Scheme of conducting experiments instructions for educators. Mini-laboratory "know-ka" - experimental research activity of preschoolers. "Description of the Season"



    Relevance of the chosen topic 2

    The virtue of experimental research activities 3

    State of the Art 4

    Didactic meaning of design and research activities 5

II Consistency of work performance.

    The pedagogical idea of ​​creating a mini-laboratory "Get to know »,

characteristics of modules 6

    Principles of building a mini-laboratory 7

    Tasks of experimentation in early preschool age 9

    Tasks of experimentation in senior preschool age. 10

    Safety rules for experimental research activities 11


    List of equipment and materials for laboratory work. 13

    The result of the pedagogical idea in the use of the mini-laboratory "Know-ka" 14

    Literature 15

    Experimental research experiments, experiments for children of primary preschool age. 16

    Experimental research experiments, experiments for older preschool children . 21

    Algorithm - conducting experiments for preschool children 44

“Know how to open before the child in the world around

one thing, but open so that a piece of life

played in front of the children with all the colors of the rainbow.

Always leave something unsaid so that the child

wanted to go back to what he had learned

(V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

How to bring children to the simplest understanding of the elementary laws of the world around them, encourage them to draw conclusions and generalize?

During the period of cardinal socio-economic and political transformations in Kazakhstan, the prestige of education in the public consciousness has increased,society's requirement for the content of education, the level and quality of training of alleducational levels.

One of such spectacular methods of cognition of the patterns and phenomena of the surrounding world isexperimental research activity , which has long occupied a strong and main place in higher and secondary schools.

Preschool childhood is a unique period in a person’s life, a time when his health is formed and the process of personality development is intensively going on: the formation of the basis of personal culture, moral and spiritual values, the development of the intellectual sphere, creative abilities and skills that a person will operate throughout his life .

It is known that acquaintance with any object or phenomenon gives the most optimal result if it is effective. It is necessary to give children the opportunity to "act" with the studied objects of the world around them. Specially organizedresearch activities allows our pupils to obtain information about the phenomena or objects being studied, and the teacher - to make the learning process as effective as possible and more fully satisfy the natural curiosity of preschoolers.

The main advantage of experimental research activity lies in the fact that it is close to preschoolers (preschoolers are born researchers):

    gives children real ideas about the various aspects of the object being studied,

    about its relationship with other objects of the environment.

    During the experiment, in addition to the development of cognitive activity,there is a development of mental processes -enrichment of memory, speech, activation of thinking, mental skills, since the need constantly arises to perform operations of analysis and synthesis, comparison and classification, generalization and extrapolation, the need to report on what they saw, to formulate the discovered patterns and conclusions; there is not only a familiarization of the child with new facts, but also the accumulation of a fund of mental techniques and operations.

It should be noted the positive effect of experimental - research activities:

    on the emotional sphere of the child,

    for the development of creative abilities,

    the formation of labor skills, the ability to bring what has been started to a victorious end.

Children love to experiment. This is due to the fact that they are characterized by visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking. Therefore, experimental research activity, like no other method, satisfies the age characteristics. At preschool age, experimentation is leading, and for the first time threeyears - practically the only way to know the world. Experimentation has its roots in the manipulation of objects.

Experimental research activity is not something newly invented, but a method of teaching that was rarely used or not used at all in the pedagogical process, and sometimes was simply forgotten.

To teach everything new, where the guys will be involved in research projects and creative activities in order to learn how to invent, understand and master new things, express their own thoughts, make decisions and help each other, formulate interests and recognize opportunities.

The teachers of our kindergarten offered one of the options for the mini-laboratory "Know-ka" for individual research activities in a preschool institution.For the implementation of GOSO, each of the teachers, one way or another, understands that modernization in education and innovations that are already being introduced into the educational process are inevitable, since new educational standards cannot be achieved in any other way.

Today, it is clear for everyone that modern children need to be taught in a new way. This is dictated by the current socio-political situation, the rapid changes in the modern world, and our children must be ready for this.

The didactic meaning of design and research activities is that

    helps to connect learning with life,

    develops research skills,

    develops the cognitive activity of children,

    teaches you to act independently

    plan work, bring it to a positive result,

    show initiative and creativity.

In the project of research activities, thanks to our mini-laboratory "Know-ka", children will be able to know the object from different angles, all its characteristics, i.e. a holistic vision of the picture of the object under study is formed (which is what modern pedagogy requires from us).

And what satisfaction the child himself receives from having made a discovery for himself!

The mini-laboratory "Know-ka" is a specific module, with additional compartments designed for equipment during research activities.

The purpose of creating a mini-laboratory "Know-ka" - to form in preschoolers the main key competencies,

ability for research type of thinking.

The module is divided into 4 sectors:

    Natural, includes components of living and non-living nature. (Water, sand, stones, seeds, acorns, cereals, etc.)

    Man-made, includes components created by human hands. (Paper, cloth, magnet, glasses, chemical liquids, etc.)

    Methodical, includes file cabinets of experiments, experiments, safety instructions, algorithms for conducting experimental activities, didactic games with elements of cognitive activity.

    Sector-materials and equipment. (flasks, microscope, beakers, spatulas, magnifiers, spoons, pipettes, etc.)

Material selected (concentrated according to a certain principle:

According to the task (for example, modeling, the accumulation of cognitive experience through visibility);

By type of activity (experimentation, transformation);

Content and theme ("Autumn", "Stones" ...)

The principle of static - mobility.

On the one hand, the child is provided with the possibility of free orientation in a familiar environment and, consequently, reliability, confidence and security, and on the other hand, he can change, introduceon Wednesday, something new in accordance with their interests, tastes, mood.

The principle of emotional well-being and comfort.

The content of materials and equipment, their placement, should evoke positive emotions.

The principle of closure.

The developing environment helps to understand the distinction between the external and internal worlds (“I and others”, “one child - a group of children”, “a group of children - kindergarten”, “kindergarten - the whole world” ...), suggests openness to nature, society, etc. d.

The principle of universality.

Provides the ability to independently or with the help of an adult change the object-spatial environment, transforming both the equipment itself and its placement.


It suggests the possibility of using the organization of children's activities to solve various problems.


It implies the convenience of the approach and free access to the material and its use both in independent and in joint activities, repeated use of the material.

Updateability material.

variability material to support the interest of children and take into account their capabilities through the creation of different levels of complexity for the same type of activity and the interests of children.

The tasks of research activities are specific for each age :

Junior preschool age:

Entry of children into a problematic game situation (the leading role of the teacher)

Activation of the desire to look for ways to resolve the problem situation (together with the teacher);

Formation of the initial prerequisites for research activities (practical experiments).

For the use of the mini-laboratory "Know-ka", according to the State Educational Standard, we are attaching experiments for the research activities of preschool children.

Appendix No. 1 (experiments for children of primary preschool age)

Senior preschool age.

Formation of prerequisites for search activity, intellectual initiative;

Development of the ability to determine possible methods for solving a problem with the help of an adult, and then independently;

Formation of the ability to apply these methods, contributing to the solution of the problem, using various options;

Development of the desire to use special terminology, the introduction of a constructive conversation in the process of joint research activities, the ability to put forward hypotheses and independently formulate conclusions.

Application №2 (experiments for senior preschool age)

Safety rules for conducting experimental research activities in a mini-laboratory


When conducting experimental research activities, safety rules should not be neglected.

The responsibility for ensuring that safety is observed rests entirely with the teacher.

When organizing activities with children, it is necessary to consider the following:

1. Children need to be taught how to set up experiments; the more often the teacher uses the method of experimentation in his work, the lower the probability of an emergency.

2. Work with children is based on the principle “from simpleto the complex”: the teacher must know at each stage about the level of skills of pupils.

3. All unfamiliar procedures are mastered in the following sequence:

    the action is shown by the teacher;

    the action is repeated or shown by one of the children, and the one who obviously does it wrong: this will make it possible to focus on a typical mistake;

    sometimes the mistake is deliberately made by the teacher himself: with the help of such a methodical technique, he enables the children to concentrate on the mistake, the probability of which is very high;

    the action is repeated by a child who will not make a mistake;

    the action is carried out all together at a slow pace so that the teacher has the opportunity to control the work of each child;

    the action has become familiar, and the children perform it at their usual pace.

4. The teacher should study the individual characteristics of children well and be able to predict their behavior in a given situation, anticipating undesirable reactions and behavior in advance.

5. To exclude overprotection by an adult, the work should be based on the principles of personality-oriented pedagogy.

6. To ensure the rapid suppression of unwanted actions, it makes sense to develop in children a conditioned reflex to some short command, for example, to the “Stop!” signal. The development of the reflex is carried out outside the experimental activity and is usually carried out in the form of a game, when the children, having heard the command, freeze and stop their actions, and direct their attention to the teacher. This signal should be used in extreme situations.

7. In order to successfully manage the experimental research activities of children, the teacher must be able to see the whole team and distribute attention between individual children, as well as have a good command of the factual material and the methodology for conducting each experiment.

8. There should be a calm atmosphere in the classroom.

List of equipment of the mini-laboratory "Know-ka"

    Devices - assistants: microscope, magnifying glasses, hourglasses, compasses and magnets;

    Transparent and non-transparent vessels of various configurations and volumes: plastic bottles, glasses, buckets, funnels;

    Natural materials: pebbles of different colors and shapes, minerals, clay, earth, coarse and fine sand (different in color), bird feathers, shells, cones, nut shells, pieces of tree bark, dry leaves, twigs, fluff, moss, fruit seeds and vegetables, wool;

    Waste material: pieces of leather, fur, pieces of fabric, cork, wire, wood, plastic, metal objects

    Different types of papers: plain, landscape, notebook, tracing paper, emery paper;

    Dyes: berry syrup, watercolors;

    Medical materials: pipettes, flasks, test tubes, beakers, cotton wool, funnels, measuring spoons;

    Other materials: mirrors, balloons, wooden toothpicks, flour, salt, colored and transparent glasses, molds, steaks, thread.

The success of the pedagogical idea in the use of the mini-laboratory "Know-ka"

    Everyone can work on this technology, as it is interesting for both children and adults.

    A child researcher from birth, but consciously, does something from the age of 5, and it is possible to prepare a child for this activity from an early age. The ability for intellectual effort, research skills, logic and ingenuity will not get stronger by themselves. This is where parents and teachers can help.

    It is important that there is a laboratory atmosphere.

    Form of work: classes with all children, with a subgroup, individually.

A competent combination of materials and equipment in the mini-laboratory "Know-ka" contributes to the mastery of children by means of cognitive activity, methods of action, examination of objects, and expansion of cognitive research experience.


    State general education standard of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    Kulikovskaya I. E., Sovgir N. N. Children's experimentation. Senior preschool age: Proc. Benefit. - M .: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2003. - 80 p.

    Tugusheva G.P., Chistyakova A.E. Experimental activity of children of middle and senior preschool age: Methodological guide. St. Petersburg: CHILDHOOD - PRESS, 2008. - 128 p.



Experience is the reproduction of some phenomenon experimentally, the creation of something new under certain conditions for the purpose of research, testing. It is known that the child learns the world around him through research or experience. It is the experience that helps the child acquire the necessary knowledge about life.
Let's remember the first years of the baby. He touched something hot - it hurts, now he will not take this object, even if it is cold, because he has gained his experience. Carrying out a simple manipulation with objects and observing, he learns the world around him, developing his intellect. The child learns the world around him through research activities, and in this activity he develops as a person. “... A child who feels like a researcher, who has mastered the art of experiment, overcomes indecision and self-doubt. He wakes up initiative, the ability to cheerfully overcome failures and achieve success, the ability to evaluate, experience failures and achieve success, the ability to evaluate and admire the achievement of a friend - the willingness to come to his aid.
Professor of the Academy of Creative Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education N.N. Podyakov, having analyzed and enriched his experience of research work in the system of preschool education, came to the conclusion that experimentation is the leading activity in childhood. This idea was not understood and not accepted, because everyone considered the game to be the leading activity. More L.S. Vygotsky said that the activity of a young child can be attributed to experimentation. N.N. Podyakov proved that if children of preschool age are deprived of experimentation, then they develop serious mental disorders that negatively affect the development of the child in the future and the ability to learn. He proved that the activity of experimentation permeates all spheres of life, including the game. But authoritarian pedagogy did not recognize this discovery, and children's independence in experiments was regarded as a violation of discipline. In fact, experimentation is an effective way of teaching children.
Within the framework of the innovative experimental site of the preschool educational institution ("Environmental education of preschoolers through experimental and experimental activities" - at the level of preschool educational institutions), there are three levels of implementation of innovative "research learning":

  1. The teacher poses a problem and outlines a strategy and tactics for solving it, the solution itself has to be found by the child.
  2. The teacher poses a problem, but the child is looking for a method of solving it on his own (at this level, an independent search is given).
  3. The formulation of the problem, the search for methods for its research and the development of solutions are carried out by children independently.

These levels characterize the sequence of stages of experimentation in terms of increasing the independence of the child. This can be visualized in the form of a diagram of a model of experimental, research activities with children in a preschool educational institution (Appendix No. 1).
Application No. 1
Scheme of the model of experimental, research activities with children in a preschool educational institution
Target: expand and deepen the knowledge of teachers on the development of cognitive activity of preschool children in matters of experimental, research activities.

  1. To increase the level of professional competence of pedagogical workers of preschool educational institutions for the development of cognitive activity of preschoolers through experimental, search and research activities.
  2. To form motivation for the use of experimental activities in the educational process for the development of cognitive activity of preschoolers.

Application №2

Card file of experiments and experiments with preschool children

Card file of experiments for children 5-6 years old

Subject of experience/experiment

Conditions for plant life

"Plant breath"

To acquaint children with the fact that all living organisms breathe, like a person. If you close your nose and mouth, how long can a person last? How long can a plant survive without air? Then a leaf of the plant is smeared on a branch. The pores through which the plant breathes become clogged. Children watch how long the leaf dries up, draw conclusions

"Sunshine in the life of a plant"

For the experiment, take 2 identical plants. One of them is covered with a cap that does not let light through. After 2 weeks, remove the cap and see what happened to the plant

"Heat in Plant Life"

The experiment is best done in winter. Sprigs of plants are brought from the walk and placed in the water by the radiator, between the panes of the window. They observe what happens to the branches on the street, near the battery and between the panes. They conclude: where it is warm, leaves appear there.

Where is the best place for a plant to live?

Two bulbs of a plant, identical in shape, are placed in a different environment: one in water, the other in soil. Observe their growth and draw a conclusion where the plant grows faster

How do plants spread?

These observations are best made on an excursion. Children examine a dandelion and determine why its seeds need "parachutes". Then consider the psyllium seed. Why did the Indians call the plantain "the white man's footprint"? Consider burdock thorns with children. Why do plants need them? It is advisable to find a place in the park where a small tree has appeared, but a person did not plant it. How could it appear here?

"Following the Sun"

Watch with children for a plant standing on the windowsill. Where do leaves or flowers go? Turn the pot on the other side. See what happens to the plant


"Flippers" - introduce children to an object that makes it easier to swim in the water

The experiment is best done in the summer. Offer to pick up the boards and row. How easy is it to stay on the water? And if you put flippers on your hands? What if it's on your feet? Why is this happening? What do fins look like? From whom did the person borrow such an invention?

Why do birds swim in water? »

Consider the feathers of different birds. How are they different and what are the similarities? Dip the feathers into the water. Why do they swim? Put a thin sheet of paper on the water and observe what happens to it. Then grease the sheet with fat and also lower it into the water. Birds swim because their feathers are greased

"What is steam"

Hold a cold object over boiling water and observe what will happen on its surface. Steam is the new state of water. Steam turns into water when cooled

"How to get drunk"

Half pour water into a glass. How to get drunk from a glass without picking it up? If an object that does not dissolve in water and sinks is lowered into a glass, then the water will rise. When it rises to the very brim, then it will be possible to get drunk


"We study the fabric" - to introduce different types of fabric

Offer children several types of fabric. What do we do with fabric? We try to touch, crush, tear, cut with scissors. Tell what fabric what clothes are sewn from


Introduce children to different types of paper

Gather a collection of paper and introduce children to its varieties. Explain how paper is made

Introduce children to this type of paper. Learn how to copy pictures


dissolving sugar

Ask the children what happens to sugar when it is placed in water? Compare in which water (hot or cold) sugar dissolves faster

Card file of experiments for children 6-7 years old


"Invisibles" - to consolidate the knowledge of children that many substances dissolve in water

Drop a carnation on a string into a jar of water. The thread can be attached to a pencil, which lies on the neck of the jar. Then add gouache until the carnation becomes invisible in the water

"Explosion" - introduce children to the property of steam

Half fill the test tube with water and tightly close with a cork made of raw potatoes, clamp with tweezers or a clothespin and heat over a spirit lamp or dry alcohol. As soon as the water begins to boil, some of it will turn into steam and the cork will pop out of the test tube. Steam takes up a lot of space, so the cork flies out of the test tube

"Drip-drip-drip" - simulate receiving rain

Put snow in a plate and hold it over a boiling kettle. The steam from the kettle will turn into drops of water when it comes into contact with a cold plate.

"Water Filtration"

Put a bandage folded several times into the funnel, and pass muddy water through it. Instead of a bandage, you can use cotton wool. Tell children that sand acts as a filter in nature.

"Floating Egg"

This experience can be shown to friends as a trick. Pour water into two identical containers. Add a few tablespoons of salt to one of them and mix well.

sew. Put the egg in a container with plain water, it has sunk to the bottom. Take out the egg and dip it in a container of salted water, it floats. Salt increases the density of water, and objects immersed in salt water are pushed out. Therefore, it is easy to swim in sea water

"Drawing with colored water in the snow"

Prepare spray bottles from plastic bottles for each child, pour gouache-colored water into them and show the children that you can draw on the snow with such water

Shadow games

Game "Guess what it is?"

The teacher shows the children how to use their hands to get different shapes. Children guess what the teacher is depicting, and repeat his figures, then come up with their own

Shadow play

The teacher shows the children the characters of fairy tales, and the children voice the characters

"Guess what item"

The teacher shows the objects, and the children learn from the shadow what it is.


"Where Air Lives"

1. Take a deep breath and you-
breathe on your hand.

2. Put small pieces of paper on the edge of the table and wave a piece of paper over them.

3. Inflate the balloon, clamp the end and lower it into the water, unclenching what was clamped by hand.

4. Weigh 2 balls on the scales.

Inflate one balloon and replace the empty balloon with an inflated one. 5. Lower the empty inverted glass upside down into the water (the bottom of the glass should be parallel to the bottom of the container), then tilt the glass

Why iron sinks but ships float

Give children the opportunity to experiment with metal objects on their own and conclude why a metal ship floats

Why do plants need air?

Grow green onions. Then cover it with a large jar, and seal the bottom with plasticine. Observe the plant and draw a conclusion

"Why does a parachute fly"

Teach children how to make and launch a parachute. By observing the flight of the toy, conclude why the parachute flies


“Why a candle burns” - introduce children to the structure of a candle and the property of paraffin - melting

Consider the candle device with the children, try the paraffin to the touch. Show the children wax. How are they similar to paraffin, and how are they different? Consider a burning candle. Why is she on fire? If melted paraffin is dropped into water, what will happen to it? And if paraffin is dipped in hot water, what will happen to it?

"Painting on Wax"

Give children pieces of candles, paint and introduce the technique of drawing on wax


"Ink from milk" - to acquaint children with the properties of organic compounds

In order to write a secret letter, you will need paper, cotton buds, milk and a table lamp or iron. After dipping a cotton swab in milk, type a word, let it dry, and then hold the letter over a table lamp until the words appear. Can be ironed with a hot iron

"Lemon Ink"

Squeeze the juice from the lemon into a bowl of water. With a cotton swab, write the words with the help of "ink". Technology for the development of "invisible ink", as in the first case


"Singing glass"

Take a glass of thin glass by the leg. Moisten the index finger of the free hand with water and, pressing on the edges of the glass, drive your finger along its edges. You will hear the glass sing. The appearance of sound depends on the force of pressing, so you have to experiment

"Magic Water"

Pour plain water into a jar, cover with a lid. Say the magic words and shake the jar, the water will change color. Do not forget to pour a coloring matter on the bottom of the lid (food coloring, dry drink or thick gouache)

"Dancing Coin"

Put a bottle with a glass neck in the freezer for a few minutes. Pull out and quickly close the neck with a coin that does not fall into the bottle. Soon the coin will begin to bounce and make a sound. When heated in a warm room, air escapes from the bottle and the coin bounces.

"Lord of the Balloons"

Take some balloons and blow them up. Stick a needle into the ball, it will burst. But if you stick transparent tape on the ball and stick a needle instead of sticking tape, and then pull it out, then the tape will glue the hole and the ball will not burst

"Magic Branches"

Prepare branches. They can serve as a good Christmas decoration. Prepare a supersaturated saline solution: for 2 liters of water, 1.5 kg of salt, boil and cool. Lower the cut branches of trees or shrubs into the prepared solution. When the solution cools, the salt will begin to settle on the branches. When you pull the twigs out of the water, they will create a frost effect.

"Hissing Water"

Pour a teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of water and stir, add a spoonful of vinegar. The water will sizzle instantly. The baking soda reacted with the vinegar and released carbon dioxide.

"The balloon inflated on its own!"

If the previous experiment is repeated not in a glass, but in a bottle and you have time to quickly put a balloon on the neck until the reaction stops, then carbon dioxide will inflate the balloon


  1. Didactic games and activities with young children / ed. SL. Novoselova. 3rd, ed. correct M.: Education, 1997.
  2. Korotkova N.A. Educational process in groups of children of senior preschool age. Moscow: Linka-press, 2007.
  3. Kulikovskaya I.E., Sovgir N.N. Children's experimentation (senior preschool age). Bataysk, 2002.
  4. Loginova V.I., Babaeva T.I., Notkina N.A. and others. Childhood: a program for the development and education of children in kindergarten / ed. T.I. Babaeva, Z.A. Mikhailova, L.M. Gurevich. 2nd ed., revised. St. Petersburg: Accent, 1996.
  5. Nikolaeva S.N. Methods of ecological education in kindergarten. M.: Education, 1999.
  6. Experiments without explosions / comp. A.G. Madera, A.P. Pyatikop, S.A. Repiev. M.: Karapuz, 2000.
  7. Shapiro A. Scientific fun // Kindergarten from all sides. 2001.

elena kuzmicheva

small "why" A lot of questions are asked every day. They are interested in absolutely everything. In an accessible form, to explain to a small child the essence of natural phenomena and patterns, to talk about the causes and consequences of what is happening is not an easy task. Of course, you can try to tell or show, or you can to conduct an experiment. That's what preschoolers do in the corner experimentation. baby experimentation plays an important role in the development of preschoolers. experimental activity broadens horizons, teaches to establish cause-and-effect relationships, awakens curiosity, teaches to observe, reflect and draw conclusions. These algorithms allow children to learn how to plan their work, select the means and material for independent activities, define certain concepts, perform experiences and experiments according to a certain algorithm and at the end independently draw a conclusion.

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Irina Ponyaeva

Good day to all, dear colleagues from MAAM. Glad to have you as a guest. In my previous publications, I mentioned that in my work I use cards - schemes for conducting experiments and experiments. In older preschool age, these cards are very helpful and interest children in experimentation. The cards show the stages of the experiments, you can write on the back that will help reading children in conducting experiments.

I did not specifically write explanations for these experiments, so that the children themselves could draw conclusions why this is so and not otherwise.

"Guess by Smell"

1. Blindfold the child.

2. Cook foods with pronounced odors: onion, garlic, lemon, orange, apple, chocolate, etc.

3. Give each product a sniff: it can be recognized by its smell.

"Magic Pyramid"

1. We collect a pyramid from a large ringlet to a small one. We conclude: worth it.

2. We collect the pyramid on the contrary from a small ringlet to a large one. Will it stand? Why?

"Does air have weight?"

1. We make homemade scales.

2. Weigh 2 uninflated balloons.

3. The weight is the same.

4. We inflate one of the balloons.

5. Weigh again. What happened? An inflated balloon outweighs an empty one: air has weight.

6. Pierce an inflated balloon. What happened?

"Dissolution of substances in water"

1. Take a glass of water and a piece of sugar.

2. Put sugar in a glass.

3. Stir. What happened?

4. What happens if you add more sugar?

"Mystery Paper"

1. We put two identical glasses, put a sheet of paper on them.

2. We put the third glass on this sheet. What happened?

3. The paper could not bear the weight of the glass and bent.

4. We fold the same sheet with an accordion.

5. We put a sheet folded like an accordion into two glasses, and a third on top.

6. What happened? Why?

"Friendship of Colors"

1. We take three cans of gouache (red., yellow, blue)

2. We take three glasses of water.

3. In the first glass, mix red and yellow colors - you get orange.

4. In the second glass, mix blue and red - we get purple.

5. In the third glass, mix yellow and blue - we get green. Why?

"How to get a white color or a magic top"

1. Take a top (or divide the circle into three equal sectors and paint in three colors: blue, green, red).

2. We spin the top on the surface of the table. If you drew on a circle, then insert a finely sharpened pencil into the center of the circle, which will act as the axis of the top.

3. The top spins, visually its surface becomes white: the color is not visible.

"Plants drink water"

1. We take 2 glasses, pour water into them, put the branches of a houseplant.

2. Add red dye to the water of one of the glasses.

3. After a while: in this glass, the leaves and stem will turn red: the plant is drinking water.

"Dump and Rain"

1. We take a container, pour sand, put sponges. One end of the container is on a stand.

2. We collect ink in a pipette and drip onto the sponges.

3. Pour the sponges from the watering can with water.

4. We take a syringe, pump out water from the sand. Water is dirty.

"Oil River"

1. We take a container. We make a hole, insert the tube, fix it with plasticine. The free end of the tube is tightly clamped with a clothespin. We pour water.

2. Pour sunflower oil into the water (oil is the same oily substance)

3. Remove the clothespin, drain half of the water into the jar. Water not mixed with oil is poured into the jar. An oil spill forms a film, like oil, which is a serious danger to wildlife.

"Magic Magnet"

1. Take a glass of water.

2. Put a wooden cube and paper clips into it.

3. Place the magnet against the wall of the glass: the magnet only attracts metal objects, even through glass and water.

"Magic Ball"

1. inflate two balloons, rub one of the balloons with a piece of woolen cloth.

2. if two balls are placed next to each other, they will start to repel. Why?

3. The ball that is rubbed is attracted to the wall. Why?

"The water cycle in nature, or the journey of a droplet"

(for adults)

1. We put the jar with a vault, and we place the boiler in it.

2. A bottle with snow inside is installed above the jar.

3. Under this bottle, we install a cut-off bottle with a hole.

4. We turn on the boiler, the steam rises, cools, flows into the cut-off cylinder and from it back into the jar.

"Birds and Oil"

1. We take a bird feather, throw it up, blow it. It will fly smoothly.

Dip the pen in vegetable oil (oil is just as oily).

3. Let's throw a feather up, it falls down like a stone: the feathers of birds stick together and lose their ability to "repel" the air, which means that the bird cannot take off and becomes easy prey for predators.

I hope that our flashcards will help you inspire children's interest in experimentation. The idea of ​​manufacturing belongs to Kochkova V. Yu.