Marriages of Russian guys with girls from Dagestan. Marry a Dagestan (subjective view)

May 23rd, 2017 11:01 am

User alzoter asked a reasonable question - why don't Georgians and Armenians marry Russian men, while Russian women with great pleasure marry Caucasians or just start tricks with them?

Actually an interesting question. Let's try to think a little. Everything is clear and understandable with Caucasian Muslim women - Dagestan, Chechen and Ingush women, in the event of marriage with a Russian, will simply be expelled from their tribe and, if they are lucky, will peacefully hide from their native republic. Although the Fatima Ivanovs, no, no, yes, they are already found in the vastness of Rus'!

With Armenians and Georgians it is a little more difficult. Technically, a Russian can seduce an Armenian or Georgian madmazelle without any loss and have a sexual shurum-burum with her, up to and including marriage.

One of my friends, for example, specializes only in Armenian women, uses them almost exclusively, constantly and intermittently. He likes the Armenian mentality, the constant struggle between a man and a woman. He squeaks from the fact that the recalcitrant Armenian woman constantly needs to be mentally pressed and physically taken by the throat (so that she stops dressing up and showing her teeth). But it's so foreign to me. Plus, I really dislike Armenian women for their crooked-nosed appearance.

Georgian women are much more beautiful than Armenian women, but Russian men are still not very accessible due to geography and material wealth. Today, in the midnight taverns of Tbilisi, you can find and try to stick together Georgian girls smoking strong cigarettes and singing English-language hits in karaoke. However, these young creations are still more focused on the Western audience: guests from the USA and other Europe/Turkey. I seemed to be visiting from Ireland and I was lucky. :) Outside the tourist Tbilisi, where the harsh Caucasian traditions of bygone times are still glimmering, Georgian women are still gloomy and inaccessible to a stranger.

In general, to be honest, a difficult question. I tried to briefly answer it, I came to the conclusion that the difference is in mentalities.

I want to tell my story. I met a guy, he is a Lezgin. We are both 25 years old. Initially, I was drawn to him with an unknown force, although I never thought that I would contact a Caucasian. Everything was so perfect for the first months, I fell in love with him, and he fell in love with me. He talked about the wedding, about the children, that he wants all this with me, that he himself will decide with whom he will be, but he did not know how to present all this to his parents. I decided to come from afar and talked with my father's uncle, who at one time married a Russian, because she became pregnant, but all the same, the relatives were not enthusiastic. Uncle approved of his choice, said that he would bring me to meet after the new year. But who is Uncle, he does not decide anything. In general, one fine day, when most of the relatives gathered at home for the holiday, my beloved decided to talk to his parents and tell about me. I don’t know the details, but as I understand it, they rinsed his brains out and he began to slowly move away from me. He said that he was forced to marry his as soon as possible. And that he will go soon to get acquainted, but promised to steer it all. I was in shock, in fact, he just left me, but continued to write. I sobbed for several days, after which he came and asked if I was ready to go far, I replied that anything, just to be with him. It seems that our relationship began to improve. I already calmly accepted the idea that he would go to the "bride" to get acquainted, because he had a plan, as he said, and I completely believed him. And then one day I found out that I was pregnant! I am shocked! I wrote to him that I need to meet and talk. As a result, we met, I got into his car, I was shaking ... I knew that he would not be delighted with such news at this particular time period. When I told him, he changed his face and started screaming. It was like, “WHAT?!! Are you serious? I f*ck! I’ll leave soon and get married, and what are you going to be a single mother? To say that I was shocked is an understatement. He began to start the car and said that we would go now to his parents, I said no, let me out of the car, I have to go. He said you are not going anywhere else. Then I vaguely remember how he screamed. In the end, I did run away. I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown and definitely not ready to go to his parents. Returning home, I felt bad and I called an ambulance. I was taken to the hospital and given 3 weeks. I didn't know what to do next. I had no work and no help, there was a stupor. It was the most terrible period in my life. All I wanted was to die. My beloved wrote me all sorts of nasty things, it hurt even more. He insisted on an abortion, said that he would not live with me, although just a month before that, he began to transport his things to me in order to live together. It was very painful. And I decided on honey. abortion. He gave me money and I told him to forget about my existence forever. But he showed up from time to time. He wrote something like: “darling, tell me that it’s all just a bad dream, that it’s not true. Why can't we be together, I can't live without you." But I ignored his every word. I had such a strong hatred for this man, for this traitor, that I did not want to hear about him. After some time, he began to write about his suicide. But since my feelings for this person have not cooled down, I decided to meet with him, to look into his eyes. I didn't hear anything new. After a while, the meeting again and again the same thing. I decided to overpower myself and put a bold cross on our communication. I saw and knew that he monitors all my social networks, writes texts about unhappy love and so on. When he showed up again, I asked him to disappear from my life. We haven't seen each other for a long time. And the other day he showed up again, came to me. We spent several hours together and everything flared up again. He said that he could not live long with his wife and pretend. That he will come up with something and we will be together. On the one hand, I understand him, he cannot go against the family, he is brought up like that, but on the other hand ... apparently he doesn’t love me so much, since he is not ready to do anything in order to be together. Now I think it's time to end this story, there will be nothing good there. Find a Russian guy and marry him, settle down and live in peace.

The national question has always been acute in our country, and this is not surprising. The Russian Empire, later - the USSR, and even later Russia, was and is a common home for dozens of peoples and nationalities. Most of them live in harmony with each other, but, as the proverb says, "the family has its black sheep." And such a "freak" among the Slavic population is considered to be Dagestanis.

Dagestanis differ from Russians in literally everything, from their appearance to their national mentality and traditions. But no less differences can be found in any other two peoples. And the Slavs with the Caucasians have one more thing in common: they are equally disliked abroad. And, by the way, for the same thing:

- violent temperament, propensity for violence;

- disregard for state and moral laws;

- confidence that any problem can be solved with weapons or a bribe;

“But wait,” you say, “Caucasians are fine, but is the above about us?” No. Not about you, but about those moral monsters, which, alas, create the appearance of an entire nation in the eyes of the international community. Not all Dagestanis are bandits, not all Chechens are terrorists, not all Ukrainian women flash their bare breasts in front of the video cameras of foreign journalists, but it is these subhumans that we see on blue screens. It's not interesting to show normal people... This is how the Russians "beyond the hill" get the impression from observing the leisure of our bandits, deputies and oil workers.

And yet, if we make a collective portrait of the average Dagestan, we get a stranger and a potential enemy. Why? Let's figure it out.

The most characteristic feature of the Dagestanis is clannishness. Any nation that has this trait clearly manifested will always be unloved by its neighbors: remember the same Jews, ethnic Germans, Crimean Tatars. If any of the representatives of the above peoples has succeeded in anything, he will actively help his compatriots to succeed. A particularly amusing grotesque is obtained when it comes to bureaucratic positions: under the supervision of a high-ranking Dagestani, his brothers will work - relatives, cousins ​​and second cousins, and also sons, nephews, sons-in-law, in short - everyone who is able to sign and cope with the seal. In this situation, even a very smart and talented person from the outside cannot count on a good position.

Dagestanis zealously preserve their authenticity and strongly position themselves among Russians as strangers. How can you not jump into xenophobia here if you see a group of people of Caucasian nationality, emotionally talking about something in their own language? What if they are planning a terrorist attack right now? Moreover, even speaking in Russian, they manage to insert such tricky words into their speech that you won’t understand whether the Dagestani is talking about the weather, or he sent you obscene language. And try to demand clarification, and now, behind the back of the offender, a dozen more friends appear, ready to defend their own, without understanding who is to blame.

Aliens. This strangeness is everywhere. When a Russian guy sees a girl from his yard walking arm in arm with a foreign Caucasian, anger boils in him. Yes, the “black” is rich, but is it really true that Slavic women do not have pride, since they allow themselves to be pawed by all Dagestanis ?! At the same time, Caucasian girls will not allow a man without serious intentions to come within a shot distance. More precisely, her father and brothers will not let anyone near her. The result is yet another cognitive dissonance and an attack of xenophobia.

Only the Caucasians themselves provoke a negative attitude towards themselves. Alas. It provokes the cattle, positioning itself as the masters of the stone jungle, and then the interethnic anger punishes the normal guys, who are only guilty of the Slavic neighbors because they have dark hair and live in a traditional way. Only to punish the Dagestan drug lord - the hands of the nationalists are short, but to beat up a Caucasian who sells melons is easy.

The national question in Russia is getting more complicated every year. And I would like to optimistically hope that reason will one day win, but if only it wins before blood is shed. Before the enmity reaches the point of no return. It is true what they say - a bad peace is better than a good war, and you need to get along with your neighbors. But also not to allow lawlessness - neither on one interested side of the national question, nor on the other.

Relations between a Russian woman and a Dagestan man

Now there are about 20% of families - this is a marriage between people of different nationalities. As for creating a family with Russian people, about 85% of marriages of this kind are families in which the husband is Dagestan and the wife is Russian. Dagestan women marry Russian men much less often: such marriages make up only 15% of all marriages with Russians.

If you are interested in the relationship between a Russian woman and a Dagestani man, or if you are planning to connect your life with a Dagestani, some of our recommendations on what to prepare for and what to consider will come in handy.

The customs of the Dagestanis towards women

First, Dagestan is a multinational country. Avars, Kumyks, Russians, Tabasarans, Chechens, Nogais, Jews, Dargins, Lezgins, Laks, Azerbaijanis and other peoples live there. So initially it is worth knowing which nationality your chosen one belongs to, and studying the culture of this particular people.

Secondly, it is worth preparing for the fact that the groom's relatives may not be quite ready for an interethnic marriage. In Dagestan, marriages between equals are considered the strongest. Nationality, culture, social position, financial position, faith must be the same. Moreover, some Dagestanis are sure that a family should be created with a member of a kindred clan or fellow villager. Strangers have to fight longer to be accepted by the relatives of the future husband or wife from Dagestan.

In Dagestan, many marriages are still arranged by parents. So a marriage between a Russian woman and a Dagestani can ruin their plans. And although in recent years morals have become freer, it is important to take into account this feature and not be nervous if the parents at first try to arrange the marriage of their son with the bride that they themselves like. If they see that this is impossible, most likely they will not interfere with the choice of their son.

Some traditions for arranging a family in Dagestan are gradually fading into the past, but others appear, unexpectedly for everyone. For example, bride stealing is now rare. Brides are stolen only in villages far from cities, and even then more often with her consent. But in recent years, the tradition of paying kalym began to develop.

If your Dagestanian is the youngest son in the family, it is possible that you will have to wait a long time for the wedding. Relations between family members in Dagestan are built on respect for elders. And if your fiancé's older brothers are not yet married, then his family may ask you to wait until they arrange their lives. This does not mean at all that this family sees something seditious in the relationship between a Russian woman and a Dagestan man. This is just a tradition that is customary to observe in Dagestan.

Dagestan men: their attitude towards women

If you want to link your fate with a Dagestan man, you generally need to be prepared to participate in the performance of various rituals and traditions from time to time.

For example, in Dagestan, as in Europe, it is customary to test feelings. Before the wedding, it is customary to enter into an engagement, which can last several years. And only if the young do not change their mind over the years, the wedding is going and played.

Most weddings in Dagestan now do not differ from typical Russian weddings. This is a trip to the registry office, a feast, songs and dances. But the pre-wedding rituals of a Russian woman can surprise.

For example, in some villages of Dagestan, during the engagement period, the groom's relatives can arrange a "holiday of women." They come to the bride's house with suitcases full of gifts. Basically, these are jewelry and dresses, so there is a general fun when the bride and her bridesmaids have the opportunity to try on many different outfits without any shopping.

After the wedding, the wife of a Dagestani should show two main features: modesty and respect for elders. Modern Dagestan women in large cities can wear rather bold clothes and jewelry, but in villages and small towns it is still customary to walk in a long skirt or dress.

A wife must respect and obey her husband, but women's cunning is also expected of her. Unlike some Western cultures, in which manipulation by the wife is considered something indecent, among the Dagestanis it is not only acceptable, but desirable. Not by squabbles, not by hysterics and not by direct instructions, the wife of a Dagestani should seek her. In order to persuade her husband to the decision she needs, she must show cunning, charm and a remarkable mind.

Dagestanis, unlike many Russian men, devote much more time to raising children. For Russian women, this may seem unusual. However, after the birth of a child in a family where the father is Dagestan and the mother is Russian, surprises can await the woman. The word of a father for a child in a Dagestan family means a lot, and a woman may face the fact that over time her children will listen to their father much more than to herself.

This has its pluses and minuses. The advantage is that male upbringing forms a special type of adaptation to the world in a child - the ability to remake the world for himself, his needs. Cons - if the role of the mother in raising children is minimized, then children can grow up too demanding and aggressive. It is customary among Dagestanis that a woman herself knows how to defend her rights to take part in solving important issues regarding children. This may seem unusual to a Russian woman: in Russian families, the wife is endowed with such a right by default, and sometimes there is even a polar situation when the father is not included in the upbringing of children until adolescence.

If you profess the ideology of "child-free", that is, you do not want to have children, then your marriage with a Dagestan will probably not work out for you. Because in their culture, the basis of marriage is the birth and upbringing of children. And a woman who does not want to do this will always be perceived as inferior, and will quickly fall into outcasts.

Russian girl and Dagestan

today I talked with my girlfriend. she lives in another city

she said that she is now dating a Dagestan guy ..

the previous one was also a Dagestani. and the pre-previous one..

she was about to marry the previous one.

but he took her virginity and a few months later got engaged to a non-Russian girl

How often do you think such couples bring their relationship to the wedding?

there are just a lot of non-Russian boys they know, so they say that they would not marry Russian girls.

and I believe that love has no nation.

I had a girlfriend .. she was fooled by a hot man for 7 years. and when they started dating, he didn’t have a wife), he left, he came and brought his wife), so my father said and that’s it. and every Wednesday, if memory serves, for all 5 years my wife flew home))) in general, everyone understands the outcome, I think.

To be honest, I think that Russian girls do not care to mess with them at all !!

Let them marry their own and shake their rights in front of them.

I don't see anything wrong if people love each other, right down to nationality?

There were many such questions

Here is an example of such a wedding.

Although now. everything has changed a long time ago, Caucasian women have lost their upbringing and severity, and therefore, coming to Moscow or being born here, not in a believing family. lose all values ​​and associate themselves with everyone, not having a Caucasian or Russian subdivision.

And herself. Russian. I fell in love with a Caucasian, a Dagestan. Now he is my husband, we are expecting a child. And they are different from Russian men, of course I had no relationship with Russian guys. but I look at my girlfriends and the differences are significant :) though. again. each person is individual! Their hot blood, character, upbringing, respect for elders, many people need to learn this. Although the younger generation of Dagestanis pose for their nation, for which they get, if possible, on the ears from older brothers :)))

In general, a good nation, I love this people very much. I am very sorry that now such times and the Dagestanis are trying to make it look bad. My husband, his friends, relatives are great guys.

In business, specifically, Dagestanis are excellent partners. Honest, reliable. There is no division by nation.

And love is not a business - it's a different matter. The person must fit and match. Therefore, the question of nations is extremely acute. Do not take Russians as wives.

And if he is not a believer, then they really have strict customs (but not all of them) that they give out their sons only for their own. and even among themselves they have divisions: Dargins, Lezgins, Avars. and between themselves, too, can not allow marriage.

Everything is individual here.

When I myself began to communicate with my now husband (he is a Dagestani), I read many articles that they marry only their own. crying, worried.

But all the will of the Almighty!

And now I am married to my beloved man (Dagestani, and I am Russian!) And we are expecting a baby! Inshaallah.

Who are the Dagestanis and why do they behave "wrong"?.

Dagestanis - under this word, not some single nation is united, but a kind of conglomerate of the most diverse peoples, soldered together. What is their peculiarity, why can Dagestan be called a territory with a unique population? In this article you will find answers to all these questions.

National composition of Dagestan

The Caucasus is a unique place of contrasts of cultures and peoples. Mono-ethnic regions (for example, Chechnya and Ingushetia) peacefully coexist with multinational ones. According to rough estimates, 36 nationalities live in Dagestan.

At the same time, such a nationality as a Dagestan does not exist in nature. This word is unifying for many different peoples living on the territory of the republic. This situation can be called unique, because, as a rule, within the same subject, the titular people live - that is, the one that prevails in numbers and gives the name to the territory itself. In the case of Dagestan, this is not the case.

Despite the fact that many centuries ago various ethnic groups were formed on the Dagestan lands, in the official documents of the Russian Empire they were called: the mountain population - Lezgins, and the inhabitants of the plains - Turks. During the Caucasian War of 1817-1864, one more name could be found - the Chechens.

The first definitions were given mainly by Russian geographers and ethnographers studying the North Caucasus, and the second came into use among the Cossack settlers and later Russian regular troops. Only after Soviet power was established did detailed studies of the characteristics of a particular nationality begin.

The answer to the question of how many Dagestanis live in the region today is provided by Rosstat statistics. At the beginning of 2017, the number is just over 3 million people. However, it should also be taken into account that many local residents constantly live outside of it, while maintaining their traditions and national mentality. But even a hundred years ago, the numbers were disproportionately smaller.

So, according to the 1897 census, there were only about 600 thousand people in the republic. The reasons for the population boom in the early 20th century were:

  • a clear definition of the boundaries of the DASSR and the inclusion in its composition of small nationalities, which were previously simply not taken into account;
  • migration of the population from other regions to the cities of Dagestan;
  • traditional high birth rate.
  • In Soviet times, the birth rate in Dagestan was almost twice as high as it is today. There were an average of five children per family. Nevertheless, today the republic ranks fifth in the country in terms of the birth rate.

    In 2010, in the Constitution of Dagestan, the status of "state language" is assigned to 14 indigenous peoples:

    Not a single people of Dagestan can be called predominant in number, although the Avars can be called dominant in a certain sense. The fact is that the Avars include several ethnic groups, so they account for about 30% of the population of the entire republic:

    It should also be noted that Lezgins make up 13% of the population of the region, Dargins - 16.9%, Azerbaijanis - 4.5%, Laks - about 5.5%, Russians - 3.6%. Nogais, Aguls, Tsakhurs, Rutuls - on average, 1% of the total population of the region.

    In addition to those listed, there are 14 different small nationalities that are included in ethnic groups. So, the Dargins include:

    All these peoples and ethnic groups are recognized as indigenous. But besides them, Kazakhs, Jews, Uzbeks, Armenians, Georgians, Tatars, Belarusians, Ossetians, Persians also live in Dagestan. As you can see, the composition of the republic is incredibly diverse, and all these people are Dagestanis, because most of them are already several generations old, so this mountainous country became their homeland a long time ago.

    Of course, the inhabitants of Dagestan are united not only by a common territory, but also by religion. According to researchers, about 95% of the total population professes Islam of various currents. Of these, the vast majority are Sunnis, while Shiites make up only 4%. Almost 5% of Dagestanis are Christians. But here both Muslims and Orthodox coexist peacefully. Not for nothing, for example, the city of Derbent is called the "Jerusalem of the Caucasus" for tolerance and friendship of peoples.

    Dagestanis and Russians: a historical sketch

    The question may arise - why did the republican authorities officially recognize the Russian population as indigenous? The thing is that the Russians began to penetrate the territory of this region a long time ago. This was connected, first of all, with trade relations, since one of the caravan routes to Persia passed through Dagestan.

    Peter the Great visited Derbent at the very beginning of the 18th century, and at that time ethnic Russians were already present here, although there were very few of them. At the beginning of the 19th century, Cossack outposts and fortifications of the Russian army began to appear here.

    Of course, not all mountaineers were happy with the "northern guests". But, there were also those who went to the service of the Russian Tsar. Many local men were guides and supported the new order. However, there were also those who still considered themselves independent. In many ways, the incitement of Turkey and Persia, which had their own political and economic interests in this region, hindered the mutual understanding of the Dagestanis and Russians.

    As a result, all this unsteady social structure at the beginning of the 19th century led to a bloody war that lasted almost 50 years. A new state formation was created - the imamat, headed by the charismatic Imam Shamil.

    The conquest of the Caucasus was not easy for Russia. The highlanders felt independent, divided into small separate khanates, and the very concept of statehood was alien to them. Nevertheless, according to the results of the Gulistan Peace Treaty, Dagestan nevertheless became part of Russia. And this was the reason for the further rapprochement of the Dagestan peoples and the Russian population.

    Today, Dagestanis coexist peacefully with Russians, as well as with representatives of other nationalities. Moreover, inter-ethnic marriages have also become commonplace, which also strengthen national ties. However, often a sense of inner freedom in a Russian beauty can cause relationships to go wrong.

    It should be borne in mind that the difference in mentality here is still huge. And what attracts a Dagestan man to a Russian woman out of wedlock can alert him when he begins to think about creating a family with her. In general, the relationship between Caucasian guys and Russian girls is the topic of a separate article.

    On the other hand, many Slavic girls have an ambiguous attitude towards the Dagestanis. Features of the national character of a Caucasian man at a certain stage may not look so important for relationships. But when it comes to talking about a wedding, a woman begins to think and test her feelings for strength.

    She understands that most often she will be forced to rotate in a circle of people with a completely different mentality and with different views on family life. Not everyone is ready to put up with this state of affairs. It is no coincidence that some researchers and psychologists argue that such marriages in 80-90% of cases end in divorce and a complete break in relations.

    However, there are many examples of how such inter-ethnic marriages exist and are getting stronger day by day. A Caucasian and a Russian girl can create a real union, provided that their feelings are able to overcome the difference in worldviews. Again, the same religion (but not decisive) will be a big advantage.

    If a Christian wife is ready to convert to Islam for the sake of love, this is already half the battle. Such cases are not uncommon. But the opposite examples can be counted in units. Even a Muslim man who loves his Russian wife very much is unlikely to give up his religion.

    If, however, a Slavic woman nevertheless decided to marry a representative of the mountains, she must understand that she will have to put up not only with many national traditions, but also with the way of life. Urban couples can still lead a completely secular lifestyle, but in the mountain villages a rigid patriarchy still reigns, and respect for elders is an integral feature of education in Dagestan. In such conditions, the girl will have to give up a short skirt and a lot of cosmetics. But, in such a family, children will know from birth that they are obliged to honor their father and mother.

    What are they - the modern inhabitants of the Land of mountains?

    In the central part of Russia, the attitude towards immigrants from Dagestan, to put it mildly, is ambiguous. And the reason for this, in part, lies in the national mentality. After all, what do residents of Russian cities most often say about Dagestanis? They are noted to:

    • behave aggressively towards the local population;
    • do not respect and do not observe the traditions and customs of other people;
    • make up the cells of the underworld;
    • not too willing to look for work, preferring to spend time idly.
    • It is clear that all these stereotypes have not developed in a vacuum. But, you should not row everyone with the same brush. Today, thousands of natives of the republic are working for the good of Russia: teachers, doctors, scientists, artists, athletes, etc. Many Dagestanis in Moscow adopt the local culture, honestly try to gain a foothold in the new territory, and are ready to find employment and work. However, the girls, having started relationships with young people from Dagestan, attribute the “unwillingness to work, but to have more money” almost to the features of the national character. Paradoxically!

      Another nuance of the mentality is the desire to prove that you are the most successful, richest, and, as they say, cool. No wonder they often joke: "If the show-offs shone, then in Dagestan there would always be white nights." For the sake of such a competition, Dagestan men (as a rule, young men) are ready for anything. Such arrogance, not confirmed by real achievements, is not to everyone's liking. Their innate courtesy in some cases can be replaced by rudeness towards the interlocutor, especially if he is not a Caucasian.

      We should not forget about another feature that is characteristic not only of the natives of the Republic of Dagestan, but also of almost all Caucasians - the clan system. The mountain way of life is so much “ingrained” into their genes that it sometimes cannot but surprise people of other nationalities. This is evidenced by many jokes about Dagestanis, most of which, to be fair, relate to all Caucasians and often simply artificially replace one nationality with another.

      True, clannishness in many situations brings tangible benefits to the Dagestanis themselves. Family and the desire to rally, especially in an alien environment, allows them to survive. Yes, there are ambiguous traits in the character of the highlanders. Apparently, because of this, some bloggers post their appeals to fellow countrymen on the Internet.

      But still, the majority of Dagestanis are good and hardworking people who were brought up in the best Caucasian traditions. And it is no coincidence that the Republic of Dagestan has been Russian for almost 150 years, becoming an important part of a large country and enriching it with its unique culture.

      The peoples of Dagestan gave the world and the country great poets (Rasul Gamzatov, Faza Alieva, etc.), scientists (for example, academician Abdusalam Huseynov - Director of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences), more than 60 heroes of the Great Patriotic War (among them Abdulkhakim Ismailov, one of the first to hoist the banner Victory at the Reichstag), you can continue for a long time.

      The local wrestling school is known all over the world. One of the best wrestlers in history, a three-time Olympic champion, the famous Buvaysar Saitiev, was born here. It was judoists RD Mansur Isaev and Tagir Khaibulaev who brought Russia the first gold medals at the London Olympics in 2012.

      Our excursion will not be complete if we do not remember the folk crafts:

    • jewelry made by goldsmiths in the village of Kubachi;
    • daggers and knives of Kizlyar masters;
    • Untsukul art architecture (metal incision on wood);
    • Balkhar is an ancient center of ceramic and clay art;
    • Tabasaran carpets are recognized as the best in the world;
    • Tuesday, June 10, 2014

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      0 Lens (Elvira) / Dagestanis do not appreciate women

      There is an opinion that for a Dagestan man a woman is nobody. Her opinion does not play any importance, and that she should obey a man in EVERYTHING, obey him.


      No, this is not so .. Of course, I'm talking about a general trend. not about individual facts.

      A woman is the mother of his children and therefore is always respected. It’s just that Dagestan women, as a rule, are smart enough, wise and educated not to stick out their important place in the family especially publicly. They will never dispute a word or decision of a man in public. And for Russian women, this is often quite acceptable phenomenon. which is perceived by them as .. freedom.

      And if it's not about family, but about relationships? just about relationships?

      and if the girl is not a Muslim, but a Russian?

      it all depends on the girl. She just needs to know at least a little about the customs of Dagestan if she meets with a Dagestan.

      Behavior patterns are different and this must be taken into account. The fact that for Russian girls the norm may not be perceived at all as they see it. Although a lot depends on the upbringing of a man

      the author of the post thinks like everyone else. not oriental people. For me, the man in the family is the law!! papa is the law!! younger brother is the law!! you need to learn to trust your men, trust them, and will only subdue for pleasure. but why obey? not a good word, letting a man be above himself is a pleasure!!

      otherwise in Russia women complain that men don’t want to nail a nail in the house, well, let a man be in charge and he will do everything himself !! but how to talk, so the woman is the first, but how to work, she remembers who is the man in the house

      Yeah, you invented a lot of laws, and especially the manner of your message said a lot about you. Well, it doesn’t look like a meek girl at all, respecting laws.

      Long live the Dagestan Novodvorskaya))) just as crazy, and indisputably impassable little reasonable))) a stamp on a stamp, an absolute isolation from real life and a complete absence of a stirring of thought)))))))))))) write maryamushka, write . we will have fun here to laugh at the next funny stupidity.

      again a parade of templates and stamps.

      And Russians are different and not all Dagestan men are noble and smart to obey them with joy.

      Yes, there are different types of families.

      if a Dagestani loves his woman, then she is everything to him. if not, no one

      I agree with _Lady_ (***): if she loves, she is everything for him and for her sake he will do everything and even against everyone.

      Elvira, don't listen to who says what. Does your man appreciate you? If yes, then be happy with him, but if not, then this is simply not your man, and it's not that he is a Dagestan, it's just not your destiny.

      And, in general, in general, they treat women with respect, and Russians too, if the woman herself behaves with dignity.

      But everything is solved. if there is a desire and a real feeling

      All my Dagestan acquaintances value their wives very much. And the further - the more. In most families, a woman dominates, but somehow unobtrusively. This does not harm the interests of the spouse. But when it comes to some important cardinal decisions, the first word here belongs to a man.

      A woman should not obey anyone. what do the opinions of men or lads-law mean? What is the Middle Ages. In a family, both opinions are important! Here are some statements:

      1. There is no Decree in Nature for a woman to be tied only to the hearth! Verily, she is the Mother-Guardian of the World. Therefore, there is not a single area in life where a man could reign undividedly, it is this undivided reign of one Beginning that is the product of a dark era. Creativity is equally embedded in both Beginnings. In a man, it was more clearly revealed only because a woman was deprived of the same education and the same opportunities to exercise her creative forces in a wide field.

      2. There is no Decree in Nature for a woman to be tied only to the hearth! Verily, she is the Mother-Guardian of the World. Therefore, there is not a single area in life where a man could reign undividedly, it is this undivided reign of one Beginning that is the product of a dark era. Creativity is equally embedded in both Beginnings. In a man, it was more clearly revealed only because a woman was deprived of the same education and the same opportunities to exercise her creative forces in a wide field.

      3. A cynical attitude towards a woman, belittling and humiliating her are possible only among the peoples who are leaving.

      4. Precisely, they think in vain that now there is no legalized social slavery. And the most egregious of them is the slavery of thought and the slavery of women. Is it possible that the whole significance of a woman should be reduced only to the role of a puerperal, and a nurse, and an amusement of a man? But what a low opinion of himself a man, if his amusement should be deprived of higher mental development. But one cannot go against evolution, and we already know how dear each such resistance is to humanity.

      5. There is an ancient saying - "where women are revered and protected, [prosperity] reigns and the gods rejoice."

      6. I believe that a woman should be even more educated and more cultured than a man, because it is she who lays the first concepts of statehood in her family.

      7. Wrong book statements that all Religions and Teachings are full of judgments about the lower nature of women. All such judgments in them are precisely those distortions and additions that were later introduced by those who assert power out of self-interest and gross ignorance. Truly innocent of this flagrant ignorance are the Great founders of Religions and Teachings. Let us take into account how many dishonest greedy hands and over how many millennia these Teachings have passed!

      8. Cosmic justice is great! By humiliating a woman, a man has humiliated himself! In this we must look for an explanation of the paucity of the manifestation of male genius in our day.

      9. My heart hurts so much for women, and especially seeing how many more women humiliate themselves and delay their evolution. Now is a heroic time and women-ascetics are needed in every sense and in all fields.

      10. I believe so much in women's common sense, in women's magnetism, in a woman's heart and the ability to selfless work. Let us not forget that a woman is commanded to save the world.

      You can still translate the statements of different people, but there will be no sense if a woman shifts responsibility to others. So Elvira, go for it. All in your hands!

      Love index: 1.47 (417/284)

      Previously, I treated the Dagestanis without droveria. Now, on the contrary, I love the Caucasian nations and their laws. I had a Dagestan boyfriend in a sanatorium, he is so good and his friends too. Do not generalize the Caucasian nations. There are bad people, but not bad people, I love Dagestanis and I don't care what others say))

      Dagi fellows, friendly all and not to share. Although there are about 40 nations in Dagestan. We Vainakhs should learn to be as friendly as they are, because we, unlike them, are one nation and one people! Doug handsome! Not a few of them are real men! We Vainakhs respect real men, even if he is African or Chinese! You are our brothers, because you are primarily Mumins, and because we have always lived side by side and helped each other in trouble by sacrificing ourselves! Stay like this always! And know that the Vainakhs (Chechens and Ingush) love you!

      I myself am Azerbaijani from Baku. I want to say that I respect and love the Dagestan people very much. for the fact that, firstly, they are Muslims, like all Caucasian peoples live with their own traditions, a very brave, worthy people who deserve only respect. and to those who write on the right column, I want to say don’t write nonsense. There is no bad nation, there are bad people. Respect to you my brothers Dagestanis.

      I do not like Dagestanis, I love specific people whom I know! I do not like the nation, even though he is a Dagestan! A nation cannot be loved, everywhere there are dregs of society, bastards! I don't care what nation a person is, the main thing is what he is! There are many good people, both Russians and Dagestanis! And in the next column, everyone writes, here are the Dags, such and such, although some Dagestanis have not seen, who cannot distinguish a Tajik or Uzbek from a Dagestan. According to statistics, every 4th Russian does not know where Dagestan is in general, and that he is a subject of the Russian Federation! They are watching this Jewish TV that plays us for some kind of purpose! Do not watch TV, take it and go to Dagestan, it's no more expensive than going to Turkey or drinking from Egypt! You will all see what people, what atmosphere, what attitude! I have childhood friends, two brothers Vova and Pavel, from Makhachkala, wonderful guys, I'm glad that I know them! Look at the person and not at the nation, I repeat once again, there are bastards everywhere!

      I don’t know where to write), good or bad xs, I never dealt with them in a relay (and maybe I did, but I didn’t know that he was a dug), one friend (I won’t go into details who) works with them in Moscow prim came out of their auls dagas with brothers, white as Russians, so the good guys say so), I know in the media in what form I show them, but there are some, but something is not clean here, it seems to me that everything is greatly inflated, I myself am a little Nazi did not become like seeing what they were doing (from the media), then somehow cooled down.

      Vadius, I can say one thing - I hate such people! Why they act this way, I can't say. It seems to me that these Dags who beat passers-by are simply uneducated and morally infringed people))) I want to say to all Russians that you do not know our people, you do not know our traditions and virtues. You are deeply mistaken when you say that we are "uneducated, hairy and ill-mannered people." This is wrong. I myself am a Dagestan, a Kumyk by nationality, and I have absolutely nothing against the Russians! On the contrary, I really respect and love your people, and I have a lot of Russian friends))) Before, I didn’t even know that you (Russians) were so negative about us. And now, when I read the right column, I was very shocked. And if you are so sure that we are so bad, then go to Dagestan and you will see the opposite.

      calm down guys! What are you most stupid, Russian! in order to make you respect yourself first of all, there is no need, for example, to insult, condemn behind your back, or go out into the streets in droves and beat Asians, Caucasians, etc. from this respect for such people will not increase the level of culture both in Russia and in the Caucasus in decline, but one should not always look for extremes in everything only in the Caucasus! you need to understand one thing - there are no bad nations, there are bad people! there are scum in every nation, guys!

      I am Russian myself. My boyfriend is Dagestan (Lezgin), we have been dating for 3 years. I used to hate the Dagovs (according to rumors) .. although I didn’t know them .. I respect them. They are very brave and determined. And here, forgive me, RAGS, not men .. We have Russian girls take on a lot. smoke thump. At the age of 13, they sleep with just anyone .. and in Dagestan, girls are more modest and smarter .. our girls want equality .. so Rasul (my boyfriend says) what if a girl is for equal rights .. so let her go to the army)) what am I with him I completely agree. Despite all this, I love my country

      I know a family of Dagestanis-Laks are wonderful people. Calm, decent, able to stand up for themselves, with self-esteem. The head of the family is a dentist, a conscientious, calm, benevolent person, supports the family, builds the future of children. The upbringing is strict, but without shouting, without humiliation, without servants, children can do everything, have their own responsibilities in the family. Patients and patients adore him, neighbors love and respect him. And there are fools everywhere, and there are many of them among Russians. The way of life of this family would be envied by any decent Russian woman, because. they have all the material and households. the man decides the issues, and the woman is responsible for the order and satiety in the house, the upbringing of children. They live economically, calmly, do not show off, like ours. He can drink with the peasants of the neighbors, but everything is in moderation and without consequences. The most interesting thing: if he is going to go "to the left", he will first inform his wife about this.

      I also have a young man from Dagestan, he is kind, appreciates, loves me, and not when he will not allow anyone to offend me, they respect their other half. What difference does it make which nation, the main thing is that a person be good. And the Dagestanis, sometimes better than our Russian guys, if you look at ours, they always thump forever, or drug addicts (I definitely don’t want to associate my life with such people! I’m extremely glad that in my life there is “my Dagestan”, and there is no one I won't change it.

      There are enough freaks everywhere, as they say "There is a freak in the family." Therefore, I do not consider it right to judge the entire nation by individuals, at least stupid. As for the right column, I want to remind Dagestan is the Russian Federation and they are the same citizens of Russia. Do it guys, it'll be alright!

      I don't like dugs, but I hate them. These people make me laugh, especially the youth. Who is not with us is under us and blah blah. It's a shame that some Armenians forget kochari and dance lezginka. Well, in general, the mentality is not bad, I like that many show off (hee hee)

      Indeed, there is something to love Dagov and at the same time despise Russian whores. 1. For self-respect 2. For an indestructible desire to defend this respect in front of others, while Russians simply do not consider it necessary to waste time on such "nonsense" After all, whatever you say, Russians are a smarter nation, but unfortunately this harms us. 3. For an ADEQUATE (not serious consumer) attitude towards Russian sluts, and at the same time a respectful attitude towards their women. GENUINELY Russian sincerity, tenderness, Russian slut pigs perceive as weakness "Man is a rag" I have always been evoked a feeling of disgust by women who understand only animal strength In Russia, there are a majority of them, I personally saw for myself no sense of self-respect one animals. Apparently, real sincere Russians no longer have a place in Russia among animal sluts, this is a fact.

      Another advantage of the Dagovs is that they know how to make the Russian slut appreciate EVERY gesture, while the Russian Vanya will do it like an elephant - and the Russian pig, damn it, will not even notice

      Caucasian sluts are highly valued, they are in the ass - as if to their home, and forward - a virgin. Sorry for the details.

      I am Russian, I live in the city of Lesozavodsk. I am familiar with one Dagestani, he is Lezgin by nationality. I have known him for a long time. He invited me to visit him in Dagestan, in the city of Derbent. I was visiting him for about a month, and I will say that hospitality is necessary learn from them. Very hospitable people, his family met me like a native. And talking with his friends, I did not notice any hostility in my direction. Yes, of course there are cattle among them, so there are enough of them everywhere. There was a case that a couple of bulls they tried to run into me, like that you lost in Dagestan and all that. So this acquaintance whom I came to, with his brother, attacked these goats, saying that I was a guest and no one dares to offend me. I came from there with good emotions and very happy, that I am friends with a Dagestan. They are true friends. You should not strictly judge the people by some individuals.

      My God. how much pathos from the next column. This is where so much hate comes from. Behind my shoulders are two marriages with Russian men and one marriage with a real Dagestan MAN. So both of our Russian vankas (I deliberately write with a small letter) are the most ordinary primitive males who did not want to work and at the same time wanted to have a lot of money and dreamed of millions, lying on the couch with a bubble of vodka. And my current husband is a Dagestani, not only doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, loves and knows how to work, he also carries me in his arms. For several years of living together, not a single rude word, he never hit me, but from ex-husbands I endured beatings almost every day, but I generally keep quiet about mats. He does not force me to stand at the stove 24 hours a day and does not limit my freedom. I do ordinary housework and do it with pleasure for my beloved man. and he appreciates it and pays me the same. I am provided from head to toe. And my child from the second marriage is the same. so huh huh, this is still to be seen.)

      There is no such nation as the Dagestanis. There are many nationalities in Dagestan - Tabasarans, Avars, Lezgins, Tats, Jews, Chechens, Laks, Jews, etc., all of them are Dagestanis. But in general, I treat them well. I have many relatives from Dagestan (mostly Avars, Laks and Kumyks), my great-grandmother is Avar, and my best friends are Andi. Dagestanis know how to be friends and will never leave a friend in trouble. And in general, they will not leave you in trouble. Very brave and freedom-loving, especially the Avars. However, all the peoples in the Caucasus are brave and freedom-loving, but the Dagestanis and Chechens are bolder and more freedom-loving than all in the Caucasus.

      Because I love one of them 🙂

      How can you not love them!? They, unlike Russian boys, know how to treat girls! My boyfriend was Russian, he constantly smoked and drank hunting in front of me! Then he called and said prostitute where are you. Then he called me names and Nurslan stood up for me, he drove him away and walked me home, I gave him my phone, he called in the evening and offered to meet. He gave me such a bouquet of roses! I took him to a restaurant, drove a car! Well, I gave it to him on the third date, so what. But he has more dignity than any Russian guy! I tell you this with responsibility! He also has a brother, Gasan! Nurslan left when I stayed with Gasan! Ey also had to give, but I even liked it! He is 32 years old, he knows how to satisfy a woman! But Russians only know how to drink and smoke and beat women! That's why I love Daghistani!

      Well, how not to love Dagestanis and Caucasian men in general? Somewhere until the age of 15 I was a straight man of pure water, but then my childhood friend introduced me to Damir. Even at the first meeting, I realized that not only did a spark pass between us, but whole lightning flashed between us! Well, I found him in, added him as a friend, we talked for about a month. And somewhere after a month and one week, it turned out that we were alone near my house, when we already wanted to go home. it was about 12 o'clock, then everything happened: we looked into each other's eyes for a long time, I looked into his black eyes, and he into mine blue ones. Well. we kissed. It was as if I was blocked, we immediately went up to me and made love in the shower - it was wonderful! And I've been gay ever since. And Damir left me the next week, but he can be understood. Dagestanis are beautiful and loving people!

      Salaam Alaikum! Hello! I was born and live in Dagestan all my life. I am Russian by nationality. I am surrounded here by many people of a different faith and nation, but here we do not have any conflicts on this basis. My best friend is Chechen, I know him since childhood, I respect my nation, but if I have to fight Russians for my friend, I will do it. Dagestanis and Chechens differ from Russians in that they do not live each for themselves, they help each other. Recently I was in Novosibirsk, I didn’t meet more than one Dagestanis there, and what I saw there struck me as almost everyone drinks. I went out into the street in the evening and I see that every second person comes with a bottle of beer. At the stadium, I met only Uzbeks playing football there. There were no Russian athletes there at all. Yes, and some people will not give up a place in the queue to grandmother, let alone a seat on the bus. I am disappointed. I love Russia very much, but I cannot love the people I saw there. Change so that you are respected.

      I am Russian. My husband is a Dagestan-Lezgin. I have no parents, and before meeting him I led a wild life - drinking, parties, clubs, friends - girlfriends. When we met, I was driving drunk and cheerful from the next birthday. I immediately I didn’t even understand that he was not Russian. I flirted and offered to meet myself, after a week of dating, he forbade me to drink and go to clubs. We got married 1.5 years later. We are complete opposites: I am a blue-eyed short blonde, he is a swarthy tall brunette. I love him very much, he is a wonderful purposeful person, and now I am writing this post and watching how my happiness is sniffing nearby. , but at the beginning of the relationship, I decided to test him, declared that at 2 months of pregnancy it was not from him, to which he replied that our parents gave us life, and the worse we are, we will grow up. Love and be loved.

      Ismail. Avar. Why did I let you go right away? After all, there was one more day left. Ismail. Delicate and determined. Ardent and timid. Gentle and persistent. Shy and shameless. Ismail. Your name is a song, your voice is music, your body is a dream. Why did I let you go right away? Now it's all. I want only one thing: if you ever think of me, to be able to feel it. PS. I understand that this is not quite the topic, but I no longer have the strength to keep it to myself. I want to believe that there are many worthy people among the Dagestanis. I dedicate this song to all of them.

      The one who hates the Dags was simply offended and humiliated by them because of his weakness and sloppiness. Push-button heroes sit here and write dirty tricks incognito. I am married to a Dagestani, he is a wonderful husband and father, respects my family and friends. On the part of his relatives, I see a good attitude and help.

      I am Russian, I have been dating a Dagestani for 1.5 years. I always treated other nationalities with interest - faith, culture, traditions. I travel a lot, I can say one thing - each is individual and interesting! Be it a creative Frenchman, a charismatic Spaniard or a temperamental dzhigit. Moreover, we are neighbors! Moreover, we are Russia, one country! What's up guys? As for the Dagestan man specifically, my man keeps his promises, does not talk his tongue, for me he is a support and support, including in material terms. I want to say that Dagestan humor is excellent, I always laugh to tears, uncomplicated and kind. Dagestanis know how to laugh at themselves. They are optimists. I think everyone should be themselves. Do not bend, do not get angry, do not row everyone one size fits all. Every family has its black sheep. There will be both bad and good people. You need to understand people in this case, and not nationalities. Yes, there are families where Russian girls are against - marry yours and that's it. But this is not for everyone.

      Well, hate is loudly said, but there is hostility. Because not every one of their nation is a normal balanced person. Most of them do not appreciate Russians, nor many other nations, and they always get away with everything, this is proved by both the media and life. Such cases as in the Saratov gymnasium (where the Caucasian students called their older supporters, put 5! children on their knees and made the Caucasus-strength scream!) or the sensational Dag wedding, as a punishment of 1000 rubles. What is this? And this is Chaos on our land. These are only the most famous cases, going into details you can find out much more facts. After that, the next question arises automatically - "Why love them?". If the Russians were a united, cultured people, then I think the government would not allow this. But, unfortunately, drug addicts, alcoholics, whores and other trash remained here. The elite does not have time to deal with our destiny, we can only admire how skillfully they sell everything. And the homeland becomes where the ass is warm.

      I hate Dagestanis with every fiber of my soul. Before the army, he treated them normally, but when he saw them as they were, he hated them fiercely. Separately, I would like to say about the girls who meet them. Of course, I understand that among Russian guys there is nothing to choose from lately. But I myself in the army witnessed how Dagestanis said about Russian girls, that they are all whores and only know how to spread their legs, that their girls are all better. Dagestanis love only their people, they say that they respect strength and despise weakness. In this I support them. But when I see how 4 Dagestanis are beating 1 guy, what can be a conversation about strength and dignity. One Dagestan will never get into a fight if he does not have support. Dagestanis themselves incite ethnic hatred by their behavior, blaming others for it. I don't know what they are trying to achieve and where it will lead. If they want war, they will get it.

      Russian March. Notes of a non-Russian person. “Not giving up, they fired back to the last bullet, and then blew themselves up and the enemy with grenades.” Familiar? This is how Russian soldiers fought in the last two wars in the Caucasus. Driven to the limit, hardened by blood and malice, by the readiness to defend their land, Russian soldiers always fight like this. I know this for sure, because in Afghanistan I fought next to them, and even earlier in other wars, my grandfather was a Tatar and a Muslim, and my father was a Tatar and a Muslim, because we ourselves, in our deepest essence, are exactly the same . Answer yourself, are the Russian people, their warriors ready to die for their beliefs, worthy of respect? The best representatives of their peoples, the color of the nation. People for whom their convictions, their faith is stronger than the fear of death. We are already standing face to face, ready to kill. What for?

      Russian March. “Don't be fooled. The Russians will not kneel, they will not give up their land and become manure on this land. They will not become slaves. Do not judge the Russian people only by corrupt and intimidated officials. Don't you have your corrupt bureaucrats? Do not think that the entire Russian people is like a shaking homeless alcoholic or drug addict. Don't you have your addicts? Do not think that the Russian people are like a pathetic prostitute that you have in all holes for a couple of bucks, or even for nothing. Do not judge Russian soldiers by the downtrodden and disenfranchised boys who were drafted into the army and who are betrayed, abandoned to the mercy of fate by the command staff, dutifully endure all humiliations. The Russian people have already embarked on the path of a new awareness of their blood unity, and the words have already been spoken: “Rus. War territory. There is nowhere to retreat." Do not think that corrupt, cowardly power that has lost contact with its people will be eternal, it will be swept away. And then woe to those who are accustomed to consider Russians as slaves!”

      I am Russian! And I would like to ask the Dagestanis! If I wanted to choose a wife from the Caucasus, what nationality in the Caucasus has blue eyes and red hair?

      I do not like Dags and other nationalities. but I'm not saying that the Russians are good. example: how many climbed the contact, observed the same picture. I will not describe it, because everyone knows. but among Russians, Ukrainians or Tatars, one can find quite adequate profiles like - I study, I drink, I know how to do this and that (when contacted, they give good advice). no show-offs and "their own". and so, recently shared algorithm of collision: 1) to run into; if the mission is failed, then proceed to the next 2) let's "brother"; Well, if this one, then 3) agree. their gorgeous girls are a separate issue. PS: being with them is impossible. brutal black stubble. stereotyped facial features and bestial gaze.

      Fasting does not apply to people of the older generation, they are mostly normal, adequate people. I lived for 5 years in one of the settlements of KHMAO-UGRA. To begin with, there is an incredible mix of all kinds of confessions and nationalities: Uzbeks, Tajiks, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Kurds, Chechens, Tatars and, of course, Dagestanis. Everyone lives quite peacefully, the only exceptions are the dags. More than once I witnessed how a crowd of dugs attacked one, beat him. Russian women are divided into 2 categories: whores, and whores who are queens. If they liked the girl, they would besiege until the victory, they could just put them in the car and they were like that. And it doesn't matter if she has a boyfriend or not, it's fresh meat. Many normal guys left irrevocably under their pressure. AMAZINGly greyhounds bespredelschiki- that's my opinion. I do not suffer from attacks of Nazism, my husband is an Azerbaijani, a worthy respected person. I never heard from him about my mother's mother. It's a pity that it is so, but we ourselves are to blame.

      Probably, among them there are good people, educated, cultured. But most of them are nonhumans. They do not give a damn about the laws, they believe that they are above all. When they are alone, they still behave all right, and as a group they turn into cattle. One of the worst things is that they are taught with their mother's milk to hate people with a different faith.

      The sad thing is that the Russians have a poorly developed sense of national unity, they are too kind and forgive everyone a lot. The bad thing is that the Russians allowed themselves to create a criminal Muslim enclave on their territory (ChR DR Ingushetia) - if the Russian government continues to encourage this criminal lawlessness due to the permissiveness of Caucasians, namely (Dags, Chechens, Ingush), then this may end in disaster, and then the already enraged Russian bear will not be stopped, and this beast is very dangerous in a rage. The Russian authorities need to radically change the policy regarding these three small (Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingushetia) very proud, but absolutely useless national republics. I don’t understand why the rest of Russia feeds and tolerates these wild, brutalized peoples when they hate Russians at the genetic level. We need strength, will, power and order. You need to think with your head and work gentlemen officials, and not just steal budget money, while you hold power.

      I don't care about the Dags if they are located south of the Terek. Let them live as they want. I really hate dirty whores - inkwells, these scum really should not exist in nature.

      Recently I’m driving a car, it seems that a shabby seven starts to drive off from the side of the road without looking, under my breath. Okay, I taxied, calmly go further. The traffic light, the same seven, goes around everyone in the oncoming lane and starts to squeeze in a row, like "I overtook everyone, I'm the very first", - again it turns out in front of me, so brazenly, waving your arms, shouting out the window (there were two of them in the car) you such and such what x ** do not see we turned on the turn signal. I answer them (also through the window) learn how to drive first, then get behind the wheel, well, away we go. They jump out of the car, waving their hands like slow down, we will educate you. I brake, calmly turning to the side of the road. They run up (I write in a continuous text without punctuation) well, what a goat we’ll talk about, we’ll stick you into the deflection, as we want and we’ll ride. I'm not a wrestler, but the guy is wiry, a pear and a horizontal bar are my favorite shells. In short, the Russians won. What surprised me was that several drivers stopped and helped me. Slavs go in for sports and don't be afraid of anyone. Together we will win.

      I hate the Dagestanis, it’s not that of course, and there is no nation of Dagestanis. There are Avars, Tabasarans, Laks, Dargins, Kumyks, Lezgins. and many more. There are good people among them, but mostly scumbags and illiterate monkeys, the women in the right column (especially Russians) are just fucked up. no words

      Olya97, if the Dagestanis respected you, you would be alone, and the rest would even dare to think about sex with you. THEY FUCKED YOU BECAUSE THERE WERE NO WHERE TO GO AND THEN MAKE YOU FUCKED. XXHAAAAAAHHHH she fell for roses. you are a disgrace to the great Russian people. I fucked with the Russians, so they didn’t let me sleep, and their penis is big. There are big and small ones in any nation

      I can't argue there are good people everywhere and their own shit is everywhere! but among this nation I have met few good ones! namely, that in the Army they are just stupidly lazy and arrogant to the point of unbearability! They want everything to be their way! I have a couple of Dagestan acquaintances who are very cunning, arrogant and rotten people! believe my experience! I met with a Dagestan woman for 2 months, and then I got a lot of problems on my own head! do not communicate with them! there are very few good people in this nation!

    “You can’t command the heart” - this is what they say in the case when people are completely different. It often happens that representatives of different nationalities are attracted to each other, and a romantic relationship develops between them.

    Subsequently, the couple decides to formalize the marriage. But this is where certain problems begin.

    Despite pure and warm feelings, a man and a woman from different countries face a lot of difficulties regarding the registration of marriage. Especially if the representative of the stronger sex is from Eastern countries.

    Before moving on to formalize the union, you need to familiarize yourself with the intricacies of the nationality of your beloved man. So how to officially marry a Dagestan? The answer to this question can be found below.

    Features of registration of marriage with a Dagestan / Dagestan in Russia

    It is important to note that the legal way to formalize the relationship between a man and a woman is to register them in the registry office.

    At the moment, this is the only way to recognize the union as valid. It is absolutely easy to legalize marriage in our country.

    Certain legal norms have been established for citizens of the state, according to which the marriage process is regulated. A person residing on the territory of the Russian Federation may enter into legal relations with both a compatriot and a foreign person.

    So how difficult is it to formalize a relationship with a Dagestan? The Family Code says that two people can enter into marriage. One of them may have the citizenship of the Russian Federation, but the second - the citizenship of another country.

    It is important to note that relationships are recorded in the absence of factors that may prevent this.

    Among other things, in our legislation you can find out that every person has the right to dual citizenship. In this case, he will not have any difficulties. But the registration of the union is necessarily carried out according to the laws of our state.

    If there are several citizenships, the person entering into marriage has the full right to choose independently which country's legislation will be applied specifically to him.

    According to the laws of our country, people entering into marriage must be of legal age. As a rule, eighteen years is the age at which a person becomes officially an adult.

    Only under certain circumstances (such as pregnancy) can a couple marry earlier. In some states, it is allowed to marry even from the age of thirteen. Both spouses must be present at the ceremony. The waiting period is generally standard for all couples.

    It is important to note that for a man of Caucasian nationality it is extremely important that his woman be a submissive, modest, calm keeper of the hearth. They do not tolerate scandals and reproaches. In the absence of a complaisant character, marriage with a Dagestan will not be long.

    In addition, when entering into an alliance with a representative of the stronger sex from this state, you need to be prepared that you will have to adhere to a different religion. A woman from Russia should understand that only if the rules set by her husband are followed, the marriage will be truly happy.

    Where to apply?

    When registering a marriage in the Russian Federation, you must submit an application to the local registry office. But when visiting Dagestan, you should confirm the legality of the formalized relationship.

    A package of necessary documents

    It is very important to legally prepare for the formalization of relations. It also implies that it is necessary to provide for all scenarios. The current legislation has a certain list of documents that are required when entering into a marriage with a foreign person.

    As a rule, a Dagestanian needs to have the following papers with him:

    1. passport (original) and its translation into Russian;
    2. a statement in a clearly defined form;
    3. certificate-confirmation of the absence of obstacles to the legal registration of relations;
    4. certificate of residence;
    5. certificate of complete termination of the previous marriage (if any);
    6. residence permit of a foreign citizen in the Russian Federation (visa, temporary registration or residence permit).

    An application to the relevant authorities is submitted by the bride and groom. This can be either a joint statement or a personal statement.

    Often there are situations when the future husband cannot apply due to absence in Russia. In this case, he can apply to the Russian Consulate in his country to certify the application and send it by mail.

    What difficulties may arise?

    The first difficulty is that it is necessary to translate all the documents of a foreign fiance into Russian.

    The application must also be written in the national language of Russia. It is important to note that the procedure for registering a marriage is quite simple in itself. If there is a previous marriage, a Russian citizen or a Russian woman must provide evidence of the termination of the union.

    But a foreigner will have to "sweat" in order to prove the fact of legal residence on the territory of the Russian Federation. In addition, he will also need to provide evidence that the previous marriage was dissolved.

    The procedure and conditions for marriage in Dagestan

    As before, the national wedding is held in compliance with all the traditions, rituals and rituals that have been passed down for centuries.

    The formalization of relations in this country is distinguished by its scope. As you know, traditionally two weddings are celebrated here. The first is held at the bride's home and the second at the groom's home.

    An important point in the formalization of relations in this state is the observance of all traditions and rituals.

    The conditions for registration of relations are that the bride and groom must be of legal age and officially free.

    Dagestan traditions and rituals

    For the inhabitants of this state, as for any nation, the procedure for declaring the newlyweds as a bride and groom is called an engagement.

    Matchmakers are sent to the bride's house, where an interesting ceremony takes place. There, the bride is presented with various gifts. The parents of the newlyweds themselves choose the day of the wedding. It should not coincide with the birthdays of the future husband and wife and their parents.

    It is important to note that the date of marriage should in no case coincide with various important Muslim holidays. It is necessary to emphasize that the Dagestan wedding does not take place without the official registration of the newlyweds in the registry office. At the end of the engagement ceremony, the bride and groom go to the registry office. They apply there.

    According to local customs, the newlyweds can see each other very rarely before the wedding. Moreover, they are strictly forbidden to spend nights together. After that, preparations for the most solemn event begin. It consists in choosing a wedding dress, venue, restaurant, menu.

    It is very important to make a detailed guest list. You should also take care of decorating the hall. Among other things, it is necessary to deal with all sorts of issues related to the organization of the holiday.

    At the moment, there are no specific strict requirements for the newlywed's outfit. The most important thing is that the dress should be expensive, sophisticated, elegant and solemn.

    Modern brides prepare two outfits for the wedding: the first is an ordinary white dress, and the second is a traditional national costume. As for the venue, you can choose any restaurant you like for this. Tables must be laid according to all the traditions of Dagestan cuisine.

    It is important to note that traditionally the bride's duties before the wedding include the choice of furniture for the house or apartment, where she will start a new life with her lawful husband.

    A wedding in Dagestan is impossible without loud music that is heard from the roof of the house. The first day is spent at the bride's house. Only the fair sex gathers here.

    Bridesmaids, relatives, neighbors and just good friends. On this day, the girl says goodbye to her home. In the middle of the celebration, the bridegroom comes to the bride.

    “Darkness, pitch darkness, despair, hopelessness” - all this was experienced by 18-year-old Gulya Mevlyutova from the village of Druzhba, in Dagestan, who woke up blind in the morning. And then there were ridicule from cruel neighbors, protecting daddy “you better not leave the house”, constant falls and injuries. The newborn nephew, who perceived his aunt for who she is, became a real joy and Gulin's eyes.

    Over the years, the resentment against local doctors, who did not see the developing glaucoma in time, subsided, but the needlewoman's talent was revealed: the girl began to knit charming children's things, dolls and toys. “But on myself, on my personal life, I forever put an end to it, I never even had such a desire to get married,” recalls Gulya.

    Before the operation in Makhachkala, which she had to do without anesthesia, enduring hellish pain, she talked with one old man. He looked at her and said: “When 30 years come, a guy will come to woo. Look, do not refuse, you will be happy and rich in life. And your fate will be good. And go do your job."

    The operation did not help, vision did not return, even in Moscow they shrugged their shoulders, they say, “too late” ...

    Kostya Eliseev's family moved to Stavropol in 1993 from Abkhazia. The guy has suffered from cerebral palsy since childhood. However, this never prevented him from leading an active social life, studying well at school. Already in Stavropol, Konstantin participated in the project for young disabled people "Perspective", designed for 5 regions: Stavropol, Adygea, Chechnya, North Ossetia and Dagestan.

    Kostya says: “In its framework, we talked a lot with schoolchildren in different regions. Most of both adults and children in our country never even think about who the disabled are. “These are people who sit at home and do nothing,” I often heard the answer. We proved them otherwise. Quite willingly, he also answers the question about his personal life, which, contrary to the philistine idea, the disabled also have. “I have been looking for love for a long time, all my 36 years. But there were many disappointments…”

    But one day he went to Dagestan on business.

    There, someone gave Kostya Guli's phone number. Who? Why? Fate chooses its own path. “I told her: “Just don’t fall in love, otherwise it will hurt, we haven’t seen each other yet,” Kostya smiles happy. Gulya interrupts him fervently: “I’m blind, I can tell by my voice what kind of person.”

    And then she turned 30, she had long forgotten about the prophecy. But from distant Stavropol Kostya came to woo.

    He tells this story with a laugh - who knew that, according to local customs, a woman is allowed to marry only if the most adult woman in the family likes her future mother-in-law. She turned out to be Guli's father's older sister, Gyulferez. She quickly found a common language with Valentina Konstantinovna, mother of Kostya Eliseev. But there was another problem: to give a Muslim woman in marriage to a Christian - this has never happened in their village. But the elders consulted and did not interfere with happiness. "God bless! But this would not have happened if I had not been so persistent in conquering the Guli. I, like a real Caucasian man, did everything: I came, I saw, I conquered, ”Kostya rejoices. And he advises everyone: do not give up, no matter what life difficulties you face.

    In the house where they live, they are often mistaken for brother and sister. People do not believe that disabled people can love each other so deeply.

    We are sitting in a cozy kitchen, where everything is done by the golden hands of Konstantin, drinking tea with a delicious apple pie, personally prepared by the blind Gulya. And on the table - toys created by her hands and knitted bright baby booties ... They hope for even greater happiness.