Graceful physique. Thinness by nature - ectomorph

There are 3 main body types: 1. Thin-boned (asthenic) body type. In women with this body type, the limbs are long, the bones are thin, the neck is also long and thin, the muscles are relatively poorly developed. As a rule, representatives of the thin-boned type are light in weight; they are active, active and even

Choosing a diet, any woman hopes to become more attractive, to please others, to get a chance to climb the corporate ladder. By setting a goal, you can put up with some food restrictions, and then they will not seem debilitating. But first you should still find out what result you need to strive for.

Ideal figure - ideal weight

First of all, you will have to buy scales in order to find out your real weight with their help. Only after that it will be possible to determine how many kilograms to get rid of. True, there are situations when you have to increase the weight to get the perfect figure. After all, people differ from each other not only in character, appearance, but also in the structure of the body. Therefore, in order to establish ideal proportions, it is very important to correctly determine the individual body type.

Body types of a woman

There are 3 main body types:
1. Thin-boned (asthenic) body type. In women with this body type, the limbs are long, the bones are thin, the neck is also long and thin, the muscles are relatively poorly developed. As a rule, representatives of the thin-boned type are light in weight; they are active, active, and even with enhanced nutrition, they do not immediately gain weight, as they spend energy faster than they accumulate.
2. Normal (normosthenic) body type. Women of this physique were lucky. As a rule, they have a beautiful, proportionally folded figure. The main dimensions of the body differ in the correct ratio.
3. Broad-boned (hypersthenic). In representatives of this body type, the transverse dimensions of the body are larger than in normosthenics and asthenics. They are distinguished by wide, thick and heavy bones; their shoulders, chest and hips are wide; legs are short. Women with this type of physique are the most prone to fullness. They have to be especially strict about their diet.

To determine the type of physique, it is enough to measure the circumference of the wrist of the working hand: for asthenics it is less than 16 cm, for normosthenics it is from 16 to 18.5 cm, for hypersthenics it is more than 18.5 cm.

growth rate

A woman's height plays an important role in determining her ideal weight. For a long time, the following gradations of women's height were considered classic:
- low - 150 cm and below;
- below average - 151-156 cm;
- medium - 157-167 cm;
- high - 168-175 cm;
- very high - 176 cm and above.

In the last quarter of the XX century. in connection with acceleration, changes were made to this scale: for women with large bones and with a normal body type, the average (normal) height can be considered from 166 to 170 cm, and for thin-boned women - from 168 to 172 cm.

Leg length

Obviously, height is largely dependent on the length of the legs. After the profession of fashion model became one of the most prestigious and highly paid, long legs became fashionable. But in practice, of course, one has to be content with what nature has given. The length of the legs should be measured from the trochanteric point (this is the tubercle of the femur, located opposite the hip joint) to the floor.

As a rule, long legs are characteristic of tall women of normosthenic and especially asthenic body types. Small women usually have short legs, but if they are proportional to height, then the figure does not suffer. If the length of the legs is more than half the height, the physique can be considered correct (proportions are observed). Legs are considered short only if their length is less than half the height. Most often, such a disproportion occurs in short women of a hypersthenic body type. But even in this case, you can visually hide the existing disproportion with the help of shoes with heels.

A beautiful figure can also be considered if the length of the legs is more than half the height by the following value:
- in broad-boned - by 2-4 cm or more;
- in those with a normal body type - by 4-6 cm;
- in thin-boned - by 6-9 cm.

For example, if with a height of 168 cm and a normal body type, the length of a woman’s legs is 90 cm, then the proportions of her figure can be considered ideal: 90 - (168: 2) = 6.

Harmony of horizontal lines

Having found out the norms of vertical proportions, you can begin to determine the horizontal ratios. First you need to measure the circumference of the chest, waist and hips. The traditional fashion model standards (90-60-90) are good for tall beauties on the catwalk. A short, plump woman who wants to look stately and attractive should strive for other standards.

For women with a normal body type, the ideal ratio is when the chest circumference is equal to half the height plus 2-5 cm. To determine the size of the bust, you need to measure the circumference of the chest and add 8-10 cm to the result. To calculate the ideal waist circumference from height should be subtracted 100-105 cm. The size of the hips should exceed the circumference of the waist by about 30 cm.

For thin-boned girls, the ratio can be considered normal, in which the circumference of the chest is 84-86 cm, and the circumference of the bust is 4-6 cm more than these values. The waist of such girls is usually thin - 60-64 cm, and the hip circumference is about 30 cm larger. In women with a broad-boned body type, these figures are much higher. So, the circumference of the chest should exceed half the height by 8-10 cm; to determine the circumference of the bust, another 8-10 cm should be added to the circumference of the chest. With a height of 166-168 cm, a waist with a circumference of 70-76 cm will be ideal; the circumference of the hips should be 25-28 cm more.

The ratio of height and weight. Methods for determining weight

So, body weight depends on the type of physique, height and age of a person. It is easiest for a modern woman to determine her normal weight by trusting the calculations of science. The easiest way is to use the formula proposed back in the 19th century. famous French anthropologist Paul Broca: weight in kilograms is equal to height in centimeters minus 100. Today, this formula can be left for older people. For 18-50-year-olds, according to the latest ideas, it is necessary to subtract another 5-10% of the weight from the resulting result.

You can calculate normal weight quite accurately using the so-called Quetelet index: weight in grams must be divided by height in centimeters. For women aged 16 to 40 years, height in centimeters should be multiplied by a weight-to-height factor appropriate for age and body type. On average, it may look like this: with a thin-boned body type, it is enough to have 325 g of weight for each centimeter of growth; for women with a normal body type - 350 g, and for those who have a large-boned type - 375 g.

It must be emphasized that the ideal weight of women (especially those whose height is below 160 cm) should be 10-15% less than normal. For short women up to at least 20 years of age, it is desirable to have a weight of 3-5 kg ​​less than normal.

Table of the ratio of height and weight of women

Height, cm Weight, kg Height, cm Weight, kg Height, cm Weight, kg Height, cm Weight, kg
148 46,4 149 46,8 150 47,4 151 47,8
152 48,3 153 48,9 154 49,4 155 49,9
156 50,5 157 51,0 158 51,6 159 52,1
160 52,6 161 53,2 162 53,9 163 54,5
164 55,1 165 55,8 166 56,6 167 57,4
168 58,1 169 58,8 170 59.5 171 60,2
172 60,9 173 61,7 174 62,4 175 63,1
176 63,8 177 64,5 178 65,2 179 65,9
180 66,7 181 67,4 182 68,1 183 68,8
184 69,5 185 70,2

Table of the ratio of height and weight of men

Height, cm Weight, kg Height, cm Weight, kg Height, cm Weight, kg Height, cm Weight, kg
158 56,4 159 57,0 160 57,6 161 58,2
162 58,7 163 59,2 164 59,8 165 60,3
166 60,9 167 61,5 168 62,2 169 62,9
170 63,7 171 64,4 172 65,2 173 66,0
174 66,7 175 67,4 176 68,1 177 68,9
178 69,6 179 70,4 180 71,2 181 72,0
182 72,8 183 73,6 184 74,4 185 75,2
186 76,0 187 76,8 188 77,6 189 78,5
190 79,4 191 80,3 192 81,2 193 82,1
194 83,0 195 839

Hello dear readers of our blog!

Our exciting journey to a healthy lifestyle is rapidly gaining momentum. Today, a tangled and full of unexplored adventures path has led us to the foot of the actual question: What are the types of male physique?

The physiological possibilities of our organisms are shrouded in a haze of mystery. Effective strength exercises or regular aerobic exercise, which have an impressive effect on the figure of one person, may be completely useless for another participant in the training process. Unexplained accident or genetic predisposition?

I am not going to enter into a pre-lost dispute with nature. However, if the situation cannot be changed, then it can always be successfully controlled. To do this, we need the relevant knowledge.

Classification of the main types of body structure

Each of us has a unique individuality, which manifests itself in the characteristics of the body, character, preferences or tastes. To date, there are various types and classifications of the male figure.

We will look at three main types:

  • Normosthenic/Mesomorphic

Representatives of the "strong" sex, having an athletic body structure. Broad shoulders, a proportional torso, a developed muscular structure, a massive bone skeleton, a thin layer of fat, a fast metabolic process are the main genetic features of male mesomorphs.

  • Asthenic/Ectomorphic

You can recognize the "ectomorph" by a thin physique, a narrow shoulder section, a flat chest and thin arms with pronounced tendons. Men belonging to the asthenic group are distinguished by poorly developed muscles and a low percentage of subcutaneous fat.

  • Hypersthenic/Endomorphic

Some representatives of the “strong” half of humanity are prone to fullness, therefore they belong to the endomorphic group. The slow work of the digestive tract and the increased percentage of fat deposits are familiar to "hypersthenics" firsthand. Stocky and broad-shouldered men with this body structure often have a wide waist and large hips.

Three types of physique, identified by competent scientists, maximally generalize the physiological characteristics of the human body. It should be noted that your figure may be the combined result of a merger of several types. Are you on time? Then I propose to choose the optimal training program and daily diet for each group.

I am sure that among our readers there are representatives of all types of body structure, so relevant advice will definitely find its owner.

Training process

Men belonging to the normosthenic group have an athletic body type. A muscular, fit figure is laid down at the genetic level. To achieve the desired result, "mesomorphs" do not need to make additional efforts - it is enough to confine ourselves to the classical training program:

  • Aerobic exercise.
  • Strength exercises.
  • Comprehensive training for the study of relief.

All that is required of a representative of the "stronger" sex is to maintain unique natural data. Exercises with maximum physical load on the body with a small number of repetitions and approaches will become effective.

It should be remembered: "The genetic gift is a responsibility, not a reason for pride and narcissism."

Proper nutrition

An ideal body is not a reason to neglect the daily diet. Despite the unique genetic characteristics of "normosthenics", sooner or later they will become the main cause of obesity. You should not follow a strict diet, you just need to make sure that the food you eat is healthy and natural.

A variety of nutritional supplements will help maintain existing muscle mass, so their use may be appropriate. Pronounced embossed page
Muscle structure can be achieved by including omega-3 fatty acids and calcium in the diet.

Training process

Thin "ectomorphs" have had a cherished dream since childhood - an athletic physique with well-developed muscles. However, the bar set by the genetic code is quite difficult to overcome, and many men stop halfway, without having achieved their goal.

The body is initially not disposed to building muscle mass, as well as to excessive fat deposits. To change the current situation, you should adhere to the developed training program, suitable for "asthenics".

It is necessary to start the lesson with "stretching" - a thorough warm-up designed for all muscle groups and strengthening the structure of the ligaments. For the gradual development of the body, a basic set of strength exercises is suitable:

  • Deadlift.
  • Standing press.
  • Barbell squat.
  • Push-ups in the prone position.

The consistent process of the training program will ensure the production of the right amount of testosterone in the blood, accelerating the growth of muscle mass. Joggers will have to say goodbye to their hobby - cardio loads are contraindicated.

Losing weight through running is a big step back. Classes should be short, but exhausting, high-quality. "Asthenik" should leave the place of training with clogged muscles and a pleasant feeling of fatigue.

Anatomical trick: “Pay special attention to exercises on the muscles of the legs. Such exercises will help increase the overall volume of the body.

Proper nutrition

If you belong to the group of ectomorphs, then be sure to stop now and go to the refrigerator. Got something tasty? Great. Men with a genetically thin body type who want to gain mass should eat a lot and often.

The procedure for eating should be repeated every 3-4 hours. Protein in your case is not a whim and a luxury, but a natural supplement that brings the desired result closer. A large amount of protein and complex carbohydrates - this is the daily diet of "asthenics".

Recommendations for the representative of the endomorphic body structure

Training process

A regular struggle with excess weight and dreams of a muscular figure is the usual way of life for an endomorph man. The ideal proportions of the body, which the representative of the "stronger" sex has repeatedly tried to achieve, remain an impregnable, cherished "fortress".

A properly selected training program based on the cyclic method will help get rid of extra pounds of subcutaneous fat:

  • Thorough workout.
  • Accented cardio loads (exercise bike, running, skipping rope, playing sports).
  • Strength exercises.

The main factor is the stability of the classes. Start the process of transforming your body only if you are completely confident in your own abilities and ready to comply with a strict regimen.

Tip: "Alternating between aerobic training, which helps to significantly reduce calories, and strength training, which strengthens the muscles, is the perfect combination that brings the cherished goal closer."

Proper nutrition

Regular fasting will not help to remove extra pounds. The usual diet will necessarily be accompanied by the appearance of additional calories - the lost weight always returns with unpleasant "surpluses". During the day, you should consume no more than one hundred grams of carbohydrates. 40-45 minutes before the start of intensive training and 40 minutes after their completion, a "carbohydrate window" is formed - the optimal time for eating.

The taste preferences of the "endomorph" should be based on foods that contain: magnesium, calcium and protein. Losing excess weight can only occur in the process of a caloric deficit of the body. The ideal lifestyle of a representative of the hypersthenic group - more calories are spent than consumed.

Knowing the structural features of your body, you can control the modifications of your own figure. Proper nutrition and an optimal training program are the key to the desired
about success. It must be understood that outstanding results take time and effort.

Only men who are confident in their physiological capabilities, belonging to any type of physique, can achieve the coveted relief and lose weight. For both women and men, the fundamental factors on the way to improving their own body are desire, aspiration, incredible physical and strong-willed efforts.

Another relevant and useful information necessary for a healthy lifestyle. I hope that after reading this article, each of you will draw rational conclusions and change your regimen in accordance with the genetic characteristics of the body. Every day is a new chance to be better at something.

Together we will definitely use it! See you soon on the web pages of our blog during new, educational adventures.

And finally, a video poll from Yegor Penchukov. "What male figures do women like?"

Depending on the genetic predisposition, each person is endowed with an individual body structure, with different muscle and fat mass, different height. This explains the fact that with the same diet and the same physical activity, men can form completely different figures with different muscle volumes.

You need to know your body type (somatotype) to develop the training process and select a diet.

Body Types

From birth, men can be thin, normal build and prone to overweight. To date, these body constitutions have been distinguished into 3 main types.

An interesting fact is that they tried to make a classification of body morphology as early as the 4th century BC. In those days, in ancient Greece, the physician and philosopher Hippocrates studied the connection between the constitution of the body and the tendency to certain diseases. In his opinion, well-fed people with small stature are more likely to have an apoplexy, while skinny and tall people were more likely to suffer from tuberculosis.

There are several options for classifications, names and definitions of physique. For example, the German psychologist Kretschmer in 1921 identified a typology of temperaments based on body features, which he divided according to the following criteria:

  • Astenik(weak) - with a tall and thin structure of a figure who does not have broad shoulders, with long thin arms and legs, with an elongated face and an elongated nose;
  • Picnic(dense) - a type of build with average or below average growth, with a tendency to be overweight. The body is vague, with a short neck and a rounded head. The face is broad with small features;
  • Athletic(wrestler) - a type of strong physique with good muscles. This type of classification is of average or above average height, broad shoulders and narrow hips.

In medicine, to determine the correct ratios of body parts, according to which health criteria are also evaluated, the following classification of physiques has been adopted:

  • mesomorphic or normosthenic- with average criteria for anatomical features. This type is characterized by a proportionally formed body with harmoniously developed muscles and skeletal system.
  • brachymorphic or hypersthenic- differs in the prevalence of transverse parameters and is characterized by a voluminous belly, round head and short stature. The lungs are wide, and the plexuses of the small intestine are placed horizontally in most cases;
  • Dolichomorphic or asthenic- is characterized by the dominance of longitudinal parameters, but with poorly developed muscles and a thin subcutaneous layer of fat. The limbs are elongated, the bones are narrow, the muscles are weak.

Determination of the type of building on a scientific basis

The first scientific developments were made by William Sheldon, a professor at Harvard University. He singled out 3 components of the body structure, which in “pure” manifestations look like this:

  • Endomorph- with a massive belly, and a rounded head, weak muscles in the arms and legs, but with excessive deposition of fat throughout the body.
  • Mesomorph- in the classic version, broad-shouldered, with a wide chest, has well-developed muscular arms and legs. Subcutaneous fat is present in very small amounts.
  • Ectomorph- lanky and thin, with an elongated face, narrow shoulders, with an expiratory (narrow, long and flat) chest and long limbs. There is practically no fat, and there is no tendency to acquire it, the muscles are weak and not developed.

It should be noted that such "pure" species are extremely rare. In most cases, all three types are present to a greater or lesser extent in the physique, but with a clear predominance of one of them.

How to determine your type?

One of the main criteria of the body constitution is the thickness of the bones, which does not change significantly with an increase or decrease in muscle or fat body mass. The fastest (but not accurate) way to find out your type is to measure your wrist in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bone.

As a rule, the length of the girth of the wrist is in proportion to the length of the girth of the ankle and is approximately 5 cm larger from it. But there are times when a man’s lower body is more massive than the upper one and the ankle can be 9 centimeters larger from the wrist. -10. There are also men who have the same wrist and ankle circumference.

Therefore, in addition to measuring the thickness of the bones, you should pay attention to your height, the length of the limbs, the tendency to be overweight or its absence.

Advantages and disadvantages of each type

Each type needs to make different efforts to build a beautiful athletic body.

Mesomorph. Building muscle will take the least time of all three types. Even without training, he has strong and noticeable muscles against the background of the absence of fat. The body itself in such men is large with thick bone and voluminous muscles.
The disadvantages include the difficulty of bringing large muscles to a beautiful relief shape. By the way, mesomorphs are also divided into ectomorphic and endomorphic.

One of the brightest and most successful men with this type of body Arnold Schwarzenegger

Endomorph. To build a beautiful muscular figure, this type of man first needs to get rid of excess body fat on his body. Therefore, despite the fact that they easily build up muscle mass, it can be overlooked behind the fat layer. Success comes from frequent practice.
A well-known representative of this type, Jay Cutler is an American bodybuilder.

Ectomorph. It is the most difficult for this type of men to build an athletic body, due to the long process of building muscle. In addition to playing sports, they need to pay a lot of attention to proper nutrition in order to gain muscle mass. More than half of the success in achieving the goal depends on the right nutrition.
Nevertheless, this type of people, with sufficient determination and perseverance, has every chance of having a beautiful aesthetic figure of an athlete. An example of this is Frank Zane

Change in body type

Somatic constitutions cannot pass from one type to another throughout life, they are genetically laid down and cannot change until the end of life. Each somatic type is characterized by its own metabolism, priority formation of muscles or body fat, and even psychophysical development.

At the same time, depending on nutrition, physical activity, lifestyle, diseases and other factors, it is possible to change the shape of the body itself, both in the direction of increasing muscle or fat mass, and in the direction of decreasing.

Video about body types:

Any man with any type of physique is able to achieve the desired result in the formation of his body. And the most important factor is purposefulness, motivation, perseverance in classes, adherence to the regimen and proper nutrition.

The genes laid down in a person from birth determine not only his internal qualities, but also the shape and proportions of the physique. The structure of the body can change over time under the influence of nutrition, lifestyle, physical training. The relationship between body features and body reactions, metabolic processes, and temperament characteristics suggests that the somatotype underlies the assessment and prediction of a person’s physical development, his ability to maintain his existence in changing conditions of life and environment.

Basic classifications of body types

Various scientists have tried to classify body types based on certain systems:

At the German doctor Kretschmer somatotype traits are associated with the psychological characteristics of the individual.

  • Astenik has narrow shoulders, long legs, is stubborn and ambitious by nature.
  • Picnic- a blurry figure with fatty deposits, but a sociable character, a kind heart.
  • Athletics have a strong build, broad shoulders, strong muscles. They strive to be the first in everything, monitor their appearance.
  • Dysplastic group- the body is deformed, and the character is secretive, distrustful.

Academician Petlenko identified five types:

  • normosthenic;
  • asthenic;
  • hypersthenic;
  • graceful;
  • athletic.

Their description is similar to the German Kretschner system.

At Chernorutsky the general features of somatotypes are similar to the previous ones, but he identified 3 body types:

  • hypersthenic,
  • normosthenic
  • hyposthenic.

Professor classification Sheldon adopted by doctors and psychologists. His body types have a different name - endomorphic, mesomorphic, ectomorphic. This system is most popular among men involved in physical training.

The muscular body type is a future program for the physical development of a person, which will change the size and shape of the body, but the somatotype will not change - it is genetically laid down.

Endomorphic body type, its features.

A plump person with a high percentage of body fat with a short neck, wide hips is a true endomorph. The muscles of such people are often poorly developed, but the fat folds serve as a decoration for the figure, especially in the lower abdomen, on the buttocks, thighs, and sides. And this is an unpleasant result for a sweet lover, whose metabolic processes in the body are very slow. Extra pounds very quickly settle on the figure of an endomorph, but their rate of muscle building is also accelerated, despite the low level of energy.

In terms of physical parameters, in people of this type, the circumference of the wrist of the working hand is twenty centimeters for men, and seventeen for women. Also, according to the Pilier index, subtracting body weight and chest circumference from growth data, endomorphs get less than ten.

But it is possible to make your figure ideal for such a somatotype:

  • Limiting the intake of fast carbohydrates by replacing them with easily digestible proteins is a difficult task, but achievable. Pasta, cereals from oatmeal, semolina, pearl barley should be excluded from the diet, replaced with vegetables, whole grains, unprocessed foods.
  • Regular body workouts will burn fats hidden in the body.
  • Important for the breakdown of fats is the intake of endomorph minerals and vitamins into the body.
  • Morning workouts will strengthen muscle tissue. To create muscle relief, this somatotype needs to lose weight by reducing the thickness of the subcutaneous fat.
  • The task of evening training is to increase the physical strength of slow muscle fibers.
  • Helps the endomorph stay in perfect shape jogging, cycling.

Mesomorphic body type, characteristics, development forecast

The body type is considered to be the mesomorphic type, in which you can easily lose and gain body weight. The main features of the type include the following characteristics:

  • Broad shoulders and chest are combined with a thin waist and narrow hips. For some, the width of the shoulders and hips may be the same.
  • The absence of fat deposits allows you to observe the naturalness, smoothness of the lines of the figure. If there are extra pounds, then they are evenly distributed throughout the body.
  • The metabolism of the mesomorph occurs at a rapid pace. It is not difficult for him to build muscle mass, combining action with rapid fat loss. But the high density of muscle tissue does not allow you to get a thin relief of the figure.

The diet of this somatotype should be no more than forty-five percent of carbohydrates, thirty-five percent of proteins, and twenty percent of fats. If the mesomorph needs to lose weight, then he will eat seafood containing useful omega-3 fatty acids. It is useful to use dishes with turkey, chicken, lean beef in the menu. Plain yogurts, natural smoothies, unsweetened fruits are ideal for shaping a beautiful figure.

Strength training two to three times a week will keep your body and muscles toned. The harmony and grace of the mesomorph figure will be achieved through aerobics: jumping rope, hula hoop, exercises in the water, power yoga.

It is a varied exercise program that will allow representatives of the somatotype to develop muscles proportionally, without making them massive and dense.

Ectomorphic body type, developmental features

The appearance of ectomorphs is recognizable:

  • Narrow shoulders match the same hips.
  • The development of the bone skeleton is not enough, this is noticeable along the circumference of the forearm - up to 175 millimeters.
  • The circumference of the wrist of the working hand for women is not more than fifteen centimeters, for men - seventeen. And the Pillier index is for ectomorphs - above twenty-five.
  • The limbs are characterized by thinness and the presence of narrow, long muscular bellies.
  • The somatotype is characterized by a high rate of reactions, the predominance of fast muscles.
  • It is difficult for representatives of the type to gain mass, because they have a high concentration of thyroid-stimulating hormone, which affects the rate of breakdown of nutrients.

The main goal for this type is weight gain, and this is where carbohydrates come in handy. What is harmful for others is good for an ectomorph - pasta, potatoes, rich bakery products, oatmeal, semolina. Proteins will provide the necessary muscle growth, but for their breakdown, you will have to additionally take pancreatic enzymes.

This type is not recommended to burn a lot of energy, so they do not need to get involved in aerobics, swimming, running. Long workouts with regular study of each muscle group will help shift the biological balance of the body towards the mesomorphic type.

Important to remember!

It is possible to correct the negative aspects of your appearance if you understand what type of physique you belong to. Many people have a combination of an ectomorph or an endomorph with a mesomorph. It is impossible to change the bone structure of the body, but through hard work it is possible to turn from a thin or plump person into an ideal one with normally developed muscles. It is important to reach heights in sports, medicine, psychology, not only having a stock of knowledge, but also calculating your capabilities, starting from the characteristics of your body type.

Useful video about three body types

In contact with

The body of each person has its own, unique, characteristics - this is weight, and shape, and size, and the amount of muscle mass, as well as proportions. But among all the diversity in science, it is customary to single out some basic body types.

To begin with, it is worth noting that the human physique is a manifestation of genetic material. Some scientists also believe that body types can determine some of the general properties of the body, a tendency to any disease, and even character traits and temperament. In addition, the structural features of the body are taken into account when choosing a system of physical training or creating the right diet. But there are several classification systems.

Human body types according to E. Kretschmer

A well-known German doctor believed that a person's physique can determine certain general psychological characteristics, evaluate the individual's reaction to the influence of the external and internal environment. Body types in this system were as follows:

  • Astenik. People of this type had a high growth and fragile physique. The asthenic man has narrow shoulders, thin arms, and an elongated face. Women, on the other hand, could be short, but fragility and thinness remained unchanged.
  • Picnic. This form is characterized by small growth and a blurred figure, which was explained by the presence of rich fat deposits. It is these people who are most often prone to overweight problems.
  • Athletic. This includes people of high or medium height with an athletic figure, strong muscles, and a wide shoulder girdle.
  • Dysplastic type. To this group, Kretschmer attributed individuals with a shapeless body structure or the presence of any deformations.

system of professor V.M. Chernorutsky

This classification is not so different from the previous one, but is considered more accurate and modern. The professor identified three main types of structure of the human body.

  • Hyposthenic type - characterized by high growth, a small amount and poorly developed muscles. The shoulders are narrow, the chest is elongated.
  • Normosthenic type - this group includes people with normal, average indicators. Such a person has a well-formed skeleton, as well as well-developed muscles. If we talk about the amount of subcutaneous fat, then it corresponds to the average. The limbs are proportional, the shoulders are wide and the chest is convex.
  • Hypersthenic type - a person is characterized by short stature and an excess amount of adipose tissue. That is why such people are more prone to obesity. It is believed that this group includes patients with elevated blood cholesterol levels.

Body types of men

This classification system was created by William Sheldon, Professor By the way, and to this day it is very popular among bodybuilders. It is customary to distinguish three main types of male physique:

  • Endomorph- a person with rounded, sometimes vague body shapes. Such a man is characterized by a short neck, large chest, large spherical belly, soft muscles, thin wrists. As a rule, such representatives of the stronger sex are more prone to obesity.
  • Ectomorph- This is a typical lanky man. In such people, high growth is combined with disproportionate sizes of arms and legs, a long chest and an almost complete absence of subcutaneous fat deposits.
  • Mesofmorph- this includes people with a normal physique. They have a developed muscular system, but there is also a sufficient amount of subcutaneous fatty tissue. These are men with dense,

Of course, it is very rare to find a person who would be a pure sample of some type of physique. More often two or even three forms are combined in people.