Conspiracies so that the husband loves as before. A conspiracy so that the husband only wants his wife. A strong conspiracy - for a guy to confess his love

A woman for a man has always been the one for whom he performed his exploits and accomplishments. How to stay like this throughout your family life? How to behave so that your husband always loves you?

  1. A woman, like no one else, needs to be touched. Therefore, massage, or, in extreme cases, self-massage is the best way to get rid of stagnant energy in spasmodic muscles. Love your body, touch it. This will help you understand and love your body and increase self-esteem.
  2. Water will help wash away all the accumulated problems. A shower, or rather a relaxing bath, is not just a whim, it is a necessity. And if you add aromatic oils to it and lie down quietly, having abandoned everyday life, then not only you will like a great mood and a fragrant body.
  3. A woman's hair is an indicator of her mood and inner state. Bad mood - do your hair. Not only will your mood improve, but your attitude towards yourself and others will also improve. If you feel like your life is stagnant, change your hair color.
  1. The hands of a woman - how many poems have been written about them. Soft skin, well-groomed nails. They are kissed by men. Look at your hands. Is it time for a manicure?
  2. Look at what you meet your man when he comes home from work? How do your home clothes sit on you? How neat does she look? Do you like yourself in it? If yes, then your man will always be happy to hug you when he meets you.
  3. Light makeup will not only embellish a woman, but also make her more confident. Look at yourself in the mirror more often, admire yourself. Ask yourself the question: can my man like me with such a hairstyle, in such clothes, with such a facial expression?
  4. For a woman, a home is not just a place to live. The house is a reflection of the inner feeling of a woman, as the keeper of the hearth. A woman has an energy connection with him. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that houses and walls help. Therefore, a well-groomed, comfortable home helps a woman feel secure.
  5. Do you love to cook? In our busy time, not everyone manages to devote all their energies to creating culinary masterpieces. But to create a cordial atmosphere during a meal, any woman can do it. Beautiful serving even in the presence of the simplest food, a pleasant conversation and a few touches with your hand or look will make your man happy.
  6. Can you keep up the conversation as a pleasant conversationalist? Is there anything you can tell your interlocutor about with interest and enthusiasm? Be interested in new events, read, communicate. Speak with feeling and emotions, let your loved one look at you not only with interest, but also with delight.
  7. Can you be free

Couples who live together for a long time gradually lose sexual interest in each other. This is a pattern that is inevitable. Such is the human essence - everything new is interesting, but what has been studied for a long time does not attract. The fire of passion can be rekindled with magical rituals. For a husband to want a wife every day, a strong conspiracy can help. However, there is one important condition. Nobody should know about them.

There are a number of conspiracies so that the husband wants his wife

It often happens that a woman really wanted to meet the “same” man. The dream came true - acquaintance, meeting, engagement, wedding. Years pass, and as always the passion subsides. If the spouses are wealthy, they can even sleep in different rooms. How to get your busy husband into bed? Carry out a "village" ritual so that the husband wants his wife every day. The conspiracy is strong, but does not require special esoteric knowledge or witchcraft skills. Such a simple but effective magic is the fastest way to get closer to bed.

For rituals often use:

  • personal items;
  • baptismal water;
  • wine;
  • church candles;
  • photos, etc.

As you can see, all this is quite simple to get, so it will not be difficult to conduct the ceremony on your own. Be sure to refer to magical rituals if you have been married for a long time.

They resort to family magic not only when they want to return their husband's sexual desire. Very often, the spouse also dreams that the wife always longs for her soul mate, that is, him. Therefore, men can also read conspiracies.

Family magic includes rituals aimed at the appearance of children in the family. For example, young people have been living in a civil marriage for a long time. Years pass, and the question of children is all postponed until later. In this case, you can resort to magic and make the guy want to have a baby.

Village conspiracies for sex

Every woman dreams of marriage. Suppose she met the man she really wanted to build a happy family with him. Over time, the feelings dulled, many worries appeared, and the husband stopped paying attention to her. Stormy nights have become a rare occurrence, passion no longer excites his blood, and pleasures in bed are no longer regular.

What to do? To return the passion of the spouse, white magic will help.

To return the husband's former passion, you need to buy meat, put raw meat on your chest and read the plot, then cook your husband's favorite dish

If the wife always longs for her soul mate, waits for him from work, buys beautiful linen, and he hardly notices her, you need to perform a simple ceremony.

On Friday, on the full moon, go to the market. Buy good meat without haggling the price. You need to go home immediately after the purchase.

Prepare your spouse's favorite meat dish. Food should be spicy, spiced, burning.

Before preparing a culinary masterpiece, the wife undresses and puts raw meat on her chest, then says:

“Under the gravestone is a domina, and there is an old devil. I am not afraid of the devil, I will not bow before him. I will stand straight, glow with righteous heat. So the husband is not afraid of me, he does not bend before my flesh. Key. Lock".

Prepare food in such a way that it is all eaten at the table. It is impossible to leave half-eaten charmed meat in the house. It will have to be thrown out.

Conspiracy for underwear

This conspiracy is the fastest way to bring your husband closer to bed and “force” you to fulfill your marital duties. In the morning, go to the store and buy new men's underpants of the right size.

In the evening, when the husband falls asleep, you need to go to the closet, get your morning purchase and go to the open bedroom window. Take underwear in one hand, a church candle in the other. Read the magic text three times:

“Behind the forests, the water is thick - not earthen, but woman's interior. In the middle of that water stands an island, and on the island a pillar does not bend, it rises high to the sky. The sun came out bright. Let it also warm up the vein of the servant of God (name), lift my white body onto my body. Words - turnkey, lock.

After that, you need to cross yourself and put out the candle. In the morning, the husband should put on these shorts. The conspiracy is carried out only on Women's Day on the growing moon.

For a husband to want a wife, there is a very effective ritual

What should a woman do if she really wanted to meet a passionate man, and married "Santa Claus". To melt his ice, you will have to resort to family magic and read a strong conspiracy so that the husband wants a wife.

Before going to bed, put a scarlet silk ribbon under the sheets. The next day, early in the morning, gently pull it out. Run the very tip of the ribbon across your husband's lips without waking him up.

Go to another room and weave the ribbon into your hair. Read the plot:

“Wake up early in the morning, I, the Servant of God, (my name), let me go to a clean field, to look for my beloved. I'll look at all four sides - I won't see anyone! I will turn to the words of my soul to the wind walking across the wide field, I will ask him to call my beloved to me. And then I'll go home and see my lover there. He will sit in the hallway, mournful, and yearn without me, the Servant of God (his name). I will gladly embrace him and accept him. My words are strong and strong. And so it will happen. Amen".

After that, the tape is removed. It is necessary to put the red talisman in a secluded place so that no one will find it.

A conspiracy for wine to return the husband's passion

What to do if the husband does not want to go home. He is already bored with his wife, with whom he spent many years. He loves her, but calmly, without passion. Therefore, he prefers to sit with friends in the yard, playing chess or dominoes, or digging in the garage. In this case, in order for the husband to want his wife again, they read a strong conspiracy for wine.

Prepare a good dinner. Cover the table with a white tablecloth and place two lighted red candles in the center of it. While the husband is gone, speak wine:

“I, the Servant of God, (proper name), I speak intoxicated red wine, with a strong spell. My beloved husband, the Servant of God (the name of the spouse) will drink a sip of wine and want me, he will not be able to live without me anymore. His thoughts day and night will be only about me. My body will be like it, I will always awaken a strong passion in it. Amen".

Put all your passion and love into the conspiracy. At dinner, drink wine with your husband.

How to get a loved one to have children

In order for a loved one to want a child, you can resort to magic

Will magic help to make the beloved guy want a child ... The answer is unequivocal - yes. Our grandmothers resorted to such rituals, and we are living proof that they were quite effective.

A woman's life is filled with meaning when she has a full-fledged family. For her, the long-awaited child is a miracle that heaven sends her.

However, husbands are often in no hurry to acquire an heir. There may be various reasons for this:

  • afraid of responsibility;
  • unstable financial situation;
  • build a career
  • housing problems, etc.

Such a problem can also arise if young spouses live in a civil marriage. To make your boyfriend also want to have a baby, turn to magic.

Before performing rituals for the appearance of a baby in your house, you need to read some strong conspiracy so that the husband passionately wants his wife. This will enable you to proceed to the next step.

Three candles are bought in the church. One of them is placed near the icon of the Mother of God. The other two bring home. In the evening, one candle is lit and such a conspiracy is read, calling the name of the beloved and at the end saying "amen":

“Oh, Blessed Virgin Mary! Beloved of God, consecrated to God, Mother of His beloved Son! Everyone praises You, everyone praises You! Accept from the servant of God (name) praise to you and leave it in a tearful request! I glorify Your majesty and fall down before You in sacred awe. Ask Your Son and Our Lord to send us (the names of the husband and wife) the continuation of our family, the desired child. We will educate him in meekness and obedience, in respect and reverence for the Lord God, His Son Jesus Christ, His Mother Mary and the Holy Trinity. Oh, Blessed Virgin Mary, be my quick help and intercede for us (names of husband and wife)! Soften the hearts of my husband (husband's name), instill in him a passion for me, the lawful wife (wife's name), and the desire to have and raise a child. I only rely on you. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

On the 7th day after the ritual, the remaining candle is lit and the plot is read again.

As you can see, for a husband to want a wife every day, a strong conspiracy will help solve many family problems.

Prayer for a husband to love his wife more than life strengthens the relationship between spouses and helps to avoid discord in the family. You can turn to God with a request for the gift of love and obedience to the second half in church or at home. More often, correctly performed rituals and conspiracies will help her husband listen to the advice of his wife.

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How do conspiracies and prayers work on a person?

The person being spoken to under the influence of rituals and prayers becomes:

  • obedient;
  • complaisant;
  • generous;
  • faithful;
  • industrious;
  • active, full of vitality.

Reading prayers acquires:

  • love, obedience to a spouse;
  • calm;
  • attention and care from a partner;
  • increase in family wealth.

When should prayers be read?

Reading a prayer at home can help in case of:

  • lack of understanding in the family;
  • quarrels and scandals;
  • disrespectful attitude of a man;
  • lack of help from a partner;
  • changes and departures from the family;
  • ignoring the opinion of the wife;
  • the predominance of the mother-in-law cult in the family;
  • loss of meaning in life, depression.

The most popular conspiracies for the love and obedience of a husband

There are the following popular conspiracies for the love and obedience of a spouse:

  • for consent in the family;
  • By photo;
  • from treason;
  • to obedience;
  • on sexual attraction;
  • on a thing.

Most common prayers:

  • so that a man does not listen to his sister and mother;
  • for love and fidelity;
  • so that my husband loves only me;
  • to save the family.

Rite of consent in the family

For a simple ritual that helps to establish peace and harmony in the family, you will need:

  1. Bake a sweet cake or other favorite delicacy of your husband in the oven. Instead of an oven, you can use a conventional oven.
  2. Read the plot.
  3. Feed sweet pastries to your loved one.

After a few days, the man will become more gentle and compliant towards his wife.

Magic text:

The pie is sweet, the pie is hot, help to find harmony in the family. So that the husband wants to listen to his wife, began to respect and respect. Let harmony and peace reign in the family, and quarrels and squabbles will evaporate forever! Amen!

Photo Conspiracy

For a conspiracy you will need:

  • Waxing Crescent;
  • three church candles;
  • own and spouse photo separately;
  • needle and thread red.

The sequence of the ritual:

  1. Wait for the sunset.
  2. Light candles.
  3. Take a photo and cut the image along the contour.
  4. Join pictures facing each other.
  5. Thread the needle and sew the images neatly along the edge.
  6. Read the plot.

(Spouse's name), I order to love, obey and always be with my wife (my name) in joy, in sorrow, in prosperity, in poverty. As this thread is strong, so our destinies are connected and inseparable.

At the end, fasten the seam with a triple knot with the words:

In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen

Hide the photo in a secluded place. The conspiracy is aimed at ensuring that the husband is always with his wife.

After conspiring to a spouse from a photograph, be prepared that you yourself will not be able to be separated from your loved one for a long time.

Conspiracy against treason

If the spouse began to change, then a special conspiracy will help. This ritual is performed on a waning moon in a cemetery. For the ceremony, you will need underwear unwashed underwear of the husband.

In the cemetery, it is necessary to bury this thing next to the grave with the words:

Like a deceased in the earth, he lies quietly and does not desire anyone: a beauty, an ugly woman, a rich one, a poor one, a frisky one, a meek one, a young one, an old one. And let my husband not look at other people's women, he will not cheat on me, he will not desire, he will not wish to commit sin. Only wants and respects me. She said it came true. The word was locked.

After the spell, turn around and leave without looking back.

On the video you can see. Prepared by the Magic of Life channel.

Ritual of obedience

In order for the husband to obey his wife, they perform a ritual of obedience.

Read the magical text:

Be my words strong, deeds - modeling. Amen. The horse stands submissive with a yoke, Does not kick, does not bite, does not run, The reins guide him, Where to go instruct. So I, God's servant (name), I throw my collar on the one who is dear to my heart. From now on, be my will in everything, Your share in my royal power. Endure with a collar, humble yourself, Like a serf, submit to the master's will. For all days, for all ages, for all God's times. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy for sexual attraction

For the ritual, you will need red wine or church Cahors:

  1. Pour some wine into a bowl.
  2. Read the plot.
  3. Let the man drink the charmed wine to the bottom. After a few hours, you will be convinced of its strength and action.

Conspiracy text:

I say magical words to wine,

So that the servant of God (his name) desires me, the servant of God (your name),

To love (name), go to bed with dreams of me and get up too,

So that my body is desirable to him, so that youthful excitement wakes up in him.

Prayer for love and fidelity

Church prayer will help to gain the love and fidelity of a man. Read it in the morning before the icons.

Prayer for a husband to love his wife more than life:

“Lord, Jesus and the Most Holy Mother of God, the Servant of God (her name) asks for your help. Give wisdom, strength and diligence in family life with the Servant of God (man's name). By your will we were sent to each other and united. Give us the strength to fulfill Your will worthily, not to disgrace Your name, not to lose heart, to bear our cross until the end of our days. May the blessing never leave the house forever and ever. Amen".

A conspiracy so that a man does not listen to his sister and mother

A powerful rite will force a man to obey the will of his wife. It takes place during the full moon.

To achieve instant results you need:

  • church candle;
  • three ribbons;
  • man's hair;
  • a few drops of your blood.

Action algorithm:

  1. Light a candle at midnight.
  2. Connect three ribbons and a hair.
  3. Add a drop of blood to the resulting knot.
  4. Weave a braid with the words:

The moon conspired, the star conspired, the sun conspired. All will agree among themselves, And all my words will be confirmed,
Fulfilled and fixed. All my decrees are for (name) orders. Obedient child, I am obedient to the Gods, Be obedient to me, my slave (Name). In the name of Mars, in the name of my Will! Let it be so!

Keep the resulting braid in the house as a talisman.

Prayer for my husband to love only me

Read a prayer so that the husband loves and respects greatly:

Before you, God, I stand, your humble servant (your name), and I open my heart to You. I ask You to reward me with earthly love and passionate tenderness, for my heart is hardened without this love. I ask you to open the way for me to the servant of God (name of the chosen one), my beloved. May our life be illuminated with true love and light, may we gain immortality even after death. Bless and guide me, O God, I trust in your mercy! Amen.

Prayer for the preservation of the family

At the moment when hands drop, and thoughts of destruction (divorce) seem to be the only way out of the situation, you need to pray and ask the Universe for protection and help.

Daily prayer will tell you what to do in a difficult situation in order to save your family:

I beg you, white angels, in the name of Jesus Christ and All Saints in heaven, pray for (your name) and (name of the chosen one (tsy)). Reason the servant of God (name of the chosen one) and give him my eternal and faithful love, melt the ice in his heart and endow him with a fiery, unquenchable fire. I pray, merciful ones, help create (your name) and (name of the chosen one) a strong and happy family, help (your name) and (name of the chosen one) become a faithful wife and husband, mother and father of good and handsome children. Bless the union of two loving hearts and give them life together. Everything is in the power and hands of the merciful God, I humble myself before his will! Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy for a thing

With the help of white magic, you can speak things. They are endowed with magical positive energy, which will nourish the spouses and reject dark energy (envy, damage, evil eye).

For a conspiracy on a thing you will need: any clothing, accessory or decoration. The ritual is performed on the growing moon.

After sunset, take the thing you are talking about in your hands and say the following text:

You (ring, shirt, belt) are spouse (name), you are with him every day, you see and know everything. Become my faithful helper, priceless friend, serve for the good of the family. I give you love and protection, my strength is with you, where you are, there I am. He puts you on - he does not forget about me. Amen.

How to read prayers and conspiracies so that they work

Sometimes, in order for a husband to love and appreciate his wife more, it is not enough to read the plot, it is also necessary to conduct a ceremony, observing the following rules:

  1. Do not perform the ritual during illness, indisposition, menstruation. Magical actions take a lot of energy, because the one who asks "redeems" the request in exchange for his powers.
  2. Retire. The room should not be children, the elderly and animals. Otherwise, they can spend their energy, strength instead of asking.
  3. Be sincere. Ritual or prayer requires openness. Do not be afraid of unexpected tears and heartache while reading conspiracies and prayers.
  4. End any ritual with gratitude. To the Universe, God, husband and myself. Gratitude opens the door to the heart for light, pure energy to enter.

Consequences of conspiracies

The creation of prayers and white conspiracies can lead to the following favorable consequences:

  • respect from the man and his relatives;
  • the desire of the spouse to help in household chores;
  • returning the wrong partner home with a confession;
  • renewal of vitality;
  • feeling of love and lightness;
  • desire to self-develop;
  • the emergence of forces for household chores;
  • increased sexual desire;
  • sudden luck in business, business, luck in money.


The video demonstrates the most powerful conspiracies and prayers that will help a husband love his wife. Filmed by the Prayers and Conspiracies channel.

There are various conspiracies for the love of a husband, and the strongest of them are those that give the woman the desired result. Magical black book conspiracies for a sleeping husband (for an anxious dream, or for a man to have erotic dreams with the participation of the performer or customer) are no less effective than those effects that occur at a distance, or upon contact - the so-called. black rituals for drinking and eating.

Magic rituals with food, of course, are not only within the framework of black witchcraft. In the practices of white magic, there are many conspiracies for the love of a husband, which are either drunk, which the person on whom an effective witchcraft rite is performed must then eat or drink. Here is one of the recipes for influencing to reconcile with an angry, irritable spouse.

Black conspiracy on her husband - a slave love spell on a collar so that the spouse obeys

This effective rite should be done on the growing moon, closer to the full moon. And it is also possible during the full moon, when the energies in the world are so strong that a person weakens, becomes vulnerable to the manipulations of real sorcerers.

To bewitch your husband yourself through a witchcraft ritual - demonic dryness, prepare the following materials:

  • 13 church candles
  • red natural fabric
  • photo of beloved husband
  • dog collar (male), which has been used for its intended purpose for a long time
  • red natural threads

Cover the table with a red cloth, arrange the candles in a triangle. Put a photo of your husband inside the triangle, and a collar on top.

Light the candles and read the words of the spell three times for the husband's love and obedience:

“Damn brothers, call my name, (name) answer, fly to me. Help me, help me, turn my servant (name) to me. So that he would be bored, would not breathe air without me, would not eat, would not sleep, but would still run to me. Take the collar, slave (name) strangle with love. Until the slave (name) becomes mine, the collar will not stop strangling him. Yes, it will be as it is said. Amen".

Leave the candles to burn out, do not touch the structure. Then, when the candles are completely burned out, wrap the photo with a collar, while reading the text of the conspiracy for the husband to love and be obedient: “Until the slave (name) becomes mine, the collar will not stop strangling him.”

Wrap the photo and the collar in cloth and put it away, take the payoff to the crossroads.

And if you do not need the obedience of your husband at all? If you want to see a passionate lover in the face of your spouse? If your goal is to achieve harmony, what can a practicing sorcerer offer you in this case? Something can. For example, this is a conspiracy for a husband to love his wife and often want sex with her.

A simple and effective conspiracy to desire a husband - a magical talisman

To do on lunar growth, in the evening. Required:

  • red natural fabric
  • natural red threads
  • red silk ribbon
  • red candle
  • red ink
  • photo of a man
  • vanillin
  • coriander
  • rosemary
  • ylang ylang oil
  • dry orange peel
  • apple seeds
  • Red Rose

Light a candle. Sew a small bag out of red fabric. Then all the listed components: vanillin, cumin, coriander, rosemary, apple seeds and orange peel, put in this bag. Drop an odd number of aromatic oil on the rose, and put it there too.

On the back of the photo, write in red ink the text of the conspiracy on the passion of your husband:

“I will stand without blessing, I will go without crossing myself, from the door not by the door, from the gate not by the gate. I will go out into a wide field, stand to the east with a ridge, and turn my face to the western side. From the dark forest, from the damp slums, the Fiery Serpent flies. I will shout to him, I will ask: “Where are you flying, where are you going?” “I’m flying into the raw forest, burning the raw forest, drying the damp forest.” “Do not fly into a damp forest, do not dry the forest. And fly into the zealous heart of a slave (name), into a hot liver, into seething blood. Kindle and fire it to me, (name). So that he could neither live without me, nor be, nor day by day, nor sleep through the night. So that I seemed to him redder than the sun, brighter than the moon, dearer than a mother. As it is said, so be it."

This effective conspiracy, helping return the feelings of her husband, read three times in the photo, after which roll up the photograph of the bewitched man with a tube, tie it with a red ribbon, and seal the candles with wax. Put it in a bag, tie it up. The love talisman is ready. With his help, a man, periodically shaking the bag and whispering requests and desires, seeking the behavior you need from your beloved man.

This magical talisman for love, for which you read an independent conspiracy to return the passion and desire of your husband, will work on the strength of the performer. When manipulating a love talisman, magic is activated. It works for about a few months, causes passion in the man he loves, a carnal craving for sex and a desire to take care. Then the impact weakens, and, like any home love spell on a husband’s love for his wife, it needs to be updated.

Egillet - a strong black conspiracy so that the husband only stands on his wife

Many people call the magic ritual Egillet a love spell, or a sexual binding of a man to a woman. In fact, it is neither one nor the other. This is a string from other women. A black conspiracy against her husband so that he only wants his lawful wife, and does not look at any other girls.

Here is one of the recipes for the sexual binding of a husband to his wife.

Wait for the waning moon. Take your husband's unwashed underpants, cut a fly out of them, and go with this flap to the cemetery. Perform a magical ritual on the nominal grave of the spouse. Bury panty fly in the grave.

At the same time, read 3 times a plot on the husband in the cemetery:

“Like you, a dead man, a life of a standard does not stand for a single girl, neither for a bright, nor for a sad, nor for a dissolute, nor for a patchwork, nor for a dark one, nor for a lame, nor for a pockmarked one, so it would be with a slave ( name) lived a stanoetnaya did not stand on any girl except me, (name). Amen".

Leave immediately without looking back. Never come to that place again. And, of course, when performing a ceremony with a strong conspiracy for the eternal love of a husband, all the rules for working in a cemetery are observed.

A nominal grave is a mandatory condition, because. the dead person is attached to the name too. But with time limits it's easier. Here you need to look at how responsive the deceased is. Sometimes an excellent result can be obtained on a fresh grave, and sometimes work on an old one is going great.

However, a grave too old for the black magic ritual of Eguilieta is hardly suitable. You need to find an active dead. If you are heard and ready to help, you will feel it. Good for work if the age of the dead is close to the age of . This is not mandatory, but still a desirable condition. But, it is most reliable to trust the cemetery Master. Ask him to lead you to the desired grave. This must be done by leaving the purchase to the Owner.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

How to bewitch a husband so that he is only yours in bed

Here is another version of the sexual binding of a guy to a girl. Reviews about this self-conspiracy on her husband on the bed are good. Bury the husband's worn underpants at the grave of the same name.

And, having done this, read the words of the conspiracy to bind a husband to his wife 6 times:

“Dead land, cool my husband (name) to other people’s women, cool him down so that he can’t look at them, so that his blood gets cold with other people’s women, so that he doesn’t run through his veins, so that his penis does not stand on others, but other people’s women didn't want to. Let it be so".

The ransom is standard for both the owner of the cemetery and the deceased.

One of the examples of a husband's love plot for water

Talk water or any non-alcoholic drink. To do on the growing moon, at any convenient moment. But, it is better to do it in the morning.

Read on the water three times a conspiracy on the passion of her husband, you need to give this water to him to drink.

“Forces of heaven, forces of wood, I call you for help. How I ask you to give me unearthly spells, red spells, beautiful spells, so that I can, (name) tie my bonds (name), and so that these bonds are forever, endless. So that he does not tear them, does not take them off, so that he only thinks about me day and night, he yearns for me alone. As my water overflows in his white body, in red blood, so the passion for me flares up in his heart. Amen".

A strong conspiracy in bed for love - so that the husband loves and does not blunder in bed

This is not a powerful love spell at home, but a love hassle. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, call it strong conspiracy to have sex with her husband, passionate and high-quality, which is possible with lovers.

Read, lying with her husband in bed, a conspiracy to have sex with her husband:

“I will speak the word, I will do the deed. On the sea, on the ocean there is a holy place, in that place stands an oak tree, the oak has steel rhizomes. The roots of the oak are damask, the branches of the oak are hardened, the branches on the branches are iron. And just as you can’t bend that oak with the wind, you can’t push it off a level place, so my husband’s (name) hollow vein would be hard, strong, strong, now, forever, forever. Key to my words, lock to my deeds. Amen".

Husband's current conspiracy for passion through blood

To do, on the growing moon, for a magical ritual you need:

  • 7 black candles
  • photo of husband
  • black cloth
  • pin
  • a piece of paper on which a spell is written
  • red patch
  • red thread

Cover the table with cloth. Put candles in a circle. Put a photo of your husband inside the circle. You need good visualization. Pierce the little finger on the left hand, drip 3 drops on the photo, and read the plot on the husband through the pin:

“I will burn your heart with my blood, You will be mine, and I will be yours. I appeal to the archangels of hell to help, you are very strong, because it is night outside the windows. Let my beloved dry up to me, Otherwise, he will burn in a terrible fire. I take control of all his thoughts, I will cut my little finger without feeling pain. As soon as three drops fall on the picture, the Archangels of Evil will create a love spell. No one dares to remove the spell, You can't be taken away now. Hot blood will bind us forever, You will soon feel love in your heart.

Believe it or not, conspiracies work! More and more people have become convinced of this and continue to be convinced of this. The power of the word is truly great. After all, it is not in vain that it is said that a word can both cure and cripple. A word can scare away, but you can caress. Moreover, in a word, you can return your husband. And you can have the heart of his mother, who, for some reason that is understandable to her, does not want to accept you, propitiate you.

In a word - you can solve issues related to the opponent. In any case, for sure, it is worth at least trying to do something in order to save the family. After all, destroying what was created (sometimes with great difficulty) is always quick and easy, but preserving is always difficult, it is always time, always effort, always intelligence, and sometimes flexibility, turning into wisdom (or vice versa), it's always hard work!

Conspiracies against a husband and conspiracies from a rival are what girls should inherit from their mothers in childhood, but, alas, these things are almost completely lost in our culture. We don't believe in anything, we're not going anywhere. We just silently resign ourselves to the fact that someone has decided for us. But is it worth it to give up so quickly and develop paws?

In our section you will find conspiracies for all occasions that will be useful to you! This is a conspiracy against betrayal and a conspiracy to love a husband, a conspiracy to a mother-in-law and a conspiracy to separate (to separate him from his mistress), a conspiracy to reconcile and a conspiracy to be faithful to her husband, a conspiracy to love a husband to his wife and a conspiracy to separate husband and wife (yes, sometimes such a need may arise) and many other conspiracies.

Conspiracy for reconciliation

This conspiracy is truly unique. After all, it can be used as a tool through which you can reconcile a husband and wife, or a guy and a girl. If your relationship with your loved one (beloved) went wrong and you are very sorry about it, then this conspiracy will help you restore your past relationship.

You need to take the spring land (this is the first land that just appeared from under the snow) and, having spoken a plot on it, divide it into two parts. You leave the first part with you (you can pour it out in your yard, or under the windows of the house), you need to take the second part to the house of the one with whom you want to restore your old relationship. It has been noticed more than once that as soon as the ritual is done, the relationship is resumed. You need to read the plot in one breath:

The question naturally arises, what to do if a separation or quarrel occurred in winter or autumn? Where to get spring land? Do not wait for the onset of spring and the day when the snow begins to melt and the earth becomes visible. Indeed, if you need to do this ritual urgently (for example, in winter), then you can buy land in the store. Another question is that the effectiveness of this ritual may decrease, however, it is still worth trying to do it.

Conspiracy to return the husband

Anything happens in a family. Quarrels and reconciliations, love and enmity, the main thing is to survive all this without scattering each to its own corners. If, nevertheless, this happened, and the husband left, and worst of all, he went to a rival, do not rush to kill yourself, this can be corrected. This spell will help you!

Take holy water in the church, dip your wedding ring into it and say the following words into the water:

As soon as the plot was uttered, you need to immediately take this 40 sips, wash your face with the remaining water, without rubbing, let the water dry itself.

Conspiracy against change

This conspiracy is especially relevant for those whose husband is younger than his wife. Today there is love, and tomorrow he may start looking around, and then the wife, who is older than her husband, has to worry and cry a lot, thinking about her rivals. To prevent this from happening, so that your husband is always faithful to you, you need to read the following conspiracy:

Conspiracy to return a loved one or beloved

After watching this video master class, you will also learn how to make a conspiracy to return your loved one.

Divorce conspiracy

This conspiracy is relevant in those cases when it comes to divorce every now and then, or you are already preparing for it, but the divorce has not yet taken place. Thanks to this conspiracy, the decision to divorce can be canceled due to the fact that everything will work out. You need to read the plot from the night of the full moon, through the wide open window.

Conspiracy to leave the husband

Yes, do not be surprised, there is such a need! It happens when the husband lives in two houses for a long time. And he doesn’t leave his family and doesn’t leave his mistress. And the wife seems to be no longer a wife, and not a widow, and don’t understand what. The husband does not allow new relationships to be built, and little is left of the old ones. If you have decided to break the existing vicious circle, then it is worth doing this very strong ritual, which will finally help to dot all J.

You need to do the ritual on the waning moon. As soon as the husband left the house, after him (literally right there) wash the floor with clean (ideally spring) water, with the words:

This strongest conspiracy will forever solve the problem of going to the left of your spouse (or wife). You need to do it late at night - at three o'clock. For the ritual, you will need the paws of a rooster (you can buy them at any store that sells meat), as well as a tree - an aspen. If the ritual is performed on the wife and the husband does it, then the paws of the chicken and birch are needed. It's not hard to tell the paws apart. Roosters are always larger. It is important that the paws are paired (left and right, and not both right or both left).

Take a red thread, tie one paw to one end, the other to the other and hang them on a tree, reading the following plot:

As soon as the plot is read and everything is done, without looking back, silently go home.

Conspiracy for reconciliation

This conspiracy is not in vain considered by everyone to be very strong. After all, he is able to reconcile even those who, it would seem, have finally quarreled. Moreover, it is also suitable for those who just constantly quarrel for no apparent reason. In such cases, it is generally impossible to exclude the option when someone has done damage to you for a quarrel. The signs are as follows: people cannot live without each other, and at the same time, when they are together, they swear and squabble all the time like dogs because of all sorts of trifles. To remove this rift, you need to buy a new red towel on Sunday. Kneeling on him, read this plot three times:

"Terrible is Your judgment, O Lord,
You will judge the people who stand before you.
A fair judgment, a merciful judgment.
Storms will pass, thunderstorms will go away, and the sky will become bright.
The storms will subside, and the violent winds will subside.
And our quarrels with the servant of God (name) and empty disputes will all settle down, dissolve.
Your mercy will descend on us, the servants of God (names), Lord!
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

As soon as the plot is read, give your husband (boyfriend) this towel, let them dry off after taking a bath or shower or bath. And after that, you need to dry yourself with the same towel. After that, all quarrels in your couple will come to naught.

A conspiracy from treason to the icon of the Virgin

Another strong conspiracy that is used in cases where the husband went on a spree. The intercessor and assistant in this conspiracy is the Blessed Virgin Mary. You will need an icon with any image of the Virgin, two church candles that you will need to intertwine (twist). Place twisted candles in front of the image and read the following plot:

"Mother Mother of God,
With all my heart I beg you, with all my heart I beg you!
Be my hope and support, be my intercessor and intercessor of my family!
Give me back my loyalty, give me back the love of my beloved husband, a servant of God (name).
Let him know me alone, let him desire me alone with all his heart.
Only I am the light in the window for him, and all his thoughts are only about me!
So be it!

Candles cannot be extinguished, they must burn out completely!

Conspiracy from a rival

This conspiracy is relevant in cases where the husband is walking. Alas, this does not happen very often. To solve this issue, you need evening milk (ideally, you need to get the milk of a cow milked in the evening, but if you live in a city and you can’t find such milk, then you can buy milk in a store, the main thing is to do it in the evening). It is for evening milk that the conspiracy is done, as soon as they have spoken, let your husband drink this milk.

Here is the text of the spell itself:

Conspiracy from the hatred of the mother-in-law

Whether we like it or not, sometimes it turns out that the husband's mother does not want to accept her daughter-in-law. Come on - to perceive, sometimes the mother-in-law begins to frankly mischief or even inflict damage on her son's family, in every possible way trying to nullify the young daughter-in-law. To avoid negativity, to propitiate the heart of the mother-in-law, you need to do the following ritual.

You need to find a plant called coltsfoot. When it is twelve o'clock on Friday afternoon, you need to dig up the above-mentioned plant together at the root. This should be done very carefully so that the root does not break off in the process of digging.

Once everything is ready, facing the east side, you need to read the plot, when you say the word "Amen", separate the root from the plant. It is very important! Further, you need to take the root of the mother-and-stepmother to the threshold of the mother-in-law (ideally, bury it in the dream where she lives), and bury the plant itself in the same place where you dug it up. The conspiracy is as follows:

"Coltsfoot! Grass-ant!
Be my intercessor, be my protector!
Be my faith and hope, be my mother!
Help me, dear, always and in everything!
Shorten the evil tongue of my stepmother - my mother-in-law (name),
Pacify her evil thoughts directed at me!
As soon as he decides to shout at me, let him turn to stone,
How he decides to growl at me, let him be dumbfounded!
All her curses, let them return to her,
May all her good deeds be multiplied!
Your roots, coltsfoot are strong, they don't know any barriers,
So the love of my stepmother (name), let me know no barriers!
From now on, I am her daughter, dearer and more desirable than me in the whole wide world.
Her caress is all only for me and my husband,
All her love goes to my house, and it will remain in it!
Let it be so! Let it be so! Let it be so!"

A conspiracy to love a husband to his wife

This conspiracy can be used in two cases:

  • - when you want to make your husband always love you,
  • - and when you have a rival.

This conspiracy is very strong, it is for this reason that it helps to solve two issues at once.

However, it is important to know that this conspiracy can only be read by the wife who married her husband in the church, but if there was no wedding, then this conspiracy will not suit you, because it will not help you. You need to read this strong conspiracy at sunset, at sunrise, and at the very moment when the sun is at its zenith, for three days in a row.

The plot is read on the very towel on which you stood when you got married in the church. When the plot is done, your husband will need to wipe himself with this towel. How to do it, figure it out yourself.

Zoryushka-Dawn, a beautiful girl!
You walk high in the sky, you know everything and you see everything far away!
You see, Mother Dawn of my married husband, my zealous husband,
You see where and with whom he meets his morning, with whom he greets the day and where he goes to supper.
Be to him, Zarya-Zoryushka, a guiding star, be a light to him in the night, lead him to my doorstep.
So that he does not know any other fate, except to be with me, his wife before God and people!
Let his eyes only look at me, his lips only want to kiss me,
His warm heart belongs only to me, and his violent little head is filled with thoughts of me!
Only I am for him - the light in the window,
Only I for him - Morning Dawn, Day Dawn, Evening Dawn and Night Dawn!
He can't eat without me, he can't drink without me, he can't sleep without me,
There is no life for him without me, for I am his Life.
From a lovebird - a lapel, from a rival - disgust.
Others have hook-hands, lips do not give affection, eyes do not burn with light,
He can’t see the white light anywhere, only in my house, next to me, together with me!
Married in the church, bound with me forever and ever by one oath, my husband (name),
Be always with me (name), your wife in the night, and in the morning, and in broad daylight,
Be with me at the Dawn of the Morning, and at the Dawn of the Day, and at the Dawn of the Evening and the Dawn of the Night!
Taco byst, taco is, taco will be!

In total - in three days you will read the plot 21 times.

Conspiracy to quarrel

This plot is just for those cases when you know for sure that your husband has a mistress and you want to quarrel them. In order to perform this ritual, you will need two pieces of wool - cat and dog.

Before you start reading the plot, you need to do the following:
You turn to a piece of cat hair, hold it in your hands and say: “I call you by name (call the name of your mistress, if you know it, if you don’t know the name, then just say - my husband’s mistress). You do the same with the dog's hair, just say, holding it in your hands: “I call you by the name (say the name of your husband).

Once the wool is named, mix it properly. Above the wool, you need to read the following conspiracy three times:

Once the plot is done, you need to put a small piece of wool in your husband's pocket. And so, for a month, every day, without missing, you need to put this wool on him. The conspiracy is strong. It acts quickly, but still you should not refuse to fulfill it, despite the return of the husband to the bosom of the family. Just in case, it must be done within 30 days.

Husband love spell

For this plot, you will need a piece of white soap. Actually, it is not this piece of the conspiracy that will be done. How to carry out the conspiracy, see the video clip.

Conspiracy to return the husband

This conspiracy is appropriate to do when your husband left you, and you, by all means, want to return him. To perform the ritual, you need to get up as early as possible on Easter day and go to any store that is in the place where you live. Standing on the threshold of the store, quickly mentally say:

“Jesus Christ is risen! And my husband came back to me!”

Entering the store, you need to buy something in it, but do not take the change. When you leave the store, through the same threshold as you entered, mentally say to yourself: “Paid”!

Conspiracy from a rival

This conspiracy is read specifically in order to protect oneself from a rival, from her intrigues, from her influence. To fulfill this plot, you need to buy a new lock (padlock). Taking it in your hands (holding it open), read the plot (directly into the well itself), standing on one side of the river. Close the lock immediately and throw the key into the water. Having crossed to the other side, throw the castle itself into the water.

Know, my rival, I close you!
My ban cannot be lifted by anyone, just as Belgoryuch Stone cannot be moved!
My word is unshakable, my cause is right, my side is bright!
And you, you podkolodnaya snake, lie here, you will never see my husband!
Key, lock, tongue!
I lock the lock with my tongue and key, I separate you from my husband!
No one can open the lock forever, how can you never get together!

Divorce conspiracy

This conspiracy is very effective! After all, it is done in the spring, at the very time when nature, waking up, is gaining strength, gaining color. It is at this moment that you should ask Mother Nature for help! And she will definitely help you! You need to dig up a bed and plant something, for example, flowers. The moment you throw the seeds into the ground, you say:

An important condition - you should not be distracted.

A conspiracy to love a husband to his wife

This conspiracy is used in those cases when they want the husband's love to be long, so that he not only does not go to the left, but does not even think about it. This conspiracy must be done in the forest, on the night of the full moon. It is important that no one sees or hears you at this moment. It is necessary to shout the plot very loudly, so loudly that the echo repeats it. This conspiracy has been working for seven years, then you need to repeat the ritual.

“The echo is sonorous, the echo is loud!
Forest spirits, night sounds!
Get together, help me (name) give!
Pacify the boiling blood of my husband (name),
Tame his zealous heart!
Proud eyes, black eyes turn on me!
I am bread for him, I am salt for him, I am a spring for him, I am wine for him!
His life is in me, his happiness is born in me!
His thoughts are full of me, his thoughts are full of me!
While he is next to me, in his heart is joy,
As long as he is by my side, everything is easy and simple with him!
And if my husband (name) looks to the side, then everything will immediately turn to dust:
His blood will cool, his heart will ache, his eyes will go out!
Echo loud, echo loud!
Spirits of the forest, sounds of the night,
So be it!
I conjure you three times, I beg you three times!
Only with me he can see happiness!
Key. Lock. Language"!

Conspiracy from a rival

A conspiracy from a rival on a poppy

This conspiracy is traditionally considered one of the most powerful. After all, he is protective. To do this, you will need a Mac. Yes, regular poppy. You can shop, but best of all - home, the one that grew up in the garden. The conspiracy must be spoken on the poppy and sprinkled under its own threshold within twelve days. This poppy will not allow your rival to take your husband away from you or do something bad to you.

Separation conspiracy

If you have convicted your husband of treason, or have not yet convicted, but you know for sure that he is cheating on you, you need to do the following rite. After all, he helps to separate the husband from his mistress. The conspiracy is very strong!

You need to take two threads (no matter what - woolen or synthetic): black and red. Approximately one meter long. Tie them at the beginning and tie them at the end. From one knot to another - the threads need to be twisted together. Next, you need to read a conspiracy over these two twisted threads. When you read, tear the threads. By the end of the plot, all your threads should be broken. When the plot is read and the threads are broken, they must be burned.

“I am walking on the straight road, I am walking on the bright road, I am walking on the right road.
I am my rival (name) walks along a crooked path, but with pits and potholes, with mud, and lumps!
In an open field, a stone lies, a devil and a devil sit on it.
Yes, not just sitting, but tearing out each other's eyes, tearing each other's wool and throwing it in the wind!
There is no rest for them, there is no light for them, from summer to summer!
From spring to spring, from autumn to autumn, from winter to winter - they are doomed to fight!
So is my husband (name) with my rival (name),
How will those devils be from summer to summer, from spring to spring,
From autumn to autumn, from winter to winter - fight and fight, deciding which of them is in charge.
They will fight not for life, but to the death, not knowing how to breathe, looking in different directions.
My word is strong, my intention is firm.
So be it forever and ever! Amen!"

Conspiracy to return the husband

When a husband goes to a lover, there is little pleasant in this, all the more, there is little pleasant when the children are also left without a father. Any wife wants to protect her family, wants to keep it, and, of course, wants her husband back. This conspiracy is just the same for this case. It must be done on the growing moon. In one breath.

“Voditsa is a bright girl!
My maternal pain is paid for by you!
Your help is waiting for my heart, waiting is torn!
Let my son (name) turn to me, to his mother (name), turn his face,
Let your heart respond to my call!
I am always the first
His wife is always second!
To be so now and forever and ever! And until they are finished!

Mother-in-law conspiracy

This plot is read when a black cat ran between the daughter-in-law and the mother-in-law (for no apparent reason). Everything went well for the time being, and then something happened (no one even understood what it was), and everything suddenly went topsy-turvy. Quarrels began, mutual claims and accusations began. As if someone really damaged the relationship.

If there are such suspicions, you need to read this plot three times a day, three days in a row. Then three days break and repeat everything again. Then again for three days to make a break and again for three days to read the plot. This plot is read in the morning (at sunrise), afternoon and evening, at sunset:

Conspiracy from hatred of mother-in-law to son-in-law

There is nothing worse when two people close to you, whom you love, cannot find a common language among themselves. This conspiracy is read on a poppy, it helps to reconcile the two sides: mother and husband, or, in other words, mother-in-law and son-in-law. The charmed poppy must be carefully poured into the pocket of the mother and husband, but this must be done so that neither he nor she notices it. No need to pour zhmenu, just a couple of grains is enough. After all, if you pour a lot, firstly, it will cause suspicion, and secondly, the poppy will be thrown away. Your task is to keep them with this poppy in their pocket for as long as possible.

Here is the text of the spell:

Conspiracy of hate

This conspiracy can be used in cases where there is no harmony between the parents of the wife and the parents of the husband. When each of the parties pulls the blanket over itself, each considers himself right and is not ready to compromise. This conspiracy must be read into the water, and then this water must be poured into the parents' drink (both of them).