Children's physics for the little ones. Entertaining physics: experiments for children. Pneumatics. Smart games - Physics

about creative work with gifted children of grade 10

"Development of interest in physics in elementary school children"

physics teacher E.I. Bayeva.

Students of the 10th grade took part in the work:

Anna Chishko,

Sergey Gavrilov,

Yuri Nevsky,

Julia Sheremet,

Alexander Kopylov,

Dmitry Kartushin,

Anastasia Kotsyak,

Svetlana Grinevich,

Anastasia Samokhina,

Victoria Zubkova,

Vadim Lubanenko.

Demonstration and explanation of physical experiments on topics: swimming of bodies, Archimedes force, density of bodies, communicating vessels, atmospheric pressure, optical phenomena, sound phenomena, on the law of conservation of momentum and energy, electrical phenomena, magnetic phenomena, electromagnetic phenomena; creating presentations on the topics: "What is physics?" and "Why do we need to study physics."



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"Development of interest in physics in elementary school children" physics teacher E.I.Baeva. Report on creative work with gifted children Grade 10 Physics experiments for kids Entertaining

Anna Chishko, Sergei Gavrilov, Yuri Nevsky, Yulia Sheremet, Alexander Kopylov, Dmitry Kartushin, Anastasia Kotsyak, Svetlana Grinevich, Anastasia Samokhina, Victoria Zubkova, Vadim Lyubanenko.

swimming of bodies, Archimedes force, density of bodies, communicating vessels, atmospheric pressure, optical phenomena, sound phenomena, on the law of conservation of momentum and energy, electrical phenomena, magnetic phenomena, electromagnetic phenomena; creating presentations on the topics: "What is physics?" and "Why do we need to study physics."


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The work was done by Chishko Anna.

Physics - what is it? And what is she studying?

"Physics" is a Greek word and means "nature" in translation.

One of the most ancient sciences, which allows one to know the forces of nature and put them at the service of man, which makes it possible to understand modern technology and develop it further, is physics. Knowledge of physics is necessary not only for scientists and inventors. Neither an agronomist, nor a worker, nor a doctor can do without them. Each of you will also need them more than once, and many, perhaps, will have a chance to make new discoveries and inventions. What has been done by the work of many scientists and inventors is magnificent. You have already heard the names of many of them: Aristotle, M. Lomonosov, N. Copernicus and many others.

M.Aristotle N.Copernicus M.Lomonosov


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Experiments demonstrated to children: 1. An inflated balloon “climbing” into a jar (A. Samokhina). (on the change in the volume of bodies during heating and on atmospheric pressure) Description: we try to place an inflated balloon in a glass liter jar already preheated with boiling water. Does not work. We leave the ball on the bank for a while in a conspicuous place.

boiling water This experience takes time, so let's start showing the next experience.

How long can a candle burn in water? 2. Floating candle (V. Lyubanenko). This experience takes time, so in a conspicuous place and proceed to show the next experience.

salt 3. Egg and potatoes floating in salt water (A. Kotsyak and V. Lyubanenko) (on the density of bodies and the force of Archimedes). Description: A boiled egg is dipped into a vessel with clean warm water. Then salt is added to the water and gently stirred. Gradually, the egg begins to float in salt water. This experience takes time. We leave the jar for a while in a conspicuous place and proceed to show the next experiment.

4. Demonstration of an instrument for studying the complex composition of light (Yu. Nevsky and S. Gavrilov).

5. Sound phenomena (A. Samokhina). Acquaintance with a tuning fork. What is it for. How can you make a tuning fork sound? a) hitting him with a hammer; b) through the air by sending a sound wave.

The second tuning fork also sounded, but much quieter. They hit the first tuning fork with a hammer. But to amplify the sound, it is necessary that the tuning forks stand opposite each other with holes in the cases.

Let's bring the plastic pen to thin sliced ​​pieces of paper. The position of the pieces of paper has not changed. Now we rub the pen on the hair and again bring it to the pieces of paper. The pieces of paper began to stick to the pen. 6. Electrical phenomena (A.Kopylov, S.Gavrilov).

In school physics lessons, teachers always say that physical phenomena are everywhere in our lives. We just often forget about it. Meanwhile, the amazing is near! Do not think that you will need something supernatural to organize physical experiments at home. And here's some evidence for you ;)

magnetic pencil

What needs to be prepared?

  • battery.
  • Thick pencil.
  • Copper insulated wire with a diameter of 0.2-0.3 mm and a length of several meters (the more the better).
  • Scotch.

Conducting experience

Wind the wire tightly turn to turn on the pencil, not reaching its edges by 1 cm. One row is over - wind the other from above in the opposite direction. And so on, until all the wire is finished. Do not forget to leave two ends of the wire 8–10 cm each free. To prevent the turns from unwinding after winding, secure them with tape. Strip the free ends of the wire and connect them to the battery contacts.

What happened?

Got a magnet! Try to bring small iron objects to it - a paper clip, a hairpin. Are attracted!

Lord of the water

What needs to be prepared?

  • A stick made of plexiglass (for example, a student's ruler or an ordinary plastic comb).
  • A dry cloth made of silk or wool (for example, a wool sweater).

Conducting experience

Open the faucet so that a thin stream of water flows. Rub the stick or comb vigorously on the prepared cloth. Quickly bring the wand close to the stream of water without touching it.

What will happen?

A jet of water will be bent by an arc, being attracted to the stick. Try the same with two sticks and see what happens.

spinning top

What needs to be prepared?

  • Paper, needle and eraser.
  • A stick and a dry woolen cloth from a previous experience.

Conducting experience

You can manage not only water! Cut a strip of paper 1-2 cm wide and 10-15 cm long, bend along the edges and in the middle, as shown in the figure. Insert the needle with the pointed end into the eraser. Balance the workpiece-top on the needle. Prepare a “magic wand”, rub it on a dry cloth and bring it to one of the ends of the paper strip from the side or top, without touching it.

What will happen?

The strip will swing up and down like a swing, or it will spin like a carousel. And if you can cut a butterfly out of thin paper, then the experience will be even more interesting.

Ice and fire

(the experiment is carried out on a sunny day)

What needs to be prepared?

  • A small cup with a round bottom.
  • A piece of dry paper.

Conducting experience

Pour into a cup of water and place in the freezer. When the water turns to ice, remove the cup and place it in a bowl of hot water. After a while, the ice will separate from the cup. Now go out to the balcony, put a piece of paper on the stone floor of the balcony. With a piece of ice, focus the sun on a piece of paper.

What will happen?

The paper should be charred, because in the hands it is no longer just ice ... Did you guess that you made a magnifying glass?

Wrong mirror

What needs to be prepared?

  • Transparent jar with a tight-fitting lid.
  • Mirror.

Conducting experience

Pour excess water into a jar and close the lid to prevent air bubbles from getting inside. Place the jar upside down on a mirror. Now you can look in the mirror.

Zoom in on your face and look inside. There will be a thumbnail. Now start tilting the jar to the side without lifting it from the mirror.

What will happen?

The reflection of your head in the jar, of course, will also tilt until it is turned upside down, while the legs will not be visible. Pick up the jar and the reflection will flip again.

Bubble Cocktail

What needs to be prepared?

  • A glass of strong salt solution.
  • Battery from a flashlight.
  • Two pieces of copper wire about 10 cm long.
  • Fine sandpaper.

Conducting experience

Clean the ends of the wire with fine sandpaper. Connect one end of the wires to each pole of the battery. Dip the free ends of the wires into a glass of solution.

What happened?

Bubbles will rise near the lowered ends of the wire.

Lemon battery

What needs to be prepared?

  • Lemon, thoroughly washed and wiped dry.
  • Two pieces of insulated copper wire approximately 0.2–0.5 mm thick and 10 cm long.
  • Steel paper clip.
  • Bulb from a flashlight.

Conducting experience

Strip the opposite ends of both wires at a distance of 2-3 cm. Insert a paper clip into the lemon, screw the end of one of the wires to it. Insert the end of the second wire into the lemon 1-1.5 cm from the paper clip. To do this, first pierce the lemon in this place with a needle. Take the two free ends of the wires and attach the bulbs to the contacts.

What will happen?

The lamp will light up!

Nadezhda Lifanova
Project "Entertaining Physics"

Project for older preschool children

« Entertaining physics»

Target project: Introduce children to science - physics, physical phenomena on the basis of experimental activity.

Materials used: excerpts from the books of Akim Milovanov « Physics for kids» , Elena Kachur "Children's Encyclopedia with Chevostik "Fascinating physics» , A Kuznetsova "Conversations in the morning or physics for kids» , L. L. Sikoruk « Physics for kids» .

Working with parents: Involve parents in active participation in project.

List of intended experiments for parents to conduct at home with children:

Experience with determining the water level.

Experiment with freezing sugar "Colored Lollipops".

The force of friction in everyday life.

Albums for drawing with water.

Make a calendar of growth and weight of the child from birth to graduation project.

Involve children in weighing food items.

Is the furniture in the house even?

Overcoming weight in water "Is it easy for us to swim?"

Boat ride.

Watching fish in an aquarium.

Making and flying a kite.

Excursion to the planetarium.

Teach safe behavior in everyday life when using electrical appliances and in the sun.

Work plan for October as part of project« Entertaining physics»

weeks Topic Tasks

1 Introductory lesson: "What's happened physics Introduce children to concepts "the science", « physics» , "scientists", famous scientists physicists. Arouse interest in this science, the desire to know its laws.

2 "Body and Matter". To give children practical knowledge that all subjects in physics is called the body, and the characteristics of objects (what things are made of)- substance.

3 "Liquids, gases and solids".

To acquaint children with the properties of solid, liquid and gaseous bodies.

4 "Why does the wind blow?" To give children practical knowledge about how wind occurs.

November work plan

weeks Topic Tasks

1 "Properties of solid, liquid and gaseous bodies" To acquaint children with the properties of solid, liquid and gaseous forms.

2 “Steam is also water! Or why is it raining? To give children practical knowledge of what evaporation is. Describe the water cycle in nature.

3 "Why is it snowing?" Give children practical knowledge about the process freezing. Introduce the water molecule.

4 “Is ice frozen or why do we need friction force?” Introduce children to the force of friction.

December work plan

Topic Tasks


2 "Capillary Forces and Colored Miracles" To acquaint children with the capillary forces of water. To give practical knowledge about the capillary forces of water.

January work plan

Topic Tasks

3 "Secrets of gravity. Weight or the law of universal gravitation " "weight" and weight value in physics - gravity. To give practical knowledge about weight and its use in everyday life.

4 "Secrets of gravity. Center of gravity". To give children practical knowledge about what is the center of gravity.

February work plan

Topic Tasks

1 "Secrets of gravity. Sustainability». To give children practical knowledge about what sustainability is.

2 “Overcoming weight in water. Hydraulics". Introduce children to the concept "hydraulics". To give practical ideas about overcoming weight in water.

3 "Breaking Weight in the Air". To give children practical ideas about overcoming weight in the air.

4 "Breaking Weight in Space". To give children practical ideas about overcoming weight in outer space.

March work plan

Topic Tasks

1 "The Wind's Tale of Sound" Introduce children to the concept "sound".

2 “Sound or why does Bunny have long ears?” To give children practical knowledge about the meaning of sound.

3 “As it comes around, it will respond!” Teach children what is "echo". Learn about the properties of sound.

4 "Radio's story about electric current". Introduce children to concepts "electricity", "current". Introduce the properties of current.

April work plan

Topic Tasks

1 "Electricity in the home" To give children practical knowledge about electricity in everyday life, to teach safety rules when using electrical appliances.

2 "What is magnetism?" To give practical knowledge about the magnetism of objects.

3 “What is optics? Or Secrets of the Light". Introduce children to the section physics - optics. Learn about the reflection of light.

4 "I'm lying in the sun! Or why do we wear sunglasses? To give children practical knowledge about the power of sunlight. Learn how to be safe in the sun.

Outcome project:

1. To arouse a steady cognitive interest in the world around us, the nature of things in children and parents.

2. Give practical knowledge and teach how to apply this knowledge in life about water, weight, light, sound, electricity.

Note: The third and fourth weeks of December and the first and second weeks of January are dedicated to the New Year's mini- project"New Year's at the Gates and the Mystery of Christmas".

that book is the result of work on a series of television programs "Physics for Kids", created on Novosibirsk television. The programs aroused great interest among children and parents. I received a lot of letters from them with answers to tasks, with stories about the experiments and observations that the children carried out on their own initiative, with questions that had to be answered in the next program. By profession, I am not a physicist, but a cameraman, but my interest in physics and my passion for it appeared in my childhood. I owe this to my father, who taught me everything that is told in this book. The book is not a textbook. This is a popular presentation of some of the questions studied by the science of physics. "Physics for Toddlers" can be read in a family with older preschoolers and younger students, as well as used for classes in kindergarten and for extracurricular activities at school.
The main goal of the book is to show children that the world around them is cognizable, that all natural phenomena can be scientifically explained. Reading a book should encourage the child to independent observations and experiments, to games similar to those that the characters in the book are busy with.
You should not read the book "drunkenly", there will be little benefit from such reading. It is best to read one story at a time, as each
This story introduces complex physical phenomena that are not always easy for kids to understand. After reading, be sure to help the child conduct the experiments and observations described in the story, ask questions and discuss the answers to them with the baby. This will help the child to assimilate the knowledge gained and will contribute to the development of his logical thinking, curiosity and ingenuity.
All experiments should be carried out under adult supervision. This is necessary, firstly, for the successful and correct conduct of experiments, and secondly, to comply with the rules of "safety precautions". Adults should be especially attentive to the experiments described in the sections: “Light phenomena”, “Inertia and jet propulsion”, “Electricity and magnetism”. Acquaintance with physics should be a pleasant and joyful affair. Therefore, it is not necessary to force the child to study in those cases when he is not disposed to engage in physics specifically. Studying with a book should not be likened to a school lesson. The more casual the game will be
into "experiences", the better for the cause. In the stories for reading, a lot of secondary information is deliberately omitted in order not to clutter up the main idea of ​​the story with an abundance of facts and help the child understand the very essence of the phenomena. Therefore, detailed comments are printed after each story. Here adults can find some tips on the technique of the experiment and refresh their knowledge of physics. For those who have studied physics for a long time and have little knowledge of it, this material may not be enough. In this case, we advise you to turn to school textbooks in physics. In working with the book, proceed from your experience and the relationships that have developed with children. You know your kids best. They are accustomed to you and your form of communication with them.

Tanya was preparing dinner in the kitchen, Irishka was reading a book, and Lena had nothing to do. He walked over to the drafting table. On it lay a T-square - long
and a thin ruler for drawing. Lyonya moved the T-Square so that one end of it hung from the table, and pulled it - the T-Square swayed. Lenya made the end shorter and pulled again - the T-square shook faster. Lenya made the end even shorter, pulled, and how the T-square buzzed!
Tanya came from the kitchen, went up to the table, turned the T-square in her hands. Then she put it to the edge of the table, pressed it with her palm and pulled the tip - the T-square buzzed.
“Well, of course, if it’s trembling, it means it’s buzzing,” said Tanya. She made the tip shorter, tugged - the T-square trembled very quickly and buzzed in a thin voice. I made the tip longer - the reyshina shook more slowly and buzzed in an angry voice.
Lenya and Irishka followed very closely what Tanya was doing, and finally Lenya said:
- It turns out that the shorter the tip of the T-series, the thinner the sound, and the longer the tip, the more angry the sound?
- It turns out, so, - Tanya agreed. - And here's what you can think of ... Is there a wire?
- Yes, - said Lenya and brought a thin wire. Tanya hooked one end of the wire to the desk drawer and pulled it lightly. After that, she pulled the wire in the middle - the wire buzzed. Tanya pulled the wire tighter and pulled again - the wire squeaked thinly. Tanya began to tighten the wire now more strongly, now weaker, from this the wire squealed now in a thin, now angry voice. Suddenly Irishka ran to the children's room. From there she returned with a violin bow. Irishka began to lead the bow along the wire, and Tanya pulled the wire harder, then weaker. And everyone heard that they were getting a song: “Chizhik-pyzhik, where ... have you ... been? ..”
There was such laughter and joy! And when they calmed down, Tanya said to the children:
- Touch your neck lightly with your fingers. Now scream!
And the children screamed loudly. They scream and feel their throats tremble.
By the way, you can also do everything that Tanya, Irishka and Lenya did.
When conducting the experiments described in the story, be sure to draw the child's attention to the fact that only trembling objects sound. The child may ask: why do not all trembling objects sound? For example, if you shake your hand, you will not hear anything. The fact is that our ear hears sound only if the frequency of the object's vibrations is more than 20, but less than 16 thousand vibrations per second. Moreover, the higher the frequency of oscillation, the higher the sound that we hear. It is necessary to explain to the children that thick "angry" voices are called low. Bears, hippos, tigers have low voices... The lowest male voice is called bass. The lowest female voice is the contralto.
Thin voices are called high. Mice, birds, hares have high voices... The highest female voice is called soprano, the highest male voice is tenor.
Experience with a T-square can be replaced with experience with a student ruler. It is necessary to press the ruler against the table strongly, so that when trembling, the pressed end does not knock on the table, otherwise this may give the child a wrong idea about the causes of the sound. It is necessary to ensure that the ruler makes a velvety sound, reminiscent of the sound of a double bass when it is played pizzicato (plucked).
An experiment with a wire and a bow can also be carried out without a bow, playing pizzicato on it. In order for the wire to make sounds of different heights, it must be pulled with different strengths. After some practice, you will surely be able to perform simple melodies. It is very important that this experience is repeated by children.

Once a fitter came and began to install the phone. When he finished work, Lenya said, looking at a brand new phone:
Here we would like this!
And who did I give this phone to? Now this phone is yours.
We don’t need one like that, we need our own, so that I can call Irishka from the factory to the hospital.
Where is the hospital and the factory? - the fitter asked. The hospital is on the couch, - said Lenya, - and the factory is in our room. sch
So-so ... - the fitter thought. - Are there any matches?
- And the threads?
- There are also threads.
- Drag!
The fitter threaded the needle, then emptied the matches out of the box and pierced the bottom of the box with the needle. After that, he pulled the thread from the needle. And to
the tip of the thread did not jump out of the box, I tied a match to it. To the second end of the thread, the fitter attached the second matchbox in the same way. When he finished this work, he handed both boxes to the children and said:
- You, Irinushka, stay here,
Lyonya, run to your factory.
Irishka took her box and waited, and Lenya ran to the children's room. There he stopped, and the thread between the boxes stretched like a string. Lyonya put the box to his lips, and Irishka put his to his ear.
Irishka, can you hear me?
I can hear you well even without a phone.
And you close the other ear with your hand, - said the fitter.
Irishka covered her other ear with her palm.
Irishka! Leon screamed again.
Now you can hear it well on the phone, - Irishka said and put her box to her lips.
Lyonya!.. Oh!
What's "oops"? - asked the fitter.
The finger is ticklish, - said Irishka.
What tickles him?
The bottom of the box, - says Irishka.
So it's trembling? - asked the fitter.
Yes, Iris agreed.
The bottom trembles and makes the thread tremble, - added the fitter.
And I know! Lyonya screamed.
What do you know? - the fitter asked.
A shiver runs along the thread to my box and makes its bottom tremble, and this again makes a sound.
Right. Well, when we talk without a match phone, how does the sound of my voice reach your ear? After all, there is no thread, what is trembling?
The children thought. They thought and thought, and here Irishka says: You know, it's the air that trembles. Put your fingers to your throat. Installer attached.
Now say "ah."
A-ah-ah, - said the fitter.
Do you feel your throat trembling?
Well, when we speak, the throat trembles, and the air begins to tremble from it, from this, waves run through the air, like through water, only they are not visible in the air, but you can hear them.
Well, well done, - the fitter said and smiled at the children in parting.

Make a phone out of string and matchboxes. Talk to someone on this phone, and then touch the thread with your finger. Will they hear you?
Why, if you touch the thread with your finger, the sound does not reach the second box?

When making a toy phone, you need to keep in mind that the thread stretched between the two boxes should not touch any objects, including the fingers that hold the box. It is necessary to explain to the children that if the thread touches an object, then the trembling of the thread is transmitted to this object and does not spread further. Therefore, no sound is heard in the second box.
Instead of matchboxes, you can take any other boxes of suitable sizes: from powder, tooth powder, paper clips. One boy wrote to me that he used, instead of a thread, a thin wire without soft insulation, forty steps long. He did this experiment with friends on the street, and it was very well audible.
You can show children that sound travels not only along a string, but also in other objects. If, while swimming in the river, you lower your head into the water so that your ears are also immersed, you can hear the sound of people splashing nearby, the boat’s engine running far away, etc.
Sound travels well in metals. To verify this, you can knock on the heating battery. In the neighboring apartment, this sound will be heard very well. Of course, this experience should not be abused, since the sound is transmitted through pipes not only to the apartment where you need it, but to all other apartments too.
An interesting experience was described in a letter from one girl. Her mother threw a pebble into the bathtub filled with water, and the girl, putting her ear to the bathtub wall, listened to the waves spreading in circles begin to splash against the bathtub wall. The result was a visual picture explaining how sound waves propagate and reach the ear.
It must be kept in mind that in this experiment the child will hear the sound of the falling stone twice. First, he will hear a sound that was transmitted by sound waves, which in water, as well as in air, are invisible and travel with great speed. Then the child will see ordinary waves on the surface of the water, which spread in circles in all directions from the place of the fall, and, finally, when these waves reach the wall of the bath, he will hear them. It is necessary to explain to the child that real sound waves in water, as well as in air, are not visible, and you did the experiment with waves on the surface of water in order to better understand how sound propagates in all directions in air, in water and other substances.

One day Lenya invented a new “trembling machine”. It was a hairbrush. You pull a tooth, and the comb squeaks. It's just too quiet. Lenya brought the comb to his ear, now it is well and loudly heard, but here's the trouble: Lenya hears well, but Irishka, who draws at the table, does not hear at all. Lenya put a comb to his forehead, again only he hears well. Finally, I thought to put the comb on the table. He pulled the clove, and the comb tinkled loudly. Irishka looked up from the drawing and looked at what Lenya was doing. And Lenya, let's put the comb to everything that gets in your eyes: to the window, to the door, to the piano ... And every time he puts the comb to a solid object, the comb squeaks loudly, and when it lifts it into the air, it squeaks weakly.
Tanya also became interested in this discovery. She rolled up a mouthpiece from a sheet of paper and says to Lena:
Put a comb to the mouthpiece.
Lenya put a comb to the mouthpiece, pulled the clove, and the comb squeaked loudly.
Wow! the children said with one voice.
- Why is it louder with a horn? Tanya asked.
Children don't know.
Here Tanya says:
When a clove trembles, it sways the air around it, but the clove is small and sways little air, so the sound turns out to be quiet.
Here Irishka said:
- When we put a comb to the horn and pulled the clove, the horn also trembled, but it is large and sways a lot of air, so the sound turns out louder.
- What, and the table trembles when we put a comb to it? - asked Lenya.
“Put your finger on the table,” Tanya asked.
Lyonya put it on, and Tanya put a comb next to it.
Tanya fumbled for a clove and asks:
- Well? Is the table shaking or not?
- A little trembling! Lenya was surprised.
Irishka, of course, immediately began to explain:
- Although the table trembled slightly from the comb, it is large and the air sways much more than the tooth of the comb, so the sound is loud.
After everyone understood why the sound is loud, the children took a stick and nailed a carnation at its ends. A wire was pulled over the studs, to the lower end of which a horn was attached. Tanya brought a violin bow, handed it to Irishka and said:
- We got an amazing cello.
Tanya sat down at the piano; Irishka took the bow in her hand, and with the fingers of the other hand she began to press the string-wire; Lenya held the mouthpiece so that it would not fall to the floor. And all together began to play the song "Chizhik-Pyzhik." The sound of a homemade cello is like the roar of a hungry bear that has been awakened in winter. The cello growls, but it still turns out well - loud and funny!

In order to make a "cello", it is best to take a simple stick, round or rectangular in cross section. The thickness of this stick should be such that the child can easily clasp it with his fingers, like a guitarist clasps a guitar neck. A small carnation should be nailed to the upper end of the stick, a steel wire 0.5 - 1 mm thick should be tied to it. It is better to take one of the bass (braided) guitar strings for this purpose. To the lower end of the stick, you need to nail the second carnation and tie the second end of the wire to it after tension. Stretching the wire, you must all the time lightly pull it with your fingers, achieving a low, velvety tone. After the string is stretched, at a distance of no more than 5 mm from the lower stud, you need to strengthen the paper horn with a needle. The most suitable material for it is whatman paper or cardboard. It is best to roll a large mouthpiece from a full sheet of whatman paper. The wide end of the horn must be tied to the upper end of the stick. You can play such a "cello" with a bow and pizzicato. In order to prevent the string from touching the stick during the game, one should put a match near the studs or make a ring of thick wire around the stick in the same places. If you have a piano, button accordion, guitar or some other musical instrument, then try playing the "vioDoncelli" with accompaniment.
Together with the children, you can make a few more musical "instruments".
Set several (seven - ten) wine glasses, glasses or glasses (preferably not faceted, but smooth) on the table and pour different amounts of water into them. When pouring water into a glass, tap the rim with a pencil. At the same time, it is heard that, as the glasses are filled with water, the sound becomes lower. You just need to make sure that there are no air bubbles on the walls of the glass, as they make the sound dull and inexpressive. These bubbles are easy to remove by running your finger along the wall of the glass, and so that they do not arise, it is better to pour warm boiled water. Using the piano, button accordion, children's xylophone, or just by ear, tune the glasses to the scale, for example, C major, and try to play something on such an unusual “instrument”.
Dry pine sticks make a good xylophone. To make the sticks sound better, place them on two folded cardboard strips. The sticks are tuned like this: if you need to increase the sound, the stick is shortened, cut off from the end; if the sound needs to be lowered, the stick is made a little thinner in the middle. Such a xylophone is played with a wooden mallet mounted on a thin handle. It is necessary to hit not hard, but sharply, so that the hammer instantly bounces up.
You can fasten two thick pieces of metal, plexiglass or textolite (4-5 mm thick) with bolts and clamp thin wooden student rulers between them. By tuning the rulers with the help of the piano, we get a kind of "double bass". "Double bass" must be firmly pressed against the table, the lid of which in this case plays the role of a resonator that amplifies the sound.

The children were walking in the forest. They look, the boy is standing, he put horns to his ears, supports them with his hands, listens. The children asked the boy for mouthpieces and began to listen to the sounds of the forest. The day is sunny, the birds are singing, the bees are humming, squeaking
Mary - interesting. Here you can hear how the dog barked, although it is far from the village, but the cow mooed. Noisy and loud in the forest, you can hear frogs croaking in the swamp, a motor hums in the distance
tractor. And you remove the mouthpieces, and immediately there is silence,
as if deaf, a birdie screams directly above his head, and nothing else is heard. The guys liked these mouthpieces.
They also made them from large sheets of cardboard, and so that they would not wrinkle, they sewed a plastic hoop on the edges. They came to the forest. Irishka put her mouthpiece, and Lenya picked up his and ran to the other side of the clearing. The glade is large, Lenya ran three hundred paces and stopped, put his lips to the mouthpiece and how he screams:
Irishka jumped aside from her mouthpiece, it seemed to her that Lenya shouted right into her ear.
Irishka says into her mouthpiece quietly, in a whisper:
Lenya, speak more quietly.
Lyonya listens to Irishka, and it seems to him that she is whispering directly into his ear. Lenya realized that there was no need to shout into such mouthpieces, and quietly answered Irishka:
Irishka got ready to say something else to Lena, but at that moment in the sky something so banged and cracked that even without horns it became clear that it was thunder. Everyone looked at the sky, and there was a huge cloud and the sun was already hiding behind it.
Lenya, run here! - shouted Tanya and hid with Irishka under a tree. As soon as Lenya came running, a terrible downpour poured down. It is pouring around like a bucket, but Lena wanted to drink, so much so that he could not stand it, jumped out into the rain, opened his mouth and catches drops - he wants to get drunk. Tanya laughed, took out a folding camping cup, put it on the grass. Of course, more drops will fall into a glass than into an open one.
mouth, but still not enough, water will be drawn in for a long time. And then Irishka guessed what to do. She grabbed her huge mouthpiece, turned the wide end up, and holds the narrow end over the glass. A lot of rain drops immediately fall into the wide end of the horn, and they all flow into the narrow end, so water runs from the horn into a glass, like from a water pipe. Lenya got drunk, and Tanya says:
Well done, Irishka! Well, so who understood why the horn is better heard?
The mouthpiece has one end wide, - says Irishka. - A lot of sound gets into it, and all of it gathers in the ear, well, like in a funnel.
So the ears of a hare are also two mouthpieces? - asked Lenya.
Well, yes! - Irishka answered cheerfully.
Here the rain stopped.

Experiments with horns are best done outside the city, in a forest or in a field. So that the large horns do not crumple, at their wide end it is necessary to strengthen them along a gymnastic hoop. If in a field or in a forest two such horns are spaced apart at a distance of 150 - 200 m, then you can talk with their help in a whisper. Needless to say, how such (or smaller) mouthpieces can be useful in children's games, for example, in "detectives" and "robbers"!
If you have a thin rubber tube, then cut off two pieces, insert them into the narrow end of the horn, wrap it with insulating tape, and insert the free ends of the tubes into both ears. With such a simple device, distant sounds are heard much better.

Once Lenya burst into the house shouting:
Look what they gave me at the construction site! - in his hands he held several strips of glass wrapped in paper so as not to cut his hands. Lenya put the glasses on the table, everyone gathered and began to think what could be made from this glass. Suddenly Tanya says:
- I think I know. You, Lenya, bring a tin can and a key, and you, Irishka, paper and glue. Lenya brought a tin can
ku without a lid, and Tanya cut out the bottom with a key. The result was a wide and short tin tube. After that, Tanya cut out a circle of thin paper and glued it instead of the bottom. When the glue had dried, Tanya sprinkled the paper with water. She pierced two holes in the walls of the jar with a nail and inserted a thick wire in the shape of the letter P into these holes. By this time, the paper bottom, moistened with water, had dried up and stretched like on a drum. Tanya dripped
a drop of clerical glue in the middle of a piece of paper quickly attached to this drop a narrow strip of tin with a pointed tip, similar to a bent needle, and left to dry.
Then Tanya lit a candle and began to move a strip of glass over the flame. Soon the glass turned black with soot.
Tanya put the strip on the table with the smoked side up and set the tin can so that the tip of the tin needle touched the smoked glass.
- So what? - Lenya asked, looking at this strange car.
- And here's what, - Tanya said, - now I'll pull the glass strip, and you scream. Ready ... - Tanya quickly pulled a strip of glass, and Lenya screamed:
- Ta-anya-ya-ya!
Tanya lifted the strip of glass and turned it towards the light. On the smoked glass, a sharpened tin had scratched a transparent line. At first the line was straight, but starting from the middle it became wavy.
- Well, here, - said Tanya, - while Lenya was silent, the line was even, but when he screamed, it became wavy. Why?
- And I know, - said Irishka, - when Lenya screamed, the paper trembled from the scream and the tin needle trembled and the line turned out with convolutions.
Lyonya took a strip of glass and also looked.
- So, it means that my voice is drawn here? - he asked.
- Well, yes! Tanya laughed.
- Let's draw your voices, - Lenya suggested.
- Let's, - agreed Tanya and Irishka.
They put the glass on the table, put the tip of a tin needle on the smoked glass. Tanya pulled the strip, and Irishka screamed:
- Le-yonya-ya-ya!!!
“Now you,” the children said to Tanya.
Tanya went to the bank and got ready. Irishka pulled a strip of glass, Tanya shouted:
- I-ira-ah!!!
Look at the pattern of smoked glass. See the three fibrous lines? All of them are different, because on the top it is written: “Tanya”, on the middle - “Lenya”, and on the bottom - “Ira”. Take a closer look at these drawings, read the story again and try to write your own voice on smoked glass using a tin can, a stretched paper bottom and a tin needle.

A device for recording sound on smoked glass is not easy to make, but the result you achieve will justify all efforts.
The general arrangement of the device for recording sound is clear from the figure.
A membrane from a piece of paper can be glued to a metal can using stationery glue. Instead of a regular tin can, you can take a cardboard jar (for example, from powder) or simply glue it from cardboard or thick paper. The needle, or rather a narrow strip of tin, is glued to the membrane with clerical glue and small additional pieces of paper. It is very important that the membrane is well stretched before gluing the needle, for this it must be sprinkled with water and allowed to dry.
The needle, in order for it to accurately follow the vibrations of the membrane, must be shaped as shown in the figure.
For the recording to be successful, the pressure of the needle on the glass must be minimal. To achieve this, you need to balance the jar by attaching pieces of plasticine to its opposite edge.
Since you have to shout quite loudly to record sound, the pitch will be large. Let us assume, approximately, that the oscillation frequency will be 600 oscillations per second. This means that if you move a glass strip at a speed of 600 mm/sec, then the length of one wave in the record will be 1 mm. Although 600 mm / sec is a small speed, on one track we will not have time, of course, to record anything but a short scream. If you still have a gramophone or gramophone (with mechanical sound reproduction), then you can do the following: set the needle on the last, non-spiral track of the record and shout loudly into the gramophone trumpet or into the wide hole on the top side of the gramophone box, followed by a faint squeak - record the sound of your voice on the disc. Discuss with your child how this recording turned out.

Once the player went bad, and Irishka needs to listen to the records. She sits, her lips pouted. Here Tanya says to her:
- Look at the plate in a magnifying glass. Irishka took the plate and examines it with a magnifying glass.
Tanya asks:
Do you see the small grooves?
- I see.
- What are they, straight
or with twists?
- With convolutions, - answers Irishka.
- Well, does the needle run smoothly along the wavy groove or
starts to tremble?
- Probably trembling.
- And if it trembles, then ...
- Squeaking... - Irishka smiled.
Tanya took a paper mouthpiece, stuck a sewing needle into the tip. Then I put the plate on a pencil.
I'll spin the record, and you hold the speaker.
Tanya is spinning a pencil, and a record is spinning on the pencil. Irishka took the speaker and put the needle on the record, and the record sang: “You, titmouse, where have you been? Where did you make a nest? ... "
It is difficult to turn the record evenly, it spins either faster or slower, and therefore the song sounds funny - either thinly, like Pinocchio, or in bass, like a bear. Irishka, as soon as she heard such funny sounds, began to laugh, immediately her mood improved.
Make an experiment with a record, a pencil and a speaker with a needle. Try spinning the record at different speeds. Why does the sound Zhg turn out to be high, then low?

The experience with playing a record is very simple. It is only important not to forget that in this way you can play ordinary short-playing records without harm. Long-playing records are easily damaged by a sewing needle or pin. In addition, the width of the sound groove of the LP is small, and the sewing needle is set on two grooves at once. In order for the horn to easily and freely follow along with the needle along the sound track, you need to hold it by the very edge at the top. If the record is rotated on a pencil, it is very difficult to achieve uniform rotation and the sound "floats". The same experiment can be done by rotating the record on the player's disk, but reproducing the sound as before with a needle with a horn.

It was a hot sunny day. Irishka was jumping rope, and Lenya was watching. Irishka jumped, jumped, and lost her way, probably because it was very hot.
- Lost, lost! Lyonya screamed. Irishka is offended, and she says:
Let's go, I'll show you something... The children ran under the arch that was in their house. They ran and stopped. Irishka got ready and screamed:
A!!! - shortly so: - A!!!
Someone upstairs says:
A! - a little quieter, but in Irishka's voice.
Who is this? - asked Lenya.
A!!! - Lenya shouted just as loudly and briefly.
What are you yelling at here?
The children turned around and saw Uncle Misha, an old man with a beard as wide as in the old days. Uncle Misha was famous
in the yard as an avid fisherman. His voice was angry, but his face was kind.
- It's not us who are yelling, - says Lenya, - the echo sits there, it yells.
- A!!! - shouted Uncle Misha, and from above the echo of Uncle Misha's voice:
- A!
- Is it an echo? - says Uncle Misha. - Tell Tanya to let you go fishing with me, there I will show you an echo!
Tanya let go. Not immediately, of course...
It was cooler on the river than in the city, and therefore everyone was in a better mood. Uncle Misha set up his fishing rods and got ready to take a nap, as all anglers do.
- Where is the old man? - asked Lenya.
Uncle Misha even shuddered:
- What old man?
- Well, which Echo.
“Ah, echo,” Uncle Misha remembered. - A!!!
Uncle Misha shouted, but no one answered, no matter how hard the guys listened. Lyonya was about to ask again about the old man Echo, when suddenly, from afar, someone from Uncle Misha answered in a voice:
- A!
What is he responding to? Lenya was surprised.
- Oh, you don't know, - said Irishka, took a stone, threw it into the water. The stone flopped, and waves went out from it in all directions in circles. Waves ran up to the shore and began to bounce in the opposite direction.
You have probably already guessed that waves on water and sound in air are a bit similar to each other.
Lenya understood this too.
“When I call out,” he said, “the air begins to tremble. This tremor runs in all directions. She will run to the shore, knock and come back, right in my ear.
- That's right, - says Uncle Misha, - otherwise - an old man!
- And I joked about the old man, because I didn’t know, - Lenya answered.

It is necessary to draw the child's attention to the fact that the echo - the reflected sound - is not heard immediately, but after some time. This is because sound does not propagate in the air instantly, but at a speed of 340 m/s. For comparison, we can say that passenger jets fly 2 times slower than sound, and military jets fly faster than sound.
Another interesting fact: as you know, thunder is the sound from an electrical discharge - lightning. Why does lightning flash almost instantly, while thunder is heard for a very long time and not simultaneously with lightning? Thunder is delayed because the speed of sound is a million times slower than the speed of light. We see light almost simultaneously with an electric discharge (the speed of light is 300,000 km / s), and sound takes several seconds to reach the observer. If immediately after the flash of lightning we start counting the seconds (zero, i-one, i-two, i-three, etc.); then you can, by multiplying the time from the moment of the flash to the first roll of thunder by the speed of sound, get the distance to the place of the electric discharge. Now it is not difficult to understand why the peals of thunder are heard for a long time. Lightning is often several kilometers long. From those areas of lightning that were located closer to us, we will hear the sound first. From the most distant parts of the lightning, the sound will reach after a few seconds. In addition, for some time we will hear an echo reflected from clouds and large terrestrial objects (mountains, large forests, etc.).
Using the properties of sound to propagate at a relatively low speed, you can determine the distance to inaccessible objects using the echo. To do this, you need to shout briefly but loudly and notice the time between the shout and the echo. Since the sound traveled the distance from you to the object twice, this time must be divided by two and then multiplied by the speed of sound. For example, from the moment you shouted to the moment the echo returned, 3 seconds elapsed. Since the path of the sound to the object is half the total path that it has traveled, we divide 3 seconds by two, we get 1.5 seconds. Multiplying this time by the speed of sound (340 m / s), we get the distance to the object - 510 m.
This principle is based on the operation of echo sounders - special devices for determining the depth of the sea. The echo sounder emits a strong and short sound signal, and then catches the echo reflected from the seabed. Multiplying the speed of sound in water by the time between the signal and the moment the echo returns and dividing this value in half, we find the distance dfdn. The depth of the sea sometimes exceeds 10 km, and it is impossible to measure such a depth with an ordinary lot (a load tied to a rope).

1. Why does a mosquito squeak while it flies, but when it sits down, it becomes silent?
2. Which animals and birds have high (thin) voices, and which ones have low (angry) voices?
Why do mosquitoes squeak thinly (high), and bumblebees, wasps and bees buzz in bass (low)?
4. What is your voice (high or low)? Dad? Mom? By Grandma?
5. How is the wire stretched (strong or weak) when it squeaks thinly (high)? When it sounds bass (low)?
6. If you have a metallophone or a xylophone, pay attention to which records have a high sound, short or long?
7. Why are many wind musical instruments - horns, pipes, trombones, tubas - made in the form of horns? Where else have you met horns?
8. Why does a guitar, violin, cello, mandolin, balalaika and other stringed musical instruments have a beautiful box with a hole made of plywood? Try to knock softly first on the table or on the wall, and then on the box of the stringed instrument. When does the sound get louder?
Make a “cello” out of a stick, wire and a horn, play it, pressing the string against the stick with your finger, and then tell me why if you press the string down, the sound is high (thin), and if you press the string at the top, the sound is low (angry )?
9. Make a device for recording voices on smoked glass or an iron ruler. Try to record your voice, and then answer how you can record the voices of people and musical instruments on records.
Make an experiment with a record, a pencil and a speaker with a needle. Try spinning the record at different speeds. When does the sound of the record resemble the voice of Pinocchio, and when does it sound like the voice of a bear? Why is it so?
12. At the construction site, you can see thick and long pipes made of concrete, iron or baked clay. If you sit down at one end of the pipe and say something in a whisper, then at the other end of the pipe the sound will be heard clearly and loudly. Why is it so?
13. Why is there a very good echo in a completely empty room (when you move to a new apartment or during renovations)? Why, when things are brought into the room, curtains and carpets are hung, the echo becomes quieter, and then completely disappears?

Experiments with sunbeams usually captivate children. Very interesting experiments can be carried out on a sunny morning, when a light morning mist hangs in the air. Rays of light can be easily observed in this fog. Strictly speaking, we do not see the rays of light themselves, but particles of fog suspended in the air and illuminated by the sun. But it will not be too big a mistake if we talk about the rays of light that we see in fog or haze. A ray of light in a haze is especially clearly visible if it is directed towards us. If on a sunny and slightly foggy morning you direct a beam of light at the child with a mirror, but not directly into the eyes, but so that the “bunny” is not far from the face, then the child will clearly see how a bright ray stretches from the mirror to him. This experience looks very beautiful if the light is reflected not from a mirror, but from the swaying surface of a river or pond. In this case, beautiful rays of light running through the air reflected from the water are visible. This experiment should also be carried out while standing facing the sun and the reflected rays.
At home, these experiments can be significantly modified if you have an aquarium and a conventional filmoscope. Instead of a filmstrip, a piece of black paper with a hole 3–5 mm in diameter should be inserted into the frame of the filmoscope. If you now turn on the filmoscope, a thin and bright beam of light will stretch from it. Directing it into the aquarium, you will clearly see this beam. The role of fog here is played by slightly muddy water. If a mirror is placed in the path of a light beam in water, it will be very clearly visible how, reflected from the mirror, the beam changes its direction. Of course, it is best to carry out these experiments in the evening in complete darkness.

Lined up in a row, the Indians bombarded the pale-faced with arrows from their bows, who played leapfrog and did not expect an attack. But after a few moments, when the pale-faced had time to hide behind a pile of firewood, in the attic of the barn and behind the old sleigh that stood in the very corner of the yard, and when they opened fire from their weapons, the Indians had a hard time. Day by day, the pale-faced people watched the surroundings more and more vigilantly, and posted guards everywhere. As soon as a head with a feather on top appeared from around the corner of the barn, a shot was heard and a cry: “Fall!” And I had to fall, such are the rules of this game.
But one day, when it seemed that the Indians were already defeated, Hawkeye came up with this. So that he would not be shot, he put out from behind the corner of the shed not his head, but a mirror. Everything that the pale-faced people were doing was visible in it. The Indians waited until the pale-faced sentries were distracted, and with a warlike cry rushed from ambush to their enemies. Once the Indians hid behind a high fence, in which there was not a single crack. Hawkeye took out his mirror, held it up over his head, but still couldn't reach the top of the fence. But it is not for nothing that the Indians were considered cunning and resourceful. Hawkeye looked around and found a wand with a forked end. He attached a mirror to the fork with a piece of plasticine and raised it over the fence. Now the pale-faced sentry was visible in the mirror, but it was uncomfortable to stand with your head up.
“Give me a minute,” Black Panther asked him for his wand. She took her mirror and placed it at the lower end of the
locks. In the lower mirror you can see the upper mirror, and in the upper mirror you can see the sentry of the pale faces. The Indians did not know that they invented a device called the periscope.
The periscope is used in submarines. She swims under water, and the periscope peeps out of the water a little. The captain looks through the periscope and sees well everything that is happening at sea. Only for a short time did the Indians look into their periscope. Pale-faced Vaska noticed a mirror over the fence, leaned out from behind a bush, fuck from a slingshot - there is no mirror. Shattered to smithereens! The trial of Vaska was severe! Everyone judged - both pale-faced and Indians, because everyone feels sorry for a good thing.
- Give it to the dirty jackals! shouted Hawkeye.
- Shame on the pale-faced!
- Let him make a new periscope!
Vaska soon realized that this was not the way to get off, and promised to make a new periscope by morning. The next morning, when Tanya went for milk, she saw a sad Vaska. He twisted three strips of glass in his hands and did not know what to do with them. He told Tanya about his misfortune, and they began to think together. Vasya folded three strips of glass like the roof of a house. It turned out such a triangular tube. Looked
he into this tube and smiled sadly.
Tanya also looked - she was delighted. Because Vasya accidentally invented a new toy called a kaleidoscope. Vasya and Tanya began to look at houses, flowers, butterflies and just pieces of glass in a kaleidoscope. Look at the drawings. That's what Tanya and Vasya saw in a kaleidoscope.
See what a funny toy you came up with. The guys will be delighted, - Tanya said to Vasya.
But what about the periscope?
Tanya went to the store and bought two brand new periscopes - for the Indians and the pale-faced ones.
Only now there are no Indians or pale-faced people in the village, but there are just detectives and robbers.
From the drawings, one can easily understand the device of the periscope and kaleidoscope and how to conduct several experiments with mirrors.

Irishka sat on the porch and read to the children:
- Once, ancient Roman ships approached the ancient Greek city of Syracuse and laid siege to the city. Then a scientist named Archimedes called the citizens of Syracuse ashore, gave them a mirror each, and ordered the bunnies from the mirrors to be directed to one of the Roman ships. There was so much light and heat from the mirrors that the ship caught fire.
The children liked the story about the Roman fleet and the mirrors of Archimedes. They sat down at the gate and directed the bunnies from the mirrors to the woodpile. Since there were many children and there were also many bunnies, one log began to smoke from the light and heat.
- Enough, otherwise it will catch fire, - said Irishka.
- It is necessary to fry a little more, - Lenya answered, and at that moment a cheerful tongue of flame flared up on the cut of the log. The children scattered in all directions. And only Irishka ran to call the fire brigade.
A minute later, a fire engine rushed through the streets. The firemen arrived on time. The fire soon went out.
Who did it? asked the Chief Fireman. - I ask: who did it?
We, - Irishka answered for everyone. The fireman paused and asked again:
Who has the matches?
We are without matches, according to the method of Archimedes, - Lenya blurted out. Mirrors, right? the fireman was surprised.
Well, yes!
Not true! It has long been proven that this is a legend. Archimedes could not set fire to the Roman fleet with mirrors.
But we did it, - Lenya did not let up, - it means that Archimedes could.
There was silence. Everyone silently waited for what the Chief Fireman would say. He thought about something for a long time and finally said: The investigation is postponed until the morning - something needs to be checked.
The next morning, Tanya, Irishka and Lenya were walking along the river bank. Suddenly they look, and the Chief Fireman with a fishing rod is sitting on the shore and dozing. Next to him lies some kind of huge plate.
Why do you need this plate? - asked Lenya.
The fireman shuddered, woke up, saw Lenya, Irishka and Tanya and said:
Ah... it's you... And look what's inside this plate. Lenya looked inside the plate and saw many mirrors. The chief fireman stood up, picked up the plate, turned it with mirrors to the sun and said:
Look, the sunlight falls on the mirrors, and they direct all the light to one place. Now if we put in this place...
Log! Lenya couldn't resist.
The chief fireman looked menacingly at Lenya and continued: If we put a frying pan in this place and pour a few eggs on it, then in fifteen minutes we will have scrambled eggs.
With these words, the Chief Fireman placed the frying pan on a support made of thick wire, adjusted his mirror plate so that all the bunnies from the mirrors fell to the bottom of the frying pan, and greased the frying pan with oil. Was really
it is strange to see how the oil in a frying pan, under which there was neither fire nor electricity, immediately hissed. The chief fireman cracked some eggs and poured them into the hot pan. In two minutes, and not in fifteen, as the Chief Fireman promised, everyone - Lenya, and Irishka, and Tanya, and the fireman himself - burned themselves, ate scrambled eggs, which they fried in the sun.

The experiment with setting fire to the log, described at the beginning of the story, is almost impossible to repeat, since this will require at least fifty guys, and sending fifty bunnies to the same place and keeping track of them is extremely difficult.
You can do the experiment with several guys by sending the "bunnies" to one of them on the palm of your hand. The child will immediately feel that the palm of the hand has become much warmer from the sunbeams.
Mirror reflectors assembled from small flat mirrors on a concave surface, or simply concave mirrors of large diameter, are used as solar kitchens in countries with a large number of sunny days. Such mirrors can also be used in outer space for welding metals.
It is possible to make a solar kitchen, although it will require some effort and ingenuity. This kitchen works very well. In any case, in 1 - 2 minutes, the scrambled eggs will not only fry, but also have time to burn. You just need to keep in mind that the kitchen works faster if the pan or pan is black, because black surfaces absorb heat much better than white ones.
If you fail to build such a kitchen (and this is not surprising, since I have already said that such a construction is not an easy task), you can simplify the experiments by burning the drawings with small concave (magnifying) mirrors or magnifying lenses. You can do this: first, on a plank or plywood, lightly draw a drawing with a pencil, and then burn it properly with a mirror or magnifying lens. Get a picture drawn by the sun.

King, prince, Shoemaker, tailor, Who will you be?
- considered Irishka, and the children stood in a circle and waited for someone to drive.
- King, - said Vanya.
On the golden porch sat the Tsar, the prince,
- Irishka counted, and everyone rushed to hide in all directions.
Vera began to drive.
Gosha hid behind an old sleigh, Vanya climbed into the attic of the shed, and little Alyonka entered the tall grass, and she was immediately invisible. Lenya has long looked after a large plywood box that has recently appeared in the yard. Several people could hide in this box at once, but for some reason no one noticed it, and everyone hid in old, long-known places. Therefore, everyone was soon found, and only Lenya was still sitting in his dark box and did not see anything.
- Lenya, get out, we don't play anymore! - Irishka shouted, but Lenya thought that he was being deceived, and continued to sit in complete darkness. Finally he got tired of sitting
idle, and he decided to dig a hole in the wall of the box with a carnation. The plywood from which the box was made turned out to be fragile, and soon a small hole was ready.
Lenya looked out into the street
and closed his eyes, the sun shone so brightly. When his eyes got used a little, he saw that they really found everyone, but the children were playing or had already left, Lenya did not know. By chance, he glanced at the opposite wall of the box and froze in surprise. Children ran, walked and sat upside down right on the plywood wall. Lenya looked at it, watched it and screamed: Aaaa!!! I have invented a new magic machine!
It was only then that the children guessed where Lenya was hiding. They rushed to the box, quickly climbed into it and saw that on the plywood wall of the box there was a house upside down, two sheds, the sky was below, and the earth, overgrown with tall grass, was above. Of course, the children on the wall were not visible, because they were all sitting in a box and screaming with delight.
Only here's the trouble - no one understood why this strange machine works. Tanya appeared here. After a moment's thought, she said:
You need a lot of flashlights. Carry everyone who has them.
There was no need to ask the children a second time. A few minutes later, twelve lanterns lay near the tree in the grass. Tanya took one flashlight and attached it with a piece of plasticine to a tree trunk. Then she turned on the flashlight.
Look, - said Tanya, - the light from the flashlight goes in all directions and hits a hole in the wall of the box. Light passes through the hole, and a bright spot appears on the opposite wall of the box.
Come on, - Lenya did not believe, ran to the box and climbed into it. All the children rushed after him. Yes, indeed, on the wall of the box
a bright spot appeared. Lyonya held out his palm, and the speck moved to his palm. The children approached Tanya again.
And why is there a speck at the bottom on the wall, because the flashlight is at the top? - asked Mashenka.
And look carefully at the drawing, - Tanya said and drew a picture with a flashlight and a box, only the box did not have one wall in order to better see what was being done inside.
The light from the flashlight flies straight like an arrow and therefore, having passed through the hole, meets the wall below. Tanya waited until everyone understood her, and attached a second flashlight to the tree trunk. Only this flashlight she attached below, near the ground.
Where will the spot from this flashlight turn out? - Tanya asked, and everyone thought, and then immediately shouted: Above!
Let's check, - said Tanya, lit a flashlight, and the children again rushed to the box. In the box they saw two bright spots. Tanya began to quickly cover and open the bottom flashlight with her hand, and the children saw that the top spot was blinking.
After that, several lanterns were attached to the tree trunk, and a strip of bright spots turned out on the wall of the box. We made a sharp tip of this strip of lanterns - we got an arrow. The arrow from the flashlights looks up, and when the light from this arrow passes through the hole in the box, the arrow from the light spots looks down.
- Flashlights shine, but houses, trees and people do not shine, but they still turn out on the wall, - Irishka said.
Everyone looked at Tanya. It's true, trees and houses do not shine.
- All objects shine, - said Tanya, - some brightly, others weakly. The sun, light bulbs and candles shine with their own light, and houses, trees and people - reflected. Look around: sunlight falls on the leaves of the trees. Leaves reflect a lot of sunlight, so they are bright, but tree trunks reflect little light, and therefore they are dark. So it turns out that faces, hands, shoes, dresses also glow.
"That's not true," Lena said.
If you don't believe me, get in the box.
Lenya climbed into the box and closed the lid behind him.
- Do you see the sunbeam from the hole? Tanya asked.
- I see.
- Give me your finger.
Lyonya put his finger under the ray, in the dark the finger became bright, like a light bulb, and the whole box was flooded with pink light.
- Is it brighter? Tanya asked.
- Yes!
- Now put the paper down. Lenya framed a piece of paper. The paper was bluish in color, and from this the whole box was filled with blue light.
- Even brighter! Lyonya screamed.
- Now put the foil from the candy.
- I do not have it!
- On, - Irishka slightly opened the lid of the box and gave Lena a piece of foil.
- Light as on the street! Lyonya screamed.
- Means, fingers and pieces of paper shine? Tanya asked.
- They shine, - Lenya smiled.
Now it is understood that when light from objects enters the box through a hole, then light spots on the wall turn out from light objects, and dark spots from dark objects.
These light and dark spots are added together, and an image of objects is obtained.
The next day, the children took a plywood box from under the parcel, punched a hole in the wall with a nail, and removed the top cover so that you could see what was being done in the box. And so that extraneous light would not fall into the box from above, they covered their heads with a black opaque blanket. Light from objects enters the box through a hole, and an image of all these objects is obtained on the opposite wall of the box. The children attached a sheet of paper to this wall so that the images of objects were on this sheet. The children began to trace the images with a pencil, and soon a whole picture turned out on paper: a yard, a tall birch, a shed, and near the shed a calf nibbles grass.
Tanya said that in the old days, when people did not yet know how to make photographic film and photographic paper, and when there were no modern cameras, they used boxes like this with a hole and drew with a pencil on paper. Box is not a scientific word, and people gave this primitive camera the name "camera obscura".
The children began to draw each other, and by dinner they had a whole collection of their own portraits.
By the way, I strongly advise you to make such a camera obscura, and then draw portraits of your friends and relatives with it.

It is not difficult to make a camera obscura, its device is clear from the story itself. You just need to keep in mind that the smaller the hole, the sharper the image, but at the same time darker. In practice, it is possible to choose a hole diameter 100 - 200 times less than the distance from the wall with the hole to the opposite wall, where the image is obtained. You can not only draw images of objects in the camera obscura, as described in the story, but also take pictures with the help of such "optics". It is best to take an ordinary camera for this purpose, unscrew the lens and put a piece of black paper with a hole pierced with a needle instead. How to determine exposure in such a case?
First of all, it is necessary to determine the relative aperture (aperture) of such a lens. It is equal to the diameter of the hole divided by the distance from the film to the hole. For example, the hole has a diameter of 0.5 mm, and the distance from it to the film is 50 mm. The relative hole is 1/100 mm. If you are used to using the expression "aperture", then the aperture of such a lens is 100. As you can see, our lens cannot be called fast. Then, using a light meter (or table), you can determine the shutter speed for the smallest relative aperture, which is still used in conventional cameras 1/22 (aperture 22). Our aperture is 5 times smaller, so the shutter speed must be increased (5X5) by 25 times. If for aperture 22 the shutter speed was, say, 1/100 s, then for our lens it will be 25 times faster, i.e. 1/4 s. By the way, with the help of such a lens you can successfully shoot on color film.

2. What do we see in the mirror when someone directs a sunbeam into our eyes? Why is the mirror blind in this case?
3. If you turn the mirror so that mom can be seen in it, who will mom see in the mirror at that time?
4. “Photo” in Greek means “light”, and “grafo” means “I am writing”. How to translate the word "photo" from Greek into Russian?


Tanya bought ice cream for the children, but she forgot that they often have a sore throat. Then she remembered and said:
We will come home, the ice cream will melt, then we will eat it. They came home, Irishka put the ice cream on a saucer and waited for it to melt. Lenya also put his
ice cream on a saucer and also waiting. I'm already starting to melt! - says Irishka. Now it will melt with me, - said Lenya and ran into the corridor. From there, he returned with a fur coat and began to wrap ice cream in it along with a saucer. Lenya wrapped up ice cream better and is waiting. At Irishka it has already begun to melt. She sits and licks melted ice cream from a saucer. Lyonya unwrapped his ice cream, but it was as if nothing had happened. Lenya was still waiting. Irishka is already eating, because almost all of her ice cream has melted, and Leni in her fur coat does not think it will melt. Lenya ran into the corridor and brought another fur coat. He wrapped his ice cream in two fur coats and waits again. Irishka felt sorry for him, and she says:
Eat mine until yours melts.
Come on, don't, - says Lenya.
A little more time passed, both fur coats were unfolded, and again nothing happened to the ice cream.
It's strange, - says Irishka, - why doesn't ice cream melt in a fur coat?
Tanya at that time was standing at the stove. She raised her hand over the hot stove and said:
What needs to be done so that the hand does not burn?
- Take it away, - answered Lenya.
- Block it with something from the heat, Irishka added, and she herself removed the board on which the bread is cut, and holds it over the stove so that the board is between the stove and Tanya's hand. The heat from the stove does not pass through the board, so Tanya does not burn her hand.
Lenya looked at this, ran into the hallway and put on a mitten. He holds his hand over the stove, but does not burn it.
“I don’t burn either,” says Lenya.
- So, the mitten is not warm ...
- ... but retains heat, does not let it through to the hand.
- That's right, - says Tanya, - so what happened to you with ice cream in a fur coat?
Lenya thought and said:
- When I wrapped the ice cream, the fur coat stopped passing room heat to it, and this made it cold in the fur coat, so the ice cream did not melt.
- Well, why does a person put on a fur coat in the cold?
- The man left the house, he is hot, but the fur coat does not let out + heat on the street, so the man does not freeze.
“By the way, fur coats are not only made of fur, but also of glass,” Tanya said, pouring tea from a thermos.
Hearing these words, Lenya widened his eyes in surprise.
- This is a thermos, - Tanya continued as if nothing had happened, - the walls of the thermos are double, and there is a void between them, and heat does not pass well through the void. Fur coats are also made of wood and stone.
- These are the walls near the houses, - Irishka guessed, - they also do not release heat into the street.
Think about what other fur coats are. Where are they applied? And answer the question: if a real Snow Maiden puts on her best fur coat, hat, scarf and felt boots and goes to Africa, will she melt there or not?

The experiment with ice cream in a fur coat usually turns out well, but a small layer of ice cream on top still manages to melt quite quickly. In order not to spoil the fur coat, it is better to pre-wrap the ice cream in some clean napkin, and you need to wrap the ice cream in a paper wrapper along with the saucer on which it lies. In order to make sure that ice cream melts more slowly in a fur coat, it is necessary to leave the second portion for comparison_not wrapped in a fur coat. The question of the Snow Maiden is not at all as simple as it might seem at first. Often children say that the Snow Maiden does not really exist, but that she exists only in a fairy tale. Anything is possible in a fairy tale. This view of things is quite natural for modern children. It is necessary to explain to the child that the experiment with the Snow Maiden is imaginary, that real physicists also resort to thought experiments. If the child agrees with you, you can expect at least three responses.
The Snow Maiden will melt from the heat, and the fur coat will help her, since it is even hotter in a fur coat. This answer is incorrect, since the Snow Maiden is made of snow and it is cold in a fur coat from him.
The Snow Maiden will not melt, like ice cream in a fur coat. One can agree with this answer.
The Snow Maiden will not melt at first, but then it will melt anyway, because gradually the heat will still make its way through the fur coat. Such an answer indicates that the child knows how to think about the answer deeply enough and is not afraid to express his independent point of view.

Once Lyonya fell ill, he needs to take his temperature, but he is naughty. Irishka and Tanya were exhausted with him.
“Let’s make some kind of funny thermometer,” Tanya said slowly so that Lenya would not hear.
- Let's! - Irishka was delighted.
They went into the kitchen, took a small bottle, a rubber stopper and a glass tube.
They drilled a hole in the cork with an awl, took a drop of tinted water into the tube and stuck the tube into the cork.
A cork with a tube was inserted into the bottle. It turned out a device that anyone can do.
Irishka and Tanya entered the room where Lenya was lying, put a home-made thermometer on the table.
Let's heat the bottle with our hands, - Tanya said.
Irishka put her hands on the bottle and started warming it up. And almost immediately a drop of tinted water crawled up. Before Irishka had time to remove her hands, a droplet jumped out of the tube completely.
What is it she jumped out? - asked Lenya.
It means that something is pushing her out of the bottle, - said Tanya. - What's in the bottle? - she asked Irishka.
Nothing but air, - said Irishka.
So it pushes her...
Air, - put in Lenya.
That's right, - Tanya nodded, - but why did he begin to push her out?
Expands, probably, - said Irishka.
Why did he expand?
From the heat, probably, - Lenya guessed.
That's right, Tanya agreed.
Irishka and Tanya collected a new drop of tinted water instead of the one that had jumped out, but the drop ended up at the very top of the glass tube.
How to lower it down? Tanya asked.
You need to cool the bottle, - said Irishka, and both began to blow on the bottle. The drop quickly ran down.
Give me your hand, said Tanya. Irishka gave her hand, and Tanya put the bottle under her arm. The droplet went up. Lenya, Tanya and Irishka watched her closely. Here she crawled more slowly, even more slowly, and completely stopped. Tanya rolled out a piece of plasticine and made a ring around the tube in the place where the drop of water stopped.
Since you are not sick, your temperature is normal,” Tanya said. - We noted this temperature on the tube. What else can we measure? - asked Irishka.
Take my temperature, - Lenya asked in a plaintive voice.
Tanya and Irishka needed only this. They approached Lena and put a thermometer from a bottle under his arm. The droplet quickly ran up and stopped much higher than the place where the strip marked the normal temperature. The droplet has risen above normal temperature, which means you have a fever,” Tanya said.
If the heat passes, will the drop drop? - asked Lenya.
- Certainly. - Give me medicine! Lenya drank the medicine and began to wait for his fever to pass. Since it was boring to wait, he
asked Tanya: - Do all objects expand when heated? - Yes, - said Tanya. She took a piece of wire and tied one end of it to a nail that stuck out of the toy shelf. I attached the second end to the barrier, which I assembled from the designer. Look carefully at the picture. You see, the wire
When a train is on the railroad, the barrier is lowered to stop the cars.
So, the wire is tied to the barrier and thrown over the wheel, and the other end of the wire, as you already know, is tied to
carnation on the toy shelf.
Lenya looked at this toy and says:
So what?
And that's what!
Tanya took two candles and gave two more to Irishka. They lit candles and brought them to the wire. From the heat, the wire began to expand, or, better to say, to lengthen, and the barrier began to lower. They removed the candles, the wire began to shorten and pulled the barrier up. It is very interesting - no one touches the barrier, but it goes up and down by itself. While we were assembling the barrier from the constructor, while we were doing experiments with wire and watching how the barrier was going up and down, two or three hours had passed. Lyonya remembered the thermometer. Take my temperature again, he asked. They put him a thermometer from a bottle. The droplet immediately crawled up, but not so fast. Soon she stopped, and not just stopped, but exactly against the plasticine strip, which marked the normal temperature.
Everyone immediately understood that the medicine had worked and Leni had the same temperature as Irishka, that is, normal. Very well, - said Tanya. - How would we cure you if we didn't have such a thermometer?
And everyone laughed.

Making a thermometer out of a bottle can be difficult due to the lack of a good glass tube. The glass tube can be replaced with an empty plastic (transparent) refill from a ballpoint pen. You just need to keep in mind that the diameter of the rod is much smaller than the diameter of an ordinary laboratory glass tube, and in order for the thermometer to work well, you need to take a small bottle for the thermometer - 50 - 100 ml (50 - 100 g of water).
In order for a drop of tinted water not to jump out at the moment when you insert a cork with a tube into the bottle, you must first insert the cork, and insert the tube with the drop last into the hole drilled in the cork.
The experiment with lengthening the wire also works well. For greater success, the wire must be taken as long as possible
(3 - 4 m). The barrier, made of the constructor, must be firmly and motionless fixed on the table with the help of a clamp, some kind of load, or, if possible, simply nailed. The wire must be heated evenly along its entire length. That is why Tanya and Irishka used four candles, evenly distributed throughout the wire.
You can do a few more experiments illustrating the expansion of bodies from heating. For example, take a five-kopeck coin, put it on a plank and hammer a carnation into the plank along the opposite edges of the coin so that it passes freely between them. After that, the coin must be heated and again try to pass between the nails. If the coin is heated strongly enough, it will not pass between them.

The guys suffered a shipwreck - the oar of the boat broke. At that time they were alone on a small island, there was no one to ask for help. And with one oar you can’t swim to the shore, because the Ob is a wide river. The children screamed for a long time, but the river seemed to have died out, and they finally realized that it was useless to scream. Everyone was despondent. Even Tanya didn't know what to do. She was sitting on the shore and senselessly fiddling with a piece of oar in her hands.
- It is necessary to build a fire, - said Lenya, - maybe they will notice!
- There are no matches. How will you divorce? - said Tanya and threw a piece of the oar on the sand.
Suddenly Irishka screams:
- I know! It is necessary, like primitive people, to rub a stick on a stick, and fire will turn out.
- Like this? Lenya was surprised.
- When you rub one object against another, then both of them heat up from friction, - Tanya said delighted.
- I don `t understand.
- Give me your hand, - said Irishka. She took Leni's hand in hers, and with the other hand she began to rub his palm strongly.
- Oh! - Lyonya shouted. It seemed to him that a hot iron was applied to his hand.
- Now you understand? Tanya laughed.
- Now I understand, - said Lenya, rubbing his palm.
He grabbed two sticks and began rubbing them against each other with force, but the sticks did not get very hot.
“That won’t work,” Tanya said and began to rotate the wand between her palms, pressing the tip of the wand to the log on which she was sitting.
She rubbed for a long time, so that a hole formed on the log ...
When Tanya decided to take a break, Irishka put her finger to the place where Tanya was rubbing, and said:
- Hot!
“So we will be left without hands,” Tanya said, looking at her palms, on which calluses began to appear, “we need to figure out how to turn the wand. The guys thought. Everyone's mood dropped again, as it turned out that it was not easy to get fire by friction.
Lenya thought so diligently that his face became quite ferocious. He walked back and forth, took the rope that lay in the boat, turned it over in his hands and looked at the wand lying near Tanya.
Tanya and Irishka have already begun to guess what Lenya came up with. They took a stick and wrapped the rope around it once. Then they put a stick on a log and pressed it down with a plank on top. Tanya held the board, pressing her stick to the log, and Lenya and Irishka took the ends of the rope in their hands, pulled it and began to run back and forth. The wand from this began to spin quickly in one direction or the other. Soon there was smoke. But the flame never appeared.
- You know, our wand needs to make a fur coat, - said Irishka.
- What coat? Lenya was surprised.
- From dry leaves, so that the heat does not disperse to the sides to no avail.
The children quickly dragged a pile of dry leaves and covered with them the place where the stick rested on the log. They started running again, the wand twirled again, smoke poured out, and suddenly everyone saw that a dark red flame flickered between the leaves. Having placed thin dry branches, the children began to observe how the fire merrily ran along the branches.
- Do you know what we invented today? - asked Lenya.
- What?
- We have invented how to turn steps into fire.
- Here we are, ingenious physicists! - Irishka laughed, and everyone began to dance the dance of the savages and sing a song from the cartoon "Katerok":
Miracle island, miracle island, Living on it is easy and simple, Living on it is easy and simple, Chunga-changa.
Our happiness is constant, Eat coconuts, chew bananas, Eat coconuts, chew bananas, Chunga-changa.
The children had fun, sang and danced until they saw that the sun was setting over the horizon, but help never came. It can be seen that during the day no one paid attention to the fire, and by evening all the boats had gone to the pier. The fire continued to burn, and the children and Tanya sat sad and peered into the distance. - Guys, the boat! - Irishka screamed. Everyone jumped up.
First they heard a distant chirping, and then at dusk they saw a black dot that was moving towards the island.
- Hooray!!! - shouted the children and began to wave their hands. And five minutes later the motorboat rushed to the shore. The boatman, Tanya, Irishka and Lenya were sitting in the boat. Irishka and Lyonya were sleeping. And this is not surprising, they experienced a lot during the day and were very tired.

Getting fire by friction is a great art. This requires special types of wood, which may not be at hand. For us, something else is much more important - to show the transition of mechanical energy (steps) into heat.
The transition of mechanical energy into thermal energy can be observed in many cases. For example, when sawing a tree (or metal) with a hacksaw, both the hacksaw and the tree heat up. If you rub your finger on the table with force, then very soon the finger will become hot. Bodies also heat up from impact. If you hit a piece of metal with a hammer for a long time, both the metal and the hammer heat up. If two stones hit each other in the dark, sparks can be seen. These sparks are small fragments of stone heated red-hot. Modern matches are also ignited by friction, only it is easier for us than for primitive people, since the tip of the match is covered with a substance that ignites even from light friction. Let us return, however, to making fire by friction. It doesn't matter if the experiment fails to the end. You will almost certainly be able to get thick smoke coming from the stick that rubs against the plank. This will be a good proof that when rubbing the body heats up.

1. In the old days in the village, a pot with ready-made hot porridge was wrapped in a fur coat. Why did they do it?
2. There is no air on the moon. When it is day on the Moon, there is 120 ° heat, when it is night on the Moon and the sun hides behind the horizon, frost sets in at 180 °. Why is there no such frost and such heat on Earth? After all, the Sun is no further and no closer from the Earth than from the Moon.
3. In some hot countries, people wear cotton robes and fur hats in summer. Why are they doing that?
4. In the North, people sometimes build houses out of snow. Why is it warmer in a snow house than outside?
5. When are the wires on the poles tighter - in winter or summer?
6. Why do you think there is a gap between the rails on the railway line at the junctions of the rails?
7 Look closely at the room thermometer.
What expands and contracts in this thermometer?
8. Why does the saw heat up when sawing wood or iron?
9. Do you think it is possible to make fire by friction if you have a match and a box?
10. Why does a lighter, when the wheel strikes a stone, sparks bounce off the stone?


In the summer, Lenya went to Kamchatka to stay with his father and mother, and Tanya and Irishka went on a hiking trip to Altai.
Once Irishka and Tanya were collecting stones for the collection. They went far from the camp. Suddenly Irishka stumbled and twisted her leg - she could not go further. Tanya carries it on herself. Here Irishka says:
Drop me here! When you get to the camp, you will come back with the guys for me.
Don't talk nonsense, Irina! Tanya answers. Let's take a break and think about what to do next.
They stopped at a mountain river, lit a fire, and rested. And all around is silence, the mountains are frowning, looking at Irishka and Tanya ...
Oh, if there was a radio station! - says Irishka.
Or at least a carrier pigeon, - Tanya answers.
Or a red rocket.
Tanya looks at the smoke that spreads along the shore, and says:
The wind is blowing towards the camp... What if we launch a balloon and tie a note to it!
Irishka shook her head and sighed.
Where can you get the ball?
We will glue the ball from tissue paper, - Tanya answered and took out glue and a pack of tissue paper from her backpack, which they took with them to wrap beautiful stones for their collection.
But we need a gas lighter than air, - Irishka did not let up, - without this, the ball will not rise up?
Usually balloons are inflated with hydrogen or helium, these two gases are lighter than air, and that's why the balloon is pulled up. But we have another light gas - hot air. Why do you think the smoke rises up?
Irishka remembered the experience with a thermometer from a bottle and says: Firstly, all objects expand when heated ... And air, probably, too.
How can you prove it?
Irishka rummaged through her backpack and took out a small iron pipe. She dipped one end of the tube into water so that it formed a film of water, and closed the other end with her finger. After that, she took a burning twig from the fire and began to heat the pipe. Soon the film at the end of the tube inflated with a bubble and burst. Irishka and says to Tanya:
- From heating, the air began to expand and exit the tube.
- So, from heating, the air expands, - says Tanya, - it becomes less in the tube, and it becomes ...
- Easier, - guessed Irishka.
- Well, now let's get down to business! - said Tanya and began to straighten a sheet of tissue paper on the grass.
Tanya and Irishka cut out twelve strips that looked like palm leaves and began to glue them together. The work is moving slowly, Irishka says:
- We will sit like this for half a day ... or we will do it later, only there were no holes carefully.
Tanya put it to dry, and Irishka wrote a note: “I sprained my leg in the Valley of Mountain Spirits. We are waiting for help! Irina".
Tanya and Irishka tied a note to the ball and raised it over the fire. The ball began to quickly fill with hot air, and Irishka felt that he was beginning to rush upwards. This is hot air, which is lighter than cold air, and lifts the balloon.
Tanya and Irishka released the ball at once, and it began to rise rapidly.
- It floats like an air bubble in water, - Irishka exclaimed.
“By the way,” said Tanya, “ballooning is called aeronautics.

If a child wants to build a balloon, it is necessary to help him to do it.
The ball is made of cigarette (aircraft model) paper.
The figure shows a pattern. If a sheet of paper is shorter than necessary, you can glue the sheets in two. After all parts of the ball are cut out (they need 12), you can start gluing them together. It is best to glue in pairs. Get 6 pairs.
They need to be glued together so that 3 slices of the ball are obtained. The greatest difficulties will arise in the manufacture of the last seams. We advise you to lubricate a small section of the seam with glue (10 - 15 cm). It's much more convenient and faster. It is best to glue paper with ordinary silicate (stationery) glue. At the top of the ball, it is necessary to seal the resulting hole with a small round patch. In general, we must try to keep the patches as small as possible, since each of them makes the ball noticeably heavier.
In order to prevent the smoke hole from shaking, it must be pasted over with a strip of paper 10–15 cm wide around its circumference. At the same time, this strip will serve to keep the ball stable in the air.
To launch the ball, you need to choose a calm and preferably not hot day. First of all, you need to make a fire and install a bucket with a broken bottom or some similar object over it, which will act as a pipe that collects smoke into a single stream. Without such a device, smoke and flames will rush from side to side and not only make it difficult to fill the ball with smoke, but can set fire to the ball.

Serezha, the camp duty officer, was lying near the tent and staring at the sky with nothing to do. All the tourists dispersed along the routes, and there was no one in the camp except Serezha and two more on duty. Suddenly, Serezha noticed a white dot in the sky, which slowly floated out from behind the mountainside. Looking closely, Seryozha saw that it was a balloon that was moving straight towards the camp. A piece of paper hung under the ball, and Seryozha realized that it was a note. But how to read it? The ball had already begun to move away from the camp when Serezha grabbed the binoculars and began to read. With difficulty, he made out: “Twisted her leg in the Valley of Mountain Spirits. We are waiting for help! Irina".
- Guys! Irishka and Tanya were found! - Seryozha shouted and ran to the kitchen, where the rest of the attendants were.
And Tanya and Irishka were still sitting in the same place and were silent. The fire burned out long ago. The mood was bad.
“Look how the air flows over the arable land,” Tanya said and pointed to the plowed mountainside. And in fact, it was seen how the air heated by the sun rises and distant objects tremble and dance from this.
- This is hot air, like smoke from a fire, rising up. Irishka was silent. Suddenly she asked:
And if all the air rises, will you get an airless space? Tanya smiled, and Irishka slapped her forehead and laughed. If all the air had risen, we would have suffocated. It's just that when heated air rises, cold air comes in from all directions.
- Yes. It flies and tilts tree branches, waves flags, drives dust and raises waves on the water.
“Look,” Tanya continued, “the upper clouds go in one direction, and the lower ones in the other.
- Where does the wind blow? - Irishka was confused.
- Over the arable land, the sun has heated the air strongly, - said Tanya, - and it rises, over the mountains the air is colder, and therefore it goes down. Then this cold air heats up below and rises again, and the cooled air from the mountains again falls down. Near the mountains it becomes a lot, and it flies to the arable land.
- It's on the ground, but above? - asked Irishka.
- And at the top the air flies in the other direction, towards the mountains. We sit on the ground and see how the upper clouds are driven by the wind in one direction, and the lower ones in the other. Beautiful, is not it?
- Very! - answered Irishka. Her mood improved a little...
... The stars shone. It was quiet. Then the footsteps of several people walking along the path were heard. It was Seryozha and his friends. Tanya was with them. In the darkness, only Irishka was not visible. But if you take a closer look, you could see that on the back of one of the guys was not a backpack, but Irishka. She did not see the stars, did not hear the steps - she was fast asleep.

Explaining to children why the wind blows, you can do the experiment known from the natural history course in primary school. If in cold weather you open the door to the street and hold a lit candle at the bottom and at the top of the crack, you can observe that the flame of the lower candle is directed inside the apartment, and the flame of the upper one is directed outward. This happens because the warm air in the apartment rises and exits through the slot at the top, and the cold air is heavier, and it enters the room from below. After some time, the cold air will heat up in the room, rise up and begin to go outside through the top of the gap, and cold air will come in its place again and again. This is how wind occurs in nature. Of course, the reality is much more complicated. On Earth, there are a lot of air currents that interact with each other at the same time. The picture of air currents becomes even more complicated due to the rotation of the Earth around its axis.

Once a package arrived from Kamchatka. That was joy! Still, because the package was from mom and dad! They opened the package, took out a note and began to read:
“Our dear Tanya, Irishka and Lenechka! We are very glad that you are not wasting your time, studying physics. We are sending you an interesting film that was shot here for you, but first guess the riddle that is wrapped in paper. Kiss, mom and dad.
Tanya took the bundle and said:
What a difficult riddle!
When the package was unrolled, everyone saw a stone from which a rusty, burnt knife protruded.
- Who stuck it in the stone? - asked Lenya, opening his eyes wide.
- No matter who, it is important how, - said Irishka. -
You can't cut a stone with a knife!
- Apparently, this is the mystery of dad and mom, - said Tanya.
Several days passed, but the riddle was still not solved.
Once, their neighbor Uncle Vasya came to visit our friends. He turned the stone in his hands, shook his head and said: We'll have to help you. Tomorrow morning, get ready early - let's go with me to the factory.
The factory was so noisy that you had to shout to hear each other. The children did not know where to look, it was so interesting around. All of a sudden, a red fire blazes! The whole workshop was lit up with light, and the children sat down in surprise. A shining fiery stream flowed straight out of the brick wall. What is this? Lyonya shouted.
A melting furnace, Uncle Vasya answered him.
No, what is it flowing bright and red?
Such a metal!
Metal, but flows like water!
That's it, - Uncle Vasya shouted in the ear of Lena and Irishka, - red-hot. Here you have a temperature of 36 °, and here - 1000 °. Otherwise, it is impossible, because the tin will become solid again. Look!
Uncle Vasya scooped up some tin with an iron ladle on a long wooden handle and poured it onto the stone floor. The puddle soon faded and turned into a sheet of white metal. Lenya wanted to grab him, but Uncle Vasya stopped him just in time:
Finally, the tin cooled down, and Uncle Vasya allowed him to take it. At home Lenya said:
It turns out that the stone was also hot and molten at first? It turns out so, - said Tanya. - Let's watch the movie, then we will finally understand everything.
Tanya turned on the projector, and a beautiful and terrible picture appeared on the screen. A column of flame and black smoke rose from the top of a high mountain. When the children looked closely, they saw that hot stones were flying out of the mountain. They rose up with a roar and slowly fell down. Falling on the slope of the mountain, they flattened out like red cakes and slowly went out.
At the top of the mountain, the children saw a huge hole. Tanya said that this pit is called a crater, and that the crater below turns into a wide and very deep well, which goes
deep into, where the earth is so hot that all the stones are molten and therefore liquid. This well is called a vent. The muzzle, like a huge cannon, fired hot stones. And Tanya said that these liquid stones are called volcanic bombs.
Suddenly, the children saw that a fiery river was flowing from one edge of the crater. When they looked closely, they realized that it was molten stones flowing. They were liquid, like sour cream, red like a ripe watermelon, boiled and bubbled like semolina on the stove, and, as streams of air trembled over them, like over a fire, the children realized that these stones were very hot. Volcanic bombs fell from above again on the screen. Suddenly, a man approached one bomb and threw a penknife at it with force. The knife stabbed and flared like wood. When a man in a special silver-colored suit with a face covered with the same mask stepped aside, the children jumped out of their seats and shouted:
- Dad! Dad!
Yes, it was their dad, although his face could not be seen because of the mask. The children recognized him by his walk.
- So this stone is a volcanic bomb? - Lenya asked when the film ended.
- Yes, - said Tanya.
- And he was liquid from the heat?
- Yes.
- And he used to be underground?!
- Yes.
- What an unusual stone we have! - said Irishka.

The excursion to the factory described in the story is interesting, but not always possible. You can limit yourself to experiments with the melting of sugar and paraffin and the freezing of water, which will be discussed in the next story.
Pay attention to the child that the state of aggregation of a substance depends on the conditions in which this substance is located. If under normal conditions metals are solids, then at high temperatures they pass into a liquid state, and at even higher temperatures into a gaseous state.
It is especially easy to trace the change in the state of aggregation of water (solid - ice, liquid - water, gaseous - steam).

Lenya attached a piece of tin to the wall, which looked like a blot, and said:
- Eh, we would have such a stove as at the factory, if only they had made toys!
Irishka thought and answered:
- You know, toys can be made not only from iron, but also from ... sugar.
- From sugar? - Lenya was taken aback.
She poured into a teaspoon (...)
- Bring your tin soldiers, - said Irishka and began to knead the clay. When Lenya brought the soldiers, Irishka took one of them and pressed it into a clay cake. The cake turned out to be a hole in the shape of a soldier.
- What should we pour here? - asked Irishka.
- Let's melt the paraffin!
I greased it with butter and poured liquid sugar from the first spoon into it. In order not to burn her hands, Irishka put on 5 woolen mittens. :ar, poured into a spoon, began to cool, Threat he cooled down quickly, burn in cold water.
The sugar began to melt and fill the spoon like water.
Irishka took another spoon
- Let's!
The children put an iron mug on the tile, and in it - the stub of a candle. Soon the candle melted, and liquid paraffin gathered at the bottom of the mug. Irishka again, so as not to burn her hand, put on a mitten and removed the mug from the stove. Holding the mug at arm's length so as not to splash the paraffin on her feet, she walked over to the table and began carefully pouring the paraffin into the mould. Paraffin cooled down for a long time. It was already cold at the top, but still melted at the bottom. After about twenty or half an hour the paraffin hardened, and the children carefully took the soldier out of the clay.
- Listen, - said Lenya, - they probably do the same at the factory of tin soldiers, but not from paraffin, but from tin!
- Probably, - Irishka thought and agreed. Suddenly she said: - And you can also out of the water!
Lenya stared at her and for a long time could not figure out how to make toys out of water, because it is liquid. But suddenly he ran to his room and returned with sand molds. He filled the molds with water and placed them in the refrigerator. Three hours have passed. The children took out the ice from the molds and were surprised at how beautiful toys turned out. Then they made different molds from plasticine, and they received ice planes, boats and even a beautiful badge.
When Tanya came home, the children ran out into the corridor, and Irishka said:
- Close eyes!
Tanya obediently closed it, while Irishka pinned an ice badge to her jacket. Tanya opened her eyes, looked in surprise at the unusual badge and asked:
What is this icon from?
The children were silent.
- From ice! Tanya exclaimed when she realized what was happening. Irishka shook her head and said:
- From solid water!

Making ice toys is very simple, you just need to be patient, because the water in the refrigerator does not freeze instantly. In order for the ice badge to be pinned (at least for a few minutes), you need to fill the mold with water and put a sewing pin in it so that the sharp tip sticks out of the water.

There was a kettle on the stove and Steam was escaping with force from the spout of the kettle, and this fogged up the window pane.
Irishka was bored, and she drew a face on the glass with her finger.
Suddenly the muzzle cried!
Well, if the steam cools down, it becomes water?
Indeed, Irishka wiped her muzzle off the glass, and her hand immediately became wet...
- You know, - said Tanya, - that water evaporates: puddles dry up, the earth, wet after rain, becomes dry again. There is always water vapor in the air, only we do not notice it, because it is invisible. Steam rises up, cools down and becomes visible - clouds are obtained. They are made up of tiny water droplets. These droplets are so small and light that they do not fall down, but fly like fluff. If such a cloud cools down stronger, the droplets will gather together, become large, heavy and fall to the ground - it's raining. And now think, Irishka, where does the water come from in streams, rivers and seas. Maybe the water will gradually evaporate from the rivers and they will dry up? you, too, think about Tanya's questions and answer them.

Pay attention to the fact that water in nature evaporates all the time (puddles and wet clothes dry out, a slightly noticeable steam rises over the river on a hot day, etc.).
Consider steam condensation. To do this, you can do a simple experiment: cover a pot of boiling water with a cold lid. If you open the lid after a few minutes, water will drip from it.
Invite the child to explain why this is so.

Tanya and Irishka went skiing in the forest. Snow is falling in flakes. Such beauty all around - you can't take your eyes off!
- Irishka, keep up! - shouts Tanya, and Irishka stands as if spellbound, stretched out her hand in a mitten and looks at her. Tanya returned, went up to her and also stopped.
They stand together and look at snowflakes on a red mitten. Beautiful!
Look, each snowflake is made of tiny ice crystals, Tanya says. And Irishka sees it herself - she can't tear her eyes away.
The next day was frosty. Tanya and Irishka walked along the alley covered with snow. The sun shone, the snow shone beautifully.
I wonder where clouds come from in winter? - asked Irishka. - After all, water does not evaporate in winter!
Water always evaporates - both in winter and in summer. Only in winter it evaporates more slowly.
Irishka got used to the fact that Tanya never deceives, but she could not believe that the water evaporates in the cold.
Look, the linen dries in the cold, - said Tanya.
They went into the yard, where linen was hung out, and Irishka touched it with her hand.
Yes, it's frozen! You see, a crust of ice!
So, the ice evaporates, - Tanya answered, - after all, by the evening the laundry will dry anyway. There will be no ice or water left.
What, and the snow evaporates, since it is made of small ice crystals?
Evaporates, only slowly. But the land is huge, look how much snow lies. Here it will pick up on a cloud. In addition, clouds come to us from hot countries. The vapor in the cloud freezes, and snow turns out.
Tanya took out the key to the apartment and started blowing on it. The key began to be covered with frost. The longer Tanya blew on it, the thicker the layer of hoarfrost became, and the hoarfrost itself became more and more fluffy.
Tanya ran her mitten over the key, and frost fell down. Only it was no longer possible to understand that it was pouring - frost or snow.
So snow and frost are the same thing?
Yes, snowflakes are steam that has frozen in the clouds, and frost is steam that has frozen on glass, iron, tree branches and other objects.
When Tanya and Irishka returned home, Irishka asked:
Why do snowflakes have such a beautiful shape?
Tanya thought and said:
You see, ice is made up of tiny particles that can't even be seen with a microscope. These particles are shaped like small hexagons.
Tanya took scissors and quickly cut out several hexagons from paper.
- When these tiny particles start sticking together, there is no way they can form a circle or a square. This is how six-pointed stars are obtained.
Irishka tried to fold some other figure out of paper hexagons, but nothing came of it. It turned out different stars, but never a square or a circle came out.
Irishka admired these stars for a long time, and then said:
- Strange, these particles are not visible under a microscope, but how did people know about them?
Tanya paused and answered:
- They figured it out.
Irishka looked at Tanya and saw that she was not joking. So what she said is true.

Consider with a child; snowflakes. Watch how the laundry dries in the cold. Repeat the experiment with the freezing of steam on metal objects. Ask your child to explain these phenomena.

1. Why does smoke rise from a chimney in calm weather? Why does the soot from the chimney eventually fall back to Earth?
2. Imagine that you made a ball of tissue paper, but you were not allowed to light a fire. How else can you fill a balloon with hot air?
3. When will a balloon filled with hot air rise faster - in winter or summer?
4. Why does the air rise above the arable land, the highway, the beach on a sunny day?
5. When does the wind benefit people? When does it harm?
6. What machines, devices, toys do you know that work with the help of wind?
7. Why are the stones formed during volcanic eruptions liquid?
8. Can it sometimes be said that iron is a liquid? How do you think iron vapor can be obtained?
9. What does steam turn into when it cools?
10. What substance are snowflakes and frost made of? How to prove it?
11. Where do clouds come from in summer? In winter?


HOW Lilliputians are made in movies
Once on television they showed the film "Golden Key". The guys really liked him. Lenya then pondered something for a long time and suddenly said:
- Did Pinocchio play a real artist?
- Real, - answered Tanya.
- And Pierrot?
- And Pierrot.
- And Malvina?
- And Malvina.
- So how can three adults fit on an ordinary table?
- Or maybe this table was made so huge that adults seemed small on it? - said Irishka.
- But Papa Carlo was standing nearby, and it was clearly visible that the table was small! Lenya objected. This time, Tanya did not explain anything to the children. But the next Sunday, she took an amateur movie camera and, together with the children and their friend Igor, went to the forest. They came to the lawn. Tanya says:
Do you want me to show you a trick?
We want, - the guys answer.
Tanya put the camera on a tripod, Lenya and Irishka placed it near the camera, and sent Igor to the edge of the clearing. They look Lenya and Irishka into the camera and see that Igor is standing far away on the edge of the clearing, and Tanya is next to the camera. Igor is small, and Tanya is big. Suddenly Tanya stretched her hand forward, and Igor was in her palm. Children how to scream:
Lilliput! Lilliput! - and clap your hands.
Look at the film frame that Lenya and Irishka then shot. You see, it seems that Igor is standing in the palm of Tanya. But in fact, Igor is standing far from the camera, and Tanya is close, so it seems that Tanya is big, and Igor is so small that it fits in Tanya's palm.
The children took a walk in the forest, and when they returned to their yard, they taught all the children this trick: squint one eye, stretch your palm forward, and you're done - the person is in your palm. And you can put the house in your palm, you just need to be far away.
Well, what about the table on which Pinocchio, Malvina and Pierrot stood? Is he big or small? Look at this shot from the film "The Golden Key". The ladder is made of two halves. One, on which Papa Carlo stands, is of ordinary size, and the half, on which Pinocchio, Piero and Malvina stand, is huge. This large half and the people who stand on it are far away. Since the line along which the stairs are combined is almost imperceptible, it seems that this is one staircase on which little men stand.

The experiments described in the story are simple, and it is not difficult to repeat them. They can turn out to be especially interesting if you have a movie camera or a camera. Most of all, for shooting using the perspective alignment method described in the story, a camera with a mirror device and frosted glass and movie cameras like Lada or Kyiv-16 are suitable. Parallax (shift) is arranged in these cameras. When shooting with a device that has not eliminated parallax, you must constantly take it into account, as recommended in the instructions. Frames where toys are combined with people can be very interesting. Instead of toys, you can use models of airplanes, palaces, castles made of cardboard.
When performing combined photography, two interlocutors are often filmed, one of whom is sitting at a table, and the other is looking out of a glass, sitting on a samovar, and walking around an inkstand. You can come up with a huge number of such frames. Participation in their shooting and viewing will bring great pleasure to children.
The following experience will be very instructive. If you hold a one-kopeck coin in your outstretched hand, then you can “obscure” the Sun or the Moon with it. Invite the children to explain why the Moon and the Sun look much less than a penny to an observer on earth.
Tell the children why a very beautiful rare natural phenomenon occurs - a solar eclipse.
As it revolves around the Earth, the Moon is sometimes positioned exactly between the Earth and the Sun. Since the distance from the Earth to the Sun is much greater than to the Moon, it covers the Sun, despite the fact that it is many times larger than the Moon.

Once Lenya drew a soldier. The soldier turned out beautiful. Lenya looked at him, looked and said:
- If only he could be revived so that he could march!
- You can make it march, but for this you need to draw a lot of soldiers. Stand, Irishka, against the wall and show us how the soldiers are marching.
Irishka went to the wall and stood in the pose of a marching soldier. Lenya quickly drew it.
Move your foot forward a little, ”Tanya commanded. Irishka complied with her command, and Lenya again made a drawing.
Look what Lenya drew after Irishka moved her leg eight times.
Very well, - said Tanya. - Cut out a strip of paper on which soldiers are drawn, and cut narrow slots between the figures. Now we roll the strip into a ring so that the drawings are inside, and glue it.
The glued strip was placed on the player and turned on. The disk began to rotate, and with it the ring began to spin.
So what? - asked Lenya.
And here's what, - Tanya answered, - bend over lower and look at the drawings through the cracks.
Lenya leaned over and looked. At first he opened his mouth in surprise, then he began to laugh. Everyone laughed - Irishka, because she, like Lenya, saw that a whole detachment of soldiers was marching on the inside of the ringlet, and Tanya laughed, looking at Lenya and Irishka. When they calmed down, Lenya asked:
Why did the soldiers start marching?
- Because when the ring is spinning, soldiers flash before your eyes, whose legs are drawn each time in a slightly different position. Since the pictures change very quickly, we do not notice the change, and it seems to us that the legs of the soldiers are moving.
The children liked this toy so much that they made several more of these rings, on which they drew a little man who hammered a nail; the girl who jumped rope; the boy who ran on skates...
Such a ring is called a stroboscope. Draw soldiers or some other figures, as Irishka and Lenya did, cut the gaps between the pictures and glue the rings out of strips of paper. Then you will also have a few strobe lights.
After you have done experiments with a stroboscope, try to explain why cartoon characters move on the screen.

Once Tanya and Lenya got on the train and got ready to go out of town. They sit and look out the window. Suddenly, everything shuddered outside the window and drove back.
- Go! Lenya rejoiced.
- Who? Tanya smiled.
- We, of course.
Tanya was silent, she continued to look out the window. Suddenly, Lenya saw that the train that was standing outside the window had passed, and other trains, poles on the platform, the station were standing in the old place. It turns out that it was not Lenya and Tanya who left, but the train that was standing outside the window.
Still stood. Everything shuddered again, but this time Lenya noticed that not only the train that was standing outside the window had gone back, but also the poles and the station.
Now let's go, - Tanya said. - Look, there is a village! How she rushes past us! We stand, and she rushes past. No, we are going, - said Lenya, - look, the guys are waving their hands to us.
Well, yes, it seems to them that they are standing, and the train is moving, but it seems to us that the train is standing, and the guys are going.
We go or stop, it depends on where you look from, - Tanya said when they got off the train and stood on the platform of a small station.
We are now standing motionless on the platform, but if you look at us from the Moon through a super-powerful telescope, you can see that we are moving along with our Earth.

The principles of the relativity of motion, first formulated by the great Italian scientist Galileo Galilei, and later on a deeper level by Albert Einstein in his theory of relativity, are complex and inaccessible to toddlers. But the very fact of the relativity of motion is quite clearly revealed by the examples described in the story. Therefore, children need to be introduced to him.

Irishka and Lenya were walking in the forest. Tired of walking - began to sunbathe. Irishka fell asleep. Lenya lay down, lay down, the shadow of the tree moved towards him, he went into the sun and lay down again. He lay still, the shadow moved again. Leon moved again. They sunbathed all day, Lenya ran away from the shadow all day. And the next morning he invented the sundial. I drew a circle in the sand and stuck a stick in the center. The sun moves across the sky, the shadow from the stick moves, and the guys every hour mark with dashes where the shadow intersects with the circle.
The next day everyone sat by the clock and checked it. Tell me, please, what time is it? - asked Irishka
they put the number 7 on their glasses, and today they were glad that their clock was running correctly. Still sat and waited. From the open window of a large house, illuminated by the morning sun, the alarm clock rang.
- Hooray! - the children shouted, because the shadow of the wand lay on the dash, near which the number 8 was written.
But then, when the shadow from the wand approached the number 10, the unexpected happened. First, the Kremlin chimes sounded from an open window, then the orchestra played the Anthem of the Soviet Union, and when it ended, the announcer said: “Good morning, comrades! Moscow time 6 hours. We are starting our rfepe-dachas.”
Lenya froze in surprise. After all, the sundial showed the correct time! Why did they say on the radio:
We waited another hour, the shadow of the wand came to the line where it was written 9, but has not yet touched it. The children were very worried: will the clock show the time correctly this time? And at that moment, when the shadow fell on the dash, the receiver spoke in one of the windows: "Novosibirsk time is 9 o'clock, we are transmitting the latest news." The children realized that the sundial was accurate.
"Moscow time is 6 o'clock", and their clocks show 10? Irishka was the first to guess what was the matter and explained to Lena. She took a big ball, put a dot on one side with chalk and wrote the letter N. This is Novosibirsk.
Then she put a second dot and wrote the letter M.
This is Moscow.
Then she raised the ball over her head and said:
Where the ball is lit by the sun, it is day, and where there is a shadow, it is night. Now Novosibirsk is illuminated by the sun, and Moscow is still in the shade, which means that it is night there. Then the Earth will turn, and morning will come in Moscow. Understood?
Is the earth spinning? - Lenya asked Tanya, because he did not know whether Irishka was telling him the truth or not.
Spinning, - Tanya answered.
Why, then, is it not visible that it is spinning, because we are standing still? - Lenya asked again.
And do you remember, when you were riding the train, it also seemed to you that you were standing, and only the village and the pillars outside the window were moving. Only it’s not the village that “rides” past, but the Sun, Lenya guessed. - In the morning it is in the east, in the afternoon - in the south, and in the evening - in the west. Right?
Right, - answered Tanya. - And there is another reason why we do not notice the rotation of the Earth. The earth rotates very smoothly. It doesn't shake at all like a car or a train. And she turns very slowly. In order for the Earth to turn only once, you need to wait one day and one night.

The device of the sundial, which is described in the story, is not difficult. But the trouble is that such a watch will not work correctly for long, in a couple of weeks their incorrect movement will become noticeable. The fact is that the height of the path of the Sun in the sky changes from season to season and over the point of east or west the Sun is not at the same time at different times of the year. Therefore, if you want to make a sundial that will operate constantly, you need to slightly change its design by placing the wand - the arrow obliquely towards the north.
The angle of inclination must exactly match the latitude of your city or village. Approximately, but with sufficient accuracy for us, the latitude can be determined by measuring the height of the North Star above the horizon with a protractor and a plumb line. If a watch with an undivided dial is taken out into the street and set so that the arrow looks exactly to the north, then, following the position of the shadow from it by the clock, you can divide the dial.

1. Imagine that your city does not have a real airfield, and you need to rent an airfield with large planes for a movie. How to do it?
2 Imagine that you have a toy castle and you want to film your friends near the real castle for a movie?
3. Imagine that you wanted to become a giant, how can you do it in a movie or in a photograph?
4. Pay attention that when you ride the carousel, it seems that you are standing still, and the trees and houses are spinning.
5. Why don't we notice how the globe rotates?
6. Why is the time different in many cities, for example, when it is 1 pm in Moscow, 3 pm in Sverdlovsk, 5 pm in Novosibirsk, and 7 pm in Irkutsk?


The wagon broke down, the wheels need to be replaced. There were a pair of wheels on the rails near the depot. A worker came up, fell on them, but they weren't going, he still piled on, but again they weren't going. Somehow the lazy ones moved from their place, they roll. Now it's time to stop, and they go on. The worker holds them with all his strength, but they do not stop.
Barely got up stubborn!
Not only wheels in the world are lazy and stubborn.
Irishka put two balls on the asphalt - one heavy and the other light. She pushed a heavy ball, it ran into a light one, but did not even notice it, it rolls on. And then vice versa, Irishka pushed a light ball. Jumped up easy
the ball is heavy, but where can he cope with such heaviness and laziness! He jumped aside. This means that heavy objects are “lazier” than light ones.
The children were on the bus, in the back seat. There were few passengers. Next to the children, on the floor of the bus, lay the ball. Suddenly, a red light came on at the intersection. The driver pressed the brake - the bus began to stop, and the ball rolls on, does not want to stop. Through the entire bus swept, stopped only at the driver's cab. The bus stopped at the crossroads and drove on. And the ball is lazy and does not want to go anywhere. The bus moved forward and the ball rolled back towards the children. It would be more correct to say that the ball did not roll anywhere. He remained in place, and the children, along with the bus, drove up to him.
It is not the subjects' fault that they are lazy and stubborn. And in order not to offend them, physicists instead of the words "laziness" and "stubbornness" say "inertia". All things have inertia.
Lyonya rode on roller skates along the sidewalk, accelerated, and there was a small hole on the sidewalk. The skates stopped, and Lenya himself rides forward by inertia, but he doesn’t ride, but flies straight, put his hands forward so as not to hit his nose on the asphalt. Lyonya got up, and there was a bump on his forehead. And all because of inertia!
Probably, and you met with inertia. Remember, you are running and suddenly your legs stumbled for something, stopped, and you fly forward by inertia until you fall to the ground. It happens and vice versa, the bus stands still, and then abruptly moves off. The bus has already left, and the passengers are still sitting motionless, and from this everyone leans back.

It is necessary to draw the child's attention to the fact that inertia is an inherent property of objects, that there are no objects that would not have inertia.
It is very important that inertia manifests itself not only at the moment when the moving bodies stop, but also at the moment when the body at rest begins to move. In general, any change in the speed of the body or the direction of its movement leads to the fact that inertia is manifested.

Once Lenya decided to become a magician, and Irishka - his artistic director: she came up with tricks and taught them to Lenya. Here are the tricks they came up with.
1. The children hung a weight on a thin, thin thread, and a thick thread was tied to the bottom of the weight. It is necessary to pull the thick thread so that it breaks, and the thin one remains intact. He pulled Lenya by the lower thick thread, and the upper thin one immediately broke off, the weight fell and almost hit Lenya on the leg.
- Wrong, - the artistic director shouts, - you need to pull sharply so that the weight does not have time to budge, because it is heavy and lazy.
Irishka took a thick thread by the tip. P-time! The thick thread was torn, but the thin thread was at least something.
- Wow! - said the magician and shook his head,
2. Did the children hang for a gift? thin paper ko-2Sh lechka wooden shkyak lath. The lath hangs on paper rings, and the rings hang on metal rulers that Lenya holds in his hands. Irishka swung her thick stick - bang! The lath is shattered, but the rings are intact. Marvelous!
Tanya went into the room, saw this trick and said:
- You can not hang the rail at all, but it will still break. She took another rail, threw it up. She hit the rail with a stick, and the rail broke into two halves with a crack.
- Why? Tanya asks.
The children thought. They cannot understand why this happens.
“When the stick hit the lath,” Tanya said, “it moved forward in the middle from the blow, but the ends remained in place by inertia. From this, the rail bent so much that it broke.
3. Lenya put his hand on the table. A brick was placed on his palm, and a walnut was placed on the brick. Irishka took a hammer and hit a walnut. It cracked, but at least something to the hand! The children ate a nut kernel and came up with a new trick. They put a brick on Lena's palm, and on this brick - the second brick. Irishka hit the top brick with a hammer, it split into halves, but nothing to her hand! Terrible experience! And Tanya laughs: Why does the hand not hurt, do you understand?
- Because the brick is heavy and lazy, - said Irishka, - when I hit him sharply, he did not have time to budge, and nothing happened to my hand.
Finally, Lenya came up with a trick.
The whole evening, friends were engaged in tricks, and then they came up with a song:
Lazy things in the world live
Stubborn things in the world live
This stubbornness is called inertia.
In the first trick, the weight, which may not be at hand, can be replaced by any other heavy object, such as a hammer. The only condition for the successful completion of this trick is a sharp movement of the hand when the thread is broken. In addition, the upper thread on which the weight or hammer hangs must, by itself, withstand the weight of a calmly hanging load and not break under its weight.
4. He put Lenya on the palm of his hand a postcard, and on the postcard - a coin and hit the card with a click. The postcard flew off the palm, but the coin that lay on the postcard remained. What an interesting trick!

It is best to rehearse it yourself before showing this experience to children. During such a rehearsal, you can easily determine the required thickness of the threads and train your hand. When children do this experiment, make sure that they do it with outstretched arms. This is necessary so that in the event of an unsuccessful experiment (if the thread still breaks), the weight does not hit the child on the leg.
For the second experiment, you need to take a pine lath with a thickness of about 5 mm and a stick for breaking the lath with a thickness of 1 - 2 cm. The thickness and width of the paper rings can be any, since the lath will break even without them. It is only important that, as in the previous experiment, the rings do not break from the weight of the rack even before you hit it with a stick. Roughly, you can make rings from a 1 cm wide strip cut from a regular notebook sheet of paper. Keep in mind that a sharp blow is needed for the success of the experiment.
Experience with bricks at first glance is dangerous. In fact, it is no more dangerous than the previous ones. It is only necessary to provide that a random small fragment of a brick does not get into the eyes. However, usually a brick is broken without splinters. If it is difficult for you or the child to overcome the feeling that it will hurt before hitting, hit lightly, and then, gradually increasing the force of the blow, make sure that not only the walnut, but also the second brick can be broken without hurting the hand. By the way, in the old days this experience was presented quite effectively in circuses. A man lay down on the carpet, a heavy anvil was placed on his chest. The second man beat her with a sledgehammer with all his might. Unlike the frightened circus spectators, you are well aware that this experience is completely safe, unless, of course, the “hammerer” misses the anvil. The last experiment is quite simple.

Lenya and Tanya were sunbathing on the seashore. Tanya dozed, and Lenya looked at the sky. Suddenly Lyonya noticed a high-high jet plane.
- Why does a jet plane fly forward, what pushes it? - asked Lenya.
- Hot gases fly back and push the plane forward.
I don `t understand.
Tanya got up, went to the boat, which stood near the shore, put a heavy stone there. Then she looked around, saw a pile of stones and began to carry them to the boat. Lenya began to help. When there were enough stones, Lenya and Tanya pushed the boat away from the shore and jumped into it. The boat went a little by inertia and stopped. Then Tanya got up in the boat, picked up a stone and said:
I take a stone, it is heavy and lazy, it has a lot of inertia. I will throw him back now, but he will not want to fly right away, and therefore I will push him off a little.
R-time! - Tanya threw a stone into the water behind the stern of the boat. The stone was heavy, and Lenya noticed that Tanya swayed forward strongly, and the boat also moved a little. Tanya took
second stone. - Two! - and the stone flew back again, and the boat moved forward a little more. Three! The boat has gone pretty fast. - Four five six! Tanya shouted and threw stones back with force, while the boat moved faster and faster.
I throw stones back, and they push our boat forward, so our boat is jet! - Tanya shouted cheerfully.
Oh wow, it's overclocked! - said Lenya, who did not think that in this way it was possible to make the boat float, and therefore he was a little scared. But now the stones ran out, and the boat continued to move forward by inertia. The water that churned behind the stern, on the bow and under the bottom, gradually slowed down the boat, it swam more and more slowly and finally stopped.
When they came ashore, Tanya took a tin can and began to punch holes in the wall near the bottom with a nail. Punch a hole and bend the nail to the side. It will also punch a hole and again bend the nail in the same direction. She punched four holes, tied a thread to the jar and ran into the water. Tanya scooped up water in a jar and picked it up. The bank began to spin. This water, flowing out of the holes, spins the jar in the other direction. Just like the stones that Tanya threw back pushed the boat forward.
Lenya looked at these experiments and thought about something all the time. Then he cut off a dry stalk, cut a tube out of it, tied it to
tubule balloon. Lenya tied a tube with a ball to a plank. Then he blew up the balloon, put the board on the water and opened the hole in the pipe. Air through the tube began to come out of the balloon with force. The air flew back and pushed the plank forward. It turned out to be a funny boat, jet!
Tanya took a balloon with a tube from the boat, inflated it and let it go up. The air whistled, and the ball flew up rapidly.
Like a rocket! Lyonya screamed.
And this is a rocket, - said Tanya, - only this rocket is air.

The experiment with the tin can, which has holes punched near the bottom, is simple and can be repeated at home. In this case, the thread that holds the jar must be tied to a water tap. After unscrewing the tap, fill the jar with water, and it will begin to rotate. You can adjust the water jet so that the jar will rotate indefinitely.
A ship, in which the role of a jet engine is played by a rubber ball and a light tube of a suitable diameter, is not difficult to make. Instead of a boat, such an engine can be installed on a light cart.
Now you understand what pushes the jet forward?
“Now it’s clear,” Lenya said, “these are hot gases that fly out of the plane.

Irishka was not at sea, and she was very upset that she missed such interesting experiments. Suddenly Tanya says:
- Get on the bike.
There were two old tricycles in the hallway. Irishka sat on one, and Tanya on the other. They sat down with each other
friend's face. Tanya says: - Hold on, I'll push you now. Just raise your legs so that they do not touch the floor, and you yourself also lifted
After that, she pushed Irishka's bicycle with force, and Irishka rode back.
- And she drove off a little, - Irishka laughed, because Tanya also drove back on her bike.
- And now you push, - said Tanya to Irishka.
Irishka pushed Tanya, and both drove off again.
- It doesn't matter who pushes with his hand, both of them got a push anyway.
- And now let's see who drives off further, - Tanya said and again pushed Irishka's bicycle with force.
- It's not fair! - Irishka screamed. - You pushed me hard!
And in fact, Irishka drove far, and Tanya - a little.
Push me hard to get me far.
Again Tanya and Irishka drove up to each other, and Irishka pushed Tanya with all her might. But instead of Tanya going far, Irishka went far.
And why? - already calmly asked Irishka.
Why do I always travel far?
You are lighter, and you have less inertia, - Tanya said, - remember the experience with the balls. A light ball ran into a heavy one, pushed it, flew off to the side, and the heavy one only slightly moved. Remember, - Tanya said to Irishka and Lena, - no matter who pushes whom, both get a push. Move further” the one in whom there is less inertia, who is lighter.
Tanya took a spring, squeezed it, tied it with a thread and put it on a cart near the wall. Then she lit a match and brought it to the thread. The thread burned out, the spring straightened out, and how it hit the cart!
She herself flew to the opposite end of the room, but she also pushed the cart, the cart rolled on the table.
And why did the trolley push the spring harder? - asked Lenya.
They pushed each other
equally. Only the spring is light, so it flew further, - she smiled.
The children put a fan on the cart. Turned it on.
The fan spins, pushes the air back, and the air pushes it and the cart forward.
Like an airplane propeller, - said Lenya.
Yes, Tanya agreed.
Is it true that a propeller is a fan? - Lenya asked again.
Yes, just big and strong..
Listen, - Irishka shouted, - this one is also reactive! Tanya and Lenya looked at Irishka and burst out laughing. But Irishka, paying no attention to them, walked around the room in circles and said:
I push the ground back with my feet and it pushes me forward, I push the ground back...
Hooray! shouted Lyonya and Tanya, who finally understood what Irishka wanted to say. It turns out that all machines, belly-
nye and people, when they move, push something back (for example, earth, water, air), while they themselves move forward.
When the children realized this, they made two jet boats. The first has a hole in the back wall of the pipe, into which a thin tube is inserted. If you pour water into a large pipe, it will flow out of a thin tube back and push the steamer forward. At the second boat, the elastic band unwinds the spool of thread, into which several metal feathers from the handle are stuck.
The coil spins and the feathers throw water back. The feathers push the water back, and the water pushes them along with the boat forward.

In the first experiment with bicycles, it is necessary that one of the participants be significantly heavier than the other. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the result will always be the same, regardless of who pushed the bike by hand. Of course, it is very important that both bikes are equally light on the move and that the participants in the experiment do not brake with their feet on the floor. Instead of bicycles, you can take any two identical carts. Very good experience is obtained on the ice rink in winter. In this case, the participants of the experiment become facing each other and push off with their hands. And in this case, the one who is lighter and, therefore, has less inertia, drives off further.
The toys described in the story can be made using drawings. It is good if the children take part in their manufacture.

The children were put to bed. Tanya had already turned off the light and was about to leave, when she suddenly heard a whisper:
- Tanya, aTanya!
- What? Tanya also asked in a whisper.
“Tell me something,” Lenya whispered very plaintively.
- It's too late, Lenechka.
- Tanya, please, - Irishka whispered just as plaintively. Tanya thought for a minute, and then said:
- What should I tell you?
Without turning on the light, she sat down on the bed next to Lena.
- Listen. A long time ago, there lived in the city of Kaluga a teacher of physics and mathematics named Tsiolkovsky. During the day he taught children at school, in the evenings he was engaged in scientific experiments. More than anything, he wanted to visit the moon and other planets. But how to get there? Maybe on foot?
- There is no sidewalk, - Lenya laughed.
- On a steam locomotive?
- There is no railroad!
- On the ship?
- There's no water!
- By plane?
- Isn't it possible? - asked Lenya.
- What are you! There is an airless space, it is empty there! - exclaimed Irishka.
- That's the trouble, - continued Tanya, - that there is nothing in space that could be thrown back to push off and fly forward. And then one day Tsiolkovsky remembered toys, like those that you and I came up with, and invented a space rocket. Hot gases in such a rocket fly down with force and accelerate the heavy rocket up ...
Many years later. I remember very well April 12, 1961. Early in the morning we all learned that for the first time in the world a man named Yuri Gagarin had gone on a space trip. He was the very first astronaut on Earth.
Since then, many people have flown into space. Spacecraft have been to the Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, all propelled by jet engines.

The events described in this story are well known to everyone. Children are very fond of talking about space and space flights, so you will have such conversations more than once, and it is up to you how and in what direction to direct them. The only purpose of the story is to draw the attention of children to the fact that inertia or "laziness" and "stubbornness" of bodies helped people to carry out interplanetary flights. I hope that after reading all the stories, children will be able to understand that almost any movement on Earth and in space is reactive, since both animals and machines always push something back, and this “something” pushes both the animal and the person, and car ahead. An exception to jet propulsion should be considered motion strictly by inertia, when nothing prevents the body from moving and nothing slows down its motion. Obviously, such a movement is impossible anywhere in real space, since the medium slows down the movement of bodies or bends their path. In both cases, the movement becomes reactive, although this is somewhat more difficult to imagine than the simple forms of jet propulsion described in the stories.

Children rode on a sailboat on the lake with their friend Igor. Here Igor says:
I don’t understand something: why does the wind blow us sideways, while our ship sails forward?
And the truth! Lena said. - The wind drives the waves in one direction, and the ship sails in the other.
Why do our ships need sails? Tanya asked.
For beauty, - said Igor.
No one laughed, so no one knew it.
Oh, you sailors, - Tanya smiled. What needs to be done to make the ship sail forward?
We need to throw something back, for example, stones, - Irishka said uncertainly.
Or air, - Tanya added.
And how to throw it back, because it blows us sideways? Lenya was surprised.
This is what the sails are made for, - Tya answered and looked up. - Look, the sails are tilted to the wind, see?
Yes! - the guys answered in unison.
The wind hits such a sail and bounces back. He bounces back, and the ship pushes forward. It's clear?
Yes, - the children answered uncertainly, and it was clear that they did not really understand how the wind blowing sideways to the sails bounces back.
Like a sunbeam from a tilted mirror! - Irishka suddenly guessed.
Like a ball from the wall, - added Lenya, who also understood.
But what if the wind blows from the other side? - Igor did not let up.
It is necessary to turn the sails, - Tanya answered, - for this, ropes are pulled from each sail, which sailors call sheets. Pull the sheet, and the sail will turn in the right direction.
The wind was light, but the sailboat easily ran forward, since she had all the sails and the winds, they captured a lot, captured and directed all this wind back, since they were all turned to the wind in the same way.
Can sails only work on water? - Lenya suddenly asked.
No, everywhere, - Tanya answered.
Summer has passed, autumn has come. A cold autumn wind blew. And in one of these
windy days, a strange car drove into the courtyard of the house where the guys lived. It was a pram with a sail attached to the mast. The result was a dry-YAYO / sensible sailing boat, or, in a scientific way, a “wind-sail-mobile”. The Windsailmobile was small, so they decided to put Igor, the smallest of the children, in it. The “wind-sailmobile” with Igor on board rolled out onto an asphalt road where no cars were driving, waited for a stronger wind to blow,
and let go.
The sail, inflated by the wind, pulled the carriage forward, it ran merrily along the road.
Igor screamed with joy.

Of course, not every reader will take up the construction of a sailboat on which our heroes sailed on the lake, but that's it. not necessarily, as it is no less interesting to control a small toy sailboat. A child will be able to control such a ship on his own, without the help of adults, and this, perhaps, will bring him even greater joy than a walk on a real sailboat. in adults.

Irishka was walking from school, she met Igor on the street. They sat down on a bench in the park. On the roof of the house opposite, a wooden spinner was spinning in the wind. Suddenly, Igor noticed that the turntable was spinning not in the direction of the wind, but across.
- Why does the spinner spin across? - he asked Irishka, who was also looking at the turntable.
- It is necessary to think, - said Irishka and took out a sheet of paper from her briefcase. She folded this sheet crosswise, tore the corners and began to bend them towards the center. It turned out a beautiful paper flower.
- Is there a carnation? - asked Irishka.
- Yes, - Igor answered and gave her a small carnation.
Irishka pierced this flower right in the middle with a carnation. It turned out a paper pinwheel, which many guys know.
Look, - says Irishka, - the wind hits the blade, and it stands obliquely to the wind, so the wind bounces to the side. It bounces itself in one direction, and pushes the turntable in the other, so it starts to spin.
And you can make another turntable, - said Igor. He took two small pieces of paper, attached them to the ends of a stick, and nailed it to another stick. When he raised his pinwheel above his head, it spun merrily. For joy, Igor rushed down the alley, and the spinner spun
In the evening, the children rode bicycles, each bike had a turntable attached to the handlebars. As the bikes rode down the alley, the turntables spun, making the bikes look a bit like airplanes.
Once Tanya, Lenya and Irishka were in the field. Suddenly Lenya stopped dead in his tracks. Everyone looked ahead and immediately understood why Lenya was so surprised. On the horizon, towering on a hill, a windmill flapped its wings. The children wanted to look at her closer, and they hurried to the mill. Coming closer, the guys noticed a small door. They entered it and saw two large wooden wheels with teeth. The logs on which the wheels were fixed spun with a plaintive creak. Below, near a large stone circle, stood
old man.
“Hi,” said the children. - Hello, - the old man answered and smiled, -
what do you say good?
- We walked across the field and saw your mill, we decided to take a closer look, - Tanya answered.
- Well, they did well, - said the old man, - she has been decorating our places for the last few days. You are lucky to have seen it. One of these days it will be taken apart and taken to an open-air museum, otherwise it will fall apart here without supervision.
- And you? - asked Irishka.
- What about me? the old man shrugged. - I last ground flour on it forty years ago, since then there has been no need for it, electricity is now working. Of course, you are interested to see how it works? - asked the old man.
“Yes,” the children replied.
- The most important thing about a windmill is its wings. Wings are such a large pinwheel that rotates under the influence of the wind. The wings set in motion that large log, which enters through the window from the street into the mill. On this log is a gear wheel. The teeth hook into the holes on the second wheel. The second wheel spins and with the help of the second log turns the millstone.
- What? Lenya didn't understand.
- A millstone, - the old man repeated, - a large round stone. There are two millstones in the mill. One is stationary and the other rotates. Millstones are ground with grain, which is poured between them, and flour is obtained. Dough is made from this flour. And bread is made from dough. Now it is clear? - asked the old man.
- I see, - said the children, - thank you!
"Please," smiled the old miller.

Nowadays, few readers will ever see a windmill or a wind turbine. Therefore, it is necessary, apparently, to confine ourselves to the manufacture of turntables. Since the device of the described turntables is not complicated and is clearly visible in the figures, we will not dwell on this in detail. It is important to draw the child's attention to the fact that the spinner rotates perpendicular to the direction of the wind, that is, if the wind, say, blows from north to south, then the spinner rotates in the east-west plane.

Tanya walked along the street with Irishka and Igor. They look - a kite is in the sky, high! high!
I wonder why he takes off? - said Igor. The wind is blowing... - answered Irishka.
The wind is blowing on the ground, and the kite is flying up! Igor almost screamed. Irishka took a piece of paper and said:
Look, the kite is standing obliquely to the direction of the wind. The wind hits him, bounces himself down, and pushes him up.
When the wind hits the lower side of the kite, then a lot of air gathers from below, this air pushes the kite up, - added Tanya.
In the evening, Tanya took out a plywood box, poured pebbles into it - small pebbles that the guys brought from the sea.
Then she took a stick, tied a thread to it like a snake's bridle, and put this stick in a box of pebbles. Tanya tilted the plywood box, the pebbles fell down the bottom of the box, and the wand went up.
Tanya said: Look, all the pebbles have gathered from below,
she presses on the stick, and from this the stick rises.
Indeed, every time Tanya tilted the box and the pebbles fell down, the wand soared up,
like a real kite.
Of course, the best continuation of this story would be building and flying a kite. The figures show several varieties of kites. The frame of the kite is made from a single layer of plywood - veneer. To get from a piece of plywood
veneer strips, you need to soak the plywood, and it will easily delaminate. You can use a piece of plywood soaked in the rain.
When making a bridle, care must be taken to ensure that it is symmetrical, otherwise the kite will turn over during launch.
The tail of the snake is made of braid, bandage or some kind of not too heavy rope. The purpose of the tail is to keep the kite in balance, to stabilize its flight. The stabilizing effect of the tail is due to two reasons. Firstly, it, like the tail of a bird or the tail of an aircraft, is located along the direction of the wind, and secondly, the tail is quite heavy and tries to always be down, while the kite is torn up. If, when launching, the kite is unstable and spins a lot, the tail must be weighted (lengthened or tied to its end with some kind of load). If the tail is heavy, then the kite will rise very slowly or not at all.

1. Why are heavy wheels hard to move? Why is it so hard to stop them once they have accelerated?
2. Why, when heavy and light balls collide, does the light one roll far away, while the heavy one hardly rolls back?
3. Why, when the bus brakes sharply, all passengers lean forward, and the ball, if no one is holding it, can roll through the entire bus?
4. Why can't the driver immediately stop the car if he sees that someone has jumped out onto the road?
5. Repeat the experiment with a weight that is suspended on a thin thread and to which a thick thread is tied from below. Why, if you pull sharply, it is not the thin upper thread that breaks, but the thick lower one?
6. Why, if you hit a flying stick sharply, does it not bounce to the side, but break?
7. Why, when we push a stone one way, does it push us the other way? Which stone will push us harder, light or heavy?
8. What flies out at the back of a jet plane instead of stones? What about the rocket?
9. Why does a person, when he wants to go forward, need to push the earth back?
10. What do birds push down to get up?
11. Why does a gun bounce back when fired?
12. Why does a shower hanging on a flexible hose turn on when turned on?
13. If the sails of the ship could not turn obliquely to the wind, could the ship go past the wind?
14. Look carefully at the picture. Which of the turntables will spin from the wind, and which will not? Why?
15. Why does a kite stand obliquely to the opposite wind?


Tanya, Irishka and Lenya were preparing for the New Year. They put up a Christmas tree, took toys out of the closet.
Suddenly a call.
Igorek! - Irishka shouted and ran to meet him.
Here I am!
Wow, what a beautiful sweater you have! Tanya said.
Igorek looked at his woolen sweater and said:
Beautiful and hot!
And you take it off, - Irishka advised, - it's warm here.
Igor began to take off his sweater, and Tanya helped him.
And why is he yelling so much? Igorek asked, hearing the sweater crackle as he was dragged from above. Tanya took off her sweater and put her finger to Igor's nose. Click! And Igor felt something hit him hard on the nose.
Igor widened his eyes, looked at Tanya, then at Irishka and asked:
Tanya and Irishka laughed, and Lenya, just like Igor, goggled his eyes and mimicked.
What is it that hit me in the nose?
Everyone laughed again, and Igor was the loudest.
Tanya went up to the desk, lifted the glass that lay on it, put two books under it and said to Irishka:
- Narvi smaller papers, and you - she turned to Lena - bring your woolen mittens. Tanya took the papers that Irishka had picked and put them under the glass, then she thought and cut out two little people from the newspaper and put them together with the papers. Tanya tried to see if the glass lay well on the books, took the mittens that Lyonya brought, and began to rub the glass with them. At first nothing happened, but then the papers on the table stirred and began to rise. They stood up so that
with one edge they leaned on the table, and with the other they reached for the glass. One of the little men raised his head and suddenly got to his feet, and almost at the same moment the second little man shuddered and stood on his head. Everyone laughed out loud. And Tanya continued to rub the glass with her mittens. Soon, an unknown force pulled all the papers to him, and both little men stuck to the glass.
Wait! - Irishka screamed. She grabbed a plastic comb and began combing Tanya's hair. After a few minutes, everyone saw that when the comb approaches Tanya's head, the hair itself begins to rise and reach for the comb.
Enough, I don't understand! - said Igor.
Iya, - added Lenya.
You know, - said Irishka, - I read in one book that electricity is generated from friction on glass, it attracts papers to itself. Electricity is different, - continued Tanya, - positive and negative. It turned out positive on the glass, and negative on the pieces of paper. Different electricity is attracted, so the papers jumped up. And if you take the same electricity, will it be repelled? - asked Lenya. Yes, Tanya replied.
I know, we have already done such an experience with dad, - Igor said and ran to the two-inflated rubber balloons that the guys hung in the room for decoration. Igor grabbed both
ball and began to rub them on the top of his head. Then he let them go. The balls bounced off each other to the sides, then flew towards each other, but, a little short of reaching, bounced again. After some time, the balls calmed down and hung as if some invisible person parted them and did not allow them to be touched.
“But I still didn’t understand what clicked on my nose,” Igor said.
“When we took off your sweater,” Tanya explained, “the friction on you and on the sweater turned out to be electricity. You have a lot of electricity, but I didn’t have it at all. So it jumped off your nose on my finger. That electric spark hit you in the nose!
- Did it hurt you? - asked Igor.
- No, the nose hurts more than the finger, - Tanya laughed.
Lenya listened to these conversations, watched the experiments and was silent, as if he was trying to remember something.
- Guys, is lightning also a spark? he finally asked.
- Yes, - Tanya was surprised, - but how did you guess?
“Very likely,” he replied.
- Strange, - said Igor, - but why doesn't the spark crackle?
- It crackles, and how, - Tanya said, - thunder - this is the crackling of lightning.

Synthetic and woolen clothes, hair, plastics are best electrified in winter, when apartments are intensively heated and air humidity is low. In humid air, which partially conducts electricity, the electrostatic charges formed on the surface of the dielectric drain, and electricity cannot accumulate on the surface in sufficient quantities.
Experiments with the electrification of rubber balls tied to long threads are very good. If you electrify one ball, it will stick to surrounding objects; if you electrify two or more balls, they will repel each other, as they will receive the same charges.

Lenya and Tanya were decorating the Christmas tree, Irishka was sitting on the floor and fitting a light bulb with wires to a small cardboard house with windows. Nearby lay a battery from a flashlight.
At one end of the battery was a "+" sign (positive pole)
at the other end - the sign "-" (negative pole). Irishka touched one wire from the light bulb to the positive pole, and the second wire to the negative - the light bulb lit up.
The value “ran” through the bulb from one pole to the other.
Igor saw how Irishka inserted a burning light bulb into the house and how the windows of the house lit up from this. Igor liked it so much that he shouted:
- And I also came up with something, - he grabbed another light bulb with two wires and ran to the outlet, plugged the wires into it. There was a strong click, Igor flew back in surprise and ended up on the floor.
- Is it possible to climb into the outlet! Tanya got angry.
“But there is also electricity,” Igor said guiltily.
- Yes, it's 220 volts there, and a light bulb can withstand only four. It's for the battery!
- And in general can kill! - exclaimed after Tanya Irishka.
- Oh you! Lena added. - Who climbs into the outlet with bare wires! Yes, with bare hands!
Igor felt very ashamed. He remembered that his father had already told him that jokes with electricity could end badly. At this time, Tanya, who had already calmed down a little, went to the outlet and turned on the Christmas tree garland. The tree was lit up with colorful lights.
- Hooray!! the children shouted.
Igor looked at the garland and saw that the wire from the socket came up to the tail of the light bulb, and the second wire went off from it. This posting came up to the tail of the second light bulb, and the third posting departed from it. This posting stretched to the third light bulb. Now electricity was running through many lamps.
check, and each got a little electricity, so the bulbs did not burn out. Meanwhile, Irishka looked at the house under the Christmas tree, in which she hid the light bulb with the battery. The windows were dimly lit.
Why is the light bulb so dim? - Irishka asked Tanya.
Tanya looked at the house and answered:
- The electricity in the battery runs out.
- And what needs to be done so that it does not end? - asked Lenya.
Turn it on for a while. To do this, you need to make a switch.
Tanya took a small board, cut a narrow strip out of the tin and nailed it to the board with a small nail. Then she nailed another carnation to the board. Got a switch. Of course, such a switch is only suitable for a battery. It cannot be plugged into an outlet.
This is clear to everyone!
Tanya went to the house, pulled out a light bulb with a battery, took a new battery and connected the light bulb, switch and battery with wires, as shown in the figure. Electricity runs from the battery through the wiring to the switch and stops as the switch is turned off. Tanya moved the tin to the second carnation, and the electricity ran further to the light bulb. The light bulb immediately lit up.
“Now the battery will last a long time,” Tanya said. - When necessary, we will turn off the light bulb - to save electricity.
- Why are the lights on? - suddenly asked Igor.
- You take a thin wire and connect the poles of the battery with it, - said Tanya.
Igor did just that. Just a second later, he shouted:
Oh! - and threw the wire on the floor.
What's "oops"? Tanya smiled.
It is from electricity that the wire is heated. The wire hair in the light bulb also heats up from electricity, so much so that it starts to glow, ”said Tanya.
That evening, the guys made a lot of toys: the moon, which glowed because it had a light bulb with a battery hidden inside it, stars in the toy sky, houses with luminous windows, an owl with glowing eyes ...
Do not forget that the light bulbs in such toys can only be connected to a battery.

Experiments with electricity of 220 volts should be completely excluded, because the voltage in the mains is life-threatening and without special skills these experiments can lead to an accident.
It is also not worth making a homemade garland for the Christmas tree, since such a garland is a fire hazard. It is best to use factory-made garlands. In order to explain to children how electricity enters the light bulb, it is enough to unscrew it from the socket.
As for toys with a light bulb and a battery, they are completely safe, and it would be nice to make at least some of them. It is very good to provide these toys with switches like the one described in the story.

Lyonya and Igor lit all the lights and toys on the Christmas tree and admired them for a long time. Then Irishka came, went up to the wall, attached a small iron plate and began to put white letters on it. The inscription began to turn out: “Happy New Year ...!” But here's what's weird. Irishka did not smear the letters with glue, did not nail them, did not hook them on anything, but the letters still held on.
- Why do they stick? - asked Igor.
- And there are small magnets, - Lenya answered and, turning one letter upside down, showed Igor.
Indeed, there was a tiny magnet on the back of the letter, and it stuck to the iron plate, and therefore the letters did not fall.
Igor reached into his pocket and said: I also have a magnet!
I have this magnet. - And Tanya showed a magnet with a ring.
- So what, but I have such a magnet! - And Lenya showed everyone a magnet in the shape of a stick.
And I have a magnet. -
And Irishka showed an ordinary needle.
Come on! - Igor snatched a needle from Irishka and applied it to three buttons that were on the table. The buttons remained lying as if nothing had happened.
Yes, he does not attract anything, - said Igor and gave Irishka her "magnet".
Irishka took the needle and rubbed it a little on Tanya's magnet. Then she brought the needle to the buttons and pins lying on the table, and suddenly everyone saw that the needle began to attract these light iron objects to itself! Igor grabbed a small tin and also rubbed it against the magnet. After that, he brought the tin to the buttons, but the buttons lay quietly and did not think of jumping up.
- Why? - asked Igor.
- What "Why"? Tanya asked.
- Why doesn't the tin attract anything?
Tanya examined the needle and the tin and said:
- The needle is made of steel and can become a magnet. Steel is magnetized, and a tin is made of simple iron, it is attracted to a magnet, but it itself is not magnetized. Tanya was silent for a while, and then added:
- By the way, any magnet has two poles: north and south. Different poles attract and like poles repel.
Tanya took her round magnet rings and said:
These magnets have a red north pole and a blue south pole.
After that, she brought the rings to each other with different poles, the magnets stuck to each other with a loud thud. Then Tanya turned one magnet over and began to bring it closer to another, the magnet that was lying on the table began to run away from the one that Tanya was holding. The children laughed: it was very funny to see how the magnet itself runs away from another magnet, although no one touches it.
Lenya asked Tanya for magnets and put them on top of each other with the same poles. Lenya felt well how the magnets were torn out of his hands. Then he suddenly let go of his hand - the top magnet jumped up and fell to the floor with a thud.
Irishka took a pencil, put a magnetic ring on it, and then a second one. Since the magnets were turned to each other with the same poles, they repelled. The lower magnet pressed against the table, and the upper one hung in the air, although no one supported it.
Now guess the riddle, - said Tanya.
She took a saucer, poured water into it, put a magnet in the shape of a stick in the lid of the jar, and put the lid on the water. The lid, along with the magnet, floated in the water.
The children are watching, and the lid turns itself. She turned, swayed several times and stopped so that she was looking out the window with her blue end.
Tanya turned the lid to the side, and she swayed and again pointed at the window with her blue end.
Why does a magnet turn in the same direction? - asked Lenya.
There must be another magnet hidden somewhere, - Igor said.
Look, - suggested Tanya.
The children rushed to look, but found nothing.
Maybe he's somewhere on the street, - said Lenya. That's right, on the street, - Tanya smiled, - this magnet is our globe. It has one pole in the north, in the Arctic, and the other in the south, in Antarctica.
So this is our compass? - asked Irishka.
Is the arrow on a real compass also a magnet? - asked Lenya.
Of course, a magnet, - Tanya answered.

The experiments described in the story are easy to repeat.
It is very interesting to magnetize steel objects. Do not forget that soft iron (for example, tin) is practically not magnetized. It is interesting to experience with a homemade compass. It is clear that for this you will have to use a magnet in the form of a rod. If the experiment with a magnet floating in a saucer does not work out, you can hang the magnet on a string.

Making an electric magnet is very simple. You just need to remember that such a magnet will require an insulated wire. It is best to take a radio wire with varnish insulation for this purpose.
Electromagnets can be used in many children's toys. For example, if instead of a hook, an electromagnet is attached to a crane assembled from a construction kit, then playing with such a crane will become much more interesting.
The device of the telegraph apparatus is clearly visible in the figure. It is only necessary not to forget that on a tin strip, which is attracted by an electromagnet, a piece of soft iron or a strip of tin folded in 5-10 layers is fixed directly above the magnet. This is necessary so that the strip with the pencil is more strongly attracted by the magnet.

1. Why, when you take off a sweater or blouse made of synthetic or woolen yarn in the dark, sometimes sparks are visible and crackling is heard?
2. Why does crackling sound when combing clean, dry hair with a plastic comb?
3. What is lightning?
Why does an electric light bulb shine?
Why are switches needed?
6. Why can't a homemade toy be plugged into an electrical outlet?
7. What objects does a magnet attract? What objects cannot be attracted by a magnet?
8. What is a compass needle?
9. Why does the compass needle point north at one end and south at the other?

Two years have passed... Irishka and Lenya went to their parents in Kamchatka. Now they live on the Pacific coast and sometimes write letters to me.
From these letters, I learned that Irishka became interested in meteorology and already predicts the weather very well. Lenya decided to circumnavigate the world on a makeshift sailing ship. I don’t know, however, whether he will succeed, because the Pacific Ocean is not a lake!
Igor didn't go anywhere. Recently, his parents bought him a telescope, and he is engaged in astronomy. He says that it is even more interesting than physics.
A few months after the departure of Irishka and Leni, Tanya graduated from the conservatory and became a conductor. Now she works in another city and also writes letters to me.
Of course I miss my friends.
And when I feel very sad, I take Physics for Toddlers from the shelf and remember the fun times when we were all together.

Book text recognition from images (OCR) - creative studio BK-MTGC.

The program of classes in the circle "Physics for kids"

(for older preschool children)

Performer: educator MADOU No. 59



Explanatory note.

What I hear - I forget.

What I see - I remember.

What I do - I understand.

Throughout preschool childhood, along with play activities, cognitive activity, which takes place in the form of experimental actions, is of great importance in the development of the child's personality, in the processes of socialization. As he proved, deprivation of the opportunity to experiment, constant restrictions on independent activity at an early and preschool age lead to serious mental disorders that persist for life, negatively affect the development and self-development of the child, and the ability to learn in the future. It is experimentation that is one of the leading activities in young children. For a child, the final result is important - the creation of a database about the world. And he strives to achieve it at any cost.

It is no secret to anyone that a preschooler is by nature a researcher. Conscious experimentation as a way of knowing the world, starting at about the age of five, persists throughout life. That is why he is involved in the research search almost constantly. This is his normal, natural state. Already at a younger preschool age, learning about the world around him, the child strives not only to examine the object, but also to touch it with his hands, tongue, sniff, knock. At an older age, many children think about such physical phenomena as water freezing in winter, why a light bulb lights up, what everything is made of, etc. In everyday life, children often experiment with various substances themselves, trying to learn something new. But the danger of such “amateur activity” lies in the fact that the preschooler is not yet familiar with the laws of mixing substances, elementary safety rules. The experiment, specially organized by the teacher, is safe for the child and at the same time introduces the various properties of the surrounding objects, the laws of the life of nature and the need to take them into account in one's own life. The value of a real experiment, in contrast to a mental one, lies in the fact that the sides of an object or phenomenon of reality hidden from direct observation are visually revealed; develops the child's ability to define a problem and independently choose ways to solve it; a subjectively new product is created.

Experimentation has always been considered an effective way of teaching children. And, probably, the way out is in one thing - in the wide introduction of the method of organized and controlled children's experimentation at home and in kindergarten, individual and collective, in all types of activities.

Communicating with children of my age group, I noted that children are interested in why it snows in winter and rains in summer, why a light bulb is on, why not all objects are attracted to a magnet, etc. Children have a lot of questions that they cannot answer on their own give an answer. In order to maintain interest in experimental activities, to expand the knowledge of children, I decided to open a "School of Wizards", where in the joint research activities of an adult with children (experiments, experiments), the child will be given the opportunity to study the world around him, make his own discoveries and inventions.

Set a goal:

Creation of conditions for the development of search and cognitive activity of children aged 5-7 as the basis of intellectual, personal, creative development.

The development in preschool children of the prerequisites for dialectical thinking, that is, the ability to see the diversity of the world in a system of interconnections and interdependencies, which, in turn, contributes to the manifestation of creative abilities.

2. Development of one's own cognitive experience in a generalized form with the help of visual aids (standards, symbols, conditional substitutes, models).

3. Expanding the prospects for search and cognitive activity by including children in mental, modeling, transforming actions.

4. Maintaining children's initiative, ingenuity, inquisitiveness, independence, evaluative and critical attitude to the world.

The program "Physics for kids" was made taking into account children's interests and opportunities. The program is based on methodological recommendations for conducting classes using experimentation, and methodological developments "Organization of experimental activities of preschoolers", "Children's experimentation", "Unexplored nearby". The program is designed for children aged 5 to 7 years. To study the cognitive abilities of children, I use the methods "Little Explorer" edited, "Choosing Activities", "Joys and Sorrows" edited.

In other words, this program is not an artificial superstructure, and therefore it naturally and organically integrates into a holistic pedagogical process.

Classes with children are held once a week, lasting 20 minutes. A total of 32 classes per year. Diagnostics was carried out 2 times a year: introductory - October, final May. To study the cognitive abilities of children, I use the methods "Little Explorer" edited, "Choosing Activities", "Joys and Sorrows" edited. What allows you to draw conclusions about how children are able to observe, ask questions, classify, draw conclusions and conclusions, prove and defend their ideas.

In this program, a series of classes has been developed on the topics: “What is everything made of?” (acquaintance with glass, plastic, iron, paper); acquaintance with the physical phenomena "Properties of water", "Magnetism", "Electricity". A feature of the course is the allocation of special time for classes in the "School of Wizards" circle, aimed at developing the basic skills and abilities necessary in a research search.

Subject - information

Active - communicative


September - November



accumulation from

children specific

ideas about the properties of water (pouring, flowing, transparent, pure water has no taste, etc.)

Draw conclusions based on

acquired knowledge about the properties of water. Explain the change in aggregate

the state of water under the influence of temperature

be able to carry out and

explain experiences during

which reveal the properties of water. Be able to

put forward hypotheses

compare and do

Understandable to others

Express your thoughts

December - February







accumulation in children

concrete ideas about

magnet and its properties:

attract metal objects, scope (collect pins scattered on the floor, determine the direction of the path using a compass, the tape recorder is equipped with a magnetic head, etc.)

Learn to draw your own conclusions

practical experience with

magnet. Learn to define

what objects are attracted to a magnet

Learn to use

received information

March - May


Introduce children

with the concept



current, static electricity

Form in children

an idea about the device of a socket, switch, plug, structure of wires, light bulb, device of electrical appliances; creating static electricity

be able to install

cause of occurrence

static electricity,

collect the simplest

electrical circuit

Know measures


interactions with


W activities in the circle "Physics for kids" (senior preschool age)

Unregulated activity



Lesson "What is it like water"

Purpose: to introduce children to the properties of water: it pours, flows, is transparent, some substances dissolve in it, boils at a temperature of 100, freezes at 0

Work in the experimental laboratory

"Three states of water"

Purpose: to explain the change in the state of aggregation of water under the influence of temperature

Lesson - journey "Journey" droplets "in nature"

Purpose: to introduce children to the water cycle in nature

Final lesson, KVN

Purpose: to summarize the knowledge gained about the properties of water

Thematic exhibition in the corner of the book on the topic "Water"

Making the necessary equipment for experiments with children and parents (colored ice cubes, water carousel)

Observations and experiments with snow, water, ice in the kindergarten.

Reading literature of cognitive content with subsequent discussion

With water, snow, ice.

Purpose: to identify the place of the research

activities in the system of value orientations of preschoolers.


Practical lesson "We are magicians"

Purpose: to teach children to highlight objects interacting with a magnet.

Production of a magnetic theater based on the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man".

Purpose: to explain the action of magnetic forces, to use knowledge to create pictures.

Reading literature of cognitive content: Sikoruk for kids, Dietrich A.

Blanks of fairy-tale characters for the theater on magnets

Independent activity of children in the corner of experimentation

Making a theater on magnets


Lesson "Invisible Worker"

Purpose: to introduce children to the concepts of "electricity", "electric current"

Laboratory work "Wizards"

Target; to establish the cause of the occurrence of static electricity, to identify the interaction of two electrified bodies

Practical lesson "Why the light bulb glows"

Purpose: to help children understand the principle of operation of electrical appliances

KVN "In the world of electricity"

Purpose: to summarize the knowledge gained on this topic.

Didactic games: "Our helpers", "Electricity is a friend, electricity is an enemy", "You need to know this"

Independent activity of children in the corner of experimentation

Method "little explorer"

Purpose: to explore the materials preferred by children in the process of experimentation, to identify the degree of stability of interests.



Qualitative components of education









accumulation in children of specific ideas

about signs and properties

Draw conclusions based on the knowledge gained about the properties of glass

To be able to conduct and explain experiments during which the properties of glass are revealed

Understandable to others

Express your thoughts. Know the safety precautions

interactions with

October November



the accumulation in children of specific ideas about the signs and properties of metal

Be able to reason, compare results

checks, observe

Be able to hypothesize

compare and draw conclusions.

Learn to use



December - January


Introduce children to the properties of plastic

Be able to draw conclusions based on the knowledge gained about plastics

Learn to do it yourself

conclusions based on practical experience with plastics. Be able to

examine objects with

different parties, identify dependencies

develop friendly

February March


Introduce children to the properties of wood

Contribute to the expansion of children's knowledge about the properties of the tree

Be able to draw conclusions based on previously acquired knowledge

Be able to negotiate with each other to solve a common problem

April May


Introduce children to the properties of paper

Be able to draw conclusions based on the knowledge gained about the properties of paper

Learn to draw conclusions on the basis of practical actions with paper

Develop a sense of mutual assistance

Handmade world.


Regulated activity

not regulated



Lesson "Transparent Miracle"

Target; introduce children to the signs and properties of glass (hardness, brittleness, surface structure)

Plot - role-playing game "Shop of glass items"

Target; create conditions for expanding children's ideas about the properties and qualities of glass, cultivate accuracy when working with glass

Thematic exhibition in the corner of experimentation "Transparent Miracle"

Making the necessary instruments for experiments by parents and children

Observations and experiments with glass

Independent activity of children in the corner of experimentation

Method "Joys and Sorrows"


Plot - role-playing game "At the exhibition of metals"

Target; introduce children to the signs and properties of metal (surface structure, hardness, strength), develop children's speech, activating their vocabulary

Lesson "Where did the metal come from"

Target; introduce children to the metallurgical enterprises of the city, continue to develop the cognitive activity of children

Thematic exhibition in the experimental corner "City of Masters"

Didactic game "Well - guess guess"

Observations and experiments with metal

Excursions; to the Yuzhnaya mine, to the museum on the theme "Our quarry"

Method "little explorer"

Exhibition of children's drawings on the topic.


Lesson - a journey on the topic "Plastic Fairy Tale"

Target; to promote the assimilation of children's ideas about the properties and qualities of plastic, to develop the ability to examine objects

Role-playing game Shop of plastic toys»

Target; to form in children ideas about objects that satisfy the needs of the child in work, play, productive activity

Target; to consolidate the knowledge that children have about the properties and qualities of glass, metal, plastic, to develop the ability to negotiate with a friend to solve a common problem, to enrich the vocabulary of children

Thematic exhibition in the experimental corner "Types of plastics"

Independent activity of children in the corner of experimentation

Experimenting with plastic

Exhibition of children's drawings

"My favorite plastic toy"


Lesson - travel "The Adventures of Pinocchio"

Target; to update children's knowledge about the properties and qualities of a tree, to develop the ability to examine objects, to cultivate a desire to help others

Musical living room "On a visit to nesting dolls"

Target; help clarify and consolidate ideas about the types and properties of a tree, encourage children to put forward hypotheses, develop the ability to compare, draw conclusions

Independent activity of children in the corner of experimentation

Conducting experiments and experiments with wood

Thematic exhibition in the experimental corner

Didactic game "Sinking, not sinking"

Exhibition of children's drawings on the theme "Matryoshka"

Method "Joys and Sorrows"

Target; identify the place of research activity in the system of value orientations of preschoolers


Lesson - travel "Paper Kingdom"

Target; to form ideas in children about the properties and qualities of paper, to develop the ability to express their thoughts clearly for others, to enrich the vocabulary of children

Workshop "Masterilki"

Target; show children how to make various toys out of paper: develop accuracy when working with paper

Final lesson "Visiting Dunno"

Target; to expand the existing knowledge of children about the qualities and properties of paper, wood: to develop the ability of children to plan their activities

Thematic exhibition in the corner of experimentation "The World of Paper"

Didactic game "Try to guess"

Independent activity of children in the corner of experimentation

Opening of a workshop where they will be made;

"The house I live in"

"Sun Hat"

"Travel Boat"

"Car of the Future"

Exhibition of children's paper works

Method "little explorer"

Purpose: to explore the materials preferred by children in the process of experimentation, to identify the degree of stability of the child's interests

By attending optional classes "Physics for Toddlers, children know that


Water is necessary for a person to maintain the cleanliness of the body and housing, for cooking. For human health

clean water is needed.

The importance of water for the life of plants, animals, humans. They know that the water in our homes comes from the Turin reservoir. National economic value of water.


Know how to safely operate electrical appliances.

They get acquainted with the work of the power plant - this is the source of current entering our homes. The source of electricity supplied to our homes is the N. Turin hydroelectric power station.


Know how to safely handle glass.


They know about the enterprises of the city (KZPV, Volkovsky mine, Severnaya mine) that are engaged in the extraction and processing of ore.


Van Cleve J. "200 Experiments" / Transl. From English John Killy & Size, 1995.

Dietrich A., Yurman G., "Why". M, 1992.

Craig A., Rosni K., "Science Encyclopedia" M. 1994

, "Entertaining tasks and experiments." Yekaterinburg, 1995

"Physics for kids". M. 1983

"Children's Experimentation". Moscow, 2003 "Organization of experimental activities of preschoolers" M., 2003.

, "The unknown is near". M., 2005

"Children's experimentation - the way of knowing the world around." Vladimir, VOIUU, 2001.

"Combined experimentation of preschoolers with a multi-connected object - a "black box"". Questions of psychology. 1990 No. 5.

Matyushkin A. M. "Problem situations in thinking and learning". Moscow, 1972.


Abstracts of classes.

What is everything made of? Three states of matter and water.

Target. The development of children's curiosity, their ability to compare, analyze, generalize, establish cause-and-effect relationships and draw conclusions.


- develop elementary ideas about what bodies are made of and how they can change;

To acquaint children with the concepts of "solid body", "liquid", "gas" and their difference from each other;

Using water as an example, explain that matter exists in three states.

Material and equipment:

- tinted liquid in a transparent glass;

Water, ice in molds;

alcohol lamp;

Schemes for the construction of matter in the solid, liquid and gaseous state Experiments:

1. Pour water into ice cube trays and freeze it in the refrigerator or outside on a frosty day.

2. Simulation of three states of matter:

Holding hands tightly, snuggle up to each other, depict particles of a solid body;

Easily holding hands, stand at a short distance from each other - "liquid";

Freely spread throughout the group, like "gas".

3. Two children (one with gloves, the other not) are invited to pick up ice cubes and watch how the ice melts and turns into water. Compare who will melt the ice faster. Find the cause of ice melting and different melting rates.


Water spills because its particles, although connected to each other, are not as strong as in solids.

The particles of salt in the water are distributed among the particles of water, and they become invisible, but they have not gone anywhere, so the water is salty.

Theme “Liquid. Properties of water.

Target. To develop the cognitive interest of the child in the process of experimenting with water.


6. Take a glass of clean water and smell it. Does she have a smell?

7. Pour some water into a plate and heat it on the flame of an alcohol lamp. What happened? Where did the water from the bowl go? What property of water was discovered?

8. Draw up diagrams of the experiments done.


1. The first property of water: pushes out lighter objects.

2. It is easier to swim in salt water, because the body is supported not only by water, but also by particles of salt dissolved in it.

3. If you put pebbles into a glass of water, the water level rises. This means that water flows around the pebbles, and does not penetrate into them.

4. As a result of the dissolution of sugar, salt, manganese crystals in water, solutions are obtained (sweet, salty, manganese). We discovered another property of water: a solvent.

5. Comparison of the liquid of water and oil showed that oil is a more viscous liquid.

6. Clean water is odorless, tap water smells like bleach, soda smells like berries, etc. So the water may or may not have an odor. The smell is given to it by various substances dissolved in it.

7. If you pour some water into a plate and heat it up, the water will evaporate and turn into gas. We found that when heated, a liquid turns into a gas.

8. It is difficult to find a place on earth where there would be no water. Water is everywhere and not only in the oceans and seas, in rivers and lakes. Water is also found in the earth. In any stone, in its smallest cracks, there is water. There is a lot of water in living organisms - in every plant, in every animal. Water makes up more than half of the body by weight. There is also water in the air. Water is used by man for drinking and washing, for irrigating fields, orchards and orchards. A lot of water goes into production. Water wealth must be preserved and protected.

Theme "Gas. Air Properties»

Target. Development of the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships based on an elementary experiment and draw conclusions.


- to clarify the concepts of children that air is not "invisible", but a real-life gas;

To expand children's ideas about the importance of air in human life;

To form children's ideas about oxygen and carbon dioxide;

Clarify ideas about the importance of plants in the life of the planet, develop ecological consciousness.


3. Inflate a flat bike tire. What made her resilient?

4. Experience "Bubbles - rescuers." Fill a glass three-quarters full with carbonated water and immediately throw in small pieces of plasticine. The pieces should be the size of rice grains. Wait a bit and watch. Explain the results.

5. Explain why the swimming circle is filled with air?

6. Put the plastic bottle in the refrigerator. When it cools down, put a balloon on its neck. Place the bottle in a bowl of hot water. What happens to the ball and why?

7. Attach a small piece of paper to the bottom of the glass with a piece of plasticine. Turn the glass over, lower it into a basin of water. The sheet of paper is dry. Explain why.

8. Games with balloons and soap bubbles.


1. Air is not "invisible". Its movement can be felt by fanning in the heat with a fan.

2. An empty bottle is not empty - there is air in it. When the bottle is lowered into a basin of water, the air bubbles rise to the surface because the gas is lighter than the liquid.

3. A bicycle tire is inflated with air, and it is he who makes it elastic. Bubbles form on the plasticine. Pieces of plasticine rise to the surface, turn over and again go to the bottom, where bubbles begin to cling to them again, but in larger numbers. Soda contains carbon dioxide, which creates bubbles. At first, plasticine balls sink because their weight is greater than the buoyancy force. Gas bubbles are like small balloons. They reduce the weight of plasticine so that it can float to the surface. At the surface, the bubbles burst, carbon dioxide mixes with the surrounding air, and the plasticine balls again go to the bottom, where a large number of bubbles again stick to them.

4. The circle for swimming is filled with air, because the gas is lighter than liquid, which means it will support the circle, and with it the person on the surface of the sea or river.

5. The balloon begins to inflate, because the gas in the balloon warms up and expands, the air in the balloon becomes crowded. Gas expands when heated and contracts when cooled.

6. The air that was in the glass did not allow the sheet of paper to get wet. So the glass is not empty, but filled with air.

7. Playing with balloons and soap bubbles proves that the air is light. Balls easily bounce up, and soap bubbles can be moved even just by breathing.

Theme "Interaction and transition of matter from one type to another (heating and cooling, combustion, water cycle in nature)".

Target. To develop the logical thinking of children, cognitive activity, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships.


Demonstrate to children how water heats up, how heat circulates in a room, and lead to an independent conclusion about the water cycle in nature;

To consolidate ideas about the expansion of bodies when heated and the use of this property by a person;

Encourage children to reason about the benefits of expanding bodies when heated (in a thermometer) and its possible danger;

- to clarify children's ideas about burning, to remind them of the need to always follow safety rules;

To form children's ideas that warm air rises;

Improve the speech of children, broaden their horizons, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships


1. Put an open plastic bottle in the refrigerator. When it is cool enough, put a balloon on its neck. Then put the bottle in a bowl of hot water. What happens to the ball and why?

2. Measure the temperature of hot and cold water. Explain how a thermometer works.

3. Light a match, a candle, examine the flame. What is left of the fire? Explain the danger of fires.

4. Lower and raise the burning candle in the opening of the open door. Explain why the flame of a candle deviates towards the bottom of the room, and at the top - towards the street.

5. Name the main types of precipitation. Why does it snow in winter and rain in summer? What happens to snow in spring? Where does the water that falls on the ground go?


1. When the water and air in the bottle are heated, the ball itself begins to inflate. This means that when heated, the body expands.

2. The thermometer works on the principle of thermal expansion.

3. As a result of burning, coal remained from the match, the candle melted and the paraffin dripped. After burning leaves, paper, ash also remains. Fire is dangerous during a fire, it destroys houses, even cities. In the hearth, fire brings warmth and comfort.

4. Cold air in the room goes down and spreads along the floor, while warm air rises up, so the candle deviates down into the room, and up towards the room.

5. From the surface of the oceans, seas, rivers and land, water turns into a light invisible vapor and rises. But the higher from the surface of the Earth, the colder the air, and the water vapor cools down, turns into the smallest droplets of water or the smallest pieces of ice. They form clouds. From the clouds, water in the form of snow or rain falls back to the Earth's surface. On land, this water replenishes the rivers, and the rivers carry it to the ocean. So on earth there is a constant cycle of water in nature.

Topic "Magnet and its properties"

Target. The development of the cognitive activity of the child in the process of getting to know the hidden properties of the magnet.


Introduce children to the concept of "magnet", "magnetism":

To form ideas about the properties of a magnet:

To update children's knowledge about the use of the properties of a magnet by a person.


1. « Draws a magnet. This experiment demonstrates the pattern that magnetic fields form around magnets of various shapes.

Pour iron filings into a paper cup. Put the magnets on the table. Cover the magnets with a piece of paper. Sprinkle a thin layer of iron filings on the paper. Consider the resulting patterns.

2. "Soaring plane". Show the children how to use a magnet to hang a paper airplane in the air.

Cut a wing 3 cm long from a napkin. Pierce it with a pin in the middle to make an airplane. Tie a thread to the pin head. Put the magnet on the edge of the table so that one end of it goes beyond the edge, and put the airplane on this end. Slowly pull the thread until the plane hangs in the air. What happened?


1. A magnetic field is the space around a magnet in which magnetic attraction affects the movement of metal objects. Getting there, the iron filings are attracted to the magnet - the closer, the stronger. A round magnet has the same field on all sides, but at the ends of a rectangular magnet it is always stronger than in the middle.

2. The aircraft stays in the air as long as it is close to the magnet. The attractive force of a magnet depends on how ordered the magnetic clusters of atoms are, which behave like small magnets. Before the pin touched the magnet, the atoms in the pin were in disorder. The number of atoms that gather in groups and line up in a straight line in a pin depends on the strength of the magnet. Like a magnet, a pin has the properties of a magnet. They are attracted to each other with enough force to overcome the earth's gravity and force the plane to be in a "suspended" state.

Theme “Electric current. Types of electricity.

Target. The development of cognitive activity of children in the process of acquaintance with the phenomenon of electricity.


Introduce children to the concept of "electricity", electric current;

Explain the nature of lightning;

To form the basics of safety when interacting with electricity.


1. Rub the balloon against your hair. What happened?

2. "Electric comb". Measure and cut off a strip of paper (7 * 20 cm) from a napkin. Cut long thin strips on paper, leaving the edge untouched. Comb quickly (hair should be clean and dry). Bring the comb close to the paper strips, but do not touch them.

3. Click. The experiment is carried out in order to acquaint children with the fact that charged particles make sound. Cut a strip from the napkin (3 * 20 cm). Attach the paper clip to the table with plasticine so that it is in a vertical position. Wrap the wool around the plastic and quickly pull the plastic through the fabric. Do this three times. Quickly bring the piece of plastic up to the top of the paperclip. What will you hear?


1. Hair rises - electrified .

2. Paper strips reach for the comb. When we comb our hair, the charged particles seem to be erased from the hair and fall on the comb. The half of the comb that touched the hair received a charge. The paper strip is attracted to the comb because it also has a charge.