Wedding bachelorette party ideas. Features of organizing a bachelorette party before the wedding

A bachelorette party is a fun pre-wedding party that should be held in such a way that it will be remembered for a long time. And one of the important components of the success of this event is the chosen location, which directly affects the atmosphere of the holiday. Don't know where to have your bachelorette party? The portal presents to your attention the top 12 places for a bachelorette party for different tastes and financial capabilities!


The first place that comes to mind when talking about a bachelorette party is home. This idea will suit an active and responsible bride, because the entire organization of such a holiday will fall on her shoulders. Having a bachelorette party at home has both advantages and disadvantages:

  • “+”: you can hold a bachelorette party in any way you like, without fear of curious or judgmental glances (in the form of nice communication with each other, a mini-disco, a pajama party, etc., you can even hold some kind of master class or even arrange spa at home); you can save on food and drinks; you can decorate the room the way you want.
  • “-”: you can disturb your neighbors; if you have a lot of girlfriends, then your house should be spacious enough; you will have to take care not only of the table, but also of a sufficient number of seats for girlfriends; It’s not always possible to organize a truly fun and original holiday at home.

Advice: It’s not possible to hold a bachelorette party at home, but you want this event to take place in a quiet and relaxed atmosphere? Consider renting an apartment or a large hotel room, then the question of where to hold your bachelorette party will be resolved quickly and easily.


The bachelorette party can be held at your favorite bar, restaurant or cafe, where you can enjoy delicious dishes and all kinds of drinks. In addition, this is a great opportunity to show off your best self by wearing a beautiful cocktail dress, doing your makeup and hair. The main thing is to find an establishment that will suit your pastime: if you want to socialize, look for a quiet and cozy cafe, if you want to dance, look for a bar with a dance floor. Most importantly, don’t forget to consult with your friends so that you can decide together where to have your bachelorette party!

  • “+”: you can have fun from the heart by choosing your favorite establishment for the holiday; everyone can choose for themselves those treats that suit their taste.
  • “-”: may require a lot of expenses (depending on the level of the establishment).

Night club

If you and your girlfriends are active and cheerful girls, then why not have a bachelorette party in a nightclub, where you can dance to your heart's content and take a break from boring everyday life.

  • “+”: you can have a lot of fun; no need to think about entertainment.
  • “-”: treats and drinks will not be cheap; the presence of a large number of strangers nearby; because of loud music it is unlikely to be possible to communicate; Not everyone likes this type of vacation.


What girl doesn’t take care of herself: her health, her figure, her skin. Therefore, a spa or sauna would be an excellent option for a bachelorette party. The bride will not only have a pleasant time with her friends, but will also rest her body and soul, relaxing and forgetting about pre-wedding worries!

  • “+”: the bride and her bridesmaids will not only relax and socialize, but also improve their health by getting themselves and their bodies in order before the wedding; By ordering a separate room in the sauna/spa, you can hold any holiday program (competitions, games, etc.).
  • “-”: not everyone likes saunas and, especially, baths with steam rooms (therefore, you should consult with your friends in advance where to spend your bachelorette party - a spa, sauna or bathhouse - or look for a sauna with additional entertainment, for example, billiards or karaoke) ; such a bachelorette party venue can sometimes impose a “taboo” on drinking alcohol; in some cases you will have to worry about ordering treats and buying drinks.


If you and your friends love to sing, then karaoke will be a great place for a cool bachelorette party. Moreover, you can choose just a table in a karaoke club, or rent a separate room for your group of girls if you are embarrassed to sing in front of strangers.

  • “+”: you will not only be able to perform your favorite compositions for your pleasure, but also enjoy delicious treats and drinks.
  • “-”: not all friends will like this kind of entertainment (especially those who don’t like to sing); you are unlikely to be able to communicate, because... Such establishments are usually very noisy.

Photo studio

If the bride and her bridesmaids love to pose for the camera and post beautiful photos on social media. network, then a photo shoot would be a great idea for a bachelorette party. Where to have a bachelorette party in such an original way? Of course, within the walls of a professional photo studio with an interesting interior!

  • “+”: you will receive many beautiful professional photos; The bachelorette party does not depend on the vagaries of the weather; You can choose a room in the interior that you like.
  • “-”: suitable for a small company; you should think about a buffet table with treats and drinks; a photo shoot will not be cheap; It’s unlikely that your friends will want to end the bachelorette party after 2-3 hours of a photo shoot, so most often a continuation will be required.


If your pre-wedding party falls during the warmer months, then you can throw away all the worries about where to hold your bachelorette party and go outdoors to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the big city.

  • “+”: a lot of free space for any holiday program (communication, competitions, games, etc.); the choice of places is quite wide (from a clearing in a forest or park to the bank of a river or lake).
  • “-”: the option of a bachelorette party in nature is suitable only for the warm season and depends on the vagaries of the weather; suggests a sports type of clothing; you will have to take care of insect repellent, sun hats and blankets if it gets cold in the evening; requires serious preparation (thinking through seating and tables, purchasing food and drinks, delivering girlfriends to the party site and everything necessary).


Where to have a bachelorette party in an original and fun way? In a water park where you have a variety of entertainment at your disposal: extreme slides, lazy rivers, artificial waves, etc. For the warm season, choose water parks with outdoor pools and slides; for the cold season, choose water parks with indoor recreation and entertainment areas.

  • “+”: the bride and her bridesmaids will be able to have an active time, having fun on the slides, treating themselves to drinks and chatting with each other.
  • “-”: not everyone likes this type of recreation, especially extreme slides.

Motor ship/yacht

A bachelorette party on a ship or yacht will give you a lot of bright impressions and positive emotions. Moreover, you can throw a party in any style: from cozy chatting with glasses of wine to a themed party in the style of “The Great Gatsby”.

  • “+”: your friends will appreciate such an original place for a bachelorette party.
  • “-”: not the cheapest option for a place to host a bachelorette party; someone may get motion sickness on a ship; you will have to take care of food and drinks, as well as thematic decoration of the ship (although all these worries can be transferred to the shoulders of professional organizers, spending additional money on this).

Limousine/party bus

For a bachelorette party, you can order a large limousine and spend several hours in it, driving around the city at night. Romantic and fun, isn't it?!

  • “+”: the bride and her bridesmaids will be able to enjoy delicious treats and drinks and chat with each other, feeling like real stars.
  • “-”: you will have to prepare treats and drinks; The limousine can't accommodate too many people.

Advice: if you have a lot of girlfriends, but you don’t want to give up the idea of ​​having a fun bachelorette party on wheels, pay attention to the party-bus (party bus) - a bus converted inside into a mini-bar with a disco.

Efforts before the wedding take a lot of effort and time. Of course, it’s nice to think through all the smallest details of the holiday so that everyone without exception is satisfied. The bride and groom organize and plan the course of the wedding, and their friends, in turn, are engaged in an equally important matter: the guys are organizing a bachelor party for their friend, and the girls will delight the bride on the last night of her unmarried life with an equally fun event - a bachelorette party!

The tradition of holding it dates back to time immemorial, when all the friends gathered at the bride’s house before the wedding to sing songs and dance in circles. This tradition has survived to this day, only they celebrate it by changing everything radically.

You always want this event to remain in your memory as a bright and memorable event. To do this, it’s worth holding a themed bachelorette party. With a correctly chosen and well-thought-out holiday scenario, a lot of fun is guaranteed. You can also come up with a lot of holiday options. Everyone is already tired of pajama parties, regular trips to cinemas, cafes or walks for a couple of hours out of town to taste barbecue.

Even with a small budget, this event can be very unusual, and if the bridesmaids are brave and relaxed, then even non-standard. If finances allow, you can have fun in a club, restaurant, karaoke, sauna, enjoy spa treatments, or even have fun on the deck of a pleasure boat in the warm season. You can come up with different versions of this holiday.

In any place, a cheerful group of girls, having agreed in advance, would not be amiss to throw a costume party. The main thing is to comply with the most important condition: the theme of the party should be interesting and close to the person responsible for the meeting - the bride. The entertainment methods listed below are very interesting, memorable and original.

Star-studded bachelorette party

The bride and all her bridesmaids make up “like the stars” of Russian and foreign pop and cinema and come to shock the audience in a club or restaurant. Until the deception is revealed, a lot of attention, photo flashes and pleasant communication are guaranteed.

Colored Women's Party

If the bride has a favorite color, then it will be possible to organize any party, adhering to one color scheme, which will be everywhere: both in the decoration of the holiday and in the treats. You can also create a rainbow mood by dressing up in dresses of all the colors of the rainbow and going to a club or karaoke bar.

Risky bachelorette party scenario

Brave girls can imagine themselves as pirates, gangsters, cowboys or military men, stocking up on the appropriate clothes and props. In order not to frighten other people, the bride should wear a khaki veil along with a pirate costume or military overalls, and prop accessories, such as knives or pistols, at first glance should pass for the toys that they are.

Cooking tournament at a bachelorette party

Lovers of home comfort will appreciate this version of the holiday. With music and dancing, you can organize a real culinary show with competitions. For example, let the bridesmaids prepare different dishes from the same products, and then the results can be assessed by a common cheerful group with a bottle of sparkling wine or champagne.

Vampire bachelorette party

The girls make themselves up to look like vampires, dress in all black, smile charmingly, but hiss and bite. The table is set in the “Count Dracula style”, making sure that there is an abundance of red in both drinks and food. The evening itself should be mystical and maybe even a little creepy.

Cartoon bachelorette party

Such holidays have been popular lately even among adults who want to relax and fool around, for a while, feeling like children. This is a good option for a bachelorette party. Everyone present dresses up in funny costumes of cartoon characters or bunnies and draws, indulges and plays children's games.

Extreme at a bachelorette party

Girls put on comfortable tracksuits and go cycling, skateboarding or rollerblading. If the weather permits, you can all go skydiving or have a hot air balloon ride. This version of a bachelorette party is guaranteed to remain in the memory for a long time.

Playboy themed parties

“Fatal beauties” or “stylish things”. Beautiful, sexy, brightly made-up girls in chic dresses and high-heeled shoes can leave no one indifferent. “horns”, like those of an imp, bought in a souvenir store, can add a zest to the image. One of the options for such a party could be a Coco Chanel celebration, and the heroines of the evening will impress those around them with beautiful little black dresses, beautiful hairstyles and makeup, leaving behind a fan of the aroma of Chanel No. 5 perfume.

Greek bachelorette party style

This option is suitable for calm girls who do not like mass celebrations and loud music. Having dressed up in tunics and having beautiful hairstyles with braids, you can sit in a restaurant where calm music is playing, or in a spa and sauna, replacing the tunics with regular sheets.

Men's bachelorette party

Everything is simple here. Girls wear men's suits; black trousers and white shirts are required here. Hats and shoes should also be borrowed from the men's wardrobe. You can also decide on a special make-up by drawing a mustache on your upper lip or buying yourself an artificial beard or a “too good” wig at a prop store. The bride at such a party should be strikingly different from her friends and deliberately look feminine and sexy in a beautiful dress and high-heeled shoes.

Of course, the theme of the bachelorette party may differ from the options listed above. You can use just one scenario or combine several to create one unforgettable big romp. Well-chosen clothes for such a holiday can safely be considered half the success of the entire women's party before a friend's wedding.

An unforgettable holiday is always one that is bright, mischievous and unusual. You just need to not limit your imagination in any way, remember that a bachelorette party is not just another enchanting meeting of girlfriends, because one of them, the bride, will very soon lose her status as a free girl.

A themed party will tolerate any options for holding it, the main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of alcohol, because any holiday, even one that initially started out feminine and sweet, can be hopelessly ruined by drinking too many glasses. And so that others understand what kind of event is taking place with the participation of such magnificent young ladies, it would not be amiss to unite the entire company with some common detail. It can be the same item of clothing, from skirts and jeans to ties, or common paraphernalia: fake horns, bracelets, bouquets and flower wreaths, boutonnieres.

The main thing is that not a single bridesmaid overshadows the bride in her image - after all, this is her holiday, the last in her free girl’s life. All ideas should be focused on her, and there is no need to impose anything on an almost married lady. On this even slightly sad evening, she should be the center of everyone’s attention, receive a lot of positive emotions, a sea of ​​compliments, and, initially, the opportunity to choose a scenario and pastime.

The rule of three “nos” will help you have a fun bachelorette party: “no” to envious girlfriends, “no” to indecent behavior and “no” to a bad mood.

Time to celebrate

A bachelorette party is a holiday dedicated to saying goodbye to unmarried life. Choosing the right day of celebration will allow you to have a lot of fun and not spoil the wedding.

According to Russian tradition, a bachelorette party is held on the eve of the wedding. Previously, the bachelorette party was not celebrated vigorously, because the girls said goodbye to their “free” life and accompanied the event with crying and sad songs. Over time, the tradition changed and bachelorette parties began to be fun.

It is better to hold a bachelorette party a week before the wedding, then the bride will be able to get herself in order, get some sleep and prepare for the wedding.

  • the day before the wedding. It is unlikely that the groom and guests will be pleased to look at the sleepy bride.
  • a month before the wedding. By celebrating your bachelorette party this way, you will lose your festive spirit.


The bachelorette party is celebrated in a fun way, with competitions and a themed theme. You should not invite people to the celebration in whose presence the bride will feel constrained.

Invite your friends, colleagues, relatives to the bachelorette party - but only those with whom you communicate closely.

Bridesmaids are a must at a bachelorette party; they are often involved in organizing the event.

As soon as you decide on the list of guests, start making invitations.

Decide in advance on the location of the bachelorette party, draw up a program and choose a dress code.

Original bachelorette party ideas

With more effort and time to prepare, you will have a truly awesome bachelorette party.

Oriental party

Holding a bachelorette party in an oriental style will appeal to those whose favorite childhood cartoon was “Aladdin.”

Decorate invitations to an oriental-style party with coins or design them in the form of an Aladdin's lamp.

Start preparing by decorating the room. Hang transparent tulles, select oriental music to create an ambiance. Scatter rose petals purchased from a flower shop under your feet.

For each girlfriend, define a role. Possible roles: fortune teller, dancer (oriental dance teacher), harem princess. Even without a prepared script with such images you will not get bored.

Let your girlfriends dress in oriental costumes, use scarves with coins. Large jewelry and bright eye makeup will complement the image of oriental beauties.

The bride dresses up in a white oriental costume.

River walk

The decision to go for a walk can be made based on the weather forecast. Accompany your bachelorette party in nature with beautiful photographs.

The disadvantages of a river walk are seasickness and possible weather changes.

Celebrate your bachelorette party with a nautical theme, then the celebration will become original. Work out this idea in advance, and at the bachelorette party everyone will comply with the dress code.

Launch balloons into the sky, writing on them what the bride loses when she gets married: maiden name, freedom, parties. Symbolically send the bride on a long voyage called “family life.”

The dress code for a sea party requires the presence of sailors and the captain of the ship. The bridesmaids dress up in sailor costumes (use vests), and the bride dresses up in a ship captain costume.

Visiting Carlson

Where to celebrate an original bachelorette party, if not on the roof of a high-rise building - in the warm season, the impressions of the holiday will be unforgettable. Romantic girls will be delighted with such an event.

Prepare competitions in advance. At the end of the event, release balloons with the bride's maiden name into the sky.

The dress code for the bride and bridesmaids will depend on the theme of the event. The classic version involves dresses of the same tone for the bridesmaids and a contrasting dress (you can take white) for the bride.

Master Class

The girlfriends at this bachelorette party will help prepare accessories for the wedding. Hold this event at least 2 days before the wedding.

Organize a master class at home or sign up for a ready-made one, where professionals will teach you. The following options will help you see how interested all your girlfriends are at the bachelorette party:

  • Creation of accessories for bridesmaids for a wedding;
  • Preparing decorations for the wedding table;
  • Dance master class. By learning a dance to your favorite tune, you will surprise and amuse your wedding guests.

Buy the same accessories, for example: a veil, a veil, a bright bracelet, a headband. Then a festive atmosphere will be felt. It is advisable for the bride to dress in white for the bachelorette party.

Standard bachelorette party

Use ready-made celebration ideas if the bride and bridesmaids don't have time to come up with ideas.

home party

A bachelorette party at home takes place in a relaxed atmosphere while looking at children's photographs or dreaming about their future life.

Treat your girlfriends to dishes from the delivery service or prepare cupcakes with a “surprise”: write funny predictions for each girlfriend and hide them inside. This way the holiday will be remembered by everyone.

Create a collage in the form of a wish card (based on the principle) for the bride from old magazines. At the end of the party, each bridesmaid will share ideas about the future life of the bride. For example, do it in the form of a presentation or a short video.

The home option will allow you to have an inexpensive bachelorette party and save your future husband’s nerves - he won’t have to worry about where and what you are doing.

Dress code ideas for a house party:

  • for girlfriends - pajamas, plain overalls, ugg boots (all colors except white).
  • for the bride - white pajamas, white overalls, white ugg boots.


The sauna used to be a popular place to celebrate a bachelor party, but now girls celebrate there too. Ancient traditions advise choosing this option for celebration, because all rituals of farewell to a girl’s past life were carried out in a bathhouse. Use ancient rituals to have a fun bachelorette party in the sauna.

Steam the bride well, then all past failures, sins and unnecessary memories will remain in a past life and will be washed off the skin.

After this, the bridesmaids braid the bride’s hair, while singing wishes for a happy future life.

Sauna dress code ideas are limited, so complement your bridesmaids' and bridesmaids' looks with a veil. The bride's veil must be white; bridesmaids are allowed any color except white.


Prepare in advance a list of the bride's favorite songs, or songs with which the whole company has good memories.

Let the bridesmaids arrange a surprise: surprise the bride with a specially written song.

The dress code is the same for everyone, dress in jeans and white T-shirts. A feather boa will add some fun to the look.

Complete the bride's look with a white veil to make her stand out among her bridesmaids.

Night club or bar

When inviting a large number of strangers to a bachelorette party, it is better to avoid this type of celebration. Some guests may be shy and act awkward.

This option is suitable for “party girls”: if the bride and bridesmaids love noisy companies, fun and loud music, then it won’t be boring.

The dress code is free. Match the theme of the given party.

Limousine rental

One of the most expensive options for celebrating a bachelorette party. Take a photographer with you - it’s not interesting to just ride around the city’s sights. It’s unlikely that anyone will refuse to take original memorable photographs.

For a daytime celebration, girlfriends will wear a dress with a floral print and a flower headband; for an evening celebration, black dresses and lacy black eye masks will suit them.

The bride should choose a white or red plain dress. Complete the look with an openwork mask for an evening celebration and a flower headband for a daytime celebration.


A suitable option for a small company.

After meeting your friends, take a walk around the city, take photos, and then relax with treatments and drink tonic cocktails.

After the procedures, go home with your guests and continue the holiday in a relaxed atmosphere.

The bridesmaids dress up in jeans and white T-shirts with the words “bridesmaids” written on them. Complete the look with red lipstick.

The image of the bride is different with the lettering on the T-shirt, make it reversible. On the one hand - “bride”, on the other - “getting married”.


An affordable option for those who dreamed of celebrating a bachelorette party on the seashore.

In the water park, the bride and her bridesmaids will have a lot of fun and get a dose of adrenaline while riding down crazy slides. During breaks, sit in a cafe on the territory of the water park and discuss the details of the wedding.

Don’t bother with the dress code: everyone wears swimsuits and is in a good mood.

Competitions for bachelorette parties

After the fun competitions, the bride and bridesmaids will have something to remember.

"Hello Stranger"

Before the bachelorette party starts, have fun with strangers.

Props: cards with prepared tasks, a bag.

The bride and her bridesmaids take cards out of the bag and complete tasks.

Examples of street tasks for a bachelorette party:

  • Get phone numbers from five brunettes;
  • Kiss the blonde on the cheek;
  • Scratch a man's elbow;
  • Take a photo with three men;
  • Convince a man to kiss your hand;
  • Get autographs from three men;
  • Shake hands with a man wearing a tie;
  • Persuade the bartender to give you a free cocktail;
  • Ask to touch a man's mustache;
  • Ask a man to marry you;
  • Take a selfie with your dog.

With such questions, a cheerful bachelorette party will set the mood for the whole company.

"Bride's Stash"

The task of the bride and bridesmaids is to sell items from the men's basket. Make a video of this bachelorette party competition.

Props: bottle of alcohol, socks, flashlight, pack of cigarettes, shoehorn, breath freshener, cards, float, tie, video camera.

Hold the competition in a public place. The bride and bridesmaids sell items from the basket to the men and form the bride's nest egg.

"It will not work"

Competition for the best excuses for men.

Props: paper, pens.

All the girls write down popular male excuses on a piece of paper. The winner is chosen by the bride.

"Secrets of the Groom"

The bridesmaids prepare the competition in advance. They ask the groom in person or by phone 10-15 questions about him. The answers are recorded on camera.

At the bachelorette party, the bridesmaids ask the bride questions about her lover, comparing her answers with the groom's answers in the video.

Props: video camera, paper, pens, laptop or TV.

"Bride Knowledge Test"

First the bride, and then the bridesmaids answer questions regarding the bride's life.

For example:

  • What is the bride's favorite dress?
  • Why did the bride fall in love with the groom?
  • What did the bride dream of becoming as a child?

The friend whose answers match those of the bride wins.

Props: paper, pens.

What a bride should not do at a bachelorette party

  1. Bring men to the holiday.
  2. Indulge in alcohol. A pregnant bride should not use it at all for a bachelorette party.
  3. Bringing a stripper to a bachelorette party without the groom's consent. Warn your girlfriends in advance.
  4. Emphasize that YOU are getting married - girlfriends remember the reason for the party.
  5. Show off your wedding dress. Keep the bachelorette party tradition alive and keep your outfit a secret.
  6. Refrain from provoking quarrels between friends, they still have to go to the wedding together.
  7. Constantly being in touch with the groom means spending an evening with your girlfriends. With my husband, my whole life is ahead of me.

Gifts for a bachelorette party

Gifts are a pleasant reminder of the past bachelorette party. It is better to give a bachelorette party gift for the bride not from yourself, but from everyone present.

Gifts for the bride

  1. Silk bed linen.
  2. Beautiful robe.
  3. Erotic lingerie.
  4. Umbrella for two.
  5. Breakfast tray in bed.
  6. Bachelorette cake with the bride's maiden name.
  7. An album with funny moments from life.
  8. Organizing a bachelorette party - if the bachelorette party is organized and paid for by girlfriends.
  9. Photoshoot.
  10. Caricature of the bride and groom.
  11. A dream come true. It could be a horse ride, a parachute jump or swimming with dolphins - the bride will definitely not forget such a surprise for her bachelorette party.

Gifts for guests

At a bachelorette party, our ancestors cajoled friends and relatives with gifts to avoid damage and the evil eye on their part. Nowadays they give gifts for a bachelorette party so that guests can leave something as a keepsake from the holiday.

  1. Thematic attributes of a bachelorette party: veils, bracelets, T-shirts, headbands.
  2. Cakes with each girlfriend's initials.
  3. Bachelorette party wishes in verse for each guest.

When going to a bachelorette party, don't forget to bring with you a good mood and a willingness to have fun!

The bride's best friend has the difficult task of organizing an original, fun bachelorette party before the wedding. In order for the holiday to be perfect, she will have to take care of many things - creating a script, inviting guests, drawing up a plan for the bachelorette party. If you can't think of anything to do during this event, try the following bachelorette party ideas.

Creative ideas for a bachelorette party

Every loving friend wants to make the bachelorette party unforgettable for the bride. Creative ideas will help her create something special - a holiday that the hero of the occasion and her guests will remember for a long time.

  • Quest party. This bachelorette party is suitable for brides who love surprises. This event is a game during which the main character will travel around the city (or a certain area of ​​the city), finding notes, clues, riddles, meeting people who will help her get to her final goal - the location of the bachelorette party.
  • Paintball (fights using guns, where instead of bullets there are capsules with paint) or laser tag (when an enemy is hit with a laser gun, a sensor on his body lights up, which indicates a hit) are interesting active games that will certainly please a sporty girl. Book a game for an hour or two, suit up and fight.
  • Bachelorette party “Master Class” is a popular party idea. This is an excellent opportunity to have an interesting time, learn something new, and what is a matter of preference for the hero of the occasion. Examples of events: dance classes, a cocktail making master class from the bartender, a painting lesson - let the bride try something she has long wanted to learn.
  • The idea of ​​a shooting bachelorette party at a shooting range is an original option for holding an event. Surely the future wife is tired of the pre-wedding fuss - she has to be responsible for so many things that her head is pounding. Going to the shooting range with her friends will help her release nervous tension, relax and “shoot” her problems.

Knowing the tastes of your beloved friend and your own imagination will help you organize a bachelorette party creatively. There are many ideas for holding an unforgettable bachelorette party - all you have to do is choose the one that is ideal for the bride.

pajama party

The idea of ​​holding a pajama bachelorette party is suitable for “homey” girls who want to have fun and relax with their closest people. At home, next to her best friends, she will be able to relax as much as possible. To make the bachelorette party interesting, include a variety of games, competitions, and tasks in its script. Preparations will not be expensive: delicious drinks, nice treats, mini-gifts for the bride - that's all you have to spend on.
Even though such a bachelorette party involves spending the night at home, it can go no worse than the noisiest club party.

Party at the club

This bachelorette party idea is perfect for girls who want to have one last blast with their best friends. Incendiary dancing until the morning, delicious alcoholic cocktails, loud music - all this will help you forget about your worries for several hours. A club bachelorette party will not give guests the opportunity to socialize properly, but will give a boost of energy, which is so necessary for the hero of the occasion.

Going to the sauna

The sauna is a wonderful place where you can have a memorable bachelorette party. If you have an idea to celebrate there, share it with the bride. You can combine a visit to the sauna with a massage, useful procedures that will ensure the health of the body and help create a beautiful appearance for those present. Due to the fact that the pores open due to the high temperature and humidity of the sauna, skin masks will cope with their task more effectively.

When choosing this type of leisure, give up alcohol - it will harm your body.

Celebration in a limousine

Elegant clothes, a large salon, champagne, city lights at night - all this will be a wonderful addition to the holiday if you use the idea of ​​holding a bachelorette party in a limousine. Ordering such transport will not be cheap, but a great time spent is worth the cost. Plan a route for your auto-trip, visit memorable places, try leaning out of the sunroof. Take photos and have fun, and after the trip visit a restaurant or nightclub.

Outdoor photo shoot

A bachelorette party combined with a photo shoot is a great idea to forever preserve the memory of this day. Beautiful professional photos will decorate the bride's new family album. You can not only hold a bachelorette party with a photo shoot, but also give the hero of the occasion a gift certificate for a trip to the salon - let her be the most beautiful.

Stylists will prepare the bride for the shoot, and the photographer will do the rest. A walk in the fresh air, beautiful nature, the company of your best friends and a camera to take memorable pictures of the fun - a good embodiment of the bachelorette party idea.

Watch a short video review of a bachelorette party in nature - a fun and enjoyable event:

A trip to a male striptease will help you have a piquant evening and bachelorette party night. Before giving the bride such entertainment, ask her opinion about this idea, otherwise the surprise may turn out to be unpleasant. If a girl agrees to take one last look at the body of someone else’s man, go to a strip club; such an event will definitely lift the mood of those present.


Nothing refreshes the mind like travel. If you have large-scale finances, arrange an unforgettable bachelorette weekend for your friend, where she can change the environment and take her mind off her worries. You can go traveling to another city or even visit another country - it all depends on the possibilities. Any girl will be glad to be away from troublesome pre-wedding affairs.

Theme party

If you decide to organize a themed party, remember that everything at it should perfectly match the same style - from the treats to the outfits of those present. A few ideas below will help you decide which bachelorette party theme will be closer to you and the hero of the occasion.

  • Retro 60s style has become a classic during bachelorette parties. To create the atmosphere of the last century, find the right outfits, do your hair and go to the table of an expensive restaurant. Small talk, delicious food and drinks will help you enjoy your bachelorette party.

  • "Children's holiday." This bachelorette party idea will help the bridesmaids and bridesmaids go back in time and feel like little girls again - carefree and joyful. Wear bright clothes, visit your favorite children's cafe, sing songs you loved before - do everything that is unbecoming for adults, because after the wedding, family responsibility will fall on the shoulders of the hero of the occasion.

  • Oriental style bachelorette party. To create the right atmosphere, decorate the room where the event will take place, or visit an oriental restaurant. Attributes that will help you celebrate a bachelorette party in an oriental way - loose, bright clothes, a hookah, incense sticks, candles, themed music, oriental dances.

Whatever idea for a themed bachelorette party you choose, be guided by the tastes of the main character of the holiday.

Competitions for bachelorette parties

Ideas for interesting competitions will help you realize your bachelorette party scenario with fun and excitement:

  • Karaoke. Compete in this field in a special cafe or have a vocal battle right at home.

  • Let everyone present remember the men’s excuse phrases and write them down on paper. The presenter will count. The one who remembers more is the winner.
  • Newspaper dances are a funny competition during a bachelorette party. Girls must dance while standing on a newspaper, which will gradually shrink thanks to the efforts of the presenter - at certain intervals (for example, 30 seconds), he will cut the newspaper in half. The most dexterous and persistent girl will win - the last one left to dance on a small piece of wood.
  • "Take off your garter." The essence of the game is that guests put a garter on their leg. Whoever manages to get rid of it faster without the help of hands wins.

Don't forget to buy small prizes for the winners and participants - even symbolic things will please everyone.

What can you give to the bride?

Gifts for the hero of the occasion are an obligatory part of the bachelorette party. Give her what you consider necessary, but refuse watches, mirrors, knives - this is a bad omen (although modern girls are not as superstitious as they used to be and will happily accept a gift). Suitable gifts would be high-quality bath towels, personalized jewelry, books, gift certificates, expensive alcohol, things that the bride will need for her hobby, and a wedding garter.

Organizing a bachelorette party is not an easy task, but you can cope with this task by finding the right idea for the event. Prepare for the celebration in advance so as not to do everything in a hurry and not forget anything.

What ideas do you want to use for your bachelorette party? Leave comments after the article.