Merry New Year greetings to colleagues. May the New Year bring joy, drive, and luxury. Cool Happy New Year greetings. Original Happy New Year greetings for colleagues

When celebrating the New Year, you can, and should, have a lot of fun. After all, how you meet the coming year is how you will spend it! That's why guests compete in witty jokes and the funniest and funniest New Year greetings. Such funny wishes will be appreciated by everyone present. And so as not to look for them and not invent them, we have made a selection of such cool, humorous, funny New Year greetings in poetry and prose, for family, friends and colleagues at a corporate party.

I wish you to live in the New Year without grief and worries!

Short funny Happy New Year greetings in verse

Money - so that the chickens don’t peck,
Health is like snowflakes outside the window,
So that the whole family can relax in the South,
Happy New Year, nothing else!

We plowed like horses
At work for a whole year.
They deserve it! And today
Let's have a blast people!
From my heart I wish you
Relax like never before.
Happy New Year!
Be happy, friends!

I wish you a Happy New Year
Live without grief and worries!
Don't go to the pharmacy all year,
Pay off the entire mortgage
Travel to the Bahamas more often,
Don't make drama out of problems
And don’t accumulate grudges,
Life will immediately become easier!

Herring under a fur coat
On the festive table,
Magnificent jelly,
Salad "Olivier".
Shampoo, tangerines,
Sandwich with caviar...
There is no more delicious picture -
Let's celebrate the New Year!

Of course I congratulate you
Our glorious Russian people
For two weeks everyone meets
Only in Russia is it New Year!

I want Santa Claus
Gave you everything:
Lots of money and gifts!
In general... ask him!

They wish you a lot for the New Year,
But I want to say it briefly:
Let the year be like compote -
Rich and very sweet!

Congratulations, Happy New Year to you!
We wish you a lot of happiness in this finest hour,
Strength, vigor, health and cheerful eyes,
New Year's adventures and other mischief!

The fir trees are decorated, the plates are arranged,
The candles are burning and the crystal is sparkling,
Appetizers are ready, salads are dressed,
A new January is about to begin.
I wish each other to say: “Happy New Year!”
Not virtually, but looking into your eyes.

What do you wish for the New Year?
An easy life without worries?
Maybe happiness and fun,
Weddings, money, housewarmings?
You will have “both this and that”
There will be a ticket in the summer,
Lottery tickets...
And hot cutlets
They will be waiting for you on the stove...
The main thing is not to lose heart!

It’s good that not all New Year’s wishes come true! Otherwise, where would we get so much stuff?

Colleagues, we rejoice! We are all looking forward to the holiday!

Cool Happy New Year greetings to work colleagues at corporate events in verse and prose

Colleagues, on the eve of the New Year I would like to wish you fabulous salaries, magical working conditions and bosses who will always be in a wonderful mood! Let your experience and knowledge become more valuable than any wealth. But if someone decides to buy them, bargain until the last minute!

For the coming New Year
It's time to wish your colleagues
Less hard work
More nice salaries!

Let clients become smarter
The staff will be nice
Let the authorities praise, cherish,
And work will become easier than play!

Colleagues! Well, another year has passed when we all worked hard together!

I wish that in the New Year we not only work well, but also receive money well! Let there be exactly as many of them as each of us wants! Then we'll see which of us is the greediest. Happy New Year!

Dear employees, forever beauties,
For your husbands you are companions, but for us you are colleagues.
Happy new year to the future
We congratulate you,
Here's what we wish for in 2019:

Don't get sick, don't be sad,
Eat deliciously, sleep long,
Dress up, buy,
To be surprised, to be surprised,
To become prettier and younger,
And warm us with a smile!

Dear colleague! I had an amazing dream today: in it you win a huge amount of cash in the lottery, your boss gives you his place, and the most famous director gives you the main role in his film. I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year and wish that your dream turns out to be prophetic

We are sitting in the New Year's company in the company of dear,
And dumplings and beer warm our souls.
Colleagues are all dancing and the tree is on fire,
The boss is the most beautiful of all, but he looks askance.

He looks angry and gloomily puffs,
We won’t ruin our careers now!
We'll dance for the bosses, sing about the Christmas tree,
Colleagues, we rejoice! We are all looking forward to the holiday!

In our team, there are enough women,
I would like to have more, to be honest.
What beauties, my lady and miss,
You look sharp, every whim.

Let's do it today! All the food is for you,
And we offer you a toast, because women are class!
In short, colleagues, let’s leave it aside,
We'll just congratulate this lyric.

Each other today, to the fullest!
Hurray, happy new year! Dear team!

Dear male colleagues! In the coming year, may each of you become the object of close female attention and receive as much money as snowflakes fall in a snowy winter. We wish you the best weather forecasts and exchange rates, festive mood and excellent good health. You'll need it today

We can mix up our affairs,
Find yourself on the carpet with your boss,
At work, as if she were drinking in the forest:
If you give a tree, you cut it and that’s it!
We are the most important hard workers here,
And at lunchtime, during the break, we rest.
That's what it means - colleagues. And they don't wait for us
Lonely everyday life with iced tea.
The team is strength, and in the New Year
I am glad to congratulate you all. Let him bring you
Respect, happiness, good luck this fresh New Year.

In the new year, I want to wish my colleagues to be just as open, welcoming, flexible, and collected. So that all production plans are within your control.

Of course, let Santa Claus, in the form of the management of our company, raise everyone’s salaries, send everyone on a six-month vacation and, as a bonus, give trips to exotic countries! And in the future, let's all become millionaires, let's not work, but just be friends!

Worked tirelessly for a year
Our close-knit team.
We deserve it, guys.
“Tearaway” corporate event.
I wish you a great walk,
To remember later.
Positively, clearly, clearly
Let's enter the New Year together.
I wish you all success,
And noble incomes,
So that the salary allows
We have a very sweet life!

Who has worked hard and persistently throughout the past year? Who tries and pulls the heavy load? Who is ready to rush ahead of the finish line and outrun the competitors to arrive first? Who has taken out his own company many times and helped it overcome all difficulties and crisis situations? That's right, it's her team of professional and loyal employees!
Dear colleagues, you are real frontline workers, you are fighters, tested by dozens of battles, hours of overtime, crisis and other “surprises”

I’ll say it without embellishment, friends,
I love the team.
Either joke or don't joke -
This is where our paths converged.
You can't count the wishes.
It is an honor to congratulate you.
May the New Year bring
A lot of joyful worries.
Happiness will come to every home
And it will bring good luck.
May there be love and health.
And success will not forget you.
Let Santa Claus give everyone
A lot of joyful troubles
May the whole year not be sad,
Quite the opposite!

To you in the year that is coming,
I wish you prospects
Let it be remembered for a long time
Our bright corporate event.
Let the team prosper
Let the income multiply
Let your career strive upward,
May we all be lucky in everything.
May our work make us happy,
Salary increases
In business relationships
There will be only “peace and quiet.”

And we will celebrate the Chinese New Year in Russian!

The New Year is rushing towards us in a car...

May you not only celebrate the New Year
The card will fall with a lucky suit
And may the cheerful astrologer
He will predict a happy life for you.

So that the table is covered with caviar,
And so that there is a ward for the mind
And so that the snowy mountain
Your salary has always increased!

Jellied meat and Olivier,
Manicure and studio,
Oh, and Santa Claus asked
We have a whole cartload of worries!

But on New Year's Day
We are not afraid of troubles.
With a staff, Frost will hit,
We will be inundated with gifts!

The New Year is long overdue,
He wants to come to us
Happy New Year!
He's probably on his way!

We are waiting for this day with champagne,
And with liqueur, and with wine,
Someone is waiting for him with liquor,
And with excellent cognac!

It’s also a holiday for the stomach,
Or maybe it's a feast?
Olivier, balyk, sausage,
Goose, caviar, olives, cheese!

Open the chimneys
Attics and garages:
Santa Claus enters as he pleases
And he’s already in a hurry!

May he bring you health,
Three chests with money,
Two big buckets of love
And half a bag of smiles!

Eighteenth century: New Year across the fields
He rides towards us with bells on three horses.

Nineteenth century: even bears know -
He rides his bike progressively.

The twentieth century: along the highway without noise and dust
The New Year is rushing towards us in a car.

Twenty-one now: The New Year is in no hurry -
He comes to us with all his gifts... stuck in a traffic jam.

Don't worry, everything will come true in the right order!
The New Year will slowly bring everything to everyone!

Letter to Santa Claus
I wrote a long time ago
So that everyone's dreams come true
I asked him.

I want an iPhone as a reward,
I want to, I just can’t!
And I don’t need to repeat
To roll your lip!

Happy New Year!
Let cheerful Santa Claus
Happiness will come to you in a sled
And a whole lot of good luck.

Let him park at the house
A truck of joy and laughter,
The wagon will bring love
And a big KAMAZ of success.

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
This is a childhood holiday
Which everyone finds

Do you remember what
There were matinees
Like snowflakes and foxes
Did you come to school?

Santa Claus gave gifts
For a simple poem,
He had a lot of them -
Not just one bag!

Happy New Year!
This is a holiday of childhood,
And then comes Christmas
Right next door!

Let unknown people in masks meet only at the New Year's carnival!

Live with style in the New Year!

The New Year holiday has arrived! Now everyone is happy, everyone is full, a little drunk and overly pleased... But no one can sleep: look more cheerful and cheerful! We welcome the coming year and close the old one. I wish you everything in the new year. As long as it's within the law!

Our festive New Year's table is bursting with all sorts of treats. I want all the guests at such a table in the New Year not to have a single reason for sour smiles and bitter disappointment. And there were tons of sweet moments and thrills! Live with style in the New Year and every day after that!

You and I have a lot to worry about during the New Year holidays. You need to try all the treats, have time to drag the cat away from the Christmas tree, don’t forget to make a wish and freeze for a long time on the street while everyone sets off fireworks! In a word, the holiday is taking its course, so the time has come to wish you endurance! May your happiness be magnificent and very personal!

In the New Year, I wish you to be exhausted with happiness, tormented by torment over where to spend money, to feel weak from ardent love, to experience bouts of dizziness from the vast possibilities and to suffer from bouts of uncontrollable laughter.

I wish you a happy New Year and a mischievous, enjoyable holiday. Let champagne lift your spirits, the president’s speech give you hope, delicious food pleasantly satiate you, let only gifts lie under the tree, not tired guests, and don’t let your head hurt in the morning.

We don't know what this year will bring us. But we remember that Santa Claus never offends kind and good children. And since we are all children at heart, we have no doubt that the bearded grandfather has prepared for us everything we desire, cherish and wonderful. Happy New Year!

Nice, cool, lovely guests! We have gathered today to celebrate the New Year together... Well, while it is late, let me congratulate everyone on the upcoming New Year and wish you to fly through the whirlwind of funny jokes and songs, cool parties and test couples at the institute, find new friends and not forget old ones ! Good luck!

Life will take a turn for the better in the New Year... Be the best!!!

If on New Year's night
A strange uncle will come to you -
In a red hat and a cigar
With vinaigrette in the beard
With a loud laugh, with a kind look
He threatens with a machine gun.
So you don’t need to drink anymore!!
Happy New Year!


Any New Year's holiday, both in the family circle and at a corporate party, is not complete without wishes. It's good if they come from the heart and contain a bit of humor. Comic wishes for the New Year 2018 will remain in the memory for many years and will evoke positive emotions in everyone.

Probably everyone will agree that laughter is an integral part of life. He fills our souls with kindness and joy. Thanks to him, we can overcome any difficulties, get out of depression and recover from illness. Laughter is also an indicator of our mood. There is no doubt that each of us will be happy to receive a wonderful New Year's greeting as a gift, with pleasant words, regardless of poetry or prose, that will make us smile or even laugh.

Indeed, the New Year's time is an amazing time when we all dream of realizing our plans and expect warm words from those closest to us. Some people are overwhelmed with feelings, but do not know how to speak beautifully, much less write poetry. Sometimes you can see from their eyes that they treat you well, wish you well, but are embarrassed to say it out loud, especially in the presence of other people. We decided to help these people and made a selection of wishes that have different forms depending on the situation.

Wishes for the Year of the Dog

The future mistress of the new year will be the Yellow Earth Dog, so if you want you and your friends to be the happiest next year, remember this animal more often in your congratulations and wishes. The dog will probably like it, and she will give you everything you ever dreamed of:

The dog doesn't ask for too much
And he doesn’t harbor grudges in his soul,
The dog will not leave you in trouble,
She will save and protect.
I sincerely wish you:
Let your friends be true!

A dog is a faithful guardian:
Protects the house and garden,
Properly guards the garage,
Without asking for big rewards.
With her we rest our souls,
After all, the ringing bark scared away the trouble...
I wish you happiness and peace
In a gentle year of the dog!

December cannot do otherwise:
Starts a big round dance,
Happy New Year, Dog
People will meet all over the Earth!
Congratulating relatives, friends,
Friends at this fabulous hour,
Wherever we are, we feel at home
The country has brought us to the table!
It’s easy and simple for us with friends!
And our friends feel comfortable with us!
Let the toasts sound in the New Year,
In small and big cities!
Let joy fill your heart,
Let the soul sing with happiness,
And everyone is greeted cheerfully
Have a good New Year!

Happy Year of the Dog!
And it started out so fun,
Go ahead and fill the tanks to the top:
Some to the dacha, some to the house, some to the tavern.
May the New Year bring you luck
Not for a day, not for a year - for a hundred years,
And from the past life - a dog's life -
Only a wet mark will remain!
We wish you a new destiny
Just pour oil on the souls of your loved ones;
Don't bark at your enemies again -
With a dear friend, whine with happiness.
Don’t catch fleas, like in a booth, in a “khrushchob”
And buy you a cool mansion,
One hundred hectares of land for him to
Breed the most valuable dogs!

We wish you in the Year of the Dog:
Let there be no quarrels and fights,
Let both the mongrel and the bulldog
They live without grief and anxiety!

Toasts for corporate parties with jokes

There is a claim that laughter can prolong life. Now is your opportunity to do this for those you work with. The Year of the Dog is a great opportunity to make peace or make new acquaintances at work:

  • We are a large and friendly team that works together every day. Each of us is brought together by a common goal - the success of our company, to which each of us contributes. Despite the fact that we are all parts of one big mechanism, each of us is quite individual, has our own interests, goals, and of course cockroaches in our heads.
  • So, I would like us all to raise our glasses so that in the coming year both everything that we have planned together and the unique desires of each of us will be fulfilled.
  • I wish your life in 2018 to be happy and satisfying. So that the road of life is delicious, so that gold reserves do not dry out, and there are more pleasant weekends and weekdays than ordinary gray days. Happy New Year! Don't forget to smile often in 2018.
  • Happy New Year! May this New Year not be greedy, but generously endow you with restless energy, tireless activity, unbridled joy, irrepressible fun and continuous happiness!
  • So, colleagues, the New Year is coming. I wish you sparkling happiness, like a glass of champagne; bonuses - how many months in a year; plans like Napoleon's; success and achievements, like stars in the sky; lifestyle, like Santa Claus - always cheerful, has money for gifts, in a beautiful fur coat, on personal transport and with a wonderful companion.

We're gathered here together
Not just like that, out of boredom -
Celebrate at the banquet
Joint achievements!
And the corporate spirit
Unite stronger.
My positive toast
I'll ask everyone to pour some!

Dear colleagues, friends!
I raise this toast,
To drink to everyone for you,
And say that working with you is great!
There are no better colleagues in the world,
And I bow to you to the ground!
So let's continue to work together,
And we will all forget old grievances.
And we will only go forward,
After all, you, colleagues, cannot be found!

Happy New Year
Numerous colleagues,
New Year is a great holiday -
Time for joyful pleasures!
It's time for fireworks,
Fireworks, discos,
Everyone finds joy in him,
What he loves the most!
Santa Claus has been waiting a long time,
His bag is heavy
Let the gifts be great!
Let them shock you!
Happy New Year 2018!

New Year is coming, my liver is in shock,
Remembering last New Year...
Everything bad seems far away
With faith that good things will come.
So let's fight the night chimes
Let's wish happiness to everyone around,
Beauty, revealing talents.
Let everyone suddenly become polite...
So that banks become kinder to us,
Despite the crisis and chaos.
So that we move through life more boldly,
Helping people just like that.
If you cross out the bad in yourself,
Anger, stupid insults, sadness,
What we will discover in ourselves in the New Year
Something that you won’t regret later...

The corporate holiday is in full swing
And we are celebrating in full swing...
Today the team is on fire
Celebrate the holiday in the middle of winter!
Let's raise our glasses,
To drink together for the New Year!
Let scandals pass us by all year!
May the best await us all year!
May things turn out well in your personal life!
Let everything be a bundle at work!
Let's celebrate now!
Let's celebrate this occasion with cognac!

Short congratulations to colleagues

On New Year's Day, it is advisable not to forget anyone. And even if your childhood friend lives far away, a short Happy New Year SMS will make him smile and remember his childhood. Don’t forget to give joy to those who work with you and who sometimes endure your bad mood. Wishes to your work colleagues are a guarantee that everything will be fine at work, despite the fact that your boss “got off on the wrong foot” or your salary is delayed. And most importantly, do not forget about those who gave you life and who worry and think about you every minute - your parents. If you don’t have time to come to your father’s house, a small message with wishes of health will bring great joy to the people closest to you on earth.

Short Colleagues
I would like to ask Santa Claus that everyone I love be healthy in the new year. And also riches for those who love me! Bright and happy events,

Good plans and ideas!

Good luck and beautiful victories,

And wonderful friends!

Let's embrace on this festive night to adequately meet an elderly red man with a beard, his relative and many deer. Hooray! New Year is coming to us! Let prosperity increase

Income will increase

Always lucky in all matters -

It's going to be a great year!

We wish that Santa Claus

I brought you a bag of happiness!

Another bag of success

And let the third one laugh!

Your sadness, your misfortune

Put it in his bag

Let him take his bag

And it will soon take you to the forest!!!

May everyone have a successful New Year

For money and a career,

The sea will bring you success

And no grief will come to you.

Let it be fluffy like a Christmas tree

This will be a stellar year

And the chest is the size of a hill

It will be full of banknotes!

May the new year bring you

Magic moments

Let your wallet be full,

Let there be mood!

I wish you good luck,

Love, friends and light,

Winter is very short

And long summer!

New Year is just around the corner,

Let him bring you

Suitcase full of money

Passion is a bright hurricane,

Much joy, good luck

And a Versace suit!

Let happiness gurgle like a fountain,

Let dreams ripen in clusters,

Success is a hurricane

Luck rushes from above.

I wish you the joy of the typhoon,

Have a nice whirlpool,

And let Fortune be amazed

Good luck to you this year!

Dear friends! People say: “The best song is not yet sung, the best city is not yet built, the best year is not yet lived.”

So may the new year bring us 365 sunny days, an abundance of good meetings and smiles. May your dreams and plans come true! Happy New Year! With new happiness!

I want to raise a glass of wine,

And to my colleagues at work I wish:

Work to bring joy

And so that life is beautiful!

Wishes in verses

Everyone will agree that it is worth a lot to surprise your friends and colleagues, especially on the most beautiful and bright holiday of the New Year. We invite you to amaze your loved ones with poetry. And it doesn’t matter that you are very far from writing quatrains. We did everything for you and prepared wishes in verses that will amaze anyone, as they are funny and will bring a smile to those who hear them:

I wish for the New Year
Wine and vodka factory.
Two wagons of crumpled bucks,
Our money is three lemons.
Vacation for ten years,
Have fun over the hill,
A yacht, a new brand Lexus,
A whole cartload of diamonds.
So that all these gifts
Santa Claus brought it to you!
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
And I hasten to wish you,
Money so that with his arrival
There was nowhere to go.
New ups without downs,
To live a happy life,
And everything for money
You will not be able to buy:
Laughter, joy, good luck,
True friendship and kindness,
Sincere love hot
And heartfelt warmth.

Congratulations to everyone on the New Year,
We want to get around the crisis
Let there be vodka on the tables,
And under the fur coat is a herring.
Let the cognac flow like a river,
Well, let the girls come in a crowd,
They stand in line behind us,
Just super guys.
Green bucks let them grow
And it floats into our pockets.

New Year! New Year!
Happy holiday, guys!
We'll celebrate the new year
Shaggy as always!
We'll drink champagne
Eat, overeat,
We will sing songs,
Laugh, laugh.
We'll do stupid things
Sleeping face down in salads
In general, we'll just live,
Like all year, guys!

On New Year's Day I wish you to get rich,
To succeed more in business,
In love - great bliss,
In clothes - only perfection!
Live in understanding and glory,
Don't be sad!
With friends there is only understanding,
Do not know insults and parting!
Achieve success and career
Solve all problems successfully!
Sleep well,
Get up early!
Do not know any lies, lies and falsehoods,
Well, in general, live in great happiness!

I wish you in the New Year
12 months of health,
53 weeks of happiness,
365 days of success,
8760 hours of joy,
525600 minutes of love
and 31,536,000 unforgettable seconds!
Happy New Year 2018!

Warm words in prose

Sometimes simple words spoken from the heart strike everyone present much more powerfully than hackneyed “bearded jokes” or pompous words. Try to talk about your wishes in prose and see what impression they will make:

  • I wish you to get wet in the rain of dollars in 2018, may the falling leaves become not leaves for you, but good luck in the new year. Every season, I want your home to have as much happiness and love as there are needles on the Christmas tree.
  • May you have a vast ocean of happiness in the new year, vast fields of success, a huge harvest of achievements and simply an endless flow of jewelry and money! Happy holiday!
  • Congratulations on another reboot of the year. I wish that in the next year you will have unlimited access to everything you want. But at the same time you had reliable protection against any viruses. Have fun and enjoy your work!
  • Who is that knocking on your door? Yes, it’s the New Year, congratulations! Look, he has a whole bag of good luck, an elixir of love and a bouquet of dreams come true! Let all this multiply throughout the year, and let the good mood follow!
  • In the New Year, I wish you that life bubbles with a fountain of happiness, like festive champagne, sparkles with hope, like lights on Christmas trees, falls asleep with joy, like a snowstorm outside the window, swirls you in a New Year's round dance of success, smiles, luck and love.

We spend half our lives at work,
And the team is now almost family.
We share both sorrows and worries,
Deciding everything together during the day.

And day after day the weeks fly by,
And now we are on the threshold of the New Year.
Colleagues, I sincerely congratulate you!
I wish you only joyful troubles!

May the coming year be generous to you,
There is harmony at work, and comfort in the home,
Let luck be a fair wind,
Let your income constantly grow.

Simple human happiness
Without sorrows, sorrows and worries.
Let love cover you with an avalanche of passion,
And miracles will happen in the New Year!

May the New Year bring you
Prosperity and income.
May success follow you
So that there is no interference in anything.

May your health be good,
The mind is enlightened, tenacious,
There is peace in the world, and harmony in families.
Raise everyone's salaries.

A lot of strength and optimism,
Travel and tourism,
In the souls - sunny weather.
Everyone, colleagues, Happy New Year!

Dear colleagues, I wish you a Happy New Year. May this year be productive, successful and promising. I wish everyone happiness and goodness in the home, health and success to you and your loved ones. More creativity and confidence in our common endeavors. Happy holiday everyone!

Colleagues, this New Year,
I wish you great heights,
More profitable ideas
Less sad news.

Let the salary grow steadily,
To row it with a shovel,
There were more corporate events
And life was kinder and sweeter!

Let there be what you need
Success accompanies business,
So that our team lives together
And so that the boss praises us!

Happy New Year to our entire friendly team.
May good luck accompany you and may the positivity never leave you.
So that work can be carried out, so that there is comfort in families!
Just so you don’t forget: you are very welcome here in the morning.
I wish you all success and health, light, joy, goodness.
New Year's fun. Happy New Year to all. Hooray!

I wish you a New Year
Happy life without worries,
Easy work without obstacles,
Huge bonuses and salaries.

So that Monday doesn't scare you,
The boss didn’t scold him much,
And to work, as if on a holiday,
So that everyone runs with joy!

New Year is a good time!
New start and new achievements!
To all colleagues - joy, kindness,
Strength, health, vigor, luck!

Let comfort always reign in the house,
But the soul knows no sorrows!
New Year's fireworks
Let him raise the bar for his mood!

Having worked hard for a year,
It's time to rest.
Happy New Year to you, colleagues!
Put everything aside.

I wish you a salary -
To carry it away in bags,
Next door to the MP
So they could buy a house.

Management to praise
So that there is career growth.
So as not to scold too much,
If you forgot something.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
You and I are one family.
I wish you happiness and joy
And good luck to you, friends!

Our plans are fulfilled
May the New Year give
And will add patience to us,
If there is too much to do.

Let, colleagues, work for you
Will bear fruit:
Income will increase
And dreams will come true!

We want to wish you so much
What you can't count enough:
Peace, blue sky,
Have time to do everything and take everything into account.

New Year's Eve crispy snow
I knocked quietly on the door,
Let it be easy for you,
No losses or damages.

Happiness, good health
He will bring it to you.
Only good surprises
Let fate bring it.

Happy New Year
And we want to tell you:
It's a pleasure to work with you
And have a nice rest!

We can mix up our affairs,
Find yourself on the carpet with your boss,
At work, as if she were drinking in the forest:
If you give a tree, you cut it and that’s it!
We are the most important hard workers here,
And at lunchtime, during the break, we rest.
That's what it means - colleagues. And they don't wait for us
Lonely everyday life with iced tea.
The team is strength, and in the New Year
I am glad to congratulate you all. Let him bring you
Respect, happiness, good luck this fresh New Year.

The most favorite holiday of adults and children is just around the corner. Just a little more and you will smell the real Christmas tree smell of the New Year.
At the beginning - in November or early mid-December - everything is calm. People wake up, go to work, work, return home and go to bed. And then - boom! - and away we go. It begins with running from one store to another in search of money, counting out banknotes that migrate from wallets to cash registers and a real torture of the mind in the realm of fantasy - what beautiful words to choose for holiday cards, telephone greetings.

It would be good if the matter concerned only close relatives and relatives. But you shouldn’t forget about your work colleagues. Even about those of them who sometimes put a spoke in your wheels and make sarcastic jokes.

The most exhausting part of preparing for a corporate holiday is often the congratulatory part. Selecting the right, selfless, respectful and - most importantly - unique words for each employee sometimes becomes a difficult task.

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Funny Happy New Year greetings to all work colleagues

The goal becomes completely unattainable if the congratulation still needs to be flavored with a bit of light humor. But if it is implemented, the result exceeds all expectations.

For example:

“Dear colleagues, the New Year is coming, and on this amazing holiday I would like to wish you great success in your career, fabulous financial achievements and wonderful bosses with always a good mood.
May your skills become more valuable than any treasure in the world. But if someone suddenly decides to buy them, bargain until the end!”

You can also show your attitude towards the team:

“I would like to wish a Happy New Year to everyone with whom I share joy and sorrow side by side on every single working day - this is our friendly team.
I wish that they would receive much more money, and much less labor would be spent on it.”

With a little imagination, you can concoct a story about an unusual dream:

“Dear colleague! I had an amazing dream today: in it you win a huge amount of cash in the lottery, your boss gives you his place, and the most famous director gives you the main role in his film.
I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year and wish that your dream turns out to be prophetic.”

This is what happens when the soul is wide open:

“I love every weekday morning - I get up and go to work like it’s a holiday, and I absolutely hate the weekend, because on these days I don’t see the nicest, most intelligent and sincere colleagues in the whole world!
With all my heart I wish you prosperity, success and sincere comrades like me in the New Year.”

For those hoping for something unusual:

“Colleague, don’t wait for a New Year’s miracle, it will come to you and put things in order: it will “settle” problems in your personal life, force your boss to increase your salary and give you the opportunity to fly on vacation to warm countries. In addition, it will protect you from sidelong glances and unnecessary meetings.
I wish you immense success and unquenchable luck in the New Year!”

Cool wishes for female colleagues

Selecting is not an easy task. It is much more difficult to choose the right wording to congratulate beautiful ladies. The most important thing here is to be tactful and not go far from the topic.

For example, you can arrange everything like this:

“Dear beautiful colleagues! I would like to wish you great, enormous happiness and dizzying success in all areas of your life in the New Year.
So that your beauty blooms every day and brightens up our working days.
Have a fun weekend, fabulous adventures and fulfillment of your wildest dreams!”

Unmarried companions in the craft can offer the ladies the following congratulations:

“Dear women! You are all beautiful, like fairy-tale Snow Maidens. But I want to wish that in the coming year, unlike them, your hearts will be warmed by love for us men.
Let’s raise a glass to our sweet and charming Snow Maidens!”

What is a New Year's holiday without the participation of the main character? Light sparkling humor with the participation of a “bearded grandfather”:

"Dear ladies. “In the coming year, I would like to wish you that Santa Claus will personally hand you a bank card with a lifetime positive balance and an unlimited limit.”

Continuing the money theme:

“I wish all the beautiful ladies heavenly happiness and excellent mood in the New Year
and non-cash accounts in Switzerland, the “cats” will get a beautiful fur coat, and the “birds” will get trips to hot countries.”

Lovers of “light” humor can congratulate you like this:

To please women with congratulations, you don’t need to reinvent the wheel, just hint at how beautiful they are:

“Dear women! New Year without you is like children's champagne or non-alcoholic beer - tasty, but you don't get drunk.
I wish you to always remain as delightfully giddy as you are today, that the most beautiful and strong Santa Claus will always take care of you and delight you with countless gifts from his bag.
With coming!".

Those who like to philosophize can speak as follows, seasoning their speech with a bit of words about appearance that are pleasant to female ears:

“The main magic of the season is creeping up on us unnoticed - the New Year. Everyone is waiting for something mysterious and unusual.
For example, our women, in search of true female happiness, patiently wait to be enveloped in warmth, love and care.
Therefore, I sincerely wish that the coming year will give you virgin beauty, pristine femininity, heavenly love and a caring prince.
Happy New Year!".

New Year's humorous congratulations in prose for male colleagues

It's much easier to make fun of male colleagues than to make fun of women. In the sense that you don’t need to once again watch your language and curtsy in front of a male audience.

The first thing that comes to mind are funny associations on the topic “below the belt”:

"Dear Colleagues! On this wonderful holiday, we, your dear women, would like to wish you that what is bulging in your trousers grows and becomes thicker every year. We're talking about the wallet, if anything."

A slight hint on the same topic can be indicated in the following congratulation:

"Dear Colleagues! Congratulations on the upcoming holiday and wish you that your boss will appreciate your successes, and after work your “merits” will be appreciated by your wives.”

More shy and supportive female representatives can congratulate their colleagues like this:

“Dear men! Happy New Year. We wish you inexhaustible beer bottles, bottomless cut glasses, accommodating and uncomplicated women, loyal bosses and dreams coming true.

Continuing the theme of fulfilling material wealth, women can congratulate as follows:

"Dear Colleagues! Please accept my warmest congratulations on this wonderful New Year holiday.
I wish you that there is always fresh cold beer in your refrigerator, an executive housekeeper working in a luxurious mansion, and the boss giving you a salary every day.
If you don’t have anything like that yet, then dream, and your wishes will definitely come true. I swear by Santa Claus."

Hochmas about financial investments can be used in a holiday wish:

“Dear men! I wish you that in the New Year, only the cotton wool beard of Santa Claus will be fake, and everything else - salary, monthly bonuses, bonuses, vacation pay - will be as real as possible. Good luck in the future!”

Women know the secret of high productivity among men:

"Dear Colleagues! We've got you figured out. We know that the high salary and solid position for which you work tirelessly are not your only goal.
In fact, all this is in order to see the boss in a Santa Claus costume, the crazy movements of the accountant on the dance floor, the broken stereotype of the touchy-teetotal secretary, real love between inveterately feuding employees and unforgettable photos and video surprises from a corporate party.
We wish you an enchanting holiday and the fulfillment of even more unimaginable desires. Happy New Year!".

Men in the team will applaud a celebratory statement regarding their strengths:

“Dear men! In the coming year, may each of you become the object of close female attention and receive as much money as snowflakes fall in a snowy winter.
We wish you the best weather forecasts and exchange rates, festive mood and
excellent good health. You’ll need it today.”

The weaker sex has a great idea of ​​what the stronger half of humanity does during working hours:

“Dear men, on our behalf please accept our warmest congratulations on the New Year.
We wish you to always have someone next to you who will do all the dirty work for you, so that you can properly relax at work and at the same time not lose a penny from your salary.
May the coming holiday bring you a lot of unfading health, because it will be very useful for you to enjoy playing computer games during your workdays.”

A beautifully composed and expressively delivered text at a corporate event is not the complete key to a successful event.

Finally, the final touch at the stage of congratulating colleagues will be the presentation of small but pleasant gifts. But that's a completely different story...