Care for sensitive problem skin with folk remedies. How to recognize excessive sensitivity? What cosmetics do sensitive skin need?

Dry sensitive facial skin requires special care. In cosmetology, it is distinguished into a separate category and a special care system is made for it. It can cause a lot of problems and discomfort, but you can fight it. Even in a short time, many manage to significantly improve the condition and appearance of the face.

Signs of sensitive skin

The type of facial skin can change with age, under the influence of external factors or due to internal changes in the body. Each type of skin can create certain problems for its owners. Both oily and dry skin needs special care. Too tender and sensitive skin can bother a person all his life or start to deliver discomfort only at some stage.

Owners of dry sensitive facial skin face such troubles as:

  • peeling;
  • burning for no apparent reason;
  • frequent sunburn and difficulty with a full tan;
  • the appearance of a reaction to most types of cosmetics;
  • severe irritation;
  • feeling of tightness, especially after washing;
  • the appearance of age spots of unknown origin;
  • redness;
  • frequent occurrence of irritation;
  • pallor;
  • a thin layer of sebum;
  • thin skin.

To accurately determine that a person has sensitive skin, a special test will help. Run the blunt end of a pencil or pen across your cheek and see how long the red line lasts. For those with sensitive skin, this reaction lasts 2 minutes or even longer.

Most often, dry skin with high sensitivity occurs in blondes and redheads. However, sensitivity can be inherent in other people. Proper and competent skin care will help to get rid of constant irritations and peeling that appear for any reason.

Basic rules of care

Special care is required for a sensitive dry face due to the fact that it regularly reacts to the slightest irritants. People who are familiar with this problem may develop peeling on the face due to heat, spots after applying cosmetics, inflammation due to food allergies.

To bring the face back to normal, it is desirable to determine which negative factor the skin reacted to. Its impact must be eliminated in order to restore a healthy look to the face. However, this is not always possible. Observance of a special care system developed by cosmetologists will help get rid of unpleasant manifestations.

The following rules must be observed:

  1. Any aggressive impact must be excluded or, if this is not possible, at least minimized. Aggressive factors include sunlight, steam, temperature changes, hard peeling, mechanical facial cleansing and similar cosmetic procedures.
  2. It is necessary to abandon cosmetics, which include alcohol, glycolic acid or retinoids. These components can be found in soaps, tonics, lotions, scrubs and masks.
  3. Don't resort to aromatherapy.
  4. Any products that are applied to the skin must be of the highest quality. It is recommended to use a minimum of cosmetics (both decorative and skin care).
  5. You can use creams with SPF before each exit to the street. It is advisable to use products that contain physical filters: titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, etc.
  6. Avoid excessive exposure to ultraviolet light. Visits to solariums must be completely abandoned. You can sunbathe only during the period when the sun gives indirect rays.
  7. The diet must necessarily be built so that products that are harmful to the skin condition are excluded from it. Strong tea and coffee, alcohol, too hot, cold or spicy foods, allergen foods, which include eggs, citrus fruits, chocolate, etc., are prohibited. The emphasis in nutrition should be on vegetable oils (olive, sunflower, grape, linseed). Be sure to consume enough fiber. It is also very important to drink clean water in sufficient quantities.
  8. Smoking must be excluded.
  9. After consulting a doctor, you can take vasoconstrictor drugs to eliminate redness.
  10. Get examined by a gynecologist and endocrinologist to identify possible hormonal disorders and get rid of them.
  11. Use a nourishing cream, preferably after consultation with a beautician.
  12. The intake of complexes of vitamins and minerals, which improve the condition of the vascular system and the whole organism as a whole, helps to cope with the problem.

By following all the basic rules of care and by revising the lifestyle, noticeable improvements in the condition of the skin of the face can be achieved very quickly. Some salon procedures will help speed up the effect and significantly improve the appearance.

What procedures can be performed in the salon?

Dry and sensitive skin will regain its freshness and attractiveness after some procedures that numerous beauty salons offer their clients.

Not all procedures in the arsenal of cosmetologists can be carried out by owners of dry and sensitive skin. However, some of them are recommended for those problems that create excessive sensitivity and dryness.

Treatments for dry and sensitive skin include:

  1. Microcurrent therapy. This procedure has an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens blood vessels, increases local immunity.
  2. Phototherapy. With the help of a diode laser, redness of the skin can be removed.
  3. Biorevitalization. The additional use of hyaluronic acid will provide a rejuvenating effect, relieve inflammation, improve microcirculation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  4. Mesotherapy. Eliminates wrinkles and flaking, therefore it is recommended for mature dry skin with hypersensitivity.

Some salon procedures for such problematic skin are prohibited. Contraindicated procedures include:

  • chemical and glycol peels;
  • laser resurfacing;
  • almost all types of massages.

An experienced cosmetologist will be able to choose the optimal course of procedures that will positively affect the condition of dry sensitive skin. The cosmetic effect will be supplemented by products that can be used independently at home.

Home care products

From the products available to everyone at home, you can prepare effective and safe face care products. Regular use of such products contributes to a significant improvement in the condition of dry and sensitive skin.

An excellent mask for sensitive skin can be prepared from cottage cheese. If you add a little warmed low-fat milk and cucumber pulp to low-fat cottage cheese, you get an excellent remedy that needs to be applied to your face for 15 minutes. It is recommended to use the mask once a week.

As a tonic, you can use a mixture of boiled birch sap with honey. Wipe the skin with this composition in the morning and evening. You can also wipe the skin with cosmetic oils. Burdock, lemon, rose, sea buckthorn oils are well suited.

Cream for daily use can also be made at home. To do this, you need to heat 30 g of base oil on a steam bath, add 2 ml of stearic acid, wait until the emulsifier dissolves, pour in 60 ml of green tea. All this time the mixture must be heated. You can remove the composition from the heat when its consistency becomes creamy. The cream must be constantly stirred. When its temperature drops to 35 ° C, you need to add 7 ml of chamomile extract and 5 drops of essential verbena oil. All components for the cream can be purchased at the pharmacy. You can use it 1 time per day.

Thus, the problem of sensitive and dry skin can occur in a person at any age and for various reasons.

You can get rid of unpleasant manifestations of sensitivity and excessive dryness of the skin of the face if you follow some general rules, use special products for home care and visit a beautician for special procedures.

The modern cosmetic industry pays great attention to the production of products for the care of sensitive facial skin. It is she who is in the most serious demand among today's consumers. In the language of dermatologists and cosmetologists, this is the name given to skin prone to various allergic reactions and prone to inflammatory processes. It is characterized by redness from any irritant, itching, rashes from contact with low-quality cosmetics or jewelry.

For effective care and treatment of the face, it is necessary to establish the factors that cause unpleasant symptoms. These include:

  • uncomfortable weather conditions (gusty wind, scorching sun, severe frost, sudden temperature changes, etc.);
  • action of ultraviolet;
  • the use of hormonal drugs;
  • cosmetics;
  • salon procedures for cleansing the skin and removing wrinkles (for example, chemical peeling);
  • malnutrition;
  • health problems from the vegetative-vascular system.

Under the influence of harmful factors, processes occur in the skin that lead to the development of allergenic and inflammatory reactions, which immediately affects the face.

The skin can be like this from birth or acquire this property for some (long or short) time. The first option is most common in people with blond or red hair. It is affected by any negative phenomena of a natural nature. Problematic skin care involves the use of special protective care products. Competent consultation of the cosmetician is desirable.

In the second case, the skin becomes sensitive due to the harmful effects of the above factors. Poor-quality cosmetics can destroy the upper protective layer, and infectious diseases can reduce the production of a special pigment.

How to recognize excessive sensitivity?

The main symptom is an instant response to an irritant in the form of pinpoint rashes, red spots, peeling or unbearable itching. More than half of women and about a third of men worldwide have it. Main features:

  • feeling of tightness and discomfort after water procedures and applying a cream or scrub;
  • the appearance of red spots for no particular reason and their subsequent disappearance without a trace;
  • recurrent irritation to external factors;
  • difficulties in choosing the right cosmetics;
  • dryness and peeling;
  • intolerance to direct sunlight;
  • the reaction usually appears on the forehead, nose, chin, and near the eyes.

Skin sensitivity is easy to determine at home. To do this, run a non-sharp object along the outside of the cheek, if the red strip does not come off for a long time, more than 2 minutes, then the test is positive. In severe cases, blisters may appear (at a serious stage, it is better not to use scrubs with a peeling effect).

Features of proper care

If you are the owner of delicate skin, then you probably know that it requires constant and careful care. Once you relax a little, the face becomes covered with ugly red spots, and then other signs of hypersensitivity appear. By observing the following simple rules, you can fully enjoy the beauty and forget about small troubles:

1. Use only proven cosmetics of well-known brands with an impeccable reputation from the "sensitive skin" series. Try to stop at the cream of one company you like and use only it. First, apply a small amount to the elbow area. Always check your body's reaction to new remedies.

2. Do not use tap water for washing, it dries out a lot and causes unpleasant peeling of the skin. Best for this purpose is a decoction of medicinal herbs.

3. Soap and all kinds of scrubs also have a tightening effect, so you should not use them.

4. For sensitive, irritated skin in the cold season, you definitely need a good moisturizer, and in hot weather - reliable protection from UV rays.

5. Try to eat right and avoid foods that have a skin reaction.

6. Give up bad habits (alcoholic drinks and cigarettes).

7. Avoid places with a sharp temperature change (for example, baths).

8. Get a hormonal examination by a gynecologist. In case of violations, the doctor will prescribe you a course of treatment with drugs that can change the situation with the skin.

9. For men, a special caring aftershave cosmetics has been developed to eliminate the problems of delicate skin.

10. Treat salon procedures with caution, use only the most gentle of them.

The skin can be both dry and oily. Each of them has its own characteristics and features and requires individual care:

  • Oily.

Owners of this type of skin suffer from excessive redness and all kinds of inflammatory processes. In the struggle for the beauty of the face, they abuse cleansers, which only aggravate the situation. As a result of their use, the sebaceous glands begin to work even harder to avoid dehydration of the epidermis. To improve the condition, use moisturizing creams with a nourishing effect. The content of unsaturated acids in them should not exceed 10-12%.

  • Dry.

The skin type is characterized by the premature appearance of mimic wrinkles and a pronounced pattern of vascular network on the face. To correct the picture, you need to be able to choose the right caring cosmetics. A cream for dry and sensitive skin should have a high moisturizing effect and contain more than 12% unsaturated fatty acids.

professional treatment

In advanced cases, cosmetics are powerless and you need to contact the master for salon procedures. He will create an individual program for you and advise additional care products that will help overcome the symptoms of the disease.

Women with sensitive, dehydrated skin usually start with a couple of treatments and then decide whether to continue based on their reaction. Carefully try nourishing masks, and later add peeling (representatives of oily skin should not get carried away with them). The whole session is aimed at moisturizing and nourishing with useful microelements and vitamins.

Folk remedies

  • Potato.

It has a unique healing effect, reduces redness and blocks inflammation. Puree is prepared from a boiled vegetable and warm milk and applied to the face, kept for 15 minutes, and then washed off with boiled water. To improve the result, olive oil can be added to the mixture.

  • Cucumber.

The vitaminized mask carefully cares for the skin, deeply moisturizes and nourishes it, and also visibly refreshes the complexion. To prepare it, you need a fresh cucumber. Put the grated gruel on the skin and wait 10 minutes, rinse your face with water after the procedure. It is also effective to apply circles of vegetable on the eyelids.

  • Cereals.

The product is famous for its cleansing effect on the skin. The result of the mask is similar to the effect of a peeling in a salon or a good cosmetic scrub. Pour the flakes completely with warm boiled water and let them swell. Remove excess liquid and apply to face. Wash off after 15 minutes and apply a moisturizer.

Care for thin sensitive skin should be comprehensive: modern cosmetics, delicate salon procedures and daily care for small things. It includes the following items:

  • wear clothes only from soft natural fabrics to eliminate the possibility of unnecessary skin irritation;
  • in hot weather, take a shower several times a day, profuse sweat can be an additional cause of redness and rashes;
  • use a moisturizer at least in the morning and evening;
  • abandon hard washcloths in favor of soft sponges;
  • wash your face with water with herbal infusions (chamomile, string) several times a day;
  • buy a humidifier for the apartment;
  • as little as possible be near batteries and heaters.

It is not at all difficult to properly care for the delicate skin of the face, knowing the reasons for its excessive sensitivity. Give yourself just a few minutes a day, and you will forget about such troubles as red spots, itching and peeling.

Many people think that sensitive skin is such a type of skin. It's not like that at all. Sensitivity is an inadequate (not normal) skin reaction to various factors. Typical symptoms of sensitivity are irritation, redness, a feeling of tension, peeling and itching. They appear as a reaction to cosmetic procedures, as well as to cold, sun or polluted air.

Reminder for those with sensitive skin

So, if you are the owner of sensitive skin, it is useful for you to know:

To prevent irritation caused by bacteria, try adding a little vinegar to your bath. This tool is especially useful in the summer. When it comes to choosing cosmetics, give preference to several dermatologist-approved manufacturers.

If possible, drinks containing caffeine and alcohol, as well as spicy foods, should be excluded from the diet. It is also worth avoiding those products that include potential allergens.

Be sure to wear sunscreen, even during the winter months. Refuse to use new cosmetics without first testing it. To check, apply a little product to the bend of the elbow and observe the reaction of the skin over the next day.

It is important to choose the right moisturizer, which contains natural oils and does not contain any fragrances. To moisturize the skin well and provide it with proper nutrition, moisturizers must be applied in several layers.

Caring for this type of skin involves drinking plenty of pure water (about 2-3 liters daily). Do not abuse cleansers: removing the protective barrier, you open the way for dirt and bacteria.

Masks for sensitive skin

Masks are one of the most effective beauty treatments. According to experts, masks act on the skin much more energetically than creams and other cosmetics. But you need to remember that for sensitive skin, softening and nourishing masks should be chosen. They nourish the skin, accelerate metabolic processes, give the face freshness. Make masks should be at least 1-2 times a week.

Rules for the use of masks

It must be remembered that homemade masks for sensitive skin must be used very carefully so as not to harm yourself. The rules are simple, but require strict adherence.

  • Any mask should be tested for at least 20 minutes on the crook of the elbow or wrist. If after this period of time irritation and itching do not appear, the mask can be safely applied.
  • It is not necessary to cleanse the skin with scrubs before applying the mask: they can injure it.
  • Do not apply masks on sensitive skin with a thick layer: its thin skin will not withstand such a load.
  • As soon as you feel the slightest burning sensation under the mask, immediately stop the procedure.
  • There is no need to overexpose such masks on the face: 10-15 minutes is usually enough for their full effect on the cells.
  • It is recommended to wash off masks for sensitive skin with lukewarm water and do not dry yourself with a towel after washing, so as not to injure the skin.
  • After the mask, be sure to apply your daily nourishing (or protective) cream to the skin to consolidate the result.

Only with strict observance of all these rules can we expect the effect of masks for sensitive facial skin prepared at home.

Mask Recipes

Cottage cheese face mask for sensitive skin

Mix homemade cottage cheese (2 tablespoons) with warm low-fat milk (1 tablespoon), cucumber pulp (1 tablespoon). Action time - 15 minutes. Frequency of use - 1 time per week.

Mask with sour cream

Mix pre-whipped yolk of one egg with two tablespoons of sour cream, add a teaspoon of carrot juice. Apply the mask on your face and leave for fifteen minutes.

Mask of cottage cheese, milk, banana and carrots

For sensitive skin, a mask made from cottage cheese, milk, banana and carrots will be useful. For this purpose, take 1 tbsp. cottage cheese, mashed banana pulp and grated carrots, and add 2 tbsp. milk. After that, the resulting mixture is thoroughly triturated. This mask is applied for 15 minutes.

Oatmeal face mask

2 tbsp. l. ground oatmeal mixed with 3 tbsp. milk; after the flakes swell, apply the mass on the face and neck and hold for 15-20 minutes, then wash off the mask.

Carrot-egg mask

Grate 1-2 carrots, mix with 1 yolk and apply on face for 20-25 minutes.

Wash off the mask with warm boiled water. Course - 1-2 times a week.

Soothing Cabbage Mask

This mask is very useful for dehydrated, sensitive skin.

Grind a little white cabbage with a combine or a knife.

Cleanse your face with your favorite facial milk.

Then we wipe the face with olive oil with massage movements.

And only then we apply gruel from cabbage on the face.

We keep 15 minutes.

We wash ourselves with slightly warm water.

Most Common Mistakes

Error 1: stress Sensitive skin does not tolerate haste and nervous stress and reacts to them with unexpected redness, spots and itching.

Advice. You need to try to "respond" to stressful situations with exercises that discharge the nervous system. Yoga and auto-training are ideal. Therapists confidently assert that inner peace and balance can stabilize the condition of the skin for a long time.

Error 2: coffee, etc. Coffee, black tea, cola, champagne? these treats are not for people with sensitive skin. They strongly stimulate blood circulation and increase nervousness. This is what leads to the appearance of red spots and irritated areas.

Advice. It is better to give up foods that increase nervous tension. It is better to drink nettle tea, four to five cups daily. This tea has a calming effect.

Error 3: experiments. Women with sensitive skin often find it difficult to choose new cosmetics. Therefore, many constantly try new creams on their faces. As a result, the skin becomes more and more sensitive and one day can get completely out of control. It is necessary to abandon all experiments. Sensitive skin requires the simplest care products, and less is more. In any new product, there may be some active substance that the skin will react negatively to.

Advice. Do not use any cream during the week. This will cause discomfort only in the first few days, but then the skin will begin to use its own internal resources and its condition will improve.

Error 4: peeling. Sensitive skin is naturally very delicate, finely porous, with a thin stratum corneum. The use of exfoliating products is not only unnecessary, but also burdensome for her. They make the skin even thinner and negatively affect the condition of the stratum corneum. In the worst case, the tiny exfoliating grains contained in each such product, mechanically irritating the skin, can lead to severe eczema. Intensive cleansing for sensitive skin is quite acceptable, but the method must be gentle. If, when washing, just wipe the skin with a coarse terry mitten, we can assume that this is a soft peeling.

And, of course, a very useful addition would be the periodic intake of vitamin-mineral complexes (C, E, K, H, A, group B, rutin, zinc, selenium, copper, potassium, calcium, magnesium), which will strengthen blood vessels, improve protective function of the skin and will help reduce skin sensitivity.

Sensitive facial skin is not one of the varieties of covers. It is a pathological reaction to the action of internal and external stimuli: slowing down of cellular metabolism, genetic predisposition, sun, wind, low temperatures. The sensitivity of the skin of the face is manifested in irritations, peeling, inflammation and is a real problem for its owner, requiring a systematic solution.

A distinctive feature of the sensitive dermis is its strong reaction to the components contained in the care formulations. Because of this, the question arises: what to do with irritated skin? To prevent side effects and soothe the integument, it is necessary to carefully select store-bought products and ingredients for home mixtures.

Sensitive skin care tips

When cleansing the dermis, prone to irritation and rashes, the use of chlorinated tap water is unacceptable. For morning washing, you should use a mineral or filtered liquid. Hypoallergenic milk is used to remove dirt accumulated during the day from the face. After the cleansing procedure, to give elasticity and eliminate tightness, the face is wiped with a cotton pad dipped in tonic. Home-made products refresh the covers well.

To maintain the tone of sensitive skin, its high-quality hydration is necessary. Saturation with moisture is carried out with the help of a hypoallergenic cream made on the basis of thermal waters with the addition of mineral elements. When choosing a moisturizer, you should carefully study its composition. A cream enriched with natural ingredients does not always cope with the problems of damaged skin. So, the presence of calendula, nettle or arnica in the composition further irritates the dermis. .png" alt="moisturizers for sensitive skin" width="450" height="360" srcset="" data-srcset=" 712w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Good caring cosmetics for sensitive facial skin, in addition to moisturizing, have a softening and protective effect. Choosing it, you must be guided by the simplicity of the components and the minimum number of ingredients. A good face cream contains the following ingredients:

  • vitamins A, C and E, nourishing the integument and restoring their protective layer;
  • allantoin and panthenol, which are part of most healing ointments;
  • components of SPF sun protection;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • extracts of herbs and fruits that have a calming effect.

To cleanse, nourish and moisturize the irritated dermis, the use of creamy formulations with the addition of hypoallergenic components is recommended. It is unacceptable to use hardening or gel-like film masks, which further tighten thinned covers. Home remedies for sensitive skin are prepared using the following ingredients:

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Carrying out deep cleansing of sensitive skin, the use of coarse products with abrasive particles is unacceptable. It is characterized by fineness, fine porosity and a weak protective layer. Exposure to aggressive agents thins it even more, leads to the appearance of small ulcers and inflammations. Gommages of a creamy structure help to take care of such a dermis. They gently envelop thinned integuments and gently remove impurities from the pores.

For more information on the rules for caring for sensitive skin, see the video:

Recipes for soothing masks

Care for sensitive skin includes the use of mixtures based on cottage cheese, cream with the addition of softening fruits: peach, plum, pear, etc.

Quickly eliminates redness and softens the skin banana mask. It is necessary to grind 1 tbsp. l. cottage cheese, mix it with 2 tbsp. l. milk and 1 tbsp. l. banana pulp. The compound is distributed along the massage lines and left for 15 minutes. After its removal, the face is treated with a soothing tonic and nourishing cream.

To soften and eliminate peeling use egg mixture. For its preparation 1 tbsp. l. crushed oatmeal is poured with a small amount of boiling water and left for 10 minutes. for swelling. After that, the ingredients are combined with egg yolk and 2 tbsp. l. olive oil. The product is applied to the cleansed face for 15-20 minutes. and removed with a cotton pad. The surface is treated with tonic and nourishing cream. .png" alt="Soothing mask for sensitive skin" width="450" height="272" srcset="" data-srcset=" 768w, 813w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Effectively fights irritation rice flour mix. 1 tsp is added to the container. warm milk, glycerin and flour in the amount necessary to form a creamy composition. This recipe is used to eliminate extensive foci of inflammation and peeling. It is recommended to apply it at night. The ingredients are removed with a cotton pad, after which the surface is treated with tonic and cream.

Used for quick whitening of sensitive skin yogurt mask. It is necessary to mix 1.5 tbsp. l. oatmeal, 1 tsp melted honey and plain yoghurt until creamy. If you are allergic to honey, it is replaced with the pulp of any “soothing” fruit: banana, pear, avocado, etc. The mixture is applied to the cleansed face for 20 minutes. and washed off with warm water. .png" alt=" whitening mask for sensitive skin" width="450" height="299" srcset="" data-srcset=" 768w, 906w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Sensitive skin care is unthinkable without herbal masks. A popular recipe for soothing irritated skin is a mixture of horse chestnut flowers, chamomile, yarrow, horsetail and potato starch. The ingredients are poured with warm water until a creamy consistency is formed. The herbal compound is wrapped in gauze and applied to the cleaned integuments for 20 minutes. After removing it, the face is wiped with chamomile infusion and moisturized with cream.

Peeling at home

For the face for sensitive skin, the use of gommages is indicated, which delicately remove dirt without injuring the skin. A simple recipe for peeling is coffee. A dense layer of nourishing cream is applied to the cleansed face, after which, using ground grains, you need to gently massage it for 1 minute. Particular attention should be paid to the T-zone, which is most often subjected to peeling. You should not intensively press on the covers, all movements must be made along the massage lines. After removing the gommage, the face is treated with tonic and moisturizer. .png" alt="Coffee gommage for sensitive skin" width="450" height="275" srcset="" data-srcset=" 768w, 855w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Provides a quick cleansing effect on sensitive skin semolina peeling. To prepare its base, the cereal is poured with warm water and left to infuse. After that, 3 tsp are added to the container. ground oatmeal, 1 tsp. lemon juice, apple, a few drops of vitamins A, E. 3 tsp are added to the composition. swollen semolina, 1 tbsp. l. kefir and mix thoroughly. Peeling is applied with massaging movements for several minutes and washed off with warm water.

Another effective combination of cereals is orange gommage. You need to mix 1 tbsp. l. semolina, oatmeal and 1 tsp. crushed citrus peel. A cleanser is poured into the composition in the amount necessary to form a creamy consistency. Peeling with gentle movements is applied to the surface for several minutes and washed off with warm water.

Oily irritated dermis gains tone after application barley mixture. You need to mix 2 tbsp. l. crushed barley groats, 1 tbsp. l. rice flour, cream and milk in the amount necessary to obtain a creamy consistency. Gommage is applied with massage movements to a cleansed face and washed off with warm water.

Mild cleansing effect cream peeling. For its preparation 1 tbsp. l. whipped product is mixed with 3 tbsp. l. dry coconut milk and 0.5 tsp. pectin. The agent is applied to the cleansed dermis and lasts 3-5 minutes, after which it is removed with warm water. .png" alt="Home peeling for sensitive skin" width="450" height="257" srcset="" data-srcset=" 768w, 913w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Homemade Tonic Recipes

Very sensitive facial skin gains elasticity under the influence of herbal solutions. The use of mint, linden flowers, St. John's wort, horse chestnut, horsetail, etc. contributes to the acceleration of cell metabolism, giving the dermis greater elasticity and density. These components are used individually or, to achieve a better effect, in combination with each other.

To prepare a simple soothing composition need to pour boiling water 1 tbsp. l. chamomile and leave to infuse for 30 minutes. Strained and cooled, applied to a cleansed face 2 times a day. To eliminate peeling and inflammation, a composition of plantain, linden, immortelle leaves, mixed in equal proportions, is simmered over low heat. Herbal tonics are stored in a cool place for no more than 3 days.

To give vivacity and feeling of coolness irritated dermis is recommended to use a mint solution. It is necessary to boil the composition of chamomile and St. John's wort over low heat. Grind washed mint leaves and pour boiling water for 30 minutes. Strained solutions are mixed and cooled. The resulting composition is treated with inflamed, microtrauma-covered skin several times a day.

For soothing and moisturizing irritated integuments use birch tonic. You need to mix 3 tbsp. l. kidneys, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice and 2 tbsp. l. aloe juice. The cleansed face is wiped with a cotton pad dipped in tonic, 2 times a day. The solution is stored no more than 2 days in a cool place. .png" alt="Homemade toner for sensitive skin" width="450" height="393" srcset="" data-srcset=" 635w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Proven Recipe cleanser is pink lotion. It is necessary to prepare a base of roses: 100 g of petals are washed, crushed, poured with an alcohol solution prepared in a ratio of 1 tsp. ethyl for 3 tsp. water, and 2 days insist in a dark cool place. After enriching the liquid with the nutrients of the flower, the composition is filtered, a few drops of wheat germ oil and the juice of half a carrot are added to it. Shake the tonic thoroughly before use.

Refreshes thinned skin strawberry tonic. It is necessary to crush and squeeze 100 g of fresh berries to obtain juice. After that, it is mixed with 3 tbsp. l. mineral water and a few drops of tea tree or grape seed oil. The tonic is stored in a dark, cool place for no more than 3 days.


The effectiveness of working with sensitive skin is achieved through regular toning and soothing procedures. Integument care is a multi-stage process involving the active use of anti-inflammatory natural ingredients.

Hello girls!
I haven’t written anything for a long time and now I don’t know if my post will be useful for you.
I would like to tell you about my facial products. Who cares - please continue!

The first thing I'll start with is the washroom.
I have the simplest one, just to wash off makeup, not to dry my face and not cause irritation.
Full name: Black Pearl, Idilica, Cleansing Foam

My opinion: The gel is a little thick, has a bluish tint, foams quite well, not a lot and not a little foam. Removes all make-up, including mascara, on the first try. But there is no plumbing. Doesn't dry out my skin, although most products dry my oily skin a lot. Makes skin matte for a short time.
Score: 4
Price: approx. 200 rubles

The following are two scrubs from Pure Line for dry and normal skin.
Full name: Pure Line, Soft Scrub (Raspberry and Cowberry) for dry and sensitive skin and Cleansing Scrub, apricot kernels, for normal and combination skin

My opinion: Both scrubs are just a godsend. Apricot Kernel Scrub is great for those moments when the skin is terribly dirty. The second, which is more gentle, is suitable for more frequent use. Sometimes I use them together, because the rougher one cannot remove very small bumps from the skin.
Price: approx. 40 rubles

Full name: Avene, Cleanance Lotion-Toner

My opinion: The lotion has a matting powder inside. It cleans well, does not mattify for as long as we would like, just a couple of hours. So in general, for the sake of one cleansing, you can use it before and look for something even more interesting!
Score: 4
Price: approx. 700-800 rubles

Now local remedies for pimples!

Full name: Galderma Baziron AS

My opinion: You need to be very careful with this tool, otherwise it can do such things! For very sensitive skin, it is not suitable at all, it can leave burns, swelling.
For me, it helps to dry out a pimple overnight, which does not lend itself to any means at all! Often you can’t use it, it can be addictive, and it will stop helping.
Score: 5
Price: 600 rubles

My second discovery in the fight against pimples will suit any skin.
Full name: MosPharma, Zinc paste

My opinion: At first glance, this is a fatty mass, which raises doubts just because of its fat content that it can heal pimples. But in fact, if you apply pointwise to a pimple at night, then in the morning you will wake up without it and its possible traces! The only negative in it is that it is very difficult to wash it off with water, so in the morning you will have to try to get rid of it so as not to go to work with white stains.
Price: 30-40 rubles

If there are still spots from acne, then it helps me Badyaga, gel with badyaga, manufacturer of 7 notes of health
My opinion: I apply generously on the spots and wait for it to dry completely. then I wash it off, at one time, of course, the stain is not removed, but after two or three times it already brightens, and it is not so visible.
Rating: 4 because I want faster results
Price: approx 100 rubles

Full name: Himalaya Herbals Antibacterial Face Mask

My opinion: The first time I applied it, it left a red spot on my face, but because cleansed my face very well. I decided to try my luck and use it one more time. The second time was successful, and now I constantly buy it.
What it does: Cleans pores, blackheads become less noticeable. Tightens pores and slightly whitens the face and mattifies.
Score: 5
Price: approx. 250 rubles

And my moisturizing after all this torture, as you probably thought
My most insanely cool moisturizer is from La roche pose
Full name: La Roche-Posay Cicaplast Baume B5

My opinion: A very thick cream, very oily, but with all these indicators it is a pleasure to apply it at night - in the morning the skin is simply insanely beautiful. Fresh, redness relieves, moisturized.
The only negative is that it lays down in a thick layer that shines and sticks. But he does not clog pores at all, not a single pimple has jumped up after him.
Score: 5
Price: approx 1000 rubles

And what I put under makeup in the form of a foundation
Full name: Caudalie Vinosource Moisturizing Matifying Fluid

My opinion: Light cream, which is absorbed very quickly, does not roll, mattifies the skin for a short time (well, it keeps the defense for 3-4 hours), smells good, moisturizes a little. Doesn't clog pores or cause irritation. I think it will end, I'll look for more vibes.
Price: approx 800 rubles

And the last:
Full name: Lancome Hydra Zen Neurocalm Extreme Soothing Moisturizing Gel

My opinion: A light cream that moisturizes the skin well (but there will be little moisture for winter), absorbs quickly, does not roll under makeup, does not clog pores, does not cause irritation, but does not hide any imperfections - it simply moisturizes. The only negative for me personally is the high price, 3000 rubles, I think, is too much.
Rating: 4, only because of the price
Price: approx 3000 rubles

And before and after photos with a time difference of 1.5 years. In the first photo, the face with foundation, in the second only with powder!


I hope I didn’t tire you, and was useful, if I didn’t finish something, then ask - I will try to answer!
Thank you for your attention,