Make a craft with a spring theme. Making spring crafts for kindergarten

One of the most fun ways to spend time with kids is DIY crafts. Especially when spring has already begun in full and gave us not only a lot of craft materials, but also serious inspiration.

Everyone, from young to old, loves to sculpt, glue and craft. And if for older children this is a great way to show their imagination, then for the smallest this process is also useful, as it affects the development of such important fine motor skills. The more interesting crafts with mom become, if they are thematic, and timed to coincide with the upcoming holiday. With Easter, Victory Day and many other interesting traditions, you can easily introduce your baby during joint needlework.

And so that you don’t have to go far into the Internet for ideas, we offer 10 great examples of spring fakes with your little ones.

1. Herbalist

The first and most important symbol of spring is the newly sprouted green grass. For a joyful warm mood, you should try to plant one at home. It is best to do this in the form of a grasshopper - a small fabric figurine (usually an animal's head) with a grassy green bang.

You can buy such a funny little thing, but it’s much more fun to make a cute captain with the children. The more they will have the desire and initiative to water this eco-man.

To create a craft, you will need: a base (tights, stocking, sock, gauze and whatever you think of), grass seeds, sawdust, a saucer, paint (optional), threads with a needle and a short video tutorial:

The shape and image of the grasshopper depend only on your imagination and children's imagination.

2. Paper tulips

Beloved grandmother will be immensely happy to receive cute multi-colored tulips as a gift, even if they are made of paper. At all times, attention was considered the main thing!

For this craft you will need: colored paper, glue and scissors.

Everything else is ingenious and simple!

3. Fabric dandelions

Toward the end of spring, cute, fluffy dandelions will also appear. Speeding up this process with your child is easy. We offer to create a spring composition from their yellow counterparts.

Take: yellow and green threads, glue and wire for the stem.

Step by step instructions attached:

4. Vase

You can make an original vase for these bouquets with your own hands. Today we are trying together with you such an interesting and simple option:

1. Take a plastic milk bottle, remove the label from it and cover with a layer of glue.

2. Add gouache or food coloring to regular kitchen salt.

3. Roll the bottle in salt.

4. Decorate as desired with a bow or other decor.

5. Everything!

5. Ladybug made of plastic spoons

On the same vase, curtains or flower pot, you can plant a dozen ladybugs that will cheer you up every day. You can make them from disposable plastic spoons.

You will need: spoons, white, red and black paint (acrylic is best), black buttons instead of heads and all-purpose glue.

6. Butterfly for the little ones

What is spring without bright fluttering butterflies? Such simple applications are suitable for the smallest needlewomen: from 1 to 3 years. All moms will feel inspired with these simple examples:

7. Ships from tetrapacks

If you are raising a future real man, put aside all sorts of flowers, bows and ribbons. It's time to start making ships. Walnut shells have long since sunk into oblivion. Now young mothers make real "Titanics" from milk tetrapacks.

8. Rocket

April 12 is just around the corner - an excellent occasion to tell your little boy about the exploits of Gagarin and Armstrong in the construction of a space rocket. No, we are not talking about the constructor at all.

All the necessary details can be found at home at hand: some cardboard, a paper towel tube, colored paper, glue and paints. Who knows, maybe someday your little hero will decide to surf the expanses of the universe.

9. Easter bunnies from napkins

On the eve of Easter, which, by the way, is quite early this year, put the cutest origami napkin bunnies with the kids. Eared guests will be a wonderful decoration of the festive table, in addition to Easter cakes, chickens and painted eggs.

10. The sun in the front garden

For those who decide to decorate not only the hearth, but also the native yard, we have a great idea - the sun that will shine for you every day.

You will need: a tire, paint, plywood, self-tapping screws and a drill, plastic bottles.


1. We paint plywood, tires and plastic containers yellow.

2. Cut out a circle from plywood and draw a muzzle.

3. Attach the muzzle to the tire.

4. Screw bottle caps along half of the tire with self-tapping screws.

5. We dress the bottles on the caps.

6. We dig the sun into the ground or hang it on a tree.

The process of making this craft is so time-consuming that, most likely, you will have to call your dad. But trust us, it's worth it! Children will be delighted. You can settle the sun, both under the windows and in the yard, and on the playground in the kindergarten.

Spring is a time of inspiration. We look forward to seeing in the comments a photo of how your and children's golden hands see this blooming time of the year.

Spring is a time of awakening nature and creative inspiration. It is at this wonderful time of the year that you and your children can create a huge number of interesting crafts from various materials. Spring-themed crafts will delight both children and adults, and you can find out what options for creations exist from the article below.

Craft "Flower meadow"

Flowers are one of the main joys of spring. After winter, you really want warmth and bright colors, so why don't you and your children make a flower meadow out of colored paper? First you need to prepare the elements of future flowers, for this, cut the colored paper into squares of different sizes. For one plant, you will need 4 squares or more. The more magnificent you want to get a flower, the more squares you will need!

Fold the square diagonally, then repeat the fold. Now cut out a heart from this shape, but do not cut it to the base. Expanding the square, you will see beautiful flower petals. This craft on the theme "Spring" requires the use of plastic tubes. Make a hole in the center of the flowers and insert a tube into them, cutting the free ends of the plastic (they will represent the stamens). Cut out leaves from green paper and attach to the flowers. Now make a clearing for them. Cut off one strip from the egg rack and paint with green paint (spring-themed crafts often contain this shade). Then insert the ends of the tubes into the grate - the clearing has bloomed!

How to make herbs?

Grasshoppers, or eco-men, are sold in many stores, but children love to make. Take and fill them with pre-purchased sawdust and grass seeds. Pantyhose should be tightly packed. Now, with the help of threads, form parts of the body of the eco-man. Highlight the arms, legs, nose, ears, and so on, so the craft on the theme of "Spring" will become more expressive. Glue on the little man's eyes and dress him up in a bright costume. When grass appears on the head of the eco-man, "braid" it with beautiful ribbons. Eco-humans are not just children's crafts! Spring fantasies are useful for a child, they develop his imagination and love for nature.

Bouquet of palms

A bouquet of palms can be made together with the child, and then presented to his mother or grandmother. For creativity, you only need paper, gouache and a brush. This craft on the theme of "Spring" can be made even by a very small child (with the help of an adult, of course). The kid should dip his hand in the paint and press it to the paper. An interesting bouquet will form from colored palms. With the help of a brush, you need to finish the stems and leaves of the flowers. Craft "Spring Bouquet" will be very popular with mom or grandmother. Also, the child can cut out prints of their hands from colored paper and stick them on cardboard.

willow branches

Willow is a very beautiful spring tree! Any kid will want to make a willow twig for his mother himself. Such a craft on the theme "Spring" involves the presence of corrugated paper (white, brown and green), thin wire, twigs and cotton wool. Cut out small squares from white paper. In the center of the square, you need to put a piece of cotton wool and twist the paper with a wire. Attach the finished buds to the tree branches that you brought in advance. Then wrap the twigs with brown and green crepe paper. Craft "Spring bouquet" is ready!

You just have to put the branches in a vase and decorate the room with them. Older children can even crochet white buds.

spring chick

Wonderful time of the year - spring! Paper crafts on this topic can be done endlessly. Children are no less interested in creations from other materials, invite them to make a spring chicken from an ordinary chicken egg. First, prepare the egg - make a hole in it with a needle and pour out the contents, rinse the shell. Now prepare a clearing for the chicken. Cut out a strip of green paper. Glue flowers on it and roll it into a circle so that you can put an egg in it. The meadow is ready! If you want this craft on the theme of "Spring" to be more stable, then carefully make an incision in the upper part of the shell and pour sand inside. Glue the incision. Glue a comb cut out of red paper to the notch. Attach yellow paper wings to the sides of the egg. Draw the chicken's eyes and put it in the clearing.

Application "Dandelions"

Crafts "Spring has come" are very diverse in subject matter, materials and methods of execution. Children love to play with natural materials, so why don't you give them such an opportunity? Prepare white dandelions with fluff, cardboard, glue and a brush, as well as pencils, felt-tip pens or paints. Draw stems and leaves of flowers on cardboard. In the place where the flower is supposed to be located, you need to draw a circle with glue. Then put fluff from dandelions on the glue and press lightly. Application is ready! Children really like to blow the fluff directly onto the glue and admire the result.

Salt dough snowdrops

Crafts "Spring has come" can be very unusual. Invite your child to create beautiful snowdrops from salt dough. Prepare salt dough and roll it into a thin layer. Now take a plate of the size you need and use it to give the dough a round shape. This is the basis of your craft, its background. Then take plastic disposable spoons and cut off their handles. Color the spoons with blue gouache or acrylic paint. Apply paint in several layers, so your snowdrops will be brighter. Take the remaining salt dough, roll sausages out of it and give them the shape of leaves and stems. Carefully lay out the finished parts on a plate of salt dough, lubricating the joints with water.

Now take the blue colored spoons and press them gently near the bases of the stems. The craft is not ready yet - it needs to be dried thoroughly. This can be done in two ways: in the oven on the smallest fire and in the fresh air. Be prepared for the fact that in the air the salt dough will dry for quite some time. When the dough is completely dry, paint the petals and stems of snowdrops with green gouache. Cover the entire craft with a layer of varnish.

In spring, nature around is transformed and blooms, delighting all the kids. In this pleasant time of the year for people, you can create a lot of crafts from any materials at hand with your children. The theme of crafts can be different: they can be dedicated to holidays (March 8, Victory Day, Easter), or they can simply reflect the joy of the awakening of nature and the brightness of spring colors!

Today there are many fresh ideas that can be make spring crafts for kindergarten. Spring is a time of awakening, bright colors, inspirations and creative ideas, so spend your leisure time interestingly with the whole family. We offer you a photo selection of simple children's crafts that you can make at home and take to kindergarten.

What spring crafts can be done with children under 7 years old

Children 5-6 years old will already be able to draw a spiral on colored paper. After that, you need to carefully cut the part along the line. If you twist the spiral, you get a rosebud. It can be fixed on a skewer or tube with glue or tape. You will get a spring bouquet of flowers that will decorate the interior of the group in kindergarten.

Master class with a photo of spring crafts

It develops fine motor skills of the hands making crafts from plasticine with their own hands. Children of the older group in kindergarten will be able to make a beautiful lilac branch on cardboard. The master class for this spring craft is quite simple:

  1. Draw lilac branches on the cardboard with a pencil.
  2. Roll into small balls of plasticine.
  3. Start pressing the balls to make petals.
  4. Glue the petals of each flower, and insert a small plasticine ball or bead into the center.

One of the easiest children's crafts is paper appliqué. You can ask your child to cut paper flowers and stick them on cardboard. It will turn out quite a funny card for a gift.

Spring postcards with three-dimensional flowers are popular. To make them, you will need to carefully consider the scheme so that when you open the craft it looks spectacular. You can also make voluminous flowers on top of this postcard.

- This is one of the most popular areas of needlework that children in kindergarten and even adults can do. Try to make a spring voluminous tree branch or a regular postcard.

From disposable paper utensils, you can get a bright spring sun, which then the children will happily decorate with paints.

Make it fun, simple and interesting. Use improvised materials, then you can come up with new crafts and spend an unforgettable time with children.

Helpful Hints

To create a spring mood you need the Sun, green grass, trees and flowers.

But besides this, you can give spring coloring and some things.

2. Decorate electrical wires and cords with colorful tape or washi tape.

When there are a lot of wires at home, decorating them not only makes the house more beautiful, but it will also be easier for you to distinguish which wire goes from what.

You will need:

Colored tape or washi tape


Cardboard (optional)

Piece of leather or leatherette (optional)

Button and thread (optional)

1. Cut the multi-colored tape into several small pieces.

2. Start sticking the pieces of tape in any order. Choose the color scheme that suits you.

* If you wish, you can cut out several labels from cardboard and fasten them with thread or tape to the wires, writing on them the device from which the wire comes.

* Also, if desired, you can make a cord mount from a piece of leather and a button - this is useful when the cord is very long and it will be more convenient to fold it.

3. Decorate flower pots with bright and cheerful flowers.

You will need:

Plain ceramic pots (preferably a light shade)

Ceramic, acrylic or fabric paint.

Water and capacity.

1. Prepare the paint. If you have acrylic or ceramic paint, then just take a brush and start painting the pots as you like.

* If you decide to use fabric paint, then it must be diluted in water.

1.1 Immerse the pot halfway into a container of colored water and hold it for about 5 seconds.

1.2 Immerse the pot deeper and hold for 10 seconds.

1.3 Dip a third time and hold until you get the desired shade.

1.4 Leave the pot to dry.

* Paint several pots in this way using different colors.

4. Decorate the house: paint ordinary jars with spring patterns

You will need:

Thin cloth



PVA glue

Small cup.

1. Measure the height and circumference of the jar and cut the fabric into strips approximately 1 cm wide.

2. Pour PVA glue into a small cup and dilute it with water (ratio 1 to 2). Mix well.

3. Dip the first strip of fabric into the cup, remove it and run it over with your thumb and forefinger to get rid of excess glue.

4. Stick the strip to the jar anywhere. Use a brush to smooth the strip well and get rid of air bubbles.

5. Glue a few more strips in the same way.

* Strips may slightly touch or overlap.

* You can put a candle inside the jar.

5. How to decorate a chair with spring flowers

You will need:

Chair (wooden in this example)

Spray paint (you can use regular wood paint)

Masking tape.

1. Tape some places on the chair with masking tape.

2. Start painting the uncovered areas of the chair.

* If you decide to use spray paint, then you need to paint outdoors or in very well ventilated areas in a special mask and preferably in protective glasses.

3. Leave the paint to dry.

4. When the paint is dry, carefully remove the masking tape.

6. Decorate cups: emotional cups and bowls

You will need:

Ceramic light container

Black ceramic marker


cotton pads

lettuce seeds

* You can use ordinary tea cups and draw cute faces on them. After that, place the cups in the oven according to the marker instructions.

You can complicate the task:

1. If you decide to go the hard way, then first draw the faces on the bowls and place the bowls in the oven, after carefully reading the instructions for the ceramic marker.

2. Put the cotton pads in a cup or bowl and fill them with water so that they are completely immersed in it.

3. Sprinkle some lettuce seeds over cotton pads and place the cup in a well-lit area, but out of direct sunlight.

4. Lettuce leaves should appear soon - they grow quickly. Don't forget to water the plants.

7. How to make colorful key rings

You will need:

Wood beads

Nail polish (can be old), wood paint or acrylic paint

Thick thread, jute or strips of leather or leatherette


Masking tape (if desired).

1. Color each bead however you like.

* If you want to make even stripes or evenly color the halves of the bead, then each one must be partially sealed with masking tape, and the open part should be painted over with paint or varnish. Then remove the masking tape.

2. Pass the thread through several beads and make a loop on top of the last bead.

3. Pass the key ring through the loop and you're done!

8. Crafts for spring with your own hands: cones with flowers

You will need:

White thick paper (in this example, watercolor paper was used)

Floral decorations (artificial flowers, greenery, etc.)

PVA glue or hot glue

Paint (optional)

Double sided tape.

1. Cut out a square from paper.

*If you want to draw a pattern on your future vases, then you should start this process now.

2. Twist each square into a cone and secure the ends with glue.

3. If you have not drawn a pattern, you can make a small pom pom and glue it to the cone. Instead of a pompom, you can use ribbons, strips of fabric or colored paper.

4. Using double-sided tape, stick the cones to the wall or wallpaper.

5. Create the bouquet you like best and place it in the decorated cone on the wall.

9. Children's crafts on the theme "Spring": paper hyacinth flowers

You will need:

Thin paper (papyrus or corrugated)


Tube (cocktail) or skewer

Scotch tape (preferably green).

1. Prepare a sheet of paper, cut out a long rectangle from it (in this example, the size of the rectangle is 8 cm x 14 cm).

2. Prepare 2-3 more such rectangles.

3. Fold all the rectangles into a stack and fold in half.

4. From the side of the fold, start making cuts, leaving a distance between them of about 0.5 - 1 cm.

5. Using tape, attach one end of one rectangle folded in half to a tube or skewer and begin to twist it, descending in a spiral.

6. Secure the other end with tape as well. You can add a leaf if you like.

* Make a bouquet of these paper flowers and put it in a vase.

On the theme "Spring" for kindergarten. We went all over the Internet and found 20 unhackneyed, but at the same time simple spring crafts that children can do with their own hands.

Not only for kindergarten, ideas for crafts on a spring theme are needed. Children who do not go to kindergarten also love to make crafts, and they will probably be interested in doing something new and unusual with their own hands, for example, a spring cloud, a voluminous paper rainbow or

Many of these crafts can be a wonderful gift for mom or grandmother on March 8, 2019 or Mother's Day. After all, there is nothing nicer than a craft that the baby makes with his own hands with the thought of how her mother or grandmother will be delighted with her. Needless to say, some of us even wear them outside to show off what a wonderful gift a child has made.

20 ideas for crafts on the theme "Spring" for kindergarten

Hooray, the snow is over. And we have three months of rain, thunderstorms, colorful rainbows and gorgeous flowers ahead of us. Which we will display in crafts on the theme "Spring", which children will make with their own hands in kindergarten.

To get started, we suggest you make a cloud with rainbow rain. The execution and details depend on your imagination and on the age characteristics of the children. For example, offer younger children to make a cloud of rain from ribbons (thinner or thicker), but in the older group you can try to make voluminous drops from colored paper.

And here are some ideas with a three-dimensional rainbow made of multi-colored paper for crafts on the theme of "Spring". Instructions on how to make them are in the photo.

A simple craft for children, even children from the younger group can do it with their own hands, provided that the educators prepare blanks in advance.

Such a bouquet of paper hyacinths can be made with your own hands as a gift for mom on March 8 or Mother's Day.

Spring crafts for the younger and middle groups of kindergarten - flowers from ribbons, paper and ice cream sticks. Instead of textile ribbons, you can use paper serpentine, which remained after the New Year.

Everything is simple here: cut out hearts from colored paper (three for a flower, one for a leaf), pierce a hole in the middle of each of them and string them on a drinking straw. Voila, and crafts on the theme of "Spring" is ready. It remains only to bring more straws to the kindergarten.

For this craft, you must first draw and cut flowers from paper. Then we fold a fan out of green paper and glue the prepared flowers on it.

And with such flowers from wooden sticks, perhaps even the kids from the nursery group can handle it. They just have to help them a little with glue.

We will close the theme of paper flowers with origami. Follow the link for a diagram of origami tulips.

When the children get tired of creating, get dirty from head to toe with glue and cut with scissors even what was impossible to cut, invite them to draw spring flowers. Here are some examples of simple drawings, and dandelions and hyacinths should be drawn with your fingers. If you wish, you can turn these drawings into applications by cutting out some elements from colored paper for them.

And finally - a spring tree with birds that have returned from warm lands. The tree trunk is a cardboard sleeve from toilet paper or paper towels. We cut out the crown, leaves and birds from colored cardboard, and “sculpt” the nests and flowers from corrugated paper, crumpling it.

Now you have a sea of ​​ideas for crafts on the theme of "Spring" in kindergarten, which any child can handle. Good luck and inspiration!