What to do if the husband began to annoy - advice from a psychologist. The husband has become aggressive and irritable - reasons, psychologist's advice What to do when you annoy your husband

I welcome you dear women on the pages of my blog! Men, hello to you too;) Sasha Bogdanova is with you and today we will talk about this ...

Girls, when you got married, did you really think that marriage is only positive emotions with an endless stream of butterflies in your stomach?

I think you knew that there will undoubtedly be difficulties, but it’s easier to think “well, it’s someday, and indeed it’s for someone, but everything will be different for me!”. And here it is not.

Now you have begun to catch yourself on the fact that your beloved, close and such a dear person has begun to infuriate you with almost every one of your actions ... and inaction too. Bad emotions, right?

Well, what to do if your husband infuriates and annoys you to such an extent that even climb out of the window from him? Or maybe it’s better to put it in the window and the problem is solved? Kidding...

By the way, it is possible that you annoy your husband, no less than he does you! Something to think about too :/

And so... What do you not like about your man? “Everything about him annoys me! He's pissing me off!!"

  • It's crazy how he walks
  • How to eat, terribly champing the whole house
  • Annoying how he sleeps
  • Furious as he thinks
  • Doesn't think
  • How does he look
  • Do not look
  • getting dressed
  • smiling
  • Laughing at dumb jokes
  • Admiring herself in the mirror
  • Throwing socks under the bed
  • Chewing cookies on the couch
  • Doesn't do anything lazy
  • Does not help
  • Teaches life
  • etc.

This list can be continued indefinitely! But after all, once you simply did not notice much of this, you saw only the best in it. You liked to watch him eat, and his smile made your heart beat faster.

You were the happiest walking with him in the pouring rain, and now you are pissed off that he only took his umbrella.

You listened to his advice and enjoyed watching with him perhaps not the most “smart” films. And now the husband is annoying for any reason and there is no end to this.

Why does everything infuriate me in a loved one?

Evening, you are waiting for the return of your beloved home, preparing dinner for him and now he is the long-awaited doorbell. You open it, on the threshold it is dear and most beloved, and suddenly ... everything starts to annoy you.

There is a mountain of sand from his boots at the door, all things scattered in different corners on the way to the kitchen. You set the table and half an hour of champing, squelching and shaking off the crumbs on the floor begins.

“Damn, how he pisses me off!” You scream to yourself and, at best, walk silently out of the kitchen. Later, you find a crumpled wet towel on top of a freshly ironed pile of laundry.

And then the rest of the evening you watch a picture of a husband picking his phone (or, worse, his nose), indifferent to you and continuing to slurp something. "How much the hell can you eat?!"

Is your patience on the verge of nailing it down with the nearest heavy object?

Why is that? Most likely everything from the fact that when you got married, you were not ready for this. I thought that everything would be like in a fairy tale - he is always attentive, gentle ... if not a meeting, then flowers ...

And then suddenly on you - he turned into a lazy seal that does everything wrong. So maybe he was? Or maybe you think he's a seal just because he generally pisses you off?

Sometimes, the cause of such incomprehensible irritation can be an elementary unwillingness to live with someone together. A person gets used to having everything in the house as he wants.

But you need to understand that a husband is a person with his own everyday habits and you need to either put up with them or seek compromises with conversations, but not with scandals.

Yes, and he most likely also adapts to you in some way and it’s not a fact that he likes it! Maybe you just don't notice it?

Other reasons:

  • Maybe it's just not "your" man?
  • Or maybe you don't love him at all?
  • Or is he you?
  • Or do you lack his attention?
  • Maybe you hold some grudge against him?

All this and much more can cause such a negative reaction even to such trifles as a husband laughing at nonsense. Most likely the reason is somewhere deeper, try to understand yourself.

What to do?

Answer a few questions:

  1. Do you think he infuriates you on purpose in order to somehow offend or show his disregard?
  2. Do these actions always annoy you or only when your husband does it?
  3. Have you told him that you don't like this or that?
  4. Maybe he just doesn't know what annoys you?
  5. How often does he annoy you? If only sometimes, then it's not scary, but if it's constantly ...

Fortunately, there are such men whom it is enough to ask once “not to do this” and he will no longer do this. Try to talk to him, gently and calmly explain why your mood deteriorates so much when he does "it".

Maybe your nerve cells were killed in vain and the problem could be solved with one conversation?

She said, but he continues to do it? It’s worse when our loved ones don’t hear us, when they don’t care that we don’t like something and it’s wildly infuriating when they don’t see this as a problem and continue to be irritants!

If the husband refuses to hear you, does not want to make concessions for anything, and writes off all your requests for your harmful character, then maybe you should change your husband? Think about it.

After all, living with a man with whom you are constantly angry is at least not normal!

And let him complain to his friends, as he was fed up with his claims, this will no longer concern you.

Well, if you are sure that you love him and want to spend your life with him, then solve the problem, otherwise life with your beloved will turn into a nightmare!

Many give such advice: “Remember how good you were with him once and everything will be fine again” ... Nonsense, no less. Dilute the relationship with new sensations - yes, it may bring you closer, but just think and hope for a miracle ... (?)

And you can still try to behave like him. It is unlikely that he will like it if you crumble cookies on his favorite chair (not sure, by the way, that he will notice this) or lie down on the sofa, leaving him without dinner (he will definitely notice this).

Having explained to him why you did this, perhaps he will draw conclusions and understand how you were not pleased with one or another of his actions (inaction).

Let's sum it up

  1. Understand why all his actions infuriate you
  2. No need to endure silently, killing your nervous system
  3. Try to talk, maybe he will understand everything and stop annoying you
  4. If you don’t understand and don’t give a damn, it makes sense to find a replacement for him.

In general, I think that almost any unpleasant situation in the family can be solved by talking. And we have to talk about it. Well, if that didn’t help, then ... as I wrote above - look, dear women, for a replacement.

To endure a loved one and to be happy with a loved one are completely different things! But speaking of love...

You understand, no matter how much your husband loves you, he still, at least sometimes, will do what he wants and likes! He's like a real person too, not a robot...

On this, my dears, I will put an end to it for today ( ) Let's continue the topic in the comments, your opinion about all this and of course your experience is very interesting, I must have missed something in my thoughts 🙂

And, by the way, do not forget to "hook" your friends on interesting articles, I thank you very much for this!!)

ps / no one canceled the riddles!

Here is such a simple puzzle for you today 🙂

Always with you, Sasha Bogdanova

Have you ever had the feeling that just looking at your spouse, with whom you seem to need to be one whole “both in sorrow and in joy”, you have a strong desire to just run away somewhere far away, if only not to see? If your husband starts to annoy you, then you may have serious relationship problems brewing and urgent action needs to be taken.

Our psychologist's advice on what to do if your husband is annoying is so simple that you will soon forget about the time when your only desire was to get a divorce as soon as possible.

Why is my husband annoying?

Well, the husband infuriates and irritates - a similar problem occurs from time to time in hundreds of thousands of women around the world. Most of them coped with the problem and continue to live a happy family life.

To begin with, try to answer yourself the question, what exactly irritates you in it? The fact that he didn’t screw the cap on the tube of toothpaste again or didn’t take a walk with the dog, you asked him a hundred times already, didn’t you? Or maybe he again sits all evening watching TV with a bottle of beer in his hand, and he is completely indifferent to the fact that you have a migraine and his cries of “Come on, Arshavin, fix them!” they just kill you?

There is a double-edged sword, as they say. On the one hand, it seems to be the same person with whom you once fell in love and whom you married, but on the other ...

On the other hand, at the moment of an ardent declaration of love and a romantic marriage proposal, for some reason no one warned you that dirty socks would periodically appear in your cozy family nest. And they will appear in the most unexpected places in your apartment.

You didn’t even suspect that the order that you put in place for two hours will turn into chaos in a second just because, you see, he will need to find a tie that he hasn’t worn for six months and he will direct all his talent to search for it " destroyer." Alas, these are the most common reasons, and they are all related to our way of life.

The husband began to annoy - we are looking for compromises

Family life is, first of all, a compromise, and the sooner you understand this, the better. It may seem to you that only you are constantly making sacrifices, and he lives in complete harmony with his needs. Actually it is not.

Think about it, you probably have your own skeletons in the closet! For example, in the form of the habit of using his razor when “emergency hair removal” is necessary, when there is no time for other methods of hair removal, and the “strip has already been erased” on your machine, or the desire to vacuum the carpet in front of the TV right in the midst of the World Cup final. Agree, and you are not an angel.

So where is the exit? Will the notorious life kill all those tender feelings that you once experienced for each other? Here it all depends on you.

If the husband is annoying - what should I do to make this feeling disappear? Try to be a little more tolerant and say to yourself:

  • Yes, of course, he snores a little in his sleep, but how he makes love to me before that!
  • Of course, my husband is not the neatest man in the world, but his hands are simply golden. Everything in the house is always screwed and screwed.

There may be many options. For each minus, try to find a plus. And you will be amazed at what a treasure you actually own.

Common hobbies in the fight against domestic irritants

Try to delve deeper into his hobby. This will help you better understand your faithful. Let's say go fishing with him. It is possible that having figured out all the subtleties, you yourself will be so involved that in a week you will, choking with delight, tell your girlfriends that “the spinning of this brand is just a plague!” and what exactly are you on it,

It is very important that you and your husband have common hobbies. When people breathe "the same air" it brings them so close that no small everyday irritants can get in the way of your family well-being.

It would be nice to go on vacation together. Choose some quiet, but always picturesque place. The beauty of nature has a calming effect, and your subconscious will begin to perceive everything around you (including your nearby spouse) in an exclusively positive way.

Although the opposite is also possible here. Relax separately. You can’t even imagine how distance affects a person’s attachment to something familiar.

After two weeks of separation, you will pounce on each other like hungry wolves (in a good way), and even if your spouse later arranges a complete rout in the apartment due to the loss of your favorite team, this will absolutely not unbalance you.

If the husband is annoying - what can not be done?

Strong, stable relationships are built not only on love. The main key to this door is the ability to understand a partner. A woman is naturally created to be more flexible in this regard. It is much easier for her to adapt to the usual way of life of her beloved.

No need to try to change it. Do not think that other women tried badly, and you can change your spouse. You can't! Either accept it the way it is or leave.

Don't think that men are blind. They see everything sometimes much better than us. And when your husband sees in you a soul that loves and understands him, believe me, he will appreciate it and respond in kind. And who knows, maybe one fine evening you will already be explaining to him, sitting in a luxurious evening dress in the hall of the opera house, why exactly so many times the ballerina must unscrew the fouette or how the coloratura soprano differs from the mezzo.

Family quarrels and quarrels are very unpleasant and can lead to the destruction of relationships. Women are by nature emotional and often throw out negative emotions on their spouse. Husbands usually keep all their feelings inside, and when they begin to show violent emotions, it becomes clear that they are at the limit.

If the irritation of the spouse in relation to the wife began to be clearly guessed, the woman should sound the alarm. But in order to cope with the current situation, you must first understand it and find out why the husband was so annoyed by the once beloved woman, whom he had forgiven everything before.

Please be quiet!
- But I'm silent.
- You think it's annoying.

Sherlock Holmes and Lestrade

What actions of a wife annoy her husband

An ideal relationship between two different people is almost unattainable. The foundation of any marriage is patience.. Only through this quality can harmony be achieved.

What to do if one of the spouses does not want to compromise at all? His feelings may have vanished? Or is there another reason?

The husband can show irritation in those cases when he is not satisfied with the behavior of his wife, but he cannot directly tell her about it. It is difficult for a man to say everything directly due to his psychological characteristics. Of course, everyone is individual and everyone has their own reasons for irritation.

When a woman is tormented by the thought: “Really, I annoy my husband with my actions,” you need to heed the advice of a psychologist about the possible causes of this irritation.

excessive affection

Some wives' attachment to their husbands can negatively affect relationships. Surprised?

To understand this, you need to try to switch places with your husband.

The unwillingness of women to make decisions on their own and the constant demands on her husband to resolve any issues, even the most insignificant ones, annoy him. She asks: “Do you think this bag will fit the dress?” He does not care about handbags at all, he is busy thinking about work. What will be his reaction?

Constant control of the spouse, reading sms in his phone, calls with questions about where he is - the reason for the annoyance of any man. The husband will regard all this as a desire to control him. You don’t need to constantly look into his eyes with a question about what he is thinking now, inquire about feelings - you can get an answer that is absolutely not satisfactory.


Why do women think that their significant other should understand them perfectly? If a wife tries to find out from her husband what he thinks, she herself acts exactly the opposite: she speaks in hints and is surprised that she was not understood. He does not know how to read minds, at this moment there are completely different thoughts in his head and it is difficult for him to switch.

The woman is offended that she was not understood and expresses all her thoughts on this matter. As a result, misunderstanding and rejection of each other.


We are all not perfect, but we must accept the shortcomings of a loved one if he is dear. Women, due to their excessive emotionality, completely do not pay attention to the fact that they often list the shortcomings of their husband in public. Be it friends, strangers or your own children.

Humiliating a man in public will also not benefit the relationship. A wife needs to learn to restrain herself in front of outsiders, otherwise her husband's resentment against her can develop into serious discord. The infringement of male pride will be reflected in his feelings for his wife.
If criticism of the father is carried out in the presence of children, his authority in the eyes of children may be seriously damaged, and this may have very serious consequences in the future.


Often, many wives are so confident in their relationship that they stop caring about their appearance. And how can a sloppy, plump woman in a dirty bathrobe not be annoying, always yelling at children and dissatisfied with everything around? Is this woman similar to the one he once conquered and gave flowers and compliments?

You should not think that "the husband will not go anywhere and no one needs him except me." Such thoughts will not lead to anything good, husband prove otherwise:

  • To forget about your appearance means not to love yourself or your husband. Looking like a cover model will not work, but it is simply necessary to put in order clothes and hair.
  • It does not hurt to remember also about a healthy diet - it is good for health, skin and figure.
  • And gymnastics will also get rid of.

husband management

Wife's attempts to control her husband with the help of tears, emotions, ignoring, refusing to have sex will not help in strengthening the relationship.

Men will not appreciate all these "efforts":

  • frequent tears will develop immunity in the husband, if he used to try to comfort and make concessions, then after realizing that this is one of her ways to get her way, he will stop responding;
  • screams and emotions will never help solve the problem, a direct conversation is another matter, it is much more effective;
  • by ignoring and showing indifference to a man, a woman tries to force him to draw attention to herself, but he draws the opposite conclusion from these actions;
  • educating a husband by not having sex can lead him to seek solace elsewhere.

How to build relationships

"My husband is often annoyed, but I don't understand why..."

What to do if the spouse is often irritated, says offensive words, indifference to his wife is read in his eyes, and the woman really wants to return his favor?

In this case, the following advice from psychologists can help the wife:

  • when the husband is annoyed, you should try to leave him alone with you, it is better to do what you love at this time, take a walk with the children, go to a friend or to the store;
  • you should not talk with your spouse with an imperative note in your voice, calm and affectionate speech will help relieve tension and establish mutual understanding;
  • in moments when the husband is annoyed, but it is necessary to resolve some issues, one should not make a decision alone, it is better to wait for his mood to change and discuss everything together;
  • if the husband's irritability has dragged on, he does not want to communicate, he has retired to another room and this continues for several days, the way out of the situation will be a change of scenery: a trip, a trip out of town, a hike;
  • each person needs a certain time to relieve irritation, if the husband quickly forgets the negative, you need to try to call him to a frank conversation and find out the reason for his frequent irritation, in cases where a man does not make contact for a long time, you should seek help from a psychologist.


Wife needs to learn to forget the offense, and not accumulate it, convincing yourself that the husband's irritation is connected with his loss of past feelings. You need to drive these thoughts out of your head and switch to the positive.

A cheerful and affectionate wife is unlikely to cause negative emotions, if peace and kindness reign in the house, the laughter of children is heard, then the man will feel that everything in his life is correct and irritation will disappear.

Hello dear readers! Every couple faces sooner or later. Sometimes it comes out of nowhere. Many women tend to blame themselves and become depressed. A complete misunderstanding of where the problem came from and why the spouse’s attitude has changed gives rise to bewilderment and not always adequate actions.

The husband became irritable and angry: what could be the reasons for such behavior, what to do so as not to spoil everything, and the psychologist will give you answers to many other questions today. You will have not only an understanding, but also a plan of action that will definitely help to understand the problem and build relationships.

What Not to Do

Oh, this selfishness! Many people, especially among women, completely forget about their partner at such moments. They begin to worry not so much about the causes of the behavior of the spouse, but about its consequences.

There was such a case in my practice. A crying girl came to the reception, who told that she had once again quarreled with her lover. He had been rude to her lately, and she had absolutely no idea what was going on.

She talked for a long time about what he didn’t like and none of the problems, in my opinion, were so significant: either he accused her of not wanting to go to the store right now, then he scolded her for an accidentally thrown phrase, later she parked the wrong way car.

It should be noted that the girl herself did not try to find the true answer why this was happening, she was very worried about the fact that, in principle, her voice was raised at her, and other manifestations of aggression. She asked me to help her fix the man.

The young man called her again during our session and I asked her to pick up the phone. The main time of the “swearing” was occupied by the fact that he tried to explain what and how she needs to do in a particular situation, and she told for a long time that it was indecent to speak in raised tones. People did not understand each other at all and tried to solve different problems in the conflict.

As it turned out later, the man of this girl became aggressive after his father was in the hospital, but the couple did not talk about this topic. He continued to pour out his discontent on her, and she told,.

A big problem for relationships is the selfishness of partners. In everyone's life there are troubles that are difficult to deal with on your own. A person starts to fight like a wounded lion and the only thing he can do is pour out his aggression on others. Of course, in this case, your own emotions and the struggle for rights will not lead to anything good.

There is a clash of interests. One screams about his own, but does not say what he really cares about, and the second is only concerned that the partner has become somehow different.

What to do in this situation

If your husband has become indifferent or aggressive, then direct questions may not always help. You will have to go for tricks. Be delicate in this matter and try to understand what really worries him. Are his claims adequate or is he just looking for a reason to quarrel. In couples, people often quarrel over topics that they don't care about that much. They hide their true problems under them.

The man is worried because his father is in the hospital. He can do nothing to help him and the situation just needs to be experienced. He cannot talk about it with a girl and thereby relieve his soul, as a result, he simply throws off the accumulated emotions on her.

Of course, this situation is also relevant for other cases. For example, during pregnancy, a husband may worry that he will have to be responsible for another person, he is afraid that he will not be able to cope with a new role or his wife will not be able to devote enough time to him, and now he will have to share attention with the baby.

The young man is embarrassed to express his concerns. He assumes what kind of reaction awaits him and does not want to face it. Naturally, he will not talk about his fears, but will manifest himself differently - in the form of aggression or.

Of course, this does not apply to all males. Some are helped by shock therapy, when the girl directly says: “Let's be honest? The problem is not with me, you are afraid that ... ". A man experiences stress, is very worried, but after that he calms down and stops being aggressive. However, in this case, without due delicacy, you run the risk of running into a strong scandal and irreparable consequences.

I hope to understand which method will work with it. In some cases, it is much easier and better to step back and remain calm. Try to avoid conflicts or, if they arise, do not pander to them with your remarks. Leave the young man alone with his thoughts and attempts to figure it out on his own.

Be persistent if you want to know the true reasons for his behavior, but do not be pushy. If he does not want to talk about what really worries him, ask the same questions again, but a little later.

I can recommend you a great book Secrets of Successful Families. The view of a family psychologist "Artem Tolokonin, it contains a lot of information on how to become happier in marriage and find harmony in relationships.

Hi all! Yesterday I again had to "work with a vest." My friend Zhenya told me for a long time and chaotically something that strongly resembled the script of either a thriller or an action movie, which in fact turned out to be the story of her family life. An hour later, having stopped sobbing and waving her fists, she was still able to formulate her request normally - what to do if her husband infuriates and annoys? Boiling my third helping of soothing peppermint tea, I sat back and began my narration.

On opposite sides of the barricades

For some reason, in many families, the relationship between spouses is most reminiscent of a theater of war. There are two enemies in different corners, and they exchange blows. He gives her a claim, she gives him a scandal. She rebukes him, he responds with sarcasm. And so on ad infinitum.

Come on people! Is this a family? Remember that, in general, people create a family, including in order to act as a united front against all external problems. And certainly not in order to constantly fight with the chosen one.

The first step to reconciliation and acceptance is to remember that you are not enemies!

All in your hands

Let's temporarily forget about the shortcomings of the husband and think about our reaction. We have already talked about the fact that in what relationship you are now, is on you. It's not your husband's fault that he pisses you off. You chose to be angry and annoyed in response to his behavior.

Relationships are a dance that two people dance together. When your partner has made a move, it's your turn. And only you decide what to do in response - step towards, sideways or back, or maybe stay in place. Or turn away. Or take him by the hand. He made his move, you make yours.

I do not think that the behavior of the husband in the situations we are considering somehow changed at once. No, he's been throwing his socks around for years/not taking out the trash/putting the cup on the wrong shelf (underline). Why did anger and irritation appear only now?

What changed?

I dare to suggest that most dissatisfied wives begin to rage the moment they realize that their attempts to change their husband's behavior are futile. That is, they were sincerely sure that with reminders / spats / scandals they would be able to get rid of the annoying habit of their beloved ... But it didn’t work out! Ah, he is so-and-so!

Remember - a person can change if he wants to. And most often this happens not because someone there constantly swears and reproaches. For sustainable change, you need a strong internal motive.

What to do?

My advice to you: start with yourself. Ask yourself: “Why am I mad at him?”. Not why, no. Why is about the past, about what can no longer be changed. Why - about the future, which is in our hands. Why am I angry, what will I achieve with this emotion? How will this behavior affect my family life?

Did you ask yourself? Did you predict the answer? Like? If not, come up with an option in which the story will develop according to the scenario that suits you.

Definitely worth talking to your husband. It is clear that the husband does not have a telepathic diploma, and he often does not even know about your claims. Especially if you complain about him to anyone but himself. Or if instead of the specific: “I don’t like your dirty socks under the bed”, it sounds “You ruined my whole life !!!”.

But remember that it is necessary to communicate peacefully, constructively and with respect.


For Zhenya, we have developed a step-by-step algorithm for getting out of the “husband infuriates” state. See if it suits you too.

  1. Evaluate those actions that have so baked you. It is the actions, not the husband himself. Are they really that terrible? Beatings, betrayal, humiliation, involvement in financial problems? Something that you cannot accept and forgive? If yes, get a divorce and do not torture yourself and others! If everything is not so bad, or rather bad, but you still love him and want to improve relations, go to the next point.
  2. Think about whether the reason for your irritation is precisely in your husband and his behavior? Maybe you are driven by the situation at work - constant deadlines, stress, conflict with superiors or colleagues? Moreover, there you cannot throw out the accumulated aggression, and as a result, you take it out on your husband, finding fault with insignificant trifles and inflating it to the size of a universal problem.
    If so, then apologize to your poor husband and try to reduce your stress levels - change jobs, go on vacation, drink anti-anxiety drugs and magnesium with vitamin B6. You can sign up for a boxing section to merge the negative in training.
  3. If the reason is still in the husband. Accept for yourself that he is an independent person with free will. He wants to change his behavior. Or won't change. And you can keep freaking out. Or accept this situation and calm down. Or just physically get out of this situation - temporarily leave or get a divorce. You are also a person with free will and full responsibility for your life and your decisions.