What can be made from natural material? Crafts from natural materials. Ideas for autumn crafts from natural materials

If you want to involve your child in some kind of creativity, then start creating DIY animal crafts with him. This develops perseverance, accuracy and attention. Also involved is shallow and observant. Such activities bring parents and children closer, as adults are directly involved in the creation of an unusual product.

craft material

Products can be made by hand for any holiday from the four seasons of the year. It can be decorations for summer cottages, garden areas, houses, gardens. Crafts can participate in landscape design, as well as in the design of a kindergarten.Of course, if in the manufacture of crafts it is necessary to use working tools such as saws, drills, secateurs, then such work is not for a child. It is better to involve him in the manufacture of crafts from small parts.

A personal zoo can be created using any technique. It can be origami, quilling, modeling, embroidery, beading. The animal you decide to make may be a symbol of the coming year or the years in which family members were born. When you make animal crafts with your own hands, you can combine several techniques. For example, the muzzle and hooves of a pet can be made from baked clay, and wool can be made from fleece of the desired color.

bottle crafts

Basically, such products are placed in the garden or in the garden. Since the bottle is not afraid of weather changes, it is durable and does not require maintenance. There can be both wild animals and domestic animals in the garden. An example is the original piglet.

For this craft, a container of any size and diameter is suitable, at your discretion. Naturally, it needs to be painted with waterproof paint in pink, imitating the skin of a pig. From the side of the screw cap, draw large surprised eyes with cilia. At the top, cut the bottle on both sides to insert the ears that you cut out from the spare container. Paint the ears with the same paint as the body. On the lid, draw a patch in the form of two black dots. The pig can be used as a flower bed. To do this, cut a rectangular hole on the back, fill in the earth and sow flower seeds. The whole family will look more original, and not just one craft. A pet created with your own hands will delight the eye not only during the flowering of plants, but also during the rest period.

Felt sheep

When you make animal crafts with your own hands, feel free to use felt of different colors. Let's create, for example, sheep. Pink felt will serve as wool, lilac felt will serve as a muzzle, we will use white for the peephole, but we will make hooves from black felt. You can find templates, or you can make a pattern yourself. The body of a lamb looks like a cloud that needs to be cut out of the appropriate piece of material. Slightly elongated head with ears, three times smaller than the body, cut out of lilac felt. On a white background, draw an infinity sign, depicting future eyes.

We put this sign on the head of the animal and sew on the eyes - beads, piercing both materials. Embroider mouth and nose with black thread. Glue the head to the body. Next, cut rectangles from lilac felt, squares from black. Glue the legs to the hooves, and then glue the parts to the body. Here is an original DIY craft!

gifts of nature

Using natural materials, you can create unique masterpieces. All the gifts of nature are not only environmentally friendly and safe, but also free. Working with them is an educational and exciting process.

Handicrafts of animals from natural material, created with their own hands, take part in various school and even city exhibitions and competitions.To create a masterpiece, various leaves, acorns, chestnuts and cones, branches, pumpkins and squash, shells, stones and much more are used.

Summer and autumn are the best times of the year when you can show your creativity. After all, in summer and autumn there is a lot of natural material from which you can make a lot of all sorts of interesting crafts with your own hands.

To keep yourself and your children entertained, you can make original and beautiful crafts from natural materials. For this, fruits, vegetables, cones, pebbles, leaves, acorns and shells and much more that nature itself gives us are suitable.

Connect your imagination, stock up on additional tools and boldly create! Below are 12 wonderful crafts made from natural materials with your own hands.

1. Crafts from cones with your own hands. Basket

1. For a basket of cones, you need to prepare the cones and fasten them together with a hard wire.

2. Connect the cones and tie them into a circle. In this example, 2 circles were made to make the basket deeper.

3. If you made 2 or more circles, then fasten them together, this can be done with the same wire.

4. If you want to make a handle for a basket, then you can try to make a semicircle out of cones, connecting them with wire or using liquid nails for this.

5. To make the bottom of the basket, you can use thick cardboard or plywood.

2. DIY crafts. autumn candles

Required material:

  • leaves (real or artificial)
  • PVA glue (decoupage glue)
  • brush or sponge
  • jar
  • alcohol

1. To get rid of fat, you need to wipe the jar with alcohol.

2. Then apply glue to the jar.

3. Use straight leaves to decorate the jar.

4. Stick for decoupage, you can grease the glued leaves.

5. Add a thread and a candle for beauty.

3. Crafts for the home. New Year's toys from natural materials

4. Children's crafts made from natural materials. Seahorse from branches

Everything is pretty simple here.

Prepare cardboard and draw a seahorse (or other animal or object) on it.

Saw off or carefully break the branches and use PVA glue or superglue to attach them to the cardboard.

5. Crafts from vegetables and fruits. apple swan

From an ordinary apple, you can make a very beautiful table decoration, and it's not at all difficult. Children will especially like such a surprise.

You will need:

  • apple (preferably large and of the same color - for example, red - so that the contrast is better seen)
  • small, very sharp knife

6. Cup of coffee beans on burlap

This DIY coffee craft will make your kitchen beautiful. And to create such a mini-masterpiece, you need to prepare:

  • a sheet of cardboard (size 33 cm by 24 cm);
  • a piece of burlap;
  • glue;
  • star anise and coffee beans.

1. First, it is worth cutting a rectangle out of burlap, which will be a couple of centimeters larger than a cardboard sheet. The burlap is folded over and glued to the back of the cardboard. To make the craft look neat, iron the burlap before work.

2. When you have glued the base for the burlap, you should wait for it to dry.

3. Now it’s worth drawing a picture frame from coffee. In order to get a frame, you need to measure 2 cm from the edge of the picture from all sides. First, we use a simple pencil and draw lines with it.

4. If you have drawn lines, then draw a cup with a saucer in the center of the burlap. At what the size of the cup can be at your discretion.

5. If the sketch is ready, now we gradually paste over the picture with coffee beans. First you need to glue the cup and saucer.

6. When the cup is pasted over, then proceed to pasting the frame.

7. If the craft is ready, then decorate it with star anise. Attach it to the corner of your craft.

7. DIY fruit crafts. hedgehogs


  • pear
  • grape
  • (black and green)
  • strawberries (optional)
  • raisins (for eyes)
  • toothpicks

1. Make an incision starting from the middle of the pear (see picture).

2. Peel off the skin.

3. Prepare toothpicks and put one green grape on each, which should be closer to one edge of the toothpick.

4. Insert each grape toothpick into the pear, on the unpeeled spot.

5. To make a nose, put a black grape on a pear pod.

6. To insert the raisins (which act as eyes), you must first make small indentations with a knife.

7. If you wish, you can add a load to the hedgehog that he is carrying, for this you can use a couple of strawberries.

8. Crafts from natural material. Photo frame of shells

You will need:

  • simple wooden photo frame
  • white acrylic paint
  • tassel
  • glue "Moment" (superglue or glue gun)
  • shells

1. Paint the photo frame in any color (if necessary) and leave to dry, then apply another coat of paint.

2. Before you start gluing the shells, lay them out in a frame to get an idea of ​​what looks best and where.

3. Start gluing the shells to the frame. When finished gluing, leave to dry.

4. Add your favorite photo.

9. Crafts from natural material in the fall: monsters from cones (photo instruction)

10. Crafts for kindergarten. Insects from natural materials

11. Crafts from stones. Strawberry

12. Easy leaf crafts

Required material:

  • leaves (flowers and/or other natural materials)
  • paper or canvas
  • paints (acrylic or spray)

Ideas for kindergarten teachers and parents. The elders will get acquainted with how to make crafts from natural materials, and will be able to teach children how to do it.

Check out the ideas presented. Then it will be easy for you to explain to your child how to make a hedgehog, a sheep, a rooster and other funny toys from cones.

To make a cockerel, you will need:
  • two cones;
  • plasticine;
  • 2 acorns;
  • 2 small branches;
  • awl.
Of course, children cannot work with a sharp instrument, so make a hole in the acorns with an awl yourself, insert a short branch here, which will become the legs of the bird. Secure them with PVA glue. And let the child connect two cones with plasticine, this will be the head and body of the cockerel.

From red or orange plasticine, he will fashion his comb and beard. The baby will also attach the legs of the bird to the right place with the help of this plastic mass, the beak will be made from yellow plasticine.

In almost the same way, you can make a sheep from a cone, but it must be unopened. You will also need 5 acorns, remove the “hat” from four, leave on the fifth. An animal's head is made from this acorn. Let the child mold and attach to it the eyes of a plasticine sheep, consisting of protein and a black pupil, draw a mouth with a felt-tip pen.

Her ears are made from two halves of a pistachio nut shell, attached to plasticine. With the help of it, you need to attach four legs of acorns to the cone. That's how quickly a sheep masters.

Crafts from cones may be different. This charming Lesovik is made from the same material. Please note that the bump is located upwards with a sharp edge. An acorn with a hat is glued to this neck, and 2 halves from a pistachio nut are glued to the bottom, attach small twigs instead of hands. The child will make facial features from plasticine.

A hedgehog made of cones is also mastered quite simply. From light plasticine you need to fashion his sharp muzzle, ears. Let the child stick the head of this animal to the cone, and also attach paws made of light plasticine to it. From the dark one, he rolls 3 balls - two smaller ones are the eyes, and a large one is the tip of the nose.

It is interesting and useful not only for children, but also for adults to make such crafts using natural materials for creativity. They can make a beautiful ball out of cones. It requires the following materials:
  • foam ball;
  • hot glue;
  • sequins;
  • decorative pin;
  • ribbon.
Attach the cones to the ball using hot glue. Thread the pin through the ribbon, pin it to the base so that the craft can be hung. Cover the ball of cones with spray glitter. When they dry, you can give such a craft or hang it on a wall or on a Christmas tree.

How to decorate a flower pot and house with natural material?

This question is not difficult to answer if you use all the same natural materials. See how ordinary dry branches can decorate planters. In addition to them, you will need:

  • secateurs;
  • glue;
  • the pot itself;
  • wood varnish.
Divide the branch into thirds with secateurs. Cut with this tool or using a knife, the branches into fragments 1 cm thick. Glue large circles to the pot first, place medium ones between them, fill in the gaps with small ones. It remains to paint the pots with varnish, let it dry and put the plant inside. Anyone will look amazing in such dishes.

Dry tree branches will give many other creative ideas. See how interesting these natural materials can be used.

In the first case, almost identical branches were used. They need to be grouped by texture, glued together in the form of such squares, and then varnished. But do not throw away fine particles either, as these natural materials will help create a second panel. A concentrated salt solution is made for it, branches are lowered there for 20 minutes, then they need to be taken out and dried, and then glued to the frame.

You can paint the branches white, when they dry, put in a vase. It turns out a gentle, elegant and calm composition.

The next picture from natural material also deserves attention. It is made from:
  • branches;
  • dry rose hips;
  • spruce and pine cones.
First, make a cross from strong branches by tying 2 sticks in the center. Put it in a frame of sticks. Braid this base with thinner rods. Glue cones and berries. A toy bird would also look good here.

And if you make a wire base, bending it in the shape of a heart, then you will get such a panel on the wall. Nearby on the table, compositions of branches and cones will be appropriate. And if you lay out the sticks in the form of rays, lay flowers from yellow satin ribbons in a circle inside, then the sun will shine on the wall.

Such natural materials are also successfully used for decorating mirrors. See how to make a similar frame.

Household indoor items can also be made using chopsticks. With the help of them, a simple floor lamp is transformed beyond recognition, and craftsmen make durable tables using this technique.

How to make a picture from natural materials with children?

The child will be delighted if the parents create a panel with him, as a result it will turn out like this. The following materials were used for this work:
  • seeds: pumpkin, pea, sunflower, millet, corn, beans;
  • rosehip berries;
  • immortelle flower;
  • straw (inflorescences and stems);
  • Pine cone;
  • jug, salt dough animals;
  • walnut shell;
  • broom;
  • coin (5 kopecks);
  • pasta;
  • candy;
  • wooden spoon;
  • artificial sunflower;
  • branches;
  • pouch;
  • PVA glue;
  • Brownie (it needs: a piece of material, bristles, threads, colored paper);
  • burlap for the base;
  • frame;
  • cardboard.
This picture is a kind of amulet. These were made in ancient times. Cloths promised prosperity and happiness.

To make a picture, first cut a rectangle of burlap to the size of the frame, glue it. It’s good if you first draw a plot on a piece of paper, marking the location of the various elements. Then, looking at this clue, you and the child will be able to correctly make the main picture from natural material.

Now trim the straw stalks so that they are the same length. Cut a rectangle out of cardboard, glue burlap on it. Lay and glue the stems horizontally on this blank, let them imitate a log house at home. You will make its roof from dried flowers.

If you don't have a thick straw, you can use wooden skewers or sticks. The latter are cut from even fragments of branches.

Cut a small rectangle out of cardboard and glue it to the wall of the house. Let the child draw the details of this window with a pencil or felt-tip pen.

The bag on the panel is made of burlap. A rectangle of the desired size is cut out of it, a narrow braid or thread must be tied on top of it.

The Brownie's head is made of bristles, which must be laid out in a circle in the picture. Face details are cut out of colored paper: eyes, nose, mouth. The hat is cut out, sewn from material, and the body is made from burlap.

Next to the Brownie, you need to glue a coin as a symbol of prosperity. On the left, attach dry grass to the PVA. She will replace the ears. Glue grains, candy and other details of the natural picture. From a round pasta we will form the sun, and corn grains will become its rays.

Making animals is not difficult. To do this, knead the dough by mixing 2 parts of salt and one flour, add water to make dough, as for dumplings. When the animals are ready, leave the figurines to dry completely.

Dough toys can be left in this form or coated with paints. This panel will become a source of pride for children, their parents and a talisman at home.

Such natural material in the fall, in the truest sense of the word, rolls underfoot. But from it you can make wonderful crafts for kindergarten or elementary school. Here are just a few examples.

Tell your child how to arrange the leaves so that they turn into funny figures.

If the kid does not know how to make a hedgehog, tell him.

First, let him cut it out of colored paper and glue its base onto the cardboard. Then you need to pick up leaves of similar size, paste over the back of the animal with them. His facial features can be drawn or cut out of colored paper.

And if you cut the leaves in a certain way, color them, then the result will be such interesting works.

See how original crafts made from natural materials can be.

For this, you need to collect leaves of various colors, dry them a little. Let the child crush the leaves with their hands over a deep box. After that, he will draw a tree on paper, cover the fate of the branches with glue. While it has not dried yet, you need to sprinkle the art with crumbs of leaves, slightly press them with your hands to the canvas so that they stick better.

Then you need to brush the leftovers back into the box to use them for another canvas. And this is ready.

Natural materials will help to make not only a flat tree in the picture, but also a three-dimensional one. For it you will need:

  • 1 paper bag;
  • leaves;
  • glue;
  • scissors.
Slice the top half of the bag into strips. Put it on the bottom. While holding, twist the middle part to make a tree trunk. Now twist each strip or 2-3 to form branches.

Leaves need to be glued to them. If you want the tree to be unusual, make eyes out of acorn caps, and pupils out of dried rose hips. These elements can be glued or planted on the halves of toothpicks. The nose will be an acorn, and dried rowan berries strung on a thread will turn into beads.

Such children's crafts are also made from almost nothing.

First you need to paint the dried maple leaf with felt-tip pens, then put a clothespin on it. On the other hand, a mug of plasticine is attached to it. This is the figurine's head. You need to attach eyes for dolls to it, and make hair from maple seeds or others similar in shape.

Head decoration made of natural materials

The gifts of nature will also help in this. After all, you can even make a crown out of them. A strip of double-sided tape must be measured according to the volume of the child's head, remove the upper protective film, connect its ends. It remains to stick leaves on it, and you can put on a fairy tale in which the bearer of such a crown will be, for example, a forest king or prince.

In the same production, the girl who will play the role of the princess must definitely shine. Make a headdress for her also from natural materials.

Weaving a wreath of dandelions is not difficult. The technology for this is shown in the following figure.

Another flower is attached to a flower on a long stem, the stem of which is braided around the first one. Then, around the legs of these two yellow dandelions, the stem of the third flower is wrapped around. Thus, the whole wreath is assembled. When it is made to the size of the head, you need to connect its 2 opposite parts with a thread.

You can also here's how to make a wreath of different flowers, for example, from these, taking:

  • garden roses;
  • 1 branch of jasmine;
  • berzelia;
  • rice flowers;
  • buttercup.
In addition to them, for it you will need:
  • floral tape;
  • satin braid;
  • scissors;
  • thin wire;
  • secateurs.

If you do not have the specified colors, replace them with others that are similar in texture, color. But be sure to use roses, because they are the main accent of the wreath.

Prune all plants, shortening their stems by 2-3 times. To prevent roses and other large flowers from breaking off, reinforce them with wire, hide it under the turns of the tape. Arrange the plants in front of you on the table so that everything is at hand.

Measure the satin ribbon to fit your head, leaving enough room to tie a wreath and just enough to let the ends hang down. Attach a piece of wire to the tape to help make the structure stronger.

Start applying flowers to this base, wrapping them with floral tape. Place each one below the previous one.

When the length is enough, tie the ribbon, twist the wire, securing the junction.

Such a wreath will decorate the girl's head on a holiday or will be a great addition to the bride's wedding attire.

What else you can make crafts from natural material, you will be told videos:

Perhaps someone will say that modern children, spoiled by technical innovations, will prefer a virtual game to create any, and that the times when children enjoyed or sawed something out of wood are in the distant past. But such an opinion cannot be called one hundred percent correct. Yes, modern children spend a lot of time in front of computer monitors, but there are also many who enthusiastically craft something in their free time.

This is confirmed by children's works presented at numerous exhibitions of children's art held in cities. Many works of children of preschool and school age can be seen online. Today we will talk about children's crafts from natural materials .

The ability to take care of the world around you should be instilled in a child from an early age. And in order for him to fall in love with nature, it is necessary to visit the forest with children more often, allow them to collect twigs, leaves, cones, and create animal figures from these objects, etc. Do not forbid the child to bring natural materials from the street, saying that this is garbage that does not belong in the apartment. You can create wonderful crafts from such items - in the process of this work, you will immediately achieve several goals: develop creative skills in a child - the ability to see new images in ordinary things; cultivate a love for nature and all living things. What crafts from natural materials can be made with children?

First of all, this leaf applications . Such crafts can be created even with the smallest children. Collecting leaves and berries with a child for the future, you can negotiate in advance, considering the leaves, what can be made from this material - what reminds the baby of a leaf - a forest hedgehog, or maybe a cat's muzzle is seen in the leaf pattern?

Applications from leaves (in this case, volumetric details - berries, twigs) will also look appropriate in the picture) can be framed and hung on the wall. In this case, you get a wonderful decor element for.

And you can also make it on an album or notebook in which the child makes drawings. For example, from such simple applications, you can create an illustration for a Sunday walk to the zoo - let the child make pictures in the album from the leaves that he saw.

most popular crafts made from natural materials, are crafts from cones, shells of nuts and acorns. Usually, figurines of animals are created from such objects. To achieve maximum similarity, additional materials are used - felt, beads, fabric, threads. They make ears, arms and legs, eyes, nose and mouth of little animals. To connect the parts, you can use glue or plasticine. The latter can also be used to create individual parts of figures.

The beauty of these toys is that they are not decorative - you can play with them quite calmly. So, for example, boats made of nutshells can easily surf the water expanses - in a bath or a cup of water. In addition, whole compositions can be created from such objects - for example, a clearing with a hut and a wood goblin, a nest with chickens, etc. This would also look great in a child's room.

And animal figurines made from natural materials can serve as decoration for. Thus, you will instill good taste and aesthetic skills in your child - after all, even the best gift needs a good design.

Natural materials also include shells, which children love to collect while relaxing on the sea. So that these items do not lie around idle in the apartment, do with the child shell mosaic. You can decorate a cup for pencils with it or make some beautiful figurine, for example, to decorate an aquarium. Such work will be a little more difficult than creating appliqués or animal figurines, so it should be done with older children.

Vegetables and fruits can also be attributed to natural objects.- and this is a wonderful material for creativity. From these gifts of nature, you can create crafts for specific holidays (for example, a pumpkin is an inexhaustible source of fantasy to) or just to please your child. For example, if children do not eat some fruits or vegetables well, you can make funny cartoon characters or just little animals out of them. Usually, children eat such "goodies" with pleasure. In addition, a similar decor looks very useful on tables set for children's parties.

In this case, to work on crafts, you can use both fruits and vegetables that are immediately ready to eat, as well as those that serve just as decoration, since they require a certain culinary processing when used in food. To connect the elements of the figures, toothpicks are usually used.

The most unusual figures from fruits and vegetables can be made using the carving technique. However, not everyone knows it, and children will not be able to master these methods of work, because. they are not safe - however, here the child may be interested simply in the process of fruits and vegetables performed by adults.

Work on crafts from natural materials consists of several stages - the collection of material, the formulation of an idea and its implementation. It will be a little difficult for a child to go through them all alone - and the task of parents is to help their child in this. And as a reward, you will get good taste, creative skills, perseverance and accuracy in your child.

Everything that surrounds us - parks, squares, beaches, forests, fields and even flower beds and lawns near the house, all this can serve as an inexhaustible source of materials for creativity.

When working with various natural materials, we get to know the environment in which we live, learn to take care of it, observe variability, study the diversity of natural resources.

Wherever a person is, regardless of the climatic zone (with the exception of the North Pole), having imagination, a desire to create, which can turn any natural material into a work of art.

Natural material is divided into two large groups:

— mineral materials;

- plant material.

The range of diversity within each group is enormous and may be limited by the season and local landscape.

plant natural material


They use the leaves of trees, shrubs, flowers, they differ in shape, size, density, color.

In autumn, the leaves take on a variety of colors, and the breadth of the color palette allows you to create bright and diverse creations. For crafts, fresh leaves and dried ones are used, in work they are cut, crushed, torn, rolled up.

Tree roots and branches

This material will not leave anyone indifferent, depending on the imagination, any snag and branch can be turned into some kind of craft, and this natural resource is available at any time of the year.

Also, branches and logs are cut into thin pancakes and used as blanks for further creativity. They are painted, painted, varnished, drilled, fired.

tree seeds

Fresh seeds are used as old and dry seeds lose their flexibility, color and shape. As a rule, maple and ash seeds are used.

Fruits of trees, bushes

The work uses chestnut, cones, acorns, fruits of mountain ash, wild apple trees. In the process of creating crafts, the hard, prickly shell of a chestnut, an acorn hat, and wild apple cuttings are also used.

Bark of tree

The bark of trees is hard, flexible and colourful. Most often in crafts, birch bark is used - birch bark.

Nut shell

Apply the shell of nuts such as walnuts, peanuts, coconut, almonds, pistachios.


Only washed, dried seeds of watermelon, pumpkin, zucchini, apple, melon, sunflower are used in the work.


In the kitchen of any housewife, you can always find buckwheat, wheat, rice, barley, pea groats.


For various crafts use small and large sawdust. They are separated with a sieve. Small sawdust is painted and dried. Large ones are used in bulk work.

Flowers and grass

In the work, pre-dried collections of flowers and herbs are used. Since fresh flowers and grass wither over time and lose their former beauty, color and shape.


Dry stalks of cereals such as wheat, oats and rye are harvested in autumn, at which time they become tough and strong.

Poplar fluff

During the flowering period of poplar, I collect fluff from the branches, and not the one that flew off. This material is very fragile and must be handled with care.

Varies in color and appearance. Harvest with a scoop gently prying off the ground.


The main condition is that the feathers must be clean. It is not recommended to collect feathers from the street, they are often either dirty or from sick birds.

Mineral Natural Resources


Very affordable material, you can collect it in the nearest sandbox. Depending on the place of origin, sand differs in structure and color. Wash and dry before use.


Residents of the coastal zone or vacationers at the sea can easily find shells on the seashore. They come in different types, shapes and sizes.


Any stone can be turned into a work of art using only one paint and varnish. Stones can be glued together to create entire castles, fences or wells.

Collecting material is not only an exciting activity, but also a pleasant pastime that children and adults like. By combining various techniques such as appliqués, mosaics, modeling and others, you can create truly amazing things. Nature provides any materials and is not limited by the season, while the appearance of our creations is limited only by our imagination.

And we would like to invite you to course “Creativity all year round. Autumn workshop» which starts October 10th. And since this is an autumn workshop, along with other crafts, we will make crafts from natural materials that autumn so generously gives us!

Agree that autumn is the most creative time, when nature itself inspires, and the material for creativity literally lies under our feet. And what a riot of colors around! It is no coincidence that so many poems have been written about autumn, and vivid pictures have been written.

Indeed, it is not possible to simply pass by. I want to collect all this beauty and create, create, create!

Create with us!

We have prepared three preliminary tasks for the participants of the workshop and we invite you to complete them too. It doesn’t matter if you take part in the course or not, you are still doing creativity with your child one way or another, so we suggest you talk about natural materials for children’s creativity and write a report on the first task in the comments to this article. The report should answer two questions:

- what natural materials do you most often use for creativity with children;

Why these particular materials? Maybe they are easier to assemble? Or do they inspire you to be creative?

There will be three preliminary tasks, links to them will be added at the end of this article. If you want to receive assignments by mail, then subscribe to my free book " Why is it important and necessary to be creative with children".

Participation in course “Creativity all year round. Autumn workshop»;

My email baby's first crafts book;

- developing notebook "Hello Autumn" Angels Navarro.

Those. you are required to write three reports by October 11 inclusive, and we will choose among the three winners who have reported using the random service.

And absolutely all participants who have written three reports will receive 60% discount on the course “Creativity all year round. Autumn workshop», i.e. participation will cost you 320 rub.

We are waiting for your reports in the comments!