What happened to Shah Kuban. Shah Sultan is the sister of the Great Ruler of the Ottoman Empire. Husband and children

Suleiman had many sisters. And Shah Sultan was one of his favorites.

There are two versions of her date of birth. According to one, she was born in 1494, according to the second year of her birth 1509. The latter date turned out to be more common, so it stuck.

Many believe that Shah Sultan and Suleiman are half-brother and sister. As we were shown in the TV series Magnificent Century, perhaps Aishe Havsa Sultan was not her mother at all. Because Selim had two wives named Aishe. And some sources are inclined to believe that Shah was born from Selim's concubine, who was also called Aishe.

The full name of the Sultana is Shah Khuban. She is also called Shah-i Khuban. And her Turkish name in Russian means - Bright Lady. And Huban points out that her hair was very light - yellow or white. Which is not typical for Turkish girls.

Princess Shah was born in Manisa. She spent her entire childhood there, with her mother. Merkez Efendi was involved in her upbringing and education. He taught her a lot. He instilled love for Allah, because he himself was very pious. Sultan Selim appreciated him and rewarded him with an appointment to a high post when he saved his beloved wife Ayse from illness.

As soon as the girl turned 14, Selim decides to marry her to Lutfi Pasha, who was then about 30-35 years old. This was a marriage of convenience and was beneficial for the Sultan, so such a difference in age did not bother him at all. Yes, and in those days such marriages were the norm.

Shah Sultan did not love her husband

The life of the Ottoman princesses was not so fabulous and sweet. And all because they were destined for one fate - to marry an unloved one. And these marriages were political, that is, they were concluded for the benefit of the state. And there was no question of love here.

So Shah Sultan was married to an unloved person, like the rest of her sisters. If the quiet Beihan somehow managed to come to terms with her situation and live peacefully with her husband. That Shah Sultan, who differed from her sister in her stubbornness, could not accept her fate. She was cold towards her husband.

After the wedding, the young Shah Sultan, together with her husband, went from Manisa to live in another city. A fierce pasha in a new place receives a new appointment to a high post.

In this marriage, Shah-Khuban gave birth to two daughters - Esmehan Baharnaz Sultan and Neslikhan Sultan. She didn't let her husband get close to her anymore.

In 1539, when Grand Vizier Ayaz Pasha died during an epidemic, Sultan Suleiman summoned her husband, Lutfi Pasha, to the Topkapi Palace. At the same time, Shah Sultan herself was able to move to the capital. Her husband became a member of the Sultan's council. And despite her dislike for her husband, Shah helped him move up the career ladder.

On July 13, 1539, Lutfi Pasha officially became Grand Vizier. But despite all his efforts and diligence, he did not last long in this position. Just 1 year and 9 months.

It is said that Lutfi Pasha was a rather cruel vizier. And in his uncontrollable impulses, he committed many terrible deeds that the lady could not stand.

If you believe the rumors, then the egregious case was that the vizier terribly mocked a woman of easy virtue, who died in agony. Shah decided to talk about it with her husband. But he did not listen to her and even raised his hand to her, which was the last straw of her patience. The Shah complained to her brother Sultan Suleiman and her marriage was annulled. In 1541 Shah Sultan divorced Lutfi Pasha. After that, he was removed from the post of chief vizier and sent to Dimetoka. His life was saved for the sake of his daughters.

Shah Sultan was glad that she was able to break the connection with her husband. She firmly decided for herself that it was better to be single than the wife of an unloved pasha.

In 1556, the architect Mimar Sinan built the Shah Sultan Mosque in Istanbul.

Shah-Khuban died in 1572. She asked to be buried next to her mother. But no one knew where she was buried for a long time. And only 400 years later, in 2013, her grave was found in Fatih, next to the Yavuz Selim mosque. Before that, everyone believed that she was buried in the tomb of Aisha Hafsa Sultan.

In the series, the creators hint that Shah was very jealous of her sister Hatice all the time. It is likely that this was in real life. After all, most likely, their mothers are different. And as you know, the mother of Hatice, Aishe Havsa Sultan, was the beloved wife of Sultan Selim. And she entered the harem as a mistress, and the second Aisha was already like a slave. Perhaps this is what played a big role in the fact that Hatice was more surrounded by care and love than Shah Sultan. But this is just my guess.

That's the whole truthful and short story about Shah Sultan. And if not for the series Magnificent Century, then we would never have known this woman. The role of Shah-Khuban in this series was wonderfully performed by Deniz Chakyr.

Shah Khuban in the TV series Magnificent Age

Our first meeting with the Shah Sultan takes place in the third season of the series The Magnificent Century.

When Valide Sultan dies, Hatice is left alone without the support of her mother. She calls her sister to Istanbul to deal with the hated Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska together with her. But the two sisters could not defeat the rival. And only after the death of Ibrahim Pasha, they still manage to get rid of Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska for a while. After that, Hatice commits suicide, and Mihrimah Sultan forces the Shah Sultan to leave the capital in a short time.

The image and character of Shah Sultan in the series

Shah-Khuban is an impregnable, cold and prudent sultana. She is very observant. Closely follows all the events in the harem. Immediately takes everything under control and does not release it. Outwardly, she is calm and at the same time skillfully rules over people. It looks like a snow queen with an ice heart, with a penetrating and burning look. She is not touched by ordinary human weaknesses. It is difficult to drive her into a dead end, because Shah Sultan is able to find a way out of any situation.

Unprincipled and successful in intrigues. She knows how to turn the situation in her favor. It is impossible to hurt her because she has no attachment to anyone. The deceit and hypocrisy of her features. But no matter how hard she tried to destroy Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska, her intrigues sometimes came out sideways for herself. Because Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska was also very cunning and even the complex strategies of Shah Sultan could not drive her into a corner.

Shah is a true mistress, who perfectly understands her position. Arrogant and not recognizing anyone in whose veins the Sultan's blood does not flow. Likes to put everyone in their place, constantly emphasizing their title. She even reminded her husband every day that she was a member of the Ottoman dynasty. This eventually bothers Lutfi Pasha. They quarrel and the sultana divorces him.

But despite all her outward composure, Shah is not so insensitive. In childhood, deprived of parental love and affection, married early to an unloved pasha, the lady simply closed herself in. Her heart turned to stone and became hard. Behind the mask of greatness and arrogance hides the humane and merciful Shah. At the request of her daughters Esmahan, she asks to pardon Lutfi Pasha. And how warmly she treats her faithful servant Merdzhan-aga once again confirms that she is not such a snow queen.

Family bonds

Shah respects Suleiman very much and treats him with reverence. She loves her brother the Sultan, she does not contradict him. But he also does not miss the opportunity to use it in his games against Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska. And Suleiman himself treats his sister well and therefore fulfilled her request regarding the former Grand Vizier Lutfi Pasha.

Relations with sisters are somewhat different. She is clearly jealous of Hatice, who has been surrounded by love and care since childhood. Shah herself admitted to Beyhan that she always dreamed of the life that Hatice lived. And as soon as the Shah arrives in the capital, she begins to quickly catch up. He settles in the palace, which used to belong to Hatice and Ibrahim, changes the furniture and interior there for himself. Along the way, he helps his spouse become the Grand Vizier. She becomes the closest sister to the Sultan, as Hatice once was. In general, she took into her hands everything that once belonged to her sister.

In the past, Shah sympathized with Ibrahim, this also becomes a stumbling block between the two sisters. Shah refuses to help Hatice in the fight against Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska, accusing her of weakness and inability to cope with her even earlier.

Between the sisters at the very beginning, a rather strained relationship. They unite only in order to eliminate Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska. Between them is an alliance of two sultanas, but not two sisters. The Shah could never understand that depth of love feelings, that unbearable pain of Hatice, unlike Beikhan. By the way, her relationship with Beihan also does not particularly add up. Beihan sees Shah through and does not hide it. With her sisters, she does not have any tenderness and warm relations that sisters should have.

Speaking of nephews, it is worth noting that Shah singles out Mustafa, the son of Mahidevran, among all the shehzade. She has no obvious disdain for other nephews. She warmly communicates with the children of Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska. But it is shehzade Mustafa who they consider to be the legitimate heir to the throne. Just like Mahidevran, she often emphasizes the status of Suleiman's first son in conversations with Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska. Mustafa even unwittingly became a key figure in her intrigue against Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska. By doing so, she put the prince in grave danger.

Husband and children

The Shah did not love her husband Lutfi Pasha at all. And she helped him become the Grand Vizier only in order to gain more power and become closer to Suleiman. The only person she truly loved was her daughter, Esmahan.

Feud with Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska

At first, the relationship between the sister and the wife of the Sultan developed well. There was even some semblance of friendship between them. But when Ibrahim Pasha was executed, the Shah swore an oath to Hatice that they would get rid of Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska.


Another figurant who was constantly next to his mistress. Merjan is her faithful slave. He cared about the well-being of his sultana. He is the only person in Topkapi Palace who was very upset by her leaving the capital. Merjan begged the mistress to take him with her. But since he was the main one who kept order in the harem, she left him in the palace.

Shah Sultan leaves the capital and we don't see her anymore.

I am Shah-i-Khuban Sultan Khazretleri - the daughter of the Ottoman Sultan Selim I Yavuz from his first wife Aisha Hafsa Sultan, the sister of the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman I. I was born in 1509, in Manisa. I was my mother's very last child. I grew up in the shadow of my older sisters. Hatice was the favorite of her mother, Beihan - of her father, and Fatma could always find a common language with Suleiman. I spent my entire childhood in the study of books on science and art, so I tried to forget and tear myself away from the outside world, which did not bode well for me. I am Shah-i-Khuban Sultan Khazretleri, similar in appearance and character to my Valide: jet-black hair, beautiful bottomless eyes that reflected the night radiance. Shah Sultan, who has known a wonderful feeling on earth - love. I fell in love with a simple groom - Ibrahim-aga. The world has lost all meaning for me without him. I tried at least sometimes to catch his eyes on me and admire him. I wrote letters to him, suffered and cried at night. We couldn't be together, it was simply impossible. I am Shah-i-Khuban Sultan Khazretleri. In 1520, my brother, shehzade Suleiman, ascended the throne and became the 10th ruler of the Ottoman Empire. I really wanted to go to Istanbul to be with him, but Valide forbade it. Instead of me, she took Hatice, who survived the death of her first husband. I lost my love, my Ibrahim, I lost everything. I am Shah-i-Khuban Sultan Khazretleri. When I found out that they wanted to marry me to Lutfi Pasha, I decided that my life was over. The soul will die, only a pale body will remain, devoid of feelings and emotions. And it happened. In 1523, our nikah with Lutfi Pasha took place. On my wedding night, I decided that I would forget my past life, I would live for myself and only for myself. I became a woman. There is no longer that radiant and cheerful girl, a steadfast and unshakable sultana has appeared. I am Shah-i-Khuban Sultan Khazretleri. In 1523 I gave birth to a beautiful daughter, Esmakhan. She was my copy, both in appearance and character. Esmakhan became my only joy in this mortal life, I was proud of my daughter, I gave all of myself to her upbringing. My husband was very fond of Esmakhan, she also did not have a soul in him. Only I, during the years of our marriage, never really felt affection for this person. Ibrahim occupied my thoughts. Several years have passed, and he still owned my heart. I am Shah-i-Khuban Sultan Khazretleri. I learned that my sister, Hatice Sultan, was married to Ibrahim Pasha, who became the Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire. I was upset, depressed. All my love disappeared somewhere, only revenge and hatred remained. So Ibrahim never had any feelings for me. I'm broken. The strong mistress is crushed. I found solace only in Esmahan, which every day became more and more beautiful. I am Shah-i-Khuban Sultan Khazretleri. In 1539 we went to Istanbul. My husband, Lutfi Pasha, officially assumed the position of Grand Vizier in place of Ibrahim Pasha. I could not understand why Suleiman decided this way. But upon arrival in Istanbul, I was told about the death of Ibrahim. Another terrible news. Hatice sobbed night and day, I tried to remain firm and steadfast, but on dark nights my pillow was wet with tears. I lost my only love before I even talked to him. This is my secret that will die with me. I am Shah-i-Khuban Sultan Khazretleri. In 1541 I divorced my husband, who allowed himself to be impudent and hit me. Now I am a free woman, and no one else will be able to oppose my will. I am Shah-i-Khuban Sultan Khazretleri. I entered into a fight with Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska Sultan, who was responsible for the death of Ibrahim. Nobody knew my true goal, I just said that I was helping Hatice. At first I wanted Hürrem to go crazy. She sent a doctor who left terrible intoxicating smells in the room. But it did not help. This woman is like a fire that burns everyone and everything. I am Shah-i-Khuban Sultan Khazretleri. I took the extreme risk of agreeing to Hatice's plan. She ordered to kidnap Hurrem, hide her in a remote place. I agreed, assuring myself that my brother would forget her, but I was wrong. Love, proven over the years, has not faded away. Suleiman searched for Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska everywhere, but all in vain. I won. I am Shah-i-Khuban Sultan Khazretleri. I am being expelled from the palace. Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska's daughter, Mihrimah Sultan, followed in her mother's footsteps. She improved me in intrigue and tricked me into leaving Istanbul. I am Shah-i-Khuban Sultan Khazretleri. I'm leaving this terrible world, Top Caps. Here the air is saturated with death. Why should I be here? There is nothing worse than hearing your brother betray you. Everyone I loved died. Valide Sultan died, Ibrahim was executed, Hatice poisoned herself. They were burned by the hated fire of Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska Sultan. I am Shah-i-Khuban Sultan Khazretleri. I am the Sultana of the Dynasty. I am a great woman. My name is forever inscribed in history. I am Shah-i-Khuban Sultan Khazretleri...

November 20, 2013, 21:10

Many wrote that they would like to know a little more about Shah Sultan. We will talk about it now. Fortunately, there is information about her and it is not so little, compared with many other heroes of that period.

Shah Sultan (or Shahhuban, also Shah-i-Khuban) was the third oldest sister. She is buried next to Ayse Hafsa Sultan, so in this case, the talk that one of her father's concubines was her mother is brushed aside. Some sources indicate that she was fair-haired, in translation her name means "Bright Lady", and the prefix "Kuban" is one of the designations for white or yellowish hair. However, in the series, as you remember, the actress is dark-haired.

She was born in 1509 in Manisa. It is said that she was in Manisa during the period when her brother Suleiman was also there. In Manisa, she received an excellent education thanks to Merkez Efendi. He was a very religious man who rose to a high position after curing the Sultan's wife.

In 1523, at the age of 14, she was married to the 35-year-old Lutfi Pasha, who became Grand Vizier in 1539 after the death of his predecessor Ayaz from the plague (which we mentioned in the previous post). At that time, such a young age for marriage was absolutely normal. Moreover, this marriage was, for certain reasons, beneficial to Shahhuban's father, Sultan Celime Yavuz. On July 13, 1539, Lutfi Pasha officially assumed the position of Grand Vizier, which he held until 1541 (we will learn about the reasons for his resignation a little later).

Lutfi Pasha in the series was played by the actor Mehmet Ozgur, now he is playing in the TV series "The Songbird".

In this marriage, two daughters Esmahan and Neslishakh (in some sources Nazlyshih) appeared. However, in the series we are shown only one - Esmahan Sultan (There will be a separate post about her).

The series shows that Shah Sultan did not love her husband and did not allow him to her. But, she was instrumental in her husband becoming Grand Vizier (having previously contributed to the death of his predecessor). Also, in the series, it was made clear to us that Shahhuban was in love with Ibrahim and he liked her (given that she grew up in Manisa next to her brother and his true friend, this was possible). But, since at that time he was a simple falconer, there could be no question of any marriage. If there are those among you who watched the third season, you probably remember the conflicts between her and Khadija. Khadija always hinted to her that her sister was jealous of her. Of course, these are all the writers' thoughts, but who knows, maybe they are not far from the truth.

Of course, what kind of relationship was between Shahhuban and Khurryam, of course, is unknown. It is possible that everything was as in the series, but maybe not. Unfortunately, there are no such details anywhere. So we have to draw conclusions based on what we saw in the BB. In the series, to put it mildly, they did not get along, and actively spoiled each other, if anyone was not watching. Although at first Shahhuban behaved as if she was an angel descended from heaven. But, of course, this was all done in order to lull the vigilance of Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska. Moreover, in the future, after the death of Ibrahim, hatred for Khyurry increased several times. And she, along with Khadija and Makhidevran, came up with more and more new methods of reprisal against her daughter-in-law.

Lutfi Pasha, as soon as he was appointed to a high position, immediately began to restore order in the city with special zeal and special rigidity. One of the indicators of his cruelty is the case against a woman of easy virtue, the punishment for which was mockery of the genitals. Pasha ordered to burn her genitals. But, the fact is that he did not dare to give punishment to this woman, without trial. She died long and painfully.

Shah Sultan was very indignant when she learned about this and told her husband everything that she thought about him. Irritated, Lutfi Pasha beat his dearest wife. The fact is that beating, hitting the representatives (representatives) of the Ottoman dynasty was forbidden and punished. After that, she divorced him and naturally he was dismissed, and then was exiled to Dimetoku (Didimotika, a city in eastern Greece). her character is so fed up with me in the series that I just breathed a sigh of relief when she was put in her place with this slap in the face (I'm a cruel woman).

Shah Sultan died in 1572 in Istanbul. Her grave was found on March 16, 2013 during the restoration of the grave of Aisha Hafsa Sultan.

Burial place of Shahhuban

"Shah Sultan Mosque" by Mimar Sinan (1556). Restoration was carried out twice: During the reign of Sultan Mustafa 2 (17-18 centuries) and in 1812 during the reign of Sultan Mahmud 2.

I liked the character in the series because, unlike all the other participants in the "League against Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska", she was smarter and more cunning. However, the fact that she was the first to unleash a war influenced the perception of this character, based on the fact that I love Hürrem. In the end she left Istanbul thanks to her niece Mihrimah. If you remember, at the moment when Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska disappeared, her daughter took the reins of power in her hands, and got rid of her annoying aunt.

The role of Shahhuban in the series is played by actress Deniz Chakyr.

A little humor :)

Some video

Arivederchi Topkapi :)

Meeting of former doves

League AntiKhurryam :)

Updated on 21/11/13 13:45:

> Mosques of Istanbul >

Exceptionally small in size Shah Sultan Mosque in Istanbul is located in the Eyup region, on the shores of the Golden Horn Bay. The Shah Sultan Mosque was built by the architect Mimar Sinan in 1556, shortly before the sultan's death.

Some history facts about Shah Sultan

Shah Sultan - the daughter of Sultan Selim I and his wife Ayse Hafse Sultan was born in 1499. At the age of twenty-four, Shah Sultan was married to Lutfi Pasha, but scandalously divorced him eighteen years later. The reason for the divorce was the beatings and insults inflicted on his wife, Lutfi Pasha, at the time of a family dispute over a draft law on adultery, which involves severe "surgical punishments" for lustful women. Shah Sultan lived until 1572, surviving the famous Hurrem Sultan, who was at enmity with her, for fourteen years.

According to various studies conducted in 2016, the graves of Shah Sultan and Aishe Hafse Sultan were found in a burial in the courtyard of the Yavuz Sultan Selim mosque.

About Shah Sultan Mosque

The small building of the Shah Sultan Mosque was erected fifty meters from the Golden Horn. This territory was bought by the Shah Sultan, probably for laying not only a mosque, but also mausoleums for his family, however, time decreed otherwise.

The rectangular building of the mosque (16m * 13m) was built of natural stone, tied with red baked clay tiles. Inside the mosque, the prayer department is almost square (11m * 10m).
After a series of earthquakes, the most destructive of which occurred in 1766, the mosque was repeatedly restored. In the twentieth century, repairs were made four times, and the last one was in 2005. Therefore, most of the decoration elements that were previously made of wood were replaced with marble or iron ones. Moreover, as part of the latest reconstruction of the mosque, the roof was completely replaced, replacing the wooden floors with reinforced concrete, and the tiles were re-tiled. The only minaret of the mosque is low and lacks any decorations.

Of course, the Shah Sultan Mosque (Sah Sultan Cami) - such a mundane architecture, completely devoid of the imagination of the great master Sinan, somewhat surprises tourists. Apparently, Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, who was the customer of the building, had some good reasons for that. visit Shah Sultan Mosque in Istanbul it is reasonable to combine it with a walk to the romantic cafe of Pierre Lotti, which is located very close by.

At the time when the events of the series "Magnificent Age" take place, the customs and mores of people were much more severe than they are today. Especially for those who served at the palace of the great Sultan, it was easy to lose your head. No wonder vizier and friend Suleiman the Magnificent Ibrahim Pasha constantly talked about how each promotion brought him one step closer to death. The same worries the Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire Rustem Pasha- husband Mihrimah(daughter of Suleiman and Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska). As responsibility increases, so do the chances of making more serious blunders that will lead to the loss of a post or, worse, a head.

The men of the heyday of the Ottomans practically did not engage in raising children - this hard work lay almost entirely on the shoulders of women. The absence of a husband affected the formation of the character of the children no less than now.

Single mothers of the "Magnificent Century"


Mother's depression destroys child's trust in the world

Motherhood Hatice began to bring her suffering from the very beginning. Losing a long-awaited firstborn Mehmet still an infant, she could not recover from grief for a long time. It seemed that nothing could bring her smile back. However, time, if not healed, then at least helped heal the wounds. She regained the meaning of life and peace when she was born Osman And Khurijikhan, and after a long crisis, those tender and filled with light and mutual respect feelings that united them into one family returned to relations with Ibrahim. For several years, the heroine found the long-awaited peace and harmony. But happiness was short-lived. Since Hatice loved her husband, his execution broke her. The light for Suleiman's sister was dimmed. She completely immersed herself in her grief. Memories of the past became the only source of joy, while the future was lit up with hatred for the wife of the Sultan Hürrem.

And even beautiful children did not bring her sincere joy. Of course, they were surrounded by many nannies and did not need anything. But the attention and warmth of the mother cannot be replaced by anything else. Especially when the father is no longer around. According to psychologists, it is contact with the mother that forms the child's basic trust in the world. In the absence of this contact, the child loses support, the world becomes unsteady and incomprehensible for him.

The presence of a sense of trust is the basis for the formation of a positive sense of self. The child learns whether he can rely on adults, whether they are able to take care of him. There is confidence that when things get bad, help will come. If the world of the child is unstable, causes stress, then attitudes of fear, suspicion and fear for their lives develop.

When a mother is in a state of depression due to a break with her husband (or for other reasons), her perception of the world around her (including the child) is dulled. Namely, at this moment it is very important for him that she be sensitive and attentive, provide support and set the necessary guidelines.

On the basis of trust, the child develops confidence, the ability to correctly assess his strengths and capabilities (adequate self-esteem), initiative ...

According to the script, it is still unclear how the characters of Hatice's children will manifest themselves when they grow up and become independent. But it is already clear that the lack of proper maternal care and the mother's being in deep chronic depression affected her daughter's character - Khuridzhikhan. It made her indecisive, dependent on the opinions of others, and in some situations almost helpless. In fairness, it must be said that from Hatice, her daughter was given both excellent manners, and grace, and modesty, and gentleness, and love for beauty. These qualities evoke sympathy, but do they are they human happy?

For comparison, you can observe how he feels and goes through life Fatma Sultan - daughter of an "iron", but at the same time attentive and fair Valide. She is decisive and prudent, can afford to enjoy frivolous nonsense and is capable of risky actions. In this world, she feels like the mistress of the situation.

Shah Sultan

Disrespect for the father puts the child in a situation of traumatic choice

Younger sister of Hatice and Sultan Suleiman Shah Sultan in principle, was ready for the fact that her husband Lutfi Pasha executed. However, her heart softened when she saw how much it hurt their daughter. Esmehan. Therefore, despite the fact that Shah Sultan divorced Lutfi Pasha, nevertheless, thanks to her, he was lucky to avoid the fate of Ibrahim, who was executed.

Her father married Shah Sultan at the age of 14 to Lutfi Pasha, who was 35. She never loved her husband, openly showed disdain for him, showed that she was a mistress, and he only served her, like her entire dynasty. We can say that the "power" balance in their family was initially disturbed. The woman occupied a leading position, determined the course of development of relations and the business line, and the man was in the position of a subordinate.

Such a model of relationships is not the best example for shaping the image of a family in a growing daughter. In families where the mother takes a rigid dominant position, rejecting the soft feminine essence and taking on more responsibility than necessary, the child cannot feel relaxed and comfortable. In addition, a girl, focusing on her mother, most likely in the future will also build her relationships with men and, in general, with the outside world, based on the need to suppress and rule. And this is unlikely to bring happiness.

Often, when a man leaves his wife alone with a child, the woman (sometimes involuntarily) begins to openly show hostility towards her ex-spouse. Sometimes she tries to forbid the child to communicate with her father or deliberately says a lot of unpleasant things about the man who made her suffer. This is an immature position that puts the child in front of a painful choice - mom or dad? Esmehan cannot help but feel that there is no love between his parents, and that his mother treats his father with contempt. And since Shah Sultan is also by nature not capable of showing the gentleness and care so necessary for a teenager, it is not surprising that in the end the girl seeks to live with her father, and not with her.


Manipulations with the use of children have a negative impact on the fate of the child

Actually, the third wife of Sultan Suleiman Mahidevran in the literal sense of the word, one cannot be called a single mother - after all, the son Mustafa grew up with a father. But from an early age, the boy lived separately with his mother, almost never seeing Suleiman. And, we can say, the heroine raised the child herself.

At the moment when Suleiman decided to send Mahidevran away from the palace, the backbone of Mustafa's character had already been laid. That is why the boy made such an adult decision - to go with his mother. Of course, the sense of justice, masculinity and the ability to take responsibility for their actions, which Suleiman passed on to his son in the first years of his life, influenced the way he grew up. But it is also important how Mahidevran behaved. She did not try to shift the responsibility for her unfortunate female fate onto her son. She always spoke of his father with respect and love. When their union only faltered with the arrival of Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska in the harem, it was her words that they were still one family and daddy loved him that made Suleiman try to keep their connection. And who knows what would have happened if Makhidevran managed to subdue her jealousy in time. But the fact that Mahidevran did not try to manipulate Suleiman with the help of a child, and the fact that Mustafa did not become a bargaining chip in the relationship of his parents, allowed him to grow up as a real man and a loving son. From childhood, the boy had a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bparents. And the older the child becomes, the more he is drawn to the parent who loves him, and does not use him for his own purposes.