Nursery rhymes for February 23

There is a special day in February
Most important for men
And so today
We hasten to congratulate them.

May everything be nice for you
Family harmony, reliable rear,
What would every day good luck
And he promised you victory!

Our beautiful kindergarten
All the Defenders are so happy!
Congratulations to everyone with a smile
Wants to be brave!

Don't be shy and don't give up
And if necessary, then - to fight,
So that there is peace throughout the planet,
They lived happily so that the children!

Brothers, grandfathers and dads
Congratulations on the holiday!
We have them the best
We wish them happiness!
To become heroes for us
We need to take examples from them!

We congratulate you on the holiday
Grandfathers, beloved dads!
On the day of male goodness and happiness
We want to wish them.

They will always help us
We will be given good advice.
We wish you men
Long and wonderful years.

Congratulates brothers, dads
Our favorite kindergarten
Happy twenty-third of February
Very friendly and loving!

You are the heroes in our life
There is no you more devoted and more beautiful,
There is no more courageous and honest
There are no loved ones and relatives!

And the heart says
For Grandfathers to say a word,
Hug them very tightly
And wish you good health!

Dad, you protect us
You protect from enemies
From misfortune and from evil,
We want you well!
Be always cheerful and cheerful
You are the only one in the world!

We congratulate together
You - the defenders of the country!
You - Russia guarded,
They kept the honor of a soldier,
you saved for us
Our land from war!

The sun is shining over me
And the sky is calm
Even children know this
The Defender protects us.

To all those who protect us
Who does not sleep for us at night,
We wish you much happiness
And health like granite!

Children in our kindergarten
real soldiers,
Playing war all day long
We girls are protected.

We want to congratulate them
WITH important holiday male,
Let them grow faster
Keep peace and happiness!

In our garden today
We congratulate guys.
All boys are men
Everyone is a future soldier.

Let them eat more porridge
To grow strong.
After all, they are in the army later
Still to go.

Gathered today in the hall
The whole crowd we are not in vain,
We celebrate Defender's Day.
Since February 23!

I wish you all peace, happiness,
Laughter, joy, love,
Live in a beautiful, kind world,
Let there be no war!

Here we are guys:
Let's grow up - let's go to the soldiers!
Let's be strong, skillful,
Let's be strong and brave
One word - daring
Like grandfathers and fathers!

February 23 - we all celebrate
On this day - defenders,
All of us - congratulations:
Those who are far away at sea
Those on the border
The ones that fly
In the sky like birds!

Serving in the army - soldiers,
They are brave guys:
All are mighty, all are strong,
Everything is protection for the country!
And we'll grow up soon
Also, let's go to the army!

To all the defenders of the country
We dedicate songs!
And the words of love, we will not hide,
Dedicated to our heroes!
We will be friends with them
Let's serve our country!

So that all dreams come true
So that things only go uphill.
Only you are in charge in the house
There is, of course, no dispute here.

There is one very important holiday,
The whole country celebrates him
And in every family without fail
Men are congratulated on this day.

What is this holiday, you ask.
I'll tell you not melting at all,
What is number twenty-three
Month of February.

We congratulate grandfather and father
And say these words:
- Let our Fatherland be famous!
Glory to the defenders! Hooray!

All boys need sports
Courage and bravery.
To grow up to be a hero
Be like dad!

Be like grandfather and brother
Strong and healthy.
To make mom happy
Son like this!

I will be like my dad
Protect the land of peace
I will serve my country
I will be useful!

To a cunning enemy of a stranger
Didn't dare to walk the wall
To Russia, my mother -
I will uphold her honor!

We live, we don't know wars,
We are guarded by soldiers
From misfortune, from trouble,
Thanks to them for their hard work:
In the cold, in the rain, in the heat and heat
There - on guard - private!

I want to be a soldier
I want to protect the border
To a vicious enemy over her
Wouldn't be circling a black bird!

I want to be a soldier
I want to protect the open spaces
Russian mother earth,
Her rivers, herbs, mountains!

The boys are rushing to grow up
And join the army - go together,
To protect everyone from war,
To protect the Motherland!

We congratulate you today.
You are our pride and example.
Be strong like you dream
And do a lot of good deeds.

It's not easy being a protector.
We wish you not to get tired,
So that you can day and night
Protect your native land.

This day is full of reasons
To congratulate all men!
And boys and boys
Relatives and friends!

We need defenders
May the world be without war!
With respect and love
We wish you good health!

sunrises and sunsets,
Plains and fields
Our world is so big
And it was not created in vain.

Under our peaceful skies
Life is easy for everyone
Defenders of the Fatherland,
We appreciate you highly!

There is an important holiday in February
All boys and men.
We wish you strength, courage,
And don't fight for no reason!

Always protect us
And don't be offended.
Let the earth be peaceful
Since February 23!

On a calendar page
Twenty third of February.
Dad, grandfather and brother
Happy Soldier's Day!

You are the defenders of the country
You are brave and strong
You are the sons of the Fatherland.
I wish you happiness!

I congratulate daddy
Since February 23.
The most important thing in life will be
He is an example for me.

He is our brave defender,
For me - always a hero.
Let healthy, strong, strong
My dad will be forever.

A soldier stands at his post
Protects all children
Protects the entire country.
May he always be lucky.

Happiness to everyone, good luck,
Fulfill your tasks
And don't lose courage
We are well protected.

From our boys too
Heroes will rise.
We wish the guys
Fighting mood.

Nothing to be afraid
Brave to be
In the future - we were protected,
Known for courage!

You stand up for us
Resist fear.
And we are not afraid
And we are always proud of you!

All men are heroes
They are brave and courageous
We congratulate them today
Happy national holiday.

We wish you happiness and health,
Fearlessness and a lot of strength
So that wars do not disturb you
And there was peace in the country beloved!

For there to be no war
Everyone needs defenders
To protect the borders
And they defended their people!

And, of course, in their honor,
There is a holiday in this life:
He is courageous and glorious,
For the defenders, he is the main one!

Today is the holiday of all men
And growing boys!
Quietly, we want to live in the world,
No bruises or bumps.

So that in the sky we are always clean
The sun shone brightly.
And the tenderness of its rays
Begged us at the window.

We want to say thank you -
Fathers, grandfathers and brothers -
And give you from the bottom of my heart
Good, warm hugs.

Defenders of the Fatherland,
Accept congratulations,
We wish you endless
You happiness and luck!

You are strong and brave
In everything an example for us,
All children appreciate, love,
And they respect you!

Every child should know poems about February 23 in order to congratulate dad, grandfather and even their boy friends on Defender of the Fatherland Day. With small verses about February 23 for children, you can sign a postcard or themed coloring book when preparing for a holiday in a kindergarten or school.

Not only mothers on March 8, but also fathers on February 23 are waiting for a holiday, family attention, a delicious table, and, of course, a gift, but always with all my heart. Whatever gift, large or simply symbolic, you choose, you can add zest to the congratulation by reading the rhyme by heart. We have prepared a collection of just such wonderful poems about February 23 for you.

    February 23 - a winter day, wonderful,
    February 23 - there will be dancing, songs!
    February 23 - we will dance, take a walk,
    February 23 - congratulations to dad!
    February 23 - a holiday, begin,
    February 23 - dad, smile!

    Kirill Avdeenko

    In men great holiday

    Men have a great holiday
    Men have a great day
    Even though the sun is almost invisible
    The lilac does not bloom all around,

    Let snow, icicles, wind,
    But such a blessing
    All the men in this world
    Simply, congratulations!

    We wish everyone only happiness,
    And we also wish
    To make life beautiful
    Were sweet dreams!

    Kolesnik Olga

    Happy holiday, our dear boy!
    Happy man and country defenders day!
    Nonsense that you are still too small
    For us, years, for congratulations, are not important!

    We wish you much happiness
    May you live happily and grow up.
    And a bold act overnight,
    He became a brave and courageous hero!

    Tanya Larina

    You are my hero and knight
    You are Superman, I'm not kidding.
    You are the best prince in the world,
    I want to congratulate you.

    After all, this holiday is yours by right -
    Day 23 February.
    From hooligans I know for sure
    You can save me.

    Like Don Quixote from evil dragons
    You are ready to protect me
    Love, good luck and health
    I want to wish you.

    Marina Golovko

    You are a young fighter

    You are a young fighter, you are not afraid of obstacles
    And you amaze everyone with courage.
    Protector of the family, real soldier,
    You know and know a lot.

    I wish you this February day
    Become stronger and wiser
    So that dad and mom love you
    And tears forgot eyelashes!

    You will grow up the most courageous, believe me
    And conquer all the oceans
    And you will live life without shame and loss,
    After all, all your plans will come true!

    Olga Teplyakova

    Holiday of real men

    Real men have a holiday in the world:
    Adults know about it, all children know about it.
    Prepare gifts, words of congratulations,
    In verse they glorify him as best they can.

    And we will grow up, we will be just like dads,
    To warm all relatives with your love.
    We will become strong and we will be as it should
    To serve the homeland of their peaceful life.

    Natalia Faleva

    Calm our great country

    Calm our great country,
    Reliable protection of vast expanses.
    Loud defenders have names -
    Kutuzov, Nakhimov, Budyonny, Suvorov...

    And a holiday today, through many years
    For those who protect comfort and peace,
    Who made an unbreakable vow to the Motherland,
    Holy traditions multiply.

    Ilya Vardiev

    Parade on TV!
    The fighters follow the row,
    Aligning the ranks!
    Someday I will pass
    typing steps,
    Let friends admire
    And the enemies frown!

    R. Aldonina

    Future defenders

    Present day
    Try to remember
    And keep it in your heart.

    You are strong, you are brave
    And the treacherous enemy
    Afraid to approach you.

    And there is more in life
    big things,
    Where is your honor
    I didn't call for myself
    You boldly go
    Get your spear ready!
    Fight for your loved ones
    For your happiness!

    I. Grosheva

    Defenders of the Fatherland

    Defenders of the monastery.
    Brave fighters.
    And brave knights.
    Dashing braves.

    The dark forces are victorious.
    No titles or names.
    Fatherland servants.
    Soldiers of all times.

    For you, nice guys!
    So that there is no war!
    You are our main strength!
    You are the army of the country!

    Girls congratulate boys

    Our boys with a holiday
    Congratulations to the whole class.
    And cute ugly
    We wish you courage!

    After all, soon we will grow up
    You will go to the army.
    Honor to defend your country,
    Who is in the sky, who is in the fleet.

    In the meantime, in your studies
    We wish you decent growth
    So that life is divided in half,
    Super and great!

    Tanya Larina

    School is buzzing today, having fun

    The school is buzzing today, having fun.
    Something has to happen
    After all, the twenty-third number in February -
    A big holiday, the day of men on earth!

    Boys, youths and first-graders -
    Everyone here is masculine.
    Can easily protect girls
    And without offense, even jokes to forgive.

    They will not crush water in a mortar,
    The teacher can quickly help ...
    Knights everywhere and cavaliers.
    Oh, every day would be such manners!