School skirts for teenagers. School skirts for girls: not boring school fashion. What clothes to combine

No matter what year is outside the window, no matter what new trends excite the world of children's fashion, the school uniform has always been, and, of course, will be. The school uniform for girls has always played a special role in the life of every schoolgirl. Young fashionistas want to look at their best, and no matter what they say, but with a sense of style, they are born.

And almost all girls are endowed with this feeling from birth. That is why a fashionable school uniform for girls is of such great importance. This is important not only for the external neat appearance of a beautiful student, it is necessary for her internal harmonious worldview and positioning herself in the world of students, in a specific school society.

It's not just about choosing a fashionable and stylish uniform that meets the spirit of the times and fashion. Since a modern schoolchild spends a significant part of his day at school in the classroom, as well as circles and sections, the school uniform should be as comfortable as possible.

What is comfortable school clothes? This is, first of all, made from natural fabrics (wool, cotton, cashmere, linen), which can be supplemented with synthetic additives, but not in large quantities. The lining of things should be exclusively natural.

The school year covers both warm months (September, April, May) and cold ones, so choose a student's wardrobe according to different weather conditions. For boys, several pairs of trousers, plain shirts with long and short sleeves, a vest, a jacket, and a tie will be mandatory. Girls need to buy a skirt, a sundress, a jacket, maybe even trousers, and a few blouses in soothing colors.

The main items of school clothes for girls of this age are sundresses or dresses. Today, manufacturers and designers offer many options for models that create a stylish look for a student both on ordinary weekdays and on school holidays.

Strict dresses and discreet sundresses are the main attributes of the school wardrobe of any little student. Therefore, for the upcoming school year, designers have come up with a lot of different options for these items of girl's clothing.

Girls 6 – 10 years old
A fashionable school uniform for girls aged 6 to 10 may consist of a skirt, trousers and a dress in the indicated colors. Checked pleated skirts are at the height of fashion. From childhood, it is worth accustoming a girl to wearing skirts (the best length is up to the knee or a little lower), as this thing makes the baby feminine. If this is too easy for a young fashionista, add a chiffon or tulle lining. Under the skirt, trousers, choose blouses that match in color.

Girls 11 – 18 years old
High school girls are more scrupulous about their image, so you should not offer a pleated skirt. Her place can be replaced by skirts - pencils, trousers with a classic cut or narrowed down, a strict jacket, a jacket. It is important for parents to pay attention so that the young charmer does not abuse cosmetics.

Both elementary school girls and high school students need to take care of their hair. Loose hair looks sloppy, careless, so collect it in a ponytail, braid or other more intricate hairstyle. A huge number of hairpins, bows, invisible, hoops will help to complete the image of a schoolgirl - a fashionista.

Fashionable white blouses for girls 2016-2017 new photos

A beautiful white blouse can decorate any strict wardrobe. In the new school year, designers recommend choosing blouses with an unusual decor that will accentuate the school look. Today, shirt-type blouses, decorated with unexpected decorative elements, are relevant. Boyish severity always goes well with small girlish details: lace inserts, original buttons, touching collars. Schoolgirls often opt for models with frill collars or ruffles.

After the young fashionista has decided on the style of the blouse, you need to pay attention to the fabric. Here a lot depends on the model of the product. If it is a shirt-type blouse, cotton is best; if we are talking about a tunic, then the best material is chiffon; for more romantic and festive models, the ideal fabric is satin.

The colors of school blouses are best chosen light. It's not just white, although it will always be great for learning. Preferred products are cream, pearl, pale pink, light blue, light green and similar colors. A school blouse is best combined with a skirt, dress or sundress. From above it can be supplemented with a vest, in the cold season - with a jacket, cardigan or bolero. You can wear a blouse with classic or skinny trousers, but you should be careful here. Best of all with trousers the model in the form of a shirt will be combined.

Fashionable school sundresses for girls 2016-2017 trends new photos

A sundress will always be in fashion, it allows you to create various images. In a sundress, the girl will feel comfortable. It hides unformed breasts, which young students are often embarrassed of, and favorably emphasizes the waist. In such clothes, the girl will be feminine and fashionable.

A school sundress will teach a girl from an early age to create beautiful images, combine colors and select accessories. Most importantly, a school sundress should decorate a girl. The style and color are selected depending on the characteristics of the figure and the age of the schoolgirl:

It is better for overweight girls to purchase a sundress "A" of a silhouette made of plain fabric;
for thin people, you can pick up a sundress in a cage;
high school students prefer sheath sundresses that emphasize the dignity of the figure;
first-graders dream of looking like a princess, so they will like sundresses decorated with ruffles and flounces.

Fashionable school dresses for girls 2016-2017 trends photo news

A brown dress with sewn-in cuffs and a collar - this is how we remember a school dress from Soviet times. A white apron, as well as white bows and stockings of students, served as a decoration for such a dress. On weekdays, the white apron was replaced by its black counterpart. I didn't really have to choose between styles.

School is the best period of life! But people realize this too late, when they already graduate from universities or have their own family. In our country, a school uniform has been introduced, which makes life easier for parents. No need to buy dozens of sundresses. In some schools, the uniform is sewn to order, someone is content with a dark bottom and a white top. Elementary school students are unpretentious about uniforms, but high school students are already starting to choose whether they will wear it or not. School skirts for teenagers are distinguished by original styles, unusual accessories.

Making a choice

Girls in high school want to look fashionable, attractive. It is not so easy to please little coquettes. Therefore, choosing a school uniform, you will have to rely on children's taste. But still, the first criterion when choosing is the requirements of the school. Usually the school requires a certain color of the skirt and a decent length. School skirts for teenagers are a whole world of variety and textures. Armed with patience and your daughter, go shopping. Remember that girls 12 - 15 years old already have their own opinion, and some of their own style. Therefore, to contradict the girl in choosing a style is a useless exercise.

Be sure to try on all popular models.

I'm going in a straight line

Teenage girls are already trying to imitate their mothers or their idols in everything, especially in clothes. And if a child asks to buy a straight strict skirt - do not be surprised. On slender girls, this model sits flawlessly, business style combined with a neutral color is exactly what a little fashionista needs! The optimal length of the skirt is knee-length or slightly higher. There may be a small slit in the back for ease of movement. Such school skirts for teenagers mean shoes with small heels. Cotton blouses can be tucked in. The perfect addition is a classic jacket.

Pleats and pleats

Teenage girls are already little coquettes. Therefore, a perky shortened one will be very useful. This model suits almost everyone, even donuts. Monochromatic ballet shoes and a body shirt will perfectly complement the image. If the school's dress code allows, then a cage will be appropriate. school ones, pleated or not, will never go out of style. Color does not really matter, the main thing is the size of the folds. Girls with more magnificent forms will suit medium-sized folds, but slender schoolgirls are fine.

When choosing an outfit for going to school, you need to be guided not only by beauty, but also by convenience. Puffy, flared school skirts for teenagers are not very popular. They wrinkle, in windy weather the girls are forced to hold them with their hands so that a gust of wind does not lift the light fabric up. This model can be left only for special occasions.


The styles of school skirts are varied, but there are also completely unusual models. Designers offer double-sided options, turns of skirts of different colors. You buy one thing, and you get two outfits at once. In appearance, an ordinary skirt will play differently if a layer of tulle of the same color peeks out from under it. The girl will feel like a real princess!


The balloon skirt has recently entered the wardrobe of beautiful creatures, but has already gained many fans. Lush from the hips and narrowed down, the skirt attracts attention with its unusual style. The length of the skirt should be a palm above the knee. At the bottom there can be a coquette or an elastic band. Too strict top will not fit this outfit. A simple blouse or a white knitted body shirt will make the balloon an excellent company. It is desirable that the top is tightly fitted, otherwise the whole effect will be lost. Shoes or boots should be elegant so as not to weigh down the image. A bright jacket or cardigan will complete the picture.

The styles of school skirts are developed carefully and for a long time. After all, nothing should distract the child from learning. The slightest discomfort in clothes will prevent you from getting in the right mood at school. Choose classic, popular and unusual models, because there are never too many skirts. Be sure to choose a beautiful belt to match the skirt.

Many parents are pleased that the school uniform has reappeared. A skirt is an obligatory detail of a children's wardrobe, it emphasizes all the tenderness and femininity of a person. Teach girls to dress beautifully from an early age!

As you know, a person is greeted by clothes. Including at school. Teachers are sometimes much more favorable to a student who, although there are not enough stars from the sky, always looks neat and fit, than to an erudite in an eternally rumpled suit. And the attitude of a student (and especially a student) to school also largely depends on clothing. You simply don’t want to wear an uncomfortable and ugly suit, and accordingly, the desire to go to class disappears altogether. Beautiful school skirts for girls 11 years old - what are they? Let's discuss this.

Features of school clothes

School clothes are a children's or teenage version of a business suit. The dull brown dresses with no less dull black aprons worn by the grandmothers of today's schoolgirls are now gone. The educational institution has the right to decide for itself whether all children will walk in suits of the same color and the same style, or whether the clothes must simply comply with the requirements of business etiquette. But in any case, there are some principles that should be followed when choosing a skirt for a schoolgirl.

Beautiful school skirts should be:

  • comfortable;
  • not too wrinkled;
  • easy to care for;
  • hygienic.

  • The skirt should sit on your daughter like a glove. First of all, you need to strictly match the size. Too loose or too narrow a belt is extremely uncomfortable. In the first case, the girl will think not about the lessons, but about the fact that the skirt does not slip, and in the second, she will decide what will happen if the button comes off or the zipper bursts?
  • Even the most accurate student is just a child. She wants to mess with her classmates at recess, she can sit on a dirty bench or fall. And it’s very good if she doesn’t have to think about whether the skirt is wrinkled or not. It is better to choose fabrics that wash well and keep their shape.
  • For children's and teenage clothes, natural or mixed materials are preferable. True, synthetic materials have recently appeared in which a person feels comfortable in any weather and in any conditions. They are breathable and easy to care for. But they mostly make jackets and sweaters.

Choose a color

In some schools, the color of the uniform is very strict. Only gray or only blue and no varieties. Other times, executives are more sensible by offering parents multiple colors to choose from. If the director of the school does not set any conditions for you, follow the usual principles.

The skirt can be:

  • plain;
  • in a cell;
  • in a thin strip;
  • with textured pattern;
  • printed, if permitted by the school.

Important! Perhaps the only thing you should refrain from is too colorful patterns. Leave them for other occasions. At the same time, the school skirt does not have to be gloomy at all.

Of course, classic colors are still relevant for children's business clothes:

  • black;
  • brown;
  • blue;
  • grey;
  • bottle green;
  • burgundy.

But if your daughter is a neat person, her outfit, including a skirt, can be decided in light pastel colors. The most appropriate are silver gray or beige. As for the cell, such a fabric can be bright. For example, a great combination is a blue-red-white plaid flared skirt, a white blouse and a black vest.

Important! For everyday wear, pink, blue or cream are not very suitable - they are best left for special occasions.


A young lady at the age of eleven can afford any length. But from early childhood, a young lady must be taught that everything should have its time and place.

For a school skirt for a girl of 11 years old, the length is suitable:

  • to the knee;
  • slightly above the knee;
  • below the knee;
  • to the middle of the calf.

Important! If your daughter prefers short dresses, and the skirt just above the knee seems like an old lady to her, you can make the hem shorter. But be sure to keep in mind that the costume must be correct, that is, nothing superfluous should be visible from under the skirt.

We take into account the time of year

And who said that the school skirt should be one? Especially if schools don't allow pants even in winter? It is better to sew at least two - for the cold season or for the warm one.

Suitable for winter skirt:

  • tweed;
  • cloth;
  • drape;
  • dense wool with a slight addition of synthetics.

For spring and autumn, materials should be thinner and lighter:

  • cotton;
  • cotton with a small addition of lavsan;
  • flax with lavsan;
  • jersey;
  • thick silk;
  • fine wool or wool with lavsan.

Important! Synthetic fibers allow the fabric not to stretch or wrinkle, but the percentage of synthetics should be small.

What shouldn't be?

A middle school student is already interested in her appearance and strives to decorate herself even at school. Forbidding this is useless, but you can make sure that the clothes are beautiful enough and without a lot of jewelry. A school skirt should not have:

  • bright multicolor embroidery;
  • screaming app.

But nothing prevents the use of strict, but beautiful fittings.

Important! Interesting snaps and buttons, a beautiful buckle on the belt, pockets trimmed with thin chains do not distract the student from class, but allow her to feel elegant.

Cut options

Modern school fashion is quite democratic. For a middle school student, a variety of cut options are suitable:

  • straight;
  • flare;
  • pencil;
  • balloon;
  • pleating.

Straight skirt

This is a real girl's classic worn by schoolgirls of many generations. The skirt can be completely straight or slightly narrowed down.

Important! If the skirt is long enough, you can make a short slit on the side or back. Girls of younger teenage age usually like these styles - they feel more grown-up.

What can be worn with such a skirt? Almost anything:

  • with a plain English blouse;
  • with a romantic blouse with a modest pattern;
  • with a thin sweater;
  • with a turtleneck;
  • with a long or short jacket;
  • with a vest.

Important! A straight skirt is best sewn from wool or cotton with lavsan, as they do not wrinkle.


A very popular option. There are several styles of beautiful school skirts for girls:

  • flared four-blade;
  • Sun;
  • half sun.

All three options are best sewn from light thin fabrics - wool, tartan, silk or knitwear. Such styles are preferred by elementary school students, but they are also suitable for slender older girls.

Important! They wear flared skirts with classic school blouses with puffed sleeves - a flashlight or a wing. But the shirt looks good too. You can add an outfit and a vest.


This model migrated to children's fashion relatively recently. It is not very suitable for little girls, but for middle and high school girls it is quite. You can make it wrap or peplum, with a short slit. The side pockets look good too.

Important! Pairs perfectly with a classic blouse or shirt.


This fashionable thing has found its rightful place in the school wardrobe. It is sewn from fabrics that drape well. Knitwear fits great. It is combined with short jackets, vests and blouses.

Important! This skirt is more suitable for spring and early autumn than for winter.


The traditional school option is a pleated skirt. It is sewn from a plain fabric that holds its shape well. Various types of folds are allowed:

  • circular;
  • counter;
  • bow.

This skirt can be worn with a classic or romantic blouse, or with a sweater. In the cold season, some styles will suit not only a classic jacket, but also, for example, a sweatshirt or a warm vest with fur. Folds can be both small and large.

Important! There are styles in which groups of folds are located not around the entire circumference, but, for example, on the side or behind. In general, this is an interesting option that makes it possible to show the abilities of a fashion designer.


The most that neither is a school classic. Such skirts were worn by mothers, grandmothers, and even great-great-grandmothers of the current fifth graders. Suitable for absolutely everyone. Pyshechki look in such a skirt as elegant as skinny ones. And the material is different - plain, with a large pattern in tone or checkered. Such a skirt is good "both in a feast and in the world." Looks good with any blouses, jackets, sweaters.

Important! The only drawback is a lot of fuss with washing and ironing, because the folds have to be sewn up. Problems can also arise if you have to hem or cut the hem. But there are materials on which pleating does not diverge.

We select the style

School management can make their own requirements for the appearance of students - for example, the style and color of clothing. But even in this case, the parents and the student herself have the opportunity to choose the style. You have to take into account two things:

  • body type;
  • skin and hair colors.

Important! A girl at any age strives to look attractive. And you need to teach her to emphasize the dignity of her figure, to make the flaws less noticeable. This is especially true for school clothes, because her student wears every day.

There are fewer body types in younger teenagers than in adult women. Perhaps there are only three main ones:

  • slim;
  • moderate;
  • complete.

Slim girl

A thin schoolgirl can afford everything. A flared skirt, and a straight or tapered skirt will look equally good on it. A blouse-shirt and a sweater, a knitted blouse and a sweatshirt suit her. But there are times when a girl looks too thin. Then it is necessary to give preference to wide skirts and puffy blouses. A great option is a sun skirt and a blouse with puffed sleeves, for example.

Moderate physique

Girls with a moderate build sometimes seem too fat. They, in the opinion of their mothers and grandmothers, may well wear flared skirts, but they are very worried because such clothes make them fat. Well, no need to insist.

Choose something straight for your daughter or granddaughter, with groups of pleats or no pleats at all. A moderately flared four-blade is also suitable. Turtlenecks or blouses-shirts will please even the most capricious fashionista.

What to wear puffy?

Chubby girls are more suitable for a strict straight skirt. Careful attention should be paid to the choice of fabrics - they must be of high quality, and for all the details of the costume. A straight skirt can be worn with a blouse-shirt or sweater, but it is better to wear them outside. Suitable for a long jacket or vest.

Important! The girl will look very stylish if you make the vest a little shorter than the skirt.


Fashion for school skirts never ceases to delight young students. These clothes belong to the business style due to the strict lines that give it formality. School uniforms are provided by manufacturers in a wide range. She pleases girls with ease of wearing, elegant appearance, practicality and a wide range of models.

By variety, all children's school skirts are divided into strict (pencil skirts, trapeze skirts) and elegant (with flounces and ruffles). By style they are:

  • With high waist. This style visually narrows the figure. Therefore, it is perfect for chubby teenage girls. The high waist will hold the blouse tightly, which will make the image stylish and neat.
  • . Such models look beautiful and gentle. Their lower tier can be made of tulle, which gives the product an elegant appearance.
  • . This is the most common model, suitable for any type of figure. The fold of the products differs in width.
  • On rubber. Models with elastic bands are flared or pleated. Due to the elasticity of the belt, the outfit is suitable for both thin schoolgirls and plump ones.
  • . Half-sun and sun models are in high demand this year. These skirts are puffy and festive.

With their help, you can create a gentle and romantic image. They look beautiful with blouses with puffed sleeves and shirts.

  • . This model is the trend of the current season. She is preferred by high school students. A pencil skirt favorably emphasizes the figure and gives a school look elegance. The length of the model falls to the knee. The skirt can be high-waisted or low-waisted.
  • Tight. Such skirts belong to the classics, differ in length, color, are decorated with inserts from other fabrics, flounces and ruffles.
  • . Such styles are in demand among high school girls. In this outfit, the girls look like adults.
  • . They can have folds throughout the product or be laid in certain areas and fixed with bows or any other decor.
  • . This school skirt is strict and concise. A small incision is allowed at the back. This style is suitable for absolutely any type of figure and is most in demand among high school students.
  • . This model will well hide both thin and full legs.
  • With a wide belt. The skirt will visually reduce the waist. Suitable for all body types.

Also, designers offer schoolgirls models with pockets, which differ in functionality and original appearance, plaid skirts, corrugated, flared skirts. When choosing one or another style, it is necessary to take into account the type of figure of the student, her personal preferences and the appearance of the product.


Modern designers sew school skirts from such fabrics:

  • wool;
  • cotton;

Knitwear is elastic, comfortable to wear and natural. They do not constrain movements at all and allow schoolgirls to feel as comfortable as possible throughout the school day. According to the cut they are: straight, pleated, flared, peplum; this material beautifully fits the figure, hiding its flaws and emphasizing its advantages.

Suitable knitwear for any season. A feature of the material is that in the cold season it warms the body, and in the hot season it keeps cool.

Woolen products are worn in autumn and winter. They differ in style, length and color scheme. The advantage of the fabric is its naturalness, hypoallergenicity and durability. This material does not wrinkle, does not shed and retains its original shape and color for a long time.

Cotton is the most popular material for children's clothing. It has high technical characteristics and beautiful appearance. In such clothes, children feel as comfortable and attractive as possible. Cotton skirts attract schoolgirls with original models, rich colors, wear resistance.

Tweed products are durable, easy to care for and practical. Skirts made of this fabric are perfect for both slender schoolgirls and very thin ones. They look beautiful with various elements of the wardrobe and are suitable for the cold season.

Leather models are the fashion trend of this season. They attract young fashionistas with their stylish appearance, femininity and elegance.

Popular leather styles are considered to be a pencil skirt and a flared skirt. This material is hypoallergenic, durable and safe.

What clothes to match?

Creating a beautiful school image is not so easy. The skirt must necessarily correspond to the season outside the window and be combined with outerwear. For the season, it is recommended to pay attention to straight models made of knitwear, wool or tweed, which are in perfect harmony with strict shirts and classic jackets.

In the cool season, you can wear a striped pleated skirt made of thick fabric, a white golf and a blue jacket. The image is complemented by warm tights and neat black boots.

This season, cropped gray pleated jackets are in fashion, which can be complemented with a straight skirt. The image is complemented by a strict white blouse or shirt, bright red tights and black boots.

A tweed suit will look beautiful in autumn and winter, consisting of a skirt with pleats and a jacket with flounces in gray tone. Under such an outfit, you can wear a white straight-cut blouse, high white stockings and black shoes.

An elegant autumn bow can also be created with the help of a fluffy wide skirt with flounces, a white turtleneck and a black jacket. Black tights and pumps will complete the look.

And in it is worth choosing pleated models that are in harmony with white blouses and vests. Puffy black skirts also look beautiful in the warm season. They are elegantly combined with white blouses with ruffles.

For teenage girls, you can create a beautiful school look with a long tight-fitting skirt in black and complemented by a strict white shirt. White tights and black shoes complete the look.

Also for high school students, a pleated skirt with a wide belt, decorated with a bow, is suitable. Under this outfit, you need to pick up a white blouse made of translucent chiffon.

The pleated black bell skirt in combination with a white blouse also looks beautiful. The image is complemented by white tights and tight black shoes.