Ragged bob haircut for medium hair. Ragged haircut for women. Bob caret for short hair

A haircut can beautify a person, make his face younger and fresher. For this reason, it is necessary to approach the choice of hairstyle wisely. You can find a huge number of photos of interesting and fashionable haircuts. A perfect example is the bob haircut for medium hair.

This haircut is unique as it suits girls with any type of face.

But there are some subtleties of choice:

  • With a narrow, elongated, angular face, you must choose a voluminous bean.
  • With a round face, you should give preference to a smooth bean.
  • With wide cheekbones, you can choose a bob that is elongated in front or shortened in the back.
  • Bob with bangs must be done with a large nose or chin.
  • Ombre coloring, balayazh and the like add volume.

classic bob haircut

The classic bob looks like a square. It has smooth outlines and soft volume. It differs only in the absence of a straight haircut line. The caret suggests a long nape, while the bean at the nape is shortened, i.e. a haircut is a combination of long front and short occipital hair framing the face.

Classic straight bob can be done on hair of various lengths. This hairstyle visually creates volume. The length is selected individually depending on the shape and length of the face. And usually a classic bob does not provide for bangs, but recently stylists have increasingly begun to implement this element.

Bob suits every girl, regardless of age. It is easy to create the desired look with a hair dryer, which makes the haircut versatile.

How to cut a bob

The haircut process is not difficult, dTo do this, you only need:

Bob options for different hair types

Bob for straight hair

A bob on straight hair is not much different from a regular bob. More often, girls prefer the classic bob.

You can diversify the bean in various ways, for example:

  • lengthen the front strands;
  • make asymmetry;
  • leave without a bang or cut it.

Bob on wavy hair

There are many variations of bob haircuts for wavy hair:

Bob for thick hair

For girls with thick hair, a cropped bob is perfect. This type of haircut looks impressive and attractive.

Decorate a cropped bob:

  • oblique, elongated, short bangs;
  • stylish coloring;
  • lengthening the front strands.

Another plus of the presented hairstyle is unpretentiousness. It is very easy to install, and it retains its appearance for quite a long time.

The bangs visually round the face, so most often girls with a rough or elongated oval face resort to this option. The cheekbones stand out.

Hair does not have to be smoothed all the time, you can style it casually. This solution is perfect for everyday use.

Bob for sparse hair

Bob suits both thick and sparse hair.

Women with sparse hair should choose:

  • short bob - it emphasizes the neck;
  • bob with bangs - gives tenderness;
  • bob adds volume;
  • asymmetrical bob - emphasizes the oval of the face.

For ladies with sparse hair, hairdressers especially advise bob-car. This hairstyle not only visually makes the hair more voluminous, but also emphasizes graceful facial features. It is especially suitable for girls with a round and square face.

Bob for thin hair

For girls with thin hair, a bob-car is also suitable. This haircut will look great with or without bangs.

It is characteristic that short hairstyles look great on thin hair. At the same time, it is best to color them interestingly, but with the help of gentle dyes.

Girls who don't like to stand out can opt for a mid-length straight bob. In this case, you can lengthen the front strands and cut the bangs.

It is preferable to stick to the short square option. Additional coloring and proper styling will make thin hair visually thicker.

Good options would be pixie-bob and graduated bob.

Types of bob haircuts


A graduated bob is not suitable for every girl, but if she meets the following parameters, then this hairstyle is just for her:

  • the face is round or square;
  • straight or curly hair;
  • there is the possibility of daily hair care;
  • possible staining;
  • hair density is moderate.

Choose according to your preference:

  • weak graduation - affects the ends of the hair;
  • medium graduation - many strands are affected at a higher level;
  • high graduation - graduation is done on the entire volume of hair.

Types of graduated bean:

  • short bob;
  • medium bean;
  • elongated bean;
  • long bob.


It does not take much time and effort to lay a multi-layered bean. It is only necessary to give the hair a slight negligence.

It is ideal for hair of various structures, whether fine, curly or straight hair. This bob is made in layers, making the hair appear thicker.

The hairstyle suits absolutely everyone, as the type of haircut can be chosen individually depending on the:

  • face shapes;
  • preferences (torn, daring, cute, stylish, sexy);
  • the need to add volume;
  • age;
  • life situation (home/work, youth style).


This type of bob is a great option for bold and bright ladies.

A regular asymmetrical bob can be diversified and end up with something completely new and fresh:

  • Short asymmetrical bob will help to create an image of both a sweet and feminine lady and a hooligan. This haircut is suitable for slender or moderately plump girls, as well as girls with an overly round or square face. The whole beauty of the haircut lies in the elongated front strand, which many mistakenly consider a bang. The truth is that it can be made an extension of the bangs.
  • Medium asymmetrical bob is the most popular option. Suitable for full girls and girls with a round face. Haircut visually makes the face more slender. It will be a great option for girls who do not like to stand out, and for older women.
  • Long asymmetrical bob it is not necessary to do it on long hair, however, one of the strands should be much longer. It can be shoulder length or below. This haircut draws attention. She goes to girls with any type of face and volume.

pixie bob

Pixie bob is especially suitable for girls with an oval face shape, a long thin neck, beautifully shaped ears, straight or curled hair:

  1. Owners of a round or square face should choose a pixie bob with asymmetrical details or lengthening in front to the cheekbone line.
  2. The oval shape of the face requires bangs to the side and elongated front strands to the earlobes.
  3. The triangular shape of the face is suitable for a haircut with oblique long bangs.

Girls with excessive fullness, massive body, short neck should not choose such a haircut.

With long strands

Bob with elongated strands is a combination of elements of a classic haircut and a bob-bob. An elongated hairstyle is long hair in the front and shortened at the back of the head. Front hair can be straight or asymmetrical. The hair at the back is straight, cut in a cascade, ladder.

The usual bob haircut for medium hair can be made more original by leaving long strands on one side and noticeably shortening (to the level of the back of the head) the strands of the opposite side.

This hairstyle is suitable for girls who want to change something in themselves, but cannot decide to cut off their long hair. To do this, during the haircut, lengthening is done at a sharp angle, which allows you to leave the length. The angle is selected according to the slope of the cheekbones.

Benefits of this haircut:

  • practicality;
  • universality;
  • diversity;
  • convenience;
  • appearance correction;
  • individuality;
  • relevance.

Haircut looks great on girls of various types of appearance.

With a bang

Bob with bangs is no less popular among young girls and adult ladies.

To choose the type of haircut, you need to determine the type of face:

  • A medium-length bob with long, straight bangs is perfect for an angular or rounded face.
  • A square face will be decorated with bangs approximately to the eyebrows. Best straight.
  • An oval face is more suitable for a short bob with oblique bangs.

The appearance of the haircut can be adjusted by the length of the front and back strands, the structure of the bangs, and the color of the hair.

with broken ends

Hairstyle, like fashion, undergoes changes, is supplemented with new elements. And so the fashion for a bob with torn ends appeared. This haircut looks like a light creative mess.

To get this effect allows a haircut with milled scissors. The hair at the ends becomes thinner and of different lengths.

Hairstyle is suitable for any type of face, girls and women of any age. She can even rejuvenate.

Haircut types:

  • Short ripped bob looks great on naughty and thin hair.
  • Medium Ripped Bob consists of longer strands in front.
  • Long tattered bob can reach the middle of the neck, but despite the length it looks voluminous.

You can diversify the haircut in various ways, the most popular are the addition of bangs and asymmetry.


A voluminous bob is a great option for girls with thin and sparse or curly hair. This haircut gives freshness and attractive carelessness to the hair. In addition, it is useful for weak hair. It is best in this case to choose a short haircut or a medium length haircut.

Such varieties of beans as bob or cascading bob are popular. Volume is created by thinning the ends of the strands.

A voluminous bob is also suitable for ladies with an overly round or square face. The length of the hair can be very different: up to the ear and longer.

Most often, a haircut is done on wet hair. Start from the back of the head and end with the upper strands. This results in a cascade.

After that, the sides are cut off in the same way as the occipital. At the very end, you can cut the bangs.

It's important to know that the haircut needs to be corrected approximately every 2 months. Thanks to this, she will always look great.


This variety is also called a sloppy bob, due to the deliberate giving it a relaxed look and unusual texture. He looks great, bold and stylish.

The tousled effect is achieved due to the different lengths of the strands. In this case, the occipital strands should be shorter than the facial ones. The total length of the hair may vary. A tousled bob is suitable for almost any girl, regardless of hair length and texture, face type and physical shape.

With shaved temple

A bob with a shaved temple is an option exclusively for bold and extravagant girls who are not afraid to experiment and change.

This bob haircut looks especially good on medium length hair. With the right selection of cosmetics, clothes and jewelry, it is suitable for any event, whether it's a party, work or a date. This is confirmed by photos of celebrities and not only.

Ladies aged or overweight should think before choosing such a haircut.

Bob caret for medium hair

This type of haircut is suitable for calm and balanced ladies who are not ready to cut their hair short or drastically change their image.

However, you can diversify such a hairstyle if:

A bob-car is suitable for both a young and agile girl and an elegant lady. The average length can be chosen to the best of a well-fed girl, as well as an adult lady. A haircut will visually make the face thinner, thinner neck, and also remove a couple of years. There are no contraindications to a bob haircut for medium hair in combination with bob elements. When choosing an option, it is recommended to view the photo.

Bob with lengthening

There are a lot of varieties of bob-car, but the elongated bob is considered one of the classic options. It combines the elegance of long hair at the face and the courage of short hair at the back of the head.

An elongated bob-car emphasizes the oval of the face and highlights the dignity. At the same time, it is able to hide some of the flaws in appearance. Visually, you can remove a couple of extra pounds, highlight the cheekbones, lengthen the neck. The presented type of haircut is complemented by bangs of various types, asymmetry, experiments with the length of the strands.

Bob after 40 and 50 years

Many women after 40 begin to think about changing their image. The problem is that you want to choose a hairstyle according to age and social status, but so that it is fashionable and stylish. Bob haircut is a great option for any age group (after 30, 40 and even 50 years).

A bob haircut is suitable for older ladies, both for medium hair and for other lengths. This is confirmed by numerous examples of photos.

Many older women go for bangs. It can be of any type:

  • oblique;
  • straight;
  • rare;
  • thick and different.

How to choose a bob haircut for your face shape

Bob can be selected according to the type of face, it is best to contact a stylist, although you can do it yourself. First you need to determine the type of your face from a photo or standing in front of a mirror.

A short bob is suitable for an elongated or rectangular face.. A haircut such as a bob for medium hair and short hair helps to make facial features more delicate and round them. A straight bob with bangs also copes well with this task.

Another good option is an inverted bob, it is able to visually lengthen the neck, helps to hide the flaws associated with wide cheekbones, full cheeks, wrinkles. In addition, this haircut adds volume to thin and sparse hair.

An elongated bob is suitable for a square and round face, with falling strands along the sides of the face. He is visually able to smooth out rough features. At the same time, he will favorably highlight the cheekbones, chin, neck and posture. But such a bob is not suitable for thin hair.

You can choose a bob with elongated front strands and a short nape, but this haircut is not suitable for ladies with a short neck. An asymmetrical bob is perfect and has no contraindications for use, it will look great with bangs.

Owners of an oval face shape can choose almost any type of bob haircut. Haircuts such as asymmetrical bob, bob-bob are best suited. These hairstyles can be modified as you like, change the length, add bangs, add volume.

Ombre coloring and balayage

Ombre and balayage are modern hair coloring methods that are very popular among ladies of any age.

The essence of the ombre staining technique is a smooth and easy transition from one tone to another. Most often from a dark shade to a light one, less often vice versa.

Experienced specialists advise clients to make their hair lighter by no more than 2-3 tones.

Balayazh differs from the previous staining in that the paint is applied in strokes to the curls. They can be of any shape, but parallel stripes and V-shaped strokes are most often chosen.

It looks most expressive with an ombre and balayage bob of medium length or elongated.

How to lay at home

A bob haircut, made with high quality and in accordance with the requirements for short, medium or long hair, does not need long and problematic styling. Laying should take a minimum of time, about ten minutes. A professionally done haircut, even with minimal styling in the photo, looks great.

Easy installation method:

  • Dry hair head down to a state of light moisture.
  • Apply styling agent.
  • The hair is pinned up, the hair is dried from the bottom up.

A good way to style a bob haircut on medium hair is also bouffant. This method is very simple. To do this, it is necessary to comb each strand a little to the roots, sprinkling with varnish or mousse. After the hair is thrown back and the top layer is combed. As the photos confirm, the most popular option is the volume at the back of the head.

Fashion bob - front and back view: photo 2019

The best way to choose a haircut is to contact a specialist. The stylist will evaluate in aggregate all the advantages and disadvantages of appearance, thanks to which he will offer the best option.

Video about bob haircut options for short and medium hair, photo

Fashionable bob haircut options for the current season for long and medium hair:

Photo of a bob haircut for short and medium hair:

Most hairstyles quickly go out of fashion or become obsolete, but one has remained in trend for many years. Invented over a century ago, the bob is the epitome of style, versatility and elegance for medium length hair. On its basis, many modern and author's variations of various forms with a similar technique have been developed.

Who is the bob haircut for?

The standard look of the hairstyle in question is suitable only for some women. The classic version looks good with an oval or narrow face shape, a long graceful neck, a neat chin and well-defined cheekbones. Not everyone has ideal features, so hairdressers have improved and diversified the bob for medium hair, making it universal. Depending on the length and geometry of the hairstyle, it suits any woman, regardless of age, face shape and features.

Types of bob haircuts for medium hair

There are many variations of the presented hairstyle, including unique author's techniques for its creation. The classic bob haircut for medium hair is always taken as the basis, after which the stylist adds his own nuances to it. Thanks to an individual approach, the following popular types of hairstyles have arisen:

  • asymmetric;
  • elongated;
  • ragged;
  • cascade;
  • pixies;
  • square.

classic bob

According to the standard, the described hairstyle is short (up to the earlobe), has clear contours and is framed with a straight bang not below the edge of the eyebrows. Such a bob haircut is suitable for hair of medium length and density, if a woman seeks to change her image, open her face and neck more, emphasize the line of her cheekbones and chin. This design option for the strands gives them volume at the roots, so it looks good even on thin and sparse curls. The classic bob haircut for medium wavy hair looks interesting. Chaotic styling gives the image carelessness, romance, slightly rejuvenates.

asymmetrical bob

For the first time this type of hairstyle arose in the 80s, but it was rarely fashionable and not for long. This year, an asymmetric bob haircut for medium hair has become trendy again, especially after Olga Buzova changed her image. This method of designing strands can be performed at any length, density and structure of curls. Hairstyle focuses on the face and eyes. It successfully hides such shortcomings as wide cheekbones, massive lower jaw, large cheeks.

Many masters combine extravagant coloring and a bob haircut for medium hair. Photos of women with similar hairstyles adorn the covers of famous glossy magazines. Thanks to color accents, the contours of the strands, their texture and density are emphasized. Contrasting strands favorably complement the individual style and originality of the selected image.

graduated bob

This layered hairstyle is recommended for owners of thick and heavy strands. Haircut graduated bob on medium hair, devoid of volume, gives them the missing splendor, lifting at the roots, and keeps its shape perfectly. On rare and thin curls, this hairstyle does not look. Due to the lack of density necessary to create several layers, even the minimum volume disappears.

A graduated bob haircut for medium hair exists in several variations. Short types of this hairstyle are refreshing and rejuvenating, but are only suitable for women with an ideal face shape or close to an oval. It is better for owners of wide cheekbones to stop at the length to the center or earlobe. For girls with a round and square face, hairdressers advise not to cut their hair shorter than the middle of the neck.

long bob for medium hair

The described type of strand design is universal due to the many techniques for its implementation. A bob haircut with an extension for medium hair can vary from the level of the caret to the line of the shoulder blades in the front. She not only well emphasizes the graceful thin neck, regular facial features and shape, focuses on the eyes and lips, but also hides some flaws.

Certain types of this hairstyle successfully smooth massive cheekbones and plump cheeks. An elongated bob haircut for medium hair softens the line of the lower jaw and a large chin, visually shortens the nose. This option is suitable for women with a wide and square face and rough features. Such a hairstyle looks especially advantageous after twisting the front strands, creating a slight waviness.

Ripped bob for medium hair

The proposed method of processing the cut line adds lightness and volume to the haircut, but only in the presence of thick and straight strands. The tattered bob is a variant of the layered hairstyle, but the edges of the layers are coarsely milled, creating the effect of bitten ends. This haircut looks spectacular and stylish, requires daily styling with styling products.

The torn edges of the hairstyle are often used to correct the shape of the face and mask some defects. A bob haircut for medium hair with lengthening in front will help hide angular cheekbones and a large lower jaw, and visually round out a square chin. During styling, it is important to structure the strands and ends, highlight the layers of the hairstyle, lift the curls at the roots.

Bob-cascade haircut for medium hair

Another graduation option, but more accurate and orderly compared to ragged tips. Women's haircuts for medium bob hair look almost identical, but differ significantly in execution technique. The considered type of hairstyle has a complex layered structure, the strands gradually lengthen from top to bottom and from back to front.

Cascade bob is a good haircut for thick but thin hair. Thanks to this hairstyle, you can remove the extra weight of the curls, leaving their density. As a result, the missing volume is added, the strands look lush and light. With this haircut, it is easy to correct some facial defects. It is recommended for women with large cheekbones and a massive lower jaw.

Bob pixie haircut for medium hair

The described type of strand design is an intermediate option between a short square and a “boy-like” hairstyle. This is the only bob haircut for medium hair that gives volume to hair of any thickness and density. This is done with elongated bangs and curls at the back of the head, due to which the classic shape of the hairstyle is achieved - an oval hat.

A short bob haircut for medium hair is suitable for young girls and youthful women. It looks perfect with an oval or narrow rectangular face, revealing a neat thin chin, feminine cheekbones, graceful curves of the neck. In other cases, this hairstyle will only emphasize the existing flaws, so it is better to choose elongated variations.

Bob haircut for medium hair

The presented type of elaboration of curls, due to its popularity, has become almost a classic. A haircut for medium thin hair is often recommended, because it visually adds density to them due to a smooth cut line, and gives volume at the roots, especially at the back of the head. This hairstyle also looks good with thick dense strands, provided that they are straight.

Bob-caret is considered a universal haircut for medium hair. This version of their design and styling looks great with all types of faces, except for the square. If you direct the front strands forward and twist the ends inward, it is easy to hide puffy cheeks and rough cheekbones, soften the angular lines of the lower jaw and visually make the chin a little smaller.

Bob for medium hair with bangs

The original way to create this hairstyle assumed the obligatory presence of bangs. According to the author's idea, a bob haircut for medium hair should have the shape of a neat female hat, repeating the curves of the head. With the classic technique of performing hairstyles, the front strand is straight, thick and long, reaching the middle of the brow arches. Its level almost coincides with the curls on the back of the head.

The modern bob haircut for medium hair with bangs has undergone a lot of changes and copyright improvements by progressive hairdressers. New types of hairstyles include different methods of styling the front strand. The most popular are:

  • oblique;
  • elongated;
  • arched;
  • curly.

Bob for medium hair without bangs

This year, the haircut in question is more common in its “pure” form. The absence of additional elements greatly simplifies both the creation of hairstyles and its subsequent styling. A bob haircut without bangs for medium hair tops the list of the most popular ways to style strands among Hollywood actresses. She is stylish, feminine and elegant, fits into any chosen image.

Bob without bangs can be cut to different lengths. Short types of hairstyles look good with the right face shape and beautiful features. A haircut for medium hair is ideal for owners of chubby children's cheeks and. Elongated bob types look good with a square face, masking a massive lower jaw, a rough chin and a wide nose.

The bob haircut first appeared to the public at the beginning of the 20th century, causing a serious outcry in society, indignation and protests. No one then even suspected that in the 21st century it would become one of the most sought-after, stylish and fashionable hairstyles of our time.

Haircut Features

Bob haircut for medium hair belongs to the category of universal and unpretentious hairstyles. Its variations are very varied. A good stylist can choose for any woman such a medium bob that will suit her perfectly, emphasize her individuality and advantageously hide all the flaws in her appearance. The wizard has plenty of tools for this:

  • Graduation. The multi-layer effect in the haircut creates the necessary volume in the hair and allows you to adjust the shape of the face. Bob for medium hair can be created using varying degrees of graduation of the strands around the entire circumference of the head or only in certain parts of the haircut.
  • End processing methods. An even cut of hair forms a classic, calm and restrained image, a torn effect and thinning allow you to achieve dynamics, graphics and liveliness in your hair. All this makes the appearance of a woman different in character and inner message.
  • The use of bangs. Bangs have an important corrective function in any haircut. When creating a bob for medium hair, the master cuts the bangs if he wants to hide a wide forehead, focus on the eyes, give playful or, conversely, rebellious notes to the client's appearance.
  • Asymmetry in the hair. The asymmetrical bob is not only the most fashionable feature of this year. The lack of a strict approach and uniformity in cutting strands allows the stylist to hide certain flaws, redirect accents, give individuality and originality to the appearance.

The medium bob is a versatile, multifaceted haircut that will suit almost any woman. She is loved by young and progressive girls, as well as ladies over the age of 50.

classic bob for medium hair

The classic implies a calm, restrained and neat silhouette of a haircut with a clear, even cut. The traditional medium bob is created up to the length of the chin or to the middle of the neck. The strands gradually lengthen from the back of the head to the face. The back of the head has a slight graduation and soft lines, the length of the hair in this area is kept at the level of the upper neckline.

The ends of the hair are thinned. As a rule, a classic bob is created for medium hair without bangs. It is replaced by a parting: central, beveled or side parting. The last two types of parting are able to lift the hair, create additional volume on the crown, and adjust the shape of the face.

Ripped bob for medium hair

The torn effect at the ends of the hair is a fashionable and very popular trend. The tattered bob is considered to be a more daring variation on the classic bob. It is created in the same way: it has a slightly raised nape and a smooth line of lengthening strands to the face. The ends of the hair are cut off, uneven, sticking out in different directions.

Some stylists even treat them with a special razor for a more pronounced ragged effect. As a result, the haircut turns out to be careless, somewhat disheveled, but very interesting. The hair at the crown is laid in different directions, in a free form. The parting is done sideways, without a clear line.

Bob for medium hair with a high nape

In this haircut, the main focus is on the back of the head. Thanks to the enhanced graduation with a small step, it turns out to be voluminous and high. The top layer of hair is made quite short, due to which the top of the head also rises. The side strands lengthen towards the face with a smooth cut, but without a multi-layered effect.

The final length of the haircut goes down just below the chin. The back of the head has a leg that gently flows into the cap of hair. The cut of the hair can be straight and even, then you get a very neat and smooth silhouette, as well as with sharp or torn ends, creating a hooligan, freedom-loving image. In each case, the haircut will look different.

Light and slightly careless styling is in fashion. Therefore, the torn bean is the best fit for the latest trends. To lay it down, foam and a hair dryer are enough.

layered bob for medium hair

A layered or layered bob is formed by creating a layered, stepped effect in a haircut. Layers are created around the entire circumference of the head, as a rule, unevenly. In one zone, the stylist uses enhanced graduation with a short top layer, and in the other, on the contrary, he tries to increase the graduation step and thereby reduce the volume in the hair.

The ends of the strands in each layer are additionally processed, mainly in three main variations: by thinning, creating chopped ends, or mixing thinning and a torn effect. In the latter case, the chopped ends appear only in the lower part of the haircut, and the bulk of the hair is subjected to the usual thinning.

asymmetrical bob for medium hair

The asymmetrical bob looks very impressive and is in trend. It is found in several variations: a bob with different lengths or a bob with the addition of a short bob. In the first case, the stylist creates an ordinary bob, but forms it with front strands of different lengths: for example, one side can be brought almost to the shoulders, and the second can be made up to the length of the chin.

In the second case, a short and uniform bob is cut from one side, and from the second side, a medium bean is formed by gradually lengthening the hair towards the face. The ends of the hair in these variations of haircuts can be even and slightly profiled or torn and sticking out to the sides. The stylist can also add selective grading to add volume or smooth transitions in the haircut.

long bob

An elongated variation of the medium bob involves a haircut in which the facial strands are dramatically lengthened. The back of the head is cut off in a standard, typical for a classic haircut, or with the addition of graduation and a multi-layered effect, which makes it quite short and lush.

At the same time, the side strands, when moving towards the face, begin to sharply increase their length, reaching shoulder level or even going down a little lower. The difference in hair, if you look at the haircut from the side, is noticeable and significant. An elongated bob is often created without a torn effect, rather smooth and neat. The ends of the hair are milled, sharp feathers are made. The most fashionable is an elongated bob without bangs with a central clear or zigzag parting.

On an elongated bob, you can create interesting hairstyles: weaving, buns like "khan" or medium curls.

Bob for medium hair with bangs

Bob on medium hair looks great with bangs. The main thing is to choose the right bangs for different types of haircuts. So, for a classic, smooth and even bob, the same even or arched medium-sized bangs that hide the eyebrows, as well as elongated, slightly beveled shapes, are best suited. For more daring haircuts: torn, asymmetrical, graduated - almost any type of bangs will do.

Some, however, will look more advantageous. For example, for an elongated bob, an elongated variation of a bang with thinning and a soft bevel of length is more suitable. For an asymmetrical bob, you can choose an asymmetrical bright bang, which will make the haircut extravagant and outrageous, or limit yourself to restrained bangs with torn or sharp tips.

Bob with shaved head

Another trend of recent years is a shaved temple. The medium bob is perfect for this. A haircut can be completely different - it all depends on the scale of the shaved temple. If the length is removed on a small side section just above the ear, then with hair, if necessary, it will be possible to cover a short temple and turn the haircut into a calm, restrained variation of the bean.

If the area for shaving is large and captures almost the entire side, then the haircut turns into a catchy and youthful hairstyle. The rest of the hair is laid on the opposite side, the temple becomes open to others. Some stylists additionally create patterns and geometric lines on it.

Bob with shaved temples has recently been increasingly seen on the stars of show business. Partly for this reason, this haircut has gained immense popularity among advanced youth, who actively follow fashion trends and seek to imitate their idols.

This memorable hairstyle can decorate any girl, at the same time making her stand out from the crowd. A bob haircut for medium hair is distinguished by elongated side strands (which, as a rule, touch the shoulders), a free volume that can move to the back of the head, crown or even cheekbones - it all depends on the type of face.

For example, if the face is rounded, the master will advise you to shift the volume to the crown, and if it is elongated, the strands on the sides will be lush.

Leg bob for medium hair

The legged bob is a very cute version of this hairstyle. A short nape, elongated strands on the sides, a smooth lower cut - that's what makes it different.

graduated bob

What kind of hairdressing "decorations" can be added to such a hairstyle? Thinning, cascading, grading the ends - this will make the hair more voluminous, as well as more plastic (even if your hair can be called very naughty). In addition, a very gentle hairstyle with “feathers” or underlined individual strands will turn out - if you cut them on the lower cut of the hair.

shaggy bob

This haircut visually rejuvenates the face, so it is popular among ladies of all ages. Naughty strands coquettishly frame the face, hide wrinkles, and correct the oval of the face.

Ripped bob for medium hair

Ripped strands are a great way to create an original rebellious look. This hairstyle will definitely make you different from others.

Bob for medium hair with bangs

Can this bob be worn with bangs? Yes and no. That is - decide for yourself! You can safely refuse this face decoration. Or vice versa - you can decorate your face, as well as slightly correct its shape by choosing the right bangs.

A good example of this is a smooth elongated bang. She will perfectly fit into the style of a girl with an oval or elongated face, add mystery and charm to the image. But the same bangs combined with a round face is a real stylistic failure. So if your face is exactly rounded, it’s better to opt for a graduated, light bang in the shape of an arch (that is, elongated on the sides - almost reaching the side strands of the main hairstyle in length - and shortened in the center).

asymmetrical bob for medium hair

Asymmetry is just a luxurious version of the bob haircut. It suits girls with both wavy and straight hair - and how favorably emphasizes the face! It is best to do a cascade or texturing with asymmetry. But even here there is one “but”: do not forget to take into account the contrast of the length of the side strands.

Laying. This is another trump card of the bob hairstyle for medium hair. Whatever you choose - even a classic silhouette, and even the most futuristic of the options offered in the salon - you will not mess around with everyday styling for a long time.

266 07/26/2019 5 min.

This year everything is avant-garde and asymmetric, at the same time light and interesting. This can be said with certainty about textured, or more commonly "torn" haircuts. Quite a complex technique in hairdressing. Its essence is that on the basis of any hairstyle, with the help of thinning scissors or a dangerous razor, new stunning images are recognized.


Despite the fact that you can make a ragged haircut on hair of any length, it looks especially good on long and medium curls. Its advantage is the ability of the master to adapt the hairstyle to a specific person, choose the best option that can emphasize all the best and hide the flaws.

Such haircuts are perfect for both thin and naughty hair, and thick, hard curls. They will give volume to the first, and make the second more obedient. But, as in any other case, it is easier to work with obedient, thick and soft strands.

Another important plus is getting rid of the long process of morning styling. Most of the work is done in the salon, a successful result is 100% dependent on the master. In the morning, it remains only to spend a few minutes in front of the mirror alone with a hairdryer, styling product and comb, giving volume. For a special occasion, the strands can be twisted, create more complex styling and show any imagination, because, unlike traditional haircuts, there is no need to greatly shorten the hair.

The combination of a medium length and textured haircut is optimal for women who do not have a lot of free time, young mothers, and active business women.

A special additional effect can be achieved by highlighting or coloring. These haircuts are simply created to visually increase the volume and emphasize the lines of the face, in combination with coloring, the result can be simply fantastic.

The only ones who should not experiment with the choice in favor of a ragged haircut are the owners of lush, curly hair. As a result of such an experience, instead of a controlled and careless mess, there will be real chaos.

On the video, a torn haircut for medium hair:

Textured haircuts without bangs

The average length suggests that the longest strands reach the shoulders. To maintain order, thin hair will have to be straightened with an iron; for those who are lucky enough to have smooth and obedient curls, the hairstyle itself will retain the desired effect.

Rwanka without bangs is perfect for young girls whose forehead has not been touched by the first wrinkles or mature women who want to emphasize a modern look. The choice in favor of bangs or rejection of it depends largely on facial features and how this element can decorate it.

The traditional cascade is ideal as a base for a textured haircut. In its pure form, it gradually went out of fashion, but supplemented with graduations and new techniques, it became an excellent base for jerks.

It cannot be said that the cascade, even in the form of a ripped, is super revolutionary, but with the proper skill of the hairdresser, you will get a stylish, sensual and even daring image.

Ragged, like a regular cascade, begins with a traditional strand on the parietal zone, it will determine the shortest layers of the cascade. Then they are divided horizontally and the strands are fixed. After they are cut in accordance with the control. Only after that is edging and thinning performed.

No less popular with hairdressers who practice textured haircuts are various types of bob and bob. The technique will depend on the wishes of the client, but the main thing is that in the end the hairstyle will not require little effort during daily styling. A bean-based rvanka is ideal for creative individuals and girls who want to emphasize their avant-garde character. But for its spectacular styling in the form of a rvanka, only high-quality products are suitable, you should not save on them, then the result will turn out to be truly enchanting.

On video textured haircuts without bangs:

Kare, so familiar to business office workers, is conscious of a fresh and extravagant look when done in the form of a textured haircut. To create a quick and high-quality styling, it is advisable to use products that soothe unruly hair.

Most of all, rvanka without bangs is suitable for girls with round faces. It is also worth abandoning the bangs for girls with a rare perfect oval face, it hides what should be emphasized in this case.

Bangs for rvanki

Everyone else should try to complement the textured haircut with bangs. The most surprising thing is that the length of the haircut does not correlate with the long bangs. Even the shortest "pixie" can be combined with a rather long asymmetrical bangs, let alone medium hair - the choice is unlimited. Bangs complete and complete the look. How it is carried out, as well as how complicated this procedure is, is detailed in this article.

In the photo - a bang for a torn haircut:

It can be asymmetrical, with feathers, variously colored. Short, to the middle of the forehead, it looks fashionable and textured, and long or even covering the eyes is romantic and mysterious.

The cascade goes well with straight ragged bangs. It perfectly hides an excessively high forehead or an elongated face shape, giving it roundness and youth.

A textured bob haircut with asymmetrical oblique bangs looks great. By themselves, torn bangs give the face freshness and youth, help hide the thinness of the hair and add volume to the entire hairstyle.

An asymmetrical torn hairstyle in combination with a torn haircut can reach the chin and, just like a straight one, will hide irregularities in facial features, and sometimes outright defects, such as small scars.