What to do after a declaration of love to a guy. Ready for everything? To a young man who has already had a kiss

When it's appropriate If you assume that your chosen one has tender feelings for you, but is unable to decide on recognition. Such lack of initiative may be due to his self-doubt, shyness, drama in past relationships. In such cases, a man, as a rule, can be very careful. Nevertheless, if by direct or indirect signs and actions you understand that you are far from being indifferent to a person, then you can confess your love first. By the way, it is possible that you will take a man by surprise with your own words, and he will not immediately orient himself with mutual recognition. Be prepared for the fact that the lover will not decide on a reciprocal step immediately, but will wait a short pause. It is possible that you are simply tired of waiting for certainty and cannot understand whether it is difficult for a man to gather his courage to declare his love, or he simply does not consider you as a potential lover. If you clearly understand that there is no desire to wait any longer, and in order to move forward, you need to clarify this issue, then tell me about your feelings. They may not be mutual, but it's better to take the time to switch your attention to the other guy and forget it than to harbor empty illusions. When it's inappropriate Many men are by nature leaders and “hunters” who are interested in wooing a woman and being the leader in a relationship. If your chosen one is of this type, then most likely he will want to take the relationship to a new level with his confession. This is inappropriate if your relationship was at the level of flirting. Perhaps the young man is only looking at you, evaluating the prospects for your possible relationship. In this case, you can scare him away with your hasty confession. Do not confess your love to a person who is definitely unaware of your feelings. Perhaps we are talking about an old friend or colleague. Your words can lead a man into a stupor, and this reaction will obviously only disappoint you. Try to start with flirting to understand the approximate attitude of the chosen one towards yourself. Perhaps, after this, the first declaration of love will follow not from your side, but from him. If a man is already in a relationship, and it seems to you that he cannot decide solely because he is not sure of your feelings. Or do you want to push him to choose your favor. A young person may consider this an obsession and manipulation. And in general, if he loved you, he would hardly have been in a relationship with another woman. The second option: if he really needs to verify your feelings for the final choice, he will ask you about them himself. Well, and, perhaps, the main rule: do not confess your love if it is not there. Some women take this step when they are depressed or want to end their relationship with their boyfriend or husband. It may seem that a declaration of love to another man will help overcome a personal crisis, even if in fact you don’t have exciting emotions when you see this person. Actually this is a delusion. If you start an affair with a guy you hope to love over time, you will only provide yourself with unnecessary problems. Just understand yourself, solve your current difficulties, without playing with other people's feelings.

How to confess your love to your beloved in your own words

    Your confession must come at the right time. Make sure that the beloved is not busy with any important business, he is not in a bad mood, and he is not in a hurry to go anywhere. The ideal option is a date where both of you will be relaxed. You should not confess your feelings in the wrong place - during a break at school, in the middle of a crowded crowd, in the midst of a working day, in front of witnesses. Let it be a quiet and secluded place where no one will definitely interfere with your conversation. Lead the young man to your words of love. For example, remember how your acquaintance began, what you then thought about your chosen one, how glad you are that everything turned out that way. Do not delve too seriously into memories, but tell him about the most important moments of your relationship. The guy must clearly understand that a declaration of love has just been made. Just say: “Thinking about all this, I realized that I fell in love (love) you.” Avoid phrases: “I feel something for you”, “You yourself understand what I was leading to” and other veiled confessions.

Looking into the eyes - the most sincere confession

Many people believe that such a confession should sound when people look into each other's eyes, and nothing else. If you suspect that your lover also thinks so, then he will definitely not be impressed by recognition through a virtual network, for example. Tune in in advance to this dialogue, do not allow nervousness and uncertainty. Look the guy in the eyes, smile and say what you wanted. Speak simply, without florid phrases and overly long introductions. If you are the first to confess, don't expect an instant response. When you notice that the guy is confused or uncomfortable, subtly move the topic in a different direction.

Tell about feelings in SMS

It is advisable to make such confessions while being face-to-face, but if you know that you will not see each other soon, or you understand that you cannot voice these words out loud, use SMS. Be sincere, and write as it is. Admit that you are hesitant to tell him how you feel in person, but you want him to know that you love him. Make sure that the message is delivered - if he does not call you back or write back, then ask later if he received your SMS. Having heard a positive answer, and without waiting for the dialogue to develop, do not take any steps and do not ask clarifying questions - now it's his turn.

Declaration of love through Contact

Now many acquaintances happen through Contact, as well as confessions. If you communicate a lot with a guy on the Web, then he may well read the words about your feelings there. Choose a moment when the young man is definitely not in a hurry, and write about what emotions he makes you feel. If you're afraid to directly text a guy about love, send him a song that describes your feelings, letting him know. You can paint graffiti on his "wall" if you decide to make the confession public. You can also indicate in your “marital status”: in love (in the same place, indicating the name of your lover).

Say love on the phone

By SMS and VK, you won’t be able to immediately understand how the guy reacted to your words, but it will be easier to do it by phone. Make sure that the other person is not distracted by anything, and eliminate the possibility that you will have to interrupt the conversation. Say to yourself in advance what you plan to say to your lover. Call only when you are in a good mood and try to calm the excitement as much as possible.

Write a love letter with a confession

Now very few people write letters to each other by hand, forgetting that it is very exciting and romantic. Write about everything you feel for the guy, seal the letter in an envelope. Do not forget that the handwriting must be neat, the text is literate, and the paper must be free of blots. You can give the message to the young man at the end of your meeting, or ask for a courier to deliver it. Do not overload the letter with unnecessary information - just describe your attitude towards the guy, tell him when you realized that you were in love and add that you have long wanted to confess to him what he means to you.

Bigboard. This is a very costly service, but it is very effective. Order a billboard with a photo of your chosen one and the inscription: "I love you." Make sure that your confession is in a place where the beloved is often. Ball. Tie a balloon to his car, on which a declaration of love will be posted. You can do the same with his door handle. Screensaver on a laptop. If you have free access to his laptop or computer, you can change the screensaver on it. It can be a neutral background with words of love, or a photo of you together with a similar confession. Cup. On the eve of some holiday or just for no reason, order a cup with his or your photo, on the background of which the inscription will flaunt: “I love you!”. Pack it nicely and hand it to the guy. Cake. If your favorite has a sweet tooth, you can bake it yourself or order a cake on which the coveted inscription will be placed. From the stage. Invite a guy to an art cafe or just a restaurant where live music plays. Ask the musicians to announce to the whole audience before the next song, something like: “And before we start playing the next song, we want to tell Alexander that Anna loves him!”. In verse. It must be your own work. In rhyming lines, tell your loved one about everything you feel. The verse can be sent via SMS, via social networks or by letter. Immediately mark: "I wrote this for you." Words on snow or asphalt. Write in big letters on the snow or asphalt that you love the guy. Be sure that he is at home, and your "creativity" is perfectly visible from his windows. Call the young man and ask him to look out the window. You can leave beforehand, or stay near your record, waving your hand to your beloved.

Declaration of love to a married man

Such a confession can only be made if a loved one has already indicated his feelings for you. You also need to think carefully before getting involved in such an affair, but if you are sure that you cannot control yourself and want to tell a man about your attitude, then keep in mind that there are certain rules for this. 1. Privacy In this situation, it will not be possible to declare your love to the whole world. You must be completely sure that the words of your love will not become public, which can turn into big problems for you and for your lover. 2. Love letter Your message should not catch the eye of the man's family, so forget about email - it is possible that not only the man you fell in love with has access to it. It would be most reasonable to write a letter by hand, without naming any names and details in it, by which you can determine that it is about your lover. Give the envelope personally to the man, indicating that no one except him should see what is written there. 3. Phone call If you are afraid to leave any material evidence of your love, then you can just say everything that you feel for your beloved. Call him during a period when he is definitely alone and not doing anything and tell him about your feelings. 4. Tet-a-tet The easiest and most reliable thing is to tell a married man about your love while being with him. Perhaps he decided to invite you on a date, give you a lift, come to visit you, spend after work - all these situations are quite conducive to a frank conversation. However, before taking into account the above tips, consider what prospects you have in this novel. If there is even the slightest opportunity to refuse communication with a married person, then use it. Turn your eyes to free men, give yourself a chance to build other relationships.

How beautiful to confess your love to your husband

Of course, since you are already married, the words of love have already been voiced and, most likely, more than once, but this does not mean at all that you do not want to tell your chosen one again and again about how important he is to you. Beautiful declarations of love, of course, keep the romance in marriage and strengthen it. So which option to choose? Perhaps you once discussed with your beloved man that you would like to visit a certain city, but until now you somehow did not get the opportunity to fulfill your plans. You have a chance to experience the delights of the honeymoon again. Guess when your vacation coincides with your husband, buy tickets for this period and hand them to your loved one in a beautiful envelope, in which you also include a letter. In the message, tell your spouse that you are very happy that you married him once, love him and want to replenish your family life with new experiences. Print your best joint photos, choosing a frame for each of them. Hang the pictures on the wall in the bedroom, arranging them in a heart shape. One of the frames, for example, in the middle of the heart, may contain a white sheet of paper on which it will be written in red letters: “I love you!”. When your spouse is going on a business trip, to work or just to the gym, put a double-folded sheet of paper in his bag, which will contain your declaration of love. Bring your spouse breakfast in bed, and so that he certainly does not doubt your romantic mood, show a little imagination. It doesn't matter what will be on the plates - sandwiches, scrambled eggs, casserole - all this should be in the shape of a heart. If your husband likes to have breakfast with porridge, then draw a heart on it with jam. In general, let there be romance in every dish. For reliability, you can leave a note with a confession near the cup or plate. While your husband is not at home, surprise him - order a couple of dozen balloons that will rise to the ceiling. You can also scatter balls on the floor. You can draw a poster that says: “Every day is a holiday with you! I love you!". However, you can simply say this if the chosen one raises questions about such a gift. Delight the chosen one with dishes that he will definitely like. Don't forget to arrange it all beautifully: candles, wine, sensual music, you are in seductive clothes. At the end of dinner, you can invite your lover to a slow dance, during which you again say that you love him. Shortly before your husband arrives, take a full bath of hot water, add foam, you can use scented sticks, arrange candles. Purchase a special bath tray in advance, on which you can place two plates of your favorite dish, fruit and wine, and then invite your loved one to an unforgettable dinner. If you know for sure that your husband will be pleased with a public manifestation of love, you can post a collage or just a joint photo on your social media page, accompanying it with an appropriate entry. Such a post can be timed to coincide with some important date - the anniversary of marriage, Valentine's Day, his birthday.

What you need to be prepared for when you confess your love to a man

1 - Lack of reciprocity If you are the first to confess your love for a guy, then you should be prepared for the fact that his feelings may not be mutual. It is possible that you mistook his friendly disposition for something more, but in fact he saw you only as a good friend. 2 - He has another It is possible that the young man still likes you, but now he can offer you nothing but friendship, for the reason that he has a wife or girlfriend. It may also be that he recently broke up with his lover and is not yet ready for a new relationship. 3 - He wants a relationship Of course, development can be more optimistic. The guy might not dare to indicate his feelings, doubting that you are interested in him, but after your words of love, everything can change, and he will offer you to start a serious relationship. 4 - He gets confused Perhaps the young man likes you, but he did not imagine that this could be mutual. Or he didn’t seriously think about how he felt for you at all. Your confession can put the chosen one into a stupor, and he will not immediately give you any intelligible answer. 5 - He will start avoiding you For some reason, the guy does not see you as a potential life partner. Your words of love will make him think that now you intend to pursue him. To eliminate awkward situations, he will begin to avoid you, interrupting all contacts. 6 - He has been waiting for this for a long time The chosen one tried with all his might to show you, or maybe he said in words that you are not indifferent to him. He began to doubt that his feelings are mutual, but your recognition will inspire him.

How to behave after a confession

Do not expect that after a declaration of love, everything will go according to the scenario you previously thought out. Such words often confuse guys, and they do not always react the way girls expect. Don't ask for an answer Immediately indicate to the young man that you want to tell him something, but you do not expect him to develop this topic and immediately tell you about his attitude to what he heard. Just say that you don't want to hide it, and it's important to you that he knows how you feel. If there is an awkward pause, move the conversation to another topic or offer a friendly offer to chat a little later. Now wait for him to rethink everything you said. Don't rush things If it so happens that the guy also feels in love with you, and answered your words with a similar confession, then let yourself and him get used to the idea that now you are a couple. You should not immediately plan where you will go on your next vacation, when it is better to organize an acquaintance with your parents or friends, in which area you will subsequently rent an apartment for living together, or who will move to whom. Let the man bring up these and similar topics himself, or start a conversation about them after at least a couple of weeks. Don't show resentment Events can develop in a more unpleasant way - the beloved will make it clear that he does not have mutual feelings for you. This is not at all a reason to write him down as a sworn enemy, and complain to your friends that he gave you unnecessary hopes. Think that you, too, could be in the place of your chosen one, and you would not like such a reaction. Most likely, the guy will not avoid you, therefore, do not change your previous attitude if, before your recognition, you were friends, studied or worked together. Act like nothing much happened. Don't impose If a young man is in no hurry to reciprocate, then there is no need to follow him on social networks, call him or “accidentally” catch your eye. It is also useless to try to convince him that he does not understand that he is losing "his fate." Live the old life, try to look friendly with possible contacts with him and do not bring up the topic of feelings if he does not talk about it himself.

Modern girls often do not know how to tell a guy about the feelings they have for him. In most cases, they are afraid that they can scare him away. There are many ways to express your sympathy. The most common is a personal conversation. But you can also talk about feelings in a letter, message or even a phone call. The main thing is that the manifestation of feelings is sincere. It's not the words themselves that matter, but the way they're said.

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How to confess sympathy

There are many ways to express your feelings. But it is worthwhile to understand that any such manifestation carries certain consequences. You need to know how to confess to a guy in sympathy:

  1. 1. Choose the right moment. If the guy is tired, not in the mood, then the expression of his feelings should be postponed until later. The most suitable moment is when no one is in a hurry and is in a good mood.
  2. 2. Recognition is worth doing in private. Undoubtedly, the best friend will give confidence, but the guy may regard the confession as a joke. And in the presence of friends, he will be confused and completely refuse.
  3. 3. Prepare in advance. It is worth rehearsing the speech, looking at yourself from the outside. It is necessary to prepare yourself for an unpleasant outcome, because there is a possibility that he will refuse.
  4. 4. Do not immediately speak directly. It's best to start with a neutral topic and then move on to a conversation. It is worth starting with questions, taking an interest in his life.
  5. 5. Speak clearly and clearly. It is necessary for the guy to understand and hear the words, so the confession rehearsal is very important. If he is confused, then it is worth repeating the confession again to show the seriousness of intentions.
  6. 6. Don't rush it. If a guy asks for time to respond, then you should wait at least a couple of days. And if he hesitated, then you need to gently push him to the answer, saying that the recognition was not easy, because there was no confidence in the reciprocal feelings. This will prompt him to respond. both positive and negative.
  7. 7. Don't get emotional about rejection. If the guy refused, then there is no need to throw tantrums, cry and beg him to give him a chance. It is necessary to show courage and respect for yourself, accept his refusal and express a desire to communicate with him as before.

How to propose to a girl

Letter of recognition

Girls are very shy and cannot express their feelings in person. To do this, there are social networks and popular instant messengers. Tactics will depend on how well the guy knows the girl.

If a girl paid attention to a previously unfamiliar guy, then you should immediately find out if he has a girlfriend. You can usually find this information on your social media profile. If there is no such information, then you need to leave "likes" under the guy's photos or posts - this will attract his attention. After that, it is worth acting according to the situation. If he sent a request for friendship, then you need to accept it, if not, do it yourself. Then, during the conversation, find common ground. After a few days of communication, he will most likely invite you on a date.

If the guy is already friends, then just send him a private message. But expressing feelings via SMS must be done carefully. High-pitched writing should be avoided. You just need to say what you feel. Saying "I love you" is not recommended, as such a serious statement can scare a guy away. It's better to just say what you like about it. This will be much easier to do if the guy is very familiar to the girl.

A significant disadvantage of such communication is the inability to see a person's emotions. Therefore, it is better to muster up the courage and express your feelings in person, and not through the Internet.

How to prove to a guy that you love him

How to avoid mistakes?

It is very difficult to be the first to admit sympathy, even if you really like the guy. Therefore, we must try to avoid an unpleasant situation. The following points will help you avoid making some mistakes:

  • you should not impose your society, you must give personal freedom;
  • do not wear other people's masks, be who you are;
  • do not bombard with messages, respond only as answers are received from him;
  • not show your feelings in the company of his friends;
  • be mentally prepared for a possible rejection.

Keeping silent about feelings or expressing them is a private matter for every girl. It's not that hard to admit you like it. It is much more pleasant to be with a man when there is confidence in his feelings, and not constant doubts about him. We must remember that falling in love is completely sincere, strong feelings, but hiding them, you can lose a dear person. Do not listen to the advice of others, you should act as your heart tells you.

How to propose a date to a guy

Best words

To impress a loved one, it is recommended to select words depending on the seriousness of the relationship, the age of the chosen one and other individual characteristics. There are several ready-made confessions:

  1. 1. "Our acquaintance does not last long. But I am absolutely sure that you are very close to me in spirit. When we do not see each other, I want you to be there. And when we are together, I feel very happy. You are very dear to me, for you I am ready for a lot."
  2. 2. "Before meeting you, I never thought that I could fall in love. But you completely changed my life, turned it upside down. Next to you, I understand that I have the warmest feelings for you, and separation is very difficult for me. You gave me many wonderful moments, and I want to thank you for painting my life with such bright colors."
  3. 3. "I miss you 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. I always miss you, I really want to be with you. You are very smart and caring, you give me a lot of wonderful emotions. Our meetings leave an aftertaste on my lips for a long time."
  4. 4. "Your hugs are like space for me. Your kisses are like a drug that intoxicates me every day. You are very dear to me, with you I feel truly happy."
  5. 5. "For a long time I could not decide on such a serious step for me. You are the first to whom I show such feelings. I'm not afraid to be considered banal or stupid in your eyes, I don't care, because I like you."

There are many recognition options. The main thing is that they be sincere and come from the heart. Expressing feelings in writing is easier, but personal recognition will still have a greater impact. It is worth looking the guy straight in the eyes, occasionally glancing at his lips or chin, sometimes you can look away. It is necessary to speak without hesitation, but not in continuous text, making pauses to emphasize important words.

Love is a complex feeling, it requires not only dedication, but also courage. You can keep your feelings in yourself for a long time, but there comes a time that requires revelation.

Here the question arises, how to confess your love to a young man.

How to confess to a guy in love

Declaration of love is not easy, it requires determination and courage, balance and responsibility. Of course, before taking this step, the girl experiences great tension, fear, excitement, she is overcome by many emotions, and not the most pleasant ones.

However, since the guy is forcing you to take decisive action, think about whether you should confess your love first, is all this worth such an effort on your part?

Young ladies often take a slight passion for deep feelings, they say big words that they cannot live, breathe and so on without this young man. Often they ask how to confess their love to a pen pal. There is nothing more stupid than confessing your feelings to a person without knowing him personally for a long time.

If there is confidence in its location, then the matter is behind the choice of an acceptable method. This must be done romantically and beautifully, then it will be deposited not only in memory, but also in the heart.

The most common way is to create a romantic dinner. Where to spend it, choose yourself. It all depends on the possibilities and conditions. But the evening itself should not begin with a confession. Everything should be left for dessert, along with dessert it would be nice to say the cherished words.

If the fantasy is developed very well, creativity is torn out, then you can not only pick up words, but also compose a short poem, poem or put the words to music. Undoubtedly, this will make a lasting impression on the guy. It is not necessary to assume that men are callous and thick-skinned, they are even more romantic than women.

A declaration of love to a guy can be sent using a radio DJ. The main thing is to make sure that the message is heard by the addressee. Modern technical means and skills allow you to create original clips.

To decide on the method of declaring love, you need to share his hobbies. Recognition can be organized by standing on roller skates, skating, jumping from a height, etc. All this requires preparation, but nothing simply happens in life. Do not be afraid to take the first step, such a move will help change your relationship in a completely different direction.

In the case when a confession needs to be made to a guy who is unaware of your feelings, the main thing is not to scare him with your pressure. It is enough just to find the right moment, at a disco or a party. If you receive a refusal or silence in response, do not be alarmed. There are pluses, you no longer need to "die" of love in the unknown. In addition, it often happens that after learning about feelings, a guy begins to think a lot about you and gradually gets carried away.

How to confess your love to a guy if you are afraid of rejection? Think carefully about the text. The confession should not be too long and give specific information about your intentions. However, it’s also not worth saying three precious words on the forehead, it can stun and frighten him. A small introductory speech is ideal, ending with a logical conclusion and, in fact, recognition.

For example, it may sound like this: “You know, we have known each other for quite some time, and during this time I managed to understand how dear you are to me. Next to you I feel very comfortable, without you - lonely. You are so dear and I love you. What do you feel for me?" Of course, you should choose a speech that suits your situation, but you need to be guided by the only rule: everything that is said must be true.

Interesting videos to help you make a decision and find the right words

Beautiful confession:

A touching declaration of love:

What words can you say to a loved one:

How to confess to a guy in love? Love in everyone's life happens in different ways, lucky women are lucky to fall in love mutually and hear words of recognition from their chosen one, but not all situations are so beautiful and harmonious in development. It happens that it is quite difficult to understand the feelings of a guy or you spend a lot of time together, he is clearly not indifferent to you, but he still does not utter the cherished words aloud. Of course, it would be nice to remain in the canonical tradition of hiding your feelings until the confession of a man, but this may not work, and there is nothing wrong with openly discussing your feelings. But first you need to decide whether it is worth confessing your love to a guy.

How to confess to a guy in love if you are shy?

If you notice signs of attention from a guy you feel sympathy for, when all his behavior suggests that you take a priority place in his living space, then it’s worth taking the first step yourself. His indecisiveness can be caused by many factors: he may be embarrassed to express himself, be afraid of rejection, believe that his confession will scare you away, perhaps he previously had an unsuccessful painful experience of recognition and now it is not safe for him to take such actions.

It would be appropriate to delay or abandon the idea of ​​​​disclosing your feelings if the guy is not serious, jokes offensively and teases in every way, then information about feelings can be another reason for him to show off and become public in an ugly and offensive light. Of course, you can survive this, but it will suffer, and such a story can beat off trust and the desire to build relationships for a long time, so before opening your soul, turn on the logic and analyze how safe these actions will be for your state of mind. It is not necessary to look for signs of love and expect mutual feelings, you may well come across a lack of reciprocity, but if it comes from a decent and caring person, then this will remain between you, and in the speech itself some supporting information will sound for you.

Many girls are embarrassed to express their feelings and the first painful question that overcomes young heads, if a young man is not active, is whether it is worth confessing love to a guy. Relying on outdated norms of behavior can sit and wait for happiness for a long time, so if shyness and insecurity prevail now, remember that new opportunities open up for those who take risks, and excessive feelings of anxiety can be somewhat calmed down.

You should not take examples of confessions from the behavior of men, because in the performance of a girl, such actions may look like excessive pressure and perseverance, which will not play a positive role in a guy, rather he will get scared or lose any initiative. When you decide everything for him, and he can only answer yes or no, this kills any achievement and the inner hunter that lives in every man. Act gently and using quite transparent hints, but avoid saying the main thing right away, words of love are associated with something very serious and responsible, therefore, at the first stages of a relationship, a young man may be very interested in you, but be afraid of the responsibility imposed by such feelings and hide. After all, the task is not just to convey information, but to make him fall in love too.

Start from afar, take the initiative and invite him to various places where you can interact or share experiences, the more diverse the situations, the more chances you have to get to know him deeper, and any information gives direction to find the right words and place. Start complimenting him or insert funny phrases “I adore you” into everyday conversation and watch for the reaction, if you hesitate a little and slip a serious facial expression or an inquiring look, it means that he, like you, sees a double meaning in such statements and tries to figure out how seriously you say this.

You can’t get away with embarrassment and excitement when confessing, but if a guy doesn’t understand hints, and in face-to-face communication you lose your voice, cover yourself with red spots and start talking complete nonsense, you should think about how to confess your love to a guy by correspondence. A great way to avoid the awkwardness of personal contact, and besides, you can correct the written text for as long as you like in a calm and balanced state, which means you can say exactly what you wanted.

When choosing a written confession, you can use not only prose, but also poems, be careful and prove yourself - letters with confessions downloaded from the Internet and poems written by other people can look very beautiful and come up with some ideas in presenting your own thoughts, but send them unedited to your beloved bad manners. Firstly, it will be noticeable that it was not you who wrote them, because everyone has their own style of presentation, secondly, all these templates are quite general, and it is more pleasant to receive an individual message from a person who can truly notice and appreciate the uniqueness of a person, thirdly, the copied texts are unlikely to be emotionally touched, he may even think that you just made a mistake when sending.

How to confess to a guy in love in VK?

Social networks and other messengers are excellent assistants for declaring love, they expand the possibilities of manifestation and help to cope with excessive shyness, in addition to the fact that now it is the norm for the most part to communicate by correspondence, to establish friendly and romantic in social networks, and not as before with direct communication. If you practically live on the Internet, then getting into direct communication with such an important topic is a serious stress for the nerves.

How to confess your love to a pen pal is a new exciting question that cannot be peeped in most films or learned from older people, simply because there is no experience of confessions on the VK network. It’s worth starting with the fact that the guy you like should be added to you as a friend, if this has not happened yet for some reason. Scroll through his page, put a few likes (you don’t need to automatically like every photo and post on the wall, it looks strange, intrusive and can make you unfriend). Write a few comments under interesting posts, if you have something to say, writing all sorts of nonsense for the sake of writing does not make sense - you need to attract his attention not at any cost, but with the prospect of interest and development of correspondence. After these steps, you can start chatting in a personal, if he himself has not yet written you some question after your activity on his page, then appear yourself.

Do not rush things, because instant recognition can be quite stunned, as in real life, you need time to communicate better, get to know each other, for this, start conversations with neutral questions and topics that are openly stated on his page. You can discuss new movies or watch the same movie at the same time by chatting about the plot. The more topics for discussion, the better. Choose approximately the same time for communication, so you create your own tradition, and he gets used to communicating with you at this time. Having disappeared for one in this interval, you will most likely receive a question about where you were (he remembers, he worries, he misses your communication).

Once such contact has been established between you, you can move on to the most important conversation. So that the information does not become a shock, prepare the guy for a possible development of events - include emoticons and stickers with kisses and hearts in your messages, but in minimal doses, let him get used to it, but do not consider it an obsession.

When starting to write the text of recognition, the rules are simple and complex at the same time - you need to be delicate, honest, use your own words and thoughts. Try to make the message unique by adding features you already know or your common jokes to the text - the more “your” message, the better.

In addition to text messages, VK provides a wonderful just for creativity, to conjure over photographs and send it to him - a joint collage, superimposed text with a confession, compiling a video from photos to music. For those who are especially brave, you can record a video about your love using the surrounding space or your own acting skills.

It is better to use options in which you need to have a hand. Sending a ready-made sticker or postcard will not be pleasant or considered as a manifestation of serious feelings, rather, they can be sent later, when the relationship between you is clarified and now you are together.

After sending a confession message, go into waiting. When you see the “read” status, don’t start scribbling billions of questions about giving the person time. You don’t know in what situation he read your message (maybe he’s taking a cat for surgery or taking an exam) and you don’t know how he reacted (it takes time to jump for joy, just like formulating a polite refusal of reciprocity). Be patient and wait for a response from him, and if he disappeared and does not respond, then be glad that you decided on a confession and accelerated the process of finding out that this is not your person.

How beautiful to confess your love to a guy?

Not only girls love beautiful declarations of love, men, according to some scientists, even react more to words of love than girls. So that your loved one remembers your confession, and these memories warm his soul and excite his imagination even after many years, you, of course, want to do everything beautifully.

Impromptu is fine, but a well-thought-out plan of action that has room for maneuver in a changing situation is still more reliable. You should start by choosing a place, it is better that it be significant for two (the park where you met, the exhibition you encountered) or romantic (a cozy cafe, square). For recognition, you can choose a certain type of joint pastime, limited only by your imagination (departure for barbecue, going to the cinema, rafting on the river, wedding of friends). A great option, if the beginning of a relationship is necessary, but intimate recognition has not happened yet, tell about your feelings at home, in a cozy relaxed atmosphere, under a common blanket after dinner. No one canceled the bed as a place of declaration of love - this will add a special touch to caresses, excite the blood of both, but still then repeat it in a calmer and more everyday atmosphere so that there is no feeling that the words broke out in a rush.

In addition to the right place, you should choose the right moment, take your time with confessions before a business meeting or when he has only fifteen minutes left to talk. Choose a time that is convenient for both, not requiring you to rush to another event, but have plenty of time to think about what is happening (you should not get hung up on a certain time of day - early morning is also quite suitable if it is a day off). Focus on the mood of the guy and the actual state of events, because. the reaction to confession if he is now angry because of trouble at work can be quite unpredictable, which both you and he will regret later.

Best of all, such a conversation takes place in person, looking the guy in the eye, the written confession option is good if you can't control your excitement. You can come up with a guy some kind of gift for a holiday or an invented occasion, with a note with a text of recognition, but give the present in person and repeat the words after reading. You can organize a romantic dinner (by agreeing with the restaurant, at home, on the open roof of a high-rise building), decorate everything with candles and hearts, you don’t need to cook a lot of hearty and complex dishes (arrange a demonstration of your culinary talents later), dessert and a bottle of delicious wine will be enough. Confessions can be left in a man’s personal belongings - put sweets with notes about your feelings in your pocket or bag, leave a message on the dash of the car if you can get the keys.

Choosing one of the proposed methods or inventing your own, be guided by the character and preferences of your boyfriend. For a sensitive romantic, beautiful views, long words, interesting metaphors and you in the form of an air fairy are quite suitable, while a tough and pragmatic man will not understand this, but will appreciate the simplicity and directness of your words and actions, without rose petals, but with hot coffee. If a man is older, has the experience of an unpleasant divorce behind him, then confessions from a woman can alert him and make him move away, so it’s better not to speak directly about strong feelings, soften everything to hints and expressions of sympathy, not love. Show respect for his caution and be patient while he thaws and can open up to new relationships.

When you speak, pay attention not only to the words and their meaning (usually we rehearse what will be said several times and scroll endlessly in our heads), but watch your gestures and facial expressions, which can play a cruel joke with you from excitement. Speech, its pace and volume should correspond to your normal state, trying to please, do not put on a wide smile, it can cause a feeling of frivolity. Do without harsh gestures, and focus all your attention and eyes on the guy you are talking to.

Before you start talking about feelings, take care of your emotional state. If necessary, burn the situation with someone, if the appearance gives you confidence, then do it. Do everything so that your mood is excellent, our state is transmitted to the people around you, and so you can charm your loved one. Do not try to control the entire course of your conversation, because what the imagination draws may differ from reality, it is important for you to remain sensitive to changes in order to be able to correct your own behavior when the situation changes. And respect the choice of a person, having received a refusal in reciprocity, accept it with dignity even before it happened - your inner readiness to accept any of his answers will cause respect, because you open up not in order to tie a person to yourself by such manipulation, but in order not to be tormented by questions and conjectures.

How to originally confess your love to a guy?

It is possible to increase the chances of rapprochement, to impress an already chosen man, to show off in an original act, as a manifestation of one's own personality, not only by long conversations with serious faces and twisting souls. It is worth remembering the subtle bodily moments that affect the perception of the situation, so when declaring your love to a man, try to stand behind him, hugging him from the back. You simultaneously bring the distance closer, penetrating into his personal space, take the position of a woman who is in the rear, behind her back, and not in front of her eyes face to face - this is the position of an opponent. Just by changing your location in space, you achieve excellent results, he will not forget such a recognition, of course, he won’t be able to explain to anyone really why goosebumps ran down his back, but it is your words that will be remembered for the rest of his life.

If you need original recognition, then you can go creative and make the most of the resources that nature has in you. Compose and perform a song, shoot a video about how dear this person is to you, go on stage with a monologue about love, at the end of which there will be a confession. You can use the human resource and persuade acquaintances and strangers to tell the guy all day that one girl loves him very much, and in the evening he will meet her. Add intrigue, arrange a quest for him from a variety of tasks, solving which the guy gets the main prize - you with a bow.

Particularly courageous can implement male ways of recognition. Write with paint under his porch how you feel about him or rent a horse, dress up as a princess and ride in this form to your prince. If you work together and your team is understanding, you can end any of your presentations with a slide with a photo of you together and a statement of feelings.

The more theatrical, larger and brighter the recognition, the more original you will look, because what do girls usually do? They wait for the first step, arrange romantic meetings where there is no one else, whisper quietly and seriously about their feelings. Do the opposite - involve people, do not be afraid of loudness, brightness and scope, but correlate the degree of originality with the guy's temperament and his ability to understand and support such actions, otherwise he will simply run away from such a creative person.

Girls are subtle and romantic natures. As a rule, they begin to feel attraction to members of the opposite sex earlier than.

Regardless of age it starts with simple sympathy, and over time it turns into something much larger.

I want to express my feelings, hear the answer and get certainty. If a young man does not show initiative in this regard, then he has to act on his own.

And then the question arises of how to confess love to a guy, and whether it is worth doing it at all. Naturally, decide it's not easy, especially for a girl. But is it all that scary? Let's try to figure it out.

Is it worth it: pros and cons

But what if you want to express your feelings? Of course, arguments can be made both for and against recognition.

Let's start with arguments against:

  • the worst thing is that the second half may not reciprocate. Perhaps the guy likes another girl, or he is simply not ready for a relationship;
  • if a young man is brought up in classical traditions, he may consider the girl easily accessible or see in the recognition of the first her desire to dominate the relationship;
  • complexes can also play a role. An insecure guy may react inadequately to such recognition - just get confused. If he is too self-confident, then he will be even more overestimated from this;
  • failure can provoke complexes already in a girl. If she is young, then this can have consequences in adulthood.

However, there are arguments for, and there are at least:

So why not? If you want to confess your love, then, after weighing all the pros and cons, you can choose to take this step.

Can a girl be the first to confess her love for a man? Find out from the video:

Why is it so hard to decide?

Deciding to confess to a guy in love with a girl is quite difficult. in my head there are a lot of fears. What if he doesn't reciprocate? Suddenly laugh? Perhaps he has another.

In addition, the first steps taken by a girl are not very typical, and in accordance with the stereotypes that have formed, they should not be taken.

A girl may be afraid that a guy will consider her too easily accessible, will consider that she is already "on his hook."

Hence the many fears.

In addition, the very moment of recognition causes them: girls are afraid to say something wrong, to look ridiculous and ridiculous.

But once you decide on recognition, then everything fears need to be put out of your head.

How to explain to a young man that I love him? Expert advice:

How to mentally prepare?

Having decided to confess your love, stop for a minute and check are you ready for this.

Turn on your mind. Think about it, is it really love? After all, we often, especially at a young age, confuse it with boredom, the desire for romance, greedy adventure. To better deal with your feelings, you can talk with your girlfriend, sister, mom.

But it’s definitely not worth discussing this topic with friends of the object of your desire, otherwise the guy can find out everything before your confession.

If with someone you want to confess your love to, you communicate well in a friendly way or are already in a certain relationship, then try gently, unobtrusively find out his opinion about girls, relationships, about the first steps on the part of the ladies.

It is important to do everything carefully. In addition, if everything works out for you in the future, the information received will definitely come in handy. Well thought, and are you sure you are ready to confess your love? Then you can rehearse.

It might sound funny, it's better to really hold several rehearsals of the confession in front of the mirror. This will make it possible to better choose words and choose the most winning tactics.

So, now get yourself ready, get your amazing smile ready, and go make a confession that will probably be a very important step in life. But before that, you need to decide what it will be.

How to confess your love to a guy and behave in case of refusal:

Much depends on the situation, age, relationship in which you are. The following tips will be helpful to you:

  1. How to hint to a guy that I love him? While men often don't take hints, it can work in some cases. Perhaps the young man will understand them, and you will no longer have to confess your love first.

    You can use female tricks: glances in his direction, smiles, beautiful outfits in which, as if by chance, he will constantly see you.

    If you communicate on the Internet, you can send a picture or a song with hints of love. In addition, you can tell him about your sympathy without using the word "love" directly.

  2. How to tell a boy that I love him at 12-14 years old. The first feelings are usually striking at this age. It will be quite difficult for a young girl to express her feelings in words. Alternatively, you can use a note that someone and classmates will give, a message on the Internet. You can also ask a girlfriend to help, who will tell everything to your object. Of course, you can muster up the courage and tell the guy about your feelings in person. It is better to think over your speech in advance - this will make you more confident.
  3. Declaration of love by correspondence VK. In this age of information technology, many prefer to confess their feelings in this way. In addition, it is not so scary, because you will not see the look and direct reaction of the interlocutor. Guys are usually more specific, and long double entender messages are not for them. The message should be simple, understandable, and sincere to the maximum.

    You can attach an appropriate picture or song, as well as point out the virtues of a young man with which he conquered you.

  4. How to confess to a guy in love in verse? If a young man is a romantic nature, he will appreciate the recognition in verse. Ideally, if you can write them yourself - this way they will be more lively and sincere. The verse can be sent on a social network or read in person. The second option, of course, will require courage, so be sure to rehearse.
  5. Sincere and frank declaration of love to a guy. Just saying how it is, sincerely, how you feel is also a good option. It is especially suitable if you definitely have mutual sympathy with a young man. Then recognition will be appropriate, alive and real. Even though being honest is the most important thing, it's still best to think through what you're going to say and rehearse beforehand.
  6. How to confess your love to your boss? A very sensitive question. Work and personal life, as a rule, but what if the feelings are stronger than you? At first, try to lightly hint to him about your feelings. This is best done in an informal setting, for example, at a corporate party.

    Look at the reaction. If you notice that he is also not indifferent to you, do not be afraid to express feelings.

  7. How to confess your love to an ex-boyfriend? This is the most difficult moment. The relationship is over, but the feelings remain. Recognition can be a great way for them. It’s easier in this case because you already know this person, and you probably understand how to communicate with him. Speak like it is. Remember the common happy moments, how it all began, for which you initially fell in love with him. You can invite him to a meeting in some interesting place with a relaxing atmosphere.

Love confessions to a young man c.

How to tell a boy that I love him? Find out from the video:

Examples of original and unusual confessions

There are many interesting and original ways to confess your love.

It is worth noting that Everyone has their own concept of originality., and it all depends on how much you know the young man, his preferences, what kind of relationship you have with him.

Here are some examples of original confessions:

How not to confess your love to men? About it in the video:

What if he is silent?

Confessed to him in feelings, but he is silent? A guy can be silent in response to a confession for various reasons. Firstly, he may be shocked by what he hears and just don't know what to say.

In this case, do not force him to give an answer faster - let him think, and then tell you what he considers necessary.

A young man can say the same in response, this is also an option that cannot be ruled out.

We can assume the worst option: he is silent, because he cannot reciprocate, but does not want to offend. It is better to ask him to give you an unambiguous answer. That way you'll know what's what. If not, well, it's just not the hero of your novel.

The guy rejected

The worst thing happened. The guy didn't love you back.

There is one plus in this situation: you know for sure that nothing shines, and you can no longer torment yourself with uncertainty.

Main - don't dwell on the prince who rejected you. Yes, you may be in pain, but life does not end there.

Let yourself suffer a little: cry, talk to someone close, treat yourself to something from delicious ice cream to buying a new dress.

Remember that true love is always mutual. If a young man rejected you, you should not take it to heart, reproach yourself and develop complexes in yourself. It may not be about you at all.

In the end, you can always turn everything into a joke.

It is not so important how you confess your love, more important is with what emotions and how sincerely you do it. remember, that frankness and sincerity is most important. And don't be afraid to show your feelings. Nothing terrible will happen, even if the young man does not reciprocate.