Median peeling: physical or chemical, which one to choose? General rules of home procedure. Calcium chloride peeling

The peeling procedure using various acids allows you to painlessly improve the skin of the face and body, improving its appearance in a short time. There are three types of so-called transformation, each of which is aimed at solving a particular problem. Superficial peeling helps to eliminate the problems characteristic of young skin, deep peeling fights age-related changes, and medium peeling eliminates cosmetic skin defects (scars, acne scars and stretch marks), and serves as a wonderful tool that prolongs its youth and beauty.

The high efficiency of median peeling is noted in the treatment of age spots on the skin of the face, the removal of shallow wrinkles, in the correction of age-related skin changes on the hands and in the décolleté area. This result is achieved through the use of trichloroacetic acid, which, penetrating into the uppermost layer of the skin, removes its dead cells and promotes the growth of new ones.

Today, trichloroacetic acid skin renewal, or TCA peels, along with Jessner peels, have gained wide popularity and are rightfully considered the best method for completely cleansing and restoring the skin. The depth of TCA exposure, determined by the cosmetologist, is individual for each patient. It is due to the characteristics of the skin and the type of problems present.

One of the most popular types of median peeling is the Jessner Peel. It is also based on the use of acids, but it is gentle on the skin of the face. Considering Jessner peeling combined, many cosmetologists often use it both as a superficial and as a deeper one - the middle one. The difference is only in the number of layers of the peeling mass, which is applied to the working area. Jessner Peel is a gentle combined chemical peel.

The gentle effect of Jessner peeling is associated with active ingredients that are included in an equal percentage (14%) in its composition: resorcinol, lactic acid and salicylic acid. It happens that the proportion of lactic acid in the mixture intended for Jessner peeling is almost 20%, since this substance has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and exfoliating effect.

What is a median peel procedure?

Due to the fact that the median peel is slightly harder than the superficial peel, the skin needs pre-peel preparation. Preparations for the procedure begin two or two and a half weeks before it is carried out. The skin is ready for it after performing the following steps:

  • applying to the skin of the face for two weeks a cream with a rich content of fruit acids and sun protection;
  • conducting several sessions of glycol peeling in order to improve the effectiveness of the main procedure;
  • prescribing a course of treatment for the herpes virus to patients prone to this disease.

TCA peels, like Jessner peels, are recommended to be done on an outpatient basis, not at home. The operation lasts 15-60 minutes, depending on the volume of the skin. During the first 2-5 minutes after applying the cosmetic, a short, but unpleasant burning sensation may occur, which quickly passes. After a certain amount of time, the peeling composition forms a frost effect on the skin of the face - a white coating consisting of denatured protein, which serves as a protective barrier that does not allow acid to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin.

The time of onset of the frost effect during the operation depends directly on the patient's skin type. Dry and thin skin becomes covered with a coating within 1-2 minutes after contact with the acid used in a procedure such as median peeling. Normal skin reacts after 4-5 minutes. And oily - forms a protective film only after 8-10 minutes. After the appearance of a frost effect on the skin of the face, the remnants of the peeling mass are removed using special cotton pads.

Rehabilitation period after median peeling

The intensive effect of acids on the skin requires its long-term recovery. For four days after the procedure, the treated area is covered with a thin crust, which gradually begins to peel off and completely disappears after 7-9 days. In addition, puffiness may be observed on the face.

When the crust is completely off the face, the skin becomes pink-red, and there is a feeling of tightness. It takes several weeks to fully recover from a median peel. The result is firmer and toned skin, a beautiful even complexion. The result of the corrective procedure is also an even skin texture, the absence of fine wrinkles, narrowed pores. Unlike superficial peeling, medium peeling is performed using more concentrated acids. The most commonly used for this purpose is trichloroacetic acid (TCA).

The rehabilitation period is characterized by the regular use of special creams with moisturizing properties. In some cases, post-peeling products are developed by cosmetologists individually for each patient. To achieve the best result, median peeling is recommended to be repeated after one to two months.

We carry out the procedure at home

There are several ways to perform a median peel on your own. Usually these are the most accessible and simplified options for the procedure. One of them is wiping the face with a cotton pad soaked in salicylic acid solution. You only need to do this once a week. It should be noted that this method is more suitable for oily skin, but is contraindicated for skin prone to dryness and irritation.

At home, medium peeling is carried out using five percent calcium chloride. A face previously cleansed of cosmetics is treated with a solution using a cotton swab. In this case, the working surface is covered with several layers.

Applying 4-8 layers of calcium chloride to the skin promotes the formation of a kind of film mask, which must be kept on the face for 10-15 minutes. Then all this should be washed off with water purified from chlorine. When removing the product, it is allowed to resort to the help of baby soap. However, do not thickly spread the soap itself on the skin, but simply lather it in your hands to use the resulting foam.

Experts recommend the mandatory use of antiseptic ointments after peeling, in order to prevent inflammatory processes provoked by infection. In addition, cleansed skin needs oily creams that nourish and protect it. You can also use cosmetic products designed for chemical peeling at home.

The first 4 days after the procedure at home, you should not leave the house, due to the presence of red spots and crusts on the skin of the face. It is forbidden to touch the face after peeling with hands, this can lead to the development of infection and adversely affect the process of regeneration of damaged tissues. To fully restore the skin, you need to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, take walks in the fresh air, and do not forget to apply cream with SPF-30 when you go outside.

Contraindications for median peeling

Despite the amazing result, median peeling is contraindicated in some cases. The procedure is made temporarily impossible or undesirable by factors such as:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • the presence of open wounds and fresh cuts on the skin of the face or body;
  • chronic skin diseases (psoriasis, fungal infections);
  • the presence of an exacerbated herpes virus or acute respiratory infections;
  • menstruation or manifestation of pronounced signs of menopause;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system.

There are also age restrictions. So, for example, girls under the age of eighteen should not do chemical peels, especially Jessner peels. A procedure at this age can only be prescribed by a dermatologist, if there are really serious indications for this.

It is best to do a median peeling in the autumn-winter period, when solar activity is slightly lower. Experts advise to carry out such rejuvenation procedures in medical centers, since such operations can only be trusted by experienced and professional cosmetologists and dermatologists. Otherwise, unpleasant consequences are inevitable - instead of elastic, smooth and fresh skin, you can get a red scarred face. Take care of your appearance, always be beautiful and healthy!

The word "peeling" comes from the English "peel", which means "strongly scrape", and as a cosmetic method of removing dead skin cells has been known since ancient Egypt. Since skin cells are renewed every day, regular exfoliation helps it always look young and fresh. Of all the classifications of this procedure, the most significant are the division according to the depth of exposure and the main substances with which peeling is carried out.

Each method has its own indications, contraindications, technique, but the fact that peeling is one of the most popular services in cosmetology remains undeniable. How to choose the perfect type of skin cleansing for yourself in order to get the desired result? In this material, we will talk about what median peeling is, as well as its types, principles of action and varieties.

Operating principle

Median peeling is a method of removing dead skin cells within the epidermal and up to the basal layer of the skin.

Compared to superficial treatment, in which only the keratinized layer of the epidermis is removed, medium and deep peels are used to correct serious cosmetic defects. To understand the principle of median peeling, you need to delve a little into the topic of the structure of the dermis.

So, the skin has a multilayer structure:

  • Epidermis- the most superficial skin layer, including five layers of cells (outer - horny, the lowest - basal). The most important component of the epidermis is the pigment, due to which a tan and age spots occur.
  • Dermis- has only two layers - papillary and reticular. There are many blood and lymphatic vessels, hair follicles, nerves, as well as collagen and elastin fibers.
  • Subcutaneous fat (hypoderm)– mainly serves as a power source and temperature controller.

So, median peeling is able to penetrate no deeper than the basal layer of the epidermis. The procedure is performed not only on the face, but also in the neck, décolleté, hands and other problem areas of the body. According to the mode of action, all peels, regardless of the depth of penetration, are divided into the following types:

  • Mechanical, in which exfoliation is carried out mechanically using various abrasive agents (scrub, brushes, enzymes, masks) or vacuum.
  • physical or hardware using special equipment.
  • Chemical, in which the result is achieved with the help of various acids.

The principle of operation of all peels is the mechanical removal of the stratum corneum, the bombardment and desquamation of cells (mechanical method), the evaporation of water with a laser (physical method), as well as the coagulation of cells with acids (chemical method). When the stratum corneum is damaged, the skin “reacts” with an increased degree of regeneration and increased production of collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin. Outwardly, this is manifested by the fact that the skin is tightened, the relief and color are evened out, and wrinkles, scars and age spots disappear.

Dead cells of the epidermis under the microscope

If everything is more or less clear with mechanical peeling, then we want to familiarize you with the other two varieties.

Types of physical medium peeling

  1. . Laser technologies firmly occupy a leading position in cosmetology. The advantage of the fractional method is that the skin is not completely irradiated, but with many deep, but quite tiny microbeams. The technology in the form of a laser grid promotes rapid regeneration and reduces the number of possible complications. It is carried out using an erbium, neodymium, and CO2 laser, which differ in wavelength, procedure technique, and penetration depth. Each of them has its pros and cons, but no laser has absolute advantages over other types.
  2. or . The principle of operation is based on the absorption of a laser beam by skin cells along with a huge amount of energy, resulting in microscopic explosions and evaporation of the treated tissues. Laser resurfacing uses CO2 and an erbium laser.
  3. . At the same time, the skin is injured by a special nozzle coated with diamond dust, with which you can get rid of many problems (scars, wrinkles, age spots, acne).

Photos before and after physical peeling

Contraindications for physical peeling are as follows:

  • Inflammatory and purulent formations of the skin.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Acute and chronic infectious diseases.
  • Predisposition to the formation of scar tissue.
  • Blood diseases and clotting disorders.
  • Mental disorders, including epilepsy.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Diabetes.

What problems do these procedures solve? Basically, physical methods of influence are used under the following conditions:

  • Wrinkles of different depth and intensity.
  • Hypertrophic, .
  • Hyperkeratosis.
  • Papillomas and warts.
  • Striae (stretch marks).
  • Areas of hyperpigmentation.
  • Post-acne.

The recovery period, as with any cosmetic procedures, has its own characteristics and recommendations:

  • Do not remove the resulting crusts, trying to "speed up" the renewal processes.
  • Do not apply cosmetic products and cosmetics in the first 7-10 days.
  • Protect the skin from exposure to low (frost, wind) and high temperatures (sun, sauna, bath).

Chemical medium peeling

As we noted above, all chemical peels use acids, but in some cases alkalis can also be used. Chemical peeling can be single-component, that is, contain one type of acid, as well as multi-component, that is, contain acids and other active ingredients. Some of the acids have a large molecular weight, some have a small one, which ultimately affects the degree and depth of penetration.

  1. mid-surface. It gives a good result when signs of premature aging appear, emerging or slight wrinkles, acne, post-acne, reduced skin elasticity, age spots. If an acid concentration of 5% to 50% is used for superficial peeling, then concentrations of 20% to 50% can be used for this type.
  2. Mid deep. In addition to the above problems, it gives a good result with deep wrinkles, as well as with hyperpigmentation and the presence of cicatricial changes. The concentration of acids is 25-30% acetic acid, 20-30% salicylic and other acids.

Peeling with various acids is a great opportunity to quickly and painlessly rejuvenate and heal your skin. Along with superficial peeling, which is aimed at solving typical problems of young skin, and deep, aimed at combating age-related changes, median peeling (TCA peeling) helps women eliminate cosmetic skin defects (scars, stretch marks, acne), and is an excellent prolongation tool. her youth, beauty and freshness.

Median peeling is highly effective in the treatment of skin hyperpigmentation, the elimination of shallow wrinkles, as well as in cases of correction of age-related skin changes in the décolleté and hands. This effect is due to the use of trichloroacetic acid, which effectively penetrates into the surface layers of the skin, resulting in the removal of dead and active stimulation of the growth of new skin cells. After a medium peeling procedure, the skin is visibly smoother and looks younger and more beautiful.

Today, trichloroacetic acid peeling is very popular and is considered the best procedure for the complete restoration of the skin. The depth to which the acid will be exposed is determined by the cosmetologist individually for each patient, and depends on the problem and skin characteristics.

The median peeling procedure has a number of advantages compared to other types of chemical peeling. For example, chemical superficial peeling does not have an effect on the skin that would encourage it to actively renew cells in the deeper layers of the epidermis, while chemical deep peeling using phenol is traumatic for the skin and requires a long recovery period. The median peeling has absorbed all the advantages of these procedures, with virtually no disadvantages and contraindications. This procedure can help women solve several skin problems at the same time between the ages of 35 and 50.

Medium Peeling Procedure.
Since medium peeling is still harder than superficial peeling, the skin requires pre-peeling preparation. Skin preparation begins two weeks before the median peeling procedure. This is expressed in the application of creams based on fruit acids, as well as having sunscreen properties, on the skin. In addition, in order to increase the effectiveness of the procedure, several preliminary glycol peeling procedures are recommended. As a rule, patients with a tendency to herpetic diseases are prescribed a course of antiherpetic treatment using acyclovir preparations.

TCA peeling is usually carried out on an outpatient basis for 15-60 minutes, it all depends on the volume of the treated area. In the first 2-5 minutes after the start of the procedure, an unpleasant burning sensation may occur, which quickly passes. After applying the peeling composition on the skin, after some time a white coating of denatured protein is formed, the so-called frost effect, which is a protection against the penetration of acid into the deeper layers of the skin. The frost effect is formed differently for each patient, it all depends on the type of skin. If the skin is dry and thin, then the frost effect will come in 1-2 minutes after applying peeling with acid, if normal - after 4-5 minutes, and with oily skin, this protective film may form after 8-10 minutes. As soon as the frost effect appears on the patient's skin, the remains of the peeling are removed from the skin of the face.

Indications for median peeling:

  • acne or acne, as well as post-acne, scars on the face and body parts;
  • age spots on the skin resulting from pregnancy and childbirth, under the influence of ultraviolet rays, or associated with age-related skin changes;
  • flabby skin of the face, neck, hands, décolleté.
Contraindications for median peeling:
  • the presence of hypertension;
  • epilepsy, since exposure to acid can provoke an attack;
  • skin damage, since peeling can cause inflammation of wounds;
  • exacerbation of a herpes infection or a tendency to herpes diseases;
  • high skin sensitivity;
  • allergic reactions to the composition for peeling;
  • exacerbation of skin diseases.
To prevent side effects, before the procedure, you should consult with a cosmetologist about the condition of the skin and existing problems. After approval by a cosmetologist, a median peeling procedure is performed, after which an active vitamin mask or solution is applied to the skin, which at the same time enhances the effect of the procedure and soothes the skin.

Recovery period after median peeling.
The deep effect on the skin with a medium peel requires a rather long rehabilitation period. After peeling for four days, a thin crust forms, which peels off after 7-10 days. In addition, there may be slight swelling. After peeling off the crust, the skin of the face becomes pink-red and there is some tightness of the skin. After a few weeks, during which the skin will actively recover, the skin becomes elastic and toned, it will acquire a beautiful complexion, a young and fresh look. In addition, after such a procedure, the smoothing of the skin relief, narrowing of pores, and smoothing of wrinkles are noticeable.

At the rehabilitation stage, cosmetologists recommend constantly using special moisturizing creams, and in some clinics, the specialists themselves develop the recipe for such creams for each patient. For best results, the peeling procedure should be repeated after 1-2 months.

The median peeling procedure requires the patient to strictly comply with all recommendations. After peeling, you should refuse to visit the solarium, sauna, swimming pool, avoid prolonged exposure to the open sun, and when going outside, be sure to use a moisturizing cream with sunscreen.

Median peeling is best done in autumn and winter, when solar activity is reduced. It can be carried out on any areas of the skin where age makes itself felt.

Median (medium) peeling is a cosmetic procedure, during which dead skin cells of the epidermis are removed, regenerative processes are activated and skin is renewed. We will figure out what serious cosmetic defects can be corrected using this cosmetic procedure.

What is the essence of the method?

The essence of this method lies in the active influence of apparatuses, chemicals and mechanical devices on skin cells. Liquid evaporates from them, and dead particles are removed with the leaving surface layer. Cell membranes are deliberately violated and destroyed. As a result of such an “attack” on the epidermis, it begins to actively regenerate. There is a rapid recovery, the production of collagen is accelerated, which fills the new layer of the epidermis.

The influence of median peeling on the condition of the integument

Median peeling of the face has such a positive effect on the body:

  • tightening of the integument, increasing elasticity and smoothness;
  • disappearance of scars and alignment of depressions on the face;
  • discoloration, partial or complete disappearance of age spots;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • significant reduction or disappearance of traces of age-related changes;
  • reduction of mimic wrinkles, the effect of acne and acne rashes;
  • youthfulness, well-groomedness and radiance of the face.

Indications for the use of median peeling

Manipulation should be carried out according to the following cosmetic and medical indicators:

  • the presence of scars;
  • papillomas and warts;
  • stretch marks;
  • age and mimic changes;
  • an increase in depressions and scars in places of healed acne;
  • accelerated process of cell division of the epidermis with violation of separation processes.

Are there contraindications?

With all the benefits of the ongoing manipulation, it is not shown to everyone. There are certain contraindications to conduct:

  • processes of inflammation on the epidermis, including ulcers;
  • acute form of infectious diseases;
  • acute stage of cardiovascular disease;
  • blood diseases, especially clotting disorders;
  • diabetes mellitus and oncology;
  • all variants of mental and nervous disorders;
  • predisposition of the skin to accelerated scarring.

Main technologies of medium peeling

Today there are several technologies. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Hardware option

It is carried out with the help of a laser and other technological devices, which is why it is called hardware. The cost of this manipulation in the salon is from 1200 rubles. The method is divided into two types.

  • The fractional laser method has many names - partial thermolysis or laser grating. The bottom line is that the effect on the deep integument of the epidermis occurs by means of laser beams. Their patronage forms something similar to a grid pattern. This allows you to actively stimulate the regeneration functions, minimizing possible complications. The recovery period after the laser grating is significantly reduced.
  • Laser polishing. It is performed by exposing the laser beam to the entire area of ​​the epidermis. This can be described as "bombing" with high energy pulses. Cell membranes are destroyed, and cell fluid escapes. As a result of the resulting microtraumas, a rapid regeneration process is launched, and the tissues are actively renewed.

Chemical medium peeling

It has fundamental differences from the previous method. The difference is in the use of various chemical compounds as active substances. The price starts from 1500 rubles per session. The following types of acids are often used in cosmetology:

  • salicylic (acts as a paste or aqueous solution, and for the median type of exposure, only a solution is used, with a concentration of at least 30%);
  • dairy and fruit;
  • retinol, glycol and ascorbic;
  • trichloroacetic.

Under their action, the process of destruction of the cells of the integument occurs, and the process of accelerated recovery begins. The chemical appearance has many additional effects.

  • Surface cleaning and exfoliation. The outer part of the skin is bleached and gets rid of the stratum corneum.
  • Narrowing of pores. Active agents will help to narrow the fatty pores, from which the surface is leveled.
  • Anti-inflammatory effect. There is an elimination of pathogenic flora.

Experts distinguish such varieties:

  • Deep - will help solve age-related problems: strengthening turgor, eliminating wrinkles. In addition, it is used for polishing scars from operations or after minor injuries.
  • Surface. Gets rid of bumps, traces of acne and other defects.

Important! It is necessary to add an allergic reaction to organic acids to the list of contraindications for chemical renewal.

Mechanical medium peeling

Alternative name - polishing. The face after the median peeling is rejuvenated: wrinkles, scars and pits are smoothed out. Photos of patients before and after amaze with changes for the better, as the effect is “minus 5 years”. Price - from 1800 rubles.

  • Under the influence of high pressure, the smallest particles are sprayed, affecting the epidermis with high intensity. In other words, the keratinized layer is cut off by microscopic crystals flying at high speed.
  • The active elements are particles of salt, aluminum, and even diamonds.
  • Depending on the goal, the strength and degree of influence of the elements is regulated by the cosmetologist.
  • The mechanical type of impact has its advantages: it does not cause discomfort or pain, in addition, the recovery period is short.

Process Features

  • The manipulation is preceded by an initial examination and examination.
  • Immediately before the start of the manipulation, you should not use nourishing creams, take preparations of the retinol vitamin group, apply scrubs at home, at least two days before going to the beautician.
  • Skin cleansing is performed by the same beautician who will carry out the main action.

Facial changes due to the procedure

The treated areas of the face and body may undergo some changes:

  1. Protein coagulation occurs. The first few hours, the integument will turn red due to the fact that the protein structures of the cells begin to thicken and fold.
  2. Swelling and inflammation. This is a natural process, as the cells have undergone destruction to which they are forced to respond.
  3. Exfoliation can last up to 2 weeks, depending on the technology used and the personal reaction of the face.
  4. Regeneration - the appearance of a new layer of skin. It is already smoother, more even and neat. There is shine and freshness.

From this article you will learn:

  • How is a chemical peel done?
  • face peeling - reviews, photos before and after,
  • What is the difference between superficial, medium and deep facial peels.

A chemical facial peel is a method that involves the application of toxic chemical solutions to the skin, thereby producing a controlled burning of the surface layers of the skin. After peeling, the skin is gradually restored. Skin repair occurs due to the growth of cells from deeper layers of the epidermis or from intact hair follicles.

Chemical peels damage the superficial layers of the skin in a controlled manner. After chemical damage, the skin is repaired by the formation of younger skin and thus the appearance of the skin is improved. The depth to which damage occurs is determined by the nature of the chemicals that are applied to the skin.

What are the benefits of a chemical peel?

If a chemical peel is performed correctly, the skin will look younger and have a beautiful, even tone. In addition, if a chemical peel is carried out in a course (for example, every 6-8 weeks), then this leads to stimulation of the production of collagen and elastin in the skin, which means it will lead to an improvement in skin elasticity and some reduction in the depth of wrinkles.

Chemical peeling of the face: indications

Chemical peels can improve skin conditions in the following cases −

Important: remember that no chemical peels can remove or reduce the appearance of spider veins on the skin of the face, they cannot reduce enlarged pores on the skin, they cannot promote facial skin tightening. But they can make the skin smoother and slightly firmer, remove brown spots, even out uneven skin tone, and generally make the surface of the skin look fresher and younger.

Chemical peeling of the face: before and after photos

What are the types of chemical peels?

Chemical peels differ from each other in the depth of damage to the skin. It is critically important to choose the right peeling depth for your skin, otherwise you can very much regret the treatment.

  • Superficial chemical peeling of the face
    penetrate to the depth of only the most superficial layer of the skin - the epidermis (Fig. 8). After this type of peeling, you can expect skin regeneration after 3-5 days, but be prepared for a period of skin peeling.

    This type of peeling is a good way to rejuvenate the surface layer of the skin, helping to give it a youthful and even tone. Also, this peeling is intended for the treatment of acne, post-inflammatory skin pigmentation. Not effective in reducing wrinkles.

    This gentle exfoliation usually needs to be repeated once a week for 4-6 weeks to get good results in the long term.

  • Deep face peeling
    works down to the deep layers of the dermis (Fig. 8). Can be used to treat severe skin changes due to photoaging (sun exposure), scars, scars and wrinkles. This type of peeling allows you to maximize the regeneration of your own collagen and elastin in the skin, which will allow the skin to be more elastic.

    Epithelialization after peeling will occur on the 7-10th day, however, complete healing of the skin will occur only after 1-2 months. It is not advisable to carry out this peeling for diseases of the heart (arrhythmia) and kidneys, because. phenol used here in small quantities is absorbed into the blood.

Preparations for chemical peeling -

The most popular peeling chemicals are: alpha hydroxy acids, beta hydroxy acids, trichloroacetic acid, retinoids, and phenol.

1. Preparations based on hydroxy acids -

  • Alpha hydroxy acids
    used for superficial peeling. Glycolic acid is most commonly used, but other fruit acids can be used, such as citric acid, lactic acid, malic acid, and tartaric acid (the latter is derived from grape skins).

    It should be noted that glycolic peeling of the face (depending on the concentration of glycolic acid in the preparation solution) can be both superficial and medium. Peeling with alpha hydroxy acids is more suitable for patients with dry skin.

  • Beta hydroxy acids
    this type of acid includes, for example, salicylic acid. Beta hydroxy acids have some advantages over alpha hydroxy acids, because they have the ability to penetrate deeper into the pores of the skin, which means that lower concentrations of acid can be used.

    In addition, salicylic acid has anti-inflammatory properties, which means it is preferred for people with sensitive skin. In addition, salicylic acid is fat-soluble, so peels based on it are especially indicated for people with oily skin, as well as in the presence of acne on the skin.

Professional brands of superficial chemical peels containing alpha or beta hydroxy acids: MD Forte, Agera RX, Dermaceutic, Jan Marini, LA Peel, ICP, Mene & Moy , "Skinceuticals Gel Peels", "Mandel", "Cosmedix", "NeoStrata".

3. Preparations based on trichloroacetic acid -

Trichloroacetic acid at a concentration of 25-30% is used mainly for medium peeling, and at a concentration of 40% for deep peeling. In addition to all the above indications, this acid is excellent for reducing fine lines (shallow, narrow wrinkles). Peeling based on this acid has a blue color, so it is often called blue face peeling.

Professional brands of products for medium chemical peels containing trichloroacetic acid: Skintech Peels, Mene & Moy, Compositum, Cosmedix, Obagi Blue Peel.

4. Yellow peeling for the face: reviews

Yellow facial peel is a combination of retinaldehyde (a natural metabolite of beta-carotene and vitamin A), vitamin C, and acids (phytic, kojic and azelaic). At the beginning of the procedure, the face is cleansed with a special peeling based on 20% glycolic acid. This is necessary to remove the dead layer of the epidermis. Only after that, a yellow peel containing retinoids will be applied to the skin.

Kojic phytic acid helps to remove spots (hyperpigmentation). Azelaic acid has antibacterial properties, fights free radicals, regulates oily skin. Vitamin C promotes the synthesis of new collagen. Retinoic acid stimulates the proliferation of new epithelial cells and skin cells, and also controls the secretion of sebum.

Yellow peeling (Yellow Peel) is produced by many companies, including those we have listed above, for example, Mene & Moy and others. Despite the rich composition of the yellow peel, there are no studies that would confirm the advantage of this peel over others. Indications for the use of this peeling are exactly the same as for other peelings.

How are chemical peels performed?

What should be the preparation before chemical peeling?

Before chemical peeling, they are often prescribed, less often with stronger forms of vitamin A (tretinoin-type retinoids). The appointment of such funds allows you to accelerate the recovery of the skin, reduce the risk of complications.

If patients often have herpes on the face, then a week before chemical peeling and 2 weeks after its completion, antiviral drugs (Acyclovir or Zovirax) are prescribed to prevent the onset of herpes. this is very important, because herpes in this situation can lead to the formation of scars on the skin.

All patients should be advised to use a high protection sunscreen. This is necessary both before and after peeling. This is important so that the skin then has a uniform tone. In addition, for individuals with dark skin, pre-treatment of the skin with hydroquinone may be required to prevent problems with subsequent possible hypopigmentation of the skin.

Is anesthesia needed?

Superficial peeling rarely requires anesthesia, but the process of applying the solution may be accompanied by a slight burning sensation. Medium peeling may cause more discomfort. As a rule, medium peeling is carried out against the background of premedication with a tranquilizer (for example, diazepam) and oral analgesic. In some cases, a combination of a tranquilizer and local anesthesia is used.

Deep peeling is performed, as a rule, only under general anesthesia with the participation of a plastic surgeon and an anesthesiologist. However, in recent years, due to the advent of more gentle chemical formulations, it has often become possible to abandon general anesthesia in favor of premedication with tranquilizers in combination with injections of local anesthetics.

How does a chemical peel procedure work?

The process of chemical peeling begins with the treatment of the skin with compounds based on alcohol or acetone, which is necessary to degrease the skin. Then, a working chemical solution is applied to the skin, having previously protected the eyes from getting particles of the solution into them. The solution is applied for a strictly defined time, based on the type of patient's skin, the type of chemical reagent, etc. After the time has elapsed, the chemical solution is removed and the skin is treated with protective agents.

After the surface peeling procedure, you can immediately return to work. Recovery after a medium peel can take from several days to a week, and after a deep peel it can take several weeks. The rate at which the skin heals will largely depend on age, general health, and the immune system.

Face after chemical peel photo -

Chemical peeling of the face: price

  • superficial chemical peeling - 4000 rubles,
  • medium chemical peeling - 5000 rubles,
  • deep chemical peeling - 10,000 rubles.

Complications and side effects -

There is a general rule: the deeper the peeling, the longer the skin recovery will take place, and the higher the frequency of possible complications. Most superficial peels are safe, but medium and deep peels require a lot of experience from the specialist, proper preparation of the skin for the procedure, as well as proper care after the procedure.

Side effects :

  • Pain -
    usually typical for medium and deep peels; usually lasts only a few hours.
  • Skin redness
    superficial peels cause only slight redness, which lasts only for a few days. However, red face after peeling, medium or deep, can last up to 1 month.
  • Itching and intense flaking
    itching, as a rule, occurs after medium and deep chemical peels.
  • allergic reactions
    are quite rare. If the patient has a history of any allergies, then it is advisable to perform peeling while taking antihistamine (anti-allergic) drugs.


  • Chemical burn of the skin
    as a rule, this is only possible with medium and deep peeling, because. more highly concentrated acids are used there. With the wrong choice of the drug (without taking into account the type of skin), the time of peeling, unfortunately, such a complication is possible. The risk of this complication is higher if the peeling is performed not by a dermatologist, but by an ordinary cosmetologist without medical education.
  • Folliculitis or acne
    Acne after chemical peels can result from improper use of emollient creams used to promote healing. In this case, antibiotics may be needed.
  • Bacterial or fungal infection
    rarely occur, but if it does, it can lead to scarring of the skin. The danger of infection exists only with medium and deep peeling.
  • Herpes recurrence -
    will require the appointment of antiviral drugs to prevent scarring. In persons who often develop herpes, it is advisable to peel while taking antiviral drugs or immunostimulants.
  • hyperpigmentation
    is a consequence of the occurrence of inflammation in areas of the skin subjected to chemical peeling. Inflammatory hyperpigmentation is usually temporary but may persist for up to 2 years. Treatment of age spots in such situations is possible with the help of special means, for example, hydroquinone.
  • Hypopigmentation
    is the loss of pigmentation; usually occurs after peeling dark skin. in some cases, hypopigmentation remains for life.
  • Telangiectasias (spider veins)
    these are small red vessels under the skin; they may become more visible after peeling. Cope with spider veins can be quite simple and with the help.
  • demarcation lines
    this is usually the result of medium to deep peels; there may be a noticeable line between the skin where the peel was performed and where it was not.
  • Scars -
    are a very rare complication of chemical peels. An early sign of scarring is constant redness and itching.

How can the frequency of complications from chemical peels be reduced?

  • Peeling should only be carried out by a specialist
    surface peeling of the face with preparations based on lactic and glycolic acid can be carried out not only by dermatologists, but also by specially trained paramedical personnel and cosmetologists.

    Medium peeling should be carried out only by a doctor with a higher medical education, and one should strive for this to be a dermatologist. If you plan to do deep peeling, then only a dermatologist or plastic surgeon should perform this procedure.

  • Choosing the Right Exfoliator
    it must be carried out with strict consideration of the patient's skin type.

Chemical peeling of the face: contraindications

The correct selection of patients who can undergo chemical peeling is very important. not everyone can do it . Depending on the type of peel, your doctor may not recommend treatment if:

→ do you have scars on the skin, warts,
→ there is abnormal hyper- or hypo-pigmentation of the skin,
→ if you have red hair and freckles, dark brown skin,
→ have a bacterial, fungal infection of the skin,
→ if you have been prescribed isotretinoin (used to treat acne) within the past 12 months.

We hope that our article was useful to you!

Last revision of the article: 10/10/2017