Alternative energy sources. Development of alternative energy sources Alternative energy resources

Prospects for the use of alternative energy sources

Traditional energy sources are becoming irrelevant. Many reasons make humanity refuse them. Today, the focus is on alternative methods already in practice and planned for the future. Research continues, so science is moving forward, not stopping at the results achieved. Now you can evaluate some of the achievements that have already yielded first results in order to understand how profitable new directions will become in a few years.

Alternative energy continues to spread. The reason is its clear advantages over traditional sources, which are difficult to refute. In some countries, the government is running complex government programs with huge monetary investments for gradual replacement, but so far the results have been negligible.

What are the main types?
  • Lightning energy;
  • The energy of the atom.

Endless research allows you to compare the possibilities offered by nature. Humanity continues to look for new directions, which in the future will surely turn into an ideal replacement for traditional sources. A detailed description will give general information, as well as indicate which species have already found use in the daily life of the planet's population.

The energy of the sun has been used by man for a long time. The original attempts were made in ancient times, when people used a directed beam to light a tree. Modern methods are based on the use of large areas of batteries that collect flows for further processing and accumulation in batteries.

With the help of such energy, all space stations and satellites fly. In orbit, access to the star is open, but on Earth, some countries are actively using the new source. One example is entire "fields" of batteries that provide power to small towns. Although it is much more interesting to consider new small autonomous sources, where the surface area does not exceed the roof of a small house. They are installed privately around the world to provide heating at no extra cost.

Wind energy has been used by mankind since ancient times. The best example of this is sailboats, propelled by constant airflow. Now scientific research has made it possible to create special generators that provide electricity to entire cities. And they work on two principles:

  • Offline;
  • In parallel with the main network.

In both cases, it is possible to gradually replace the traditional source, reducing the harmful impact on the environment. Now you can evaluate the results achieved, confirming the correctness of the choice. Data suggests that in Denmark, 25% of the energy received comes from wind farms. Many countries are trying to gradually switch to new sources, but this is only possible in open spaces. Because of this, in some areas, the use of the best option remains unavailable.

The energy of water remains indispensable. Previously, it was used in simple mills and ships, but now huge turbine hydroelectric power plants supply electricity to entire regions. Recent developments offer humanity to get acquainted with a fantastic future that will be built on the latest sources. What alternatives are already being used by countries?

  • Tidal power plants;
  • Wave power plants;
  • Micro and mini hydroelectric power stations;
  • Aero HPP.

Tidal power plants use the energy of the tides. Their height and power depends on the influence of the moon, so the stability of the feed remains a bit of a problem. Although in France, India, the UK and several other countries, the project has been implemented and is successfully used as an indispensable support.

Wave power plants are being built on the shores of the oceans, where the power of regular impacts on the coast exceeds conceivable limits. In this case, insufficient force becomes a limitation. It does not allow you to get enough energy.

Micro and mini hydropower plants are suitable for narrow mountain rivers. Their small size allows you to freely find time, and their power is suitable for supplying small settlements. Experimental models have been tested, so now operating facilities with good performance are being built.

Aero HPP is the latest technology that is still being tested. It is based on the condensation of moisture from the atmosphere. The operating installations are still a ghostly dream, but there are certain indicators confirming the expediency of investing in development.

Geothermal energy remains widespread. This alternative source is used in several different ways. It remains one of the most interesting for certain regions, so abandoning it does not make sense. The only problem is the high cost of installations, which limits their number. What options are available?

  • Thermal power plants;
  • Ground heat exchangers.

lightning energy

Lightning energy is a new trend. This direction is just beginning to be developed, but scientists say that it is possible to use the available gigawatts. They are lost in vain, leaving in the ground. The American company has begun research aimed at creating special installations for capturing thunderstorms.

Lightning energy is a powerful source that can provide electricity to a large metropolitan area. Estimated cash costs for construction should pay off within 5-7 years, so the expediency of such investments remains undeniable. It remains only to wait for the completion of research for the introduction of new technology into widespread use.

Alternative energy in our time is one of the most popular areas for the vigorous activity of innovative companies and their developments. A huge amount of research is being carried out in this area, thousands of scientists working in different countries of the world are employed here. But what about alternative energy in Russia? If you want to know the answer to this question, then this article may be of interest to you.

Before understanding what constitutes alternative energy in Russia, it is necessary to understand what is called alternative energy. In short, alternative energy is a set of measures and methods that make it possible to obtain energy using renewable resources for this.

Renewable energy sources include:

  • Solar;
  • Water energy;
  • wind;
  • Tidal;
  • Geothermal energy and many other sources of energy.

The accelerated pace of development is a characteristic feature of modern alternative energy in many countries of the world. The reason is to try to reduce humanity's dependence on non-renewable energy sources. A good demonstration of the current dependence of mankind on oil, gas and other similar resources was such a well-known event as the oil crisis of 1973, which greatly contributed to the search for new solutions in the field of alternative energy.

As for the position of Russia, for a long time it was in no hurry to conduct active research in this area, since it has a large number of non-renewable energy sources. At the moment, Russia has experience in creating power plants that use alternative energy sources in their work. The main problem in this direction is the lack of necessary support from the state.

Types of alternative energy

At the moment, there are a large number of types of alternative energy.


Biomass (energy carriers of plant origin) can be successfully used for energy production. It is important to note that some part of the biomass belongs to traditional energy sources (wood, sawdust, shavings, etc.). As for alternative energy sources, the concept of "biomass" includes plants, agricultural waste. There are two main approaches to burning biomass:

  • Use of high pressure boilers (the efficiency of such a process is 40-50%);
  • Use of gas turbines (the efficiency of such a process is 93%);

In order for biomass combustion to be economically profitable, it is necessary to process it near sources of raw materials. Due to the fact that farms and agricultural enterprises most often act as a source of raw materials, most of the facilities involved in the processing of biomass are located near them. This approach allows you to get a fairly large amount of energy at a low price.

As for Russia, the most suitable regions for biomass processing are the Chernozem Region, Krasnodar Territory, the Central part of Russia, and the South of Siberia.


The wind is successfully used to generate energy. For a number of reasons, the most advantageous place to place windmills is the coastline (at least 10 km from the sea). In the case of Russia, the most suitable locations for wind farms are the coastline of the Far North, as well as the Far East.


Alternative energy from hydrogen can be obtained in several ways:

  • From natural gas;
  • From light oil;
  • By the method of decomposition of water into its constituent elements (hydrogen and oxygen);
  • From microorganisms;
  • From enzymes;

It should be noted that the hydrogen engine is approximately 2–3 times more efficient than the standard internal combustion engine, which makes alternative energy derived from hydrogen a very promising direction both throughout the world and in the Russian Federation.


The geothermal method of obtaining alternative energy makes it possible to use the heat of the earth's crust. The use of geothermal energy is relevant only in certain places on the planet, where it will be economically feasible. At the moment, most geothermal power plants are located in Italy, the USA, Ireland and New Zealand.

World energy production using geothermal sources is 19.3 thousand MW. Russia produces about 10% of all geothermal energy in the world. However, geothermal energy in Russia should be further developed, as its potential is very high. According to some experts, only Kamchatka is capable of producing about 5 thousand MW of energy using geothermal sources.


Solar energy is one of the most promising areas, since the Sun is the most powerful source of energy that can completely solve all the energy problems of our planet. In addition, solar energy is completely "green", it does not cause any harm to the environment.

At the moment, solar energy is produced in many countries using special photovoltaic cells. They are installed on the roofs of buildings, solar panels are installed on space objects. Special solar stations are installed in places with a large number of sunny days.

One of the main problems of solar energy is the low efficiency of the photocells used, which reaches 23% at best. This does not apply to solar panels deployed in space: their efficiency is very high. Among other disadvantages, one should also note the inconsistent volume of energy production, as well as the need for a large amount of free territory for the installation of photovoltaic cells.

In the Russian Federation, the best places for the construction of solar stations are the Krasnodar Territory, Kuban, Primorye and Eastern Siberia.


One of the most promising areas in alternative energy is controlled thermonuclear fusion, with the help of which the energy problem of not only specific countries, but of all mankind can be completely solved.

Among the main advantages of thermonuclear energy should be noted:

  • Inexhaustible sources;
  • environmental safety;
  • economic efficiency.

At the moment, it has not yet been possible to create thermonuclear fusion stations that would be economically profitable. However, active work is being carried out in this direction.

The well-known scientists Ilya Tamm, Igor Kurchatov and Andrei Sakharov are at the origins of controlled thermonuclear fusion. The first studies in this direction began to be conducted in the 1950s in the USSR.

One of the most promising projects in this direction is the international ITER project, which should give the first serious results, according to forecasts, in the 2040s–2050s. Russia, like many other countries, is a participant in this program.

State of alternative energy in Russia

In the 90s, due to certain events (the collapse of the USSR), many research programs in the field of alternative energy were partially or completely terminated. Then there were attempts to re-start research in this direction, and even regions of the Russian Federation were identified in which the development of this area is especially promising. But despite this, in the 2000s, research in this area was practically stopped.

One of the reasons for the cessation of work in this area was the high price of oil, which, in turn, discouraged the state from investing in the search for new ways to generate energy.

Russia's achievements in alternative energy

At the moment, research in the direction of "green" energy in Russia is practically not being conducted, however, the state has certain achievements in this area.

Among these achievements, one can note the presence of a number of wind farms, as well as the presence of geothermal stations.

The development of solar energy in Russia is also bearing fruit, with several solar stations operating throughout the country. Tidal energy has also received some development.


One of the main problems for all those involved in alternative energy in Russia is the lack of state support, as well as the lack of a regulatory framework for this type of activity.

Among other problems, one should note the lack of benefits from investments in this area, as well as the uncompetitiveness of power plants using alternative energy sources compared to those using traditional ones.

It should be noted that between 2000 and 2010 the percentage of renewable sources in the Russian energy mix increased. However, the reason for this was the greater use of traditionally renewable sources, such as waste from the woodworking industry.

Another serious drawback is the lack of the necessary infrastructure for the development of alternative energy, as well as the lack of personnel capable of working in this direction, especially highly qualified ones. The reasons for this are that investments in this area are not yet profitable, so there are practically none. Even despite the fact that alternative energy sources in Russia are in abundance. State support can solve this problem, at least in the early stages of projects, until they reach payback.

The limited nature of natural resources and the increasing difficulty of extracting fossil fuels, coupled with global environmental pollution, is pushing humanity to make efforts to find renewable, alternative energy sources. Together with the reduction of harm to the environment, new energy resources are expected to have the lowest cost of all cycles of transportation, processing and production.

Appointment of alternative energy sources

Being a completely renewable resource or phenomenon, an alternative energy source completely replaces the traditional one, powered by, or. Humanity has been using various energy sources for a long time, but the increased scale of their use causes irreparable damage to the environment. Leads to the release of large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Provokes the greenhouse effect and contributes to a global increase in temperature,. Dreaming of a practically inexhaustible or completely renewable energy resource, people are busy looking for promising ways to obtain, use and then transfer energy. Of course, taking into account the environmental aspect and the cost-effectiveness of new, non-traditional sources.

Hopes related to unconventional energy sources

The relevance of the use of non-traditional energy sources will continuously increase, requiring the acceleration of search and implementation processes. Already today, most countries at the state level are forced to implement programs that reduce energy consumption, spending huge amounts of money on this and curtailing their own citizens' rights.

History cannot be reversed. The processes of development of society cannot be stopped. Human life is no longer conceivable without energy resources. Without finding a full-fledged alternative to modern, standard energy sources, the life of society is unimaginable and is guaranteed to come to a standstill (see)

Factors accelerating the introduction of non-traditional energy resources:

  1. A global ecological crisis built on a utilitarian and, without exaggeration, predatory attitude towards the planet's natural resources. The fact of harmful influence is well known and does not cause disputes. Mankind pins great hopes on alternative energy sources in solving the growing problem.
  2. An economic benefit that reduces the cost of obtaining and the final cost of alternative energy. Reducing the payback period for the construction of non-traditional energy facilities. The release of large material resources and human resources directed to the benefit of civilization (see).
  3. Social tension in society caused by a decrease in the quality of life, an increase in density and population. The economic and environmental situation, the constant deterioration of which lead to the growth of various diseases.
  4. The finiteness and ever-increasing difficulty of extracting fossil fuels. This trend will inevitably require an accelerated transition to .
  5. A political factor that makes the country, the first to fully master alternative energy, a world leader.

Only by fulfilling the main purpose of non-traditional sources, it is possible to fully saturate the developing humanity with the necessary and greedily consumed energy.

Application and development prospects of various types of alternative energy sources

The main source for meeting energy needs is currently obtained from three types of energy resources: water, organic fuel and the atomic nucleus (see). Required by time, the process of transition to alternative types is moving slowly, but the understanding of the need makes most countries develop energy-saving technologies and actively implement their own and global developments in life. Every year humanity receives more and more renewable energy from the sun, wind and other alternative sources. Let's figure out what alternative energy sources are.

Main types of renewable energy

Solar energy is considered the leading and environmentally friendly source of energy. To date, thermodynamic and photoelectric methods have been developed and used to generate electricity. The concept of operability and prospects of nanoantennas is confirmed. The sun, being an inexhaustible source of environmentally friendly energy, may well meet the needs of mankind.

Interesting fact! Today, the payback period for a solar power plant based on photovoltaic cells is approximately 4 years.

Wind energy has been successfully used by people for a long time and windmills. Scientists are developing new and improving existing wind farms. Reducing costs and increasing the efficiency of windmills. They are of particular relevance on the coasts and in areas with constant winds. By converting the kinetic energy of air masses into cheap electrical energy, wind farms are already making a significant contribution to the energy system of individual countries.

Geothermal energy sources use an inexhaustible source - the internal heat of the Earth. There are several working schemes that do not change the essence of the process. Natural steam is cleaned of gases and fed into turbines that rotate electric generators. Similar installations operate all over the world. Geothermal sources provide electricity, heat entire cities and light up the streets. But the power of geothermal energy is used very little, and the production technologies have a low efficiency.

Interesting fact! In Iceland, more than 32% of electricity is produced by thermal springs.

Tidal and wave energy is a rapidly developing method of converting the potential energy of the movement of water masses into electrical energy. With a high energy conversion rate, the technology has great potential. True, it can only be used on the coasts of oceans and seas.

The process of biomass decomposition leads to the release of gas containing methane. Purified, it is used to generate electricity, space heating and other household needs. There are small enterprises that fully meet their energy needs.

The constant growth of energy tariffs is forcing the owners of private houses to use alternative sources. In many places, remote household plots and private households are completely deprived of the opportunity, even theoretically, to connect to the necessary energy resources.

The main sources of non-traditional energy used in a private house:

  • solar batteries and various designs of thermal collectors powered by solar energy;
  • wind power plants;
  • mini and micro hydroelectric power stations;
  • renewable energy from biofuels;
  • various types of heat pumps using heat from air, earth or water.

Today, using non-traditional sources, it is not possible to significantly reduce energy consumption costs. But ever-improving technology and decreasing device prices will certainly lead to a boom in consumer activity.

Opportunities provided by alternative forms of energy

Mankind does not imagine further development without maintaining the pace of energy consumption. But the movement in this direction leads to the destruction of the environment and will seriously affect people's lives. The only option that can remedy the situation is the possibility of using non-traditional energy sources. Scientists paint bright prospects, achieve technological breakthroughs in proven and innovative technologies. Many governments, realizing the benefits, are investing heavily in research. It develops alternative energy and transfers production capacities to non-traditional sources. At this stage of the development of society, it is possible to save the planet and ensure the well-being of people only by working hard with alternative energy sources.

World use of various types of alternative energy sources

In addition to the potential and degree of technology development, the efficiency of using various alternative types of energy is influenced by the intensity of the energy source. Therefore, countries, especially those that do not have oil reserves, are intensively developing the available sources of non-traditional energy resources.

The direction of development of renewable energy resources in the world:

  • Finland, Sweden, Canada, Norway- massive use of solar power plants;
  • Japan- efficient use of geothermal energy;
  • USA- significant progress in the development of alternative energy sources in all directions;
  • Australia- good economic effect from the development of non-traditional energy;
  • Iceland- Reykjavik geothermal energy heating;
  • Denmark- the world leader in wind energy;
  • China- successful experience in the introduction and expansion of the wind energy network, the massive use of water and solar energy;
  • Portugal- efficient use of solar power plants.

Many developed countries have joined the technology race, achieving significant success on their own territory. True, the global production of alternative energy has been hovering around 5% for a long time and, of course, looks depressing.

The use of non-traditional energy sources in Russia is poorly developed, compared to many countries is at a low level. The current situation is explained by the abundance and availability of fossil fuels. However, understanding the low productivity of this position and looking into the future obliges the government to deal more with this problem.

There have been positive trends. In the Belgorod region, an array of solar batteries is successfully operating and is planned to be expanded. Planned work on the introduction of bioenergy. Wind farms are being launched in various regions. In Kamchatka, the energy of geothermal sources is successfully used.

The share of non-traditional energy sources in the total energy balance of the country is estimated very approximately and is about 4%, but it has theoretically inexhaustible development opportunities.

Interesting Facts! The Kaliningrad region intends to become the leader in the production of clean electricity in Russia.

Obvious pros and cons of alternative energy sources

Alternative energy sources have indisputable and pronounced advantages. And they just require the application of all efforts to study them.

Advantages of alternative energy sources:

  • environmental aspect (see);
  • inexhaustibility and renewability of resources;
  • universal availability and wide distribution;
  • cost reduction with further development of technology.

The needs of mankind for uninterrupted energy dictate severe requirements for non-traditional sources. And there is a real opportunity to eliminate the shortcomings by further development of technology.

Existing disadvantages of alternative energy sources:

  • possible volatility depending on the time of day and weather conditions;
  • unsatisfactory level of efficiency;
  • underdevelopment of technology and high cost;
  • low unit capacity of individual installations.

It remains to be hoped that attempts to find an ideal, renewable energy source will be crowned with success. The environment will be saved and people will greatly improve the quality of life.

Maksimenko Daria

In this work, the student explores the possibilities of alternative energy sources as a means of solving the problem of raw materials, analyzes the prospects for using AES in the Primorsky Territory, taking into account the experience of the FEFU campus



Municipal budgetary general education

Institution "Lyceum" of the Dalnerechensky urban district

Alternative Energy Sources: Opportunities

and prospects for use

Completed by: student of grade 7A

MBOU "Lyceum"

Maksimenko Daria

Scientific adviser:

Dudarova Svetlana Ivanovna



There are several global problems in the modern world. One of them is the depletion of natural resources. Every minute the world uses a huge amount of oil and gas for human needs. Therefore, the question arises: how long will these resources last if we continue to use them in the same huge amount?

Alternative energy sources: opportunities and prospects for their use is one of the most important and relevant topics today. Today, the energy of the world is based on non-renewable energy sources. The main energy sources are oil, gas and coal. The immediate prospects for the development of the energy sector are connected with the search for a better ratio of energy carriers and, above all, with an attempt to reduce the share of liquid fuel. But we can say that humanity has already entered a transitional period today - from energy, based on organic natural resources, which are limited to energy on a practically inexhaustible basis.

Great hopes in the world are placed on the so-called alternative energy sources, the advantage of which lies in their renewability, and in the fact that these are environmentally friendly sources of energy.

The depletion of resources makes it necessary to develop a resource-saving policy, to widely use secondary raw materials. Huge efforts are being made in many countries to conserve energy and raw materials. A number of countries have adopted government programs to save energy.

The purpose of the work is to study alternative energy sources, the possibilities and prospects for their use.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  1. To study the concept of alternative energy sources.
  2. To study the experience of using renewable energy sources in different countries.
  3. To analyze the prospects for the mass use of alternative energy sources in the Russian Federation and Primorsky Krai.

1. Alternative energy sources, the main reasons for their development, sources

Alternative energy sources are methods, devices or structures that make it possible to obtain electrical energy (or other required type of energy) and replace traditional energy sources that operate on oil, extracted natural gas and coal. The purpose of the search for alternative energy sources is the need to obtain it from the energy of renewable or practically inexhaustible natural resources and phenomena. Environmental friendliness and economy can also be taken into account.

They are also called renewable energy sources due to some features of this type of energy - the ability to be replenished indefinitely, unlike gas, coal, peat and oil, which are exhaustible sources of energy.

Classification of alternative energy sources:

  • wind turbines - convert the movement of air masses into energy;
  • geothermal - convert the heat of the planet into energy;
  • solar - electromagnetic radiation of the sun;
  • hydropower - the movement of water in rivers or seas;
  • biofuel - the calorific value of renewable fuel (for example, alcohol, peat).
  • tidal - the energy of sea and ocean tides, on which tidal power plants operate

Scientists warn of possible depletion of known and exploitable oil and gas reserves. Of course, it is still too early to talk about the complete exhaustion of resources.

Today, the energy of the world is based on non-renewable energy sources. The main energy sources are oil, gas and coal. The immediate prospects for the development of the energy sector are connected with the search for a better ratio of energy carriers and, above all, with an attempt to reduce the share of liquid fuel. But it can be said that humanity has already entered a transitional period today - from energy based on organic natural resources, which are limited to energy on a practically inexhaustible basis.

2. Foreign experience in the use of alternative energy sources

The depletion of resources makes it necessary to develop a resource-saving policy, to widely use secondary raw materials. Huge efforts are being made in many countries to conserve energy and raw materials. Today, about 1/3 of the total mass of metals used in the world is mined from waste and secondary raw materials. A number of countries have adopted government programs to save energy.

The most common renewable energy sources both in Russia and in the world are hydropower. About 20% of the world's electricity generation comes from hydroelectric power plants.

The global wind energy industry is actively developing: the total capacity of wind turbines doubles every four years, amounting to more than 150,000 MW. In many countries, wind energy has a strong position. For example, in Denmark, more than 20% of electricity is generated by wind energy. Russia can get 10% of its energy from wind.

The share of solar energy is relatively small (about 0.1% of global electricity production), but has a positive growth trend. Solar power plants operate in more than 30 countries.

Geothermal energy is of great local importance. In particular, in Iceland, such power plants generate about 25% of electricity.

Geothermal power plants that generate a large part of electricity in Central America, the Philippines, Iceland; Iceland is also an example of a country where thermal waters are widely used for heating, heating.

Tidal energy has not yet received significant development and is represented by several pilot projects.

Tidal power plants are still available only in a few countries - France, Great Britain, Canada, Russia, India, China.

3. Prospects for the development of alternative energy sources in Russia and Primorsky Krai

Compared to the US and EU countries, the use of alternative energy sources in Russia is at a low level. The current situation can be explained by the availability of traditional fossil fuels. One of the main barriers to the construction of large power plants using alternative energy sources is the absence of a provision on an incentive tariff at which the state would buy electricity produced from alternative energy sources.

The main consumer of energy resources in Primorsky Krai is the system of housing and communal services (HCS). The cost of paying for housing and communal services for the population of Vladivostok and the Primorsky Territory is steadily growing. According to statistics, the number of individual residential buildings in the region was about 143 thousand, of which 65 thousand were in urban settlements, 77 thousand were in rural settlements. Almost all low-rise residential buildings use coal, firewood, fuel oil for heating. This leads to significant emissions of harmful and polluting substances into the atmosphere. Thus, significant damage is caused to the environment.

Primorsky Krai belongs to the region where it is advisable to use alternative energy based on alternative energy sources for the purpose of energy supply. The average number of sunny days in Primorsky Krai is 310 with a duration of solar radiation of more than 2000 hours. The activity of solar energy on the territory of Primorsky Krai is one of the highest in the territory of the Russian Federation.

The maximum influx of solar radiation is observed in May, and the minimum in December, and in March the maximum amount of direct radiation to the surface normal to the beam and the duration of sunshine are observed. The minimum duration of sunshine is observed in June and July, this is due to the rainy season that occurs during this period.

However, despite the huge potential of solar energy, the widespread introduction of alternative energy in Russia is hampered by a number of reasons: high cost, high material consumption of equipment, insufficient experience in using these technologies, and poor awareness. It is possible to draw attention to alternative energy through demonstrations of successful experience in implementing alternative energy installations in real economic applications. The current downward trend in the cost of solar energy equipment and the constant increase in the cost of fossil fuels and tariffs for electricity and heat are also factors that increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of alternative energy.

The main consumers of alternative energy are households (individual private houses or even apartments, cottage villages, farms). Small power plants are also actively used by tourists, fishermen, hunters, and the army.

In December 2014, an all-weather laboratory solar water heating unit (SVNU) was installed on the FEFU campus, designed to provide hot water for a hotel building designed to accommodate 536 people. Together with the solar water heating plant, a photovoltaic solar plant was installed.

The generating equipment of the installations includes: 90 solar collectors with a capacity of 0.15 Gcal / h of thermal energy and 176 photovoltaic solar panels with a capacity of 22 kWh of electric energy.

Rice. 1 FEFU hotel building No. 8.1

Solar collectors and photovoltaic solar panels are installed on the roof of the building. The total roof area is 2566 m².

Fig. 2 Location of solar collectors and photovoltaic panels on the roof of the FEFU hotel building No. 8.1

Rice. 3 Heat substation SVNU of the FEFU hotel building No. 8.1

From the beginning of the commissioning of the installation, continuous monitoring of the generation of electrical and thermal energy by the installation, as well as the technical parameters of the installation, is carried out. Monitoring data are archived online and are available for remote analysis via the Internet.

Below are the daily data on the heat generation of the plant from January to May 2015.

Rice. 4 Daily data on heat generation in January 2015

Rice. 5 Daily data on heat generation in February 2015

Rice. 6 Daily data on heat generation in March 2015

Rice. 7 Daily data on heat generation in April 2015

Rice. 8 Daily data on heat generation in May 2015

According to the daily schedule for the generation of thermal energy by the installation, one can observe the number of sunny and cloudy days during the study period. Observations of the operation of the installation showed that the installation is capable of generating thermal energy even on cloudy days. The absence of thermal energy generation was observed only on days of precipitation.

Rice. 9 Heat generation data from January to May 2015

During the study period from January to May, the solar installation generated 64788 kWh (233236.8 MJ) of thermal energy, which showed an average daily production of thermal energy from 1 m² of effective collector absorption area of ​​1.977 kWh/m2.

It should be noted that during the study period, the installation was not in operation all the time. Start-up and commissioning continued in January and February, and the plant reached its design capacity only in March 2015.

The maximum performance of the installation was recorded on May 23. On that day, the installation generated 1040 kWh, which is 4.79 kWh/m2 per 1 m² of effective absorption area per day.


Thus, the development of alternative energy sources in the world seems to be a relevant and promising project. Firstly, the development and use of these sources have a positive effect on the environmental situation in the world, which has recently been “limping”. Secondly, in the future, the lack of traditional resources may have a strong impact on the market, perhaps there will be a global energy crisis, so it is very important to start developing non-traditional energy sources now in order to prevent an economic collapse in a few decades, or maybe less.

More and more people are starting to use independent energy sources, taking into account the peculiarities of the geographical location of their area. Someone has a lot of sunny days a year - he puts solar panels with solar collectors on the roofs. Whoever has winds blowing - fine, windmills are used.

In the city of Dalnerechensk, the population is just beginning to use alternative sources. Since our city has a large number of sunny days, this makes it possible to use solar panels. Unfortunately, switching completely to alternative energy supply is very expensive, but it is possible as an additional source of energy.

Alternative energy sources are environmentally friendly, renewable, and distributed relatively evenly, so regions with a skilled workforce, susceptibility to innovation and strategic foresight will win the leadership in their use.

List of used literature

  1. Blagorodov V.N. Problems and prospects for the use of non-traditional renewable energy sources, Russia. Magazine Energetik No. 10, p. 16-18, 1999.
  2. SolarGIS website, Solar Radiation Map. Solar radiation in different parts of the planet.
  3. R.V. Gorodov Non-traditional and renewable energy sources: textbook / R.V. Gorodov, V.E. Gubin, A.S. Matveev. - 1st ed. - Tomsk: Publishing House of Tomsk Polytechnic University, 2009. - 294 p.
  4. Grichkovskaya N.V., Thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences. Assessment of the potential of solar energy for the development of energy efficient buildings in a monsoon climate, Vladivostok, p. 143, 170-172, 2008.
  5. Ilyin A.K., Kovalev O.P. Non-traditional energy in Primorsky Krai: resources and technical capabilities. Far Eastern Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, p. 40, 1994. slide 2

    The purpose of the work is to study alternative energy sources, the possibilities and prospects for their use. Tasks To study the concept of alternative energy sources. To study the experience of using renewable energy sources in different countries. To analyze the prospects for the mass use of alternative energy sources in the Russian Federation and Primorsky Krai. slide number 2

    Classification of alternative energy sources wind turbines - convert the movement of air masses into energy; solar - electromagnetic radiation of the sun; hydropower - the movement of water in rivers or seas; biofuel - the calorific value of renewable fuel (for example, alcohol, peat). Geothermal energy sources - convert the heat of the planet into energy; tidal - the energy of sea and ocean tides, on which tidal power plants operate Slide No. 3

    FEFU hotel building No. 8.1 Slide No. 4

    The location of solar collectors and photovoltaic panels on the roof of the FEFU hotel building Slide No. 5

    Thermal substation of the all-season laboratory of a solar water heating installation Slide No. 6

    Daily data on the generation of thermal energy by the installation from January to May 2015 Slide No. 7

    Daily schedule for the generation of thermal energy by a solar water heating installation (SVNU) Slide No. 8

    Thank you for your attention, the report is over!


The development of alternative energy in Russia and in the world today is just beginning to gain momentum, but every year more and more countries understand that the future belongs to energy-saving technologies and alternative energy sources. With this in mind, specific actions are being taken to introduce these technologies to save and produce electricity and heat. Although today the share of alternative energy sources in the global energy balance is 2-3%, there is a steady upward trend in this indicator.

The development of alternative energy began quite a long time ago - attempts to use solar energy were made already in the 18th century. And the first solar power plant was launched in Egypt in 1912. The active development of alternative energy brings the moment when the use of renewable energy sources will become economically profitable and their share in the global energy system will increase significantly in a short time. But, despite this, one cannot expect that the development of alternative energy will allow in the foreseeable future to completely replace traditional energy sources with alternative ones.

It can be assumed that the expected rapid development of alternative energy will have serious consequences in the field of science and industry. The application of renewable energy sources in practice will require the development of new technologies and the production of new equipment. The emergence of demand, for example, for solar panels, will push domestic manufacturers to develop and produce such high-tech products. New types of batteries and chargers will be required. It may happen that someday every sanitary faucet will be supplied with a mini-power plant that uses flowing water to generate electricity directed, for example, to heat a kettle. Thus, the development of alternative energy can serve as a powerful impetus for the development of the economy as a whole.

The impact of the development of alternative energy on the environment should not be overlooked. The use of renewable energy sources is much more environmentally friendly than the use of traditional ones. For example, the rejection of coal-fired thermal power plants will dramatically limit the release of sulfur, nitrogen and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which contribute to the formation of the greenhouse effect and climate change. And the use of biomass from municipal wastewater, which is one of the promising areas for the development of alternative energy, in addition to generating energy, will help prevent pollution of territories by decay products of organic substances. Similar technologies are already being used in Denmark and the Netherlands.

Of course, without the participation of the state, the development of alternative energy would have progressed very slowly, so some countries today are trying to speed up this process by providing tax incentives to enterprises using alternative energy sources, investing in the construction of new types of power plants and compensating the costs of installing alternative energy equipment by private individuals. This approach is bearing fruit: in Germany, the share of alternative energy sources is more than 15%, and carbon dioxide is produced almost 30% less than in 1990. Further development of alternative energy implies an increase in the share of alternative energy sources up to 20% by 2020. In Norway, half of the required electricity is generated using renewable energy resources.

The development of alternative energy allows us to hope that as traditional energy resources are depleted, humanity will learn to get enough energy for its further existence.