Brutal boy. How to distinguish a brutal man from a pseudo-brutal one. Male line of behavior

Internal signs

Today, brutal men have ceased to frighten the opposite sex, but have begun to attract them with their mystery and inner strength. The word "brutal", the meaning of which has somewhat lost its original meaning, has become the embodiment of masculinity, strength, straightforwardness and, most importantly, self-confidence. At the level of instinct, women are attracted to this type, because, in fact, this is a real male, from whom you can get healthy offspring and who is able to protect them. A brutal man is a manifestation of toughness and masculinity in behavior. Sometimes such behavior may even seem arrogant, although it is not. This type of man will not allow himself to behave arrogantly or show rudeness unless absolutely necessary. A brutal man is a worthy and unshakable man.

External signs

If we talk about appearance, it should be noted that they have a confident, forward-looking gaze, and in their movements you can notice some kind of slowness. Sometimes it may seem that the brutal man has been battered by life, or he just wants to seem like a kind of “man with a biography.” Another characteristic feature is small stubble. It is much more difficult for a fair-haired man to create a brutal image, but for dark-haired and dark-skinned men it is easier.


Masculinity is also emphasized by clothes that fit perfectly. The standard wardrobe of a true brutalist includes shirts in calm tones and subdued colors, or T-shirts with trousers and jeans that fit perfectly. An addition can be a fashionable accessory - a leather belt. A brutal man is a man who wears shirts unbuttoned with several buttons and short jackets. Thus, he merges behavior and appearance.

Brutal or not?

Sometimes there are male representatives who really want to seem brutal, but it turns out that they are not. Ultimately, they begin to show ostentatious cruelty and make inappropriately dirty jokes and be rude. It should be noted that masculine actions are alien to this type, and he runs away at the first danger.

Often men try on a macho image to appear more brutal. Such artificial masculinity manifests itself in languid stories about one’s heroic deeds and, from a certain point, begins to oppress women.

The question arises: “Brutal, what is this?”

The one who does not boast of brave deeds and does not humiliate others is the one who does not “pretend” to be a hero. Do not forget that only on the TV screen such a brave man saves the world and can deal with ten bandits in a minute, and in the end he jumps from the twentieth floor and remains alive. A real brutal man is not artificial heroism, but calm masculinity that does not need proof. It is important not to overdo it when creating a brutal image. Give preference to high-quality clothes, discreet classics, and high-quality materials. And, of course, do not forget to remain yourself, at any age.

It is no secret to many representatives of the stronger sex that young ladies often prefer brutal men, but not everyone thinks about what exactly women mean by this concept.

Women's opinion

What do most ladies associate with a brutal man? Most often this refers specifically to appearance, for example, slight unshavenness, untidiness, developed muscles, etc. This is also: confidence in yourself and your actions, responsibility and even in some situations, arrogance. Such images of real men drive a huge number of women crazy.

Some facts

First, let's look at history. The Roman Emperor Caesar was killed by Senator Marcus Brutus, who looked like a typical “dork.” This event gave the word brutus a negative character, and now it meant: rude, heavy, impudent, etc. Several centuries have passed and the concept has changed, turning into something tempting and sexy.

What does a brutal man mean, how to recognize such a male?

In primitive times, women chose strong male breadwinners as mates who provided for themselves and their families. Times passed, morals changed, but the genetic principles of choosing a soul mate remained. Despite the fact that many women will deny it, you can’t go against nature. How in the modern world men can declare their wealth, of course, with their appearance. In general, the image of a brutal man will be in contact with its prototype, but now it has a civilized and beautiful treatment.

Beautiful wrapper

As they say, you meet people by their clothes... So a brutal man will certainly stand out from the crowd. Representatives of this category pay great attention to their bodies. They visit regularly to boast of the beautiful relief in the future. Brutal clothing style for men is also of great importance. An important rule is not to overdo it, since slight negligence, on the contrary, is welcome.

What does such a man have in his wardrobe:

  • a huge number of jeans, even if they are the same;
  • different shirts;
  • expensive leather items;
  • casual jackets;
  • expensive accessories, such as watches, belts, etc.

Internal state

The image, of course, is important, but it must coincide with the behavior and character of the male. Otherwise, a beautiful mask will not help hide your inner state. The main attribute of a brutal man is self-confidence, but it is important not to confuse this with self-confidence and pomposity.

To get a woman, he will never puff himself up, but will pretend that he simply does not notice her. Without hesitation, he will defend his point of view and stand up for his loved ones. A brutal man will never humiliate the dignity of another person in order to assert himself. At times he can be harsh and assertive, but at the same time he will not go too far. For many women, it is this image of a man that inspires a feeling of reliability, stability and confidence in the future.

How to become a brutal man?

Nowadays, the expression “brutal” is used more and more often to describe movie stars on TV screens. This word has firmly entered the modern lexicon.

Every woman, from birth, builds her own image of an ideal man. For some, appearance is important, others admire intelligence, and others dream of their future chosen one, the so-called “bad guy.” But not a single woman would refuse to have such a macho man as her life partner - a brutal gentleman.

But first you need to find out who a brutal man is. Let's look at history.

The word “brutal” has several explanations. For a long time it was believed that this word came from the name of Marcus Julius Brutus, who committed the murder of Julius Caesar.


Recently, linguists have been inclined to define this concept based on its origin from various foreign words. So in Latin the word brutalis - “unreasonable animal” - means cruel, treacherous.

In French, brutal means rude, bestial. Even in Old Church Slavonic there is the word brut (from the obsolete brud), and it is translated as dirt. It turns out that the concept of “brutal” has a negative connotation.

But why does he attract women so much? Yes, because in the current interpretation, a brutal man is a male who has a certain charisma, a hunter who is able to feed everyone around him, a defender who is ready to use force at any moment.

But at the same time, he is a true friend, a person for whom the word “honor” is not just a sound. This is a straightforward man, incapable of fussing and dodging. He is restrained in showing emotions, always calm and confident. This kind of “well-fed lion” is the dream of the fairer sex.


Among the representatives of the stronger sex, there are also such individuals who put on a mask of brutality. A brutal man is courageous, but not rude, brave, but not cruel. He will never allow himself to offend the weak or raise his hand against a woman. A person who only hides behind brutality is often adamant, cruel, impudent, and rude. And all this is given for show, with a challenge.

Main features

  • Attractiveness. The attractiveness is not external, but internal - a face with large features and “Italian” stubble, with careless hair.
  • Straightforwardness. He will not ingratiate himself, make advances, or flirt unreasonably.
  • Gait. A representative of this style has an imposing, unhurried gait. At the same time, he has a proud posture.
  • Politeness and no rudeness. A person who knows his own worth will not humiliate or be rude. And even if he finds himself in a conflict situation, dignity and politeness in his behavior will come first.
  • - Confidence . This trait is visible in everything - in his gaze, in his body movements, in his posture... On the other hand, such a person inspires confidence in his relationships with others - he will never let you down and will always be a reliable partner.
  • Figure. A brutal man takes care of his appearance and figure! He makes sure to go to the gym to keep his body toned and with great muscles.
  • Sight . Piercing, intense, direct. He will never hide his eyes or look away. After all, everything he does is self-confidence, in his capabilities and strength.

And further:

♦ a brutal man is always ready to help, while sincerely believing that actions do not deserve attention;

♦ a brutal man, even if he argues, never goes beyond what is permitted and does not assert himself at the expense of his opponent;

♦ a brutal man is smart and tactful, he will never speak vulgarity in the presence of a lady;

♦ a brutal man is always responsible for his words and actions, he will never allow a woman to support him and solve problems.

What does a brutal man look like?

Following the Russian proverb “one is greeted by his clothes...” a brutal man can also be recognized by his appearance.

Here are the special preferences in the appearance of a brutal macho:

  • an untucked shirt of a calm tone and soft colors made of denim or other dense fabric, but always unbuttoned with several buttons so that a beautiful muscular body is visible;
  • military or country shirt style;
  • mandatory presence of leather items;
  • the presence of a slightly loose-fitting jacket or short jacket;
  • wearing dark sunglasses almost all year round;
  • It is possible to use items made of dark fur;
  • mandatory presence of high-quality and expensive watches, cufflinks, bracelet, medallion, genuine leather belt, etc.;
  • and always a careless demeanor.


Separately, we need to talk about the beard. Most men do not wear a beard, but brutal men with a beautiful and neat beard stand out among the crowd. To ensure that the beard attracts attention and does not repel it, a brutal man will regularly carry out strengthening procedures for it, lubricating it with essential oils. And then he will get a smooth, silky, obedient brutal beard.

How to win a brutal man

To win a beautiful, well-groomed, courageous macho, you must follow the following recommendations:

To arouse the hunter's interest, the woman must be pretty, attractive, and self-confident. But it is important not only to win, but also to constantly maintain interest in yourself, skillfully using seduction. It would be good to know the characteristics of the psychological type of character of your chosen one;

For a strong relationship, it is necessary to have common interests, so that you can always carry on a conversation, express your opinion, and enter into a discussion. The height of the relationship will be not only a passion for cinema, books, but also sports in general, and football in particular, fishing, weapons, etc. but in everything you need to feel moderation. A brutal man will not tolerate the fact that someone understands “his” hobbies better than him. After all, he is used to being first in everything! During a conversation, you must be an attentive listener and not interrupt;

A brutal man is the dream of every woman. Recently, a fashionable expression has become often used - a brutal man. But not everyone knows what meaning is hidden in the meaning of this phrase.

Initially, brutality implied qualities such as cruelty and rudeness. Gradually this word began to change its meaning, acquiring new characteristics. Now, when the expression “brutal man” is uttered, they more often mean the personification of masculinity, strength, and special charisma. Women may associate brutality with sexuality. This type of man is especially attracted to the female sex. This makes itself felt by ancient, cave instincts: “The stronger the male, the more prey, the healthier the offspring.” A type that dominates everything.

Trusting ladies believe that with such a man they are not afraid of anything, and “behind him is like behind a stone wall.” But having a relationship with a brutal “Macho” is not always easy and serene happiness. A brutal man still retains such qualities as rudeness, often selfishness, and a certain narcissism. He does not often strive for a serious relationship with one single woman. He may have the opinion about himself that any woman dreams of him, and this type is not very suitable for family life, at least until he begins to take life more seriously and take others into account. Many girls imagine that he is brutal can show violent passion, hot, irrepressible temperament. And they quite get such emotions. But this absolutely guarantees a stable, permanent relationship.

Increased testosterone levels only enhance the natural polygamy characteristic of men. Often, this type of man is not at all characterized by softness and tenderness; they may slightly despise manifestations of weakness. And not even because he is so bad, it’s just his nature. In life, he seeks and strives for adrenaline and excitement. It also happens that all this assertiveness and brutality can be a disguise, and the man hiding under it can have a sentimental heart that needs care. Therefore, before you lose your head in love with a brutal type, you should figure out what this person really is in order to prevent a broken heart and a failed family life.

In other words, when choosing a man with the goal of building a long-term relationship, you need to discard fantasies and illusions so as not to become a victim.

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Men can be different: black, red, idle... And if everything is more or less clear about the above, then who is a brutal man? How does it stand out and differ from the rest?

When speaking about a man that he is “brutal,” each person determines the meaning of the word due to his education and upbringing. Let's “calibrate” the concept, mark the internal boundary separating true masculinity from advertising similarity.

A brutal man is, first of all, a special type of male attractiveness. And, take into account, not external, ostentatious, but internal.

Translated from French, “brutality” is rough art, a rough diamond. But this is not a cavalier insolence. Yes, there is undoubtedly something animalistic, instinctively primitive in him. A brutal man is, first of all, a warrior, a hunter, ready at any moment to act with simple brute force. But he is also a friend you can really rely on. A person for whom honor is not just a word, but a way of life. This is a straightforward man who says only what he thinks. At the same time, he does not use his tongue in vain. Respecting the feelings of others, he will not impose his opinion when he is not asked about it. There is no cruelty for the sake of bloodthirstiness.

A brutal man pays little attention to the emotions that he evokes in others with his presence; he simply knows his worth. It is this confidence that is so attractive in women's eyes. He is like a well-fed lion who does not hunt mice. And, of course, such a man will not prove to a woman who is “in charge.” Although he is strong, and it is precisely such representatives that they say - courageous.

True brutals may not have women; the weaker half is ready to be enchanted by their discreet charm. And all because in the age of feminization a woman still wants to be weak and to see next to her

A man who can stand up for himself and his girlfriend, who will not need to be looked after and protected from trouble. a woman cannot refuse reciprocity.

There is an opinion that a brutal man is a piercing look, three-day-old stubble and When a young man follows the image created by rumor, he risks being branded an unkempt boor, but certainly not a brutal representative of the stronger sex.

The pseudo-strong man conducted a special study on the topic: what is brutal? His models were characters from films, commercials, and faces from the covers of men's magazines. The effect produced on others means a lot to the pseudo-brutal. It is important for him to gain respect at any cost: by the force of external persuasion or oppression of those who are weaker than him.

Insult and humiliation are the favorite pastime of a fake man. If the balance of power is not in his favor, the ostentatious nature of behavior changes to complaisance and compliance. And the bad guy, whose role the man played, suddenly transforms into a pathetic weakling. This is how the true face of a weak-willed person with an arrogant character is revealed.