Make a pig costume with your own hands out of paper. We create a mask and a costume for a pig. What a useful gift

What ideas of costumes are not brought to life by parents whose kids attend kindergarten or festive events. One option for dressing up for a children's performance is a pig costume. A charming character with a pink heel stands out noticeably from the general background. Read about how to make a piglet costume with your own hands in today's article.

simple pig outfit

This option is suitable if the hero you have chosen is not a specific cartoon character, and the only thing that is required from the costume is the recognizability of a pig in it. So, to create a pig costume, you will need:

  • pink t-shirt;
  • pink shorts;
  • pink thin ribbon or regular elastic band;
  • felt;
  • pink large button;
  • dense pink fabric;
  • hair hoop;
  • scissors.

Having prepared everything you need, let's get to work.

1. Piglet. We cut out a circle from thin felt, the size should cover the children's nose. Then we sew an elastic band or thin ribbons around the edges. Attach a button in the middle. The nostrils can also be made without a button by simply cutting out a couple of "commas" from black felt and gluing them to the circle. Piglet is ready.

2. The tail is also made of felt. To do this, cut out a small circle, and in it a spiral. Sew the finished ponytail to the shorts.

3. Ears. Cut out two drop-shaped ears from dense fabric, one of the ends of which will be straight. If the bezel is fabric, then simply by placing the ears under it, sew them on. If the base of the hoop is solid, then wrap it with glue and a thin tape and sew the ears to the ribbon. Do-it-yourself pig costume for a boy or girl is finished.

We sew a cape for a pig

If you don’t have a pink T-shirt, you can sew a simple cape for a suit that will make the image recognizable. For the cape you will need:

  • pink fabric;
  • thin pink boa;
  • ribbons;
  • scissors.

On the pink fabric, draw a semicircle. If the fabric is one-sided, then two semicircles. Its length should correspond to the measurement from the neck to the waist of the child. The width from edge to edge is about a meter.

Sew two circles together if required. Cut out a semicircle and finish the edges on a sewing machine. Then sew a thin boa along the edge.

Sew two ribbons to the top edges to serve as ties. The cape is ready.

The second version of the cape

In an even simpler way, you can sew a cape for a piglet costume, if you take as a basis not a semicircle, but a whole circle.

  1. To do this, cut out a circle, in the middle of which mark another one, the future neck. The size of the inner circumference should be larger than the girth of the head so that the child is comfortable.
  2. Having cut out the neck, decorate all the edges of the cape on a typewriter, tucking them 1.5 cm.
  3. If desired, it can be sheathed with a braid or satin ribbon.

Making a piglet hat

If you didn’t like the previous version with a patch on an elastic band, try sewing a hat for a piglet costume out of felt. To create it you will need:

  • pink and red felt;
  • 2 black buttons;
  • red felt-tip pen or acrylic paint;
  • sewing machine.

Let's get to work. From pink felt, you need to cut a square with a side of 50 cm. Fold it in half and, measuring about 30 cm from the edge, cut it out in a semicircle. You will get two parts of the future hat measuring 25 × 30 cm.

In order for the hat not to move out over your eyes, you need to cut an arc along the front of the base.

Ears and patch cut out of felt. Attaching the red nostrils to the patch, stitch it to the hat in such a way that the seam passes only in the nostrils, and the edges of the spout remain free. Attach black button eyes.

Sew the two parts of the hat together, not forgetting to put the ears cut in advance between the seams. After trying on, you need to remove all unnecessary in the undercut on the back of the hat.

The lines on the ears are drawn with a felt-tip pen or acrylic paint. Such a hat, made with your own hands for a piglet costume for a boy or girl, will delight both the child and others, and will undoubtedly make the costume memorable.

Crochet tail

When making a tail for a piglet costume for a boy, not only felt, but also artificial pink fur or thick fabric, as well as wire, can fit.

From fur or fabric, cut two strips 4 cm wide and 10 cm long and, folding them together, sew them together.

Unscrew and insert a thick wire inside. Twist the ends of the wire in a loop so that they are not sharp and do not injure the child. Sew up the open end of the fabric.

Twist the finished tail for the piglet costume for the boy in a spiral and sew it to the belt of the shorts.

peppa pig costume

The favorite character of modern kids from the cartoon of the same name, the funny Peppa pig, is also a frequent guest at children's events. However, sewing a costume that is completely similar to this hero is quite problematic. But you can use a ready-made Peppa Pig mask or one of the options suggested above, and sew the dress yourself.

To make Peppa's dress, prepare:

  • red and pink fabric;
  • threads;
  • sewing machine.

So, our task is to sew the simplest red sundress, which will serve as a pig costume for a girl.

Having decided on the length, fold the red fabric in half.

Take the girl's t-shirt that fits the size and fold it in half as well. It will serve as a template for our future sundress.

After laying the shirt on the fabric, circle it, increasing the cutouts for the arms.

Add the missing length for the sundress to the length of the T-shirt and carefully cut out the blank.

From the wrong side, sew a sundress and try on a child.

From pink fabric, cut a heart 10 cm long and 5 cm wide and sew it on the front. So make a pig tail and attach it at the back.

Complete your Peppa Pig look with pink tights and bright yellow rubber boots. The piglet costume is ready.

The upcoming 2019 - according to the Eastern calendar - the Year of the Pig / Boar. Piglet costumes will come in handy in the kindergarten, and at the carnival, and at New Year trees.

A pig costume can be made quickly and easily if the character you choose is not a specific cartoon character, and the only thing that is required from the costume is that the pig is recognizable in it.

It is very good if you have pink things in your wardrobe. To create the base of the piglet costume, you will need: a pink jumpsuit (even pajamas will do!) or a pink T-shirt and pink shorts or a skirt. We add details to the base - and the piglet costume for a boy or girl is ready in one evening. And now for the details.

How to make piglet ears for a costume

Ears are easy to make - cut out triangles from a suitable material - fabric, cardboard, foam rubber, felt - you can use everything that is at hand.

If you decide to make pig ears out of felt, choose a dense material. It does not crumble, it does not have to be hemmed, it keeps its shape well. No felt at hand? Piglet ears can be made from thick paper or cardboard.

How to fix the ears? The ears can be attached to the headband. This option is more suitable for a piglet costume for a girl. If you are making a pig costume for a boy, glue the ears to a wide elastic band, or to a strip of paper that fits the size of the child's head. To make it easier for you to make pig ears, we have prepared templates for you.

How to make a pig tail?

One way to make a pig tail for a costume is to cut a spiral out of heavy pink felt. To do this, cut out a circle and cut a spiral inside the circle. Stretch the spiral a little - the pig's tail is ready.

The second way is to sew a strip of fabric no more than 10 cm long, tuck the wire inside and bend it.

It remains only to sew a ponytail to shorts or a skirt - the piglet costume is ready!

What can you make a piglet patch out of?

We offer the easiest way - to make a piglet piglet from foam rubber. To do this, it is enough to buy a pink foam rubber sponge, cut a nose out of it and make two holes or draw two dots to make the nose look more naturalistic. You can fix the patch with an elastic band, like a clown's nose.

A child can also make a piglet. To do this, you need an egg carton, or rather one of its cells, pink paint (red + white = pink, you remember this). We cut off one cell, color it in pink, put “commas” - nostrils and fix it on an elastic band. The pig's nose is ready!

Face painting pig for children

If you do not feel like sewing and cutting, we suggest you draw! Namely - to make a simple face painting of a pig on the face.

The piglet costume consists of three main parts: a shirt, pants and a cap. You can add more gloves and shoe covers, but not necessary. If desired, you can also sew overalls, but it is not as comfortable as a suit consisting of separate parts. You need basic patterns for a shirt and trousers, as well as a bonnet. The piglet has rather magnificent forms, so it is better to take the patterns one size larger. Model the sleeve pattern in much the same way as for a flashlight, that is, draw the middle line from the most convex point of the eyelet to the bottom, set aside 5-7 cm to the right and left, draw lines parallel to the middle through these points, cut the pattern, put it on the fabric and move apart. It is better to make a shirt with a fastener on the back. The bottom of the sleeves, shirts and pants are gathered with an elastic band.
The bottom of the pants and cuffs should fit tightly around the arms and legs.

Cutting and assembly

It is best to sew a piglet costume from flannel. It fits the texture, it is easy to sew, and besides, it is inexpensive. But you can take, for example, knitwear with a fleecy surface. Circle the details, leaving allowances. You can start sewing with pants. Sew the crotch seams. You will get two "pipes". Turn one right side out, the other inside out, then insert the first into the second, aligning the top sections, sweep and sew. Fold the top and legs twice, hem, insert elastic bands. Overcast the seams. The shirt can be made without darts, its length can be just below the waist. The assembly order is normal - connect the side and shoulder seams, sew and bat the sleeve, check the fit, sew in. Finish the neckline and sew on a short zipper. Hem the bottom of the product and sleeves, thread the elastic. Crochet a ponytail to your pants - it's just a tube of fabric with a wire inserted into it.
For knitwear, you need a special needle with a blunt end.

Hat with ears

For a piglet costume, it is better to take a pattern of a cap, consisting of a bottom and a sidewall. It is better to take a finished pattern and enlarge it. The strip for the sidewall should be of such length that it can be slightly gathered. Sew the details, hem the sidewall. You can sheathe it with thin lace. For the ears, cut out 4 identical triangles. Fold them in pairs with wrong sides to each other, sew, leaving the sides open, with which the ears will be sewn to the cap. Insert pads made of cardboard or pieces of some kind of flat, thin, flexible foam. Fold the open edges inward, baste the ears to the hat and try on what you got. Ears should stand up. If everything suits you, sew them on. By the way, it is not necessary to make pads - you can simply starch the cap. The piglet has one more necessary detail - a piglet. It is easiest to draw it on the face with face painting.

Piglet suit

New Year's costume Piglet

And, of course, no one canceled face painting.

The piglet costume is usually sewn from pink fabric, because piglets are pink. It can be a jumpsuit or shorts and a vest with a white T-shirt or turtleneck. A small ponytail made of fabric-covered twisted wire. Hats with ears. And a snout on the nose of a soft sponge with slots at the bottom for air.

But if you sew a jumpsuit with a hood that already has ears and a patch, then it will be even better. Below is a pattern of a jumpsuit with an attached hood. If the bow tie is around the neck, then this is a pig boy, and if a flirtatious pink bow is on the ear, then this is a pig girl. The bow tie is very suitable.

And how to draw the ears of a pig, then to carve them out. Or headband with ears

Make a pig costume for the New Year or any other holiday not very difficult. It is very good if there are pink things in the wardrobe, for a girl - a dress, and for a boy - shorts with a T-shirt. We dress the child in these clothes, cut out rectangular ears on the head from pink cardboard, which we fix on the rim. And also we make a patch, you can use cardboard, which we fix on an elastic band.

You can dress the child in all white, but be sure to make a piglet mask. You can print the following template, and then fit it to the size of the face:

You can also sew a tail to the clothes, and to make it a crochet, we use the wire, bend it in the desired shape and wrap the pink fabric around. And then we sew the tail.

I propose to sew a costume of a popular cartoon character - Peppa Pig.

For the dress you will need red fabric. You can make a pattern according to the child's T-shirt.

Trying on, you can flash.

we make the ears of Peppa pig from fabric and a rim, the patch is made from fabric and buttons.

Every mother dreams of her child being the most elegant.

The piglet's New Year's costume implies a lot of pink. Therefore, pants, a dress, a cape of this color will do for a costume.

For the manufacture of the costume, we use the following scheme.

The body can be made voluminous.

Suitable for the costume is also a pink jumpsuit.

The main attribute of the costume is the ears and the patch. They can be made of wire or use an ordinary hoop for this.

A piglet mask is also suitable, which can be made from paper or a disposable plate.

How to make a costume of a pig, a pig for the New Year or another children's holiday? The answer to this question, I hope, will be of great help to parents of preschoolers.

To make the Piggy costume, you will need a soft pink fabric, such as plush, flannel, or something else soft. From it, according to the simplest pattern, sew either a jumpsuit with sleeves, or trousers and a jumper - which is easier for anyone. For very lazy parents, you can buy pink trousers (for example) and a T-shirt in one of the children's stores.

Sew a squiggle tail to the back of the garment. If your jumpsuit has a hood, sew on the ears. If not, make ears with headband attachment.

Well, the final touch is the snout nose. It can also be sewn from fabric, or you can buy a ready-made pig mask, or simply paint a pig face with paints on the child's face. As you can see, making a pig costume for a boy or girl is not at all difficult!

To make/sew a Piglet's New Year's costume to the New Year. You will need pink fabric. Sew the piglet's head, then you can sew the overalls. Eyes can be made from fabric, just like the rest.

Here is such a charming pig costume for a baby that can be made from a pink jumpsuit. You need to choose the right color for the fabric.

We simply sew a patch and ears to the overalls, sew hooves on the paws.

This option is for older adults, but the base is also a jumpsuit, but one-piece. A hood is sewn to it, a wire is inserted into the ears.

How to make a New Year's costume Piglet for the New Year? Piglet costumeThe piglet costume can be sewn from pink material according to any pattern from the magazine. We are looking for the pattern of overalls that you like in size. We sew a simple hat.


How to make a New Year's costume Piglet for the New Year?

Piglet suit

The pig costume can be sewn from pink material according to any pattern from the magazine. We are looking for the pattern of overalls that you like in size. We sew a simple hat. We sew the ears and tail according to the patterns below. The nose can be made of foam, attaching rubber bands to it to hold it and paint it pink as well.

The Piglet or Heel costume looks very original at children's parties. And how touching the little pig looks.

We make the head of the piglet by analogy with a children's cap. We seal it with a synthetic winterizer, sew in triangular ears.

The dress is cut according to the principle of a wide shirt.

For a matinee in the garden, this image of a Piglet is suitable.

Here's how to make similar bloomers from a shiny pink fabric.

Such a hat will fit on the child's head.

Moms who know how to crochet will appreciate the idea of ​​​​such a Piglet suit.

And if you show your imagination, taking the proposed costumes as a basis, then your baby will be the star of any matinee!

New Year's costume "Piglet" can be done in a couple of hours. It seems to me that the costume can be anything - a vest and a skirt, a vest and trousers, overalls. I really liked the jumpsuit. I tell you how to sew a beautiful Piglet costume based on a simple pattern.

We take a ready-made pattern from a magazine or build it ourselves.

Then we transfer all the contours to the fabric and cut them out. I would suggest using pink velor. The fabric is soft, warm, beautiful and it will create a nice volume to the suit. Please note that there is a zipper on the front of the jumpsuit, but you can make it on the back, for example. It is better to take a zipper to match the fabric.

As for the bottom of the trousers, I would bend the fabric, stitch it and put in an elastic band. It seems to me that it will be much more beautiful.

Now I'll tell you a little about the headdress.

You can sew fabric, homemade ears to the hood, or you can just make a mask. I really liked this one:

How to make a New Year's costume Piglet for the New Year?
Piglet costume The piglet costume can be sewn from pink material according to any pattern from the magazine. We are looking for the pattern of overalls that you like in size. We sew a simple hat. Ears and tail sew on you


Where to get a pattern?

The piglet costume consists of three main parts: a shirt, pants and a hat. You can add more gloves and shoe covers, but not necessary. If desired, you can also sew a jumpsuit with a hood, but it is not as comfortable as a suit consisting of separate parts. You need basic patterns for a shirt and trousers, as well as a bonnet pattern. The piglet has rather magnificent forms, so it is better to take the patterns one size larger. Model the sleeve pattern in much the same way as for a flashlight, that is, draw the middle line from the most convex point of the eyelet to the bottom, set aside 5-7 cm to the right and left, draw lines parallel to the middle through these points, cut the pattern, put it on the fabric and move apart. It is better to make a shirt with a fastener on the back. The bottom of the sleeves, shirts and pants are gathered with an elastic band.

The bottom of the pants and cuffs should fit tightly around the arms and legs.

Cutting and assembly

It is best to sew a piglet costume from flannel. It fits the texture, it is easy to sew, and besides, it is inexpensive. But you can take, for example, knitwear with a fleecy surface. Circle the details, leaving allowances. You can start sewing with pants. Sew the crotch seams. You will get two "pipes". Turn one right side out, the other inside out, then insert the first into the second, aligning the top sections, sweep and sew. Fold the top and legs twice, hem, insert elastic bands. Overcast the seams. The shirt can be made without darts, its length can be just below the waist. The assembly order is normal - connect the side and shoulder seams, sew and bat the sleeve, check the fit, sew in. Finish the neckline and sew on a short zipper. Hem the bottom of the product and sleeves, thread the elastic. Crochet a ponytail to your pants - it's just a tube of fabric with a wire inserted into it.

For knitwear, you need a special needle with a blunt end.

Hat with ears

For a piglet costume, it is better to take a pattern of a cap, consisting of a bottom and a sidewall. It is better to take a finished pattern and enlarge it. The strip for the sidewall should be of such length that it can be slightly gathered. Sew the details, hem the sidewall. You can sheathe it with thin lace. For the ears, cut out 4 identical triangles. Fold them in pairs with wrong sides to each other, sew, leaving the sides open, with which the ears will be sewn to the hat. Insert pads made of cardboard or pieces of some kind of flat, thin, flexible foam. Fold the open edges inward, baste the ears to the hat and try on what you got. Ears should stand up. If everything suits you, sew them on. By the way, it is not necessary to make pads - you can simply starch the cap. The piglet has one more necessary detail - a piglet. It is easiest to draw it on the face with face painting.

Tip 1: How to make a pig costume
👍 Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf, Naf-Naf, Piglet, Funtik - how many famous piglets in the world? And everyone needs a costume for a stage or play program.


Create a mask and costume for a pig

Holidays and carnivals in a kindergarten or school are not only a joyful and fun event for children, but also a headache for adults who do not know how and where to get the right costume or mask for a child.

Of course, constantly buying or renting a costume is quite an expensive pleasure, so it's worth considering making it yourself. Do not rush to refuse, even if you are far from needlework and sewing. A creative approach to business, and imagination will help you bring any bold idea to life.

A popular costume is a pig or pig.

We decide on the character and think over the image

What's the first thing that comes to your mind? Pink color, piglet nose, funny triangular ears or donut tail? All these are integral components of the image of a piglet, which means that, to one degree or another, they should be reflected in his costume or accessories.

You can make any pig costume you like: perhaps it will be a perky and cheerful Funtik, or a cute and charming Piglet (even from the Disney version of the cartoon, even from the Soviet one), or one of the three pig brothers from a famous fairy tale, or a funny and resourceful pig Peppa, or the capricious beauty and imagination of Nyusha from Smeshariki. As you can see, there are a lot of options to choose from.

It is necessary to select a character based on the personal preferences of the child (maybe there is a favorite cartoon or fairy-tale hero pig), and also take into account his age. For example, if your baby is still very tiny, then there is no need to make bulky costumes or think about numerous details, because you most likely need an outfit more than a child.

For babies or toddlers who are not yet walking, you can make a funny pink jumpsuit with a hood in the shape of a pig's face, and if you are familiar with knitting, you can knit him panties and a hat with ears on his head.

A much greater scope for creativity opens up when creating costumes for older children.

Several ideas and options

Children's outfit for the holiday can be the simplest. Perhaps you simply designate the image of a pig with a headdress or mask, and the role of the costume will be played by ordinary clothes, skillfully selected and suitable for this character.

For example, if you dress a boy in a beige or light pink shirt / turtleneck with a bright vest and short pants or harem pants with straps / suspenders, then you will get one of three pig brothers. You can complete the look with a mask, which is very easy to make.

  1. The pig mask can be made out of paper. Then all you need to do is find a nice mask template and print it out, then cut out holes for the eyes, color it in and attach the rubber band. If you don’t want to paint, you can immediately print a color template, and in order for the mask to be stronger, glue it on a dense base or cardboard. If desired, decorate the mask with sparkles or other decor.
  2. A pig mask or headdress is also made from other materials. You can make it in the same way as paper, only from felt, sew it from fabric (taking any hat as a basis), make it from foam rubber or papier-mâché, etc. Face painting will also be appropriate for the holiday.

If you know how to sew, you can use patterns and completely sew the costume. It can be either a one-piece jumpsuit, or panties with suspenders or a skirt (for a girl), described in the first version, but already made specifically for this image.

Choose materials that are light and voluminous so that they keep their shape well and look beautiful, for example, thermal velor, fleece, organza or taffeta. It will be very wonderful if you duplicate the material with a padding polyester. Be sure to attach a ponytail to the suit (you can twist it from wire and cover it with a cloth), there may be pink socks or knee socks on the legs.

If there is a costume contest or a responsible performance, you can also make some original or interesting costume, for example, the costume of Peppa Pig or Smeshariki Nyusha. Such costumes will be, by the way, even for adult animators. Peppa may be wearing a pink dress or a sundress, but you will have to mess around with a headdress. Try cutting it out of foam rubber and coloring it or making it out of felt.

For Nyusha's costume, you will need to sew a “round dress” (cut out like a sundress or a dress on a yoke, but add a tulle lining down and tuck it tightly to make a ball). Decorate the dress with appliqué or other decor. You can wear a pink headband with ears and a pigtail on your head, or make a full-fledged headdress for Nyusha (more suitable for animators or for creating life-size puppets).

Let the image of a pig created by your own hands be the brightest and most beautiful on the upcoming holiday!

Create a mask and costume for a pig
You can make any piglet costume you like: perhaps it will be a perky and cheerful Funtik, or a cute and charming Piglet.

Hello comrades!

At the request of readers, I am writing an article “How to make a boar mask”. Making masks of all sorts of exotic animals is my hobby. I made a boar mask one evening just to prove to myself that I can do it (and for fun). Well, she boasted of a photo on the site and suggested: who is interested - ask, and I will tell you how to do it. After that, I happily forgot. And now - it turns out the boar is in demand!

Greetings to everyone who wants to "reincarnate" in Mr. Chro-Chro.

So, how to make a boar mask? The first one I made out of wrapping paper. To be honest, we need to check how this model will show itself in the cardboard version. By the way, which card to choose? I have a set of black-yellow-blue... hmm, no brown! I agreed with myself: I take white, the reverse undress side is some kind of grayish, let's see how this grayness will look like a boar's suit.

I took out the old boar mask, pasted it up, laid out the details on A3 cardboard, circled it, and cut it out.

I bend my nose, even crush it. Here it is already necessary to show manual dexterity and resourcefulness: the cardboard must be bent both along the nose and across, so that the long snout becomes slightly-slightly folded and not flat, but like a rounded gable roof. In general, at first it is better to practice bending just a large piece of cardboard.

The darts on the forehead had to be lengthened - cardboard is harder than paper. I also had to glue not, but. I note that the edges of the tucks should be inclined towards the midline of the muzzle - this visually narrows the forehead of the beast. If it were a human mask, then the darts would be glued in reverse to make the forehead appear wider.

I cut the outer edges of the ears with a fringe and ruffle. I bend the inner edges and hook them at the base with a stapler - the ears have acquired some volume.

I take a "lining" nose - one that should mask the actor's nose well and conveniently (this was used in), bend and try on myself. Fine. I glue it under the boar's nose with a thermal gun. Again I try on and right on the face, bending and pressing down, I give this lining nose the correct shape. Is sitting?

On the inside of the boar's nose, I put two large drops of glue on the folds on both sides and glue it to the lower nose. Now the upper nose does not dangle arbitrarily, but it does not exactly lie on the lower one, there is a gap between them so that you can further bend and "shape" the outer nose. I glue the ears and strongly bend them forward. I'm gluing a patch.

All , the boar mask is ready. Oh, I forgot the fangs! I cut out the fangs from whatman paper so that both sides are white (actually, it should be yellow, but ... it didn’t work out very well with the color - the boar did come out an albino).

Nevertheless, if such an animal appears in and says "Hro-hro", respect and respect for him, in fact, are provided.