?

Kuzya: So I see my children off to school!

Yaga: What an incredible thing!

What kind of school is this?

This is where you will be tortured

But then they will teach everything?

Well, why do you need such a school? Here I am in my forest opening a school of harmful sciences. Admission without exams, education is free. There you will be taught to smear chairs with glue for teachers, to quarrel with each other, to talk to each other, to fight, to be rude!

Vedas: What are you, grandmother, teaching children? Our children will go to a good school, where they will learn to read and write different letters. And listen to your grandmother a song about a cheerful call.

Song "Merry Call" by L. Guseva

Yaga: Will they go like this? Without portfolios?

Vedas. And now we will go with them to the school market and collect school bags there.
Relay "School Bazaar"

On the tables are toys, briefcases, school supplies. Two teams of children stand in front of the tables. Children in turn

“run to the market”, choose a briefcase, carry it to the next participant and collect only the supplies needed for the school in the briefcase)

(Numbers from 1 to 5 are laid out on the floor, two children on a team collect the grades for which they want to study at school)

Kuzya: You see, Baba Yaga, our children know what will be needed at school.

Yaga: Kuzenka, and what are you doing with these losers? Do you want to?

Kuzya: Who are the losers? Yes, my guys - do you know what marks they will receive when they go to study?

Yaga: I know! Ones and twos!

Kuzya: And we'll check it now!

The game “Excellent grades” (Numbers from 1 to 5 are laid out on the floor, the children stand in a circle, a fishing rod is in their hands, while the music is playing, the children pass the fishing rod, the music stops, the children stop passing the fishing rod, whoever has the fishing rod catches the “assessment”)

Baba Yaga: But it’s interesting, but moms and dads themselves are ready to go with the guys to

Host: We'll see. First test.

After my question, you will take the note and read it.

Soon the child will go to school

School life is upon you.

And we will tell fortunes in front of everyone here,

What will happen in the families, today we will find out ...

(Baba Yaga and Kuzya help, bring a bag of notes to their parents).

1. Who will set the alarm clock in the evening?

2. And who should follow the form of first-graders?

3. Who will get up at 6 am?

4. Who will eat breakfast first?

5. Who will have to collect the portfolio?

7. Who will cry, left without strength?

8. Who is to blame if child 2 got it?

9. Who will attend the meetings?

10. Who should take a first grader to school?

On the leaves: (uncle, aunt, mother, father, neighbor, the whole family, cat Murzik, grandfather, grandmother.)

Yaga: And how do you, Kuzya, cope with these kids? When do you have time to teach children everything?

Kuzya: So I'm not alone. It is my dear teachers who help me, speech therapists, head Tatyana Vladimirovna, methodologist Natalya Evgenievna, a music worker and many other assistants who are in kindergarten. And the guys want to sing a song for them.

Song "Educator"

Kuzya: Send Baba Yaga, I’ll take you to the forest so that the hut doesn’t run away, but then I’ll return to the garden again, I can’t live without children, and the teachers need help, you know, they have a lot of work.

And well, the hut once or twice went into the forest.

Baba Yaga: Yakhontovy you are mine, let's go. (leave)

Vedas: Well, we continue our holiday. 4 star for our stars "Dreamy"

Vedas: Three girlfriends on a spring day

Were in a wonderful mood

Cooing on the bench

And they dreamed about the future.

1 sub. That's when I grow up, I'll get married right away,

I will choose my husband as a dad, to meet me at the gangway,

Oh! I forgot to tell you, I will fly into the sky.

I want to become a flight attendant

I'll fly straight to the sky!

All boys, all friends will obey me.

Boys come to me.

Dance "Step Jack" ( dance performed by one girl and four boys)

2 sub. Do not be distracted Fields, what else have you not forgotten?

1 sub. And then I will become a mother and I will tell you straight,

That my children, Zhenya, I will not stuff porridge

I will take them to the cinema and give them popsicles.

2 sub. That would be your daughter

1 sub. You can only dream!

2 sub. I want to become an artist! To perform on stage

So that they always gave flowers, everyone talked about me

So that I was filmed in a movie, they gave the main roles,

I got a lot of money, what I want - I bought everything!

Why are you silent, why don't you say anything?

3 sub. I will study at school, I promise not to be lazy,

Because when I grow up, I want to become a scientist,

And study the computer, be friends with mathematics,

Geography and Russian, Biology, French

In school, you need to study in order to be the smartest.

Mini-sketch "Semolina porridge"

Mini-sketch "Robot"

Vedas: 5 star for our stars "School"

Very soon, each of you will begin a different, new school life. And today we will see if you are ready to go to school.

Guys, now there will be riddles. We answer "no" or "yes"! Just think first.

Can you sing songs at school? - Yes
Can you make noise at school? - No
Will we read at school? - Yes
And on the desk to draw? - No
Can you run in the hallway? - No
Write with chalk on the fence? - No
Does the board have everything to answer? - Yes
Will we get doubles? - No
Go to physical education? - Yes
speak English? - Yes
Late to school? - No
To enter the class dirtier than a pig, to be like Piggy Piggy? - No

Vedas: We continue to test knowledge in mathematics. The following questions are called "Troubles from the barrel."

▪ 6 funny bear cubs

They rush to the forest for raspberries.

But one kid is tired,

He lagged behind his comrades.

Now find the answer:

How many bears are ahead? (5)

▪ 5 guys played football,

One was called home.

He looks out the window, he thinks

How many are playing now? (4)

▪ Gave the ducklings a hedgehog

8 leather boots.

Who will answer from the guys

How many ducklings were there? (4)

Vedas: Well done! You seem to be good with math. And now let's have a little rest, let's see a sketch about Petya (Vanya).

Dramatization "Petya (Vanya) goes to school"

Children reading poetry stand in a semicircle at the window.

1 child:

Petrusha (Vanyusha) has a holiday today, our Petrusha (Vanyusha) is a first grader.
He walks down the street, surprises all the people.
Only ... Petya (Vanya) is not alone,
Who is behind Petya (Vanya)? Let's see.

2 child:

Watching adults and children
And for Petya (Vanya) ... the train goes.

Petya appears to the music, followed by mom with a bouquet, mom dad with a briefcase, grandma with a pie, grandfather with a stick.

1 child: Who is in a hurry for Petenka (Vanechka)?
Mom: Mommy.
2 child: Who is running after Petenka (Vanechka)?
Dad: Daddy.
3 child: Who hobbles after Petya (Vanya)?
Grandmother: Grandmother.
4 child Who grunts, who catches up?
Grandpa: Grandpa.

1 child: Tell us why, did you cling to him?
2 child: Is Petya (Vanya) a steam locomotive that he brought trailers?

Mom: And who will button the shirt? (runs up to Petya (Vanya), straightens his shirt)
Children: Himself!
Dad: And who will carry the briefcase? (gives Petya (Vanya) a briefcase)
Children: Himself!
Grandmother: Who will butter the bun?
Children: Himself.
Grandpa: Who will tie the shoes?
Children: Himself.

Mom: But he's still small.
Dad: He's still weak.
Grandmother: He is so pampered.
Grandpa: He's so sick.
Mom: Have pity on him, my first grader.
Dad: I took time off from work to take care of him.
Grandmother: My granddaughter is thinning - I will give him a pie. (gives Petya (Vanya) a bag of pie)
Grandfather: Skip to the lesson - I'll tie his shoelace. (“tying” Petya (Vanya) a lace)

1 child: It's just nonsense, it doesn't fit anywhere!
2 child: We'll take him away from you, come Petrusha (Vanyusha) into the classroom.
3 child: Soon Petya (Vanya) will answer you all: "I myself."
4 child: Whoever knew the story, he wound it on his mustache!

All: Don't be like, children, like Petya (Vanyusha).

Vedas: 6 star for our stars "Farewell"

Singing "Goodbye"

Flash mob dance.

LEADING: Well, all the games have been played, all the songs have been sung, our holiday has come to an end, which means the moment of parting is coming!

Our kindergarten, goodbye!

We're off to first grade!

Though it's a sad parting

Don't worry about us!

We are no longer children

It's time for us to go to school.

2nd child.

We will sit in the classroom at our desks,

Write on the blackboard with chalk

We will study numbers, maps,

All in all, we'll get to work!

Kindergarten, bye!

We need school now!

Hello school castle of knowledge

You are a magical land!

3rd child.

All of you are very respected, loved, appreciated, hugged.

You gave us advice, protected us from trouble.

We spent time together, we lived very friendly here.

Low bow to the earth to you, dear kindergarten!

Guys, we are all very happy for you!
You are graduating from kindergarten today!
Even though it was a happy time with you,
But we understand that it's time for you to go to school!

Now you have become quite big,
Boys are real men
The girls are all beautiful and a joy for the eyes!
Your success is a reward for educators!

The time has come - the children have grown up,

Our graduation ball is today.

Dear mothers, dear fathers,

It's good to have you around right now.

Because you are the best in the world -

Your children give you applause!

Vedas: And now the floor is given to the head of the kindergarten Tyukova Tatyana Vladimirovna. (diplomas, folders with photos)

Vedas: The word is given to parents. (gifts for children)

HOST: And now let's take the balloons, make a wish, and then go outside, let them go, and watch them fly, and your wish will come true.

We go outside, stand in a circle and release the balls together.

"Square of Stars"

Holiday progress

Children and Leaders stand outside the door. Fanfare sounds.
"Voice" into the microphone behind the screen:
- Attention! Attention! Television and radio company of the kindergarten begins its work. Our microphones and cameras are installed on Happy Childhood Square. Here, in a few seconds, the graduates of the kindergarten "Topolek" will pass in a friendly formation ... Already, they have shown themselves. Meet them!

Vedas 1 : Today ______________

We escort you to school.

List children

Presenter 1 When that day comes
We are not too lazy to go to kindergarten.
Doubly hurry, hurry,
We say hello to each other.
And the heart beats - knock-knock-knock:
Now the boys are coming.

Presenter 2 Hug, kiss, smile,
Timidly modest flowers are stretched out.
And in the hall the songs will sing loudly,
And there will be more kindness in the world.

(“To the music of My gentle gentle beast” they perform the opening waltz

Child 1 Today we are hardly recognized
All the guests that gathered in the hall.
Came here for the last time.
Remember us forever!

Child 2 Hello moms, dads and guests!
Hello, our dear kindergarten!
We are impatient, with special excitement,
We were waiting for our big holiday.

Child 3 The holiday is very important for us today,
Graduation day is coming.
It is a pity that we are leaving kindergarten.
School is waiting for us in autumn.

Child 4 Wanted to grow up
And leave the kindergarten ...
To go to school faster
Imagine yourself growing up.

Child 5 How many years have we been coming here?
How many tears have been shed here at times.
Here for the first time we beat our knees.
Here they pitied, loved all of us.

Child 6 Our kindergarten, goodbye,
We're going to first grade.
Even though it's a sad parting
Don't worry, you, for us.

Child 7 Goodbye we are for the garden,
Let's sing the song merrily.
Never, nowhere guys
We will not forget about him.

Children sing a song: "We are now students."

The children bow and go to their seats.

Words for congratulations are given to the director of the MBOU Privolzhskaya OOSh Tarasova T.S.

Vedas 2 : Guys, 4 years ago

Moms brought you helpless crumbs to kindergarten,

Do you remember that time? Want to see what you were like?

To the music of "Top-top" children of the younger group come out, stand facing the graduates.

1 child: We put on dresses and washed our cheeks,
They became beautiful and hurried to you.

2 child: - We are funny, funny,
You were the same
We'll grow up a little
We will also come to school.

3 child: We promise you guys
What is without you in the native garden
We won't break flowers
Save all toys!

Vedas 1: Children perform a train dance.

After the dance, the children are given gifts, the kids leave the hall.

Vedas 2: Days and months go by, the kids keep growing, growing.
They grew big - that's what!
They began to dream aloud what they would like to become in life.

Music sounds. Children stand in dots.

Scene "Dreamers"

1 child: My years are growing, I will be seventeen.
What should I do then? What should I do?
I will read books, strive for knowledge.
To become very smart, go abroad.
2 child: And I will be a showman, all mustachioed, bright.
I will spin the wheel, receive gifts.
3 child: It's good to be a showman, but it's better to be a singer.
I would go to the Basques, let them teach me!
1 child: I would become an educator, let them teach me!
2 child : Did you think at all? The nerves are shattered!
4 child: I will work as our president.
I will ban semolina porridge all over the country!
5 child : Mom dreams for me,
Dad, grandma, friends...
I'm just a stubborn guy
You can't give in to them.
Everyone is giving me advice.
Despite this, I will be myself!

Vedas 1: We think that when our children grow up, each of them will find their own path in life, and everything will work out for them. We told our thoughts on "Hurrah", and now let's dance a dance, kids.

The children are dancing.

Vedas 2: And our guys love to sing very much, and now they will perform the song:


Children 1: How many dances have we learned

Waltz, square dance, and round dance,

Russian dance and hali-gali

Lost dancing count.

Children 2: And today we will also sleep

For the assembled guests

We will gladly show you

How to dance for friends

The children are dancing.

Block with animators

The game is an oath at the graduation "Affectionate parent".

Vedas 1: Guys, what grades do you promise to get at school for your parents?

Children (in chorus): "4" and "5"

Vedas 1: Now the guys parents will also give you an oath of promise:

I swear! Whether I am a mother or whether I am a father
Always say to the child: "Well done"!
I swear!

I swear in the study of the child "not to build"
I swear to master all the sciences with him!
I swear! (all parents say together)

For deuces I swear I will not scold him
And do lessons to help him!
I swear! (all parents say together)

And if I break my oath,
Then I give my last tooth!
Then my, I promise, child,
Feed daily boiled condensed milk!
I swear! (all parents say together)

Then I'll be the perfect parent
And I will never forget my vow!
I swear! I swear! I swear!(all parents say together)

Presenter 2 Unfortunately our show is coming to an end.
Voice into microphoneAttention! Attention! The TV and radio company of the kindergarten continues its work. Our microphones and cameras are still located at Happy Childhood Square.
Presenter 1 And now the hour has come
which we have been waiting for
We gathered for the last time
In our cozy room
Presenter 2 The last ball is over
Though a new day will begin
But our group in this room
Will not gather again
Child We have grown up, but still sad
Today we have a little
After all, our kindergarten is so good,
The road to it is easy.
Child Our graduation holiday has come,
We were looking forward to it.
But to part with the garden, there is no strength.-
Together Thanks to everyone who raised us!
Child You today, kindergarten
"Thank you" we say
Together And all your workers
Thanks a hundred times!
Child Last day in the garden
Last goodbye
And to everyone in the hall here now
We'll say...
Goodbye together!
Song: "Farewell"F. Kirkorova (SNOW).
Presenter 1 The holiday is over, but there is so much more to wish our graduates.

Compiled by:

Ivanova Tatyana Mikhailovna

The ideological inspiration for the script was the regional festival - competition "At the Cradle of Talent", held by the online publication "Kindergartens of the Tyumen Region". My pupil (we have a correctional garden, children with speech disorders) took 1st place in the nomination "Artistic word". After a creative concert during the awards ceremony in the Regional Duma, I got the idea to show the talents of other students in my group. Not everyone is able to perform in the "Artistic Word" nomination with dignity, but in other nominations they are the best! we created a choreographic ensemble "Asterisk" (from 9 pupils). With this ensemble, we staged two dances: a sports-military one, using step-platforms "A soldier has a day off ..." and a patriotic one, using flags "Forward, Russia!" We performed at the International Competition "Admiralty Star" and at the Regional Competition "Parade of Talents!". At both competitions, our ensemble was evaluated on an equal footing with ordinary children from professional dance groups, however, we became laureates of the 3rd degree. For us, this is a high score! (Since almost all children have impaired coordination of movements).

All poems, songs, scenes are taken from various sources of the Internet (fragments), unfortunately, I did not save links. The "skeleton" of the script itself was invented by me and my mother, who is my creative muse and editor, Kobozeva Zinaida Vasilievna.

"Parade of Stars!"

(Under fanfare sounds presenters enter the hall)

Presenter 1:

Here, for some reason, the hall fell silent,

In the eyes of delight and sadness a little.

Let everyone remember them now:

Flirtatious and mischievous,

A little daring and stubborn

The most childishly playful,

Unique, expensive,

And all your loved ones,

And equally relatives!

Host 2:

The kindergarten is very excited today,

He accompanies his children to school.

Lots of people at the festival.

Give way, the first graders are coming!

(Dance "A chamomile field")

Children run in 6 people, become pairs in 3 lines. On the hands in the inner side of the wrist, daisies are hidden.


We are at our graduation ball

Gathered with the whole family!

Dads, moms are watching now

And try to understand

We've run out of worries

Or start?


Remember four years ago

How did we go to kindergarten?


What are you! Didn't go

They took us in wheelchairs!

We often sat on the handles,

They didn't want to stomp their feet!


I remember crying everyday

I was waiting for my mother, looking out the window ...


And I did this

I fell asleep over the soup at lunchtime!


Yes, we were all good...

Well, what to take from us, because kids!


It’s even funny now for you and me -

What rascals they were!


They fought with their hands and feet!


And, some, even with teeth!


It's all in the past, but now...

Children together:

We are escorted to the first class!


Yes, once with apprehension we came to the kindergarten,

And they were just like those kids

Who are standing behind the door

And they want to take us to school!

(Children enter the hall to the music)

1 baby:

We are kids, kids

Everyone came to congratulate you

You enter the first class

Don't forget kindergarten.

2 kid:

Strongly in the group you were friends,

They loved going to kindergarten.

This friendship, through the years,

Carry it forever!

3 kid:

We are funny, funny

After all, you were

We will grow up a little

We will also come to school.

4 kid:

Until then, don't be sad

Better dance with us.

Take the kids soon

Start dancing with us.

(Dance with babies)

In a circle in pairs, baby in the middle (9 pairs)

(after dancing, the kids are taken to the teacher and stand in their places in three lines in pairs)

Danil T.:

Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart!

Once upon a time we were kids.


Mom and dad decided

it's time to send us to the garden.


It was with difficulty that they took us into this garden,

They don't take everyone here!


They worked with us for a long time

Everyone here has become a talent!


And of course we tried

And nobody let us down!

(Danil T. leaves to change)

(Song "The years are running in a hurry ...")

Presenter 1:

Attention! Attention! Only today! And only now!

Host 2:

We announce the "Parade of Stars!" and awarding the most talented children in various categories!..

(Children sit down on chairs)

(fanfare sounds)

Presenter 1:

You will see the brightest stars of our kindergarten! These are participants, diplomats, laureates, medalists of city, regional, regional and international competitions!

Host 2:

So, meet! Diploma winner of the 2nd degree in the nomination "Vocal" of the city competition "World! Man! Dream!" Danil Tarasov.

(Song "Funny Man")

Presenter 1:

For the award, a solemn word is given to the head of the kindergarten, Natalya Anatolyevna Romanova. Parents of the nominee support our star (parents go on stage to their children)

Natalya Anatolyevna:

(Congratulatory words about kindergarten, family, school)

I have prepared a surprise gift for you! Today you will be congratulated by the Fixies!

Host 2:

Fixies?! (surprised)

Presenter 1:

And who are the Fixies? (bewildered)

Natalya Anatolyevna:

Big big secret!

(To the song “And who are the Fixies?” Fixies run out, dance with Danil T., greet the children)

Host 2:

So, the award is given to Danil Tarasov!

Natalya Anatolyevna presents a medal to the child and a letter of thanks to the parents, Fixies help, give photo albums.


Simka, just look how many children are here!!! After all, you and I can become the only Fixies in the world who are friends with such talented boys and girls! (referring to the guys) Is it true?


Nolik, let's sing "Fixipelki" with our new friends!

Guys, join us! (children come out in the middle of the room)


Simka:(offers gestures to them sit down on chairs)

Well done! You sing well! What else can you do?


Simka, what are you? It's these ... like them, well, these ... (looks at the presenters, as if asking for clues)

Presenter 1:

Multiple laureates and diplomats of the city competition “Peace! Human! Dream!" in the nomination "Artistic word", as well as the 1st degree laureate of the regional competition "At the cradle of talent": Matvey Ershov, Alla Batalova, Kristina Andriyanova.


Let's reward them soon!

The manager and the Fixies present medals to all children and letters of thanks to parents.

(Maxim Z. and Nastya M. go to change)

(Scene "Emelya and the Tsar's daughter"") at the end of the fairy tale backing track

Sports number-collage) to the music show M. Zaripov and A. Moshkova

Host 2:

Our future sports stars! A football player and a gymnast who already show excellent results and are ready to conquer the whole of Tyumen with their talents! Let's greet them: Maxim Zaripov and Anastasia Moshkova.

Presenter 1:

Among our guys there are future scientists, participants of the "Checkers Tournament" and the competition of the smartest "Why": Mark Krivodanov, Robert Milimbaev and Roman Evdokimov.


Science stars deserve an award!

(The Learned Children exit)

The manager and Fixies present medals to children and letters of thanks to parents.

(Dancers of the ensemble "Star" go to change)


We love to play!

(Game "Make a word" host Roman

School riddles , we collect the satchel leading Mark)


Cool! You have solved all the riddles! Will every child who goes to school have a satchel? (Kids-yeah)


(sad) Fixies also have backpacks-helpers! The helper contains a variety of tools that are so necessary. All adult fixies have helpers, and the child must first grow up and pass an exam for the right to work as a fixie. Only after that he gets his own helper pack.

Nolik(whispers to the children in secret): Simka and I had already taken our knapsacks, while no one saw. We just didn’t know what to put in them, but now we are smart!


So what, what did they take ... we already know the big school rules! Do you know? Now let's check it out!

(reads wrong rules).

M arc:

These are not school, but cool rules!


But!.. We will not use such rules!


We will also give you satchels if you can guess our riddles (they make riddles for the Fixies, they cannot guess, the children help).


Well, you guys are surprised! You were not taught in vain!


Apparently it's too early for us to have satchels!

Presenter 1:

Come! We will teach you a lot: to love your kindergarten, your relatives and your Motherland! Our guys are true patriots! Medalists and laureates of the 3rd degree in the nomination "Choreography" of the regional competition "Parade of Talents" and the international competition "Admiralty Star" ensemble "Zvyozdochka"!

Bye guys line up to the starting position of the dance, 2 leader lists their names).

Host 2:

Dancers in the ensemble: Denis Zaripov, Artyom Sukhikh, Milan Vasiliev, Alexander Dolganov, Danila Pozdnyakov, Yegor Medvedev, Vladislav Haralgin, Rodion Kulikovsky, Tigran Garibyan.

(Dance "Forward, Russia!")

After the performance, the manager and Fixies present medals to all children and letters of thanks to parents.

Simka and Nolik(to the manager):

Natalya Anatolyevna, can we also go to some group? We will be obedient!

Natalya Anatolyevna allows, the Fixies leave, saying goodbye to the guys.

Presenter 1:

All our stars were able to show their versatile talents! Let the bright light illuminate the path to a new school life!

Host 2:

Why are schools needed? We have amazing kids!

Presenter 1: And now the guys will tell!

(Song “If there were no schools…”)

blowing 2:

Guys, are you afraid to go to school? Have you changed your mind? (children - no)

Then I suggest to all of you to give in this room solemn promise!

- I swear not to lose heart and not lose heart!Children repeat

Do not step back before the threshold of knowledge!Children repeat.

Presenter 1:

Our group is called "Asterisk" and it's no coincidence! The brightest, most talented stars are born and light up in it!

Host 2:

We want to give you group mascots that will remind you of our kindergarten, your carefree childhood!

(Presentation of the stars)

(Song "Simply, simply, we are little stars!")

Host 2:

In the kindergarten for four years, the whole team took care of our children and now the guys want to say “thank you!”

Children get up semicircle, with bouquets.

After the verses give flowers employees, mothers help to serve and receive (if not all employees come).

Milan (+ Danya P. for flowers):

Thanks to the manager and our methodologist

We will never forget your concern for us!


Thanks to the musician for the holidays and laughter,

For the fact that now we all have talents!


Thanks fizruk! For what we were taught

Run and jump high and win in sports!

The song "Path to the kindergarten - you are my magnet!")


Thanks to those who treated us and taught us how to put a thermometer!


Thanks to all those who worked in the kitchen,

We cooked porridge and prepared compotes!


Our Kindergarten staff

From noisy and loving kids,

Please accept this award

Our smiles and these flowers!

(Song "Our Best Kindergarten!")


Thanks to the teacher for the kindness and warmth,

We were with you side by side and on a gloomy day light!


Speech therapist, thank you!

With soul you have found an approach to kids!

They gave advice to parents, and taught us to speak!

Danil T.:

Thanks to the junior teacher for the sun of smiles,

For attention, for comfort, for hearty good work!

(children sit down)

Presenter 1:

Parents also want to thank the staff of the kindergarten, they have the floor.

Congratulations from parents (chastushki)

(children stand up for a farewell song)

(Dance "Well, that's all, we need to part")

(Poems of educators)

Leading together: Good luck, our dear graduates!

Presenter 1:

We invite you to the festive salute of wishes! (everyone goes outside to launch balloons).

"Media Publication Certificate": Series A No. 000438

We invite teachers of preschool education in the Tyumen region, YaNAO and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, author's programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including video), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

"Stars are lit"

Scenario graduation party for children preparatory to school group

Head. Good afternoon dear parents! Today is your children's first graduation. I congratulate you on this celebration! Good luck to you, start and finish school with honors, patience and all the best!

The last children hurry to the holiday,

It's time for them to say goodbye to their beloved garden.

Therefore, we are all a little sad,

We want to slow down the minutes of goodbye.

Well, what can you do? The children have grown!

So let the sun shine on them everywhere!

And we solemnly open the holiday,

And we invite teachers to the hall!

(Fanfares sound, Leading educators enter the hall)

Ved.1 Today in our bright hall

We will see the guys for the last time,

There will be a lot of joy and a drop of sadness ...

They leave us in the first class!

Vedas. 2 But the music rushes into the hall like a whirlwind,

Why say so many words?

Let there be smiles on their faces,

Welcome alumni!

Children to the song "Clouds" enter the hall with blue and white helium balloons, dance, and then they take their places.

Dance with balloons "Clouds"

Reb. 1 Hello moms, dads and guests,

Hello, our dear kindergarten!

With impatience, with special excitement,

Waiting for our big holiday!

Reb. 2 Today is a very important holiday for us -

Graduation day is coming

It is a pity that we are leaving kindergarten,

School is waiting for us in the fall!

Reb. 3 Preschool childhood is a golden time,

Happy days round dance.

What a pity that they fly by.

And now the school is waiting for us.

Reb. 4 How fun, together we lived in the garden,

They played, and sang, and were close friends,

And now the school is waiting for us.

Reb. 5 We are not simple kids

We are now graduates!

Fidgets, rascals,

They grew up very quickly!

Reb.6 Preschool childhood rushed off somewhere,

And time is running forward.

See how our kids have grown!

And now the school is waiting for us!

The song "Goodbye Kindergarten!"

Ved.1 These children were born seven years ago. And with the birth of each of them, a small star appeared in the sky. Parents gave names to their children. Then they came to kindergarten. While they were small, their stars were not so noticeable. But the children grew up, studied, became kind and good, and their stars also grew up and became more noticeable. Today they say goodbye to kindergarten, it's time for them to go to school. The guys have a farewell ball, so their stars have gathered in another big constellation. I hope that our children, still small stars, will become such that their names will be heard by our entire planet Earth. And of course, their parents will help them in this!

Ved.2 And today the holiday is the final stage of revealing talents, creative manifestations of children in our kindergarten.Each child of our group is a small bright star, which, and we really hope so, will grow into a big, clean, kind, talented star!

And that's why we called our graduation ball "25 stars". So,

2 hosts together our stars are on fire!

Reb. 1 The hall is full of guests, which means

Everyone expects a miracle from us - not otherwise!

Well, we are ready to surprise

Enchant and delight everyone!

Reb.2 After all, there is no lack of talent here.

Looks like it's time for the concert!

Let the applause never stop

Joy illuminates your faces.

Song "We are little stars"

Vedas. Do you remember 5 years ago when you went to kindergarten?

Reb. Did we go?

They took us in wheelchairs.

We often sat on the handles,

They didn't want to stomp their feet.

Reb. I remember crying everyday

I was waiting for my mother, I looked out the window.

And someone walked with a pacifier,

And someone wore diapers.

Reb . I used to eat badly

They spoon-fed me.

And if we didn't sleep

They rocked us on the handles.

Reb. Yes! We were all good...

Well, what can we take? After all, kids...

All this is in the past, but now

We are escorted to the first class!

Vedas . Oh guys. look

There, the kids are trampling!

How blushing and beautiful.

Just a miracle good!

Yes ... someone very strongly

Babies remind!

They walk timidly, and swaying,

And they know very little! Sit down quickly!

The potty scene

Dev.1 I'm sitting on a potty

I sit and cry.

Small.1 I'm sitting on a potty

I laugh and shriek.

Dev.1 I don't want to go to your kindergarten

I want to go home to my mother.

Small.1 What are you doing, it's great here!

There are mountains of toys here,

Here are dances and poems,

And theater and drama.

Dev.1 Anyway, there's not enough here

My beloved mother.

Small.2 This aunt is a teacher.

Everyone counts us, counts.

Thinks he will lose.

All And we are all here as one

We are all sitting on potty!

Dev. 2 Aunt cook cooks soup for us

And a side dish with meatballs.

Better go to the store

Dev.3 For what?

Dev.2 For cake and candy.

Mal. 3 This aunt is an athlete.

She has a loud whistle.

We are very friendly with sports,

Because everyone needs sports.

Dev. 4 And that aunt is the boss here,

Everyone calls the manager.

The garden with her only became more beautiful,

They make repairs here.

Mal. 1 (to dev.1) What puffed out her cheeks?

And sat down on the potty?

Play nice with me

Only, chur, do not offend!

Dev.1 Oh hold on! Oh hold on!

I'm going to fall off the potty!

So be it, persuaded

I stay in the garden!

Dev.4 It will be difficult - do not cry,

Everything will happen by itself.

The nanny will tie our shoelaces,

Aunt - the music will sing!

Dev.3 Mom, don't worry!

We will find our friends.

Every year your children

Get better and grow up!

(get up from potty)

Reb. Mothers brought us to the nursery - we were babies,

And we didn't know how to hold a spoon properly.

Now we can show how cool we move!

We learned to dance and it's so beautiful!

Dance "Tango"

Vedas. And now, meet, loudly clap your hands!

You guys, from the bottom of our hearts, came to congratulate the kids!

(to the music, kids enter the hall in pairs)

Vedas. Oh funny, funny!

You were, after all.

And grow up a little

They will also come to your school.

1st baby . Hello, you guys -

Girls and boys!

You are already quite big

And we are still babies.

2 . We guys are kids

We have come to congratulate you.

You enter the first class

And don't forget about us!

3 . We want you to study

Get fives.

And favorite kindergarten

Remember more.

4 . don't think that we are

Little kids.

We'll meet you after school

Let's ask about marks.

5 . For such a holiday

Happy now

We will dance for you!

Dance of the kids "Sandbox"

Vedas. 1 Thank you kids for the congratulations

(children leave to applause)

Vedas. 2 How quickly time flies. Until recently, you were small. We will draw you chili, read poetry, tell fairy tales. What else did you learn in kindergarten?

Reb : We learned strong friendship

We became one family

For each other

For each other

We always stand up.

Reb : We have become skilled

We do everything ourselves

Became musicians

Enjoy yourself.

Spoon dance.

(Dyudyuka appears to the music)

Dudyuk . I am Dudyuk - all Dudyuk,

Ah, I love to be mischievous.

I will teach all the kids

Sneak and gossip.

I'm a friend, no matter where.

You won't get bored with me

True, if I'm not in the mood,

You will be happy to suffer.

Children go to kindergarten

They only suffer in vain,

It's best to be naughty

I will learn.

I'm talking about school affairs

I know everything in the world.

Come to me

I open a school.

Vedas. What's happened? I don't understand! Who you are? Why are you here?

Dyudyuk. I am opening my own school. Admission without exams, education is free. Who wants to enroll?

So-so-so: I see that you are going to school. Yes? Will they let you in? How! They don't take everyone to school. Anyway. If you guess my riddles, then I will help you get there: maybe. Well, do you agree? Then listen.

Day and night in tears

Damp spread everywhere.

All cry handkerchiefs,

Mom thinks: “What's wrong with my daughter?

Maybe she's sick?

The doctor says: "Healthy!"

Guess who is she?

Well, of course:

Children: Roar!

Dudyuk : Exactly, exactly! Guessed. I know that all the girls are roaring. And these, and these: really, boys? Oh no? Then listen to the next riddle.

A new day has begun

Birds are singing everywhere.

And smart kids

Together they go to the kindergarten.

Only one unwashed.

Uncombed, angry.

That's how they gasped with fear.

Who got them?

Children : Sloppy.

Dyudyuk. You guessed it!

I know, I know, all boys are sluts. Really, girls? How not? Are your boys neat and tidy? Well, I'll take a look. Indeed, they are all beautiful. Clean. Ugh, that's disgusting to look at. That is OK. Here's another riddle for you.

Nadya has 100 toys:

Dolls, bears and Petrushka.

Everyone knows Nadina's misfortune

Our Nadia is simple:

Children: greedy

Dudyuk absolutely right. It is necessary, as you unanimously answered. It is immediately clear that everyone is greedy.

Vedas . You are mistaken, Dudyuk. We have no greedy, no roar, no sluts.

Dyudyuk. It only seems to you. Now we will check it.

I have candy

I suggest you eat them

Just to get them

You have to do stupid things.

Well, whoever wants to, start:

Push your best friend

Talk nasty

And I'll give you sweets!

Vedas . We do not need such games with the guys. Go away, Duke. We have very good and educated children.

Dudyuk Are you sure about that? Now let's check

The game "Greedy" (who will pick up more balls or candies in his hands)

Dudyuk . Well, what did I tell you!

Vedas. No, our children are very fast and agile, they are friends with sports, and also smart!

Dudyuk I have a magic umbrella, with the help of which we will find out: what thoughts are visiting these smart heads of your girls and boys. And I'll start, perhaps, with the boys! (rubs his hands with joy).

So, come on, come on (chooses the boy)

1. Now we will find out, in 10 years, what car will he drive? (a fragment of the song "Black Boomer" sounds)

ABOUT! Girls, what an enviable groom will be!

2. And what thoughts visit this boy? If your friend is called to the board, will you prompt him? (Hear nothing, see nothing, know nothing) Our man!

3. If you are called to the blackboard in lesson 6, what thoughts will be in your head? (Dili-dili, trawl-wali, we didn’t go through, they didn’t ask us) Our man!

4. And now let's find out what thoughts are spinning in the head of your girls? (After all, I'm so beautiful today) smart girl!

5. What are your secrets? (I'm a fashionista, I'm a fashionista, look at me)

And now I learn about the thoughts of dads and moms. summer will quickly rush by, what awaits them on September 1? (Not a moment of peace, what is it)

6. (to dad) What does your child need for better studies? (3 tape recorders, 3 video cameras…) Oh! how much do you need

7 Now I will find out from (name of teacher) how are your children feeling? (All is well beautiful marquise)

8. And now I will ask your manager if she likes the holiday? (It's great that we are all here today)

Dyudyuk. Fuuuuuuuuuuu! Something is not right here! In my opinion, something is not worked out here - there are no pranksters. I'll go somewhere else to look for them (leaves behind the curtain)

Vedas . But what children dream about without a magic umbrella, they will tell you now.

1. My years are growing,

I will be 17.

What should I do then? What should I do?

Strive for knowledge

To be very smart

To go abroad!

3. I want to become a model

Bright and fashionable.

And mommy says:

They are always hungry!

4. And I will be a showman,

All mustachioed. Bright.

I will spin the wheel

Receive gifts!

5. Showman is good,

And be a better singer.

I would go to the Basques

Let me teach!

6. And I want to sing like Galkin.

I can, I can handle it.

Maybe Alla Pugacheva

I'll like it then!

7. Oh, don't think about her

You are wasting your time.

You are for Alla Pugacheva

Already very old!

8. I would become a teacher
Let me teach!
Did you think what you said?
The kids are tormented!

9. Mom dreams for me,

Dad, grandma, friends.

I'm just a stubborn guy

You can't give in to them.

Everyone gives me advice in vying,

Despite this, I will be myself!

All in unison . We read poetry to you.

Clap, try.

It was you who raised us

Here also understand!

Vedas. And now, prick up your ears and listen to ditties!


1. How my mother wanted me

Just give it to 1st class.

And me in class

Not visible in the general population.

Oh, don't give me away, mother!

2 . How my mother wanted me

Yes, send it to the gymnasium.

There is French, but German with Russian.

Oh, don't give me away mother!

3 . How my mother wanted me
To give to the musical.

I have no hearing

The bear is in my ear

Oh, have pity on me, mother!

4 . How my mother wanted me

Give somewhere.

And while I was looking, I became a bride,

It's time to marry!

5 . How my mother wanted me
Send back to kindergarten.

But it's time for me to go to school, the bell is ringing cheerful

Go get knowledge!

Dyudyuka appears

Dyudyuk. What do I hear? What kind of nonsense?

There is no worse word "school"!

It's better to play with toys all day long!

Do you like to play with toys? Tell me about your favorite toy!

Song "Robot Bronislav"

Dudyuk But I wonder if you will go to school,

Will you take your toys with you? (No)

Well, I suggest that everyone take toys

And dance goodbye with them

Dance "Goodbye, toys!"

Dyudyuk. School years are terrible, very, very terrible!

Of course, I congratulate you and present gifts!

For good kids, I don't feel sorry for anything.

Here's a slingshot for you guys to shoot at the birds.

Here's a noisy pistol for you to scare each other.

I suggest you put this button under the chair.

This precious stone needs to break windows

Wave this lifesaver in all directions.

Vedas . Oh oh oh! What is it? Guys, do you need such gifts? (No)

Dyudyuk. Not needed, so not needed. Get nothing more

Vedas. Don't be angry, the kids won't need these items at school. They will need briefcases, notebooks, pens, pencils. Look how the kids will get ready for school

The game "Who will pack the backpack to school faster?"

(children stand in 2 columns. On a signal, the first participants run to the tables, pick up a backpack and unzip it. The next one takes the necessary item and puts it in a backpack, etc. The last participants fasten their backpacks and run with them to the teams that meet their shout: "Hurrah!". This team won)

Reb. We've grown big

Let's go to first grade!

Saying goodbye today

Let's dance the waltz for the last time!

Waltz "My sweet and gentle beast"

Dyudyuka (moved, wipes her tears with a handkerchief) What talented children you have!

Vedas. You, Dyudyuk, do not be sad,

Look at our cheerful dance!

Dance "Dandies"

Dudyuk: Guys, you are so good, you play and dance so well, and when do the children go to school? In September? So I still have time, I’ll run and sign up for school, buy myself a briefcase, and in September I’ll go to school with you and be a good and smart girl! Goodbye!!!

Vedas. 1 We do not hold talents

One can say about each

Worthy of all praise

You are great, you are a superstar!

Vedas. 2 You are the stars, guys, shine stronger!

Be friends, merge with rays of lights!

Parents' faces shine with happiness,

And everyone will be proud of your success!


Reb.1 Last time in the banquet hall

We have been in the spotlight.

Well, goodbye, our beloved hall,

You often called us here for the holidays.

Reb.2 Farewell to our group and our toys...

Reb.3 the wardrobes in the locker room are a little sad,

It's like they want to go to school with us.

Reb.4 Our beloved garden, do not be sad, do not be sad,

And with us, kids, you say goodbye

Reb. 5 We will go to school, and you will be replaced

There will come kids-karapuziks change.

Reb. 6 We go to school and say

“Beloved kindergarten, thank you for everything!”

Reb. 7 Bow to the earth and thank you very much!

For affection, care, a warm welcome.

We will always remember preschool childhood,

And tomorrow we will all go to school together!

Dance "We'll be back"

Vedas. Dear friends! For many years, wonderful teachers have been the constant inspirers and leaders of our little stars! They shared joys and sorrows with the children, taught and ... simply loved their pupils.

We invite the head of the kindergarten Natalya Anatolyevna to join us here.

Marina Alexandrovna, Deputy Head for UVR.

Deputy Head for AChE Tatyana Nikolaevna

The first educators of our graduates: Nadezhda Vasilievna, Lesya Vitalievna and Elena Sergeevna.

Physical instructor Natalia Valerievna

Musical director Natalya Alexandrovna

Vedas. And now the word for congratulations is given to the head of the kindergarten Pudovkina N.A. (graduations)

Vedas. The floor is given to the parents.

Final words of the leaders.

The ball is over and the candles are burning out,

From the eyes of an involuntary tear ...

After all, tomorrow morning I will not meet

You on the court, as always!

And our group will be empty

Toys are loaded by the window.

We know children grow up

We know it's time for them...

It all starts with a school bell

The road to the stars, the secrets of the ocean.

All will be. Late or sooner

Everything is ahead of you, friends!