What a memorable and beautiful present for Christmas. What to give for Christmas: pleasant surprises for each family member

In pre-revolutionary Russia, Christmas was the main winter holiday. After 1917, the focus shifted to the secular New Year, and accordingly, gifts are now given from December 31 to January 1. In recent years, the tradition of wishing each other a Merry Christmas has been revived. True, so far the idea of ​​​​who to give what to give for Christmas has not yet been fully formed. In many ways, it depends on whether a person is a believer or not, on family traditions, but there are also common places, so let's talk about them.

In this article:

Traditional Christmas gifts

At Christmas, the emphasis should be on symbolism, spirituality and pleasant emotions, because this holiday is bright and, above all, spiritual. In the old days, those who could afford gave expensive gifts and generous donations. But now the main material gifts remain for the New Year, and on Christmas it is worth presenting something that will keep your love and affection and remind the donee of this.

A candle is one of the most symbolic Christmas gifts, because it symbolizes light, warmth and faith. On January 7, it is customary to light candles and put them near the window, thus asking to bless your home. A candle is also comfort, peace, magic.

The choice of candles is huge. There is a theory that a candle of a certain color expresses your wishes for the holiday. So a white candle - purity of thoughts, red - recognition of courage and masculinity, yellow symbolizes femininity, and blue serenity. The best souvenir would be a simple candle, decorated with your own hands. For example, cut a picture from a napkin you like and “stick” it to a candle with a heated spoon - you get an original present.

Symbols of faith and Christmas

Figurines of angels, icons, the Bible and other spiritual books can be considered classic gifts. It is better that such souvenirs be small, try to find out in advance how those to whom you are going to give something relate to Christmas and Orthodoxy in general. And if you can choose the figure of an angel to your taste, then they will always tell you about the icon or spiritual literature in the church shop.

Christmas sweets

Since Christmas is preceded by a fairly long one, treats and sweets have always been part of the celebration. Many western traditions have come in lately, including very beautiful gingerbread men, lollipops, etc., and other sweets. Of course, if you have the opportunity and desire, it is better to bake sweets yourself. Even if you don't decorate them.

Traditional Russian sweets were gingerbread, pies, candied fruit. And on the festive table it must have been. So whether to give a real honey gingerbread or a multi-colored gingerbread man is up to you.

Christmas souvenirs

If we recall Russian literature, it turns out that the bell is another constant companion of Christmas. You can decorate a Christmas tree with bells or from fir branches and candles. This is a universal gift that will always be to your liking.

For people who are not very religious, you can choose a Christmas-themed photo frame or some other home decoration.

An excellent gift for Christmas, fully in keeping with the spirit of the holiday -. The main thing is to sign it by hand. After all, this is a holiday of kindness, mercy, help to loved ones. A card is a great way to show that you love and always remember those to whom you give it.

spruce wreath

Another newcomer from the West - - has firmly taken its place in the Christmas paraphernalia. After all, Orthodox churches have been decorated with spruce branches or compositions from them since ancient times. The wreath has a deep spiritual meaning. circle - eternal life, green - the color of life.

The wreath can be hung on the door or decorate the table with it. A wreath with 4 candles is considered traditional. But you can make it with your own hands, decorating it with what the donee will like and will be significant for him.

What to give for Christmas to a woman and a girl

An excellent present for a girl will be one of the following things:

  • jewelry decoration

If the girl is a believer, you can choose a pendant, charm or bracelet with the words of a prayer.

  • Fruit bouquet

Even though fruits are now sold all year round, such a bright and juicy gift will warm the heart of any lady on a holiday.

  • Cooking supplies

If you know for sure that a woman loves to bake, give her baking dishes in bright colors and unusual shapes. Surely she dreams of them, but it seems unreasonable for her to buy them if there are ordinary ones.

Gifts for boyfriend or man

  • A warm scarf or gloves (especially if they are sensory) will please a man and will always be useful.
  • Sweater

Indeed, one must proceed with caution. You should not choose a thing with a huge deer. It is better to give preference to quality, to find out what colors a man likes. And if you choose a sweater with Christmas symbols, then it should be almost invisible.

  • Hobby

If you are well aware of a man's addictions, please him with something that will be useful to him. An accessory for your favorite car, accessories for gadgets, a thermos or a new spinner - depending on your hobbies.

  • Thermo mug

Useful present. There are, for example, car thermo mugs with a usb connector. However, if you don't already live together, make sure that under the bed/in the closet, etc., your boyfriend does not keep a box with a dozen of these mugs.

Christmas gifts for children

If for the New Year Santa Claus has already brought new toys or gadgets to children, then Christmas gifts should be meaningful and age-appropriate.

  • Even the little ones will appreciate a beautiful edition of a book with their favorite fairy tales or a children's bible with colorful illustrations.
  • An older child will be delighted with a new board game or a set for chemical / physical, etc. experiments.
  • Sets for needlework or crafts will also be a good and pleasant present.
  • Children under one year old can be presented with some kind of educational toy - soft cubes with pictures, pyramids, music sorters (after 6 months).
  • Another universal gift will be a glass ball with an angel inside, shiny snow and music. Suitable from 0 to infinity.

Christmas gifts for friends

Friends can be pleased with Christmas symbols or a beautiful composition of pine needles and candles. You can also collect or buy a beautiful basket with sweets, fruits and drinks.

If you know that your friends dream of something useful and you can afford it, go for it. Angels and frames are good, but the place in the apartment is not rubber. And a slow cooker or a sandwich maker, for example, will bring more joy, and you will have an extra reason to come for a treat.

What to give parents (mom and dad)?

It is always difficult to choose a gift for the most important people in life. If there is no exact knowledge or all wishes were fulfilled for the new year, then the mother will surely be delighted with a jewelry box or memorabilia decorated in a Christmas theme.

You can also please your mother with a beautiful Christmas service. Or a new bag.

It is believed that sweets and chocolate are gifts exclusively for women, but dad will also be delighted with a set of good quality chocolate or a bottle of an expensive strong drink.

For both mom and dad, you can choose a gift certificate and give them an unforgettable experience. The main thing is, if the parents are not extreme, do not give skydiving or flying with a dead loop.

Gifts for a son or daughter on Christmas Eve

For parents, children at any age remain children, so even if the children are adults, you still want to congratulate them on Christmas with something special.

If the children are teenagers, then following the old Russian tradition, you can give them some money or write out home-made certificates for extra time to watch TV, play at the computer.

Adult children can simply write a congratulation and invite them to a beautifully and tasty table set.

Remember that the Bright Holiday is a family holiday and it is not so much gifts that are important as attention. May Christmas 2020 be kind and happy!

What do they give for Christmas? The Christmas holiday provides an opportunity to show love, attention and care for a loved one, fulfilling his most secret dream and making it a gift. The best gift will be the one made with your own hands, filled with your energy and warmth. Such a gift warms the soul best of all, but if you do not have the time and opportunity to make something, you may well purchase the necessary thing and present it for the holiday. So, let's talk about what you can give loved ones for Christmas.

What to give for Christmas - gifts for a holy holiday for a loved one

At Christmas, a wide variety of gifts are presented, it all depends on your imagination and who they are intended for. Design is of great importance, sometimes it can be so original that it will be half the success of the gift itself. The best gift is the one you make yourself. Most often it is:

  • sweets;
  • postcard;
  • self-knitted scarf, sweater, mittens or socks;
  • various souvenirs.

  • delicious and fragrant gingerbread;
  • from sugar mass and marzipan;
  • charm-talisman from pieces of fabric.

As a gift, a delicious cake or pie decorated in a Christmas theme is perfect. Ordinary sweets can be decorated in an original way and turned into a stunning delicious bouquet. All gifts can be classified into several types.
1. Traditional:

  • christmas characters;
  • gift sock made of various materials;
  • candles;
  • Santa Claus bags that can be filled with all sorts of goodies and sweets;
  • a variety of little things with a Christmas theme (key chains, magnets, postcards, mugs, badges).

2. A variety of originally designed souvenirs with a Christmas theme:

  • knitted socks, hats, scarves, sweaters, mittens;
  • various carnival masks;
  • Handmade soap;
  • elite tea, coffee, a set of spices.

3. Impressions:

  • trip to Santa Claus or Santa Claus;
  • skiing;
  • snowboarding;
  • visiting a skating rink, cinema or other entertainment venue.

Women and girls can be presented with jewelry, sweets, perfumes, personal care products, original kitchen trifles. Children will always enjoy sweets and toys. The most important thing is that not only you like the gift, but also evoke positive emotions in the person to whom you present it.

What to get your boyfriend for Christmas? What gift to give to your loved one?

There are a huge number of options for gifts for Christmas for a guy or a man. So, you can buy a beautiful tie, an original mouse pad or a flash drive, a cufflink, a flask or a thermos, a lighter, elite alcohol, a keychain, a camera, a smartphone, a business card holder or a document cover. Scarves, mittens, a warm sweater, mittens, cozy slippers will be appropriate. The choice depends on your imagination and preferences, as well as the hobbies and nature of the gifted.

But the best is a gift made or decorated with your own hands. A few ideas will help you choose.

  1. One of the most original surprises for your beloved guy will be a souvenir with your photo. It is best to choose a photo in which you are playing snowballs or walking in a snowy park. It will remind you of unforgettable minutes of magical winter in any season. You can make a T-shirt, a mug or a small pillow with a joint image.
  2. Men love to go to the bath. Give your boyfriend a special set for her. You can choose all the necessary components yourself, and then arrange everything in an original way in the Christmas theme. The set can include a broom, a hat, a rug, mittens, a set with essential oils. If finances allow, buy a large and beautiful bath towel. Such a gift can be supplemented with a warm and soft bathrobe. You can also surprise your boyfriend and order a bath by organizing a romantic evening.
  3. For lovers of reading, you can choose an interesting book, especially with a New Year or Christmas story. A young man will certainly like to spend some time on a winter fairy-tale weekend behind a captivating plot of an interesting book.
  4. Guys really appreciate everything that girls do with their own hands. If you do not consider yourself a good craftswoman, you can buy any beautiful knitted item (scarf, sweater, socks, mittens, hat) and decorate it in a Christmas style. So you will give originality to the surprise and fill it with your energy and warmth, which will warm you on cold winter days.

Knowing what they do at Christmas, it will be much easier to choose a gift for your loved one. Any gift for a guy can be supplemented with a handmade Christmas card with an original wish.

Christmas is a special and symbolic holiday. And if it is customary to celebrate the New Year noisily and cheerfully in the company of friends and acquaintances, then on Christmas you always want to gather the dearest and closest at the beautifully laid table, and celebrate the holiday quietly, enjoying the comfort and warmth. And what is customary to give on such a day?

Gift Ideas for Parents

What to give for Christmas to the dearest people? As you know, the elderly are incredibly sweet, so they will be very happy with sweets, cookies or a beautifully decorated cake. You will surprise and delight them a lot by preparing the present.

You can present something symbolic - a figurine of an angel, a good gnome or some kind of saint. A warm blanket or a set of towels will also come in handy.

What else can you give for Christmas? Taking into account the hobbies and preferences of each of the parents, present a houseplant to mom if she is fond of growing them, and a thermos or special rubber boots to dad, a fisherman.

If possible, please them with a ticket to a sanatorium or buy some household appliances. As you know, with age, parents become more sentimental and your gift in the form of a calendar decorated with family photos will move them to tears.

Gift ideas for your significant other

The best gift for Christmas to your beloved man will be something that he has long dreamed of. An attentive wife will always notice a sparkle in her eyes when looking at a new generation tablet or smartphone, an improved spinning model.

It will not be difficult for an avid motorist, hunter, fisherman or hacker to find a gift, because there are an incredible number of all kinds of accessories of the corresponding subject on sale. If you know how to knit yourself, knit him a warm sweater with a picture of a snowflake or a team with deer on the chest. By the way, such clothes will be ideal for a New Year's photo shoot.

Gifts for New Year and Christmas for lovely ladies include cosmetics, perfumes, all kinds of accessories - scarves, gloves, scarves, belts, jewelry.

Men with a high income will be able to please the missus with furs and jewelry, and representatives of the middle class will be able to buy something from clothes.

You can surprise your beloved and present a skiing trip, a sleigh ride pulled by a dashing trio of horses, cinema or theater tickets.

A hand-made picture, a photo frame, an album or a vase in technique will delight your friends and take its place of honor on the shelves of cabinet furniture in their home. If your imagination is tight, and you don’t have any special skills, you can go to any New Year’s fair and buy Christmas gifts there.

A housewife friend can be presented with a special plastic set for making sushi or scales that give out information accurate to the gram, and they can also access the Internet.

Readers will be incredibly delighted to see a new novel by their favorite author in the hands of the donor, and if you and your friend cannot live a day without a prank, then you should look for something from this series, for example, a flying alarm clock or a toilet paper holder made in the form of a camera.

But whatever you choose, the main thing will be the love and attention with which you present this present. Good luck!

Natalya Kaptsova

Reading time: 8 minutes


Christmas is a traditionally quiet, spiritual, family holiday. It's time to forget all the quarrels and make peace at the common table. It is wonderful for the whole family to go to church on this day, light a candle for the repose of deceased loved ones and friends, and for the health of the living. But expensive gifts to give at Christmas is not worth it. Rather, gifts should be comic or for good luck.

Christmas Gift Traditions

Traditional gifts are Christmas symbols - Christmas wreaths with candles, all kinds of stars, angels, in Catholic countries - santons and, finally, ordinary Christmas cards.

What can you give your family and friends for Christmas?

Here are some more options for Christmas gifts for your loved ones:


Parents can give a lot of different gifts, it all depends on what do your parents do . If you know the legend about the birth of Jesus Christ, then you will surely remember what the Magi from the East brought as a gift. They were gold, myrrh and frankincense. Therefore, on this day, gold jewelry is considered a wonderful and symbolic gift. Unfortunately, not every one of us can afford to give gold, so perfumes, colognes and other aromatic gifts are also considered a symbolic gift to parents.


A gift for a child, it is not so difficult, especially if the child is young. You can give him beautiful toy and the child will be happy, but it is best to beat this gift somehow in a special way! It’s not easy to hand it over and say “here’s our present for Christmas with dad”, it’s best put the first half of the gift under the tree , A the other half can be left on the balcony , but not just put, but ask your baby to feed the birds with cereals or millet, and for this they will give him a gift. At night or in the evening, the child will sprinkle cereals on the balcony, and in the morning you will remove the millet, and put a gift in its place. Thus, you can teach your child to love animals, and he will also be able to believe that if he helps the birds, then it will be credited to him later! The main thing is not the cost of the gift, but it is best if this toy becomes necessary in the daily life of the baby.

Beloved person:

Most often these are symbolic gifts - dough figures , they rely on happiness to eat right there. It would be great to organize a romantic dinner for the two of you. The charm and magic of such an evening can be given with the help of aromatic Christmas candles, figurines in the form of stars and angels. You can also make a Christmas collage from your favorite photos or prepare a movie about all the memorable and most beautiful moments.

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It is better to think about gifts for Christmas even before the New Year's fuss, otherwise the festive carousel will spin in such a way that there will be no time or energy left for shopping trips. When going to visit friends, you can simplify the task and buy one useful gift for everyone and a sweet gift for a child. At Christmas, it is not necessary to buy expensive gifts, it is enough to get by with a cake and a bottle of wine or bring a set of tea, a gift jar of good coffee or a box of chocolates as a congratulation. The most Christmas present is curly gingerbread, you can buy them in advance or bake them yourself. On the eve of the holiday, various goods with a Christmas theme appear in stores: watches, calendars, mugs, candles, key rings, bookmarks, magnets, pens and notepads. To create a festive atmosphere and color your wishes and congratulations, friends, colleagues and relatives should definitely buy small surprises.

What to give a child for Christmas

Gifts such as rattles, cubes, bathing toys, pyramids, tumblers are suitable for babies up to three years old. Jumpers, rocking chairs or walkers will be a good gift for a grandson. You can give a little boy an inexpensive but pleasant toy for him: a typewriter, an automatic machine, a set of tools for a home craftsman, a designer or a drawing board. A godchild for Christmas should buy a radio-controlled helicopter, car or plane. A great gift for a son would be a railway or multi-level parking. If you want to buy a developing gift, then you should choose a set for chasing or burning, an aircraft model for self-assembly, a kit for chemical experiments or a kit for creating plaster bas-reliefs. A schoolchild can be presented with a board game or a game for the street, for example, children's badminton or a soccer ball.

A girl can buy a set of dishes or a set of toy products, a stroller or a crib for a doll, a home cleaning kit or a kit for playing in the store. The goddaughter will definitely like a microwave, refrigerator or coffee maker. For Christmas, it is best to give your beloved daughter or granddaughter an interactive soft toy that can walk, make sounds and respond to touch. A children's umbrella, a handbag or a set of accessories for creating hairstyles is suitable for a gift to the daughters of acquaintances. Daughter's girlfriends will be delighted with children's cosmetics, key chains in the form of small toys and small dolls. If you want to make educational gifts, you should pay attention to kits for embroidery, soap making, jewelry making or modeling.

What can you give a woman for Christmas

A familiar woman can buy a Christmas chocolate figure or a caramel bouquet as a gift. An excellent gift for mom would be a canvas painting drawn from her photo, or a family tree photo frame. The most appropriate Christmas gift for a girlfriend or wife is a small piece of jewelry. If your girlfriend combines intelligence and beauty, then the best gift for her is a USB flash drive in a jewelry case in the form of a pendant with rhinestones or a keychain with pebbles. Women - work colleagues on Christmas can be congratulated with inexpensive figurines in the form of cute angels, and if you want to make useful gifts, you can buy some little things for the kitchen: silicone cupcake molds, pepper mills, spice containers, a set of hot coasters or kitchen towels with a matching pattern. Young girls will be pleased to receive something for beauty as a gift: a pocket mirror, nail polish, bath foam or hand cream. It is better for unfamiliar girls to buy a box of chocolates or a jar of good coffee.

What to buy as a Christmas present for a man

For Christmas, you can give your beloved man or brother a beautiful tie clip, cufflinks, a business card holder or a genuine leather document cover, a universal car holder, a mug with his photo, a key chain, a car charm toy, a steering wheel braid or a lighter. On this family holiday, it is appropriate to give warm gifts: scarves, sweaters, dressing gowns. A man you know can be bought as a gift an original flask for strong drinks, a stand for pens or CDs, an interesting book, gift-wrapped spirits, an ashtray or a table clock. For a young guy, the easiest way is to choose some gadget for a computer: a USB hub, headphones, miniature speakers, a USB flash drive, a wireless mouse, or a funny rug. If a man often attends sports events, then he will like a comfortable seat for a fan, and a guy who sits at home all day will definitely need a home horizontal bar for a doorway.

DIY Christmas gifts

The most expensive Christmas gifts keep the warmth of the hands of the one who not only gave them, but also made them himself. The easiest way is to make beautiful candles in the shape of Christmas stars for friends and relatives. Christmas angels will look very symbolic, which can be made from paper or sewn from patches of white fabric and lace. A woman can be given a gift box from a round box in which portioned cheese is sold. The lid of the box should be decorated with a postcard corresponding to the holiday theme. On the eve of the holiday, beautiful Christmas napkins are sold, they can be used to decorate various items using decoupage technique. With a little effort, a bread cutting board, an empty bottle, a paper box or an old vase will turn into a wonderful Christmas surprise.

If there is no money for gifts, then you can limit yourself to beautiful postcards in which pleasant and good wishes will be written.