Avars men what they are. History, traditions and customs of the Avars - the largest nation of Dagestan

The Republic of Dagestan is a huge community of various indigenous peoples, the most numerous of which are the Avars. This people largely shaped the national identity of the region, having a serious impact on its culture. The history and fate of the Avar people is inseparably linked with the history of the Land of Mountains.

A Brief History of the Origin of the Avars

Sometimes you can hear the question: “What kind of nation is this - an Avar?” According to one version, the representatives of the ethnic group are descendants of the Avars and the self-name of the nation came from the name of "Avar" - the great ruler of the Sarir state. However, according to other ethnographers, this was the name of the inhabitants of the Khunzakh plateau, where the Avar Khanate was located.

Today, representatives of this can be found in any region of our country. This is due to the fact that the Avars are the largest ethnic group living on the territory of modern Dagestan.

The number of Avars in the territory of Dagestan alone is about 100 thousand people. In fact, there are many more of them, since the Avars live not only in the cities of central Russia, but also abroad - in,. You can meet Avars in many other former republics of the USSR, and even in Turkey. But, of course, they live centrally in Dagestan, making up about a third of the entire population of the region.

According to some chronicles (for example, the Georgian "Kartlis tskhovreba"), the Avars once owned vast lands, starting from the Volga and the Caspian Sea, and ending. Like it or not, today it is difficult to say. Historians are still arguing about the origin of the Avars. As noted above, most researchers attribute them to the descendants of the Avars, a warlike people who came to the territory of the Caucasus in the 5th-6th centuries.

Some of them went further, to Europe, and some tribes settled here and gradually assimilated with those peoples who inhabited these lands from ancient times. Ethnically close to the Avars are the Ando-Tsez peoples, which indicates the interpenetration of languages ​​and cultures.

Scientists, based on research data, find some connection between the Eurasian Avars and those Avars who live today on. Nothing can be definitely stated, since a mixture of ethnic groups is traditionally observed in this region, and the Avarian people themselves are rather poorly studied genetically. However, it can be said that their history directly began with the period of the creation of the state of Sarir, which existed from the 6th to the 11th centuries in.

The Sarir state was strong and large, it bordered on the Georgian principalities, on Khazaria and. The ancient Avars were quite a warlike people. Their main political and territorial opponents were the Khazars. Often they met with numerous armies in heavy battles.

In the VIII-IX centuries, Sarir was under the rule of the Arabs, then regained its independence. After that, the Avars participated in the wars against Shirvan - small regional state formations. In the 10th century, it was a very powerful state and even dictated its terms to its neighbors. Good relations with Alanya largely contributed to this success.

The collapse of integrity occurred at the end of the 11th century. This happened due to internal contradictions, primarily on religious grounds. The inhabitants of Sarir were mostly Christians, but Khazar Judaism, Arab Islam and paganism of small nationalities led to strong disagreements and weakened the country. As a result, the western territory broke away from Sarir, and the state itself broke up into independent territories, including the Avar Khanate.

In the XIII century, the Avars were forced to resist the Mongols, who were going to conquer the mountainous parts. After that, an alliance of tributaries was concluded between the Avar state and the Golden Horde. Apparently, these periods (relationships first with the Arabs, then with the Mongols) also influenced not only the mentality, but in many respects also their appearance.

It is worth looking at the photos of the Avars to see certain Middle Eastern features in their faces, and in some cases, distant Asian ones. In addition, another period also contributed to the formation of the appearance and character of the Avars: in the 18th century, Avaria fell under the rule of the Persians.

It is worth noting that they were not going to accept new rulers and offered desperate resistance to the Iranians. Despite all the efforts made, Persia was never able to completely break the independence of this people, as a result of which the Iranian commander Nadir Shah only weakened his own military power and achieved, to a certain extent, a decrease in influence on other peoples of Persia itself.

As for the Iranian troops, then, according to documents of that time and modern historians, not all Persians left the Caucasus - many of them remained here and replenished the population of Chechnya.

The end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th centuries became a turning point in the history of the people, since Russia came to the Caucasus. At that time, the Avar state was already tired of the constant claims to its independence from the Persians and Turks. At first, St. Petersburg made the same mistakes as other parties who wanted to extend their area of ​​attention to these territories.

The first years of Russian expansion were in many ways similar to the Persian, which caused the rejection of the new authorities by the highlanders. Ultimately, this led to . He stood up to protect the interests of his people, and became the most famous and memorable battle. Unfortunately, most of the Avar population in the battle was killed by the tsarist troops.

The Russian leadership drew the right conclusions: it changed tactics and began to do everything to make its patronage an attractive factor for the inhabitants of the region. As a result, this tactic paid off. The Avar elite realized that Petersburg, leaving it a certain freedom of action, offers protection of the entire territory from invasions and ruin from Iran and Turkey. By the beginning of the 19th century, most of Dagestan became part of the Russian Empire.

At the same time, some part of the population still did not accept the new order and sought to leave. It is rather difficult to say how many Avars left their native lands and moved to live closer to Istanbul. However, today about 55,000 Avars live in Turkey.

Traditions, customs and life of the people

The centuries-old history, as well as the freedom-loving disposition of the Avars, allowed them to preserve their own customs and traditions. In many ways, they are similar to the Caucasian peoples. But there are also some features inherent only to them, concerning, first of all, the ethics of behavior.

Respectful appeal to elders is the main ethical tradition of the Avars. Moreover, the elders still play the leading role at the people's gatherings when making any decision. The more authoritative the elder, the more opportunities he has to make his vote decisive.

In addition, strict observance of etiquette when communicating is among the customs. For example, if male Avars talk among themselves, they comply with certain conditions of the age limit. The younger, having greeted the elder, is obliged to take two steps back and maintain this distance throughout the conversation. If a woman communicates with a man, then this distance becomes even greater and reaches two meters.

Avar traditions in everything related to communication are quite chaste, and the representatives of the ethnic group themselves are courteous. At the same time, folk traditions do not bypass the holding of various holidays - here the already mentioned chastity and courtesy are emphasized by the brightness of costumes and festive ceremonies.

It is worth visiting the wedding of the Avars to make sure - this is one of the most colorful spectacles. Here, according to tradition, the inhabitants of the entire village gather. During the first day, the fun takes place in the house of one of the groom's friends, and the guests should organize the table. Only on the second day the wedding takes place in the house where the groom lives, and in the evening the bride wrapped in a wedding veil is brought here. On the third day, gifts are given and traditional dishes are eaten, including the obligatory porridge.

By the way, the Avars have a wedding, only they steal here not the bride, but the groom. This is carried out by the bridesmaids, so the groom's friends must vigilantly ensure that he is not kidnapped.

Like others, the Avars still adhere to the custom of blood feud. Of course, today this tradition is a thing of the past, but in distant mountain villages it can still be practiced today. In the old days, it captured entire families, and the reason could be abduction, murder, as well as desecration of family shrines.

At the same time, the Avars are hospitable people. The guest here is always the main person in the house, and they are always ready for the arrival of even unexpected guests, leaving food for them at lunch or dinner.

Common Caucasian traditions are also manifested in national clothes. The most common outerwear for men is the beshmet, in winter it was insulated with a lining. A shirt is put on under the beshmet, a big hat serves as a headdress. As for women's costumes, they are quite diverse.

Avar women wear clothes decorated with local ethnic elements - by the decorations, the colors of the headscarf, the patterns, you can guess which village the woman comes from. At the same time, married and elderly women prefer clothes in muted shades, but girls are allowed to dress up more brightly.

Culture of the dominant nation of Dagestan

The Avars, like others, made a great contribution to Russia. First of all, it is folk art. The performances of national bands are always a great success with the audience. The songs of the Avars are very poetic and melodious. The rich possibilities of the language and the national musical flavor are equally widely used here. Therefore, to listen to how they sing, there are always a lot of listeners.

National holidays are no less colorful. Each such festival becomes the brightest spectacle. Here, songs, and dances, and bright costumes - everything merges into one. It is worth mentioning that the Avars, like other local peoples, know how to amuse themselves and others. They are quite sharp on the tongue and are well aware of the peculiarities of their mentality. Therefore, according to experts, jokes about the Avars are composed by representatives of this people themselves.

Bright, melodious and full of poetic turns is their language, which belongs to the Nakh-Dagestan group of languages. At the same time, it has many local dialects. In many ways, this phenomenon reflects the features of the Avar history, when free societies of the highlanders arose.

Nevertheless, although they live in different parts of the earth, they can always understand each other. There are also common linguistic and cultural traditions that are identical for the entire Avaria. For example, many are interested in why the Avars treat wolves with special reverence. This is because the wolf is considered a symbol of courage and nobility. Therefore, the image of the wolf is repeatedly sung in folklore and in literature.

Famous Avarian writers made a great contribution to the culture of Russia. Among them, of course, is one of the most famous. It was he who created a kind of anthem, composing the poem "Song of the Avars". Since then, this work has become the unofficial anthem of the people. The poetess Fazu Aliyeva also brought glory to the Avars.

Achievements of athletes are also known - first of all, Jamal Azhigirey, master of sports in wu-shu, 12-time European champion, as well as a UFC professional in MMA (he is the world champion).

Today, the Avar nationality speaks volumes. This is a proud and independent people, which over the course of many centuries of its development has repeatedly proved that it can fight for its own freedom. Despite the fact that they were once considered warlike, the Avars have developed cattle breeding and agriculture, various crafts. At many national festivals, expositions of traditional carpets, caskets, dishes, and jewelry are created.

I am Russian, and I fell in love with an Avar! All was good. I loved everything that was in it. Loved all the pros and cons. I changed for him. I made many sacrifices for him.
It all started with the fact that he left for Dagestan. We called up. Everything was fine. We fought a lot, but put up! But once we quarreled, and "forgot" to make peace!
He arrived. We didn't talk.
I have a best friend. She had just arrived from Pyatigorsk. And in spite of me, he offered her friendship. She asked if I would mind if she agreed. I said NO, and that was my fatal mistake. They started chatting. It was all open. They talked, and I suffered!
2 weeks have passed. I was dying of loneliness and grief.
One fine day he called. We started talking.
It turned out that we reconciled. I thought he was only mine now, but I was wrong. He messed with both. I said I didn't like it. He said one thing, it would be over soon, he just didn't want to hurt the girl too much. As time went. We had to hide from everyone. I suffered. She found out that I was talking to him. We quarreled with her! We didn't talk. He continued to mess with both.
We parted with him many times because of her. We reconciled.
As time went........
We talked like that for half a year. Three of us. I loved him so much that I forgave everything. Cheating, lies. I shed so many tears. How many I have never shed.
Time was running out for summer. I was so fed up with everything that I broke up with him. Due to the fact that "my friend" tried to commit suicide, I believed that it was all because of me. I stepped aside. We made peace with her. For her sake, I was left without my beloved. I sacrificed my love.......
Time passed, and the wounds in my heart did not heal. They got even deeper. After all, their relationship was all the time in my mind. I suffered.
And she didn't care either...
They didn't care......They were fine. But she tried more than once to leave life. My departure did not change ANYTHING!
It's been a long time. We reconciled with him again ....... Stupid, I know ..... But I could no longer live without him.
He again walked on two fronts. All their fights were my fault. Everyone thought so. His mother, sister.... They cursed me..... I didn't listen to anyone....... I went ahead.....
We met NG in a quarrel. We didn't talk after that.
But he called again...
We buried the hatchets.........
At that time I already lived in the city. Studied. He came to me. Again, a secret from everyone.
Every time I said I didn't like it. He said that soon everything will be fine..........
I waited........
He explained everything that was happening by the fact that he wants to take revenge on her. For what, I still did not understand .....
I heard around that they were in love ...... But I pretended not to hear ....
As time went......
I find out that they really have love .... And I realized that I was a toy in his hands. He realized that I love him and enjoyed it ....
From his actions, I realized that I was indifferent to him ....
I told him everything .... We parted, as I thought, forever ......
Time passed, he called. He began to say that he loves me, and I believed like a fool .. We reconciled ....
I just felt bad without him ... Very bad.
It all ended when he told me to my face that he loved her. I sobbed .. We broke up ...
I threw myself into my studies. Combined with work. I didn't go home to not see him. But why did he call? For what? He began to say that it was very bad without me. I spoke coldly, and tears flowed down my cheeks .... And for the first time I realized that he felt bad without me ....
But I held on. He said he wanted to return the relationship, and I simply replied that it did not make sense, that the relationship had reached a dead end. My last phrase was: "Be happy!" He said that maybe I'll hear him for the last time. He passed out and I cried.
Unfortunately, I had to go home....
I went to my friend. He was there. I sat across from him. I didn't look at him. But by chance I looked and our eyes met .... I looked away and went out into the street so as not to burst into tears in front of him ....
In his eyes, I saw love ...... But it didn’t fit in my head why he did this!
It was February 14th! Valentine's Day. The most terrible day in the world. After all, maybe I saw his eyes for the last time ..... I won’t go home anymore .. I’ll kill myself at work, but I won’t go home .....
And what will happen next, let's see .......

Now everyone is happy for them ..... But no one knows how bad it is for me, no one notices this. I smile at everyone, but there are big wounds in my heart ....

I couldn't help laughing.

instinctive behavior. Iterative iterations. Lack of analytical thinking.
The girl was used, yes, judging by the comments, and will be used all her life.

The impression is that the Russian "vocational schools" are dying out en masse, or are becoming impotent. Stupid Russian beauties have nothing to lean against.

Strict, proud, majestic and wise Caucasus is breathtaking natural landscapes, imposing mountains and picturesque plains. The peoples that inhabit these territories are just as strong in spirit, strict, proud, courageous, thoughtful and wise by experience. One of these peoples are the Dagestanis. They have their own specific features that distinguish them from others, they have their own customs and mentality.

Dagestanis are not a single nation, but a kind of conglomeration of peoples. What is their peculiarity, why is Dagestan called a territory with a unique and specific people? What are they - Dagestan men and women? The article will discuss the specific character traits and mentality of the Dagestanis.

Features of the Dagestan appearance

More than 30 nationalities live in Dagestan, half of which are indigenous people. Therefore, it is wrong to characterize all Dagestanis according to a single standard. For example, the image of rural residents differs from the image of urban ones, the mountain representatives of the people differ from the inhabitants of the plains.

The main features of the Dagestan appearance are:

  • High growth (more than 170 centimeters).
  • Straight coarse hair from black to light brown.
  • Eye color - gray, black, brown.
  • The location of the eyes is "Anterior Asian", or horizontal, the palpebral fissure is narrow.
  • Eyebrows straight, very often fused.
  • In men, the hairline is normally developed, the beard and mustache are sparse.
  • The face is long and narrow. Facial features are somewhat angular, with prominent cheekbones.
  • The forehead is long, straight, narrow, the tip is sometimes raised. Often the forehead and nose form one line.
  • Lips are plump.
  • The chin is not protruding, but high.
  • The occiput is convex. The ears are high with long lobes.

On the Internet, the beauty and external data of Dagestanis are often discussed. It is very difficult to unequivocally state whether beautiful Dagestan men or not. Beauty is a very relative concept. It should be noted that many representatives of this people have quite bright oriental features that give a certain charm.

home care

Traditionally, taking care of the home, children, family is one of the sacred duties of Dagestan men. Their whole life is devoted to the arrangement and improvement of life. The people wish each other: “May your house be healthy!” In this wish, the whole essence of the relationship to one's own and someone else's home: respect, veneration, caring attitude and the wish for prosperity.


Dagestanis sacredly honor the traditions of hospitality and respect for elders. Hospitality is a custom, to varying degrees, characteristic of many peoples, but among the highlanders it is elevated to a cult. No matter how much trouble it brings to the owner, regardless of the economic situation of the family, self-respecting Dagestanis will do everything to adequately meet the guests. There is a rule: all the best (bed, food, wine, room) - to the guest. Even today, children ask if they find a delicacy, is it for them or for guests.

Respect for elders

The national characteristic of Dagestan men and women is the veneration of elders. This is an ancient characteristic feature of household and family relations. Old age has its advantages: young people always give way to old people, the one who is older always speaks first, young people always stand in the presence of old people, you can’t smoke and drink in the presence of old people, they are served water and food first. Respect for elders is passed on from generation to generation. Disrespectful attitude towards the elderly is condemned in society, such a person can be shouted curses at the next.

Respect for a woman

Many researchers emphasize the humiliated and powerless position of women in the environment of the Muslim East, but among them, Dagestan girls are relatively free. Women did not wear a veil, a veil, women's seclusion was not common here.

Respect for women in society is expressed in customs and rituals. For example, when a Dagestani girl walks past a group of men, they stop laughing so she doesn't think they are laughing at her. When an adult woman appears in society (both in the past and at the present time), it is customary to stand up as a sign of respect for her. The dignity and honor of girls and women are strictly guarded. The encroachment on the honor of a woman has served and continues to serve as a pretext for blood feud. At the same time, punishment, revenge, murder is not committed in the presence of a woman.

If a woman without a headdress and with loose hair rushed to the center of the fighting, the Dagestanis instantly stopped the bloodshed and the warring dispersed.

It should be noted that the Dagestani men's attitude towards women was formed on the basis of two historical prerequisites. On the one hand, boys were brought up from birth to respect their mother, they realized the need to take care of their own women: mother, sister, wife, daughter or other relatives. The care and protection of a woman is the sacred duty of a man.

But on the other hand, a woman has always occupied a subordinate position in the family, that is, the last word has always remained and remains with the man. Until now, the division of household duties into men's and women's remains, most often women do not work, but do household chores (cooking, washing, cleaning, raising children). Men earn money and provide the family with everything necessary.

Interethnic marriages

Relationships in interethnic marriages are very complex due to the difference in mentalities, worldviews, and cultures. As a rule, it is still customary for Dagestanis to create marriages with representatives of their people. But there are exceptions when the emerging relationship between a Russian woman and a Dagestan man develops into marriage. It should be noted that relationships can be harmonious only if the traditions and customs of each partner are observed, if there is a respectful attitude towards the culture of the people of one's spouse.

  • respect him and his relatives;
  • do not argue with her husband in the presence of strangers;
  • do not provoke him;
  • not to artificially create situations in which his jealousy would manifest itself;
  • be hospitable;
  • be responsible for your household duties;
  • be humble and well-mannered.


A feature of Dagestan men is responsibility. The word is dearer to them than life: if he promised something, he will do it. But even the most responsible ones are able to forget about the little things, especially when it comes to everyday issues, for example, buying a light bulb, repairing a closet, installing the Internet, and so on.

Like all men of the oriental type, Dagestanis are able to speak a lot and beautifully, they are able to turn their heads with compliments in an instant. But everywhere there are pitfalls: Dagestanis are very religious, not everyone can break the traditions of the family and marry a Christian. If he already has his own family, then he will never leave it. The family is sacred, although there can be many novels on the side.

Attitude towards money

Dagestan men love to court beautifully, give gifts, and make sweeping gestures. They like to make wishes come true. But the downside of such gestures is squandering, and the worst evil of many representatives of the people is gambling and casinos. Many Eastern men have a difficult relationship with money, and the Dagestan representatives of the stronger sex are no exception.


Dagestan men know how to openly express their feelings - this is a positive feature that helps build relationships, because it is clear what exactly a person feels, you can adjust your actions in order to improve relationships.

At the same time, if questions arise that relate to themselves or their health, they are very reserved. For example, when a Dagestani man breaks his arm, when asked by a doctor about what happened, he will most often answer that he was scratched. This is how restraint and sensitivity are manifested.

But it should be noted the negative side of emotionality - jealousy, most often absolutely unreasonable. In a relationship, men can constantly check mail, mobile phones, social networks. In the case of family squabbles, you can’t piss off a man. Of course, everyone has their own temperament, but assault or the destruction of the premises are the most common manifestations of a violent temperament.


A feature of the people is the following of the spiritual tradition, despite the fact that the population of Dagestan is very diverse. Almost 90% of the inhabitants profess Islam, the remaining 10% - Judaism and Christianity. Religion began to spread in Dagestan in the 7th century. Initially, it appeared in Derbent, then on the flat territory. But it became the dominant religion only in the 13th century. Such a long spread is associated with and only after the invasion of the Tatar-Mongols, Islam became the religion of all the nationalities of the republic. Among the inhabitants there are both Shiites and Sunnis.

Everything is good in moderation. There are also ardent religious fanatics among the Dagestanis. They believe they are acting in the name of God. Before starting a family with a Dagestan man, some points should be clarified: his attitude towards a woman and her role in the family, his attitude towards religion, his attitude towards children. In many ways, religiosity is reflected in other aspects of human life. For example, strict observance of religious customs and traditions in everyday life, the subordinate position of a woman, having many children, and so on.

What are they - modern Dagestan men?

  • First of all, they are the most hospitable people on the planet. When meeting, they always smile and shake hands.
  • Respect for elders has been elevated to a cult and to the rank of law. Any old man will have honor and respect among the youth.
  • There are no kisses among men.
  • They really do not like patronymics, they always refer only by their first name.
  • Very talented, among them there are many dancers, singers and poets.
  • They love to sing patriotic songs.
  • They love positions and external attributes: a car, an office, bright clothes.
  • Men have developed strong leadership qualities, they always take the initiative.
  • They love to compete for any reason and are very painfully experiencing defeat.
  • They love meat on fire and khinkali.
  • They easily lose self-control. If you want to take a Dagestani out of balance, hurt his patriotism or point out weaknesses.
  • Open, you can safely say about them "the soul to plow."
  • They do not like irony, abstract jokes. Everything said is taken at face value.
  • They are very emotional, love to wave their arms, shout, express their thoughts loudly.
  • Many people love horses and dogs, and they are seriously interested in them.
  • They know their family almost to the 7th generation.
  • They disregard the law, consider themselves free people.
  • Generous, will give the last to their neighbor.
  • They know how to be friends, for a friend they will sacrifice everything they have.
  • They love their Motherland, language, culture and customs very much.

The most famous Dagestan men

The peoples of Dagestan gave the country and the world great poets, scientists, artists, athletes, composers and other figures of art and culture:

  • Abdulagatov Ilmutdin - scientist of physical and mathematical sciences.
  • Aitberov Timur - historian, specialist in Dagestan historiography, medieval Dagestan, Persian and Arabic manuscripts, the history of Islam in Dagestan.
  • Alivov Yahya is a famous physicist.
  • Alderov Albert is a geneticist in the field of grain crops.
  • Aliev Shamil is a developer of space technologies and rocket weapons.
  • Apashev Magomed - Doctor of Technical Sciences.
  • Temirov Ruslan is a scientist in the field of nanotechnology.
  • Temirov Yusup - radio electronics engineer.
  • Khalidov Hamid - scientist, inventor.
  • Shikhsaidov Muzakir is a famous physicist, currently working as the director of JSC "Dagtelecom" in Makhachkala (Dagestan).
  • Khangishiyev Muzhaedin - aircraft designer, inventor.
  • Shikhsaidov Amri Rzaevich - historian, specialist in Dagestan historiography, medieval Dagestan, the history of Islam in Dagestan and Makhachkala.
  • Magomedov Nabi is a famous chemist.
  • Magomedov Murad - archaeologist, specialist in the history of the early Middle Ages.
  • Magometov Alexander - linguist, specialist in Lezgin languages ​​and languages ​​of the Dargin group.
  • Makhov Magomed - Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation.
  • Nazhmudinov Gadzhi is a specialist in the field of philosophy and history of foreign philosophy, social cultural studies, anthropology.
  • Sultanov Kazbek is a specialist in the culture and literature of the peoples of the Caucasus.
  • Talibov Bukar is a specialist in Lezgi languages, a linguist.
  • Tarlanov Zamir - literary critic, linguist, specialist in Russian proverbs and the literary language of the 18th century, in the Agul language.
  • Batdalov Mukhtaritdin is a famous architect.
  • Gamzatov Gadzhi - literary critic.
  • Huseynov Abdusalam - Soviet and Russian philosopher.
  • Daidbekov Adilgerey is a professional engineer of Dagestan.
  • Kayaev Ali is a Dagestan religious figure and scientist.
  • Kurbanali Akayev is the silver medalist of the 2007 World Kickboxing Championship.
  • Sapiyulla Karachaev - European champion in 1978 in freestyle wrestling.
  • Majid Bektemirov - champion of Russia in fights without rules (2007), world champion in fights without rules (2008).
  • Jamal Kasumov is a two-time world champion in kickboxing. World Champion (2005), European Champion (2004).
  • Gadzhiev Gadzhi - Honored Coach of Russia.

In addition, Dagestan gave the world such great poets: Gamzatov Rasul, Aliyev Faza, more than 60 heroes of the Great Patriotic War, for example, Ismailov Abdulkhakim and many others. You can continue indefinitely. The freestyle wrestling school became famous all over the world. One of the best wrestlers in history, three-time Olympic champion Saitiev Buvaisar appeared here, and judokas and Khaibulaev Tagir brought the country the first gold medals at the London 2012 Olympics.

The majestic strict Caucasus is an original nature, breathtaking landscapes, austere mountains and flowering plains. The peoples inhabiting its territory are just as strict, strong in spirit and at the same time poetic and spiritually rich. One of these peoples are people whose nationality is Avars.

Descendants of ancient tribes

Avars is the Russian name for the people who mainly inhabit the north of Dagestan. They call themselves "maarulal", which translates very simply and accurately: "highlanders". The Georgians called them "leks", the Kumyks - "tavlu". Statistics include more than 900 thousand Avars, including 93% of them live in Dagestan. Outside the region, a small part of this people lives in Chechnya, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Kazakhstan. There is also a community of Avars in Turkey. Avars are a nationality that is genetically related to Jews. According to the chronicle, the sultan of ancient Avaria was the brother of the ruler of Khazaria. And the Khazar khans, again according to the annals, were Jewish princes.

What does history say?

In the first mentions in historical manuscripts, these North Caucasian tribes are presented as warlike and powerful. Their place of settlement high in the mountains contributed to a number of successful victories over the Khazars, who settled on the plains. The small kingdom was called Serir, later renamed into Avaria after the king respected in the district. Avaria reached its peak in the 18th century. Subsequently, the Muslim state created the theocratic state Imamat, which existed in this form before joining Russia. Now it is an independent Republic of Dagestan with its own cultural, political and religious features.

The language of the people

Avars are a nationality with their own separate language, which belongs to the Avaro-Ando-Tsez subgroup of the Caucasian group. The southern and northern regions of the territory of residence are characterized by two dialects of their own, differing in some phonetic, morphological and lexical features. Both dialects have a number of dialects characteristic of individual regions of the republic. The literary Avar language was formed in the merger of the two main dialects, although the influence of the northern one still became significant. Previously, the Avars used the alphabet from the Latin graphics, since 1938 the Avar alphabet has been letters based on Russian graphics. The majority of the population is fluent in Russian.

Avar nationality: characteristics of the genotype

The isolation of the place of residence, the spread of warlike tribes throughout the East European Plain, up to Scandinavia, led to the formation of external signs of the Avars, which differ significantly from the main population of the Caucasus. For typical representatives of this mountain people, a purely European appearance with red hair, fair skin and blue eyes is not uncommon. A typical representative of this people is distinguished by a tall, slender figure, a wide, medium-profile face, and a high but narrow nose.

Strict natural conditions of survival, the need to win arable land and pastures from nature and from other tribes have shaped the persistent and warlike character of the Avars over the centuries. At the same time, they are very patient and hardworking, excellent tillers and artisans.

The life of the mountain people

Those whose nationality is Avars have long lived in the mountains. The main occupation was and remains in these areas and now sheep breeding, as well as all crafts associated with the processing of wool. The need for subsistence forced the Avars to gradually descend to the plains and master agriculture and animal husbandry, which became the main occupations of the plains population. The Avars build their houses along the stormy mountain rivers. Their buildings are very interesting and unusual for Europeans. Surrounded by rocks and stones, the houses look like their continuation. An ordinary settlement looks like this: one large stone wall stretches along the street, which makes it look like a tunnel. Different height levels contribute to the fact that often the roof of one house serves as a courtyard for another. Modern influences have not bypassed this nationality either: the current Avars build large three-story houses with glazed terraces.

Customs and traditions

The religion of the people is Islam. Avars are Sunni Muslims. Naturally, Sharia rules dictate all the traditions and family rules that the Avar strictly adheres to. The local people are generally friendly and hospitable, but they defend their beliefs and customs, issues of honor immediately. in these places - the usual thing to this day. The beliefs of the local population are somewhat diluted with some pagan rites - this is often the case in territories whose peoples have led an isolated lifestyle for a long time. In the family, the husband dominates, but in relation to his wife and children, his duty is to show respect and financially provide. Avar women have a persistent character, which they do not hide from their men, and always get their way.

Cultural values

Each Avar, whose people are very attached to their national traditions, reveres their ancestors. Cultural traditions go back centuries. Peculiar melodic songs, incendiary dances and wise tales of Caucasian centenarians were born in the mountainous expanses. Musical instruments of the Avar people - chagchan, chagur, paw, tambourine, drums. The traditional Avar culture is the source and foundation for modern Dagestan art and painting. Living in the distance, far from trade routes and centers, the inhabitants of Avaria made household items, clothes, decorations for themselves and at home with their own hands, from improvised materials. These handicrafts have become real masterpieces, the basis for today's craftsmen.

Avars who glorified their people

(nationality - Avar) - boxer, champion of Russia, prize-winner of the World Boxing Championship, WBA belt holder, champion of the International Boxing Organization.

Amir Amaev is a Dagestan nuclear scientist, the founder of a new scientific direction in the development of nuclear reactors.

Jamal Azhigirey is a master of sports of international class in wushu, a ten-time champion of Russia, a twelve-time champion of Europe.

Fazu Aliyeva - Dagestan folk poetess, was the editor of the magazine "Women of Dagestan".

Rasul Gamzatov is an Avar poet, a member of the Union of many famous and popular songs today.

The list of Dagestan celebrities with world-famous names takes up more than one sheet. They are the true glory of their small but stubborn people.