How to be open with a girl. How to communicate with a girl

Communication on Vkontakte between a guy and a young lady often develops into a virtual friendship, a telephone dialogue, and there it’s not far from a real date. However, in order to achieve such progress, it is important.

If you do not know what you can talk about with a girl, what topics to choose for a conversation, follow the following tips from experienced network users.

If you have no idea what to talk about with a girl, first remember what you know about this interlocutor.

Let's say you already know each other (there are mutual friends, just a casual acquaintance, we corresponded for a long time), in this case it will be much easier to conduct a dialogue in VK.

You just need to ask the right questions that relate to the changes that have occurred since the previous communication.

If you just want to chat with a woman in contact, carefully study her page - photos, a list of communities, downloaded audio and video files. Such a “revision” will tell you the hobbies of a potential interlocutor and help you choose really interesting topics for a conversation with a girl.

If you notice something that unites you - acquaintances, studies, hobbies - offer to chat on this topic. For starters, you can lay out a "piece" of your biography, telling some interesting case from life.

There is no need to immediately talk about personal topics, since the principled nature of young people can nullify communication.

Don't know what to talk about with a girl? Focus on the situation and once again carefully review all her photographs in contact. Probably, something in the girl's appearance will give a clue and help support the conversation that has begun. For example, in the photo, a young lady hugs a cat (find out his name), sits on the river bank (ask if she can swim when the picture was taken). Finding questions is not so difficult, the main thing is to be attentive to the little things.

Topics for conversation with girls

Your task is to correspond in VK with the young lady so that both of you are interested. To do this, you need to find suitable topics for communication with a girl. The representative of the weaker sex is unlikely to be pleased with many hours of conversation about cars or football-related news.

You need to be careful when choosing questions that you don’t really understand, so as not to seem stupid in the eyes of girls. It is not permissible to argue in the process of discussing such topics, this can make your interlocutor laugh.

What questions to discuss? The simplest and most reasonable solution is to choose so-called eternal topics for dialogues. It is worth dwelling on them in more detail.

  1. Relationship. Ask what kind of men the interlocutor likes, what she expects from the relationship, and what behavior she will not tolerate from the guy. Naturally, one should not insist on discussing this topic if the girl is not ready for excessive frankness. Don't ask vulgar questions either.
  2. Cinematography and music. You can also chat with a girl in contact on such topical topics as new movies, musical works, television series or television shows. From the correspondence, you can find out what the young lady's favorite actor, film, musician is. Then these questions should be smoothly translated into the opportunity to go to the cinema together.
  3. Hobbies. Another "eternal" topic that will interest both a guy and a young lady is hobbies and sports. Ask what the interlocutor is fond of, how she spends her free time, whether she does any kind of sport.
  4. Reading. Now it is not so easy to find in contact, and in real life, a girl who would be passionate about literature. If your interlocutor is an avid bibliomaniac, discuss what literary genres are close to her, what books of writers she has read in the last week. You can show your erudition by including quotes and aphorisms from classical works in your conversation.
  5. Memorable or favorite places. You can also chat in contact about the sights of the city in which you both live. Discuss the girl's favorite city places, find out in which cafes she prefers to sit for a cup of coffee. This information can then be used when asking for a date.
  6. Travel or vacation. You can also chat with your interlocutor on VK about planning a weekend vacation, traveling during a vacation or vacation. A guy and a girl can be united by a common love of travel, outdoor activities or a vacation in the same place.
  7. Study or work. Questions about training or work moments also belong to the "classic" topics of communication in contact and other social networks. You can ask the interlocutor how her day went, so she can feel the care from the guy.
  8. Animals. The fairer sex usually loves to talk about their pets and will be interested in a guy who also shares this interest. Find out if the cat lady is a girl or a dog lady, perhaps she keeps parrots at home. Most likely, in the pictures on VK you will see these very favorites.

Naturally, you do not need to correspond on all these topics at once, choose for dialogues only those questions that are of interest to the interlocutor and you. In this case, communication in contact will not seem like an interrogation to the girl, but will look like a casual conversation.

To keep the conversation going, insert stories about your hobbies and skills along the way, but in a way that does not seem like boasting.

For example, if the interlocutor is fond of cycling, offer to keep her company or teach her bike tricks.

If the conversation turned to the literature you read, offer to read some new book or a continuation of the series that the young lady is fond of. The task of the guy in such a situation is to show imagination and offer his help.

If you had a good chat in contact, it's time to chat on your mobile phone. And here the following questions arise before the guy: what to talk about with the girl on the phone, where to find the courage to call and how to conduct a conversation, hearing her voice.

Taking the girl's phone number, take courage and make a call. At the very beginning of the conversation, make a smooth transition from communication in contact to the moment when you decide to call her. Continue the conversation from where you left off during the correspondence. For example, find out how she got home yesterday.

There are no special topics when talking on the phone between a guy and a girl. You can chat on the above examples of topics, discuss something new that happened while you were not talking. Perhaps the interlocutor herself will ask questions - serious and not so, and you can switch to a new problem of discussion.

Try to listen to the young lady carefully, inserting your emotional comments in the course of the conversation. Be sure to tell how you enjoyed talking to her, how pleasant and sexy her voice is. Vulgar hints at this stage are not entirely appropriate.

Communication rules

Let's say you now know the main topics for communicating with a girl on VK or by phone. However, in order for communication to proceed in a positive way and bring only positive emotions to you and your interlocutor, adhere to the following communication rules in contact:

  1. Do not deceive your interlocutor by inventing non-existent wealth or a successful career for yourself by exposing other people's photos. If you want to chat not only in VK, but also in real life, the deception will quickly be revealed, and the girl, most likely, will no longer want to correspond with you.
  2. Do not pull the “blanket” of the conversation over yourself by actively advertising your own person. A guy who starts talking for hours or describing how cool he is, the interlocutor with 100% probability will consider narcissistic and narrow-minded egoist.
  3. If you communicate with the interlocutor as a girl, and not as a friend, pen pal, do not discuss other representatives of the weaker sex with her. The only exception is if you want to compare your interlocutor with some actress (naturally, the young lady will at least be in no way inferior to a celebrity).
  4. Do not discuss with the young lady her former relationship, unless she, on her own initiative, wants to discuss her former lover with you. In general, it is considered bad form to have a conversation with an unfamiliar girl on the topic of ended love affairs.
  5. Not all the fairer sex likes vulgar jokes! This is a concrete rule that applies to every guy, which should be remembered once and for all. Perhaps after a while you will move to a different level of relationship, and vulgar anecdotes and jokes will be perceived by the young lady with understanding and even pleasure.
  6. During the conversation, try to ask so-called open questions that will require detailed answers from the interlocutor. For example, instead of “worked today?” ask the girl "how was your working day today." So you can significantly extend and diversify the conversation.

And a few more simple recommendations for a guy who doesn’t know how to communicate with pretty girls on VK. No need to behave in a conversation intrusive and defiant. Lovely young ladies like interlocutors who arouse interest, and not a desire to quickly end the conversation. In addition, it is important to find those topics that both of you will like, because both people should enjoy communication in contact and on the phone.

Millions of guys in Russia and the world are wondering how to communicate with a girl in order to interest her in their personality, make an acquaintance, and in the future, perhaps, start a family with her. They read books and articles on the Internet, watch programs on TV and YouTube, and all for the same purpose - to learn how to be interesting to the fair sex.

Despite the apparent complexity, there is nothing supernatural in the issue of communicating with girls. The main thing is to quickly determine the psychological type of your interlocutor and follow a few tips that are given in the article.

How to communicate with girls of different types?

When dealing with the question of how to properly communicate with a girl, one important parameter should be taken into account - her temperament and type of character. If you quickly decide on this point, it will be easier to build communication and choose the right type of behavior. By temperament, the following types of girls can be distinguished:


Such women, as a rule, are distinguished by an extraordinary mind, arrogance and success. They put themselves a little higher than the interlocutor, they can pin up and even check the guy. Such girls approach the issue of dating from a practical point of view and immediately try to determine how the interlocutor can be useful in the future. Such people know how and love to manipulate, which can lead to unpredictable consequences.

In the process of communication, the guy must prove his success, the presence of a high social status and willingness to challenge. You need to show your intelligence and knowledge, the ability to communicate and be interesting. The main goal of communication is to arouse interest, show the best side and even leave a little room for a mystery.

soulful (warm)

Such women are distinguished by kindness and tenderness. They are emotional, sensual and often unpredictable. At heart, this is an actress who, at various times, can show certain character traits - playfulness, modesty, eccentricity and even slight bitchiness. Girls of this type are often representatives of creative professions.

In the process of communication, there is no need to focus on social status - what is important is the creative world, the ability to be able to experience and be sensual. The guy needs to show himself simple and real, without far-fetched images. It is worth opening the depth of the soul, being as honest and sincere as possible in communication. Compliments regarding a girl should relate to her character traits - sincerity, ability to experience, kindness.

hot (sexy)

Such persons have a bright temperament and love to have sex, have fun and take the most out of life. These girls love the nightlife, loud music, self-confident, and sometimes even impudent men. When communicating with such a "fury" you need to be ready to show your interest in such a life and be a connoisseur of the most interesting establishments.

The above classification is general, because it concerns character and temperament. In general, there are more types of girls, and below we highlight the main ones:

Blonde. One of the most common types. It is these young ladies who become the heroines of numerous comedies and anecdotes. They can be recognized by their simplicity, love of all things shiny and pink. In addition, it is easy to distinguish her from the crowd by her well-groomed appearance, perfect hairstyle and manicure, fashionable blouse and a small bag that only fits a mobile phone.

"Blondes" love sex, vibrant life and parties, so in the process of communication, the guy must show his ability to provide the young lady with such a vibrant life. At the same time, the intelligence of "blondes" should not be underestimated - they are often smart and demanding of their interlocutor.

bitch. Girls of this type love everything and always keep it under control. They know how to start intrigues and quickly deal with competitors, if such appear in their field of vision. For them, getting what they want, whether it's a good job or a nice guy, is a matter of time. Not everyone can find a common language with the "bitch". They, as a rule, do not climb for the word "in the pocket" and love persistent guys. In dealing with such a young lady, the main thing is not to give up, to interest your personality and show assertiveness.

Fighting girlfriend. This type of woman is more suitable for a serious and long-term relationship. Characteristic features are education, talent and intelligence. Such girls know how to listen, understand and even provide assistance if necessary. The "fighting friend" has a simple appearance, she does not focus on cool cosmetics or outfits. In communication, she is simple and open. The guy needs to show himself as a reliable person who knows how to listen and empathize. Vivid stories and anecdotes will be useful.

Botanist. At the mention of this type of rhinestone, the image of a girl with a book at hand and wearing glasses pops up. Such young ladies are shy and awkward. They are poorly versed in fashion trends, which is immediately reflected in their wardrobe. Despite their intelligence, "nerds" know how to keep up a conversation and enjoy communicating with another person. With such a girl, easily read guys who know a lot and can tell their interlocutor. But even in the absence of such advantages, you should not despair - it is important to be open and behave correctly in communication, without rudeness and vulgar jokes.

"Cool". Girls of this type go ahead in life, love black color and metallic music. They can be pretty good with cars and are often good drivers. It is interesting to communicate with them, and a deeper acquaintance will lead to many positive emotions, including through bright sex. Such girls do not tolerate weaklings, so next to them it is important to show strength of character and willingness to conquer the world.

Artist. Such women are constantly in a certain image, which makes it difficult to reveal their true nature. The mood and image is constantly changing. With regard to this type, it is difficult to understand how to communicate with a girl in order to please her. Acting talents and a sense of humor can come to the rescue. Such women love romantic and vibrant relationships, and it is from this that the guy needs to build on in the process of communication and further acquaintance.

Best friend. Already the first communication with such a girl can be unforgettable. It is easy and fun with her, she can smoke and use foul language, sleep in the same room with a stranger and at the same time not be shy to change a T-shirt in his presence. Among these young ladies, there are often lovers of hockey or football. At the same time, they most often do not know how to cook or clean or do not like. Chatting with "best friend" is easy and simple due to the large number of common topics and interests.

Leader in life. Such women are somewhat similar to the bitches already described above in their desire to dominate the interlocutor, to seem a little higher in social status. They know how to put a guy in an awkward position and knock down arrogance with one phrase even from the most self-confident macho. One wants to admire such women, but in communicating with them it is important to show only the best qualities, to be bright, to show intellect and knowledge of life. The more successful the guy, the easier it is for him to find a common language with an interlocutor of this type.

Weird. These are dreamy and slightly exalted girls who, in the process of communication, seem like aliens. They live in their inner world, like to fantasize and share their emotions with the interlocutor. Such a girl needs to be understood and in no case should she be mocked at her subtle vision of the world.

How to communicate with a girl - 7 important tips

Now we give recommendations that are universal and suitable for all the fair sex. Their application in practice allows you to deal with the main question - how to communicate with girls, and what mistakes to avoid in the process of conducting a dialogue.

More positive

Girls also work, study or do some business, so physical and emotional fatigue accumulates during the day. In the process of communication, it is necessary to remove the negative and add more positive emotions. It is important that the meeting with you be remembered from the best side, become a kind of “drug” that allows you to forget about everyday life and plunge into the world of good mood. Focus on interesting stories, tell jokes, spot highlights, and just joke around. Any problem with the right approach can be ridiculed and turned into a "dummy".

Be a man

For women, the image of an ideal man is a wall behind which it is easy and calm, where there are no problems and life's difficulties. That is why in communicating with a girl you can not complain about the boss or parents, failures or problems. It’s better to throw everything out of your head right away and show your interlocutor a different, more pleasant side of life. If there were problems, say that they were successfully solved and are in the past.

Avoid empty talk

Appreciate yourself

Many guys and even mature men, in an effort to achieve a woman, begin to crawl under her and fulfill any whim. For a while, the fair sex likes it, but this approach quickly gets boring. Among a group of faceless guys, the girl will choose individuality, a person who knows his own worth. These guys live by the principle - "If this girl is mine, great, but if not, I'll find another."

It is important to transfer this approach to communication. If you don’t like the topic, and the girl clearly goes into fantasy mode, you should smoothly transfer the conversation in a different direction or ask you not to touch on this topic at all in the future. If you always listen and agree, the interlocutor quickly loses interest in the partner.

rest assured

One of the main qualities of any man is self-confidence, which is manifested in the process of communicating with the opposite sex. This trait can be cultivated if you keep up acquaintances and be friends with several girls at the same time. In this case, it is possible to solve two problems at once - to gain experience and make your communication partners a little jealous. Girls have rivalry in their nature, so they will try to be better and more interesting for you.

Avoid Testing

Many guys who do not know how to conduct a full-fledged dialogue slide into a regular interview, which allows them to choose the perfect girlfriend, and in the future, a wife. Questions begin about the ability to cook, wash, work, and so on. With this approach, the girl feels like a rabbit and tries to quickly move away from such an interlocutor. Show interest in the person, favorite things and interests, and do not choose your own wife.


Remember one important thing. It is not enough to know how to communicate with girls correctly - it is important to constantly surprise them, to make small but memorable gifts. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money, because for girls the main factor is attention. For example, you can make a flower out of paper, and such a souvenir will remain in your memory for a long time. If you start the meeting with a light surprise, the communication will be more gentle and pleasant.


Remember that girls love with their ears - this is a truth that many guys for some reason forget about. Pay attention to a new hairstyle, stylish shoes or a bright T-shirt. A small compliment will put you in a position to communicate. Girls do their best to look their best, so efforts need to be emphasized. But do not be cunning and say a compliment "for show" - it is immediately felt. Praise must come from the heart.


There is nothing difficult in communicating with a girl. All that is required of a guy is to be sincere and open, to be able to listen and hear the interlocutor, to remain positive and leave problems aside. It is important that communication with you brings positive emotions. Remember the importance of surprises, compliments, interesting stories and anecdotes. Never cease to amaze a woman, be bold and confident in order to generate interest and keep it for the required time.

And one more important point. In the process of communication, you should have a goal - just to get a girlfriend or in the future to establish a more intimate relationship. Taking into account this factor, it is necessary to build a dialogue, choosing suitable topics for conversation and gradually approaching the solution of the task.

For me, the question of dating and the subsequent development of relationships with the fair sex has always been dilemma number 1. I did not know how to properly communicate with a girl, what to talk to her about, and how to behave. Now I will put into practice the above tips. Thank you.

As for the division into types, I 100% confirm the words of the author. To understand how to communicate with a girl in order to please her, it is important to determine the features of her character. It's difficult at first, but now I can figure out the type of young ladies in a few minutes. And then - a matter of technology.

At 23, I still haven't learned how to talk to women properly. As soon as I approach and try to get to know each other, I immediately get a kind of stupor. I can't imagine what you can talk about when you don't know the person at all. The only thing that comes to mind is banal phrases about the weather, but about business.

I love girls who belong to the “weird” category. I completely agree with the author about the characteristics, because I had one. It’s interesting with them - you can dream up and not be afraid to “blurt out” the wrong thing. As for serious relationships, everything is more complicated here ...

A full pocket of money helps me in communicating with girls. But to be honest, it only works for bitches and blondes. As for the other types, here you have to refine yourself - first get interested in a conversation, and only then pull into a restaurant.

For me, meeting and communicating with a girl is an adventure. I really like getting to know new people. Moreover, there are a million options for talking. The biggest difficulty is finding a common theme. After that, communication goes like clockwork. If a girl is interested in me, there is no problem.

I love hot women, from which some kind of crazy energy emanates from the first minutes. It is extremely pleasant to communicate with them. At the same time, everyone knows where the conversation will lead - to bed, of course. But here, indeed, you have to apply your best qualities - assertiveness and arrogance.

Once I had to communicate with a nerd girl - this is “an explosion of the brain. Talking to such a young lady is a difficult task. Terribly interferes with shyness and some fear of new relationships. But if the conversation is tied up, you can count on more.

I will touch on the hot topic of the day. Many guys, seeing my approaches to girls on the street or in a club, come up to me and ask: “What were you talking about with this girl now?”.

And I have to explain, over and over, that no matter what you say, what matters is your inner state.

1. Focus on your condition

Girls pay attention not to words, but to metamessages behind the words.

These are the emotions behind the words, the tone of your voice, your body movement, non-verbal, facial expressions, your perception of the world and people.

If we talk even deeper, then your inner state is important not the way you say it.

The state generates your words and actions!

2. Communication with people is an interaction of sensations

Interaction with peoplewmi is the interaction of sensations.

A woman perfectly feels a man, so it is inherent in nature.

If you are confident and feel great, the girl will also be comfortable with you.

She always feels you.

Whatever system or method you have - if you act like an insecure doormat - no woman will be interested in you as a man.

You need more practice in order to learn how to communicate with girls confidently and easily.

3. Forget templates

Some guys who use templates still believe that it is supposedly very important what words to say to a girl.

I met guys who communicate with girls using templates, and it's very funny.

They are kind of weird and tight. Templates do not know how to open up, they cannot freely communicate with both girls and people in general.

These templaters don't know how to give value but just take it away.

They irritate me. Communicating with them, I feel them unnaturalness and attempts to turn on buttons on my reactions.

They do not know how to communicate relaxedly on abstract topics and express themselves fully.

With such people, I break off communication immediately! Next to me are only natural, natural, sincere and interesting people.

If you choose templates, you will remain boring for many years and will not develop.!

If you chose to use templates, then goodbye and this article will not help you!

Templates and other prepared material are designed to impress, please a girl, get her approval.

And when you try to please a girl, you only make things worse..

More uselessness of templates, technique and routine in seduction .

4. There are no strict restrictions

There are no strict rules on how to properly communicate with a girl.

Only you yourself make these rules and decide in what way to conduct a dialogue with a girl.

Your game, your rules. Nobody limits you.

The main thing is that the topic of conversation is interesting for you.

Even if you said the wrong thing while talking with a girl, the conversation can always be resolved. There are no hard mistakes.

5. The more attraction you have, the more your words are not important.

Girls do not need to communicate logically.

Communication logically with girls only spoils everything.

The words you say are very rarely remembered by women.

Especially when she feels attracted to you.

The more attraction a girl has, the more words you say don't matter.

To create a strong attraction to yourself, you must be attracted to her!

A woman that you really like is not only a woman who is just pretty, but who initially creates an attraction towards you!

When there is comfort and trust, there is attraction.

Therefore, if you don’t want to worry anymore about how to communicate with a girl, remember these points:

  1. A woman should be sexually attracted to you from the start. You must feel it. It's not just her looks.
  2. A woman's attraction to you is built not on words and not on the number of words. It doesn't matter if you talk at all or not.

6. If there is attraction, communication goes by itself and without effort.

If some pickup school teaches you what beautiful words to say to a girl and how to communicate with her correctly, then this school does not know how attraction is built!

If you don't want to regret the wasted time, keep an eye on what attraction comes initially what reaction the girl creates towards you.

You must feel it. It won't be all women.

Girls who “well, it goes like this,” we don’t feel attracted to them. Communication with them will not be the same.

An example of my communication

As usual, my communication takes place.

The right words are born from nothing.

I see a girl I don't know in a club, I like her and she likes me too.

I understand it because I see it in her eyes.

I can immediately tell her: “It’s good to see you!” and gently hug her around the waist, in the other hand I hold her hand.

I feel her.

If I want to kiss her right away, I do it! I take and suck.

I can just talk about everything for my own pleasure the main thing is that I feel comfortable.

And she feels like I'm so sure of myself that I don't care what to say.

And it's cool! I am sincere at the same time.

You can talk about what you do, tell about yourself, tell what you think about her, what you like about her.

I have no problem with how to conduct a dialogue with a girl.

I don't give a damn and I don't think about it.

7. Don't react to her appearance and don't put her on a pedestal.

Pretty girl in front of you or not you should treat everyone the same.

If you communicate with beautiful people differently than with others, then you put them on a pedestal. Then you lost.

Communicate on the same level with her, regardless of appearance.

Read more about why the appearance of a girl is not the main thing, and how the beauty of a girl overshadows the minds of guys.

8. Entertain yourself, not the girl.

I usually entertain myself first when I communicate with a girl, and I don’t worry whether the girl will accept it or not.

If I like it, I'm interested in it and I talk about it, then the girl will a priori like it too.

9. Your voice and the right tone

There are three types of tone

  • Needy tonality. When your tone rises at the end. This is the most unattractive tone. Never talk like that.
  • Normal normal tone. This is the most neutral and standard communication. When the tone scale goes in a straight line.
  • Ragged key. This is the coolest tone for proper communication with a girl. It usually goes from top to bottom.. That is, initially you speak on a higher note, but then lower the tone towards the end.

When communicating with a girl, use a torn tone.

10. Avoid the following common mistakes

The most common mistakes guys make that happen while talking with girls:

Video cutting of my approaches

My dating video and excerpts from my individual training in seduction and social dynamics.

Here, my client is pushing me on a cart. Yes, I sit, meet and ride at the same time.

This compilation and cutting moments of seduction in a store where I show a client how to do warm-up sets.

I don’t even attach importance to how to communicate with a girl and where to start dating. I focus on other subtle things.

We pass women's checks: witty answers to insults of a girl -.

First words when meeting a girl

If you approached her to meet and the first words were said a little crumpled or clamped, then there is nothing wrong with that!

She won't turn her back on you or run away.

A girl will never say like this: “Hmm, at first you were shy about something, so I won’t get to know you.”

The girl never attaches importance to the first words when meeting. Only you yourself can be too bothered about this.

Never worry about how to properly start a conversation with a girl.

Communication with a girl can always be aligned. It does not matter that at first communication with her was constrained.

All these first words do not matter. You do not need anything supernatural in order to start communication.

If you read this article and think that you can do everything, you are wrong.

It is not enough to know, you also need an intensive practice of communicating with girls! The bigger, the better.

It is practice that gives you ease and ease in communication.

Do not limit yourself with words and approach the girl. Even if you are not a master of interactions, tell her directly about it.

You can also get even more advanced material on the topic of seduction and dating girls from me on an individual training program in social dynamics. See you!

We guys are not taught to communicate with girls either at school or at the university. But proper communication is important for getting to know each other and further developing relationships. What are the basic principles of a conversation with a girl?

How to communicate with a girl - theme features

When you are not familiar with a girl, she is not yet ready to open up to you. Therefore, you need to be very careful not to put yourself and her in an uncomfortable situation. The following topics are prohibited:

  • work, business and income;
  • health status;
  • personal life;
  • illness;
  • beliefs;
  • family problems.

Learn how to smoothly change the subject. Use an open question. For example, you talked about flowers. Ask her: “Flowers are a good gift. But maybe you like other gifts? So you can not only continue the conversation, but also decide on a present for an outstanding day for her.

How to communicate with a girl - testing - no

Just yesterday you met, and today you are considering her as a candidate for the vacancy of a future wife. Don't turn the conversation into an interview. The girl will not like to constantly talk about the features of cooking, the regularity of washing clothes, or her own expenses for clothes and cosmetics. You can seriously offend her if she is constantly considered as a housewife. Perhaps she plans to become a successful lawyer or manager, and not cook you three meals a day.

If you both enjoy communication, this is the right conversation. If any of you are not comfortable, you need to change the subject, as we have already discussed.

Better think about what you can do to make her start treating you better. It can be done in words, but deeds are better. Then you will get a good girlfriend or a faithful partner.

How to communicate with a girl - an interesting hobby

We only have one life, so we need to live it with pleasure. 3-5 original hobbies - and you already know what to talk about. Learn to snowboard, travel, share your future plans, swim in the pool, go to the sauna, learn how to take cool photos, visit nightclubs or become a music lover. Take a look, there are many interesting things around.
Try to find an activity that you could share with the girl. A shared hobby is not only a conversation starter, but also a good way to get closer.

How to communicate with a girl - do not delay

Many guys make the same mistake. They talk and talk until the girls are tired. Constant monologues about yourself should not occupy the lion's share of the conversation. Don't forget that you have an interlocutor.

Try to end the conversation in the most interesting place. When a girl enthusiastically looks at you. When he guesses your next word and you smile together. When she coquettishly straightens her hair. Then she will look forward to the next meeting. The duration of the first communication after meeting is no more than 1.5 hours.

How to communicate with a girl - compliments

A new hairstyle, stylish clothes, good makeup are a good opportunity to praise a girl. Everyone is pleased if their efforts are noticed and appreciated.

It is much more important to learn about its advantages, which are invisible to the naked eye. Does she have special academic or professional achievements, is she a successful second language learner, or does she appreciate fiction? Just take an interest in what she does and you will get a lot of hints for nice words addressed to her. Remember, if you don't give a compliment, someone else will.

Compliments must be sincere. Most girls can very easily determine where cheap words are and where real praise is. Therefore, look for what you really like in a girl. Then the words will come from the heart.

Read some classic books on communication and put what you learn into practice. Meet and talk with a variety of girls. Study their behavior by your words and actions. So you will turn into a pleasant and confident interlocutor.

Good relationships, whether friendly or romantic, always start with communication. But how to learn how to communicate with girls and conduct a conversation so as not to seem boring is a whole art that is appreciated in an educated company.

Everyone knows that there are a certain number of rules on how to communicate with a girl, and how to appear before her in a good light. Consider what these rules are, and how best to keep a conversation with a girl.

positive attitude

Men who say, "I can't talk to girls" often make a common mistake. The girl you like is most likely studying full-time, or working, and often both. It is not surprising that by the evening she, like you, is tired both physically and mentally.

Mournful conversations about sad things, or constant complaints to each other about boring work or study, everyday problems and their incessant sorting out, which alternates with silence, is definitely not an option on how to properly communicate with a girl who is tired of all this just like you.

If your meetings are associated with you only with positive emotions, pleasant and relaxed communication, during which you forget about the difficulties of everyday life and bad emotions, communication with a girl on a walk will be pleasant and interesting.

A man must be a man

No matter how trite it may sound, but for her to fall in love, it will take a manifestation of masculinity. If it seems that there is no reason for this, you are mistaken. Masculinity means, first of all, upbringing and responsibility for one's words.

Do not exaggerate your advantages and do not hide your shortcomings, since starting to communicate with a woman on a false note means dooming this communication to failure, because sooner or later the truth becomes known.

For example, ask her what kind of flowers she likes, and present such a flower at the next meeting as a sign that you are listening carefully to your interlocutor. If you promised something and you know you might forget, write it down. Otherwise, the promise was not worth it.

At the first meeting, behave with restraint, show knowledge of etiquette - hold the door or give a hand to a girl getting out of the car. A well-mannered lady will always thank you for it in return and will not take it for granted, which is also a good judging factor for you whether it is worth continuing the conversation with her.

Don't chase a woman

There is one phrase quite often used by men: “I don’t know how to communicate with girls, they quickly run away from me.” But why run after them? If we discard the theory of a suitable and unsuitable person for you, it is worth paying attention to whether you are intrusive?

You can start talking with a girl about any little things around you - talk about the weather, sensational current events, in the end, share the story of your acquaintance with the person who introduced you, if any.

But if it seems to you that you said something wrong, you should not call and make excuses, twist words and put yourself in an awkward position. The phrase could have been forgotten for a long time, and you just concentrate on it.

Do not seek location every minute, distracting, in fact, a person from his affairs. Communicate easily and beautifully, and then there will be no question of how to communicate, as the girls themselves will look for your company to spend a pleasant and easy time.

Relax and enjoy the conversation in the company of your interlocutor, since it is impossible to start a pleasant acquaintance without this.

Confidence in your strength

Many men are simply embarrassed by their manner of communication, and consider themselves initially unwilling to communicate. A shy man, starting a conversation, apologizes a thousand times, behaves outwardly pathetic and even funny.

You can raise your self-confidence by talking with several girls at once. There is nothing shameful in this, since no one has yet forbidden anyone to talk to several people.

First of all, it will add to your experience in terms of what you can communicate with women. Then you will understand how to communicate and how not to, because a negative reaction to something between two girls already suggests that you should not do this.

In addition, there is some competitive spirit, even if the girls do not know about each other. Women's intuition in this matter works flawlessly and replenishes your assessment of a woman by several points.

surprise her

This is one of the ways how to communicate with an introvert or just a girl that you like mutually and is embarrassed when you meet. Try to surprise her. We are not talking about expensive gifts from salons, no. It's about something she's never seen in her life.

This will allow you to immediately find out what topics you can talk to her about. “Have you ever seen how flowers are made of paper?” If she answers no, you will have a chance by the next meeting to learn how to make a simple flower out of paper, and by doing this in front of her, surprise her significantly.


A compliment is a powerful weapon in the hands of a skilled man. Saying them when talking with a girl when meeting is practically vulgarity, unforgivable on the part of a real woman.

Said compliment for show will also be quickly recognized by a woman. But a short note that she came with a new hairstyle or a beautiful manicure is the most successful hit on the target. Do not praise and focus on this.

Listen and hear

Consider how to communicate with a girl on the phone and how to conduct a conversation at a distance in general. There is only one surest recipe here - be able to listen and hear. No need to think about whether you can communicate and how to facilitate communication. It is enough to support the story with leading questions so that she tells more.

The more carefully you happen, the better you will look in her eyes, as women by nature love to talk. Bring up topics that you haven't talked about before, let her talk almost all the time.

Such communication brings you very close to the rank of a loved one, because, opening her problems and experiences, a woman opens her soul to you and considers this a very intimate process, which only a grateful listener is worthy of.

Active communication

As much as you don't want to end the meeting in half, cut it off. Women fall in love with men who give them pleasant and unforgettable memories. If the best emotional moment of your date has already passed and will continue to be exactly the same, tactfully and gently say goodbye.

And in the evening, thank for the meeting, and ask her if she liked the rides / cinema / park and anything related to the past date. Talk about it with the girl on the phone and do not impose yourself until the next meeting. So she will look forward to it.

How to be interesting

With a modest girl, if she is brought up well, one should be interesting, and she will respond in kind. To achieve this, remember that finding a soulmate is not an end in itself in life. An end in itself is the development of oneself from all sides.

Engage in improving your body, mind, read books, go to concerts and performances, collect puzzles, in the end. Occupy your body and mind, develop them, then you will be an interesting conversationalist and person in life.

In addition, a person who is constantly busy with his own affairs has something to tell. When we communicate and fall in love with a person, we see something in him that we do not have, which means that you will be better than the chosen girl.

Regardless of whether you meet in the park, correspond or talk to a girl on the phone, before starting any communication, make sure you have time for idle communication. Or is it better spent on improving yourself?

Communication with a beloved girl

It happens that there is no desire to communicate with your girlfriend. There may be several reasons for this. Perhaps there are few bright events in your life together that could be discussed - then go to the theater, go on a trip, to nature, to the cinema, spend your leisure time in some other way and a topic for conversation will appear.

Perhaps there is some hidden resentment between you, try to talk seriously and heart to heart, without a noisy scandal. It also happens that a person is overcome by apathy and longing for other reasons, for example, when there is too much work or lack of sleep.

In this case, you should not put pressure on the girl. Ask if you can somehow help her solve these problems, if she has these problems. Perhaps you have the same problems, and therefore, there is no desire to talk about something pleasant, all thoughts are occupied with everyday life.

If none of this is really happening, try limiting communication just for the time being. Let it be a free day from each other. She can spend time with her parents or friends, you can spend time with friends. Change the company both, and then everything will definitely change if there are no more serious problems in the relationship.