Aromatherapy body massage using essential oils. Massage as a way to use essential oils

Sensual erotic massage is a real declaration of love through touch. There can be no random details here, so the main attribute of tenderness and care is a well-chosen oil for a good erotic massage. Without it, you can not do any kind, because it greatly stretches and can damage the skin. Erotic is no exception, since it affects not only the back, chest, stomach, shoulders and feet. It may include the simulation of intimate areas, where moisturizing and softening is indispensable.

Properly selected oil for erotic massage plays the role of not only an emollient, but also aromatherapy. What you need to consider when choosing it:

  • Partner's skin type (the drier and more sensitive, the more it will be needed);
  • Dimensions of the partner (the larger the surface, the more frequent wetting is needed);
  • Preferred type of massage (general relaxing will require less softening than a long foreplay with stimulation of intimate areas);
  • Preferences of the couple (both partners should like the smell of the massage fluid);
  • The presence of allergic reactions (the essential substances that make up the massage fluid can cause serious irritation and other symptoms of individual intolerance).

Do not use mineral oils as a base. They will not allow essential substances to penetrate through the skin. If you decide to purchase a ready-made massage fluid, you should carefully read its composition.

It should be applied to the skin only when warm. This is due to the fact that the cold liquid has a tonic effect, which is not necessary during a relaxing massage. It is important to remember that ready-made formulations, or those prepared independently using essential substances, cannot be used to stimulate erogenous zones. For this, only basic cosmetics can be used:

  • Almond;
  • From grape seeds;
  • Avocado;
  • apricot;
  • soy;
  • Jojoba;
  • From wheat germ;
  • Agranic;
  • Sesame;
  • Shea.

A good "base" in any case can be considered grape seed extract. Such a base perfectly acts as a lubricant, while at the same time it has healing properties. An additional plus is that such a base has almost no color, as well as a smell, which helps to harmoniously combine with essential substances.

It is worth noting that liquids based on coconut or jojoba extract will not be viscous enough. This means that such a composition will be quite liquid, which means it will end much faster. In this case, most often 7-8 tablespoons of liquid are enough for one massage.

Its acquisition should be part of the preparation for a love game, which means that it is not enough to come to the store and purchase the first massage liquid or cream that comes across. They should combine features such as:

  • Moisturizing and softening the skin;
  • The role of an aphrodisiac.

The relaxation agent should also not be too viscous, as it can stain linen and clothes.

What oil to use for erotic massage

If you want to make such a romantic surprise for your partner and make your sex perfect in every sense, then the important question in this case will be - “what oil is better to use for erotic massage”? When choosing a massage mixture for love games, it is better to give preference to the cooked one. This will allow you to choose the ideal “base”, as well as individually select the combination and proportion of essential components. If you decide to give preference to the finished mixture, you should carefully approach its choice.

In addition to the neutral base, you can use the following aromatic additives:

  • Ylang-ylang;
  • Cardamom;
  • Patchouli;
  • Clary sage;
  • Sandalwood;
  • Neroli (orange blossoms);
  • Cedar;
  • Juniper;
  • Jasmine;
  • Myrtle;
  • Rose;

In addition to these most popular flavors, you can prepare a mixture with such unusual ingredients as:

  • Carnation;
  • Ginger;
  • Bergamot;
  • Cypress;
  • Myrrh;
  • Marjoram;
  • Fir;
  • Muscat;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Geranium.

Such a list will surely give an almost exhaustive answer to the question, and will allow you to include fantasy yourself. To enhance the effect, a few drops of the selected fragrance can be added to the aroma lamp. Simply put, the finished mixture necessarily consists of 2 components:

  • The basis;
  • aromatic additives.

The approximate ratio is 1 teaspoon of the main agent, in which 2 - 3 drops of the aromatic additive are dissolved. If desired, you can not limit yourself to just one smell, but collect an exquisite mix of 4 - 5 smells. At the same time, it is not recommended to combine more than 5 smells, since the resulting aroma may become too “heavy”. Instead of the expected relaxation and sensuality, you can get a banal headache.

The most interesting combinations of sensual aromas:

  • Geranium + rose + cinnamon;
  • Rose oil + geranium + eucalyptus;
  • Grapefruit + rosewood + geranium;
  • Patchouli + ylang-ylang + bergamot;
  • Sandalwood + jasmine + bergamot;
  • Sandalwood + fennel + ylang-ylang + sage;
  • Cinnamon + neroli + bergamot + ylang-ylang + rosemary;
  • Grapefruit + rosemary + ylang-ylang;
  • Clary sage + myrtle + sandalwood;
  • Rose + bergamot + jasmine + sandalwood;
  • Ginger + rose + neroli.

By experimenting with the ratio of drops for each of the extracts and the type of base, you can choose the optimal ratio. It should be borne in mind that the smell of the "base" should not be stronger than any of the additions. If the massage mixture consists of more than 3 components, it is advisable to use grape seed or coconut extract as this.

There are a great many massage techniques, each ancient civilization created unique techniques that subtly affect the state of the mind and body. Massage oils from a pharmacy - why are they more effective than regular ones?

Massage techniques are based on the principles of mechanical action on muscles and ligaments: vibration, stroking, rubbing, pressure and stretching.

To ensure soft touches and improve sliding moment, various base oils are traditionally used in combination with fragrant essential extracts.

Good body massage oil

It should be transparent and have a slightly perceptible smell. It should not contain sediment, suspension or flakes. Such a product is not sufficiently purified and may be harmful. During the massage, the skin warms up, the pores expand, and useful and harmful elements enter the body through them.

Good vegetable oil should not cause allergic reactions (rashes or redness). Does not form a waterproof film on the surface.

Conscientious manufacturers who care about the health of the consumer use dark glass or plastic containers for packaging. This provides protection from sunlight. Instructions are also attached, briefly describing the main properties of the components and the method of applying the mixture. Based on this, you can choose the oil that suits you and your baby.

Pharmacies sell basic and essential components separately, their combinations and ready-made solid masses for massage (they are very convenient in dosing).

Vaseline oil can be found in any pharmacy. This is liquid paraffin, it is hypoallergenic. Excellent for massage, especially for children.
It does not cause irritation, dryness of the skin during prolonged use, and properly selected essential components will help to cope with stretch marks, cellulite and inflammatory skin diseases.

Johnson's Baby and Bubchen developed on the basis of mineral liquid paraffin (vaseline oil) with the addition of organic and essential extracts (calendula, lavender extract, etc.).

A number of pharmacies have production and produce oils under their own brand. Such products are often cheaper than analogues of well-known brands, but in terms of quality they are in no way inferior to them.


On average, the price in pharmacies for 100 ml is from 50 to 100 rubles.
Bulk purchases will cost less, but naturally oil requires a certain temperature and light regime: you need a cool room with no direct sunlight, if possible dark. The refrigerator is ideal for storage.

Weakened split ends are not only an unaesthetic phenomenon, but also a sign of a malfunction in the body. Take away in the article recipes for masks to restore split ends.

Natural sunflower oil contains a lot of opportunities for healing the scalp and hair follicles. Watch a video about the beneficial properties of sunflower oil


Olga, 23 years old.

I started doing massage recently, at first I used ordinary Johnson’s Baby oil, added a few drops of essential oils of lavender, jasmine and fir. Clients liked the smell, and it was a pleasure for me to work - it glides perfectly, everything is absorbed during the massage.

Maxim, 46 years old. I have been a massage therapist for 15 years, I have tried a lot of different oils and massage products, but I have come to the conclusion that it is much more professional to make the mixtures on my own. Sweet almonds and avocados are universal. They have not caused any consequences in any of my clients, they mix easily with each other. I sometimes use aloe oil, but it's hard to find.

Christina, 34 years old. And I made a homemade mixture of mustard and rose oil. All natural, easily absorbed, does not leave a film. Really like. Stretch marks after childbirth smeared with jojoba oil (bought in a pharmacy) with jasmine, mandarin and patchouli. It's only been a month and they're almost invisible.

Artem, 24 years old. My wife asked me to bring Vaseline oil to the hospital. I thought for a long time why she needed it there. And then she explained that doctors advise him to use it for massaging newborns. At home, they smeared everything with them - both crusts on the head, and all kinds of irritations, well, they gave them a massage - it’s nice for my daughter, and we rejoice at the price. Cheap and high quality.

Why overpay if nature has already created the most useful ingredients for balms and masks? Among them is lemon essential oil, which, in addition to many useful properties, has a very pleasant aroma. Learn about the use of lemon essential oil for hair.

For children

Baby skin is very sensitive to irritants, so it is better to use vaseline or sterilized vegetable oil.

To check if it is suitable for a child, you need to massage your hand with a couple of drops and wait from 20 minutes to 1 hour. If there is none, then you can use it.
This is also true for the aromatic components of the massage mixture.

Popular ready-made blends of oils should not cause allergies. Look for the hypoallergenic label on the packaging.

For newborns, you can use olive or sunflower oil, preferably sterilized. It is heated in a water bath for 20 minutes, not brought to a boil, cooled and used for massage.

DIY body massage oil

To make a homemade oil blend, you can use olive, sunflower or vaseline oil. The first two are sold in any store, but it is important to use only odorless (refined) and fully refined oils. The latter will not be difficult to find in a pharmacy.

Pine nut oil is unique, because it has practically no equal in terms of the content of vitamins and other useful properties. The oil is used to treat such common diseases as gastritis, ulcers, various skin diseases, it is necessary for increased mental and physical stress, it is used externally for dry skin, peeling, to restore the hair structure. Learn more about how to apply to strengthen hair.


For 1 tablespoon of base oil, add no more than 6-10 drops of essential oil. This creates a light trail of aromas, rather than an obsessive rough smell.

But to enhance the effect, it is permissible to use a larger amount.

Anti-cellulite oil blends:

  1. to increase blood circulation and improve skin elasticity:
    1. jojoba oil for the base - 1 tbsp. l. ;
    2. geranium essential oil - 3 drops;
    3. grapefruit essential oil - 3 drops.
  2. to effectively reduce the thickness of the fat layer:
    1. grape seed oil;
    2. orange essential oil - 7 drops;
    3. lemon essential oil - 3 drops.
  3. for a warming and tightening effect:
    1. Sesame oil;
    2. essential oil of bergamot - 4 drops;
    3. grapefruit or orange essential oil - 10 drops;
    4. rosemary essential oil - 10 drops.

Everything is mixed in a clean container and applied to the skin with intense movements of anti-cellulite massage.

Intensive moisturizers. Effective for stretch marks:

  1. base oil (any one is suitable, because all vegetable oils contain the necessary substances);
  2. essential oil (5-7 drops each):
    1. chamomile;
    2. lavender;
    3. mint;
    4. verbena;
    5. lemon

Mix in a clean container and use 3-4 times a week.

For an intimate relaxing massage:

  1. oil for sex or for a base (take the one you like best);
  2. essential oils:
    1. rose;
    2. patchouli;
    3. geranium;
    4. ylang-ylang
    5. incense.

It is better to prepare mixtures immediately before the massage procedure. Store blanks in a container with a tight-fitting lid in a dark, cool place.

You can also find out the composition of oil for erotic massage.

It is unacceptable to use only essential oils for massage - they are too concentrated. You need a base to which a few drops of ether are added.

Mustard oil is a useful, and more recently a popular hair care product. Widespread use is due to the content in it of many useful vitamins, minerals, polyunsaturated acids and trace elements. Read reviews on the use of mustard oil for hair growth.

Types of oils for body massage

Relatively recently, on the shelves of cosmetic stores appeared solid oils for body massage.
They are more convenient than their liquid counterparts: excess liquid oil is not aesthetically pleasing - it is not completely absorbed and remains on the skin.
Solid oils are made from the same components:

  • basic (coconut, cocoa, shea (shea) and others);
  • essential oils (grapefruit, rose, lavender, etc.);

But beeswax is added to them, which contributes to the preservation of shape and melting under the influence of the heat of the hands.

Coconut oil is a versatile product that has found application in various areas of life. In addition to cooking and medicine, this remedy is also successfully used in cosmetology, in particular, for the preparation of hair masks.
Learn recipes for strengthening hair.

Which one to choose

The most commonly used carrier oils have proven themselves well.

They have a softening and moisturizing effect, are well absorbed and do not form a water- and airtight film on the surface of the skin.

  • olive- for normal oily skin.
  • coconut
  • Almond(from sweet almonds) - for sensitive skin.
  • Avocado. Has a calming effect.
  • Jojoba. Softens irritated skin.
  • From calendula- has an antiseptic effect.
  • From grape seeds- Moisturizes and nourishes the skin.
  • Sesame- Suitable for all skin types.
  • peach- for delicate skin.
  • shea butter- gently nourishes and softens.
  • mustard- Saturates the skin with vitamins.

How to choose oil

When buying oil in a pharmacy, you need to pay attention to the packaging.

Natural vegetable oil can be stored for a long time only in dark packaging (plastic or glass). It should be homogeneous, without granules and sediment.

When choosing mineral oil, keep in mind that they are suitable for rare use - 3-5 times a month. With frequent use, they cause dryness and flaking of the skin.
Unlike natural, they are absolutely hypoallergenic.
Natural ingredients (including essential oils) must be handled carefully: they are unlikely to cause a serious allergic reaction, but they can provoke discomfort, burning and a rash.

Each technique of manual exposure implies certain results. Some procedures are aimed at treating diseases, others are designed for relaxation, others help to correct the contour of the body and get rid of flaws. Oil for massage at home is selected in accordance with some rules. Its different types differ in composition, purpose of use and effect.

Types of natural massage oils

Oil mixtures are used during procedures for two purposes. On the one hand, they enhance the effectiveness of the sessions, on the other hand, they ensure that the hand slides over the skin, eliminating excessive friction. The use of massage oil makes the process of the technique comfortable not only for the patient, but also for the massage therapist. Each tool has a certain composition, which affects the scope of its application. There are two categories of oils for massage treatments - basic and essential.


Some types of oils are considered ideal for use as a massage base. They are able to moisturize, tone the skin and have a cosmetic effect. Such funds are used for wrapping, various types of massage procedures (anti-cellulite, relaxing, wellness). You can reduce the time spent looking for base oil by opting for professional products (for example, the Weleda brand).

Traditional base oils are:

  • with apricot pits (ideal for cosmetic procedures);
  • with avocado extract (prevents the aging process, improves skin elasticity);
  • argan (prevents age-related changes in the skin, normalizes the process of cell regeneration);
  • jojoba (eliminates oily sheen);
  • wild rose (eliminates irritation, returns smoothness, elasticity);
  • olive (normalizes blood circulation, relieves dryness, helps restore elasticity);
  • grape (restores the water balance of the skin, restores firmness, elasticity);
  • coconut (additionally has an anti-inflammatory effect);
  • corn (universal remedy, practically odorless);
  • almond (promotes the regeneration of the skin).


Aromatic massage products are more difficult to choose than the base. Different types of essential oils have individual properties. In order for the session to become effective, it is necessary to properly prepare the mixture, taking into account the composition of each of the selected products. There are essential components for cellulite, to provide a relaxing effect or skin rejuvenation. This oil is suitable for Thai massage.

Types of essential oils suitable for massage:

  • orange (antidepressant, antiviral, antibacterial agent, combined with the essential components of juniper, lavender, sandalwood, sage, is included in the category of "essential oils for cellulite");
  • with rosemary (anti-inflammatory, tonic effect on the body, considered curative);
  • tea tree (has a number of powerful properties, is used in massage practice and cosmetology);
  • with bergamot (has healing properties, strengthens the immune system);
  • sandalwood (differs in a rich aroma, has a calming and relaxing effect);
  • lemon (has an immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, calming effect, normalizes memory and brain function);
  • jasmine (it has a special effect on the hormonal background, tones the skin, improves mood);
  • peach (used in aromatherapy, has calming and relaxing properties);
  • with grapefruit (improves mood, increases vitality).

What is the best massage oil

Modern manufacturers present a wide range of products for massage procedures, but you can prepare an effective oil for a session yourself. For example, based on castor, linseed or sunflower oil. For 60 ml of the base product, you need to use a few drops of the essential component. A small amount of any herbal decoction will help to change the consistency of the mixture.

For face

Massage oils go well with additional components. To give the skin of the face a healthy appearance or get rid of problems, it is recommended to add a few drops of lemon or ground pepper to the main remedy. As a base, oils with extracts of rosemary, orange, bergamot, rose, chamomile or other natural ingredients have a special effect. Find out what it is, how to do it correctly.

For body

Universal massage tools perform several functions at the same time. They are suitable for home use. Relaxing and tonic properties are distinguished by creams and oils, which include extracts of rose, jasmine, ginger, basil, sage, chamomile. When massaging the body, you can use both basic and essential products.

The skin on different parts of the body is different. Almost any kind of means is suitable for back massage. If manual exposure is carried out on the chest and décolleté area, then mixtures of basic and essential products with the maximum effect of rejuvenation, restoring skin elasticity, which will not only correct the zone, but also make it healthier and more attractive.

Against cellulite and for weight loss

Massage has a complex effect on the body. If the purpose of the procedures is to get rid of cellulite or lose weight, then it is recommended to use specialized oils. Specialists allocate funds, which include essential components of lime, orange, juniper, fennel. Such ingredients enhance lymph flow and normalize the circulatory system.

How to choose massage oil in a pharmacy

When studying the assortment of a store or other point of sale of massage oils, one must take into account the quality of the products, the intended effect and the characteristics indicated by the manufacturer. The composition of the product should include vitamins and natural natural ingredients. Essential oils cannot be used in their pure form, they must be diluted with additional ingredients. Such mixtures are well suited for taking a relaxing bath.

Basic rules for choosing oil for massage:

  1. If the massage procedure is supposed to be done to a child or a newborn, then essential components should be used with caution. The ideal option in this case is Johnson Baby massage oil or a special cream. Specialists in the pharmacy can advise other quality products that can soothe and relax the baby.
  2. When choosing a body oil, one must take into account the type of skin (dry, oily, combination). This factor must be compared with the recommendations on the packages.
  3. If the purpose of the purchase is anti-cellulite oil, then information about this effect must be found when studying the list of indications or recommendations from the manufacturer.
  4. In the absence of knowledge or experience, it is better to give preference to products labeled "professional massage oil".
  5. Baby massage oil is considered universal. You can use it at any age. It is believed that such a remedy is one of the safest, does not cause allergies and solves many skin problems.

Video: what oil is used for massage

The components that make up the products for manual action on the body and skin have general and individual effects. About what kind of oil to massage the face, body and specific problem areas, is described in the video. The modern assortment is diverse and it is difficult for the average buyer to make a choice. A trip to the pharmacy can be hours of reading formulas and instructions. After watching the video, the problem will be fixed. You will know which tool to purchase for a specific problem.

The word "massage" has many analogies in different languages ​​of the world.

Its roots can be found in Greek, Latin, French (massage - rub) and other languages.

Massage is preventive and therapeutic, prescribed in accordance with the syndrome of the disease.

Practice has shown that it is most effective to carry out massage according to the biological clock, as well as in accordance with the weekly, monthly or annual cycle.

According to the place of influence, massage is divided into massage of reflex points; massage of reflex zones (hands, feet, outer ear, etc.); linear massage (along the meridians).

According to the methods of influence, massage happens:

1) without the use of tools and medicinal substances (massage directly with the hands, sometimes with the feet of the massage therapist);
2) with the use of tools, various medicinal substances and compositions: a metal applicator; a rod or a copper stick with a rounded end or a ball at the end (diameter 25 mm); special devices; using essential oils, vegetable and animal fats, etc.

Almost all parts of the human body can be used for massage. Many years of medical practice of oriental physicians made it possible to identify the most active of them.

Human skin has a huge number of nerve receptors, the accumulations of which in certain places form the so-called biologically active points, and sometimes entire zones, which are known in medical practice as reflex. These zones have a primary connection with certain organs and parts of the body.

One of the most accessible and used healing methods in the East since ancient times is acupressure. The action of the massage is based on improving the blood supply to both the zone itself and the organ subordinate to it by transmitting an impulse from the zone to the organ through the nerve fibers, as well as through the eastern meridian system. In the mechanism of therapeutic effect on vital points are complex reflex physiological processes.

biologically active point- this is a small limited area of ​​the skin and subcutaneous tissue, in which there are complexes of interconnected structures of the vessels of the microvasculature, nerves, connective tissue cells, due to which a depot of biologically active substances is created that have a corresponding effect on the nerve terminals, and connections are formed between the point and the internal organ .

Meridian- this is a system of points connected with the internal organs with the help of nerves and blood vessels, which has a regulatory function and unites the physiological functions of the skin and the whole organism.

Massage with essential oils

Studies have shown that massage with the use of various substances has not only an effect on the type of skin-visceral reflex, but also an effect caused by biologically active components contained in these substances, which significantly stimulates the metabolic process (metabolism).

Such a massage normalizes microcirculation, affects the permeability of cell membranes, which, in turn, improves tissue respiration and promotes the removal of toxins, and as a result, leads to the normalization of the functions of all body systems.

Massage using essential oils should be considered the most common and effective procedure that combines two methods of exposure - the massage itself and the inhalation of oils. At the same time, it leads to results that cannot be obtained by any other modern chemical drugs that have a large number of side effects (Scheme 5).

Scheme 5. The mechanism of action of massage with aromatic oils

The external influence of essential oils on active points, zones, meridians sets in motion a complex mechanism of body responses. Biologically active substances of essential oils, penetrating through the skin and respiratory tract, are quickly absorbed by the body thanks to those amazing processes that ancient Chinese medicine calls the movement of vital energy qi.

Even in the days of hoary antiquity, people noted that in diseases of the internal organs, the skin does not stand aside. It seems to signal the violations that occur in the body. In some cases, the signals appear simultaneously with the disease, in others - before the onset of the disease. Therefore, according to the condition of the skin, additional diagnostic information can be obtained, which helps to better carry out the massage procedure, preventing or eliminating functional disorders that exist in the human body.

Massage in aromatherapy is used to facilitate the penetration of essential oils into the body and to enhance their healing effects. It promotes muscle relaxation, allowing freer circulation of blood and lymph, and also relieves mental stress. The healing power of essential oils greatly enhances the effectiveness of this procedure.

Aromatherapy massage increases energy, relieves symptoms caused by stress, relieves pain, improves skin condition. Thanks to him, a person gains lost peace of mind, freeing himself from negative emotions - fear, hatred, anger, jealousy, sadness and longing.

Furnishings and equipment

For aromatic massage, it is important to create a comfortable atmosphere in which you can relax as much as possible and concentrate on the procedure. Only in this case, you can be sure that during the session there will be a free movement of the healing energy of qi, which will lead to the harmony of yin-yang inside the body, balancing the physical, psychological and emotional state of a person.

Peace and quiet, warm and clean air, pleasant lighting, pastel colors of the interior of the room, the absence of external extraneous irritants, and perhaps some touches that show your imagination will help create all the necessary conditions for this.

All items needed for a massage- wide soft towels, pillows, prepared aromatic mixture of pure natural oils - arrange so that they can be taken without interrupting the massage.

It is good to massage on the floor covered with a hard and elastic finishing material, since most beds have too soft and wide surfaces, which makes it difficult to massage.

Preparation of the composition

Pure essential oils- These are strong concentrated substances that, undiluted, can cause skin irritation. Therefore, as a rule, a few drops of essential oil are diluted in a base oil (transport oil), which is used as sunflower, soybean, corn, peanut, olive, peach, almond, coconut, avocado, hazelnut, jojoba and others.

The consumption of essential oil depends on its main characteristics and properties (volatility, toxicity, etc.), as well as the condition and reactivity of the skin of a particular person. Therefore, at the beginning of the procedure, it is better to use the minimum amount of essential oil. If no adverse reactions occur at low dosages, then its concentration can be gradually increased, without exceeding, however, the maximum allowable norms.

For the massage procedure, from 10 to 20 ml of an aromatic mixture is required, in the preparation of which the proportion of essential oil can be from 1 to 3%.

Therefore, the following proportions are usually adhered to:

3-4 drops of essential oil per 10 ml (2 teaspoons or one dessert spoon) of neutral carrier oil;
4-5 drops of essential oil per 15 ml (3 teaspoons or one tablespoon) neutral carrier oil;
7-10 drops of essential oil per 20 ml (4 teaspoons or 2 dessert spoons) neutral carrier oil.

Massage technique

Massage of reflex points and zones can be carried out with hands, a rod and other objects with a rounded end (ball) with a diameter of 2-5 mm, or use special massage devices.

During the massage, the basic techniques of traditional Chinese massage tui-na are used - stroking, rubbing, pressing, tapping, rotation, flexion, extension and others.

They are performed in accordance with the yin-yang rule with the help of multidirectional movements - forward - backward, deep - outward, rotation to the right - left, expansion - narrowing of space and depth of impact:

Tui reception - stroking; massage technique - light, soft or strong irritation;
reception on-tion - pinching; massage technique - strong pressure on a point until intense pain is obtained; act by grasping the underlying muscles;
reception zhu - rotation; massage technique - light, soft or strong circular motion; produce at a certain pace, accompanied by some pressure on the point;
on-chia reception - intermittent pressure; massage technique - strong irritation of the point with intermittent pressure until intense pain appears;
reception yao - tension and rotation; massage is carried out with two hands: one fixes the proximal part of the joint, the other produces tension and passive movements in the joint with a gradual increase in the range of motion;
reception uzen - vibration; massage technique - strong pressure with vibration on a point or zone;
mu and ka techniques - stroking and rubbing a point; massage technique - stroking, gradually turning into friction with light, soft or strong pressure.

The body is sensitive to tactile stimulation. Therefore, never rush when performing an aromatic massage. Cover with a towel the part of the body that you will not massage. Put a few drops of oil on your palm (it should not be much, it should not drain), rub hand in hand to warm them up and evenly distribute the oil on the surface of the palms.

Before starting the massage, it is necessary to warm up the tissues and muscles of the entire surface of the intended massage area. This is done with light movements - stroking and rubbing. The first movements in the body are measured and smooth. Your hands are gentle and warm, touches are pleasant, causing positive emotions.

After warming movements, they move on to massage individual zones or biologically active points. Massage points should be done on the right and left sides of the body, as the points of the main meridians are symmetrical. When working with the anteromedial and posterior median meridians, which do not have paired points, the impact is made only on one point of the meridian.

Preventive massage is carried out daily for 1-3 minutes at each point. For medicinal purposes, the time of massage with essential oils is increased to 3-5 minutes. During the massage, the projection zones of diseased organs will be especially painful. The total duration of the massage should not exceed 40 minutes. After the massage, you need to cover yourself with something warm (a blanket, a blanket) and rest for 40-60 minutes. Do not go outside and avoid drafts.

Recommended massage course- 7-14 days, the duration of which depends on the goals (preventive or curative) or the severity of the disease state. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated. During the course of the course, the treatment regimen does not change.

Despite the apparent simplicity and accessibility of the method, before starting a treatment and prophylactic course, it is necessary to clarify the group of meridians (projections of points) to be affected.

What could be better than an aromatherapy massage performed using fragrant essential oils? Such a procedure not only relaxes and pacifies - a massage using aromatic oils has a beneficial effect on the skin and olfactory organs, in addition, by inhaling the pleasant aroma of essential oils, the mood improves and tone increases.

If an aromatic bath is the most pleasant procedure in aromatherapy, then aroma massage is the most effective. The technique of body massage using essential oils is somewhat different from the technique of classical or any other massage - this will be discussed below.

How blends of aromatic essential oils are prepared for body massage

Massage essential oil blends are prepared in much the same way as aromatic bath blends. Essential oil is never used in its pure form. It is always added to the base vegetable oil - olive, corn, almond or any other. You can also use a ready-made massage cream by adding a few drops to it.

During the first procedures, the concentration of essential oil should be minimal - 2-3 drops per 12-15 ml of the base. Gradually increasing the amount of essential oil, it must be brought to normal - 6-8 drops.

Sometimes in recipes for massage mixtures, not the number of drops of essential oil is indicated, but its percentage. In this case, it must be remembered that to obtain a 0.5% mixture, you will need 1-2 drops of essential oil per 10 ml, to obtain 1% - 2-3 drops, 2% - 5-6 drops, and 3% - 8-9 drops.

The massage mixture is best prepared immediately before use. But this, of course, requires additional time costs.

Therefore, a mixture for massage according to aromatherapy recipes can be prepared immediately for the course, but without preservatives, it will be stored for no more than a month. But preservatives can increase its shelf life up to 2-3 months. One of the most popular preservatives is jojoba oil, and very little is required - only 5-6 drops for the entire volume of the prepared mixture.

Rules for massage with aromatherapy oils

So that massage with aromatherapy oils does not harm, in addition to the above, you must follow a few simple rules:

  1. For greater benefit, the composition of the massage mixture should contain not one, but several essential oils.
  2. The aroma of essential oils should be pleasant and not irritating.
  3. On the day of the aromatic massage, it is better not to use perfume, eau de toilette and scented cosmetics.
  4. Before embarking on aroma or self-massage using essential oils, you should definitely do a tolerance test.
  5. You need to start with a 0.5% mixture, then gradually increase the concentration of essential oils in it to 2–3%, and reduce it to 1% by the end of the course.
  6. It is recommended to perform aroma massage of the body, especially anti-cellulite, after a bath or bath - warmed skin is more susceptible to the effects of essential oils. Immediately before the massage session, the skin should be wiped dry with a towel.
  7. Massage is best done on a massage table, but if one is not available, you can use a special cotton futon mattress or a regular blanket, which is best folded in half. To protect their surface from oil stains, you need to lay a large terry towel on a table, mattress or blanket, and put a few napkins nearby to wash the massage mixture from your hands. Here, nearby, you should put a shallow container with a massage mixture. The depth of the container determines how convenient it is to collect the mixture from it. However, the container should not be placed on a table or mattress, as any awkward movement may cause it to tip over.
  8. The optimum temperature for the room where the massage is performed is 22-24 C.
  9. Aroma massage with oils requires a special environment - calm, pacifying. You can create it with the help of appropriate music, subdued light, lit aroma candles or an aroma lamp.
  10. Do not massage with cold hands. Before the start of the session, they must be warmed up - rubbed against each other or attached to something warm.
  11. After the massage, the oil should not be washed off the body - it should be completely absorbed.
  12. After the end of the aroma massage session, you need to lie down, cover yourself with a blanket so that the body retains heat for as long as possible, and lie down like this for about half an hour.
  13. An hour before the massage and within 2 hours after it, it is recommended not to eat or drink. Only immediately after the procedure, you can drink a cup of herbal tea.
  14. So that the massage mixture prepared for the entire course does not deteriorate and does not lose its beneficial properties, it should be stored in a dark, dry and cool place.

What essential oils can be massaged and recipes, how to mix them with your own hands

Aromatic massage can be done with almost any essential oils recommended for aromatic baths - juniper, cypress, cardamom, rosemary, grapefruit, geranium, tangerine, green tea, ginger, etc.

However, the undisputed leaders are orange and lemon oils.

The choice of essential oil for massage directly depends on the problem that is supposed to get rid of with the help of massage.

So, for a firming massage, pine, cedar, eucalyptus and rosemary oils are best suited, for restorative massage - bergamot, petitgrain and geranium, for sports - nutmeg, cinnamon, rosemary and mint oils, for cosmetic - geranium, rosewood and cedar, for warming - rosemary oil, and for the erotic - ylang-ylang, patchouli and bergamot.

If you are new to using essential oils, you should definitely start with tried and tested recipes, and as you gain experience, you can begin to compose your own compositions with the oils that work best for you and the scent you like. However, in this case, be sure to take into account the characteristics of your skin. So, for oily skin, the most useful oil is lavender, cypress, geranium and lemon, for dry and sensitive skin - jasmine, rose, neroli, chamomile.

With a tendency to allergic reactions, it is necessary to add chamomile oil to the massage mixture, and for stretch marks, use grapefruit, rosemary and sage oil.

Before mixing essential oils for massage, check out the recipes below.

Recipe 1.

After adding 7 drops of petitgrain oil and 4 drops of fennel oil to 30 ml of grape seed base oil, rub the resulting mixture into the abdomen with smooth circular motions clockwise until the oil is completely absorbed. Massage with oils according to this recipe allows you to make the waist thinner, and the skin on the abdomen - smooth and elastic.

For massage at home, you can use recipes for other mixtures:

  1. In a base of 20 ml of jojoba oil and 10 ml of grape seed oil, add 3 drops of grapefruit oil, 2 drops of vetiver and lemon oils, and 1 drop of geranium and juniper.
  2. Add 4-5 drops of orange, juniper, cypress, rosemary and geranium oils to the base of 30 ml of jojoba oil and 20 ml of grape seed oil.
  3. In 30 ml of grape seed base oil, add 5 drops of grapefruit oil and 3 drops each of rosemary and juniper. You can enhance the effect of the mixture by replacing rosemary oil with lemon.
  4. In 50 ml of olive oil, add 5 drops of lavender oil and 3 drops each of bergamot and rose.
  5. In a base of 10 ml of jojoba oil and 10 ml of wheat germ oil, add 5 drops of orange oil and 1-2 drops of cedar.
  6. In 20 ml of jojoba base oil, add 2 drops of bergamot and geranium oils and 1 drop of juniper, rose and sweet dill.
  7. In 20 ml of olive oil, add 2 drops of mandarin oil and 1 drop each of cypress, ginger and peppermint oils.

Recipe 2.

A strong rejuvenating and smoothing effect on the skin has a mixture of massage oils, prepared by oneself according to the following recipe: mix 2 drops of neroli oil, 2 drops of lavender oil and 2 drops of tangerine oil. As a base, it is best to use 5 ml of wheat germ oil.

What essential oils are used for anti-cellulite massage in aromatherapy

A versatile blend that can be used in almost all weight loss treatments and added to all skin care products, including massage cream, is easy to make at home. To do this, mix 10 drops of bergamot and grapefruit oils, 8 drops of geranium oil, 5 drops of nutmeg and tea tree oils and 3 drops of cinnamon.

As a basis for the massage mixture, you can use honey, which in itself has a beneficial effect on the skin. A wonderful mixture for anti-cellulite massage with essential oils can be obtained by adding 5-6 drops of orange oil to 50 ml of honey. This mixture should be warmed in the hands and applied to problem areas, firmly pressing and gently tearing the palms away from the skin.

The course of anti-cellulite massage with essential oils is 15 sessions every other day for a month.

The basic techniques of the simplest self-massage and aroma massage video

The main difference between aromatherapy massage and classical massage is that all techniques are performed more gently. Its main goal is to evenly distribute the essential oil over the surface of the skin and ensure its more complete penetration through the pores into the deeper layers of the skin. Aroma massage, as well as classical, is carried out in three stages. At the initial stage, light stroking is performed, preparing the body for the main massage. The duration of the introductory stage is 1-3 minutes. This is followed by the actual massage, quite intense and aimed at solving a specific problem. It lasts from 5 to 20 minutes. At the final stage, lasting 1-3 minutes, the intensity of movements gradually decreases, which allows you to relieve tension and ease possible discomfort that arose during the massage.

This is interesting! Many essential oils are attributed magical properties. So, jasmine oil is an essential component of love potions. It is also believed that cypress oil protects against misfortune, lavender attracts the attention of men, and almonds bring money, mint brings success in business, and rose in love.

There are four main methods of aromatic self-massage- stroking, rotating, pinching and kneading.


Massage begins and ends with stroking. In addition, stroking is performed at the end of each massage. The massage mixture should be poured into the palms, warmed up in them, rubbing the palms against one another, and spread over the skin with slow sliding movements from the periphery to the heart.


The next technique is rotation - circular movements with a slight, gradually increasing pressure. Its purpose is to rub the massage mixture into the skin. The reception can be performed both with one and two hands, and in large areas - the back, abdomen, hips - rotation is performed with the entire palm, and in small areas - with the tips of the index, ring and middle fingers.


Pinching is the same stroking with the tips of the index, ring and middle fingers with a slight pinching.

The reception is performed with increasing speed of movements, the hands should be completely relaxed, the fingers should barely touch the skin. It is important to ensure that there is no pain. Massage should be enjoyable and enjoyable.


The impact on the muscles is carried out by kneading. The whole hand captures the muscle, squeezing it and pulling it back. The reception is performed several times on each muscle group, but each time the area of ​​capture, the force of impact and the angle of retraction change. This technique requires some caution - the impact should be strong enough, but not painful. At home, it is more convenient to carry out self-massage using aromatic oils - so you can not depend on anyone and do it at any time convenient for you.

Immediately, you need to make a reservation that to perform the simplest self-massage techniques, you can not use either washcloths or special brushes, no matter how convenient they are. Self-massage with essential oils should be done only with your hands.

The biggest concern for obese (and not so obese) people is belly fat, and that is what everyone wants to get rid of in the first place.

If we consider this problem from the point of view of self-massage, then it is most convenient to do abdominal massage yourself. To do this, lie on your back, bend your knees and be sure to slightly tighten your abdominal muscles. Since the massage will be performed with pressure, tense abdominal muscles will protect the organs in the abdominal cavity from it.

Massage should begin with light stroking in a clockwise direction, and then gradually increase the pressure. In this case, the pressing force should correspond to the thickness of body fat - the larger it is, the stronger the pressure. In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it in order to avoid the occurrence of painful sensations.

After stroking, you should proceed to kneading, which is also performed clockwise. You need to start kneading on the right. With circular movements performed with pressure, it is necessary to rise to the ribs and go to the left side of the abdomen. After going through a few circles, you need to go back to stroking, but not clockwise, but from the periphery to the navel. Then, if there is a lot of fat on the stomach, you should proceed to rolling - with the edge of the palm of one hand, press on the stomach, and with the other hand, move the fat fold and knead it. The reception ends with stroking.

The next step is pushing.- very effective and promotes active breakdown of fat cells and optimization of the digestion process. With the left hand, you should strongly press on the stomach, and with the right hand, push towards the left hand. This movement must be repeated at least six times.

The last step is sawing. The palms need to be connected, placed with an edge on the stomach and perform sawing movements back and forth with them.

The massage ends with stroking.

To better understand how aroma massage is performed, watch this video: