Magic rose petals for facial skin care. What can be done with fallen rose petals

With the help of daily facial skin care, you can maintain beauty and youth for a long time. And for this it is not necessary to buy expensive cosmetics of popular brands. Sometimes the most effective methods are at hand. Well, or in a vase on the table. For example, an ordinary rose will help in facial care, cheer you up and save your budget.

For the manufacture of home cosmetics, rose petals and rose hips are suitable. You can even use flowers that were plucked a few days ago and have already managed to please with their beauty. Slightly dried petals will not reduce the effect and will not spoil the final result. The only condition is to use flowers grown at home. The use of strong chemicals and the presence of a roadway near the bushes will significantly reduce the beneficial properties of the plant.

What do the petals do? What is their advantage?

  • Smoothes the surface of the skin, gently cleanses it, fills it with freshness.
  • Petals nourish the skin with a rich set of vitamins and microelements, intensively fight the signs of aging.
  • They have a firming and stimulating effect.
  • Improve mood, act as a natural antidepressant.

With your own hands, you can make a lot of cosmetics from rose petals. However, it is lotions that will take less than the rest of the time to manufacture. Besides, what could be easier to use?

It is enough to wipe the face with a solution after water procedures, and the result will appear in the near future.

Pink lotion for oily problem skin

You will need 4 full glasses of dry petals (preferably red ones) and half a liter of table vinegar. The infusion is prepared under a tightly closed lid for about three weeks. Then it is diluted with boiled chilled water, the proportion is 1:1. This lotion cleanses the skin very well, evens out the color and tightens the pores.

You can make a lotion from two tablespoons of dry petals and 100 ml of vodka. She will infuse for 10 days. Then the solution is filtered, a little squeezed lemon juice is added to it. This lotion has a matting effect, reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands.

If you pour rose petals with a liter of water, bring to a boil, and then cool and strain, you get the simplest pink lotion. It helps to get rid of blackheads. And if you add a little cucumber juice to it and 10 ml of glycerin and vodka each, then you can additionally make the complexion more even, brighten it.

Pink lotion for dry sensitive skin

In most cases, the rose is not used in cosmetics for dry skin, but there is still a couple of recipes. For example, you can pour three cups of dried petals with peach oil. It's also a good idea to use almond oil. This mixture is heated on a steam bath until the petals completely lose color. In addition to wiping, such a lotion is used as a means for removing decorative cosmetics.

You can add the same amount of jasmine leaves to two tablespoons of dry petals, then pour boiling water over the whole mixture, and then let it brew for 3-4 hours. Strain the resulting solution, add a couple of tablespoons of cologne, as well as two ampoules of vitamin B.

Pink lotion for tired skin

Such a tool will help restore skin tone, refresh it. To prepare, you need to mix a simple infusion of rose petals with a teaspoon of honey. Add a little fresh lemon juice or 50 ml of alcohol to the resulting mixture. Store lotion in a tightly closed container.

You can prepare a lotion with a calming effect. To do this, dry rose petals, sage, mint, chamomile, aloe, plantain and parsley are mixed in equal parts. A tablespoon of such a dry mixture must be poured with hot water and put in a dark place to cool and infuse. After three hours, this lotion can be filtered and used as directed.

If you mix dry rose petals and parsley and dill leaves, pour boiled water and set aside to infuse, you will get a lotion that fights the first signs of aging.

Tea rose in cosmetology

A lush bouquet of roses is fragrant on your table, its sweet aroma relaxes and soothes, and can cheer you up even on gray days. But that's not all roses are capable of. There are healing substances in such flowers that can give you a little beauty and help get rid of health problems. No need to rush to get rid of already dry rose petals. Cosmetic recipes from rose petals, learn from this publication.

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Roses give us their beauty and generously share with us. Since ancient times, women have used roses for the beauty of their bodies. Various cosmetic products are made from rose petals.

Cosmetic recipes from rose petals
Rosehip flowers, rose petals can be used in home cosmetics. The magical effect of these cosmetic recipes with rose petals is manifested from the first application: the skin becomes fresh and smooth, filled with the impeccability of true beauty and an inner glow.

Tea rose lotion Rosehip (wild rose) has healing properties. In terms of vitamin C content, rose hips are superior to other plants. It contains minerals, organic acids, vitamins B1, B2, PP, K, E and other elements. Rosehip Rose Extract is very rich in Vitamin C and contains high levels of fatty acids that help fight signs of aging and nourish the skin. Rosehip and rose petal masks will quickly restore youth and freshness, and give beauty to your skin.

Recipes for pink lotions and creams

Take rose petals and mineral water. We cover the bottom of a small saucepan with flower petals, in 2 or 3 layers, fill with mineral water so that it covers the petals, and bring the mixture to a boil. We make a very small fire, cover with a lid and boil until the petals turn white, boil for about 30 minutes to 1 hour. Let the broth cool, strain and pour into a glass bottle.

Rosehip and rose lotion
Put the petals (fresh or dry) in a bowl, tightly, but do not tamp. Fill with boiling water to cover them with water. After 20 minutes, strain, rose water is ready. Add to the infusion 1 tablespoon of any sour juice or a pinch of citric acid, and we get a lotion for rubbing the face.

rose water recipe

We will prepare an infusion from fresh rose petals to wipe fading, sensitive, dry skin. Take 2 tablespoons of finely chopped petals, pour a glass of boiling water and wrap with a towel, let it brew for 20 or 30 minutes, cool, strain. Cold infusion is used to irrigate the face 2 times a day.

Rose petal lotion to even skin tone and shrink pores

4 cups of dry red rose petals, pour ½ liter of table vinegar, place in a tightly corked vessel for 3 weeks. Then we strain the infusion and dilute it with the same amount of boiled water. It cleanses oily skin well, tones, and is used for any skin.

A simple rose infusion recipe

Take 1 tablespoon of rose petals, pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes under the lid, strain. Lotions from the infusion will relieve irritation and swelling of the skin.

Rose petal mask for irritated skin
Let's prepare the infusion, as described above, from rose petals, season it with potato starch, apply a warm infusion on the face for 15 minutes, then wash it off.

Rose petal oil recipe for dry skin
Take 3 cups of dry red rose petals, fill it with almond or peach oil so that it covers the petals, put it on a steam bath and heat until the petals are completely discolored. Apply this oil to dry skin several times a day. We use it to cleanse the face of cosmetics.

Mask with rose petals for combination skin

We take 250 grams of mineral water, 50 grams of rice or oatmeal flour, 60 grams of rose petals, 2 tablespoons of vodka. Fill the rose petals with vodka and mineral water and leave for 30 minutes. Then we strain the infusion and dilute flour in it so that it resembles sour cream in density. Apply to chest, neck, face. After 30 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water and lubricate with a cream suitable for the skin.

Peony petals in cosmetology Recipe for a rejuvenating mask of peony or rose petals
Take 1 or 2 tablespoons of crushed petals, fill with warm water until a thick mass is obtained, warm for 7 or 10 minutes in a water bath and apply on the neck and face for 20 or 25 minutes. This is the time to lie on your back. Remove the mask with a cotton swab and rinse your face with warm water.

Rose petal mask to improve complexion
We take 1 tablespoon of melted honey, 1 beaten yolk, ½ cup of pure alcohol, 2 rosebuds.
Pour rose petals with alcohol and put in a dark place for several days, away from children. Strain the pink tincture and mix with whipped yolk and melted honey. Apply the resulting mass on the face for 15 or 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Repeat the procedure 2 or 3 times a week until the desired color is achieved.

Recipe for sensitive skin
This recipe is perfect for women with sensitive skin.
We take 50 grams of rose petals, 100 ml of whey and boil for ½ hour, cool and infuse for 3 hours. The mixture is applied to the face for 5 or 7 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Fragrant beauty mask recipe
Restores youthfulness and elasticity to the skin.
Mix 1 teaspoon of sage petals, lime blossom, dill, chamomile, mint, rose petals and brew 1.5 liters of boiling water. Let it brew, put a herbal mask on the face, cover it with a napkin soaked in a decoction of these herbs. After 20 or 30 minutes, remove the lotion mask and rub the nourishing cream well into the skin.

Breast mask from rose petals
Finely chop rose petals, or take dried ones and mix with cream until the consistency of thick sour cream, apply as a mask, warm the chest and wash off after 15 minutes. Rose oil rejuvenates the skin, fights stretch marks, and the cream nourishes the top layer of the skin and moisturizes it.

refreshing lotion recipe
To refresh the skin of the face, take a glass of cologne or vodka for a glass of rose petals. Close the mixture with a lid and put in a dark place for 10 days, then strain and add 2 teaspoons of boiled or distilled water.

Honey pink lotion
The lotion is an excellent tonic for any skin, but it refreshes a tired face very well.
Mix 1 teaspoon of honey with 100 ml of rose water or rose petal infusion, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice or 50 ml of 50% alcohol. Store in a closed bottle in a cool place.

Refreshing lotion for oily porous skin
from rose petals
Mix the infusion of rose petals 60 ml with 30 ml of cucumber juice, 10 ml of glycerin, 10 or 20 ml of vodka.

rose petal bath recipe
Every woman can make an exquisite bath with rose petals for herself.
We do not throw away a wilted bouquet of roses, but give ourselves pleasure in the form of a session of relaxation and aromatherapy with an amazing effect on the skin of the body. Or put rose petals in the bath and enjoy them. We offer you a rich bath recipe that will make your skin supple and smooth.

What is needed for such a bath?
- a few pieces of thin fabric the size of a handkerchief or a few pieces of gauze,
- ribbon for ties,
- 12 drops of rose oil,
- a glass of dried rose petals,
- 1 cup oatmeal
- 1 glass of sea salt
- 12 drops of lavender oil.

How to prepare a bath with rose petals?
1. Pour salt into a bowl and add aromatic oils. We offer lavender and rose oils, you can choose the oils according to your taste.
2. Add oats and dry rose petals there, stir.
3. In each piece of fabric put 1 or 2 tablespoons of the mixture. Tie with a ribbon. Pour a little hot water into the bath, put aromatic sachets in it and leave it for 10 minutes.
4. Fill the bath with water at a comfortable temperature, light candles, turn on your favorite music and enjoy the divine scent of roses.

Rose petal bath is a good cosmetic remedy for calming the nervous system

Such bathing increases the efficiency of the body, relieves fatigue after a working day, favorably affects the functioning of the heart, tones and cleanses the skin.
A simple recipe for preparing an infusion for a bath is to pour ½ cup of rose petals with boiling water in an arbitrary amount and soak for an hour in a saucepan with a tight lid so that the essential oil cannot evaporate. Then pour the infusion together with the petals into the bath.

Baths or compresses of rose petals will help with rheumatism, sciatica.

Relieve headache a cool compress with rose water will help
To prepare, take 10 grams of petals and pour a glass of boiling water, insist in a bowl with a closed lid.

Rose petal bath is not only an excellent remedy, but also a great way to create a romantic atmosphere. In addition to the petals, add lavender essential oils and rose oils to the water. Going on a date, take a bath with rose petals. The skin will acquire the finest aroma and a healthy fresh look, no perfume smell can be compared with such an aroma.

Rose is also used as a rejuvenating agent. Bath with rose petals, essential oil, rose water returns the skin to an even pure color, improves elasticity, normalizes the work of sebaceous and sweat

Rose petals are used in aromatherapy. With angina pectoris, you need to inhale the smell of a rose, since its aroma normalizes the work of the heart muscle. In esotericism, it is believed that the aroma of a rose awakens bright feelings in a person, can cleanse the soul and relieve negative energy. Essential oil can protect against energy vampires, for this we apply a few drops of oil to the neck area.

Probably, there is not a single woman in the world who would not love this flower. These flowers amaze with their fragrance and beauty. But how hard it is sometimes to part with dried flowers, throwing them into the trash can.

But not everyone knows that this dried flower can be of great benefit to our skin and hair. The petals of a cultivated rose, like a wild one, have healing properties. Masks prepared from them have a rejuvenating effect. Regular use of such products will make your skin soft, glowing with health and beauty.

Attention! For the preparation of cosmetics at home, it is not recommended to use purchased rose petals, as they are treated with pesticides. In the summer, you can dry the tea roses growing in the garden and then use them to make masks and body lotions.

rose petals for face

The advantage of this rose petal mask is that it is suitable for all skin types. Its preparation is very simple, you just need to combine 5 crushed rose petals with 1-2 teaspoons of olive oil (if there is no olive oil, you can replace it with sour cream, fermented baked milk or liquid honey). The mask should be infused for one hour, then gently apply it on the face and lie down with it for about 20 minutes. After the time is up, wash it off with warm water.

This mask gives an even greater effect if applied after visiting a bath or sauna on steamed skin.

If you do not have time to prepare masks, you can safely wipe your face with rose petals after each wash. You need to do this for at least 3 minutes. After the first time, you will notice that the skin has become fresher and velvety.

Masks with rose petals - cooking recipes

Masks based on rose petals are very useful for facial skin, besides, making it at home, you will be sure that this cosmetic product does not contain preservatives and other harmful additives.

Rejuvenating rose petal face mask. Two tablespoons of finely chopped rose petals should be poured with hot water until a slurry is obtained, then the resulting mixture should be put in a water bath and kept for about 10 minutes. Allow the mask to cool slightly, then apply it while warm to the face and neck. Lie on your back and lie down in this state for about 25 minutes. After the time has elapsed, wash off the mask with warm water.

Mask for combination skin. Take 60 grams of rose petals, fill them with one glass of water with two tablespoons of vodka and leave for 30 minutes to infuse the mixture. Then drain the infusion and dilute it with 50 grams of oatmeal or rice flour. You should have a thick mixture in the form of sour cream, which must be applied to the face and neck. Leave the mask for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. After the procedure, a cream suitable for your skin type should be applied to the skin of the face, neck and chest.

Rose petal compress. Sprinkle the previously cleansed face with water, then cover the face and neck with petals. From cling film, make a mask in which holes for the lips, eyes and nose will be cut. Put it on the roses and cover your face with a terry towel on top. Such a compress should be kept for about 40 minutes. This tool will help you get rid of inflammatory processes, acne and comedones.

Mask for dry skin. To prepare it, you will need to place 3 cups of dried petals in a dark glass jar, pour them with almond oil until it completely covers the petals. Put this mixture in a water bath and heat it until the petals lose their color. With this tool you need to wipe your face several times and always after you have removed makeup from your face.

Rose petal cream

To prepare the cream, you need to grind the petals of 5 roses with a meat grinder, then mix with beeswax melted in a steam bath and two tablespoons of melted butter. To these ingredients, you need to add one teaspoon of vitamin A, mix and put the resulting cream in a glass jar. Shelf life - 3-4 days in the refrigerator.

Rose water at home

Even the ancient Romans knew the secret of rose water and widely used it for skin care, besides, one of the beauty secrets of Queen Cleopatra was to wash daily with rose water.

Rose water can also be used in various creams, lotions, conditioners and shampoos. It is also indispensable for dry skin.

Video: homemade rose water recipe

Rose petals are best collected in the early morning of the day you decide to make rose water. Do not use rose bushes that you have used synthetic pesticides or other chemicals to grow. Fragrant spray roses are best for making rose water.

Take a small saucepan, put two or three layers of rose petals on the bottom and fill with mineral water so that the water only covers the flowers. Then put the pan on the fire and bring to a boil, after which the fire is reduced, the pan is covered with a lid and boiled over low heat for another 30 minutes to an hour. After the broth has cooled, strain it and pour into a glass container.

Regular washing with rose water will be very useful, especially in the hot season. It can also be used as thermal water or made into cosmetic ice.

Application for hair

Rose petals are also widely used in the preparation of hair cosmetics. They nourish and moisturize the scalp well, and also give silkiness to the hair itself. Rose water can be added to conditioners and hair rinses, this method of application is no less beneficial for hair than masks.

If yours, then a mask based on rose petals will help you. To prepare it, finely chop a handful of rose petals, place them in a small saucepan and pour over a glass of milk. Put a saucepan with milk and chopped petals on the fire and boil. When the mixture is warm, apply it on your hair and soak for about 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

How to dry rose petals

If you want to dry petals for homemade masks and lotions, then it is best to choose roses that grow in your garden. At dawn, pick the buds and use scissors to cut off the petals from them. Then rinse under running water to get rid of possible pollen. Then spread out a waffle towel and carefully place rose petals on it. They will dry for a little over a week. There are many ways to store rose petals, it all depends on the purpose of their use. Dried petals are best placed immediately in a glass jar or linen bag.

The rose is an ornamental plant that is generally used for beauty and decoration. But this beautiful flower can have other uses as well.

The healing properties of roses

For many centuries, the rose has been used as an effective medicinal plant, later it began to be widely used in cooking, and today it has found its place in cosmetology.

Rose leaves can be used to make delicious jam or rose water. Also, this plant is used to obtain essential oil, which has a lot of useful properties and can become an indispensable tool in the fight for beauty.

Rose is considered a medicinal plant due to the content of valuable active substances - approximately 1-18% of various types of sugars (fructose, sucrose and glucose), 4% of pectin substances, including organic acids, tannins and phenolic acids. This flower contains a large amount of vitamins of group B, PP, as well as pantothenic acid.

Rose essential oil is widely used in cosmetology and perfumery, and is also used for medicinal purposes. Damask rose has one rather popular variety - Kalyk rose, which is grown in Bulgaria.

Rose oil has a pleasant light yellow hue, has a fairly thick consistency, fragrant and slightly harsh aroma. It turns out as a result of distillation of plant petals with water vapor. To produce this remedy, a lot of raw materials are used - for example, about 3 tons of petals are consumed to form 1 liter of oil.

During the process of distillation or evaporation, water is formed, which is called pink. Today, this tool is widely used in cosmetology and is one of the main components for eau de parfum. It can also be used in folk medicine, as well as in cooking.

Rose oil has a lot of positive qualities, which include the following:
  • even strong spasms are quickly removed;
  • various inflammatory processes are eliminated;
  • can be used to relieve pain attacks;
  • helps with allergic reactions;
  • resists various harmful microorganisms;
  • has a choleretic effect;
  • promotes mild vasodilation;
  • has a sedative and calming effect.
Quite often, rose oil is used during the treatment of various dental diseases, especially gum problems.

Essential oil from rose petals has the ability to stop bleeding, signs of allergies are quickly removed, the work of the nervous system is normalized, and helps in the fight against helminths.

This remedy can also be taken orally. In this case, it has a laxative effect, while it is allowed to be used even during pregnancy, with nervous disorders, hay fever and hemoptysis.

You can also use whole rose petals for lotions. It has a positive effect on eye inflammations. You can brew the petals of the plant and use the resulting infusion to gargle.

How to collect rose petals?

Today you can buy already collected and dried rose petals, but do not rush to buy. The fact is that such raw materials can be collected with violations of the rules, therefore, useful properties are lost.

It is important that the collection of rose petals takes place only in clear weather, provided there is no precipitation. This procedure is carried out from morning to afternoon. You should not stretch the pleasure, you need to work quickly, otherwise there is a risk of losing the useful qualities of the plant. If rose petals are harvested in the afternoon, the raw material will lose about 30% of the essential oil.

After the completion of the collection procedure, all the petals are laid out in the fresh air in the shade, where drying will take place. You can carry out this procedure indoors, but only if it is well ventilated. After all the petals are dried, they are transferred to storage in a tin and completely dry container, with a tightly closed lid.

Rules for storing rose petals

It is very important to follow the basic rules for storing raw materials, since it is on this that their useful qualities depend, which can be significantly reduced if a few simple recommendations are not followed.

If rose petals will be used to scent a room, you can store them in salt. All raw materials are poured with a large amount of salt and transferred to a glass decorative container with a lid. You have to wait exactly 4 days. After the specified time, slightly opening the container, you can feel the incredible aroma of roses that will fill the room.

If desired, you can make your own wax decorative rose petals. In this case, one simple candle is taken and melted. One petal at a time is dipped into liquid wax, then they must be left for a while to freeze. The finished decoration is recommended to be used as a flavored decor.

You can also dry the whole roses yourself. To this end, they are tied and hung down with buds, then left for a week in a dark room. After 7 days, the petals will be completely dry, after which they can be carefully cut off.

Rose petals in cosmetology

Today, rose petals are widely used in cosmetology, helping to cope with various problems. You can make home remedies yourself if you know a few simple rules.

Rose petal tonic

This product is ideal for the care of different skin types, with the greatest benefit for dry and sensitive skin. Perfectly nourishes and moisturizes aging skin.

To prepare such a tonic, 2-3 tbsp is taken. l. pre-crushed rose petals and pour 200 g of boiling water. The container is covered with a towel, and the solution is left for about 20–25 minutes to infuse well. Then the tonic is filtered and left to cool completely and can be used.

A cotton pad is moistened with a tonic and the skin is wiped or the product is poured into a spray bottle and the face is irrigated 2 times during the day. This procedure is recommended to be carried out in hot weather.

Washing lotion

To make such a remedy is taken? Art. raw materials and poured with boiling water. The container is covered with a lid and left for a day, then the lotion is filtered and 1 tbsp is added. l. glycerin. Everything mixes well and the product can be used for washing the face and skin care in the décolleté area.

Wrinkle Control

An amazing result is given by the following remedy, which should be used in the form of compresses. A glass of boiling water is poured 2 tbsp. l. rose petals. As soon as the solution becomes warm, it is filtered. Cotton pads or gauze are wetted in the decoction, and applied to problem areas.

Refreshing lotion

One glass of vodka is filled with the same number of rose petals, the container is covered with a lid and left for exactly 10 days. Then 2 tsp is added to the infusion. boiled and chilled water. The finished product can be used.

Ice cubes

A decoction is made from rose petals, filtered and poured into ice molds. With ready-made cubes, you need to wipe the skin of the face, neck and décolleté every day.

Lotion for dry skin

Rose water is diluted with a little milk. In the resulting composition, cotton pads are moistened and every day, before going to bed, the skin of the face is wiped, and the décolleté area can also be treated.

Lotion with honey

First you need to make rose water and an infusion of roses, after which they are mixed, 1 tbsp is introduced. l. fresh lemon juice, 1 tsp. liquid honey. You can use 50% alcohol instead of lemon juice.

Regular use of the ready-made lotion perfectly tones the skin, gives the face freshness, and eliminates signs of fatigue. Can be used to care for any type of skin. You can store the finished lotion in a glass container with a tightly closed lid in a dark place, but not for too long.

Rose petal tonic

Taken in equal amounts 2 tbsp. l. rose petals and jasmine flowers, pour 400 g of boiling water. The agent is infused for at least 5 hours, after which 2 ampoules of vitamin B1 and 2 tbsp. l. floral cologne. This tonic is recommended for dry and sensitive skin.

Tonic for normal skin type

Take 2 tbsp. l. rose petals and poured 1 tbsp. boiling water. The broth is infused until it becomes warm, then 1 tbsp is added. vodka, 1 tsp. glycerin. The finished product can be used to wipe the skin of the face and décolleté or for washing.

Lotion to combat enlarged pores

Preparing a tincture of rose petals. 60 g of tincture is mixed with 30 g of fresh lemon juice, 30 g of cucumber juice is added, 1 tbsp. l. glycerin, 15 g of vodka. To narrow the pores, this tool should be used regularly.

Lotion for oily skin

4 tbsp. rose petals poured 500 g of vinegar. The product is poured into a glass container, covered with a lid and left for 3 weeks. After the specified period, the infusion is filtered, diluted with 500 g of boiled water and can be used. This lotion perfectly tones and removes ugly oily sheen.

Tonic against rosacea

An infusion of rose petals is made in a ratio of 1:20. A napkin is wetted in the finished tonic and applied as a compress, after 20 minutes you need to wash. This procedure must be carried out at least 2 times during the day. The full course of treatment for rosacea is 20 sessions.

Nourishing mask for different skin types

First, rose flour is made - rose petals are crushed in a blender. Take 1 tsp. the resulting flour is mixed with 0.5 tsp. sour cream (low fat), 1 tsp egg white. All components are mixed and the mixture is left for 5 minutes to infuse. The composition is applied to pre-cleansed facial skin, washed off after 30 minutes.

Rose petals can become valuable and indispensable helpers in the fight for the beauty and youthfulness of the skin. They are recommended to be added to masks, tonics and lotions. If there is no time to prepare complex cosmetics, you can use ice cubes made from rose water. Most importantly, no matter which remedy was chosen, to obtain the desired result, it must be used regularly.

Read more about the benefits of rose petals in this video:

What to do if the bouquet of roses given to you begins to crumble, and you would so like to prolong the life of these beautiful flowers? Most of you have thrown such bouquets into the bucket, because what else can you do? Did you know that you can make rose petals from rose petals, rose oil, a face and body care product, as well as hair. Below we will tell you about the most popular beauty recipes in which rose petals are the first and most important ingredient. From now on you will receive bouquets of roses with double pleasure!

Rose petal lotion

All the number of rose petals that you have, pour boiling water (about 200 ml) and leave to infuse for 2 hours. After this time, strain the resulting liquid with petals and pour the infusion into a container convenient for you. As a result, you have a therapeutic face lotion that gives the skin freshness, tones it, makes it possible to leave the inflamed area, dries pimples and intensively tightens enlarged pores.

This rose lotion should be stored in the refrigerator. It should be enough for you for 3 days of intensive use.

If you want to extend the life of the lotion, then initially pour it into ice molds and freeze. In the morning, as a universal tonic, wipe the skin of the face.

Rose Powder

Did you know that you can get a natural fragrant healing powder from dried roses? No? Then this recipe is for you.

Take dry rosebuds (if there are no dry ones, then place the petals in the oven or dry them in the sun) and then grind them in a blender or in a coffee grinder (where it will be more convenient for you).

As a result, you will get the smallest powder from rose flowers. It can be used as a natural, mixed with your cleanser, or mixed with bath salts for a pleasant aromatherapy experience.

Rose oil at home

Rose oil has been famous for its healing properties for decades. Rose oil is very difficult to find, and it is quite expensive. But, it doesn't matter! After all, you can easily prepare rose oil at home at no extra cost.

To do this, you will need any base vegetable oil. It can be olive, castor, almond, grape seed, chamomile, avocado, etc.

To prepare rose oil, be sure to dry the petals thoroughly. You can do this as described in the method above - place the petals in the oven or dry in the sun.

Rose oil recipe step by step

So, we take a liter glass jar and put on the bottom all the number of rose petals that you have. Now, they need to pour 100-150 ml of oil.

Next, we put this mixture, or rather a jar, in a water bath for about 3 hours. The fire should be very weak. Be sure to cover the jar with rose petals and oil on top so that the healing and unique essential oils do not evaporate.

After 3 hours, you need to remove the jar of rose petals, cover it on top not with a lid, but with a thick cloth and put it in a cool dark place so that the rose oil can brew. It is necessary to withstand rose oil, therefore, for 4 weeks.

After 3-4 weeks, open the jar and decant the rose oil through gauze - the petals separately, and the oil separately. The oil should be infused for approximately 2 hours. During this time, keep an eye on the oil. It is important that as a result it be whole, and not divided into 2 fractions - oil and water.

When separating the oil into 2 fractions, carefully separate them so that only the oil remains in the end. If there are water impurities in rose oil, it will turn sour very quickly and will not last you as long as it can be.

After you have made sure that there is no water in the rose oil, pour it into a container that will be more convenient for you to use here 2 tsp. vitamin E in oil (sold in a pharmacy). In this recipe, vitamin E acts as a preservative.

Easy rose oil recipe

Here is another, simpler, cooking recipe. So, to prepare rose oil, you will need to mix olive oil and dry rose petals in equal proportions. It is desirable to mix the components in an ordinary glass jar.

The beneficial healing properties of rose oil will last for 12 months.

How can rose oil be used?

Beauticians recommend adding rose oil to your favorite skin care products, such as creams. Just 1 drop of rose oil is enough to soften the skin, moisturize and fill it with vitamins and essential oils.

Cleopatra bath with rose petals

Feel like Cleopatra - a real queen! Treat yourself to a truly luxurious bath with rose petals, sea salt and essential oils.

Fill the bathtub with hot water, pour a handful of rose petals into it, dissolve sea salt, add your favorite fragrant bath foam, turn on pleasant relaxing music and plunge into the world of a real spa.

The Cleopatra bath with rose petals has an intensely relaxing effect on the skin. After such a spa treatment, you will feel refreshed.

Fragrant sachet of rose petals

If the holiday has already passed, and the bouquets of roses begin to crumble unpleasantly, then make a fragrant sachet out of them for your home. Take a beautiful open vase or a bowl, put rose petals there and add just a few drops of rose oil on top. You will be surprised at what a pleasant enchanting aroma your home will be filled with!