16 17 years psychology. Raising children in the family. Phantom sense of adulthood

Every woman who gave birth by caesarean section should understand that her body has undergone a serious surgical intervention, after which it is necessary to restore her body for some time.

The main thing that should be done during the recovery period after a cesarean section is to follow the instructions of doctors in order to avoid the occurrence and development of complications.

How is the operation going?

During a caesarean section, the tissues of the woman in labor, up to the uterus, are cut to safely remove the fetus. For safe conduct, in some cases, only spinal anesthesia is used. The drug is injected into the epidural region of the spine using a catheter.

With spinal anesthesia, only the lower part of the body is anesthetized - from the lower back to the heels. In this case, immediately after childbirth, the woman in labor is able to independently attach the child to her breast.

If it is known that the caesarean section will be carried out in advance, the operation is called "planned". Indeed, in some cases, a woman in labor is not able to give birth on her own. Such cases include:

  • Complete presentation of placental tissue;
  • Some dangerous diseases;
  • Features of the location of the child in the uterus;
  • The discrepancy between the size of the child and the birth canal of the mother and much more.

The operation is prescribed to avoid possible complications for both the child and the mother herself. Also, a caesarean section is performed when complications arise during natural childbirth and the woman in labor is not able to cope on her own. Such an operation is called an "emergency caesarean section" and is performed in a slightly different way, in contrast to the planned one.

Consequences and complications

Despite the high level of development of medicine, various complications after the operation occur in almost 35% of women in labor. In the first place, according to the complications that arise, it is worth highlighting a variety of inflammations. It is difficult to predict the place of localization and severity, they are individual in each individual case.

Among the main causes of complications, it is worth highlighting infections and some mistakes that were made during the caesarean section.

Women in labor are most often worried about:

  • Infections that occur in wounds;
  • endometritis;
  • Inflammation of the seams;
  • Unpleasant discharge from the birth canal;
  • Sepsis;
  • Peritonitis.

These complications bring discomfort to a woman's life, but with timely treatment they will be quickly eliminated. But, it is also worth highlighting a group of diseases that can lead to death, infertility, constant pain:

  • Inflammation of the appendages;
  • Inflammation of the inner layer of the uterine tissue;
  • Inflammation of the tissue near the uterus.

To avoid the occurrence of these diseases, it is necessary to provide the woman in labor with the necessary care and regular examinations from doctors.

The first days after the operation

The first days after a caesarean section, a woman is obliged to spend in bed, restoring her strength after the operation. After all, even the simplest operations that used to go unnoticed will take away physical strength.

Women in labor spend the first day in the intensive care unit, under the supervision of nurses. Temperature, blood pressure and pulse are checked regularly. Along with this, the intensity of vaginal discharge and uterine contractions are checked. Particular attention is paid to the suture, on which the dressings are changed every few hours, the condition of the suture itself is checked. To avoid stretching, the woman in labor is in bed for the first day.

During the operation, painkillers are used, the woman should not even sit on the bed for the first 15 hours. It will be possible to get up only after three days under the strict supervision of medical personnel.

All movements should be done slowly, getting out of bed is carried out with the help of relatives or nurses. On the first ascent, there may be a slight dizziness of the head and weakness in the whole body. Unpleasant symptoms will quickly pass during the recovery period.

First steps

Depending on how the woman in labor behaves, it depends on how the rehabilitation period will go. When you first try to get out of bed, you must follow some rules:

  • Before sitting on the bed, you need to lie on your side and only after that, hanging your legs, sit down;
  • Then you need to gently move your feet, as if sorting through the water;
  • When getting up, the feet should rest on the floor, and the back should be straight - so the seam on the stomach will not strain, the woman will feel only a slight tension in the navel;
  • Do not rush to go, you need to stand a little, leaning on a bed, cabinet or person;
  • And only then start moving with light, small steps.

It is this instruction that should be followed in the first days after the operation. If everything is done correctly, after a couple of days, the walking process will bring less discomfort. You should gradually increase the load every day, but not too much so that the load on the seam is minimal.

Cough control

Some women in labor after a caesarean section are plagued by coughing. To reduce the load on the abdomen, and, accordingly, the postoperative suture, it is necessary to learn how to cough correctly so as not to strain the sutures.

A cough is formed because a small amount of mucus accumulates in the lungs when general anesthesia is used. This mucus is named and coughed up after surgery. The first couple of days, the suture when coughing will be very tense and sore. To reduce pain, you need to put your palms on your stomach, holding the area with seams. Optimally - bandage the stomach with a cloth or a terry towel. Cough technique:

  • Take a full chest of air;
  • Exhale sharply;
  • At the same time, keep your stomach pulled in.

Subject to all conventions, the cough will resemble the barking of a dog.

Intestinal gases and urination problems - normal or pathological?

It is worth preparing in advance for the fact that after the operation, the woman will have intestinal gases. This is normal, since surgical intervention in the abdominal region slows down the processes of peristalsis.

It is impossible to completely eliminate the formation of gases in the first days. Refusal of food that forms bouts of flatulence, deep breathing techniques and rocking in a chair will help to solve the problem.

Less commonly, women in labor begin to have problems with the bladder. Difficulty urinating can cause a catheter used during a caesarean. In order to improve the functioning of the genitourinary system, it is worth trying to drink more fluids.

If a simple method does not help, consult a doctor. Using a catheter to empty the bladder of accumulated fluid will alleviate some of the pain. The main thing is not to gloss over the problem. Further consultation of the nephrologist is necessary.

Rules for eating

The first two days, all the nutrients to support the life of the woman in labor are administered intravenously. This is necessary so that all internal organs can rest after the operation. Only pure non-carbonated water is allowed, with a small slice of lemon.

And only on the third day is allowed to use chicken broth. This nutritious dish will help you quickly gain strength. After a couple of days, liquid cereals, minced meat, all liquid food are allowed. Regardless of the product, its volume should not exceed one hundred grams (milliliters).

Small portions are calculated in order not to strain the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. This will speed up recovery after a caesarean section. For the same reasons, food should be easily digestible. Ideally, everything is boiled or steamed. Do not be surprised that the first hard stool is formed only after a week.

Features of feeding the baby

If there are no complications in the first days, a woman will be able to safely ask for a baby to be brought to her for breastfeeding. The baby will stimulate the production of milk in the breast.

If, for various reasons, the baby is not brought for feeding (for example, in case of complications), milk must be expressed independently.

When feeding, it is necessary to keep the child sitting or lying down. Standing seam strains, and the load in the form of a child will only delay the passage of rehabilitation. Depending on the severity of the operation, the ban on keeping the child standing for a long time can stretch for six months.

When feeding, it is better not to sit straight, but to lean on a few pillows with your back. At this moment, relatives or medical personnel should be nearby. They will take the baby so the woman can go back to bed.

Seam care

As after any other operation, during the rehabilitation period, it is necessary to take care of the sutures. The first days of care is the daily treatment of the wound. The dressing is changed five times a day. You can only shower after the stitches have been removed. But, even when taking a shower, you should forget about the washcloth, despite the fact that the scar has already formed. The tissue on the scar is still very delicate, you should not act on it once again.

After a caesarean section, the stitches will hurt for several days. To cope with pain, the doctor prescribes painkillers in each individual case. Over time, the pain becomes less, the dose of the drug decreases. Bandages are needed to support the abdomen. For at least two months, women who have undergone surgery should not understand things whose weight exceeds two kilograms.

And at this time, it is important for a woman to know many little things in order to recover faster and avoid mistakes that will entail disastrous consequences. Thanks to the analysis of women's thematic forums, we have identified the main questions about the recovery period after caesarean section.

What can you eat after the operation?

Like every abdominal surgery, caesarean section is performed under general or epidural anesthesia. The speed of recovery after anesthesia depends on many factors. First of all, from the chosen type of medicine, the correctness of the calculation by the anesthesiologist of the dose and the characteristics of the patient's body.

On the first day after this operation, you can drink water without gas, it is allowed to slightly acidify it with lemon juice. All nutrients to a woman so far enter the blood vessels with the help of droppers.

The patient is transferred from the intensive care unit to the postpartum on the second day after cesarean. What can you eat? As after another abdominal operation, broths, unsweetened fruit drinks, tea, ground boiled meat, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt without fruit fillers, grated vegetable purees are allowed. Solid food is not recommended, as it is still necessary to spare the digestive organs.

After three days and in the future, the usual diet is gradually introduced, taking into account the diet for a mother who is breastfeeding. Pediatricians in the maternity hospital will tell you about what you can eat after a cesarean section for high-quality lactation. Milk porridges, vegetable side dishes and broths, fruit jelly, boiled meat and fish, steamed cutlets are useful. It is necessary to exclude fried, fatty, floury, salty, sweet, carbonated drinks and other foods that are difficult for the body in the postoperative period. It is allowed to fully resume the usual menu after the first independent stool, which, as a rule, should be 3-5 days after the operation.

When can I move actively after a caesarean?

How long you can resume activity after a cesarean depends on the individual characteristics of your body. Listen to the recommendations of doctors. And start moving only with their permission. Already on the second day after the surgical delivery, you will need to get out of bed on your own. Further, slow walking is allowed. You can sit down, starting only from the third day. In the first month after discharge from the hospital, you should not lift weights that exceed the weight of your baby.

Starting sports after surgery

Again, it all depends on your body. But regular sports are usually recommended by doctors not to start earlier than six weeks after surgery. Many women, puzzled by the restoration of their figure, are interested in when it is possible to pump the press after a cesarean section. Loads on the muscles of the peritoneum are recommended no earlier than a month later. Otherwise, you can cause deformations in the area of ​​the scar and even a hernia on it.

Swimming in the pool, for example, after a caesarean section is allowed only after the discharge has stopped.

When is sex allowed after a caesarean?

There is no single answer to this intimate question. Naturally, it is necessary that the discharge from the woman in labor should stop. And it should be understood that the postoperative uterus is an extensive wound surface and an early return to sexual activity can not only lead to pain, but also threatens the risk of infection of the mucosa. It is necessary to resume sexual relations no earlier than one month after operative delivery.

As a standard, gynecologists, when asked when it is possible to become pregnant after a cesarean, recommend that at least 18 months should elapse between the operation and subsequent pregnancy. Therefore, even if you are breastfeeding a newborn and the menstrual cycle has not yet resumed, do not forget about contraception. After all, pregnancy soon after the operation is dangerous for both the fetus and its mother. And abortion in this case can also adversely affect the condition of an already weakened uterus and may lead to infertility in the future.

When can I give birth after surgery

When can you give birth to the next baby after cesarean is a question that worries many women. As a result of the operation, a scar remains on the uterus, which can disperse during a new pregnancy, which poses a huge threat to the life of the mother and fetus. Therefore, ideally, at least 2-3 years should elapse between childbirth by surgery and the next pregnancy, so that the scar tissue has time to fully form.

But too much interval between pregnancies is not desirable, because it will be a weighty argument in favor of repeated operative childbirth. It is important that the pregnancy after the previous caesarean section is planned and proceeds under the careful examination of the doctor. First you need to assess the condition of the scar, for which methods such as hysteroscopy and hysterography are used.

First of all, it depends on the reason for the caesarean section. And if it has not yet been eliminated (for example, vision problems in the mother), then only operative delivery is possible in the future. Is it possible to give birth after a caesarean section in other cases? If during a previous pregnancy the baby simply lay incorrectly in the womb, which is why the operation had to be performed, then subsequent vaginal births are possible. But this takes into account the condition and type of scar (longitudinal or transverse), as well as the course of a new pregnancy. With a longitudinal seam in a woman, natural childbirth is usually excluded.

With a transverse scar after cesarean, you can give birth yourself, if there are no more contraindications for this. But the final verdict on the possibility of vaginal delivery after previous surgeries is made after 35 weeks of pregnancy. This takes into account factors such as the size of the fetus, its presentation and position in the womb, the location of the placenta relative to the internal uterine os and suture, as well as the viability of the scar itself. Only then will the woman be told whether it is possible to give birth herself after a caesarean section.

Regarding how much you can give birth after cesarean, there is also no single answer. All this is individual and depends on the state of health of the woman. Since pregnancy with a scar on the uterus is dangerous for both the mother and the fetus, and each new operation is more difficult than the previous one, surgeons advise the permissible number of caesarean sections to be no more than three.

I survived 2 cesareans, and I will say that the first is very different from the second. The first time I didn’t know anything, and there were many mistakes, the result is a strong adhesive process and a long recovery. I won’t write about the first for a long time, I’ll only say that 2 months after the operation, the seam began to get wet, a fistula appeared, I had to go to the maternity hospital for an examination (there the seam was incised and processed). The procedure is unpleasant. The seam after childbirth was ill for a total of almost six months, for 2 months I could not sleep on my stomach and on my side. I couldn't do anything around the house. The second time I was not up to myself or, on the contrary, I had to recover quickly, and with your prayers I recovered very quickly. Here are my recommendations, i.e. These are the recommendations of the hospital and my personal observations.

If you have a planned one, you should not eat or drink for a day.

  1. After the operation, get up after 6 hours, immediately go to the toilet a little and wash yourself.
  2. Cleaned up - immediately put on a bandage, tight, tight. It helps a lot to get in and out of bed. It hurts a lot without it. I was awake and asleep.
  3. Drink a lot, not hunting, but necessary. Drink almost 2-3 liters of liquid and write a lot and often.
  4. Being with a child together as quickly as possible is hard, but necessary. You drink a lot of liquid, milk will come right away, the baby will immediately suck, it will contract quickly. It will hurt, but lactation will quickly improve, and contact with the child, and the uterus will quickly begin to bounce back.
  1. Do not eat bread and solid food for the first 3 days, so that it is easier to go to the toilet in a big way. And how to go in a big way to avoid an enema, because this procedure is very painful with a seam? 2 suppositories with glycerin. Insert 1, lie down for 15 minutes, endure (it can be difficult, but necessary), then insert 2 and another 15 minutes and you're done. It happened to me. And with a candle, do not walk, but lie down, it's easier. On the 3rd day the chair improved.
  2. Free time, if you can't sleep, walk a lot, a lot. Lying on different sides is very painful, but it is necessary to avoid.
  3. Apply ice to the seam every 2-3 hours for 20-30 minutes after 1 layer of the diaper. The uterus contracts quickly, and the suture quickly stops hurting. Just don't be lazy. I applied 5-6 times a day.
  4. On the 5th day, the bandage is removed from the seam, and the seam must be washed with soap. It sounds scary, at first I was scared, but doctors know better, they operate so much (although after 1 cesarean I was told not to wet the seam for a month, treat it at home and seal it with a bandage). And I began to wash, and 3 times a day, before each treatment with potassium permanganate, and it turned out that it was okay. On the 7th day, the suture was completely dry, almost painless, and I was able to lie on my stomach. After 7 days, the seam is no longer processed. 17 days after the operation, I ran with my grief to all sorts of authorities. I ran and only then realized that I was running and nothing hurt.

The second time, they didn’t even give me any droppers for contractions, etc. after operation. Only antibiotics (they are given to everyone after cesarean) and painkillers for only 4 days, on the 5th day there was no severe pain.

The first time the seam was somehow thick in itself and always almost red, and the second time it was a seam with a thin dark thread. I still wear the bandage, not even a month has passed yet, but this is for reinsurance, the eldest son loves to jump and kick.

Yes, and it is not true that with a caesarean, milk comes later than with a natural birth. I have always milk came for 2 days.

Good luck to everyone and easy delivery! I hope my report is useful to someone.


Pray dear.
Here is Sorokoust about health [link-1]
When a magpie is read for health, it means not only the physical health of the listed people. Any prayer is aimed, first of all, at the salvation of a person’s soul, therefore, all petitions to the Lord must be commensurate with their spiritual benefit.

They tried to give birth themselves, they suffered for 1.5 days as a result of the cop. After the cop was transferred to the intensive care unit immediately with the child, after 2 hours they put him to the chest, after another 2 they raised him to his feet and said to drink a lot, walk and try to go a little. After another 5 hours, they were transferred to the postpartum ward, the child was with me all this time, no one took him away (they used to take him at night so that mom would leave the operation). There was no question of lying down for a day and not getting up, because the baby needs proper care. Plus injections, endless rounds, ultrasounds, examinations, etc., etc.

08/12/2017 12:51:57 PM, Lilia Music

I just can not understand the logic in the comments - inside, by levels, starting from the uterus, they combine tissues and sutures; they do spinal anesthesia and, with the most successful option, this is an intervention, and a serious one at that!!! What are you going to restore by getting up 4-6 hours after such an intervention in the body. I have 2 caesareans, the doctors also insist to get up... Everyone has different situations, the ability of tissues, predisposition to the formation of adhesions - But when everyone is told to get up - it sounds extremely strange. For example, I know my body very well - due to various circumstances I survived general anesthesia, 3 spinal anesthesia (2 of them cesarean) - once after spinal anesthesia due to the ardent perseverance of doctors - I fell .. So, considering all the factors, the capabilities of the body, the possibility modern medicines that allow solving the tasks facing the medical staff and NEED to solve the situation - and to say everything that you need to jump up and walk, scaring and agitating with a quick recovery - this is very doubtful !! Everything is good in moderation and in its time!!

01/18/2016 10:09:30 PM, Boom

yes, thanks for the article, I completely agree with everything, although it was very difficult for me to recover from anesthesia, I got up after 8 hours, immediately felt like a heroine when I walked along the wall to the toilet. She gave birth to the first one herself, anyway, it’s better to suffer and give birth yourself! The caesarean section was urgent, thanks to Lyudmila Mikhailovna Fedoryak from the Blagoveshchensk Regional Maternity Hospital, everything was done quickly and efficiently! saved my daughter!

It also seems strange to me to get up after 6 o'clock. After the epidural, my legs are rubber, you can’t move. I tried to get up after 20 hours, it didn’t work out: after all, if I fall, I’ll have to lie on the floor - such a maternity hospital (the method of calling a nurse / doctor is oral). The main thing is not to laugh after the COP! One girl made the whole ward laugh with such a story. A newly-made mother came to the nurse and asked where they can hang themselves (in the sense of hanging, of course), and she answers her: "They hang themselves on our 4th floor, and in the morning on an empty stomach, and not after dinner!" But we understood in another way: you need to hang yourself in the morning so as not to ring out during the night. After laughing, sparks flew from my eyes: the stitch hurt so badly. strongly, strongly, sobbing so much, but you are also afraid.To avoid trouble with a chair, eat berries from compote (this was the only edible dish in that maternity hospital)

10/27/2008 5:40:25 pm, mimi

And I had a cesarean. So on the second day I moved around the hospital faster than those who gave birth themselves. As soon as I recovered from anesthesia, the doctor made me do special exercises so that the seam would grow together better. Exercise 1: stretch the socks. Exercise 2: inflate the stomach (do not be afraid - it does not hurt at all); to control the process, put your hands on your stomach. Exercise 3: inhale raise your arms above your head, exhale lower. Exercises are performed sequentially one after another 15 times each. And so for a day at least 10 times. Helps a lot. The main thing is to start doing. The second time is much easier. I felt a surge of strength.
There were no problems with the chair. On the second day, I didn’t even do an enema.
The only negative, the milk came on the 5th day. True, this does not depend on the method of childbirth, but only on the gestational age. It can be determined by ultrasound.

27.10.2008 14:14:00, Natalia

by the way, advice about candles with glycerin - it really works! I also took it for postpartum. I have EP, but with stitches and heavy. I helped myself to go to the toilet and the girls after the CS. Very good advice too.

I also had a CS (twins). I got up only on the third day, before it was impossible because of spinal anesthesia, severe pain. Colostrum-milk came the next day after birth. My children were brought for feeding from the second day. She did not cover the seam with anything, she took a shower from the third day. The suture was removed on the 7th day, when they were discharged. And the article has a lot of useful information. You just need to apply it appropriately, because it’s suitable for everyone to get up after 6 hours. I really trust my feelings: if not for them, I could not bear twins. So, girls, trust yourself in everything. Nobody knows you better than you.

I read it already scary .... it became.
I don't know if I'm lucky, whether the doctor's miracle or God's grace (I tend to the latter), but I survived an emergency CS. They got me up within a day. The stitches were internal and cosmetic. NOTHING hurt, I refused painkillers injections right away. It was hard to walk so there was no strength because of 2 days of not eating anything. Without any ice and feedings (the milk came very late), on the very first day I felt the uterus contracting, by the time of discharge they had almost returned to normal (this is on the 7th day).
Due to my mobility, I did everything at home as usual, it was just scary that the seams might come apart, nothing more. Everything healed quickly and without consequences. There were no problems with lying on the side or stomach either.
In my opinion, everything was so wonderful that when we went to Laura for an examination at 3 months old (this is because of the COP), she asked in connection with what we were sent to her? I said I don't know. The doctor asked again: maybe a difficult birth or something else? I say no, everything is fine! Then I remember, and I say: oh, I forgot! I have CS. That's it, I totally forgot about it :)
In fact, I wish everyone a natural birth, and if this is not possible due to circumstances, then it would be as easy for everyone as it was for me.

This story has been missing for a long time.

and I got up after the general. anesthesia after 1.5 hours, after the spinal - almost immediately as the legs moved away ... all tttchns

I had general anesthesia. What is six hours? I was still faint.

You did not take into account the likelihood of headaches: (the percentage is not large, but I got into it - and honestly I didn’t care how I recovered - my head hurt terribly to tears.

I also had 2 ks.
You can not get up after 6 hours after spinal anesthesia. A familiar neurologist said: get up no earlier than after 1.5 days, otherwise the risk of post-puncture headaches is high. And drink coffee a couple of times (!!!) to increase the pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid so that the hole heals faster.

The article is generally correct. Only you can’t get up after 6 hours ... They raised me! in a day. She herself could not. And they brought the baby right away. It was very difficult to get up on my own, take him in my arms (3600g.), But nothing can be done ... Milk came on the third day. The seam I have is one that is not removed, self-absorbable. I washed with him on the 5th day, though I sealed it with cellophane. Now, a year later, a thin pink scar. Thanks to the surgeons of the Lukhovitsky Maternity Hospital! Great doctors there!

Comment on the article "How to recover quickly after a cesarean"

After a caesarean 2 years ago, I was left with such a terrible stomach. What I just didn’t try to remove it - and tightening creams, and scrubs, and proper nutrition, and fitness, and body wraps, and massage. But the result doesn't impress me.

Recovery after caesarean section. After childbirth, the uterus is an extensive wound surface (in place Section: Medical issues (how to recover quickly after childbirth). I am going to give birth a second time, the first birth was quite difficult.

Intestines after childbirth - we restore work. I have a stomachache? Dr. Myasnikov - about pain in the stomach and intestines. Abdominal pain accounts for about 25% of all outpatient visits. After a caesarean (we are already on the 26th day) I cannot go to the toilet by myself!!!

How to recover quickly after a caesarean. tsieka. Every woman wants her figure to acquire as quickly as possible after childbirth. In order to reduce these unpleasant phenomena, after childbirth, it is necessary to continue to do a circular massage of the abdomen ...

After the catheter was removed, I did not have back pain, my child did not have any help (urgently) how can my son go to the toilet after the catheter is inserted?? And even after a cesarean, they put a catheter in the bladder. It is very painful and is it necessary for everyone to do it?

How to recover quickly after a caesarean. It sounds scary, at first I was scared, but doctors know better, they operate so much (although after 1 cesarean I was told not to wet the seam for a month, treat it at home and seal it with a bandage). And I began to wash, and 3 times a day ...

pain after brushing? Thank you girls so much for your support yesterday. Now it hurts in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cervix and uterus during tension in the press, especially when I go to the toilet after I just in case then went to the doctor earlier than expected and did an ultrasound, after which, True, it was not that much pain, rather a feeling that I had in my stomach there are organs.

Section: (Stomach hurts after cesarean, how to go to the toilet). How to recover quickly after a caesarean. The thread was created to discuss this article. I survived 2 cesareans, and I will say that the first is very different from the second.

The procedure is unpleasant. The seam after childbirth was ill for a total of almost six months, for 2 months I could not sleep on my stomach and on my side. If you have a planned cesarean, do not eat or drink for a day. 1. After the operation, I got up after 6 hours, immediately go to the toilet a little and wash myself.

More than an hour has passed. I tried to go to the toilet: ((THE PAIN IS TERRIBLE!!! And even after the caesarean section, they put a catheter in the bladder. It is very painful and is it necessary for everyone? Help (urgently) how can my son go to the toilet after the introduction of the catheter??

Recovery after caesarean section. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. Medicine and health. Girls, share your experience, how to recover as quickly as possible after a cesarean? I read here that if the muscles are cut, the press will not be pumped up.

I think that the pains after a caesarean are 3-4 times weaker than the birth pains, although I didn’t experience them clearly to the end (the opening was only 3 cm, I didn’t want to yell or cry yet). It took me 10 minutes, my breath was taken away from the pain. about going to the toilet, washing in general, I am silent.

How to recover quickly after a caesarean. Restoration of the menstrual cycle after childbirth. In lactating women, menstruation does not exist for a couple of months or throughout the entire time of breastfeeding, although in some of them, monthly functions resume ...

How to recover quickly after a caesarean. I won’t write about the first for a long time, I’ll only say that 2 months after the operation, the seam began to get wet and a fistula appeared, I had to go to the maternity hospital for an examination (there the seam was incised and processed). How to treat a weeping wound?

After a caesarean section, a postpartum bandage is required. It is needed for medical reasons, and you yourself will become much easier with it. I don’t remember on what day after the cesarean they put it on (perhaps on the second or third), but quickly enough.

After a caesarean, I went for myostimulation>. After a cesarean, I went for myostimulation with infrared radiation, my stomach tightened up about 3 times, nothing else pulled up :) It didn’t hurt at all, because everything is regulated there, you say if it hurts, they will do ...

C-section. Help. About his own, about a girl's. Discussion questions about life Sorry for the stupid question. And everything like that. I immediately got sick of staying with 2 holes in my stomach and I...

After caesarean. The seam hurts:(. Mom’s condition. A child from birth to a year. And how do you feel after two cesareans? Now I just have a pain in the lower abdomen, as if the press .. as if I started pumping the press and the next day the strained muscles hurt started.

How to recover quickly after a caesarean. Necessary restrictions after caesarean section. Congratulations, you have become a mother! For some reason, you were unable to give birth on your own, and your baby was born by caesarean section.

A caesarean section is an obstetric operation performed when a woman is unable to give birth naturally. It takes a little longer for women in labor to recover from a caesarean section. In order for a woman to gain strength faster, you need to follow some recommendations.

Postoperative period

If the operation went without complications and the child is healthy, after 2 hours the woman and the baby are transferred to the cohabitation ward. In order to prevent the development of complications, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of vital organs. To do this, the medical staff measures the pulse, blood pressure, temperature of the woman in labor, assesses the tone of the uterus, the nature of the discharge. The doctor also assesses the state of the urinary function and, if it is impossible to urinate, a urinary catheter is installed for the woman.

The first day after caesarean section requires active medical treatment. The operation is inevitably associated with blood loss. To restore the volume of circulating blood and increase the rheological properties of the woman in labor, rheopolyglucin, solutions of sodium chloride and glucose are administered. In case of massive blood loss, blood components are administered.

After the operation, the woman may be prescribed painkillers, which are administered within one to three days. When carrying out any surgical intervention on the abdominal organs, there is a risk of developing intestinal paresis. To prevent this from happening to a woman, she is prescribed prozerin. To prevent infectious complications, it is prescribed (in some cases, an antibiotic is administered intramuscularly or intravenously before surgery).

A woman stays in the hospital for 4-5 days or more in case of complications.

Nutrition of the woman in labor

On the first day after childbirth, a woman in labor should not eat anything, you can only drink non-carbonated water. But do not worry, the woman will not be hungry. All the necessary nutrients will be replenished with droppers.

On the second or fourth day, a woman in labor should follow a sparing diet, because her intestines are still not able to work to the fullest. You can eat boiled, pureed food. It is allowed to add hatred meat broth, steamed cutlets, low-fat cottage cheese and cheese, mashed potatoes to the diet. Under the ban are products that increase gas formation (legumes, flour products, grapes, etc.). If a woman is worried, you need to stroke your stomach clockwise for a minute.

Already on the fifth day, the menu is gradually expanding. But this does not mean that you can eat absolutely everything. Now a woman needs to constantly remember that everything eaten can affect the condition of the baby. Therefore, during the period of breastfeeding, you should not eat certain foods that can harm the crumbs.

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About the importance of movement after surgery

The first day after a caesarean section, a woman will feel weak, feel pain in her stomach, which is why the woman in labor does not want to move again. In addition, with active movements, a divergence of the seams may occur. However, already 6 hours after the operation, doctors advise starting to roll over from side to side, slightly pulling the legs up to the stomach, performing simple physical exercises right in bed (rotation of the feet, hands, flexion and extension of the legs at the knee joint, etc.), and then - and get up (strictly under the supervision of medical staff).

Important: you can sit down and get up only after the woman puts on a special postpartum bandage (in many maternity hospitals, women in labor are first wrapped tightly with a folded sheet).

You need to get out of bed carefully, without straining your abdominal muscles. You need to slightly pull your knees towards you, roll over on your side, and then, leaning on your hands, take a sitting position. By the end of the first day, a woman can already get out of bed and walk a little.

Many mothers are worried about being overweight and wonder when they can start physical activity. In the postpartum period, only simple physical exercises are allowed. More active loads can be started after a month and a half. It can be fitness, yoga, body flex. With exercises for swinging the press, you should wait for six months.

After discharge from the maternity hospital, the woman in labor will be warned that in the near future she cannot lift weights over three or four kilograms, that is, no more than the weight of the child.

Healing of sutures after caesarean section

During the stay of the woman in labor at the maternity hospital, the nurse regularly treats the seam with antiseptics (brilliant green, potassium permanganate solution), changes the bandage. The sutures are removed approximately on the seventh or tenth day. Skin healing usually occurs quickly. The seam is very noticeable at first, red or purple. As time goes by, it will become less and less noticeable. For the speedy resorption of the scar, you can take special ointments, for example, contractubex.

Do not take a shower until the stitches are removed. But you can wash separately parts of the body. It will be possible to take a full shower only after the stitches are removed, but, of course, you should not actively rub the scar. But visiting the bathhouse and bathing in the bath should be postponed for two months, until the seam on the uterus is completely tightened.

intimate life

The uterus after caesarean section is a large wound surface. Therefore, until it heals, and this happens within one and a half to two months, one should refrain from sexual intercourse.

The uterine suture heals completely within two to three years. If a woman plans to become pregnant in the future, she should become pregnant no earlier than after the specified period. That is why you need to use . And, of course, you should not hope that it is impossible to get pregnant during lactation - this is a myth.

The restoration of menstruation depends on whether the mother is breastfeeding the child. So, if a woman does not breastfeed, the menstrual cycle resumes after two months, if she feeds - after six months or more.

Grigorova Valeria, medical commentator

The postoperative period after caesarean section depends on the characteristics of the operation performed. It should be understood that surgery is accompanied by significant damage to several tissues. There are also negative effects of anesthesia. All these changes require a woman to comply with a number of special rules aimed at the rapid restoration of health.

A caesarean section is accompanied by consequences for the general well-being of a woman. It is necessary to consider such phenomena as:

  • the presence and processing of the seam;
  • the appearance of discharge from the uterus;
  • withdrawal of anesthesia;
  • treatment of the genital organs;
  • appearance of lactation.

All these processes must be carefully controlled. If a woman does not know what to do after a cesarean, she needs the help of a doctor. The attending physician will explain what to do and how to behave after surgery.

Departure after surgery

Surgical intervention is carried out under the influence of anesthesia. Modern doctors use two types of anesthesia. Many patients undergo surgery under general anesthesia. This allows you to eliminate the psychological trauma of the woman in labor. But this method has a negative impact on the patient's condition in the postpartum period.

In the first days, care after caesarean is carried out by medical personnel. A woman in labor is forbidden to get up and walk for several days. This is due to the residual effect of anesthesia. Under the influence of the drug, various pathologies of the nervous system can occur. Most patients report dizziness and severe nausea. If in the first days a woman in labor tries to sit down or stand up, these phenomena are intensified.

Narcosis also affects the well-being of the child. A small amount of the drug enters the fetus during surgery. The substance causes a decrease in the motor activity of the baby. He becomes lethargic. The child sleeps for a long time. The sucking reflex may also be impaired. Such children may refuse to breastfeed. For this reason, a large number of children born through surgery are fed with artificial mixtures.

The drug used for anesthesia is completely washed out of the body on the fifth day. After that, the body begins to recover. The first sign of removal of the substance is severe pain in the area of ​​​​the sutures. To reduce pain, you need to use analgesic drugs. A large number of analgesics preclude breastfeeding. The remedy should be selected only by a doctor. Self-administration of analgesics can lead to the development of problems in the mother or child.

The second sign of elimination of a substance from the body is a decrease in dizziness. The woman begins to feel better. Her condition is returning to normal.

Seam processing

The postpartum period after a caesarean section requires a woman to properly care for the sutures. The incision during this intervention can have a different shape. Often, to remove the fetus, doctors dissect the abdominal region along the physiological fold. In this area, the scar that forms at the site of the wound will not be noticeable. Also, such an incision minimizes the risk of injury to the child.

If the woman was subjected to emergency exposure, then the wound can be located longitudinally. This intervention allows the doctor to quickly give the child access to oxygen. But the wound will heal for a long time. The scar after a longitudinal emergency section is rough.

The edges of the incision are fastened in various ways. Most doctors use silk and absorbable thread for this purpose. Silk fiber does not leave marks on the scar. This thread is superimposed only on the outer edges of the wound. Muscle tissue is held together with a self-dissolving thread. The complete disappearance of the nodes occurs after a few weeks. The uterus is sutured with the same material. For an emergency caesarean section, staples are sometimes used. They are made of medical metal, which does not undergo chemical reactions in the patient's body.

After the operation, the sutures should be properly processed. In the hospital, the treatment of stitches is carried out by a procedural nurse. The surface of the wound is washed with an antiseptic solution and liberally lubricated with a drying agent. To do this, the hospital uses brilliant green. Less commonly used fukortsin. After thorough cleaning, the sutures are closed with a postoperative napkin. The bandage is made of natural materials and has a special pad. It does not stick to the wound and is removed painlessly. The first week the seam is processed 2 times a day. In the second week, processing can be reduced to one time.

A woman should understand that improper and untimely cleaning of the sutures can lead to the development of complications that are difficult to treat. If the patient takes proper care of the wound, then the sutures are removed on the 10th day after the surgical intervention.

The first days you should learn to get up correctly. This will help prevent seams from coming apart. To do this, the patient lies on her side and lowers her legs from the bed. After that, a sitting position with a straight back is taken. Only then can you get up. All movements should be smooth and slow.


Not all women in childbirth have stitches that heal without complications. The first days after a caesarean section, the doctor monitors the condition of the wound. Improper care and contamination of the wound can lead to problems such as dehiscence. This problem occurs due to high physical activity. To understand what can be done in the presence of stitches, you should consult your doctor.

If the treatment of the wound is carried out with violations, there is a risk of developing inflammation. It appears due to severe contamination of the wound. Pathogenic microorganisms settle on the wound surface, which change the tissue. Strong pollution is also fraught with suppuration. Pus in the incision may appear due to the accumulation of white blood cells, dead cells and microorganisms. To eliminate the cause of suppuration, the treatment process should be reviewed.

After a caesarean section, a woman should monitor the discharge from the wound. The first week, an ichor should appear on its surface. This fluid is formed in damaged tissues and contains a large number of leukocytes. If it does not appear, you must inform the doctor about it. The likely cause is the formation of a cavity between the tissues. You can reduce the risk of complications with the help of drainage, which is installed in the suture after surgery.

Also, a lot of ichor can stand out. If the suture bleeds for a long time, intracavitary bleeding is considered a possible cause. The patient undergoes an urgent ultrasound examination, which allows you to determine the cause of the disease. In order for healing to occur correctly, the prescribed treatment should be followed.

Rarely, a fistulous canal appears on the seam. It is formed due to the partial preservation of the threads after the operation. The tissues surrounding the thread become inflamed. Purulent fluid is formed. Gradually, tissue cells die. Cell atrophy contributes to the formation of the channel. A tumor filled with pus forms on the surface of the seam. She can open herself. The healing of the fistulous canal is long. If during palpation the patient notices a painful induration, she must inform the doctor about it.

Discharge after surgery

A woman after a caesarean section should carefully monitor the discharge. Recommendations concern the first 4 weeks of the postoperative period.

A woman's pregnancy begins with the attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus. For this, the endometrium is formed in it. This tissue by the beginning of ovulation consists of several layers and has a thickness of 12 mm. During pregnancy, the endometrium continues to exfoliate. Flakes form. After surgery, the flakes mix with blood and fluid. Doctors call this mixture lochia. They must be removed from the uterine cavity on their own. Lochia profuse for several days. Due to this feature, it is recommended to use special postpartum pads that are able to absorb a large amount of fluid. For some time, the discharge has a dark color. From the second week there is a change in the quality of lochia. The discharge becomes light, the volume decreases. By the end of the first month of the postoperative period, the discharge stops.

Lochia is not always a sign of uterine cleansing. If there is an accumulation of blood in the discharge, the advice of a doctor is needed. Prolonged bleeding can lead to a deterioration in a woman's well-being. There is a risk of bleeding. It is urgent to look for its cause. From a large loss of blood, a woman can die.

Do not confuse lochia with regular menstruation. Menstruation after caesarean may begin after six months or more. If the discharge appears earlier, the help of a specialist is needed. Examination by a gynecologist will eliminate the divergence of the internal seams.

Beginning of lactation

Restrictions after caesarean section also arise due to the onset of lactation. The ability to breastfeed occurs under the influence of prolactin. This hormone is formed in the female body under the influence of natural labor.

Before contractions begin, the pituitary gland releases oxytocin. It helps the uterus to contract. Also, its activity helps to increase the level of prolactin. The hormone allows the mammary glands to produce fluid. In the first days, colostrum appears from the breast. This liquid contains a large amount of nutrients for the baby. Gradually, colostrum is replaced by milk.

Surgery is prescribed by the doctor at the end of the last trimester. Often a caesarean is performed at 37 weeks. At this time, the body does not begin prenatal preparation. Oxytocin and prolactin are not formed.

An increase in prolactin may occur at the end of the first week of the postoperative period. To speed up the production of milk, you can use the following methods:

  • frequent application of the child to the chest;
  • taking stimulants;
  • taking mixtures to enhance lactation;
  • diet for nursing.

Many women ask what can be done to increase lactation in a hospital setting. Doctors advise to put the baby to the breast more often. The sucking reflex causes the baby to take an empty gland. Under the influence of massaging movements, milk begins to be more actively produced. If it is not possible to attach a child, you can use a special apparatus.

A breast pump can be purchased at any pharmacy store. There are two types of breast pumps: manual and electric. The hand-held device is applied to the breast and with the help of a special lever, the woman can express herself. The electric appliance is more convenient to use. It doesn't need to be kept. When in contact with the breast, a vacuum is formed. Such a device allows you to increase blood circulation in the chest and increase the flow of milk.

With a caesarean section, the postoperative period takes place in the hospital. To increase the volume of milk, you can consult with other women in labor. Many women know that you can take a special mixture that increases lactation. You can also use a special diet. You should increase the consumption of hard cheese and sour cream. Milk can help too. It comes in the form of tablets and is sold in pharmacies. Before using the advice, you need to consult your doctor. He will say that you can not use to increase lactation.

But lactation after surgery is not always possible. Many women do not produce milk. A doctor can also give a ban on breastfeeding. The reasons for the ban are the use of antibiotic drugs, the negative effects of anesthesia, antibiotic therapy.

intimate problems

All patients are interested in when sexual activity is possible after cesarean. Permission to start sexual activity depends on the length of the postoperative period. The doctor is interested in the condition of the suture on the uterine wall. Before the onset of sexual activity, the following phenomena should be established:

  • completion of the cleansing of the uterus;
  • cessation of contractile activity;
  • the formation of a dense scar;
  • no genital infection.

In the second month after the operation, the doctor conducts a control examination of the uterus. It is carried out using an ultrasonic device. On the screen, the doctor examines the presence of residual fluid in the cavity. If a collection of blood is found, there is a risk of occult bleeding. The presence of fluid does not allow a woman to have sexual contact.

An important point of the study is the study of the thickness of the scar and the cessation of the contractile activity of the smooth muscles of the uterus. The normal thickness of scar tissue should be 2 mm. If it is less, there is a risk of rupture of the uterine wall during intercourse. Permission is given only when the fabric reaches the required thickness.

It is necessary to study the state of the microflora of the vagina. A caesarean section after surgery increases the chances of replacing a healthy microflora with a pathogenic one. The risk arises from damage to the inner layer of the uterus. The body of every woman contains conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. Under the influence of surgical intervention, the flora may change. In this case, the doctor examines the smear for the composition of the microflora. If it does not contain pathogenic microorganisms, the doctor allows sexual activity.

The first contact after surgery can be unpleasant for the woman in labor. The muscles of the uterus are fully restored only by the end of the fifth month. The scar also hurts. Gradually, the uterus takes on normal size. Sexual life is normalized.

Decreased libido

Not always the sexual activity of a woman in the postoperative period is restored immediately. Sometimes there are problems. A decrease in libido can occur for the following reasons:

  • psychological condition;
  • excessive worries about the child;
  • fatigue;
  • bad feeling.

During the first month at home, a woman can be stressed. It occurs due to hormonal changes. To prevent the patient from falling into depression, relatives should support and help. Gradually, the woman will get used to the new status. Sexual activity will return to normal.

Libido also decreases due to the activity of prolactin. Against the background of lactation, a woman experiences constant anxiety for the child. Only a psychologist can help reduce anxiety.

There is also fatigue. Staying in a hospital for a long time tires a woman in labor. She needs to rest after the operation. Not everyone can relax at home. Cleaning, cooking, feeding and bathing the child does not allow you to rest. In this case, a change of scenery can help.

The problem with intimate life also arises due to a deterioration in appearance. Women in labor are embarrassed to be naked. It is impossible to reduce weight in the postoperative period with the usual methods. Diets are prohibited due to lactation. Active physical activity is banned due to surgical intervention. It will take some time for the figure to return. To support his mother, a man must explain all the positive qualities of her new status.

A caesarean section avoids many of the problems that natural childbirth can cause. Recovery after surgery should be carried out according to the rules voiced by the doctor. The correct actions of the patient will shorten the postoperative period.