Exercises for the development of speech of a child 2 years old. Games, tasks and exercises for the development of speech. Part 1. Didactic color learning games for young children

Games are an essential element in the development and upbringing of a child. Didactic games help to establish the relationship between practical and mental actions, which is important for children of any age: at 2–3 years old, 3–4 years old, 4–6 years old.

A didactic game is a type of educational activity organized in the format of a game. Classes implement the principles of gaming, active learning, obey a set of specific rules, have a strict structure and a system of control and evaluation tools.

Didactic games for children 2-3 years old: how to develop a baby.

The games in question, as well as mobile, musical ones, are created by adults (teacher, parent) and are offered ready-made. First, children master the game with the help of its developers, learn the rules, norms of action, and over time, after mastering the necessary content, they begin to play them on their own.

Such classes are one of the leading ones in preschool educational organizations, therefore they are used by educators at all stages of children's development: the first younger group (2-3 years), the second younger group (3-4 years), the middle one - 4-5 years old, the older one - 5-6 years, preparatory - 6-7 years.

Properly organized didactic games develop:

  • mental and cognitive abilities- children learn new information, generalize and consolidate it, expand their knowledge about various objects, phenomena of the surrounding reality, about the flora and fauna. Memory develops, all kinds of attention, observation, children learn to express judgments and conclusions;
  • speech- there is a replenishment of the active dictionary and its actualization in speech activity;
  • social and moral values- children learn the relationship between themselves and adults, between objects of animate and inanimate nature, children learn to empathize, give in to each other, be fair, considerate towards the other.

Usually, the games under consideration are divided into 3 main groups:

  1. Games with objects (toys)- are aimed at the direct perception of a thing and action with it, therefore, the child gets acquainted with the characteristics of this object, its shape, color. When working with several toys, children can compare them with each other, find common and different. This type of task allows you to organize independent activities, develops the ability to occupy yourself and not interfere with others in the group.
  2. Board games- aimed at getting to know the surrounding reality, flora, fauna, phenomena of animate and inanimate nature. Such tasks contribute to the development of speech skills, logic, mindfulness, teach modeling life situations, make decisions, train self-control skills.
  3. word games- develop thinking and speech of preschoolers. These games are based on speaking, which allows you to train the ability to solve various mental problems: describe the properties and characteristics of things or phenomena, highlight their main features, compare different objects (phenomena) with each other, guess them according to the description.

Didactic games for children (2-3 years old or older) are conducted by a teacher or parent, at the same time, he organizes activities through familiarization with the content and rules of the game, its course of action, through a clear example of how to play. The game ends with a summing up of its results and analysis, which allows you to identify the individual characteristics of children.

The benefits of didactic games

The games in question develop:

  • speech- children hear the speech of an adult and other preschoolers, therefore, vocabulary is replenished. In addition, the guys answer questions, describe something, reason, therefore, they train the available speech data, they are being improved;
  • thinking- preschoolers expand their knowledge about objects, phenomena, flora and fauna, learn new information, can compare existing experience with what they have received, train memory, logic, mathematical abilities;
  • attention- children train listening skills and understanding what needs to be done, how to play the game correctly, therefore, they become more attentive, focused, able to regulate their actions;
  • physical qualities- there is a development of the motor system, children become mobile, active, learn to control their movements, manage them, the child's psyche is formed in terms of the ability to be active.

Speech development

Didactic games aimed at developing speech skills are recommended to be selected taking into account the age indicator. Such classes replenish the active vocabulary of the kids and teach to distinguish the sounds of the pupils of the older group.

Didactic games for children 2-3 years old:

  1. "Tree". The goal is to develop the skill of using prepositions in speech, activating speech skills acquired earlier. Description - the educator reads a short poem and visually shows that ON is on top, and UNDER is on the bottom. After playing the action, he discusses with the children what else happens ON and UNDER. Text:

  1. "The doll is sleeping." The goal is to develop speaking and listening skills. Additional props - a doll and a lullaby (crib). Description - the task of the preschooler is to put the doll to sleep: shake it, sing a lullaby, put it in the crib and cover it with a blanket. The next stage of the game - the teacher explains that while the doll is sleeping, you need to talk in a whisper so as not to wake her up. At the same time, you need to bring the preschooler to a conversation, ask to talk about something. The final stage is to announce that the doll has woken up and now you can talk in full voice.

Classes for preschoolers 4-5 years old:

  1. "Where can you do something?" The goal is to develop the ability to use verbs in speech, listening skills, social and moral values. Description - children answer the teacher's questions: "What can be done on the playground?" (relax, play, ride downhill, run, chat, etc.), “What can you do in nature (in a clinic, in the country, etc.)?”.
  2. "What, what, what." The goal is to develop the ability to use definitions for various objects, phenomena in speech, to activate the existing vocabulary. Description - the teacher calls the words, and the preschoolers in a chain name the properties characteristic of these words. For example: a cat is affectionate, striped, fluffy; coat - warm, autumn, brown.

Games for the senior group:

  1. "vowel sounds". The goal is to develop the skills of isolating vowel sounds from the composition of a word. Description - the teacher calls a word consisting of one, two or three syllables (it all depends on the individual capabilities of the preschooler), children identify vowel sounds by ear and name them.
  2. "Superfluous word". The goal is to develop auditory attention, enrich the vocabulary and clarify the lexical meaning. Description - the teacher calls a chain of words, the task of the pupils is to find an extra word and explain their choice. For example: October, January, summer, June, August; jeans, dress, shoes, sweater, coat.

Development of thinking

Didactic games aimed at developing thinking will be useful not only for children aged 2–3, but also for the middle and older groups. Properly organized classes contribute to the training of all stages of the intellectual formation of thinking.


  • visual-effective - the child establishes causal relationships through the solution of simple practical problems;
  • visual-figurative - a preschooler establishes connections using a figurative representation of an object, phenomenon;
  • verbal-logical - the establishment of various relationships between words and concepts at a generalized (abstract) level.

Didactic games for children 2-3 years old: how to develop a child's thinking.

Tasks for the development of thinking in the younger group:

  1. "Who loves what." The goal is the development of visual-effective thinking, the synthesis of knowledge about animals. Description - the teacher lays out cards with representatives of the fauna and food for them, the children are invited to feed each representative.
  2. "Words are reversed." The goal is the development of visual-figurative thinking, the ability to analyze. Description - the teacher calls the word, and the pupils need to name the opposite word: narrow - thick, long - short, etc.
  3. "Summarize the words." The goal is the development of verbal-logical thinking, the ability to combine words into groups. Description - the task of children is to summarize the words given in the teacher's chain. For example: a cow, a horse, a ram are domestic animals.

Games for the middle group:

  1. "The Lost Toy" The goal is the development of thinking, the ability to concentrate. Description - several toys are placed in front of the child, they are asked to carefully look at them and remember, then the preschooler closes his eyes, one toy is removed and asked to see which toy is hidden. This game can be complicated if the toys are interchanged, while the preschooler must remember the sequence in which the objects were.
  2. "Find the treasure." The goal is the development of logical thinking, spatial orientation, the ability to act according to the scheme. Description - an object is hidden in the room and a map of its location is drawn, the task of the children is to find the object using the map. The task can be complicated if it is carried out on the playground.

Exercises for older preschoolers:

  1. "Continue the word." The goal is to develop the speed of thinking and consideration. Description - the teacher calls the initial syllable, and the child must come up with a word that begins with this syllable. You can complicate the task and offer to come up with several words for one syllable.
  2. "Similar - not similar." The goal is the development of logical thinking, the ability to analyze, evaluate objects, phenomena, and argue your answer. Description - the teacher arranges various objects in the room in advance, the task of the preschooler is to find similar objects, describe what they have in common, prove his point of view.

Development of attention

Didactic games for children (2-3 years and older) for the development of attention train the ability to listen carefully to the teacher, to monitor the situation in the group, which in turn leads to memorizing the necessary information.

Exercises for younger preschoolers:

  1. "Lotto". The goal is to train visual attention, thinking, speech development. Additional material - paired cards with pictures, one set of cards remains with the teacher, the second set is distributed to children (each with a card). Description - the teacher shows a card, a child who has the same picture quickly raises his card and describes it.
  2. "Guess what to do." The goal is to train auditory attention, the ability to correlate their actions with the actions of the teacher. Additional material - a tambourine, colored flags for each child. Description - the teacher picks up a tambourine, the children take the flags. If the tambourine sounds loud, then preschoolers wave flags, if it is quiet, they keep their hands on their knees.

Games for the middle group:

  1. "Buttons". The goal is to develop memory and attention, the ability to find ways to memorize objects. Materials - buttons, a chess board. Description - the pupils are divided into pairs, each receives his own set of buttons. The first player places three buttons on his playing field anywhere, the second player remembers the location of the buttons, the items are covered, and the second player repeats the location of the buttons on the field, then the correctness of the task is checked. Then the players change, the second sets the buttons, and remembers the first. The game can be complicated: 1) by setting not 3, but a larger number of buttons, 2) setting the time to memorize and reproduce the pattern.
  2. "Noisy pictures". The goal is to develop involuntary attention. Material - cards on which various objects are depicted with lines. Description - children look at pictures with several images and must name the objects that are drawn there. Complicating the task: pupils first memorize objects, and then call them from memory.
  1. "Find differences". The goal is to train the ability to arbitrarily switch and distribute attention. Material - a card with pictures that have differences. Description - the task of the child is to find all the differences. You can complicate the exercise if you select images that differ in some details.
  2. "Builders". The goal is to train observational abilities, distribution and concentration of attention. Material - cards with 4 drawings, pencil. Description - there are 4 drawings on the card - 1 is completely drawn, and in 3 others there are no details, the child's task is to finish the remaining drawings so that he gets 4 identical images.

Development of physical qualities

Didactic games for children (2–3 years and older) for training physical qualities are necessary for the overall development of a preschooler. Motor activity can be formed not only in physical education classes, but also in a group or at home.

When doing exercises, children learn to coordinate their movements, become hardy and healthier.

Games for younger students:

  1. "Mirrors". The goal is to consolidate the ways of walking, jumping, running and other movements, developing the ability to come up with new movements. Description - the children form a circle, they will be “mirrors”, the leader stands in the center of the circle and demonstrates movements, the rest repeat after him. Whoever repeats the best - becomes the leader.
  2. "Naughty ball". The goal is to develop the ability to throw a sports equipment with both hands from the chest. Description - children stand at the intended line and perform actions under the poem that the teacher says:

We hug the ball gently

Let's push him away casually.

And now let's catch up together:

We need to pity him!

Exercises for the middle group:

  1. "Who is faster". The goal is to develop the speed of reaction, the formation of the ability to hear and understand the conditions of activity, to perform all actions correctly. Description - divide the children into groups, put a hoop in front of the groups, the first from each column take the hoop, raise it above their heads and lower it through the body to the floor, step over the projectile and go to the end of the column. The teacher carefully observes all groups and awards a flag to the one who correctly completed the exercise. The group with the most flags wins.
  2. "Mousetrap". The goal is to develop speed of reaction, the ability to navigate in new situations. Description - 2 groups are formed from children, 1 group - mice, 3 small circles are created from 2 groups - mousetraps, the task of children is to catch all the mice. The teacher is the leader of the game, voices the actions: the mice run through the mousetraps, but as soon as the teacher says “Stop”, the mousetraps close, the “mice” caught are in a circle.

Tasks for older preschoolers:

  1. "Owl". The goal is to develop movement coordination. Description - the group is divided into 2 teams - butterflies and bees, 1 child is chosen as an owl. At the command of the teacher - “day”, the teams run around the clearing, “night” - all the children freeze, the owl goes hunting and takes those who have moved. The game ends when the owl catches 2-3 butterflies or bees.
  2. "Zhmurka". The goal is to train the ability to navigate in space. Description - children form a circle, two players are selected: one is blindfolded, and the other is given a bell. The task of the first player is to catch the second with his eyes closed.

Card file of didactic games for the younger group of kindergarten

"What is the subject?" (games with toys, objects) - children take out various objects from the bag and name them, describe their characteristics.

“Find the same objects” (board game) - children receive cards with several drawings, among which you need to find the same.

“Olya’s helpers” (word game) - the teacher takes the doll and asks the children, pointing to his hands: “What is this?” (hands), “What are they doing” (take, draw ...). And so for every part of the body.

Didactic color learning games for young children

Didactic games help to introduce preschoolers to primary colors and their shades. First, the kids learn red, blue and yellow, then orange, green and black are added to them.

Basic didactic games with children:

  1. Games with objects Children need to match the colors of two objects. For example: arrange colored pencils in jars with the corresponding color; make several colored pockets in a shoe box and put pebbles in them; plant a butterfly on a flower of the same color, etc.
  2. Board games- Children need to choose the right color for something. For example: prepare stencils with fruits, trees, flowers and other objects and ask the children to choose the appropriate color from pieces of colored paper (apple - red, ball - yellow, spruce - green); pick up paper clips of the same color as the picture.
  3. word games Children need to describe what colors they see. For example: a teacher shows a drawing to preschoolers and asks them to name the colors that the artist used. This task can be complicated if you use not just children's drawings, but reproductions of paintings.

After studying the primary colors, they move on to the study of shades, from light to dark tones. Here you can use self-prepared palettes and clothespins with flowers, give a task - pick up a clothespin for the corresponding color of the palette; or assemble a caterpillar from various shades, for example, starting with red, moving to orange and yellow.

Card file of didactic games for middle groups of kindergarten

In the middle group, a card file of games can be compiled on the following topics:

  1. "Child and Health". To study the daily routine, children are invited to look at pictures with images of the daily routine and arrange them in order and comment: the morning starts with exercises, breakfast, etc. Such a game introduces children to a healthy lifestyle, develops speech, attention and memory.
  2. "Healthy foods". The following games will help memorize fruits and vegetables: children take out a model of a product from a bag and describe it (“this is an apple, it is round, red and smooth); the teacher names the characteristics of the fruit / vegetable, and the children guess it; children try products with their eyes closed and name them, say what the fruit / vegetable tastes like.
  3. "Dangerous Items" The purpose of such games is to introduce children to dangerous objects that should not be played or taken without the permission of adults. For example: the teacher prepares cards with dangerous and safe items and asks the pupils to sort them into two groups, explaining their choice. You can complicate the task by offering to tell the children what injuries dangerous things can cause (cut, bruise, etc.).

Card file of didactic games for senior groups of kindergarten

Didactic games in senior groups:

  1. Item games: description of the properties of objects, finding common and different, comparing objects, posing problematic questions. For example, why the oval does not roll.
  2. Board-printed games: mathematical tasks - count birds, animals, tasks for attentiveness, thinking - pick up items for something (dress a girl / boy, set the table, put things in cabinets, etc.), find a pair for something, tasks for development social relations - the study of various professions, ways of behavior in public places.
  3. Word games: naming in one word a group of objects, phenomena, animals, plants, a story about the profession of parents, guessing riddles, compiling stories (“continue the sentence”).

Didactic games for the development of coherent speech in preschoolers

The development of speech is one of the important tasks of pedagogy: the better coherent speech is developed, the more successfully the child learns, since he knows how to form and formulate thoughts, knows how to use speech as a tool for communication and influencing other people.

Didactic games that help develop coherent speech:

  1. "Zoo". The goal is the development of coherent speech, the ability to describe a picture, to compose a mini-story. Description - children receive pictures with animals, their task is to carefully examine them, and then in turn describe the depicted animal according to the scheme: appearance, what it eats.
  2. "Good bad". The goal is the development of coherent speech, logical thinking, the ability to describe the heroes of a fairy tale, and build reasoning. Description - pupils, together with the teacher, describe the characters of the heroes of fairy tales, find positive and negative character traits, reason for what they can praise this / that hero (for example, what is good about the fact that the Serpent Gorynych has three heads).

DIY didactic game

Didactic games for kids:

  1. "Feed the bun." The goal is to develop fine motor skills in children. Description - You will need two small plastic containers, one of them should be round. Glue a funny face (kolobok) to the lid, make a hole in place of the mouth, put the beans in the second jar. The task of the child is to feed the kolobok, i.e. transfer the beans to a jar with a face.
  2. "Carnations and rubber bands". The goal is to train fine motor skills, visual, color and spatial perception, the study of geometric shapes. Description - cut out a square of the desired size from plywood, color it, fix stationery carnations at an equal distance throughout the space, the child's task is to create various geometric shapes, simple objects (for example, spruce) using bank rubber bands.

Classes with children of the middle group:

  1. "Box of Feelings" The goal is the development of motor skills, imagination, the ability to determine an object by its shape. Description - take a shoe box, make two holes in the lid and sew fabric sleeves to them, put various items in the box and cover with a lid. The task of the children is to put their hands in the sleeves, find the object, guess and describe it.
  2. "Musical Candies" The goal is the development of auditory attention, memory, thinking. Description - put various objects into the eggs from under the kinder surprise - beads, cereals, paper clips, sheathe blanks with fabric in the form of sweets (each sound should have a pair). The task of children is to find pairs of identical candies.

Games for older preschoolers:

  1. "The World of Flora and Fauna". The goal is to develop the ability to observe, analyze, generalize, instill love for wildlife, for a careful attitude towards it. Description - cut out representatives of flora and fauna, stick on cardboard. The task of the children is to consider a card with an animal or plant, describe it, highlight the main characteristics, etc.
  2. "Mosaic". The goal is the development of attention, logical thinking, color perception. Description - prepare various geometric shapes from colored paper, except for a circle. The task of the children is to make a mosaic of these figures in such a way that the same colors do not touch each other.

Didactic games allow you to develop all important processes: speech, attention, thinking, imagination. Such classes are useful not only for children 2-3 years old, but also for the middle and older groups. A variety of games allows the teacher to choose the one that will be aimed at the development of each child.

Video about what didactic games are necessary and useful for children

Didactic games for the formation of the syllabic structure of the word in children:

Musical didactic game:

Do-it-yourself games for the development of speech breathing:

10 07.2016

We continue the topic of children's chatter, and today we will talk about what games we can use at home to develop the speech of children of 2 years old. You have probably heard more than once on a walk or in public transport how a stranger's baby chirps all the way with his mother about this, about this and about everything.

And how you want, when you come home, to hear from your beloved child not only “Hello!”, But also something like “And today we learned a rhyme about a bear. Do you want me to tell you?"

In order to make the real dreams of every parent come true, we will start the conversation with the directions of the speech development of a 2 year old child, so that we know where to start, what to look for, what games to choose.

Age of active cognition

After 2 years, children begin the age of intensive development of speech functions, they begin to successfully use speech fully, replacing gestures and simplified words. Parents can find general provisions on the topic of how to develop a child’s speech at 2 years old on the page of our blog dedicated to the stage of formation of a baby up to 3 years old.

  • 1. A little person already has enough knowledge about the world around him so that he can actively conduct a conversation on the topic, say, today's weather. This is the so-called passive vocabulary of the baby. It is based on the understanding of the speech of others.

N.B. Do you practice conversations with your baby on free topics in your family? What are you telling him? What topics do you like the most?

  • 2. The words you use in your family to communicate with each other will make up your child's active vocabulary. It includes words of greeting and farewell, daily verbal descriptions of affairs and duties (brush your teeth, wash your face, cook dinner, set the table, etc.)
  • 3. Using the correct endings and prepositions, parents teach the baby to express themselves correctly, thereby training the grammar of his language.

  • 6. Our favorite fine motor skills, which act as a catalyst for the speech process, also continue to develop. Parents need to pay special attention to games dedicated to stimulating speech through the small muscles of the hands, because such exercises give high results. In pedagogy and psychology, they are interrelated processes in the overall formation of a child's personality.
  • 7. In order to teach a child to speak, his articulatory apparatus must be sufficiently developed to improve already pronounced sounds and provide a positive effect when learning new ones. The organs of articulation go through a complex process of formation and maturation, they need help and support, which parents must also provide.

To help parents, special exercises have been developed to train each of the areas of speech development. We will try to highlight 10 play areas that will help diversify a child's play day and teach him to speak correctly and freely.

N.B. It is necessary to talk with the baby from the first days of his life and about everything. Thus, you will give the baby an attitude to the importance and usefulness of his presence in the life of the family, then the child will not feel separated and deprived. For its full development, it is important to feel like an integral part of the society of native people.

Positions under the heading TOP

All the games presented today in our list, any parent can create with their own hands. This, as practice shows, is the most valuable and interesting options, especially since it costs nothing to diversify and replace them with similar ones. Perhaps we'll start.

  • 1. Development of a passive vocabulary. We put these exercises in the first position not by chance.
    The development of speech in a child begins from the moment of birth. From the first days he accumulates a passive stock of words that he hears around the clock, being in the conditions of the development of his family. Games for this purpose include those in which an adult tells stories with a question at the end or presents riddle questions to a child.

The child's answers are hidden in the objects or pictures laid out in front of him, he only needs to choose. For example, "What's extra?" when you need to choose one of 4 items, "Only Blue", where from several cubes or rings the baby should choose only blue ones (red, large, round, etc.)

  • 2. Replenishment of active vocabulary.

Here you can ask the baby to repeat rhyming lines after you or finish your phrase. For example,

A) The bird will wave its wings, sing to us and dance in dreams.
A fly, a clatter fly, a gilded belly.

B) He wears a red frock coat, this round little bug.
Black dots in even lines
He crawls on the grass deftly. This is ... (ladybug)

In the same section, you can use games for active speaking. For example, you called the child on the phone on behalf of a bear or a hare, talk to him about the weather, what he likes to do or what he had for lunch.

  • 3. Regime moments.

These games are also aimed at increasing the words of daily vocabulary that the baby encounters every day. You can make a daily routine point by point and together remind each other what comes next. For example,

 7:30 - get up,
 7:35 - wash your face, brush your teeth,
 7:45 - make the bed, etc.

Or you can break one regime moment into points and follow them, together pronouncing the next step.

Suppose the same brushing of teeth:

 Take the brush out of the glass
 Open the water faucet
 Moisten the brush
 Take a tube of paste
 Open the lid
 Apply the paste to the brush, etc.

  • 4. Competently include prepositions and endings in speech. Children get accustomed if they hear the correct speech in their environment.

To do this, parents themselves can make a list of pretexts with which to work. For starters, simple games will do.

You can take a scarf, cover the toy with it and ask the baby: "Who hid under the scarf?" Hide the toy in the closet, the question with the preposition "B" is defined.

The basic concepts of the location of objects fit easily into short lines of poetry. Eg,

We rolled the ball UNDER the table,

And on the chair the doll is crying

Frost in the fridge

A flower grew outside the window.


Here is Katya's doll of Paradise

She is beautiful and funny.

And Denis brought home

The new ship is big.

By inventing rhyming rhymes or games with prepositions and word endings, you will also develop your baby's thinking and attention.

  • 5. The organization of games for the development of phonemic hearing is based on a selection of poems with similar-sounding words.

You can read to a child B. Zakhoder "The Whale and the Cat", or you can pick up pictures for words that rhyme, but have different meanings: saw-yula, fly-belly, flower-leaf, bear-mouse, loaf-bud, soup-tooth.

N.B. Instead of audio, you can take animal masks and arrange a zoo for a bunny or a doll at home. And kids love it when game characters ask them for help. Let the kid help the bunny find its way home, and for this you need to guess who the voices belong to.

  • 6. Breathing exercises, such interesting and useful, there are a great many.

Every family knows what soap bubbles are. And children really like to blow these multi-colored balls out of straws. But before you let your baby blow into the straw, make sure he doesn't get drunk on the soap solution.

Before that, practice on a glass of juice or water. Gurg into the cup and into yourself, let the baby learn the concepts of inhaling and exhaling. Inhalation exercise - a vacuum cleaner, exhalation exercise - a breeze.

Use every opportunity to breathe with your child, buy him a turntable, let him watch how it spins on the street when the wind blows on it. At home, you can consolidate this skill yourself.

Blow up balloons or inflatable toys, fold an airplane or a paper boat and let it float in a bath of water. Or arrange a competition, whose boat will swim faster to the edge of the bath, and whose plane will fly further if you blow into it.

  • 7. The small muscles of the hands are indispensable assistants in the struggle for the development of the child's speech.

After 2 years, the baby already knows that puzzle pieces or mosaic elements are needed in order to put together a beautiful picture, you can sculpt anything you want from dough or plasticine. Or you can just roll balls or sausages.

Let him practice.

Ready-made pictures and crafts can be placed on sheets of cardboard and decorate a room with them or make a special removable stand or an entire album. These are games with ready-made materials that you can buy at any children's goods store.

  • 8. Make your own manual or game for classes at home is not difficult at all.

In every home there are beads or buttons of different sizes. Give them to your child (of course, everything should happen under your guidance), find a thread and show how you can create a decoration for a doll, beads or a garland from this variety.

Large and small pasta with a hole inside is also suitable.

If you are tired of stringing buttons on a thread, lace up and learn how to tie knots and bows from laces.

Games using small finger receptors have a beneficial effect not only on the development of the speech areas of the brain, but on the general well-being of the child. This is a kind of massage, from which there will definitely be no harm.

  • 9. The development and training of the articulatory apparatus is the first step towards mastering speech without the help of specialists from the speech therapy room.

Sing the vowel sounds with your baby. - How does the locomotive hum? - Ooo! - And how do they shout at football? - Goool! Where are the clouds going? - Thereaa! Faroooo!

You can try to sing consonants too. - How does the beetle buzz? - Zhzhzh! - How does the wind blow? - Shhh! What does dad think? - Mmm!

  • 10. Perform articulation exercises in front of a mirror and in front of each other.

Practice showing different emotions, smile, showing your teeth, and then with your lips alone. Stick out your tongue and breathe often like a dog, and now lick your lips like a cat when he eats sour cream.

As you can see, it is not at all difficult to organize a game program for the development of the speech of your own child at home. I am sure that many of you will easily find the right approaches to your children by coming up with games and entertaining exercises.

You will find materials for games at home, you just have to carefully look around. Everything that surrounds you will do.

Our selection of books

The material is intended for educators of early age groups.

The development of speech in young children.

“The native word is the basis of any mental

development and the treasury of all knowledge. That's why it's so important

take care of the timely development of children's speech, pay attention to its purity and correctness.

K. D. Ushinsky.

At the age of 2 to 3 years there is a significant leap in the development of speech, attention.

Children who do not receive appropriate speech development at an early age lag behind in general development, since speech is an indicator of achievement. With the help of speech, the child shows his knowledge or ignorance, skill or inability, agreement or denial of what is happening, expresses his attitude to what is happening.

The teacher of the early age group needs to conduct systematic and purposeful work on the development of the speech of pupils. It is the early age that is most favorable for laying the foundations for competent, clear, beautiful speech, for awakening interest in everything that surrounds us. Therefore, the task of enriching the vocabulary and activating the speech of children should be solved every minute, every second, constantly sound in conversations with parents, permeate all regime moments.

Having studied the methodological literature, I realized that in order to develop a child’s speech in many ways, an integrated approach is needed. Therefore, I use the entire arsenal of game techniques, visualization, finger actions, articulatory gymnastics, etc.

1. Breathing exercises and articulatory gymnastics.

Target: formation of skills of correct sound pronunciation; articulation training.

Breathing exercises.

Target: development of speech breathing, voice power, training of lip muscles.

1. "Let's blow on a snowflake."

Cut out a thin and light snowflake from a napkin. Put in the palm of your child. The child blows so that the snowflake flies from the palm of his hand.

2. "Butterfly flies."

Make a paper butterfly with your child (candy wrapper, napkin, etc.). Tie a thread. The child holds the string and blows on the butterfly.

3. "Floating, sailing boat."

Pour water into a basin or bath, put a boat and invite the child to blow on the boat.

Articulation gymnastics.

Target: the development of the articulatory apparatus.

Exercise "Fence".

Teeth exactly we close

And we get a fence

And now let's part our lips -

Let's count our teeth.

Exercise "Elephant Trunk".

I imitate the elephant

I pull my lips with my trunk ...

Even if I get tired

I won't stop pulling them.

I'll keep it that way for a long time

Strengthen your lips.

2. Games for the development of general motor skills.

Motor exercises, games in combination with a poetic text are a powerful means of educating correct speech. The higher the motor activity, the higher his speech develops.

We're going in circles, look

And we walk together: one, two, three.

We jump along the path, changing legs often.

Jumped, jumped: jump, jump, jump,

And then, as the storks got up - and silence.

3. Outdoor games with speech accompaniment.

Young children are very fond of playing short outdoor games with funny verses, which are very active in stimulating the development of their speech. The more fun and interesting the speech accompaniment, the more children like the game and the greater the effect in the development of speech.

For example, outdoor games "Geese-geese", "At the bear in the forest", "Shaggy dog", "Cat Vaska".

4. Logorhythmic games with self-massage.

During games with self-massage, the teacher reads a poem, accompanying the words with movements.

"The Frogs"

The frogs stood up, stretched and smiled at each other.

Bend backs, backs - reeds

They stamped their feet, they clapped their hands,

Let's tap the palms on the handles a little,

And then, and then we will beat the breast a little.

Clap-clap here and there and a little on the sides,

Clap your hands on our legs.

Stroked hands and arms and legs.

The frogs will say: “Qua! Jumping is fun, friends.

5. Games - imitations with speech accompaniment.

Target: exercise children in the distinct pronunciation of individual sounds, words or phrases.

"Poultry yard"

Our ducks in the morning - "Quack-quack-quack!", "Quack-quack-quack!",

Our geese by the pond - "Ha-ha-ha!", "Ha-ha-ha!",

Our gulenki at the top - "Gu-gu-gu!", "Gu-gu-gu!"

Our chickens in the window - “Ko-ko-ko!”, “Ko-ko-ko!”,

And our Petya-cockerel early in the morning

We will sing "Ku-ka-re-ku!"

"Pronunciation of vowel sounds"

Ah-ah-ah (a child's cry, the singer sings, pricked her finger,

the girl rocking the doll).

Oh-oh-oh (toothache, surprise).

Woo (train hums).

And-and-and (foal neighs).

Sounds are pronounced on the exhale.

6. Finger games.

This is a unique tool for the development of speech: they stimulate speech development, improve articulatory motility, prepare the brush for writing and increase the efficiency of the cerebral cortex.


There is a lock on the door.

Who could open it?

Twisted, knocked, pulled ... and opened.

7. Games with various objects and materials.

You can use various round objects that roll well between the palms.


(roll a walnut or any ball between the palms).

The little bird brought an egg

We will play with the egg

We will roll the egg

We'll ride, we won't eat it, we'll give it to the bird.

"Spin Pencil"

(pencil should be ribbed).

Rolling a pencil on the table back and forth,

so that the pencil does not roll away.

First with one hand, then with the other.

Therefore, it is very important to work on the development of children's speech, but it is also necessary to pay great attention to the ability of young children to communicate with people around them, learn to communicate, negotiate.

Finally I want to say the following, our pupils are the smallest in kindergarten. They still know little, far from understanding everything, and know very little.

Early age, according to experts from all over the world, is a unique period in a person's life. Psychologists call it "the age of undiscovered reserves." Our task is to make sure that the child lives this period of life as fully as possible.

The main thing is that a child should not need care, attention and love from adults, including us.

I urge you - love your pupils and then they will grow up kind and smart.

It is 3 years - this is the peak of rapid knowledge of the child's native language, someone else's and his own speech. In about a year, your baby enriches his vocabulary several times, comprehends grammatical, word-formation and syntactic patterns. And it is not so important whether you studied with him according to a special technique from the cradle, taught him to read from birth, or studied and played according to the tradition of your parents and grandmothers.

Therefore, it is important not to miss this moment, actively helping the child to learn and remember as much as possible. To do this, talk, tell and play!

To begin with, do not forget to comment on all your actions, focus the baby's attention not only on the names of objects, but also on the names of its parts (this is a car, and it consists of a body, cab, wheels, etc.). And make sure that the child pronounces all the words correctly and as articulately as possible - now is not the time to be touched by babble, as it was before, when the baby only tried his first phrases.

Remark:pay attention not only to the memorization of words, but also to the "mechanics" of speech. That is, do breathing exercises, pronounce tongue twisters and memorize rhymes.

Games for the development of the articulatory apparatus:

Repetition. The essence of the exercise is that the child repeats the last syllable of each phrase after you - this forms the skills of correct pronunciation of sounds.
Repeat in a singsong voice: The kids came running - ra-ra-ra, ra-ra-ra; A foot higher, a step bolder - ley-ley-ley, ley-ley-ley.
Come up with such chants with animals or characters that are interesting to your baby.

Animal voices. Onomatopoeia is a very important moment in the development of speech, although it seems like a simple game. In fact, this helps not only improve articulation, but also improves phonemic hearing.
Use animal cards or other pictures. Together with your child, remember the sounds that this or that animal makes and name the corresponding verb (kar-kar - croaks; woof-woof - barks, etc.).

The toys are sleeping. This is a fun trick to practice intonation and whispering skills. Announce to your baby that his favorite toy wants to sleep. Lay her down together, sing a song, and then talk in a whisper so as not to wake her up. Continue the game or just discuss something, but not out loud. The main thing is not to delay, as the child quickly gets tired.

Remark:ordinary teddy bears and dolls are actually great. Along with special aids, interactive devices, they become teaching aids in capable hands.

Games for the development of speech and attention:

Finish the word. Say words that are simple and familiar to the child (road, doll, dog) and offer to finish them for you (road, dog). If you have difficulty, point to the appropriate objects.

True or not? This game enriches the vocabulary, improves the child's understanding of the relationship between objects, helps to classify and generalize.
Agree in advance that you can "make a mistake", that is, call an apple a dish, for example.
The bottom line is that you tell the child statements, and he must agree or not:
Apple and pear are vegetables.
Spoon and fork are utensils.
Summer and winter are the seasons, and so on.
If the child does not agree with the statement, ask him to name the correct word for these items.

Games for the development of speech, word formation, imagination:

Bolsheslov. Invite the child to name the qualities or features of objects in one word. For example, a hare with long ears is long-eared; a house with many floors is a multi-storey building.

Riddles. Think of an object and describe its properties so that the child can guess. Then let him guess :)

Talking on the phone. Talk to the child "on the phone" on behalf of toys, fairy-tale characters, ask simple questions to maintain a dialogue.
Then switch places so that the child can also "call" you.

Play and develop speech actively!

The delay in the development of speech can be caused by a variety of reasons. Some of them lie in the biological area of ​​a child's life. Violations in the development of the hearing aid, late development of speech skills due to hereditary traits, frequent illnesses of the baby. Other reasons are hidden in the social plane, when parents pay little attention to the child, a negative atmosphere reigns in the family, the baby grows up in an atmosphere of misunderstanding and neglect of parental responsibilities.

Lack of parental attention may be one of the reasons for delayed speech development

Why can a child not speak at 2-3 years old?

It is necessary to look for the reason for the silence of a 2-3-year-old baby not only in anatomical pathologies, but also the manner of communication between parents and a child means a lot. Some mothers surround their little peanuts with excessive guardianship, which leads to lack of demand for speech. It is necessary for the baby to wish something, the mother grants the wish. Actively using gestures and facial expressions in communication with babies 1-3 years old, you involuntarily slow down the development of their speech.

It is a mistake to think that being in an environment abounding in information media (TV, radio), a child will quickly learn to talk. The chaotic speech flow forms a "noise curtain" that the child does not perceive.

Moreover, when trying to speak, the baby says long, meaningless phrases, imitating what he heard from the TV or radio. Parents should learn to talk to their child, and not talk in front of him or entertain him with cartoons.

It is difficult to develop speech skills where parents justify the lack of communication with a lack of time or simply do not want to talk much with the baby. Relying on speech therapists and kindergarten teachers is a mistake, because children get their first speech skills in the family. In addition, the development of fine motor skills and articulation is important for kids. Regular exercises (self-massage of hands, finger gymnastics, didactic games) help to improve speech.

Cartoons so beloved by kids can actually slow down speech development.

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Seven simple and wise tips from speech therapists will help adults properly build their communication with a child so that his speech develops quickly. Let's take a look at each of them:

  1. Support and encourage the activity of the child, openly express joy when the baby tries to pronounce sounds and syllables.
  2. Help your treasure, buy didactic games. Puzzles, split pictures, picture blocks, insert games will help develop fine motor skills.
  3. Come up with finger games for the crumbs. The fingertips are replete with nerve endings that affect the stimulation of the motor area of ​​the brain. A simple game has long been invented in which each finger is given the names of family members. Finger the baby's fingers and come up with different stories so that all fingers are included in the story.
  4. Be sure to read books with your child, tell him stories, learn poems by heart, sing songs. Take the works of famous children's writers (Mikhalkov, Barto, Bianchi, Marshak, Chukovsky) as your assistants.
  5. Everything that you see with your child, discuss in detail. Where the car is going, why the bird is singing merrily outside the window, what kind of job dad has, what the kids are playing in the yard - any event or action should be accompanied by detailed verbal explanations.
  6. Tell your child about domestic and wild animals, teach him the "language" of animals and birds. Cows say "moo-moo", a sparrow chirps - "chirp chirp".
  7. Memorize funny children's poems with your child about the "Thieving Magpie", a clubfoot bear, about Tanya and her ball. Call grandmothers for help, they usually know a lot of such rhymes.

The more mother communicates with the child (reads books, learns poems, talks), the faster he will learn to speak well

Basics for developing speech at home

Home basic exercises will help you develop your child's speech (more in the article:). The simplest of them is “tell mom”. The exercise is used in communication with small children, under the age of one, who are just learning to reproduce sounds. For older children, more complex techniques should be used that stimulate the child's meaningful understanding of speech, its meaning, and the conscious pronunciation of words.

Joint cognition of objects

Having crossed the one-year milestone, children begin to actively get acquainted with the world around them. The interest of kids extends to all objects in the house. Come to the rescue of your treasure, describe his every movement aloud, in simple sentences. Talk about each subject that interests him. If the son took a spoon, tell him what he is holding, what it is for, what the object is called, do not be lazy to repeat your explanation several times so that the baby remembers.

Viewing and studying pictures

For this exercise, stock up on a variety of children's picture books. Publishing houses offer excellent illustrated books of various headings. For example, the section "Who am I?", which tells about animals.

Picture books or flashcards help build a child's vocabulary

Looking at the pictures, point the baby to the image of the dog, ask him how she “talks”, say “woof-woof”. Learning animals and their "language" will make it easier for you to teach your baby to pronounce individual sounds. Pay more attention to those animals that you meet with him on the street, clearly showing and talking about them. A little time will pass, and when a child sees a dog or a cat on the street, the child will suddenly say “meow” or “woof”.

sound education

Indicate actions that the baby can understand with simple sounds. The child claps his hands - say "clap-clap", the baby fell - do not rush to pick him up and groan, say "bang, bang, boom." The game amuses young children, they accept it, they may even fall on purpose to hear “boom or bang” again. In addition, you help the child learn that each movement can be voiced.

How to encourage a child to speak?

When studying sounds with your child, ask him to repeat what you say. For example, you say "woof-woof", have the baby repeat after you. If he can’t reproduce the sounds accurately, don’t worry, repeat with him what he did. Your main task in this speech therapy exercise is to encourage the child to pronounce sounds. Be sure to reward the baby for any sounds, even if they are not similar to those that you offered him.

Any attempts by the child to talk must be encouraged.

Learn to imitate adult speech

When arranging speech therapy classes for children 2-3 years old, follow the main rule of communication with the baby: never distort words.

A child is a great imitator, he imitates cartoon characters and mom and dad. If you talk to him, distorting the words, he will perceive such sounds as correct and begin to repeat them. Try to pronounce words clearly, only occasionally using diminutive or inverted forms.

The next stage is sound pronunciation. If you want to teach your child simple sounds, dress the lessons with him in a playful way. Use the following exercises:

  • Pipe. Musical instruments always arouse curiosity and interest in children, they help non-speaking children learn sounds more easily. You can buy a toy in a store or imitate playing an instrument with your fingers. Show your baby how the flute sounds by saying "doo-doo-doo", then ask him to repeat the sounds.
  • Driving a car. Favorite game of all children. Sit your son or daughter on your lap, start the engine, and let's go. Turn the steering wheel, honk, saying "beep". Kids really like this trip, they play it with pleasure and quickly learn to “beep”.
  • Home zoo. Collect soft toys or animal magnets in one place and arrange a tour of the home zoo, inviting the child to pronounce the sounds that this or that animal makes with you. They will help to master the sounds and cartoons about animals.

Imitating the voices of various animals is a great exercise for a child

How to develop phonemic awareness?

The development of phonemic hearing is necessary for children to correctly recognize the phonemes of their native language. Phonemes are words with the same sound base - for example, "boar-bank" or "sleep-nose". The ability to recognize phonemes is given to a person from birth, but one cannot do without competent systematization. Speech therapy offers a lot of fun games aimed at developing this ability. Let's take a closer look at some:

  • Get to know the tool. Musical instruments are ideal for practicing phonemic awareness. If you have a drum, pipe, guitar, tambourine in your house - great. Take all the tools and hide behind the door or in another room. Play each of them in turn, inviting the baby to determine by ear which instrument sounded.
  • Who is speaking? Prepare pictures of different animals for the exercise. Show the picture to the child and ask him to say the sound that is characteristic of the animal you have chosen.
  • Repeat after me. We teach the baby rhythm. Tap a simple rhythm and invite the child to repeat it. Gradually complicate the exercise by asking a more complex combination of sounds. If the baby successfully copes with the task, ask him to tap his composition, and you repeat after him.

Teaching a child rhythm and developing his hearing is a big step towards correct speech.

It’s not worth waiting for quick results from crumbs in a year or two, but regular lessons will definitely bring a positive effect. Time will pass and your little student will learn to master sounds and speech. Games will help develop abstract thinking and memory in a child, awaken the ability to perceive phonemic hearing, and improve speech skills. Speech therapists often give similar advice to parents, pointing out their simplicity and accessibility.

How does fine motor skills affect speech development?

Fine motor skills have a significant impact on the formation of speech. The principle is that when performing exercises on fine motor skills, an impulse enters the brain, the work of the brain begins. At home, you can offer your baby games with ordinary objects. We offer the following home games:

  • Find what's at the bottom. Take two bowls, pour beans into one, buckwheat into the other. Put a small surprise under the cereal, invite the baby to rummage through the cereal with both hands to get a gift (we recommend reading:).
  • Find identical bags. Prepare 9 cloth bags, put the same material in every three: cotton wool, paper, cereals. Ask the child to identify three bags with the same contents by feeling.

  • Cheerful hedgehog. We take thick paper or cardboard, cut out a hedgehog figure from it, fasten clothespins along the edge, which imitate our needles. We invite the child to remove the clothespins and fasten again.
  • A lot - a little. The game is aimed at learning the quantity. We lay out the toys into two piles, small and large. We explain to the child what means a lot and a little.
  • Coloring pages. Buy coloring books, plasticine, pencils, drawing paper. Let the kid draw often and as much as he wants, encourage his creativity, praise him. At the same time, study colors, sizes, shapes with him.

The benefits of articulatory gymnastics

Speech gymnastics is a kind of speech therapy training that allows you to correctly master the pronunciation of the words of your native language. Knowing speech, it is easier for children to express their desires and thoughts. The task of adults is to teach the baby to pronounce words correctly and clearly. Naturally, at 2-3 years old it is difficult to accurately determine the speech problem, however, articulatory speech therapy gymnastics plays the role of prevention here.

If we turn to the laws of speech therapy, we will find in them wise and useful recommendations for parents. Use the following rules for speech gymnastics with children:

  1. Do exercises regularly to develop and consolidate the acquired skills.
  2. Be afraid to get carried away and turn the baby away from classes. Suggest 2-3 exercises for training.
  3. The duration of one lesson with 2-4 year old kids should not exceed 10-15 minutes.
  4. It is useful to consolidate the completed exercises during the day. Just ask your child to repeat what they have learned to make sure they remember it.
  5. Be sure to dress your articulation gymnastics in a game form (we recommend reading:). It is easier for kids to focus on an exciting game than on a boring lesson.

Articulation gymnastics should not tire the child or turn into a serious occupation for him.

How to do articulation exercises?

To train speech, special exercises have been developed that a child can master with the help of adults. Use videos to practice skills. Conduct articulation training as follows:

  1. We offer the child to open his mouth and freeze in this position for a few seconds. For ease of learning, we call this pose "Open and close the gate."
  2. The next lesson is called Show the Fence. The child should close his teeth and show them to you, smiling broadly.
  3. "Brushing our teeth." Ask the child to open his mouth and move his tongue over the teeth, touching the outer and inner surfaces of the teeth.
  4. “We draw with the tongue” Having stuck out a little tongue, the baby should draw with it, mentally imagining what he is drawing. A circle-ball, a Christmas tree, a road - everything that is easy to do with a tongue.

If you notice that the speech development of your treasure is clearly delayed, or the baby was stressed or injured during pregnancy or childbirth, you suspect that the cause is a serious pathology - immediately show the baby to specialists. Remember that the active development of speech skills falls on the age of 1 to 3 years, when you must monitor this process and correct it in time. It will be much more difficult to make up for lost time at 4-5 years old, to the point that the baby may have a speech defect.