Modern New Year's scenario for disabled children. Scenario for the New Year: “Witchcraft for the New Year. Round dance "Snow-White Winter"

New Year's performance for children with disabilities

Target: bring joy to children with disabilities from the holiday program, socialization of healthy children and children with disabilities in joint round dances and games.
- cultivate a tolerant attitude towards children with disabilities;
- preserve folk traditions of celebrating the New Year, organizing creative and meaningful leisure for children,
- to form a healthy lifestyle for children;
- cultivate skills and habits of cultural conduct;
- create conditions for psychological relief and emancipation of children.

Characters: Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Malvina, Pinocchio, Basilio the Cat, Alice the Fox, presenter.
Leading Exactly at midnight - ding-dong! -
There is a quiet ringing sound.
This fairy tale comes to the house,
He leads round dances quietly.
Unless you're sleeping,
You will notice everything and take a look...
Now freeze. Quiet…
I hear the music playing
Probably... the New Year's guest is in a hurry to visit us!
Malvina Hello, dear guys, we were in a hurry to come to you for the holiday.
Pinocchio Firework! (Addressing the presenter).
Leading Good afternoon, Malvina and Buratino.
Malvina Dear Buratino! How many times have I said that you need to say “Hello!” and not “Salute!”
Pinocchio It's all a girl's imagination! I don't care about them!
Leading Pinocchio, how ill-mannered you are. Better get to know our guests.
Pinocchio What kind of guests? I don't see any guests here!
Malvina If you can't see well, put on glasses. (Gives Pinocchio big glasses)
Pinocchio(puts on glasses). That’s better... (Looks around the hall, then notices in surprise.) Oh, how many people are here! (Shakes hands with each guest.) Hello! Hello! Hello friend!
Leading(addresses Pinocchio) If you get to know everyone like this, then our holiday will begin only in the spring...
Pinocchio And it's true! There are many guests, but I am alone... (Addresses Malvina.) What should Malvina do?
Malvina Everything is very simple. Everyone needs to stand in a circle and repeat the movements after me.
"GAME - DATING"(Everyone stands in a circle)

Pinocchio Malvina, in general, why are there so many adults and children here?
Leading And listen carefully. Guys, Malvina and I will ask you a question, if you can answer it “Because it’s New Year”, you answer together.
Why is there fun, laughter and jokes all around without worries?..
Why are cheerful guests expected to arrive?..
Malvina Why does everyone make a wish in advance?..
Why does the Christmas tree playfully wink at us with its lights?..
Leading Why is everyone here waiting for Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden today?..
Why do children dance in a circle in an elegant hall?..
Leading Pinocchio, have we answered your question? Now, I think the holiday can begin!
Malvina Do round dances...
Pinocchio And light the lights on the Christmas tree...
You're having fun in vain, the holiday is cancelled.
Malvina Is this why the holiday is cancelled? No, no, I don’t agree, look how many kids came to the party. And anyway, who are you?
(Pinocchio, the presenter, Malvina walk around the Christmas tree, but find no one.)
Do you see the castle? (The answer of Malvina and Pinocchio is “YES”) until you open this lock with a golden key, the lights on the tree will not light up and the holiday will not take place.
Pinocchio Oh, yes, it's easy and simple. Now I’ll bring the golden key and open the lock.
Leading And at this time we will dance.


Malvina Something doesn't suit Pinocchio. Let's play in the snow.
GAME - DANCE “SNOWBALLS”(Everyone stands in a circle)

A sad Pinocchio enters.
Pinocchio I didn't find the key.
Malvina Don’t worry, Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden will help us.
Leading Malvina, let's check what our boys and girls know about Grandfather Frost. We will start the sentences and you will finish them.

Leading In a warm New Year's fur coat, rubbing his red nose,
a kind child brings gifts...
Malvina Gifts include chocolates, tangerines, apricots
- I tried my best for the kids...
Pinocchio Loves songs, round dances and makes people laugh to tears
wonderful near the New Year tree...
Leading In the morning he braids his granddaughter a pair of lush braids,
and then goes to the children's party...
Malvina Who brought a pine tree for your joy, guys?
Please answer quickly - this is...
Pinocchio Something is missing from Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden.
Leading I propose to dance a cheerful dance; Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden will hear and rush to the holiday.
Malvina Our guests are not visible.
Leading We will perform a funny dance. Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden will definitely come.
Father Frost Hello, my dear girls, boys...
Snow Maiden...mommies, daddies, grandfathers, grandmothers!
Santa Claus Happy New Year!
Snow Maiden With new happiness!
Good afternoon and good hour!
We welcome all of you!
Father Frost We came to you from afar
Wow, the road is not easy
Snow Maiden All obstacles have been passed through
We knew that we would be welcome here!
Father Frost I speak from the heart
You are all very good
Leading Aren't you feeling cold?
After all, Grandfather Frost has come to you.
Father Frost Well, everyone rubbed their noses (children rub their noses)
There is no need for us to beat our heads -
Well, everyone rubbed their ears! (children rub their ears)
Twisted, turned, - (children twist their ears)
So your ears are warmed up!
Snow Maiden They knocked on their knees, (children knock on their knees)
They shook their heads, (children shake their heads)
Pat on the shoulders (pat on the shoulders)
And they sank a little! (children stomp)
Father Frost You still need to warm up,
Three palms together (rubbing palms)
Now ears, cheeks, nose (touch ears, cheeks, nose)
Oh, you're not afraid of the frost!
Snow Maiden We will help the neighbor on the left,
Let's rub his ear too (they touch the ear of the neighbor on the left)
And now the neighbor on the right (they touch the ear of the neighbor on the right.)
Well done boys! Bravo!
Father Frost To make the holiday fun, let's stand in a circle and dance.
Snow Maiden I see the Christmas tree has been decorated,
Have you completely forgotten about the lights?
Leading No, we haven’t forgotten, you just see the lock, you need a key to open it, and the key was stolen from us.
Snow Maiden I probably know who did it!
Fox Alice Can you imagine, Basilio, Santa Claus is going to give out gifts!
Cat Basilio Sasha - a car, Dasha - a doll.
Fox Alice So, he has a lot of these gifts. Sweets, go-a-a-day, sweets, chocolate-a-a-day. Listen, Basilio, you’re smart here. Come up with something so that they give us gifts too.
Cat Basilio What should we think? As always, we'll steal - and it's in the bag!
Fox Alice Uh-uh... (Teasing Basilio.) Let's steal... As always... They always catch us later, and even educate us... They say they're big, it's not good to steal... And how can we steal here? -That? That's how many witnesses there are. They will immediately run to the police to complain. (Addresses the children.) Will you run to the police?
Leading We won't complain about you. Just give back the key that you stole from Pinocchio.
Fox Alice How cunning, we didn’t have time to come to the holiday, and you immediately: “Give me the key, give me the key!”
Cat Basilio It would be better if they danced for us.
Leading Okay, we invite you to dance together in your dreams.
Cat Basilio Incendiary dance. The guys tried so hard for us, maybe we can hold our favorite competition.
Fox Alice explains the rules of the “Snowballs in a circle” competition
Snow Maiden We have fulfilled your wishes, please give us the golden key. (Basilio the cat takes out a wrench)
Leading Guys, do you think this is the key we need?
Father Frost If you don't give it back, the guys won't be friends with you.
Fox Alice Okay, (addressing Basilio the Cat) Kitty, get another key.
Father Frost Pinocchio, open the magic castle. (The lock does not open)
The lock will not open until you say the magic words.
Snow Maiden With colorful lights
Let our Christmas tree play,
Multi-colored tinsel
Light up and sparkle.
Father Frost So that the Christmas tree lights up,
Speak with us:
Repeat together twice.
Leading Let's dance Santa's favorite dance.
Leading Well, now the Snow Maiden’s favorite dance.
Fox Alice Grandfather Frost, what do you have in your bag?
Snow Maiden Try it and guess. Take the magic mittens of Santa Claus (Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat each put on one mitten and feel the bag).
Together: We don't know!
Leading But the guys will guess. I invite two people to guess what Santa Claus has in his bag. If you guess right, the gift is yours.
Father Frost Snow Maiden, how quickly the guys guessed. Play a game with them.
Snow Maiden Grandfather Frost, prepare your magic chest, while I tell you the rules.
You pass a magic chest to the music. As soon as the music ends, the one who still has the chest in his hands pulls the magic ribbon. Whoever gets the ribbon with the prize takes everything for himself.
Father Frost And now I'll rest
And I’ll sit under the tree.
Who knows New Year's poems?
Let him read it to us now. (MICROPHONE)

Leading Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, maybe in your magic bag, in addition to gifts, you also have games or competitions.
(Takes out items for the competition from the bag)
Leading I invite two interested people. You must wind the thread with the prize onto the stick as quickly as possible.
Father Frost Well done guys, you made grandpa happy!
Did I play with you? (Played)
Did he dance with you? (Danced) Sang songs, made you laugh?
Snow Maiden Grandfather Frost, you forgot something.
Father Frost What have I forgotten?
Snow Maiden What did Santa Claus forget? (Present)
Father Frost The holiday was a great success
There were songs and fun
Snow Maiden And it's time for us to say goodbye,
On the road - packing up the path.
Father Frost I promise - next year
I will come to visit you again!
Snow Maiden We wish you happiness and good luck
Leading Good health to boot!
Pinocchio May you grow and become wiser!
Cat Basilio We had fun and sang songs
Malvina May your laughter always ring out!
Fox Alice Happy New Year! Everyone, everyone, everyone!

Attention! The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development with the Federal State Educational Standard.

The methodological development is a scenario for the New Year's holiday "Witchcraft for the New Year", in which children with disabilities attending a short-term stay group operating on the basis of a general developmental preschool educational institution take part.

Target: Creating a holistic idea of ​​the holiday.


  • Developmental: To develop musical activity and independence in preschoolers.
  • Educational: To develop a desire for improvisation in various types of musical activities.
  • Educational: To develop the ability to follow social norms of behavior and rules when interacting with adults and peers.



  • Leading;
  • Winter;
  • Baba Yaga;
  • Barmaley;
  • Goblin;
  • Kikimora;
  • Father Frost

Pupils of a preschool educational institution:

  • Night;
  • Astrologer;
  • 2 stars;
  • Snow Maiden;
  • Little D.M.;
  • Snowman

Children with disabilities

Progress of the event

The presenter invites the children to the Christmas tree.

Child 1:

There are quite a few wonderful holidays,
Each one comes in its own turn
But the kindest holiday in the world,
The best New Year holiday!
He comes in winter,
Whirling the snowflakes in a round dance,
Mysterious and strict beauty,
New Year fills the heart!

Child 2:

If the forest is covered with snow,
If it smells like pies,
If the Christmas tree goes into the house,
What kind of holiday?

Children: New Year!

Child 3:

Hello New Year's holiday,
Hello beautiful Christmas tree,
Hello dear Christmas tree
You are visiting us again.
The lights are sparkling again
On your thick branches.

Child 4:

Hello dear Christmas tree,
Hello, hello New Year!
Runs under the branches
Our merry round dance

Child 5:

We are not afraid of the weather,
The cold of mother winter.
A blizzard will howl outside the window,
But we won't be bored!

Child 6:

We have been waiting for this day for a long time,
Haven't seen each other for a whole year
Sing, ring under the tree
New Year's round dance!

Round dance "Yolka"

(Music and lyrics by Z. Root.)

Child 7:

When the snowflakes are funny
Suddenly they fly to the ground from heaven
And they will hide the streets, paths,
They will cover a river, a field, a forest.
I'll say standing by the window
Look, winter has come.

Child 8:

White, fluffy, frosty, sparkling,
In silvery frost
Happy blue evenings,
Winter is coming and fast.

Child 9:

With sticky snowflakes,
With cheerful smiles,
With a New Year tree,
Fragrant and pungent
Winter is coming, it's coming!


Yes, the time has come and let's fly
Hiding the land and houses
Dashing snowstorms,
And with them winter came to us.

Music sounds and Zimushka winter enters.

Winter: Hello children, do you recognize me? You were waiting for me? I'm winter winter! I come every year with snow and frost, with transparent ice floes and white snowflakes. I cover trees, bushes and houses with a beautiful and fluffy white blanket. And of course, what would a winter holiday be without a song about winter.

Round dance "Snow-White Winter"

(Music and lyrics by Z.Ya. Root.)

They sit on chairs.

Winter: They sang a beautiful song. And now I have prepared winter riddles for you.

Winter makes riddles.

Winter: It’s good here, I led a round dance with you, you guessed all the riddles, well done guys. Well, now it’s time for me to say goodbye, the kids are still waiting for me in another kindergarten. Goodbye!

Winter is leaving.


In winter everyone waits
When the new year comes!
And there will be celebration and fun,
And Santa Claus will come


What is New Year?
It's the other way around.
Trees grow in the room
Squirrels don’t gnaw cones,
Hares next to wolves
On a prickly tree.
The rain is also not easy,
It's golden on New Year's Day.
It shines as much as it can,
Doesn't wet anyone.
Even Grandfather Frost
Doesn't pinch anyone's nose.


Happy New Year, Happy New Year!
I hasten to congratulate everyone.
Let bad weather pass you by
Let your ringing laughter ring out.
Let's start the round dance - after all, today is New Year!

Round dance "On New Year's Eve"

(Music and lyrics by N. Eliseev.)

Leading. Guys, what is a holiday without Santa Claus and gifts? Let's all call him together.

The children call “Santa Claus”, the presenter asks the parents to help call Santa Claus. Baba Yaga enters with a broom to the music, runs around the Christmas tree and sings a song (based on Winnie the Pooh)

Baba Yaga:

Look, I'm feeling good today!
Listen to how my soul sings!
You just have to close your eyes,
All you have to do is braid your curls,
I'll be the Snow Maiden no matter where!
Really, right guys?
Yes Yes Yes!

(Addresses parents.) So why are we shouting? (to the Christmas tree) What else is that sticking out here? (grabs the tree by the branch). Oh oh oh. Evil, harmful, like me! (turns attention to children) ABOUT! What are you doing here? I didn't invite you? I didn't invite you! Hello, didn't I tell you? Did not tell! And you to me? Also no! How lovely! Yes, you are as ill-mannered as I am! My golden ones! My darlings! Why did they crowd under this thorn and gather in front of the decorated cactus? I'm asking you?

Presenter: Grandmother Yaga, say hello first - see the audience! (Points to the children.)

Baba Yaga: I don't see any bagel.

Presenter: Not the bagel, but the audience!

Baba Yaga: I would have said so right away. Hello spinner girls and stump boys. So why did you sit near the tree? You don't let good people pass! (He walks past the children and tries to step on their feet.)

Presenter: We have gathered here to celebrate the New Year - the best, most desired, most joyful holiday!

Baba Yaga: Holiday! New Year! (Surprised.) With songs?

Presenter: With songs!

Baba Yaga: With dancing?

Presenter: Happy dancing!

Baba Yaga: With gifts?

Presenter: With gifts!

Baba Yaga: I also want gifts

Presenter: And the guys want to receive gifts. But what is a holiday without Santa Claus?

Baba Yaga:(grabs his heart) It’s just a thorn in my heart that you’re all just waiting for Santa Claus! (runs around the Christmas tree). AAA, you want New Year gifts! Waiting for Santa Claus! (stops) But in vain! After all, you are kind and good to me, Grandmother - Yagusechka, every year from the Christmas tree what..? You're kicking out correctly! What gift are you giving me...? You're not giving it right! Do you think I will continue to tolerate your antics like this? Nope! I'll conjure this for you (thinks, scratches head) such, uh - uh. I can’t wait to show you soon. What can I conjure? You can call whoever you want, complain to whoever you want. But I will still do magic!!! Think! Think!

(Enthusiastically) Wow, I came up with an idea! I’ll invite my dear guest!

Who is the cutest in the world!
Well, of course Barmaley,
The most evil and disgusting
We will have a wonderful holiday.
Shushara - Mushara scat,
Barmaley come here!

Baba Yaga knocks her broom on the floor. Music sounds and Barmoley enters, hung with firecrackers and pistols. Baba Yaga hides behind the Christmas tree and watches him.


I am the evil and terrible Barmaley!
A thunderstorm for all adults and children.
I'm the most terrible thing in the world!
Do you believe me children?

He sees Baba Yaga, approaches her, kisses her hand.

Barmaley: (gallantly) Let me introduce myself - Barmaley! Who are you?

Baba Yaga: Hello, hello to all my dear and dear ones, good Doctor Barmaley! I am Baba Yaga! (adjusts hair) The first beauty in her forest district and an enviable bride! I also have a dowry: a villa on chicken legs overlooking a swamp, a forest hacienda, and even a personal plane (points to a broom). Okay, that's all about me. It’s better to invite the children to play. I know one interesting game, how girls and boys imitate each other.

Game "Hee-hee, ha-ha"

Barmaley: The game is interesting, I liked it too. OK. And the bride is truly enviable. And the dowry will make you laugh. You can fly far on such a plane. Tell me Grandma, why did you call me?

Baba Yaga: Why why? Celebrate the New Year. I am the Snow Maiden and I need Santa Claus. That's what you will be.

Barmaley: Good good. Only I don’t know what New Year is. Come on, kids, tell us about it in a few words.

Child 12:

What is New Year?
This is a friendly round dance,
This is the laughter of happy guys
Near all the decorated Christmas trees.
This is what New Year means!

Child 13:

What is New Year?
These are pipes and violins,
Jokes, songs and smiles.
This is what New Year means!

Barmaley: It's clear. The Christmas tree has been decorated for the holiday, Santa Claus will bring gifts. And on New Year's you need to have fun. Now we're going to have some fun. What kind of lights are sparkling on the Christmas tree? Let Baba Yaga extinguish them.

Baba Yaga:

Now I’ll do some magic:
They say it's witchcraft
Nonsense and self-indulgence.
Although I don't believe in nonsense
Little by little I'm doing magic!

(Knocks the broom on the floor.) One, two, three – don’t light the Christmas tree! (A felt boot flies out from behind the tree.)

Barmaley: Uh, why can’t you do magic? (takes felt boots). Now what? You need to throw this sandal on the Christmas tree so that the lights don’t sparkle.

Barmaley swings his arms and tries to throw his felt boots onto the Christmas tree, but Baba Yaga stops him.

Baba Yaga: Wait, don't get angry. Everything will be fine now, I’ll just look at the cheat sheet, ( takes out a large cheat sheet and reads it, muttering out loud.) Here's what I didn't do. (Repeats the spell and performs voluntary movements: spins around himself, stomps his foot, raises his arms up.)

They say it's witchcraft
Nonsense and self-indulgence.
Although I don't believe in nonsense
Little by little I'm doing magic!

(Knocks the broom on the floor.) One, two, three - don’t light the Christmas tree (the lights on the tree go out).

Barmaley: Well, now you can leave.

Baba Yaga:(raises a broom) Gather, scatter, turn off the lights and vacate the room!

Baba Yaga and Barmaley leave.

Leading: Guys! What can we do, Baba Yaga and Barmaley left and put out the lights on the tree for us. But Santa Claus never heard us. Let's call Santa Claus again, and our parents will help us.

Children: Father Frost…!

Kikimora: Well, have you seen what is being done?

Goblin: And what?

Kikimora: Like what? Children gathered in kindergarten to celebrate the holiday.

Goblin: Well done!

Kikimora: What are you saying? Everyone was invited, but they forgot about you and me. Again, you and I will be left without gifts.

Goblin: Yes, New Year is just around the corner. And we are again in the forests and swamps. Let us enchant the forest paths with you.

Kikimora: Well, finally at least one smart thought came into your head.

They cast a spell and leave.

You will whirl the blizzards
And you will notice the road.

Dance "Blizzards"

Night: Whoever makes noise in my forest disturbs my peace.

I am the queen of the black night
I bring silence and darkness.

It will be very difficult for Frost
Find a path in the forest.
I don't like merry dances
And bright New Year's masks,
And kids having fun.
I love it when everyone around me is sleeping! They're sleeping, they're sleeping!

The children fall asleep, the Astrologer enters.


What have you done here at night?
Why did you put everyone to sleep?
The children probably know me
They call it an astrologer.
I don't allow you to sleep
I invite everyone to the game.

Game "Attention"

Leading: Thank you Stargazer for waking up our guys!

Night: Ha-ha-ha I woke up the children, but try to light the stars.


This is not a problem at all.
Stars! Everyone come here quickly!
Help all the guys,
Light the way!

1 star:

We will help the children
We can light the way.
Let them go quickly
And they will find a path for grandfather.

2 star:

Happy New Year to everyone,
He will play and sing.
And at the New Year's tree
he will start his own round dance.

Dance of the Stars


Who for the New Year
Are the kids waiting the most?
You answer the question
Who is this?

Children: Father Frost!

Leading: Guys! We need to call Santa Claus. He has to clean up the mess here. Let's dance a funny dance, Santa Claus will hear it and will definitely come to us.

Dance “Friendly Palms”

Latvian folk polka.

Father Frost:

I hear, I hear. I hear, I hear.
I'm going down to your roof.
Are you expecting little people?
Oh, I got into trouble here
This is probably your kitchen.
And there are pancakes and porridge,
And I see kvass in the can,
I'll take a sip and I'll be there!

As the music plays, Santa Claus enters, carrying a sleigh with a bag in it. He puts the sled under the Christmas tree.

Father Frost:

You say you need Grandfather?
The one who loves the cold
And gives out gifts
Happy New Year to all the kids!

Children: Yes!

Father Frost: Hello my friends! (He approaches his parents and tries to pat them on the head.)

Hello my dears!
Hello my beautiful ones!
Oh, how smart you are,
Everyone is rosy and okay!

(Addresses the presenter.) I see that you were waiting for me, my condition was fulfilled, only boys and girls came to the holiday. But your older girls and boys are too big, too tall. We should check if there is any trick here. Come on, older girls, tell me, what do girls like to do most? What are they playing? (Parents' answers.)

Father Frost: Well done, you know! So the girls are real! But will the boys be able to answer this question? Well, answer me. What do boys like to do most? (Parents' answers.)

Father Frost: And you completed the task and answered the questions. We haven't forgotten anything! I see there is no deception here. By agreement, there are only boys and girls in the hall. I invite everyone to the New Year's round dance.

Leading: You're confusing something, grandpa, you need to invite children to a round dance. They are sitting there. (Points to the children.)

Father Frost: Oh, sorry, I got confused! Get up in a circle guys.

Round dance "Santa Claus"

Leading: Grandfather Frost, look at the Christmas tree, there are no lights on it.

Father Frost: We will fix this now. The kids will help me light up the lights on the Christmas tree. Repeat after me together.

Come on, the tree - one, two, three,
Shine with joyful light.

Father Frost: Yes, these are miracles! The forest beauty asks us to light the lights differently! So guys, let’s fulfill the Christmas tree’s request!

Comical, Christmas tree-lit to the music.

Father Frost:

1,2.3,4,5 - we begin to conjure,
They pulled their ears down, let the Christmas tree light up!
1,2.3,4,5 - we begin to conjure,
They pulled the nose down, let the Christmas tree light up!

Father Frost: So Yolochka decided to joke with her dreams. Where is my granddaughter? Snow Maiden, oh!

Kikimora enters.

Kikimora: Here I am. Hello Grandfather!

Father Frost: God! You are not my Snow Maiden!

Kikimora: Why am I not the Snow Maiden?

Father Frost: Well, I already said - Snow Maiden! Why don’t I know my granddaughter?

Goblin: Grandfather, don’t argue with the Snow Maiden, otherwise, if she gets angry, she becomes so harmful.

Father Frost: Why are you scaring me, it’s even getting hot. Guys, blow on me, otherwise I'll melt.

Children blow on Santa Claus. He turns first one side, then the other and commands even more strongly.

Kikimora: (holds out the jug) Here, Grandfather, drink some ice-cold water. It will become much easier.

D.M. drinks water, alarming music plays and D.M. runs around the tree several times. Little D.M. appears.

Father Frost: Oh, what's wrong with me? Why did I become small?

Kikimora: You didn’t recognize me as the Snow Maiden, so I gave you marsh water to drink, enchanted, by the way.

Goblin: I told you Santa Claus. Don't mess with her, she can be harmful.

Father Frost: So what should we do now?

The Snow Maiden enters the hall and screams.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, where are you? (notices little Santa Claus). Oh, what happened to you?

Little Santa Claus: Snow Maiden, help me break the spell.

Snow Maiden: Who are you like that?

Little Santa Claus: Swamp kikimora.

Kikimora: Yes Yes! It's me!

Snow Maiden: Please, Kikimora, give Santa Claus some living water to drink. Without him, the New Year will not come.

Goblin: What benefit do we have from the New Year?

Kikimora: Whether it's the Old Year! He was so wonderful.

Snow Maiden: I wonder why he was so wonderful?

Kikimora: And this year Baba Yaga taught me to fly on a broom. Would you like to see? (Takes a broom and “flies” around the hall)

Kikimora: You see how wonderful it is to fly on a broom! Well, they amused me. I've even gotten better. Let Leshy give you some living water, let's break the spell of Santa Claus.

The goblin takes out a jug and pours “living water.” Little Santa Claus drinks, starts running around the tree (2 times), on the 3rd Santa Claus (big one) comes out and examines himself from all sides.

Father Frost: Oh, no way I’ve grown up again. And I will freeze you, you bastards.

Snow Maiden: Wait, Grandfather Frost. Let's let them go, they won't do it anymore.

Father Frost: So be it, I'll let you go.

Leshy and Kikimora run away from the hall.

Father Frost:

And now, my friends,
A new game is waiting for you.

Game “We will go left first”

Father Frost: We played well, you are smart people. The time has come to give you gifts. The children are still waiting for me in another kindergarten.

Leading: Of course it's time! The guys are really looking forward to gifts! Grandfather, where are they?

Father Frost: I put the gifts in a bag and put them outside the door. Do you see the ribbons there? But I forgot which ribbons need to be pulled for gifts to appear in the hall. Guys! Maybe you can tell me?

(The children prompt. The snowman hears this and sits on the sleigh, which the children call. Santa Claus begins to pull, but he does not succeed.)

Father Frost: help me (names selected characters, they pull out a Snowman sitting on a sleigh).

Father Frost: Wow, wow, wow! Where are you from, Snowman?

Snowman: Thank you Santa Claus for pulling me out of the snowdrift, otherwise I would have lay there until I melted.

Father Frost: I helped you, now please help me pull out the gifts. Stand next to me, take one, two... (It doesn’t work, all the children are called in turn).

Father Frost: One, two, they took it and... pulled out the sled, and there were gifts on it!

Father Frost:

We gave you gifts,
And we give you an order,
May you all be healthy
Getting better every day!


The old year is ending
Good, good year.
We will not be sad -
After all, the New One is coming!

Father Frost:

Clock chime

Father Frost:

To have in your life
And fun and laughter,
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Congratulations to everyone! Everyone! Everyone!

"Savinsky house - boarding school for mentally retarded children"

Wonderful city, wonderful snow,

Every person is wonderful.

Today everyone is surprised

We're starting the show!

It will have a lot of bright colors,

It will take you into the world of fairy tales!

So, go ahead without delay,

We're starting the show

1: Yes, New Year is around the corner,

Santa Claus is already on the way,

He is in a hurry for our holiday

He will spin us all around in a dance.

2: Let's get together under the Christmas tree

Our cheerful round dance.

Let's meet with music and song

We are a Merry New Year.

(Musical number)

1: Songs, jokes await you today,

There will be music and laughter.

There won't be a moment of boredom

Today is a holiday here for everyone.

2: There is very little time left.

I'll look out the window

Everything is in snowdrifts, snowy

Like a blizzard spins

You can get lost.

(The bells are ringing. From behind the scenes the voice of Father Frost is heard: “Whoa, whoa! I hear, I hear, I’m in a hurry, I’m in a hurry!” Father Frost and the Snow Maiden come onto the stage.)

Father Frost:

I flew on the wings of the wind

Many thousands of kilometers

Over frozen seas

Over the fields, over the forests

I was in a hurry, guys, to see you,

To my little friends

Let's sing and have fun

Spinning in a joyful dance

Because at the gate

New Year is knocking on us!

Snow Maiden:

The glorious holiday begins

And I have to tell you

Everyone is allowed today

Sing, play and dance.

Happy New Year

I am all the guests this time

I wish you happiness and joy

Have fun, good time!

Father Frost:

A dense forest, a clean field

Winter holiday is coming to us

So let's say it together

ALL: Hello, hello New Year!

(Musical number)

There are drops of evening ink over the city,

I composed a simple melody.

Do you want me to play? If you want, I'll sing

Your winter evening song?

I will play, and the blizzard will hum,

Snowflakes - spin, the moon - dance.

(Musical number)

There is a song by the blizzard

And there is one by the stream.

The spruce tree has a song

And at the birch forest.

And you need to listen to the songs,

Be silent and don't breathe.

Then all the songs together

Stir lightly.

And it will be New Year's

Crystal light ringing.

And on this night today

It will be heard in the forest.

(Musical number)

Happy New Year! With new happiness!

We hasten to congratulate everyone,

Let under our miracle tree,

The loud laughter doesn't stop.

There is a scattering of brilliant stars in the sky,

A fairy tale gallops to visit children.

A fairy tale will meet us at this hour

Under the forest Christmas tree.

And a miracle will happen here,

Both jokingly and seriously.

(Musical number.)

It's frosty outside the window

Stick your nose out - your nose will freeze

We don't want to go for a walk now

We'd better dance

(Musical number)

Sparkle with lights, Christmas tree,

Call us for a holiday,

Fulfill all your wishes

Make all your dreams come true!

With new happiness,

Happy New Year

Let's congratulate everyone, and then

We dance in a circle

And we will dance and sing.

(Musical number)

(All concert participants exit)

1: We are all happy today,

On this New Year's day

To convey my warm regards to you.

And we wish you with love

Happiness and health to you,

We would like to wish you goodbye.

Hello New Year.

The light over the city is bright,

Gifts are waiting for us everywhere.

Everyone goes together for the holidays.

The song flows, taking off,

It's just a pity that it happens

New Year is only once a year!

(Final general song)

It's time, friends, we need to say goodbye,

I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart,

Let's celebrate the New Year together

Both adults and kids.

I wish everyone success in the New Year,

More cheerful, loud laughter.

More cheerful friends and girlfriends,

So that everyone around you laughs together.

Happy New Year to you!

Progress of the event

1. Opening remarks.

Presenter 1: Hello, dear friends, dear guests!

Here today, my friends,

We gathered for a reason.

We hasten to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts

Girls and boys!

May the angel always protect you

From life's losses

And childhood, at least sometimes

The door opens for you!

Presenter 2: We are very glad to see you at the festival of kindness and mercy.

Sign singing "Hymn of the Deaf"

In 1992, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed December 3 as “International Day of Persons with Disabilities.” This is your day - the day of strong, aspiring people, people who understand how precious this life is, no matter what it is! I would like to read you a poem:

Disabled Day is an unusual day.

Solemn, but with a hint of sadness.

No, no, and a shadow will come over their faces.

Have you noticed this with your friends?

But life is life. Even though the pension is small,

Don't expect your debts to be paid for you.

You are optimists. Your warmth

There will be enough not only for you, but also for healthy people.

Now the guys will perform a festive program for you. They put on quite a show. Let's greet them with loud applause.

2. Performance by the creative team with the program

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear"

Presenter 1: Guys, did you like the performance? Yes, it became happier, more fun.

We are with you! Life is always beautiful

And everyone is gifted with something.

Let only joy rule,

And the light of hope is not defeated.

In the whirlpool of all events,

At the most difficult point,

Hope, believe, create,

As the soul is commanded.

3. Exhibition of creative works “Skillful Hands”.

Presenter 2: You know how to do a lot with your own hands. Everyone can see your creative works at the Skillful Hands exhibition. The best works will be evaluated by a jury. At the end of the holiday, we will award certificates to the winners of the competition.

4. Entertainment program “Olympic Games”.

Presenter 1: Quiet, someone is coming.

(Two little frogs come out to the song from the cartoon “Kwaka the Teddy” (E. Hanok - S. Polyakov)

1 frog: Where are we?

Presenter 2: This is a boarding school. Where were you going?

2 frog: We are going to the Olympics, we want to win, because we are the fastest, most dexterous, the strongest.

Presenter 1: Little frogs, do you know what the Olympic Games are?

Little frogs: We heard, but did not see them.

Presenter 2: Do you want us to organize an Olympics here and now? Stay with us for the holiday.

Little frogs: We agree.

Competition 1 – Make up a word.

Presenter 1: So, our event is called “Olympic Games”. Need a name. Little frogs, hand out pieces of paper with letters to the guys. I will name the letters, and those who have it will come out and attach this letter. (The frogs help the children spell the name “Olympic Games”)

Presenter 2: Well done, guys! We have a name. Now tell us, what are the Olympic Games? (Children's answers)

The Olympic Games are the sporting competitions of our time. They are held every four years and there are Summer and Winter Olympic Games. They unite Olympic athletes from all countries.

Presenter 1: The slogan of the Olympics is: faster, higher, stronger. Do you know where and when the next Olympic Games will be held? (In Sochi, in 2014)

2nd competition – Physical education minute.

Presenter 2: All competitions begin with a warm-up. Let's do some physical education. (Leader 1 shows the movements, and the children repeat)

Our hands are so agile -

They have no time and no boredom.

Hands up, forward, back -

You can fly with them!

We'll put them on our belts

And we will do bends.

You can wave them

And pressing him, sleep quietly.

Let's raise our hands higher

And let's breathe easily.

The little frogs sing the song “Champion” (performed by A. Kasheparov and the children’s choir. Words: S. Polyakova. Music: E. Hanok.) Children sing along.

Competition 3 – Riddles about sports.

Presenter 1: Now we will check how you can solve riddles. Riddles about sports.

He doesn't want to lie down at all.

If you throw it, it will jump.

You throw it again, it rushes at a gallop,

Well, of course - this is... (ball)

Who will catch up with me on the ice?

We are running a race.

And it’s not horses that carry me, but shiny ones... (skates)

I ride it until evening,

But my lazy horse only carries me down the mountain.

I walk up the hill myself,

And I lead my horse by a rope... (sleigh)

Comma stick

He kicks the ball in front of him.

Hit and throw

Raise the ball often... (stick)

Two stripes in the snow

I leave it on the run.

I fly away from them like an arrow,

And they come after me again... (skis)

I have guys

Two silver horses.

I ride both at once

What kind of horses do I have? (skates)

This horse doesn't eat oats

Instead of legs there are two wheels.

Sit on horseback and ride it,

Just steer better... (bicycle)

He stands in the goal, guarding them from the ball... (goalkeeper)

4th competition – rhythmic gymnastics

Presenter 2: Guys, what sports do you know? (Children's answers: swimming, football, wrestling, running, cross-country skiing, etc.)

The most beautiful sport is rhythmic gymnastics. Try doing exercises with a hoop and a ribbon. We divide into two teams. Stand opposite each other and roll the hula hoop. Two girls show a number with a ribbon.

5th competition – for boys and girls “Racing”

Presenter 1: For the next competition, 5 boys and 5 girls are called up. The boys take the car and, on command, drive it to the finish line. The girls take the stroller with the doll and also take it to the finish line. The team that arrives first wins.

6th competition – basketball.

Presenter 2: In basketball, you need to hit the hoop with the ball. So we will hit the target with the ball. I call 5 participants from each team.

7th competition – cross-country skiing.

Presenter 1: Now we will find out who knows how to ski. 5 people per team participate. We put 1 ski on our foot and run to the finish line.

The winners are awarded mini-prizes.

5. Summing up the results of the competition.

Presenter 2: Our Olympic Games are over. You performed well and won. There are also winners in the “Skillful Hands” crafts competition. The jury names the winners and awards them with certificates.

We thank the cheerful little frogs for their help and wish them to win the Olympics.

Presenter 1: Our festive concert has come to an end! We would like to once again wish you not to lose heart, set certain goals for yourself, believe in your strengths and achieve them no matter what! We wish you health and vital energy. May you be surrounded by close, understanding people. Good luck to you and help from the people around you!

New Year's holiday scenario

for disabled children.

Characters: Presenter, Shapoklyak, Baba Yaga, Father Frost, Snow Maiden.
Leading:Friends! To the dance partyYou came to visit us again.We have been waiting for this meeting for a long timeAnd they tried their best.Happy New Year!With new happiness!With new joy for everyone,Let them ring with us todaySongs, music and laughter!Get together, friends, in a round dance,Get to know each other betterSo that the blue firmament sings,Dancing, laughing, soar higher!

The phonogram of the song “Herringbone” plays (words by Z. Alexandrova, music by M. Krasev).

Leading:We are opening the ball.Friends, come closer to me!But who will start the fun is the question.After all, I don’t see my assistants.Where is the Snow Maiden? Where is Santa Claus?

Friends! Come to me quickly!Where are your songs and jokes?Offers. Hurry! The hall is full of people.

Shapoklyak:I'm coming! Now. One minute. I see no one was waiting for me here.

Leading:Who else is this?

Shapoklyak:My name is Shapoklyak, I do evil things. (Singing)

Who helps peopleHe's just wasting his time.Good deedsYou can't get famous.Therefore I adviseDo everything exactly like thisHow does an old womanNicknamed Shapoklyak.

Shapoklyak:I manage to do seven evil things a day - I love small dirty tricks. And you, I see, wanted some gifts? Well, no, I’ll take all the gifts for myself: I also love sweets.(Picks up a bag of gifts standing under the tree.)

Leading:Give, Shapoklyak, gifts to the children!

Shapoklyak:I won’t give it up, I’m cunning and evil.Don't expect any good from me.(Singing)The alley is flooded with moonlight,I go out into the open with a slingshot.I will coat all the benches with glue,And then I’ll swing over the fence.

Which of you, kids, girls and boys, wants to shoot?

Game "Hit the Target"

Everyone is welcome to participate. Snowballs are distributed to the children. They shoot balls of cotton wool or paper at a target.

Shapoklyak gives the most accurate person a prize from a bag of gifts.

Leading:We weren't expecting you at all,We didn't invite you to visit.Get out of here quicklyAnd don’t do anything bad to the children.

Shapoklyak:I’m not going anywhere... And since you’re driving me away, I’ll do some nasty things to you. Hey, rat Lariska, scare the kids! Come on, let's play!

Game "Don't be scared!"

All children stand in a circle and stretch their arms forward. Cheerful music plays, Shapoklyak with a rat (a real live rat) walks in a circle past the children: whoever gets scared and pulls his hand away goes to the center of the circle and dances.

Shapoklyak:Oh, I'm tired of something. Well, it’s okay, now my girlfriend will come rushing, then be careful!

Noise, din, whistle, stomping. Baba Yaga “flies” into the hall on a broom, with a braid attached to her head.

Baba Yaga:Ugh! Finally got there! Are you waiting for the Snow Maiden? Well, I’ve come to you!(Takes hold of the braid, it falls off.) Ugh!

Shapoklyak:Hello, girlfriend! Are you looking pale today?

Baba Yaga:Oh, I'm so tired! And it’s still so cold outside that all my cheeks are frozen. Come on, let's warm up!

Game "Clap and Stomp"

Everyone can take part in the game. Children take turns riding a broom around the Christmas tree to see who is faster. Time is recorded using a stopwatch. The winner receives a prize from a bag of gifts. Then Shapoklyak hides the bag in a secluded place.

Baba Yaga:Oh, where have I ended up! What's the school? What kind of children? My broom was broken. (Crying)

Leading:You, Yaga, have become nervous lately.

Baba Yaga:How can I not be nervous? Just listen to how difficult my life is. They demolished my hut on chicken legs and gave me a comfortable apartment in a multi-story building. And what kind of neighbors I have! On the one hand, Ivan Tsarevich lives, he has now become a killer: he drives around in a gray Volga, a bandit! On the other hand, there is Nightingale the Robber. He is now the lead singer of the group “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.” He rehearses day and night. He rehearses so much that I and his other neighbor, Sleeping Beauty, can’t fall asleep to his nightingale trills, and neither can the whole house. This is how I live! How can you not become nervous here? Well, how are you doing?

Leading:We live too - we don’t get bored,We are now celebrating the New Year.Here is a beautiful Christmas tree!

Baba Yaga:New Year! How interesting! But where is your Santa Claus?

Leading:Yes, we wait and wait, we can’t wait. Probably got lost.

Baba Yaga:Yeah, in three pines.

Leading:Didn’t you see him when you flew over the forest?

Baba Yaga:I saw it! I saw it! I won't tell you. Here I have a fabulous TV with me - a plate with an apple, watch popular programs, maybe you’ll find Santa Claus there.

Children show parodies of popular TV shows.

Baba Yaga:Father Frost! Ay, ay! Where are you? (He walks around the tree and looks under it.) He is nowhere to be found. Oh, how my mood is spoiled by this. Maybe you can humor me, guys, I’ll remember where I saw Santa Claus.

Various competitions and sweepstakes are held, children perform funny skits, etc.

Baba Yaga:Oh, you made me laugh! So be it, I’ll tell you where Santa Claus is. He is already close, he is approaching the school, he will arrive now. Ha ha ha!

Leading:Well, you, Yaga, are a liar!

Shapoklyak:And if you answer the questions in my quiz, I’ll tell you where I hid the bag of gifts.


Those who want to answer raise their hand: whoever is first answers. For the correct answer, the child receives a prize.

Questions:Is Cinderella's shoe simple or golden? (crystal)

How many people pulled the turnip? (three)

Did the bun have a bow or tie around its neck? (there was nothing, he has no neck)

How many kids did the wolf eat in the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids”? (six, one escaped)

For what occasion did Mukha-Tsokotukha gather guests: a name day or a wedding? (name day)

Is Malvina brunette or blonde? (hair blue)

What does the clock show when it strikes 13 times? (that it’s time for them to repair)

How many grains did Thumbelina eat when she lived with the mole (not at all, she did not live with him, she flew away with the swallow)

Who did Shapoklyak lead on a string - a cat or a dog (rat-Lariska)

Where did the cone hit the clumsy bear? (on the forehead)

Does the kitten woof bark or yap? (he purrs)

Well, Shapoklyak, we have answered all your questions. Where are the gifts?

And you will receive gifts from Santa Claus. (Laughs)

Oh, you cunning one, you also deceived us.
Girls and boys,
My fingers are freezing
Ears are cold, nose is freezing,
Can be seen close... (Santa Claus.)

(The ringing of bells is heard.)

Do you hear? They're coming! They're coming!

To greet the guest amicably,
Everyone needs to say, guys:
"Santa Claus, we are waiting for you!"

(Children repeat)

Father Frost:
Happy New Year to our dear friends!

Snow Maiden:
Happy New Year from the bottom of our hearts!

Father Frost:
We wish everyone success, a lot of joy and laughter!

Snow Maiden:
May this New Year bring you health and happiness!

And now, guys, we need to “revive” our Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden:
Light up with hot lights, green beauty,
Light up our faces with bright lanterns,
We really like your golden toys.
Elegant, fluffy, shine, shine, burn!

The children repeat: “Shine, shine, burn!” The tree lights up, everyone sings the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

Father Frost:
What are Baba Yaga and old woman Shapoklyak doing here?

What's surprising here? We also came to the holiday to have fun.

Santa Claus, they love to do dirty tricks and evil deeds. Maybe we shouldn’t invite them to play games with us?

Baba Yaga:
Well, it is not necessary!

We old ladies are left aside, but you yourself will have fun?!

Snow Maiden:
Grandfather Frost, maybe we’ll still let Baba Yaga and Shapoklyak come to us for the holiday, but only on the condition that they behave well.

Baba Yaga:
I have no strength to live alone,
I will be friends with you.

We will be quieter than water, lower than the grass, grandfather. (Gives away a bag of gifts.)

Father Frost:
Well, let's believe them!

Baba Yaga:
Can I give the guys a task? Guess what I like to do most? (Flying on a broom) Do you think it's that simple? Cosmonauts also train. So I want to train you.

The relay race "Running in sacks" is held.

Baba Yaga:
Oh, you respected me, old one. I haven't had this much fun for a long time.

Santa Claus is very happy with everyone,
Let's start the masquerade.
Those in suits - come out,
There are gifts ahead!

A competition of carnival costumes is held. The winners are awarded prizes.

Father Frost:
The moment of farewell has come,
We tried our best to entertain you,
Goodbye friends, goodbye
Goodbye, see you again!

Snow Maiden:
Dear friends! Thanks for the evening!
Please accept my heartfelt greetings.
Until a new cheerful and joyful meeting,
We wish you the happiest victories!

We played great
Only they didn’t dance,
"Boogie-woogie" I suggest,
I invite everyone to the dance.