Your letters: gratitude to the outgoing year. Letter of thanks to the outgoing year - Female Sangha Reasons to say thank you to the outgoing year

Soon the clock will strike twelve, and the old year will remain only in our memory ... Let us send it off with words of gratitude.

Before we cross the threshold of the New Year, it is important to let go and be grateful for all that has happened to us in the past year. Write a letter of thanks for the passing year!

  • Remember the brightest and most joyful events that happened in your life in 2017, and express gratitude for them to God, fate, those higher powers and people, thanks to whom all this became possible! Try to remember as many of these events as possible, from which the heart beats more joyfully, bright, unforgettable, happy, warming the soul. Thank you for the passing year!
  • Remember the life lessons that have come to you this year. Perhaps some of them you passed with ease, and with some you were more difficult to cope with. One way or another, you needed them: they made you wiser, stronger, freer... Think what you learned from these lessons! See behind each of them the will of God, who teaches you with all his love and patience ... Thank the outgoing year for every lesson given to you! Accept with sincere gratitude!
  • Express gratitude for the past year for the changes that have taken place in your life. Change is always a new round, a new turn, new perspectives! Bless all the changes and accept them with a deep understanding that what is happening in your life is really for the better!
  • Thank the outgoing year for the losses it has brought... Although it is painful and bitter, life does not stand still, and in order for something new to come into our lives, a place must be vacated. Every loss is a release of energy for something new in your life. Let go of what is gone. Do not cling to the old! Thank the outgoing year with humility and feeling: even when you are hurt and bitter, God takes care of you, and sometimes it is the black streak that becomes the take-off!
  • Thank your family and friends, your friends for their attention, care, support in the past year. For the fact that they were next to you in the most different moments of your life. Thank them for their understanding and even misunderstanding, because each person plays a significant role in our life, and it does not matter whether it seems good to us or not. Thank those around you for the roles they have played in the past year for you in the play of your life!
  • Find words of gratitude and recognition for every significant person! Do not keep resentment, anger and other destructive negative emotions in your soul. Forgive and let go! Enter the new year without attachments to pain and disappointment!
  • Thank God for always being with you, and this year is no exception! Look back and see that the events that took place in your life were carried out with the invisible presence of God, that he sent the right people to you; the necessary advice and hints came to you, even if you did not always accept and hear them. Feel: God has always been with you this year - and thank him for it!
  • Finally, thank yourself for this year of your life! How many things do you have that you should praise and thank yourself for, isn't it? Do not skimp on kind words to yourself! Tell yourself all the good things you think!

After writing a letter of gratitude, you can burn it and scatter the ashes in the wind so that your words of gratitude reach all recipients 🙂

In the cycle of days, we often do not notice how much is happening to us. Good, bad, it doesn't matter - any moment, any event and any emotion influence, change and bring something into the life of each of us. So sometimes it's good to look back. Remember, explore, understand what makes us what we are now, and give thanks. For any moments, events and emotions. And, probably, you will not think of a better occasion than the eve of the New Year.

And we, in turn, thank you! That you are with us and that you inspire us to conquer new heights every day.

For the first time in my life, perhaps due to the age that is just crossing the threshold of growing up, I am grateful to the year that he did not take anything.

During these 12 months I visited many new countries, met charismatic foreigners and fell in love with a childhood friend (but in an adult way)! I managed to find out why Italian pasta is the most delicious, French wine is the best, and the British are the worst cooks. It seems that this year I learned to love life. There are so many interesting things in the world, and every day is a new chance.

I am grateful for the year for the first tooth that fell out of my brother and the first three of my sister, for the burnt cereals and the first self-paid bills for the apartment. H oh thank you so much for finally feeling safe from all the troubles in the world. I am no longer afraid, next to me is a person who, it seems, can hide from any worldly malice.Miracles are all around us, and it took me 18 years to understand that we create magic ourselves and without anyone's help.

Many of us remember the words - “how you meet the New Year, so you will spend it.” Such a belief has been planted in our heads since childhood - parents, heroes of famous Soviet comedy films and participants in the Blue Light. Someone will take it and break with this phrase into the world. Years go by, but you still try to comb and smooth your life every New Year's Eve so that all the bumps remain in the past year.

Again it didn't work.

2018 began with lonely champagne and a Christmas cherry in American cinema - the film "Bad Santa". Beloved man is nearby, we are in our apartment, the street is quiet and dark. All the fireworks subsided and people dispersed to their homes to fall asleep under the blue screen.

“Maybe this year it won’t be so bad, well, think about it, the movie ...”, - the thought flew through my head. The "Office Romance" began and I fell asleep.

The office romance, by the way, began with me even earlier, but it was 2018 that gave me a sparkling ring and the happiness of being his wife. It was our journey in a circle of 12 months. The zodiac circle of our outer space. We flew through the air and dreamed, butted for interests, baked pies and created comfort, praised and admired, looked like in a mirror until it cracked. Maybe we thought.

I remained in love with you, as in the beginning of the journey. If they ask me if I want to repeat, I will answer: “I don’t, please, a one-way ticket - to him.” Let year after year pass, days fly, minutes rush, I will make one wish. I will ask Him for happiness, with which I will not have to play tag. About happiness to hold your hand and hear the heartbeat of the whole World. He knows how much I love you.

How do you celebrate the New Year? I will smash the mirror to smithereens so that not a single crack and not a single fragment can prevent me from seeing the main thing: the real beloved you. I invite you with me...

Before, I would not have believed it, but it turns out that love can lead us to the most unexpected and remote corners of the planet. One has only to fall in love, as you will immediately find a Schengen in your passport, a suitcase neatly packed with things to last for a week, and two tickets for a bold trip.

This year I thank you for the inspiring time we spent in the most vibrant and unusual city - amazing Rome. For our bold trips to the Vatican and the opportunity to observe the city from a bird's eye view. I am grateful to you for the leisurely walks through the peaceful Barceloneta and the fulfillment of a dream. For philosophical conversations accompanied by delicious wine and the sounds of rain in damp Vilnius. For a sleepy morning in a rented apartment in July-warm Warsaw. For everyday friendship and love in our home.

It is probably very difficult for many to tell their loved ones about what they are grateful for. And me including. Every time you try to say it in person, tears well up, your voice trembles.

2018 was a morally difficult year, but I am grateful to him for the fact that now I am next to my beloved man. For the fact that my most dear and beloved parents are with me, support and help in everything, and this will remain forever unchanged.

On New Year's Eve, I want to talk only about how much you love your loved ones.

From the bottom of my heart I want to thank the outgoing year for its generosity and wisdom: unknown paths, interesting tasks, unexpected meetings, acquaintances with amazing and wonderful people. Thanks for the new life lessons. For some I paid with tears and blood, but this is just a part of life. I am grateful for every minute.

A low bow to all my relatives and friends. For what they are. For the fact that in spite of everything, we love and are loved. For the fact that we are able, in the midst of all this chaos of life, to see with our hearts the most important and hear the most cherished.

I am grateful to fate and God for the lent strength, for the pulsating tenderness, for the opportunity, despite a certain vulnerability that exists in every person, to be able to continue to be an open soul and have wings. Thank you for the silence and inspiration and their healing sounds.

I am grateful that one day I had the courage to open this magazine, in which I found so many wonderful friends. Thank you for your warmth and joy, for sharing our daily joys and hardships, for allowing me / us to participate in your life. Thank you for your trust, smiles and your patience.

I wish us all in the New Year to find the most valuable, not to miss the most important, to save the most precious, to lose the unnecessary, to let go of what is leaving, to forgive the unfair and pain, and to leave sadness and hopelessness behind.

I wish us strength and opportunities to carry out the most daring plans and implement the most secret plans. Let difficulties help you feel the taste of life and give invaluable experience, and friends and relatives will help you overcome all obstacles. Let the new and unknown await us behind any turn of Fate. May simple human happiness and confidence in the future keep faith and hope.
Let the old year be remembered as another passed stage of life, which taught something, gave something for the future. Let's open a white, New Year's clean sheet ...

My dears, Happy New Year! Be healthy, loved and easy-going. God bless you!

And world peace!

We are all on our own in this world. So we were born, so we will leave one day.
But still we are not alone if there is sincerity, faith and love.
Our choice is either to be alone or in unity as part of the whole ...

The first draft of Thomas' new song ¨Alone or Alone¨.

then you fall
and pray so you won't get lost there
lies and fate
to overcome the sea mist
you"re so tired, so exhausted
how can you keep (your) watch?
can you keep promises
before the rooster crows?

watch and pray
for this night you will disown me
spirit and flesh
what is willing? what is weak?
say you're not a betrayer
say you come alone
say you want no money
and maybe you will be done

and now you"re all alone, you"re all alone,
make you a sword of me
for (all) who draw a sword, who draw a sword
will die by a sword
it"s into your mouth
where all begins and all stops
truth untruth
alone (or) alone

i will seek your breast and ask repose
in silence
i would be your guest, as i'm your child,
i wish i could have lived in it
i wish i could have the key to open

To truly be happy, you need to learn to appreciate every minute of your life, to give warmth, joy and sincere smiles to your family and friends. The more good you give to people, the more you get. Therefore, you need to be grateful for every passing year. Next, we will take a closer look at the main reasons to say thank you to the outgoing year.

Reasons to say thank you to the passing year

1. Thank you for the fact that close and dear people made me happy for a whole year.

2. Thank you for being useful and life-changing meetings with interesting people.

3. Reasons to say thank you to the outgoing year - for happy moments. For crying only from happiness.

4. Thank you for the seaside vacation.

5. Thank you for the outgoing year for the fact that it had a lot of laughter and fun than pain and illness.

6. Thank you for making our cherished dreams come true this year.

7. Reasons to give thanks for the outgoing year - for vital benefits. Thank you for food, clothes and a roof over your head.

8. Thank you for the fact that the year helped to discover new talents and hidden abilities.

9. Thank you for the fact that the year gave unforgettable emotions and impressions.

10. Thank you for not having to look for extra work to get rich.

11. Thank you for the fact that this year there were no valuable losses.

12. For valuable knowledge. For gaining invaluable experience.

13. Thank you for meeting your loved one this year.

14. Thank you for leaving your mark on history this year.

15. Thank you for having new dreams and goals to live on.

16. Thanks to the outgoing years - for receiving valuable things.

17. Thank you for the fact that the desire to learn, create and live on has not disappeared.

18. Thank you for leaving no grudges.