What do wavy nails say. Poor quality care products. Causes of Wavy Nails

Should be everyone's priority, but not everyone follows this rule. Then we can notice that wavy stripes and depressions appear on the surface. This not only spoils the appearance of the nail, but also adds inconvenience, speaks of problems. And even if you paint over them with varnish, it will not help. Because a brighter shade, on the contrary, will attract attention. Often this happens on the thumbs, because they are prone to mechanical damage and bruises.

There are either single waves, or several depressions right in the middle of the nail. And sometimes it is caused by more serious health problems.

What to do?

First of all, you need to understand that you must eat right and in a balanced way so that the marigolds remain even, pink and shiny. Do not get carried away with diets, because they can do more harm than good. Then we are talking about the fact that the body does not absorb the necessary vitamins and minerals, and then they do not go to the nail, skin, hair and do not nourish them.

Then you need to add more fruits, vegetables and meat to the diet. Also eat food that is rich in calcium, keratin, iodine and iron. It is these elements that nourish the structure of the nail, making it stronger. Often it is wavy nails that indicate that you have an acute lack of iron. Most of it is found in meat, cabbage, peas. Also pay attention to citrus fruits, because this is where the most vitamin C is. If, in addition to waves, you see that the nails have begun to become stained, then they also lack zinc and vitamin A.

Treatment at home

As mentioned earlier, waves and stripes are not always the result of changes in the body. Often the problem is simple and lies in an incorrectly executed manicure. you can even injure the plate with a pen or keyboard if you press too hard on the nail. As for the cuticle, its improper removal can also adversely affect the condition of the nail. Therefore, it is best to use not a cut manicure, but gently soak your fingers, use orange oil and a wooden stick that will remove excess skin. But if you cut off too much cuticle, then it will begin to dry out, which means that the growth of the nail root may slow down and the entire plate will be deformed. Then you have to wait about three months until everything falls into place.

There is a whole list of procedures that can help you avoid the appearance of oxen on your nails:

  • Unedged manicure;
  • Gloves for washing dishes and using household chemicals;
  • Massage of fingers and nails with a special brush;
  • Essential oil baths;
  • Therapeutic coatings and basic bases for the nail;
  • Matte varnishes without gloss, which can hide the aesthetic unevenness of the nails;

As for the procedures that can significantly affect the nail and cause the development of waves, such as:

  • Not only will nail extensions not hide waves and irregularities, but it can even worsen the condition of the nails, after which they will need a long recovery;
  • Nail polishing should be carried out very carefully so as not to cut off the entire layer. Therefore, it is best if you divide it into several tricks;
  • Do not get carried away with oils and creams, because this softens the cuticle and becomes more prone to injury;

What needs to be remembered?

They say that nails are hereditary organs, but this is not true. Because with the help of general rules and various means, you can at least slightly improve their condition. But by nature, healthy nails, on the contrary, can be very spoiled due to poor-quality manicure or in the presence of serious infections. Therefore, it is important that you do a manicure periodically, but only according to the rules. For example, do not use metal nail files, file your nails in one line from the sides to the center, and do not touch the edges.

Nails, like hair, have the ability to absorb everything from their structure, so never use acetone or low-quality nail polishes. Limit the wear of varnish to five days and let's rest your hands for at least two or three days. Take the same break when wearing shellac or acrylic. If you feel pain, then do not wear such a covering at all and consult a doctor.

It’s good if from time to time you buy base coats or medical varnishes, which will additionally nourish the nail plate with vitamins and elements. Moreover, you can tint them yourself, and apply varnishes on top, which will last much longer than usual.

And, of course, you must follow the basic rules of hygiene, use soap or antibacterial wipes, use only sterile and individual manicure tools.

Such simple rules will allow you to avoid health problems and keep your nails beautiful, well-groomed and without waves and inclusions. This means that you will not feel discomfort and will be able to decorate them with various varnishes or rhinestones. After all, nails are as important as hair or skin. Therefore, give them enough time, effort and money. What’s more, you don’t have to spend any extra money.


Are you really satisfied with life with such a disease? With its side effects? Are you ready to endure the itch, hide your legs from others, suffer from pain, lose your nails?

Nails are not only one of the components of a unique image, but also a significant sign of the health of the whole organism. The appearance of wavy irregularities on them is a very common phenomenon.

However, you should not be discouraged in such a situation. Finding out and eliminating the causes will help to radically affect the nail ribbing.

The main causes of wavy fingernails

In search of reasons why the nails on the hands are wavy (treatment, photos will be discussed later), a wide variety of factors are distinguished that directly affect the unwanted nail relief.

Experts have identified the following, the most compelling sources of changes in the state of the nail plate.

Injury to the nail plate

Often carelessness or improper care leads to injury to the nail. Its integrity can be broken not only due to impact or accidental pinching, but also with careless cutting of the cuticle or burrs.

Damage can cause a regular burn or poor-quality nail extension. The use of low-quality varnish also leads to unpleasant consequences.

Note! The reason for the deformation of the nail plate is sometimes the simplest ballpoint pen.

The problem appears in case of excessive pressing of the handle to the nails. Long typing on the keyboard with two or three fingers also leads to the symptom of wavy nails.

Infectious or bacterial lesions causing waviness of the nails

The appearance of the nail plate is sometimes determined by fungal diseases. At the same time, varnishes and other nail coatings do not hide the defect, since they do not lie flat on the ribbed surface.

Infection often occurs in public places (hotels, transport, gyms). In this case, the nails are affected not only on the hands, but also on the legs.

Among the manifestations of the disease, in addition to changes in relief, there is severe itching. In such a case, it is essential to consult a dermatologist for further prescription of therapeutic measures.

In addition, we should not forget about prevention. It is necessary to use antifungal agents, which can be purchased both in pharmacies and in nail salons.

Hormonal changes that affect the nail plate

The thyroid gland, which creates a certain hormonal background in the body, sometimes malfunctions. In this case, the presence of deformation of the nail plate is not the worst result. The consequences of such violations can be observed throughout the body.

It is possible to identify such a cause only through a targeted examination by an endocrinologist. However, hormonal disruptions can often be identified by acne, hair loss, unreasonable weight changes, swelling of the face, legs.

Diseases of internal organs and systems

Failures in the work of any organ or system also affect the appearance of the nails. Most often, such a defect is the result of improper metabolism associated with endocrine causes.

However, changes in the nails are often complications after previous diseases of a different nature (flu, pneumonia).

Deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body

Iron deficiency anemia is a common cause of wavy nails. Its presence will help determine the clinical analysis of blood. However, in addition to iron, a similar ailment can also cause a lack of other trace elements and vitamins.

Calcium is the main component of the nail plate, its deficiency often explains why the fingernails are wavy. Treatment, photos in this case indicate extremely undesirable consequences.

Vitamins such as A, B, E directly affect the appearance of the nail, creating strength and hydration. Due to their presence in the body, the nails have a healthier and stronger structure, without brittleness and flaking.

Only a specialist can determine the lack of a particular trace element or vitamin for the purpose of subsequent treatment. However, it is possible to undergo a preventive course of treatment with calcium or vitamins without medical indications.

Stress and emotional overstrain

Doctors have proven that emotional instability leads to disruption of the whole organism. Nervous outbreaks and depression often trigger a mechanism that causes an imbalance in the functioning of internal organs and systems.

Violation of the work of any organ always leads to unpleasant consequences, including changes in the relief of the nail plate.

Treating wavy fingernails

It should be noted that the treatment of wavy fingernails always depends on the cause identified by the doctor. In case of injury, for example, it is worth waiting for the complete regeneration of the nail plate, that is, its fusion.

Many women, wondering why the fingernails are wavy, are already asked when the nail plate needs serious treatment.

Sometimes filing and polishing the nail partially solves this problem.

Medications to help eliminate waviness of the nails

Treatment of wavy nails on the hands involves the use of medications, although for some reason this therapy is not always addressed in the first place, which often leads to sad consequences (the corresponding photos are at the end of the article).

Among the mandatory there are preparations containing iron, calcium, vitamins of group B. In such a case, glycerophosphate, retinol, phytin, ascorbic and nicotinic acids, thiamine, cyanocobalamin are extremely necessary.

It is not excluded the appointment of vitamins A and E, which strengthen the resistance of nails to external factors.

In addition to medications that strengthen and correct the nail, it is necessary to prescribe general strengthening and immune-stimulating agents, as well as sedatives.

Important to remember! For the effective restoration of the health of the nail plate, it is necessary to simultaneously carry out the mandatory treatment of the disease that caused the problem associated with the loss of aesthetics of the nails!

Vitamin therapy for wavy nails

In addition to taking medications, nail health requires the use of a balanced diet, including the use of buckwheat, liver, pomegranates, apples in order to raise hemoglobin. Nutritionists in such a case recommended the rejection of flour and fatty foods.

For a clearer idea of ​​the content of nutrients in food, the following table is presented.

Vitamin BBlack currant, brown rice, broccoli, olives. B vitamins help convert food into energy, maintaining healthy nails, skin, and hair. By reducing inflammation, they accelerate tissue regeneration.
IronMeat, poultry, berries, zucchini, tuna play an important role in restoring fingernails if they have become wavy. Why is iron so important? In the human body, this microelement performs the function of storing and distributing oxygen in tissues. In the above photos, you can observe the positive results of iron treatment.
Fluorine, vitamin CCitruses, tomatoes, nuts, chicken eggs. The state of not only nails, but also hair, teeth, and bone tissue depends on the amount of fluorine in the body. Vitamin C protects organic cells from destruction, increases tissue immunity.
SulfurOnion, oatmeal, buckwheat, garlic. These products relieve the nail plate from brittleness and delamination. Give it a natural shine.

Pharmacists have developed special multivitamin complexes that provide for both oral use and their use for homemade masks and baths.

The most effective for strengthening the nail plate are sesame and olive oils rich in essential vitamins. It is enough to rub them into the fingers during the massage.

Folk recipes for wavy fingernails

Considering the question of why the fingernails are wavy, treatment (photos of sick and healthy nails are at the end of the article) involves the use of traditional medicine methods.

There are many ways and means of dealing with such an ailment as a wavy nail. All of them are simple and accessible:

  • Unrefined sunflower oil is an excellent tool for applications on affected nails.
  • Oatmeal mask is very useful: to prepare it, you need to steam oatmeal (oatmeal), then put it on your hands for half an hour. After removing the mask, you should wash your hands under warm water, use a nourishing cream as a moisturizer.

  • Freshly squeezed tomato juice is used for nail baths, such a bath must be taken for at least 20 minutes.
  • In 2 tbsp. warm water should be diluted with sea salt in the amount of 1 tbsp. l., add 2-3 drops of lemon essential oil or iodine; use as hand baths 3-4 times a week for 2 months.
  • Similarly to the previous recipe, an herbal bath is prepared, only the water in it is replaced by a medicinal decoction of herbs (oregano, chamomile, sage).

Cosmetic procedures

Currently, many salons have special equipment that restores damaged nails. For this purpose, treatment courses developed by specialists are successfully applied.

In physiotherapy, diathermy, iontophoresis, phonophoresis with the use of essential vitamins are effectively used. The courses consist of 10-15 procedures, with an interval of up to 8 weeks.

Non-apparatus methods of treatment are also popular. Therapeutic mud, natural wax, ozocerite, paraffin are often used in warm applications. For maximum effectiveness, such applications are abundantly applied to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nail and the territory adjacent to it.

Warm baths with the addition of various essential oils, sea salt, and pine needle extract are also effective. Such additives, facilitating blood flow, stimulate the nutrition of nail cells.

Carefully! The porous structure of the nail plate tends to absorb various substances to the maximum, including harmful ones. This is often the reason why fingernails become wavy and require emergency treatment.

Uneven nails, as in the photo, are an indicator of disorders occurring in the body

The photos below show the results of such an impact. Therefore, it is worth avoiding or completely eliminating prolonged contact with household chemicals, if necessary, use gloves.

What not to do during the treatment of wavy fingernails

In pursuit of beauty, do not forget about some methods and actions that can be dangerous. In order not to aggravate the problem, you should use the following tips:

Nail extension does not solve the problem of deformation, but only exacerbates it, because there is a high risk of chemical burns.

After applying it, the waves will undoubtedly disappear, but the reason why the fingernails are wavy will not be eliminated. Treatment will still be needed.

The examples in the photo prove that very soon the relief will reappear with a higher intensity.

Do not get carried away with diligent moisturizing of the cuticle and burrs when they are removed. This leads to over-softening of the skin, leading to infection and injury.

Dry cuticles must be trimmed very carefully. To do this, you can resort to the help of a qualified specialist, or take his advice.

How to prevent the appearance of waves on the nails (prevention)

In order to avoid deformation of the nails and maintain their health, one should not forget about some very important points:

  • proper nutrition;
  • maximum restriction of nails from contact with household chemicals (doing homework with gloves);
  • observance of the interval between nail extensions;
  • applying nutrients, using baths;
  • filing nails in the process of creating a manicure should take place only at a right angle;
  • mandatory application of a base coat under a layer of varnish;
  • taking care of your body and health.

It is important to know! Healthy, strong nails require mandatory compliance with hygiene standards: the availability of an individual manicure kit, regular treatment with disinfectants immediately after use.

Why the hands flaunting in famous photos are beautiful and neat is often the result of considerable effort. If there is a problem of “wavy” nails, then treatment is required, which should be comprehensive in order to achieve a positive result.

Why are fingernails wavy? What treatment will be effective?

What wavy nails look like, photo:

: wavy, ribbed, bumpy, etc. It looks unpleasant, and causes a lot of inconvenience: the stratum corneum of the nails loses its smoothness and becomes rough, and the varnish on such nails does not fit well and unevenly. What causes such nail defects, and how can they be dealt with?

Causes of uneven nails

It is clear to almost everyone that the causes of problems are always more important, and they should be dealt with. However, in reality, the opposite is often the case: women try to mask the problem by covering their nails with several layers of decorative varnish. Temporarily in this way, the defect can be hidden, and at the same time the problem can be aggravated: under a thick layer of varnish, the nail plate will suffer seriously, having practically lost nutrition and oxygen.

Weakened nails feel even worse: already uneven, they begin to exfoliate, crumble, break, and lose their normal color. And here many, after consulting with friends or “digging” on the Internet, begin to self-medicate, imagining that the nails are deformed due to the fungus. The fungus can really be the cause of uneven nails, and especially with weakened immunity, but the treatment here should be prescribed by a specialist, based on tests, etc.

The unevenness of the nails can be caused by many different reasons, and often there are several of these reasons at once: “intertwining” with each other, they weaken not only the nails, but also destroy health in general.

At any age, metabolic problems can arise: because of this, the nails “starve”, become weak and uneven. Seeing an endocrinologist will help not only straighten your nails, but also avoid much more serious problems.

A lack of iron leads to a deterioration in the composition of the blood: the body tries to somehow distribute an important trace element in order to avoid anemia, and the nails often “do not reach the turn”.

Violation of the vitamin-mineral balance and hypovitaminosis also negatively affect the nails. Especially often we lack calcium, vitamins, and group B, which are necessary for healthy skin, hair and nails.

Nails also often reflect the state of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys. It is no coincidence that experienced specialists, when examining patients, pay attention to the appearance of their nails: this helps doctors choose the types of examinations and make the correct diagnosis faster.

Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital area also affect the condition of the nails. The nails on the thumbs are more often affected: if they remain uneven and bumpy for a long time, it is better to undergo a special examination.

Seasonal colds and viral infections (influenza, SARS, etc.) are simply “not taken into account” by many people: they fell ill, recovered and forgot. But the nails, exhausted by the lack of vitamins and minerals that were actively consumed during the illness, as well as the action of antibiotics and other chemical drugs, “remember” everything, and it is very difficult for them to recover without our help.

There are other more or less serious internal causes of uneven nails, for the identification of which it is necessary to do tests and undergo other types of examination. So, you should not hesitate to consult a doctor: it’s better to restore your health as soon as possible and have beautiful nails again than to start the disease and then be treated “from all sides” - it will take much more time and money.

Nails often lose their smoothness and become uneven due to various mechanical damages associated not only with "extreme" situations.

Bumps, cuts and other injuries happen, but they happen infrequently, and some women do not experience them at all.

Deformation of the nail bed or plate due to the incorrect position of the fountain pen when writing or inept work on the keyboard can also occur only in those who write or type regularly and a lot.

Here manicure, one way or another, is done by almost all women, and it is not always possible to "get" to an experienced or conscientious master. Independent use of manicure tools - for example, metal ones, also often leads to damage to the cuticle and nails. And procedures such as grinding or extensions can seriously injure nails if carried out by an inexperienced master or using low-quality materials.

And there is also household chemicals, which no one can do without now, but our women are not used to using household gloves: aggressive substances easily penetrate the nail plate, poison, soften, destroy and deform nails.

Sometimes they talk about psychological reasons, explaining the unevenness of the nails with experienced shocks and constant stress. However, these reasons are closely related to physiology: during stress, nutrient reserves are consumed in huge quantities, and the nails cannot withstand this.

Treatment of uneven nails

It is necessary to treat nails in parallel with the main problem: we found out that uneven nails are most often the result of serious diseases. Even if the problem is caused by mechanical action, the treatment will be the same: in order to recover, the nails must receive good care and normal nutrition.

Medicines are used (tonic, immunomodulatory and sedative (soothing)) and dietary supplements - especially with iron and retinol, vitamins E, and group B; massage, physiotherapy. In the latter case, different procedures are used: for example, iontophoresis - drug electrophoresis, when drugs penetrate into the nails under the influence of galvanic current; phonophoresis - drugs and cosmetics are administered using ultrasound, etc. As a rule, 10 to 15 procedures are prescribed, and after 1.5-2 months the course is repeated.

Very useful preparations with glycerophosphate - a substance that improves metabolism, enhances protein synthesis and compensates for the lack of calcium in the body. There is also the drug Fitin, from oil cake and hemp seed, containing salts of magnesium, calcium, and phosphoric acid. It stimulates blood formation and improves the structure of tissues, including nails.

If there is nail dystrophy, hot baths (about 45 ° C), with sea salt, essential oils, coniferous extract, ordinary baking soda, etc., help well. Blood flow to the nail growth zone improves and tissue nutrition is restored.

Applications on nails with paraffin, therapeutic mud, warm wax and ozocerite - mountain wax, are recognized as an equally effective procedure. All these products can be bought inexpensively at a pharmacy, and even ready-made: for example, paraffin-ozocerite applicators are sold freely and cost about 120-150 rubles. Applications are applied in such a way as to “capture” not only the nails, but also the cuticle and the skin around.

If the nails are vertically ribbed, baths with lemon juice and sea salt quickly help, 1 tsp each. for 0.5 liters of water. They should be done 3 times a week, keeping the nails in the solution for 15 minutes.

For the duration of the treatment of uneven nails, it is better to refuse to use decorative varnish.

Some people sometimes wonder why the fingernails are ribbed, bumpy and what to do about it? Indeed, such a problem can manifest itself in a person at a very different age, both in a child and in an elderly person. Such a deformation of the nail plate looks unaesthetic and causes a lot of anxiety. In this article we will try to figure out what are the causes of the phenomenon and how to eliminate it.

Why do they appear

Strong irregularities of the nail plate are not only a cosmetic problem. Their appearance may be due to improper manicure, injuries or internal problems of the body. And it is even possible that this is a symptom of a fungal disease - an unpleasant and difficult to treat phenomenon.

If you understand what they are talking about and why waves appear on the nails, then the reasons can be very diverse. They can be divided into external and internal. External is:

  1. Incorrect cutting of the cuticle;
  2. Nail extensions, etc. procedures;
  3. Exposure to chemicals, such as when cleaning without gloves;
  4. Injuries.

Bumpy fingernails can cause internal causes such as:

  1. Mycoses;
  2. Metabolic disease;
  3. Unbalanced diet;
  4. Lack of vitamins and microelements;
  5. Bad habits;
  6. stress;
  7. Hormonal disorders.

This is not a complete list of why there may be ribbed thumbnails or a wavy uneven nail plate, the reasons are much more varied and individual. The risk groups for this disease are the elderly, pregnant women and women who have recently given birth, children and adolescents in the period of active growth, etc.

The high probability of the appearance of irregularities on the nails in these groups of people is associated with a metabolic disorder in their body and a sharp decrease in the amount of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. In pregnant women and adolescents, the risk is also increased due to unstable hormonal levels. The same applies to the question of why uneven wavy nails on the hands and feet of a child, the reason here is that all the useful substances go, which is called "growth". Here you can’t help with a simple diet adjustment, you need to connect vitamin complexes. But we will talk about this below.

How to prevent the occurrence

Any disease (and bumps on the nails can be considered a disease) is easier to prevent than to treat. How to reduce the likelihood of occurrence of the phenomenon? First of all, it is necessary to exclude external negative factors. Wash dishes, wear gloves. Manicure with great care and avoid injury to the nail bed. If your nails are weak, refrain from extensions, gel coating, etc.

The second thing to do is seriously adjust your diet. One of the main reasons why fingernails deteriorate, wavy thumbnails or all fingernails become ribbed, wavy is a lack of vitamins. Usually, these are iron, calcium, vitamin E, etc. The diet should include carrots, vegetable oils, citrus fruits, rose hips, seafood, dairy products. Gelatin is also useful for nails, use marmalade, jelly, aspic, marshmallows, etc.

It also doesn't hurt to make adjustments to your lifestyle. It is worth quitting smoking, as nicotine is one of the reasons why nails grow in waves, become uneven, ribbed, wavy, yellowed. It is important to get enough sleep and try to minimize the amount of stress, allocate time for the body to rest.

How to cure nails

Wavy nails

Competent and comprehensive treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor. To do this, he will need to familiarize himself with the results of several studies in order to establish why the nails become wavy. However, even before going to the doctor, you can do something at home.

First of all, vitamins A, E, C and B are necessary for healthy nails. They can be obtained from food, but much easier in the form of a vitamin complex. It will be equally effective to take both multivitamins and each vitamin separately. Capsules with vitamins are sold in a pharmacy, and their contents can be successfully used for masks and hand baths.

Uneven thumbnails can also be the result of a calcium deficiency. In addition, because of this, the plates acquire increased fragility. Sufficient calcium combined with silicon will make nails healthier, thicker and more resistant to breakage by increasing their elasticity. Eat dairy products, tuna or Calcium D3 tablets.

Another reason why wavy toenails appear on the thumbs is a lack of sulfur. This directly provokes the curvature of the plate and the deformation of the nail bed. It is found in large quantities in garlic and onions, eggplant, buckwheat. In order to accelerate the growth of a healthy nail, it is worth including more B vitamins, as well as iodine, in your diet.

Cosmetic procedures

If you notice minimally manifested wavy fingernails, then it is better to start treatment immediately so as not to start everything up to the state shown in the photo. After adjusting the diet and getting rid of bad habits, you can start caring procedures. Now they will make sense.

An effective remedy that can help is baths with sea salt or a decoction of chamomile and calendula. You need to do them daily for 15-20 minutes, before going to bed or before performing a manicure. Use a cuticle remover instead of mechanical cuticle trimmers, because often wavy toenails or thumbnails are the cause of improper cuticle removal, resulting in damage to the nail plate.

Nail polishing

The situation is more complicated with toenails. Uneven, ribbed toenails are most often a sign of a fungal disease. It is quite difficult to eliminate, and its treatment requires a professional and comprehensive approach. In this case, it is important to consult a doctor in time and start treatment with antimycotic drugs that are suitable for your type of fungus.

Another reason why the fingernail grows in waves is a violation of the parathyroid glands and metabolism. Since initially these nails are stronger, waves appear on them only with a very large deficiency of vitamins and calcium. In this regard, it is recommended to rub oil A or E from the capsules into the nails 2-3 times a week. This should be done after a shower.

Let's also say that irregularities on the nail plate can also occur after suffering serious infectious diseases - influenza, pneumonia, etc. If the damage to the nails is strong enough, that is, there are bumps, dents, etc. appeared on all nails - do not self-medicate. It is better to consult a doctor who can competently make a diagnosis. After all, wavy ribbed fingernails can appear as a sign of a fairly serious illness.

Most often on the hands, the waviness of the nail appears precisely on the thumbs. To a greater extent, the causes of this phenomenon are various injuries, as well as other effects on the hands of a mechanical type. However, if all the nails on the hands become like this, then it is no longer a matter of injuries, and special treatment is often required.

Why wavy nails?

Many of us are interested in why nails become wavy? Most often, this is a cosmetic problem that occurs as a result of improper nail care. It is likely that the manicure was not neat, and the cuticle was cut quite roughly. Or during contact with household chemicals, there were no protective gloves on the hands. But in most cases, it happens that wavy nails are a sign of health problems, and quite serious ones. What are these problems, and what treatment is required?

fungal infection

Mycoses are a common problem on the hands, even in those people who follow the rules of personal hygiene. Drinking such an infection, which only treatment will allow to get rid of, is very simple: for example, taking a personal item of a sick person or even touching objects unsuccessfully in public places, for example, in a gym. If you have a suspicion regarding the fungus, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor, as delayed treatment can make the healing process longer.

First of all, yellowed nails speak of mycosis. Their crumbling, pain and itching are also noticeable. There is a huge variety of fungi, so for the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to pass laboratory tests. According to their results, the doctor will be able to choose the necessary treatment. The main point of successful recovery from mycosis is an individual approach to treatment. However, in any case, you should not self-medicate: this can lead to a deterioration in health.

In the event that it turns out that the cause of the waviness of the nails was not a fungus, it is still recommended to follow the rules for its prevention. In most cases, this is compliance with hygiene standards: change socks every day, do not wear someone else's shoes, do not go barefoot in the sauna and bath.

Non-fungal lesion

Nails can be exposed to a wide variety of pathogenic microbes. They are also capable, like fungal infections, of affecting the nail plates with their subsequent deformation. Therefore, even if at first glance it may seem that there is nothing wrong with such "waves", it is still better to consult a doctor. Treatment in this case will not be superfluous.

Why you?

It's a shame when you and your friend went together, for example, to the beach, she continues to show off her healthy nails, but you don't. What is the reason? Why can some people walk barefoot in the pool, sauna, bath, common shower without any problems, and some even have to walk around the house in rubber slippers? How to explain that some people are more likely to have a fungal infection, while others do not?

It's all about the immune system. In properly nourished, hardened people involved in sports, the body is able to cope with almost any disease. Therefore, the formation of waviness on the nails in the first place indicates poor health. How to act in such a situation? To protect against a germ-infested environment, do the following:

  • exercise;
  • eat a balanced diet;
  • be outdoors;
  • get enough sleep;
  • do not be nervous.

Agree - very simple. But in the end you can get a healthy body, without problems with the heart, stomach, liver, lungs, kidneys and other organs. Good internal well-being will begin to manifest itself in your appearance.

We treat wavy nails at home

If wavy nails are not any of the pathologies or diseases of the organs, then most likely the reason is the wrong manicure. Mistakes in nail care, unlike health problems, are much easier to fix. The speed of eliminating the problem directly depends only on the growth rate of nails, because such irregularities are not capable of disappearing by themselves. After the grooves are cut, you only need to follow the proper care of your hands.

Avoid nail injury

The nail plate is quite delicate, so it can suffer from almost any mechanical impact. Frequent typing on the keyboard, pressing the ballpoint pen against the nail too much - as a result, you get deformation, foliation and crumbling of the nail. You should also not overwork your hands - everything is good only in moderation.

Deal gently with cuticles

Removing cuticles in a rough way can lead to wavy nails. Indeed, after inaccurate cutting of the skin, using scissors, various cuts, wounds and cracks often occur. This helps to open the "doors" for bacteria and pathogens, which cause uneven nails. This can be avoided by using an unedged manicure: you only need to use a special gel and wooden sticks, thereby pushing back the cuticles, and not cutting them off. You can make a pre-bath for hands: with essential oils or sea salt.

Remove burrs correctly

The skin torn near the nail usually just asks to be bitten off or torn off, which only exacerbates the problem. If you get rid of hangnails in such a terrible way, you can eventually get wounds that will be replete with infections. Tears in the skin are best repaired using sharp scissors, and the incision site should then be disinfected. There are also a number of ways aimed at accelerating the manifestation of irregularities on the nails, and protecting them from their further formations:

  • the use of gloves when in contact with household chemicals;
  • decorative varnishes that have a uniform coating that does not create scratches on the nails;
  • disinfection of tools used for manicure;
  • unedged manicure: European, spa, Japanese;
  • regular nail massage;
  • Use a base coat before applying varnish.

These methods will allow you to take maximum care of your nails and skin. And they will definitely thank their mistress with a beautiful and healthy appearance. The most important thing in this case is regularity. When using cleaning products, gloves should be worn all the time, not occasionally. Inconsistent care will not be able to bring the proper result. However, there are a number of procedures that are absolutely useless for wavy nails:

  • very strong hydration of cuticles and nails. Neither damaged nor even healthy nails will like it. In the future, the cuticles will become very tender, as a result of which they will suffer from permanent injuries that can lead to inflammation and suppuration;
  • nail extension. Artificial nails are not able to solve the problem. You can hide the deformation, but this will not remove the waviness, will not be able to improve the health of the nails, will not correct the mistakes of the beautician;
  • nail polishing. This procedure allows you to remove dead cells. But it can be done no more than once a month and as carefully as possible. If the nail is wavy, then polishing will not be able to solve the problem, because it is not able to change its shape and structure.

In summarizing

This does not mean that if you have a wavy nail, you should not do any of the above. You just need to understand that you should deal with such grooves in completely different ways. And first of all, it is recommended to determine the cause of this phenomenon.