How to do a facial massage? Step-by-step instruction. Preparing for a massage session. Pinch massage by Jacquet

Every woman strives for the perfect appearance. First of all, she wants to have a beautiful, eye-catching face. But the modern world, at times, does not provide an opportunity for frequent visits to beauty salons. This is not only time, but also monetary costs. An alternative to salon procedures is facial massage at home. How to do a facial massage on our own will understand in this article.

When to Consider Facial Massage

Facial massage is a pleasant and safe process of toning the skin. It strengthens muscles, fights wrinkles and improves skin elasticity. With it, you can tighten sagging skin on the chin and cheekbones.

Many cosmetologists advise such a procedure to be carried out from 29-30 years old. Taking 10-15 minutes every day for a massage, he will give the skin a fragrance and a healthy appearance.

Often, when wrinkles appear, women run to the store to purchase various creams for the skin around the eyes or for rejuvenation of the entire facehelping to deal with this trouble. For the prevention of aging, you can use not only store-bought products, but also, for example, herbs for facial skin rejuvenation and wrinkles around the eyes.

But not everyone knows that wrinkles appear not only with skin aging. This is also associated with age-related changes in the muscles, blood vessels and bones of the skull. These changes are invisible to the eye. Therefore, no one thinks about them. The massage procedure has the following positive aspects:

  1. Small wrinkles are smoothed out
  2. Prevents the appearance of deeper wrinkles
  3. Puffiness is excluded
  4. Improves blood circulation
  5. Facial contours become clearer.

At the age of 30, you can notice the first changes in the oval of the face, skin color. If a girl wants to get rid of these minor troubles, you can safely start doing facial massage at home. A procedure is needed to eliminate puffiness and dark circles under the eyes.

45-year-old ladies are shown a procedure aimed at combating nasolabial folds. Such a massage will relieve sagging cheeks and eliminate fine wrinkles.

By the age of 60, many women are faced with the problem of jowls on their faces. The skin sags in the lower part of the face, giving the lady a few more years. With age, the skin ceases to produce collagen in the right amount, it becomes inelastic. With these indications, a massage is perfect for a woman, which will help tighten the skin.

In addition to this procedure, you can think about using products for facial skin rejuvenation and slowing down aging, as well as effective folk remedies for facial rejuvenation, for example, jojoba oil fights wrinkles around the eyes, and gymnastics for rejuvenating the face and neck will cope with the general problem of skin aging .

Massage for different skin types

As you know, there are three types of skin - dry, oily, normal and combination. In accordance with the individual type, self-massage is carried out using the necessary cosmetics, which will only enhance the effect of the procedure.

Dry facial skin needs constant nourishment. Massage with creams enriched with vitamins and biologically active substances stimulates the development of new cells. The skin acquires elasticity and freshness. Dry skin of the face must be rubbed and kneaded. After the end of the procedure, the remaining cream that has not been absorbed into the skin must be carefully wiped off with a napkin or towel. For dry skin, the use of various natural oils is excellent, for example, walnut oil for wrinkles, sea buckthorn oil for the skin around the eyes, almond oil for wrinkles around the eyes and skin nutrition.

An unpleasant oily sheen on the face is a common problem among the fair sex. To tone the skin of oily type and combination type, it is necessary to do a massage that helps stabilize blood circulation. It involves pinching the skin with the capture of a layer of skin and subcutaneous tissue. Not exactly a pleasant experience, but a pleasant result. The procedure is done with two fingers - forefinger and thumb. With this massage, no cosmetics are used. The procedure itself takes about 10 minutes. One of the most effective types for this type of skin is a facial massage using the Jacquet technique.

For happy owners of normal facial skin, any type of massage using various creams and oils is suitable. This is for individual consideration.


Self-massage is undoubtedly an excellent tool for a youthful face. But, like all procedures, it has some contraindications. For example, some are wondering - is it possible to do it in the presence of herpes or warts on the face? No, absolutely not! Inflammatory processes on the face, open wounds, large moles, warts and herpes are obvious contraindications. If you ignore them, you may encounter a number of negative factors that adversely affect health.

Increased fragility of blood vessels is another reason to refuse facial massage. Instead of a positive effect, you can achieve the complete opposite.

Recently, many girls have become addicted to injections of "youth", namely Botox. In an effort to look better and better, many ladies after Botox injections are also thinking about facial massage. It is important to know here that it can be done only a month after the rejuvenation procedure. No way before. After Botox, the muscles of the face should be in a calm state, nor should they be completely excluded from any effect.


Before starting self-massage, it is important to prepare the skin so that it does not experience stress. To do this, wash your face with warm water. Instead of water, you can use a cleansing tonic or any other specialized product. The next step is a warm compress to dilate the blood vessels. The skin needs to be steamed. This will help, when applying the cream, to quickly absorb the necessary beneficial substances into the skin.

To steam, you need to take a towel and hold it for a while over a boiling pot of water, over steam. When the towel becomes warm, in no case hot, it should be put on the face for 10 minutes.
After the skin is steamed, you can take a little moisturizer or oil and apply on the face for 15 minutes. During this time, the skin will absorb all the beneficial substances. This will also help prevent stretching of the skin during the massage. But if the skin is prone to oily cream and oil can be replaced with talc.


Correct and effective facial massage should be carried out along the massage lines. This is due to not stretching the skin, which stretches differently.

  1. Base of neck - chin
  2. The middle of the chin is the earlobes. Left and right, along the contours of the face.
  3. Corners of the mouth - auricles
  4. The middle of the upper lip - the upper part of the ear
  5. The wings of the nose - the upper part of the ear
  6. The bridge of the nose and back of the nose - the tip of the braid
  7. The middle of the forehead is whiskey.

Basic Rules:

  1. The procedure is performed only on cleansed skin.
  2. Movement during the massage should be light. Strictly along the massage lines.
  3. After the massage movement, each line should end with a short pressing moment. For example, after massaging the chin, you need to hold your fingers near the earlobes for a second. Then you can move on to another zone.
  4. Do not perform the procedure if there are contraindications.
  5. After the massage, it is important to lie down for a while calmly. Pat your face dry with a tissue or towel. The final step will be the application of the necessary cosmetic product.


Women often wonder how often to massage their face. It all depends on age. But at the same time, professional cosmetologists advise to adhere to a regular schedule for facial massage. Young women are advised to have the procedure less frequently than older women.

An example course might be:

  • 29-30 years old - 10 procedures once a year;
  • 30-45 years - 15 procedures two or three times a year;
  • After 45 years - 20 procedures from three times a year.

The procedure consists of 4 techniques: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration. The massage should begin and end with light, soft movements.
Stroking is carried out with a half-bent hand. The pads of the fingers should only lightly touch the skin. Stroking is performed only in one direction. The stroking technique can be done daily.

Rubbing is performed more vigorously. It is necessary to make massaging movements with the fingertips. Rubbing improves blood circulation, the skin becomes more elastic. Rubbing is advised to be carried out 3-5 times a week.

Kneading also occurs with the fingertips of both hands. Fingers need to grab a piece of skin, squeeze it a little. There is a slight tingling effect. Massage movements should be slow and gentle so as not to cause pain. Muscle work is stimulated. This massage technique is performed no more than 3 times a week.

Vibration is carried out either with the whole palm or fingers. These are oscillatory movements in one area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. Such massage movements are performed no more than 3 times a week.

All massage techniques can be performed simultaneously. Each of them should be performed 3-5 times per massage session. If the skin is young, you can refrain from the kneading procedure. Fresh skin, it is unnecessarily. But after 35 years, cosmetologists advise combining stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration in one massage procedure. So the effect will be most noticeable. The skin will be in good shape.

For home use, there are many simple techniques, for example, you can master facial massage with suede, facial massage with brushes, using snails, water and others.

Facial massage tutorial video at home

In order to maintain external attractiveness for many years, every woman should make it a rule for herself to regularly massage her face. Moreover, it is necessary to start massaging the face not only after the first wrinkle appears, but also long before this moment. By the way, if from a young age you make it a habit to massage your face regularly, then the first wrinkle on your face will not appear soon. If you are wondering how to properly massage your face, then this article will surely arouse your interest and become very useful.

Doing a Facial Massage the Right Way

You should start with the fact that facial massage should be done in the main areas where the skin is more elastic and can withstand heavy loads. Therefore, if you carry out massage in these areas, then the positive effect will not be long in coming.

So, the main directions of massage:

  • From the center of the forehead to the temple area
  • Around the eyes: from the inner corner of the upper eyelid to the outer, and vice versa, but only along the lower eyelid
  • From the center of the chin to the earlobes along the lower jaw
  • From the center of the forehead to the tip of the nose
  • From the wings of the nose to the center of the ear
  • From the corners of the lips to the earlobes on the cheeks

I would like to draw attention to the fact that it is not necessary to do a full facial massage with our own. If you want, you can choose three main problem areas, and massage along these lines. By the way, if you do not know how to properly massage your face, then you should explain that massage movements should be smooth and not very strong. You do not need to rub the skin, because in this case you can not only injure it, but also add a couple of additional wrinkles to yourself. In addition, you should not start a massage if you have acne on your face. Preliminary cure the skin and only after its complete cleansing begin to do the procedure.

Massage technique

In fact, there are a lot of facial massage techniques, but some of them are quite complex, so a highly qualified professional should perform them. If you do not know how often you need to do a facial massage, then here you will need either a specialist consultation or a sober assessment of the skin condition. That is, the more wrinkles, the more often you need to do facial massage. If there are no wrinkles yet, then one or two times a week is enough for prevention.

In order to do facial massage correctly, you do not have to visit a beauty salon, because it is quite possible to do it yourself, you just need to adhere to special techniques and then you will notice a positive effect very soon ..

Classic facial massage technique

This technique involves performing massage mainly by stroking. This method is just perfect for young or middle-aged women who do not yet have pronounced wrinkles. If you do not know how to properly massage your face, then the information below will be very useful for you.

Take a comfortable position of the body while making sure that your muscles are as relaxed as possible and proceed.

  • forehead massage

Place your fingertips in the middle of your forehead so that they are located between the lines of the eyebrows. Begin to smoothly move your fingers in opposite directions from each other, above the eyebrow area towards the temples. You can do this with both hands at once or alternately with your right and left hands five times.

  • Eye socket area

In order to massage the skin around the eyes, you need to close your eyes and completely relax your facial muscles. Next, we press the middle finger of the left hand to the outer corner of the eyelid so that the skin remains motionless, and put the middle finger of the right hand on the inner corner of the eye. Then start moving your finger from the inner corner of the lower eyelid to the outer, then up and back. You need to do this 6 times, then change hands and do the procedure with the other eye.

  • Cheek massage

If you know how to do a facial massage on your own, then you are probably aware that cheek massage must be included in a rejuvenation course. Massage of the cheeks is very simple: put the index, middle and ring fingers on the outer corners of the nose and start moving towards the auricles through the zygomatic arch.

  • Nose massage

To do a nose massage, you need to start from the very tip to the bridge of the nose.

  • Mouth and chin massage.

Take a comfortable position and relax the muscles of the face and open your mouth with the letter O. Place your fingers as close as possible to the nostrils and start moving towards the earlobes. You need to do this movement 6-8 times. You need to smooth the skin with gentle and smooth movements, in no case pinch or pat. After the massage, it is advisable to apply a nourishing cream.

Massage is one of the most effective methods of facial skin care. Passive gymnastics allows you to strengthen and tighten muscles, improve blood circulation, restore healthy skin color, and remove toxins. Thanks to different techniques, facial massage is easy to do at home, the main thing is to remember the basics.

Benefits of facial massage

Facial massage is an affordable and safe way to maintain the beauty and health of the skin. Through special actions, blood microcirculation will improve and lymphatic drainage will be carried out.

The following effect is observed:

  • metabolic processes in tissues are established;
  • cells are saturated with oxygen;
  • acne, redness disappear;
  • swelling decreases;
  • the elasticity of the skin increases, the contour of the face is leveled;
  • small age and mimic wrinkles are smoothed out.

Facial massage techniques at home

Rejuvenating facial massages are divided into several types, which differ from each other in the technique of execution, the direction of the main movements and the principles of exposure. At home, cosmetic massage is most often used, but you can master Japanese, 36 movements, sculptural, buccal, cupping, according to Ahabadze, lymphatic drainage, therapeutic (plucked).

Cosmetic (classic) massage

Suitable for any age and has not only a rejuvenating effect, but also anti-stress properties.

The classic technique is shown with:

  • swelling of the face;
  • problematic skin prone to rashes;
  • age-related changes;
  • dark circles under the eyes.

This is a good method for wrinkles and for their prevention.

Cosmetic massage is usually performed to prevent wrinkles.

Manual massage according to the classical technique is performed by smooth rubbing, which is combined with stroking and light tapping with the fingertips.

All actions are performed along the massage lines of the face:

  • forehead- from the area between the eyebrows up to hair growth, from the center to the sides;
  • nose- from the tip up to the forehead;
  • cheeks- from the bridge of the nose, nasolabial folds and corners of the lips in turn to the ears;
  • chin- from the center to the sides to the ear along the contour of the face.

In the salon, a cosmetic procedure lasts up to 40 minutes. Self-massage at home takes 5-10 minutes, but is carried out daily. The classic technique in combination with honey allows you to clean the pores, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and return the skin to a healthy complexion without oily sheen.

For massage you will need 2 tbsp. l. honey melted in a water bath. Rub your face with a bee product and wait until completely absorbed. Where honey has not absorbed well, the pores are most clogged and these areas require special attention. After preparing the face, you can proceed to the classical massage technique.

Massage according to Ahabadze

Facial massage according to Ahabadze- This is an improved classic technique aimed at working out the muscle tissue of the face. The procedure is indicated at any age and allows you to maintain the health and beauty of the skin, eliminate cosmetic defects, wrinkles, acne, peeling and redness of the skin.

Table "Massage technique"

Position Description
Thumbs on the bridge of the nose With your thumbs, lightly press on the bridge of your nose, and fix the rest on the lower jaw on both sides - palms down, with the inside to the face. Run your fingers down the nasolabial folds to the center of the chin.
Massage the sides of the neck, connecting fingers in the middle of the chin
With palms slowly with moderate pressure move from the middle of the face to the temples, stroking the cheeks. Lips are between the index and middle fingers
One hand covers the ear, the other To carry out circular movements clockwise around the lips. Change hands, repeat actions
Middle, ring fingers and little finger on the nose Move in different directions from the wings of the nose to the cheekbones, and from them smoothly to the temples
Middle and index fingers on eyelids Smooth movements from the outer edge of the eye along the upper eyelid to the inner edge along the lower eyelid
Index finger on forehead Stroking movements with a fingertip from the bridge of the nose up to the hairline
palm on forehead Vibration movements directed from the center of the forehead to the temporal zone

Each exercise is performed at least 3 times. The massage is completed by light tapping with bundles of fingers along the massage lines.

Sculptural massage

Sculptural (modeling or plastic) massage is based on a deep study of the muscles of the face in order to eliminate sagging skin, return clear contours to the oval, reduce deep wrinkles and sagging skin above the eyes.

Modeling massage is a good alternative to plastic surgery and is indicated for people with age-related changes after 40 years.

The execution technique requires basic knowledge of anatomy and at least half an hour of free time. First, prepare your face - make a steam bath for 5-7 minutes. Then warm up - with light, unhurried movements, stroke the skin for 5 minutes. Then proceed to the drainage of the lymph nodes - moderate pressure on the occipital, temporal, sublingual, cervical, ear lymph nodes.

The next stage of plastic massage is a facelift and the formation of a clear contour.

Start with moderate pressure, gradually increasing the pressure:

  • massage the cheeks in a circular motion with the fingers or the back of the hand for 3 minutes;
  • pinching the contour of the face for 3-5 minutes;
  • grope for the zones where the muscles are attached, and do acupressure of these places - 3 minutes.

In conclusion, stroke your face with smooth hand movements, gradually reducing the pressure on the skin.

Contraindications for the procedure are:

  • age up to 25 years;
  • severe acne, lesions of psoriasis, eczema, gepes;
  • malignant processes;
  • infectious pathologies;
  • vascular problems - rosacea, capillary fragility, poor blood clotting;
  • growths on the skin - wen, papillomas, warts;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

Ignoring contraindications leads to an exacerbation of chronic problems and does not give the expected effect of the procedure.

buccal massage

Buccal or internal massage- a kind of sculptural technique in which the impact on the muscles is carried out through the mouth - an intraoral method. It is better to do this procedure in the salon, but if you want to try the buccal view yourself, be prepared for the difficulties in its implementation.

The technique requires a power onslaught and precise execution of all movements.

  1. Warming up the skin (5-7 minutes). Move exclusively along the massage lines, gradually increasing the pressure. The skin can be pinched, patted, but without fanaticism.
  2. Main phase (from 10 to 20 minutes). The middle and index fingers are put into the mouth, only the thumb works outside. Start the massage from the ear to the lips. The movements are active and sharp with a power onslaught.
  3. The final phase (3-5 minutes). Pull your hands out of your mouth, gently pat your cheeks with your fingertips.

After internal massage, a feeling of pain and fatigue remains. This is a natural state that passes quickly.

The technique is not suitable for everyone. Lifting massage is indicated for:

  • deep wrinkles, pronounced nasolabial fold;
  • weakening of facial muscles, as a result of which the cheeks fall, the oval of the face is disturbed;
  • the need to reduce the volume of the cheeks.

Buccal massage, like any technique, has its contraindications. It cannot be done to people suffering from herpes or dermatological rashes, oncological pathologies and chronic diseases of various etiologies.

Properly performed massage allows you to restore youth and beauty to the skin for a long time without surgical intervention.

36 movements

Massage "36 movements" is a point effect on the corresponding centers with a special scraper, as a result of which the skin is cleansed of toxins, acquires an even color, rejuvenates, and becomes more elastic.

The technique is suitable for people over 25 years of age in order to prevent skin aging, as well as for those who suffer from such problems as:

  • acne;
  • oily sheen;
  • inflammation and redness of the skin;
  • stagnant processes in tissues.

The 36 movements technique is an alternative to a facelift, as it produces a visible tightening effect with a long lasting effect.

A professional massage of such a plan can only be done by a specialist, but mastering the basics is real and on your own. The result will not be as fast as after visiting a massage therapist, but still it will be.

Principles of Chinese massage:

  • the scraper cannot be replaced by anything;
  • massage actions have only 2 directions - from top to bottom or from the center of the face to the sides;
  • the force of pressure on the skin is moderate;
  • massage the area near the ears with bunches, and around the eyes with the side of the tool;
  • do not take a bath 5 hours after the procedure;
  • drink more warm liquid to activate the processes of removing toxins to the outside.

It is better to entrust Chinese massage to a specialist - an independent procedure will not lead to the desired result.

Technique requires precise and correct execution of all actions. Otherwise, the massage will not bring the desired effect.

The main directions of the scraper:

  • from the center of the chin to the jaw, then to the sides to the temples;
  • from the cheekbones to the temporal part and ears;
  • in turn - from the wings of the nose to the ears, from the bridge of the nose to the temples;
  • from the middle of the forehead to the sides to the temples, from where smoothly descend to the collarbone;
  • down from the corners of the eyes.

In total, 36 main movements are obtained, which gave the name to the technique.

Massage should not be done in case of skin damage, acute inflammation of the epidermis, provoked by rashes of various etiologies.

You can not ignore contraindications, otherwise there is a high probability of aggravation of existing diseases, both of the skin and internal organs.

Vacuum or can massage

For the procedure, you need to purchase silicone jars of different diameters - from 1 to 5 cm.

When doing massage on your own, follow the basic principles:

  • thoroughly clean and steam the skin of the face;
  • the technique is performed only with oil (sesame, coconut) - the skin is abundantly lubricated with unrefined oil, without preservatives, dyes and flavors.

Cupping massage is of two types- dynamic and static. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Table "Vacuum massage techniques"

Variety How is it performed
Static Place a jar of small diameter near the eye by lightly pressing on the silicone container, hold for 5 seconds to 1 minute (increase time gradually)
Remove the jar and put it in an empty place in the eye area. The removal of containers from the face occurs in the same way as removal - by slightly squeezing the jar. Under no circumstances should the container be removed from the skin.
Perform similar actions over the entire skin of the face, changing the volume of the container, depending on the area of ​​​​impact - the cheeks and forehead are massaged with large or medium jars, the eyes and lips area - with small ones.
dynamic The technique of setting silicone containers does not differ from the static view. The difference is that here the banks are not removed from the skin, but smoothly move along it. It is imperative to ensure that during this technique there is no strong tension on the skin or its collection in folds on the face during this technique.

Massage movements during the vacuum type depend on the area being worked out.

Cupping massage is performed in several stages, you should not put a jar once and drive it all over your face

Table "Cup massage technique"

Working zone Description
Cheeks Lead the jar from nose to ear, gradually descending to the cheekbones
Around eyes With a small jar, gently guide along the upper eyelid from the bridge of the nose to the outer edge. Lower eyelid - from the outer edge to the inner edge, support the skin near the jar with a finger to avoid stretching the epidermis
Corners of the eyes (getting rid of crow's feet) Small circular motions up and down
Jaw contour Put a finger in the middle of the jaw, next to the jar and lead to the ear, then rearrange the container on the other side of the finger and follow to the chin
Nasolabial fold Put the jar at the beginning of the fold and lead to its end, then go up, so work both sides several times
Forehead Bank lead up from the nose to the beginning of hair growth. Further along the massage lines, first to the right, then to the left
Around the lips Lead the jar from the corner of the lips up, then down on both sides. Be sure to hold the skin in the corners of the lips
Chin Clockwise circular motion
Under the chin Along the massage lines - from the center of the chin to the left, then to the right

Do all movements 2-4 times. The total massage time is up to half an hour. The interval between sessions is 1 day. The course consists of 12-15 sessions.


  • blockage of blood vessels;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • fungal diseases of the skin;
  • open lesions of the epidermis - scratches, abrasions, acne, eczema, herpes;
  • colds, infectious pathologies;
  • oncology;
  • inflammatory phenomena in an acute course.

Vacuum massage is an excellent method for correcting age-related changes. It is indicated for people with deep wrinkles, sagging skin, double chin, puffiness of the face and a blurry contour.

Thai massage will help restore youth to the skin, and balance the soul. It is indicated for people with visible wrinkles, an indistinct oval of the face, and flabbiness of the skin. The technique is used not only against aging, but also for medicinal purposes - it reduces migraine attacks, fights inflammation on the face in the form of acne and blackheads, and improves the physical and moral condition of a person.

Helps with skin sagging and wrinkles

How to do Thai massage to yourself:

  • lubricate the face and neck with lotion or cream in accordance with the type of skin - for normal, oily, dry, sensitive or combination;
  • massage movements start from the neck - tapping the throat with the fingertips, gently rise to the chin;
  • sliding movements from the chin to the ears with moderate pressure on the skin;
  • massage of the cheeks is done with circular massaging, which extends to the area around the lips and the nasolabial fold;
  • study of the eyelids - light tapping with the fingertips in a circle - from the outer edge to the inner along the upper eyelid and in reverse order along the lower eyelid;
  • work out the frontal zone with both hands - circular movements, direction - from the center to the edges.

Each stage of Thai massage is repeated at least 5 times. After the session, the remnants of the cosmetic product are washed off or left for final absorption into the skin.

Massage according to Thai technique should not be done to people with open skin lesions, colds and infectious diseases, rosacea.

Lymphatic drainage massage

The best anti-aging facial massage is the Japanese lymphatic drainage type of skin rejuvenation. It is based on a point effect on the zones of the lymph nodes. The technique is indicated for men and women with pronounced age-related changes - drooping of the eyelids, corners of the lips, deep folds in the eyes, nose, forehead. Lymphatic drainage is used not only against wrinkles, but also as a means to correct the shape of the face - the second chin is removed, the contour is tightened.

Table "Technique"

Worked out zones Description of movements
Parotid lymphatic zones and cervical lymphatic pathways With three fingers - index, middle and ring fingers - press on the centers of the lymph nodes, smoothly descending along the neck to the areas above the collarbone
Forehead Focus 3 fingers of both hands in the center of the forehead and force them to the temporal zones, where to turn 90 degrees and continue moving to the cheekbones, neck and collarbone
Eye area Move your middle finger from the corner of the eyes along the lower eyelid to the inner corner, then move in the opposite direction along the upper eyelid. Finish the exercise by fixing the finger on the temples and smoothly sliding along the neck to the collarbone
Lips Place 3 fingers in the middle of the chin and move in a circular motion along the nasolabial folds to the cavity under the nose, where the pressure is increased and fixed for 3 seconds
Nose Massage of the wings of the nose and bridge of the nose is carried out by rotational actions from the bottom up. After 5 repetitions on both sides, provoke lymph outflow - from the nose, smoothly descend to the cheekbones, along which go to the ears, and from them along the neck to the collarbone
Cheeks With the inner side of the palm, press on the recesses near the nose. After 3 seconds, make movements for the outflow of lymph
lower face Stroke the skin diagonally upwards from the cheekbones, directing the tissues to the corner of the eyes.
facelift We put our palms together, bring our inner edge to the bridge of the nose, as if we want to cover ourselves while sneezing. We press on the skin and spread our arms to the sides - we lead each palm to the ear, then smoothly down to the neck, and from there to the collarbone. This part of the massage is aimed at lifting the contour of the face and the complete removal of excess fluid from the tissues.
Ending a session Support the chin with the left hand, and massage the frontal zone with the right hand - intensive movements, direction from top to bottom, across, from left to right. After 5-6 repetitions, the massage ends with stroking towards the temporal zone and exit along the neck to the collarbone

Massage movements should be of moderate strength, not cause pain, discomfort, and move strictly along the lymphatic lines.

In order to avoid health problems, lymphatic drainage should not be done for diseases of the hematopoietic system, acute inflammatory and infectious pathologies, large warts and moles on the face, as well as for suspected oncology.

Therapeutic (plucked)

Massage according to Jacquet is therapeutic, and is indicated for acne, oily skin, severely open pores. The technique is based on pinching, vibration and stroking movements, which are carried out along the massage lines on the face. Before each procedure, the face is treated with talcum powder, which allows you to dry the skin and improve the effect of the massage.

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • vascular insufficiency;
  • high or low pressure;
  • oncology;
  • herpes.

With thin facial skin, a massage session should not exceed 10 minutes. In other cases, the maximum time is 15-20 minutes.

- This is a type of Japanese technique that is used to give the skin elasticity and lift the oval of the face. According to the results, the technique is not inferior to plastic surgery.

It is shown to people after 40 years with visible age-related changes:

  • vagueness of the contour of the face;
  • deep wrinkles - around the eyes, on the forehead, nasolabial folds;
  • sagging skin;
  • omission of the skin of the eyelids and cheeks;
  • second chin.

Proper massage is easy to do at home, if you master the technique of its implementation.

  1. Start of the procedure- lymphatic drainage. Press with your fingers on the areas where the lymph nodes are located, starting from the décolleté and smoothly moving along the neck to the jaw, center of the face and frontal part. Carry out fixing pressure on the parotid points, areas above the clavicle and under the jaw.
  2. Skin tightening - slow and gentle stretching of the skin along the massage lines. At the end points, the displaced tissues are held for 7-10 seconds and returned to their original position. There should be no jerks and forced stretching of the epidermis.
  3. Kneading worked areas- all places are massaged with circular movements of the back of the hand.

Exercises are performed 5-7 times. Both sides of the face are worked out either separately or simultaneously. The main thing is to perform the massage correctly.

Contour massage is performed to get rid of deep wrinkles

Despite the high effectiveness of contour massage, it can be harmful if you ignore the existing contraindications:

  • open lesions of the skin;
  • growths and warts of large sizes;
  • chronic diseases in acute course;
  • fungal, viral, infectious diseases;
  • malignant neoplasms.

Regardless of the type of massage technique, procedures are never performed on dry skin. The cleaned outer cover of the face must be treated with lotion, cream or cosmetic oil. This improves the pliability of the epidermis to cosmetic procedures and protects it from injury.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following information: "how to do facial massage for wrinkles at home?" and discuss the article in the comments.

The safest and most effective way to get rid of skin aging is precisely facial massage from mimic wrinkles, as well as anti-aging procedures, thanks to which the result comes after just a few sessions.

Similar procedures can be carried out both in specialized offices and at home.

The effectiveness of massage sessions is explained by the following indicators:

  • Stimulation of blood pressure and metabolic cellular processes;
  • Providing the skin with nutrients in the required amount;
  • The production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the skin;
  • Strengthening muscle tissue - smoothing wrinkles;
  • Elimination of puffiness and increase in tone;
  • Normalizing the work of capillaries, which eliminates acne and redness;
  • Elimination of the effect of sagging skin, drawing the contours of the face;
  • Relaxation of the skin and relieving tension, which helps to smooth out wrinkles;
  • Prevention of the prevention of mimic and age wrinkles.

The effect depends on the correctness and regularity of the sessions, and consists in smoothing out old wrinkles and preventing the appearance of new skin defects.

An important nuance in restoring the youthfulness of the skin of the face is the observance of the rules for massage, which help prevent the occurrence of difficulties and complications during the procedure:

  1. Do not conduct sessions in the presence of inflammatory processes on the skin;
  2. Cleanse the skin from cosmetics before the session, if possible, make a hot compress to relax muscle tissue;
  3. Perform massage daily for 10 - 20 minutes.

The procedures should be performed strictly along the massage lines with the help of movements developed by specialists. If you do not follow these tips, you can harm yourself by stretching the skin and worsening its condition.

That is why you should thoroughly study the massage lines that run from the earlobe to the chin, from the earlobe to the lower lip, from the upper lip to the temple, from the middle of the ear to the corners of the mouth, from the middle of the bridge of the nose to the temples, from the middle of the forehead to the temples, from outer corner of the eye to the inner along the upper and lower eyelids.

The movement of lymph occurs in this direction. Carrying out a session in accordance with the movement of the lymph several times increases the effectiveness. Massage movements can be varied, for example, light pats, gentle pressure, pinching, stroking, etc.

The skin around the eyes is very sensitive, so you should carefully move in this area, without using pressure and pressure.

Conducted sessions before going to bed allow you to give the skin elasticity and increase blood circulation, which favorably affects the smoothing of the skin.

Massage performed in the morning, immediately after sleep, relieves bags and dark circles under the eyes, and also relieves swelling of the tissue.

How to do at home

Perform procedures at home should be for ten days. The duration of each session should not exceed a total of fifteen minutes.

If the result does not meet expectations, then after a week the set of procedures should be repeated, switching to more effective methods.

Video: Facial massage for wrinkles

Japanese asahi method

This technique has been known for over a hundred years and is very popular among women.

Thanks to the asahi massage (translated as facial massage for wrinkles), improvements are noticeable after the second procedure.

The technique of this technique is to influence the deep muscles and connective tissue of the face. After the session, the structure of connective tissues improves, and the skin becomes radiant and toned.

Japanese massage consists of unusual techniques that prevent tissue stretching, tone muscles and skin.

A strong effect on the skin allows you to remove both mimic and age wrinkles. Caution during the procedure should be observed in the areas of the location of the lymph nodes and delicate skin around the eyes.

For the session, you should use cosmetic milk to remove makeup or prepare oat milk. Recipe for oat milk: take Hercules flakes and wrap in a double layer of gauze, then soak in water. You should use a squeeze, which can be strained into a cup or into the palm, during the massage.

Video: Japanese facial massage (self-massage)

Exercise #1 - Forehead Smoothing

The index, ring and middle fingers of both palms should be placed on the center of the forehead and pressed firmly against the skin. Count to three and with pressure move your hands to your temples. Turn your palms ninety degrees and run along the sides of your face, reducing the force of the onslaught. Repeat the exercise three times.

Exercise number 2 - elimination of edema to enlarge the eyes

This session consists of several stages: work with the upper and separately with the lower eyelids. Hands should be brought to the face with elbows apart. Place the middle fingers on the outer corners of the eyes and easily, without pressure, draw them to the inner corners. Then you should slightly increase the pressure and draw a hemisphere along the upper orbital bone, fixing the movements for three seconds at the temples. The procedure should be completed by drawing an arc under the lower eyelid that goes to the inner corners of the eyes. Massaging the upper eyelids follows, adhering to the same principle. Here you should take into account the above scheme and adhere to general recommendations.

Exercise number 3 - Chin, mouth and corners of the lips

The pads of the ring and middle fingers should be placed in the hole at the center of the chin, then circle the mouth with pressure and connect the fingers in the center above the area of ​​​​the upper lip. The reception should be repeated from the bottom up, stopping at the points of beginning and end for three seconds.

Exercise number 4 - Cheeks, nasolabial folds and lips

The exercise begins with the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hollows located at the wings of the nose. The middle and index fingers of both hands should simultaneously carry out arcuate movements from both sides from top to bottom. Repeat actions should be with pressure and no more than three times per session.

Exercise #5 - Strengthening the Cheeks and Lower Face

The fingers should be placed horizontally on the cheeks, spreading the elbows to the sides, parallel to the floor. The exercise consists in squeezing the nostrils, turning into pressure on the temples. Massage movements should be performed with effort and linger at the start and end points for three seconds. Japanese wisdom says that the effect of the procedures depends on the perseverance of the master and the regularity of the sessions.

Why does it swell under the eyes? Causes of edema (puffiness) under the eyes. Read all about this in the article why swelling under the eyes appears.

You can learn about intravenous ozone therapy, as well as the use of ozotherapy during pregnancy, in this article.

chinese look

The Chinese massage technique is designed to influence the active biological points of the face. Activation of the deep processes of the body promotes self-healing and rejuvenation. This type does not require effort during the session.

Video: Chinese anti-aging facial massage

Chinese massage technique at home

  1. We apply a fat cream or special pharmacy oil to the face;
  2. We rub our palms until a feeling of warmth appears;
  3. We bring the palms together and apply to the face, during which we perform circular movements with our eyes, alternately blinking rapidly;
  4. Then with light touches we press on the eyeballs;
  5. Nasal massage is performed using the index fingers of both hands, which stimulate the nasal septum (circular movements). The wings of the nose should be stroked from top to bottom;
  6. The areas of the cheeks must be patted with the pads of the fingers, strengthening the claps at the expense of 5 and weakening at the expense of 10;
  7. The auricles should be massaged with the middle fingers, moving towards the earlobe from the tragus;
  8. From the forehead to the back of the head, it should be carried out with spread fingers, performing the movements of the comb.

Such exercises erase not only wrinkles, but also age from the face, thanks to the activation of zones known only to Chinese sages.

Spoon massage

For the session, it is necessary to use spoons of different sizes: from coffee to table spoons. It is also necessary to prepare containers with hot and cold water. This technique is very effective and helps to smooth out wrinkles after the first application.

First you need to apply the cream on the skin of the face or on the back (convex) side of the spoon. Perform alternately first with hot then cold instruments for fifteen minutes.

The movements of the instruments are carried out along the lines of movement of the lymph, repeating five to ten times. In one session, it is better to work on a larger number of active zones, especially the nasolabial folds, the eyebrow line, the skin around the eyes and the chin.

Video: Face massage with spoons for beginners


Elena: For a long time I used various expensive cosmetics, but I did not achieve the desired result. On the advice of a friend, I began to conduct anti-wrinkle facial massage sessions, alternating between different techniques. The most effective technique, in my opinion, is a massage with silver spoons, which I first went to a beauty parlor, and then carried out on my own at home. I am satisfied with the result and will never exchange massage for cosmetics!

Alexandra: On the advice of an experienced beautician, I have been doing facial massage at home for several years. The result, as they say on the face! I got my youth back and at forty I look thirty! No creams and masks will not give a similar result. I use cosmetics, but only for the session and, of course, decorative. The most effective procedure for eliminating wrinkles is a Japanese facial massage, which, in several sessions every two weeks, allows you to get rid of mimic and age wrinkles.

Drug injections can bring back the youthfulness of your face. Read the article Botox, Dysport, Xeomin.

Do you want to make sure that after a Botox injection, your forehead becomes smooth and shiny? Read the reviews in the article.

Today, microcurrents for the face at home are a reality. Now you do not need to go to a cosmetology clinic, it is enough, if you need microcurrents, to buy a special device. .

Facial massage against wrinkles in a clinical setting

Carrying out a facial massage procedure in a clinic is not only an effective technique, but also the supervision of a specialist who, using specialized equipment, evaluates the type and condition of the skin.

Any type of massage session smoothes wrinkles to a certain extent and increases skin tone.

There are the following classifications of facial massage for wrinkles:

  1. Cosmetic (classic)- aimed at maintaining facial skin tone and preventing the appearance of wrinkles. Includes vibrations. Stroking, rubbing and kneading the skin;
  2. Plastic- Designed for people with thick, oily and porous skin. Acts on subcutaneous tissue and skin;
  3. Sculptural- eliminates age-related pronounced changes on the face and, due to its effectiveness, is able to delay the plastic surgery;
  4. Lymphatic drainage- Promotes the removal of toxins from the skin, and also stimulates metabolism. Removes swelling and congestion;
  5. hardware- represents the effect on the skin of the face of an electric current. Galvanization - a light voltage of electric current, electroiontophoresis - the introduction of medical and cosmetic substances into the subcutaneous layers of the electrodes;
  6. Acupressure facial massage for wrinkles- an excellent technique for healing and rejuvenation. Improves skin tone, relieves puffiness, restores skin metabolism.

Thus, facial massage against age and mimic wrinkles can be carried out both independently and in a clinical setting. The main rule in carrying out restorative procedures is the regularity and compliance with the necessary criteria.

Unexpectedly, perhaps, ocarina comes from the

italian oca meaning goose’, based on the shape of the instrument

  • forehead massage for wrinkles
  • How to massage your nose
  • Japanese Shiatsu facial massage

Self-massage of the forehead, cheeks, near the eyes and lips, performed at home, helps to maintain an attractive appearance. Sufficient blood circulation and metabolism increase the tone of the facial muscles, prevent their weakening, and strengthen the oval. Anti-wrinkle facial massage enhances regeneration, removes dead cells, which makes the skin look healthy, elastic and silky. In addition, mood improves, headaches and insomnia disappear.

Prevention of wrinkles without facial massage

If the skin is overly sensitive or irritated and therefore massaging is contraindicated, mimic gymnastics is useful to keep the facial muscles in good shape and improve blood circulation.

The movements are repeated many times, at a fast pace. It is necessary to feel how the blood rushes, how the face freshens, blushes, becomes more kind, open and young.

  • Focus and relax the wrinkles on the forehead.
  • Raise your eyebrows as high as possible, open your eyes wide. To frown strongly, to close the eyelids.
  • Alternately stretch the left and right cheeks with the air taken into the mouth.
  • Open your mouth wide, then close your lips tightly.
  • Pull lips forward with a tube, retract back.
  • Smile broadly, pursing your lips.
  • Move your jaw back and forth, left and right.
  • Make faces in front of a mirror.

Basic movements for home facial massage

  • Stroking. They start the session.
  • Pressure. Slight pressure on a particular area.
  • Kneading. The movement of pressure with simultaneous smoothing, like kneading dough.
  • Tweezers. Pinching and light pulling.
  • tapping. They are performed with the part of the hand opposite the palm.

If the skin is excessively tender, it should not be rubbed, kneaded, or pinched. Tweezers are used to massage thick skin to remove dead skin cells.

How to do facial massage for wrinkles. Technique

Applying various cosmetics, creams to the face, as well as anti-wrinkle massage is performed along the so-called massage lines, where the skin is least stretched:

  • the middle of the forehead - whiskey;
  • nose - whiskey;
  • corners of the mouth - auricle;
  • middle of the chin - lobes.

It is more convenient to perform a home massage procedure on your own while sitting.

Cleanse the skin with cosmetic milk, lotion, apply a nourishing cream in circular motions. In beauty salons, when performing the so-called plastic massage, when the skin is depleted, pigmented or reddened, talc is used instead of cream.

Sit for a while so that the facial muscles are well relaxed. Warm up by rubbing your palms vigorously.

Repeat massage movements 8-10 times. The session should not exceed 10-15 minutes. Home self-massage of the face can be done every day for 10-14 days.

Cosmetic facial massage against wrinkles is performed in stages: forehead, eye sockets, nose, chin, cheeks, near the lips.

forehead massage for wrinkles

The forehead area is massaged with strokes. Place the closed pads of the fingers of both hands horizontally above the eyebrows and move to the temples, rising higher and higher.

Place the pads vertically over the bridge of the nose. Without lifting your fingers, knead the skin of the forehead clockwise and counterclockwise. Moving to the temples, massage other areas.

Put your palm on your forehead, press it with the other palm. Moving the skin left-right, up and down 10-15 times, massage the entire area.

Lightly drumming with fingertips from the middle of the forehead to the temples, wait for a pleasant warmth. Then iron with the pads of the index and middle fingers.

Facial massage to remove wrinkles around the eyes

Massage to get rid of crow's feet:

  • Carefully grab the skin near the tips of the eyes, rolling between the fingers.
  • Place the fingertips on both sides of the wrinkle, wait for the appearance of warmth and relaxation.

Other massage movements help to cope with tension, eye fatigue.

Massage of the eyelids and eyebrows. Pinch the eyebrow with the index finger and thumb, squeeze lightly. Go the full length.

How to massage near the eyes. Place index fingers on the sides of the bridge of the nose, eyes closed. Pressing alternately, move the fingertips from the bridge of the nose under the eye sockets. In case of swelling of the eyelids, the exercise helps to remove excess moisture.

By regularly gently massaging behind the earlobes, it is possible to avoid congestion, one of the causes of bags under the eyes.

With simultaneous pressure of the fingertips, move along the line connecting the outer corner of the eye with the ear tragus on each side. Repeat along the line connecting the corner of the eye and the top of the ear.

Eyelid massage. Pull your eyebrows up, blink 15 times, overcoming resistance for centuries.

Place the pads of the index, middle and ring fingers on the eyelids. Perform horizontal and vertical movements.

Finish the anti-wrinkle massage on the eyelids with movements in a clockwise direction, then in the opposite direction.

How to massage your nose

The anti-wrinkle nose is massaged with fingertips from the tip to the bridge of the nose. Stroking, kneading are used. The movements are rubbing, rectilinear or circular.

Similar movements are performed from the sides, from the wings of the nose.

Home massage of the chin, cheeks, near the lips

Lower face massage is used to remove wrinkles in the chin area at home. First, circular pressure is applied with the pads of the thumbs. Then stroke along the massage line from the middle of the chin to the earlobes.

Resting the chin on closed wrists so that the fingertips are near the auricles, massage the side and bottom of the jaw with closed fingers, carefully kneading the surface.

Massage against wrinkles on the cheeks begins with light strokes of the pads of four fingers at the same time. They are replaced by arched strokes, kneading in the direction of the auricles and neck.

Having puffed out the cheeks, stroke the cheeks with the fingertips in a spiral from the corners of the mouth to the temples.

Massage, moving to the corners of the mouth, the area above the upper lip. Perform 3-5 massage movements. Repeat under the lower lip.

How to end an anti-wrinkle facial massage

Home massage procedure ends with stroking or tapping with fingertips. Sometimes the face is stroked with open hands, spreading them as if washing, so that the fingers are on the temples, and the wrists are in the neck.

As a rule, after the massage, wrinkles are smoothed out, a blush appears, which makes the face burn a little. The blush should be moderate and soon pass.

Japanese Shiatsu facial massage

The popular technique of pressing fingers on certain points of the body allows you to mobilize the internal forces of the body. As a result, metabolic processes are normalized, the tone of the muscles of the face and skin increases, which helps against wrinkles.

It takes time to master the technology. You will have to study the anatomy of the human body, the location of active points. At the end, in a simple way, you can protect yourself from colds, eliminate fatigue, get rid of toothache, and lower blood pressure.

In the absence of the necessary knowledge, a qualified specialist should provide a therapeutic effect.

Contraindications for anti-wrinkle facial massage

Care should be taken in the case of oily skin, since massage movements stimulate not only blood circulation, but also the activity of the sebaceous glands.

It is forbidden to perform a massage procedure for rashes, redness, herpes, a large number of convex moles, the presence of flat warts, purulent rashes, abrasions, cracks, in case of acute inflammatory, allergic or infectious diseases, with caution in hypertension.

In doubtful cases, it is worth consulting with a specialist.

Regular visits to a beautician are not cheap pleasure. Of course, when it comes to complex procedures that require the use of special equipment, the help of specialists is indispensable. However, in between visits to a beautician, you can take care of your skin on your own.

Eg, daily facial massage at home, which allows you to always keep the epidermis in good shape and take care of its flawless appearance. website will tell about its benefits, contraindications and methods of influencing the skin today.

What problems can be solved with facial massage?

Mechanical action on the skin is one of the most ancient methods of its rejuvenation. In particular, facial massage at home allows ensure its elasticity for many years due to the constant flow of blood and oxygen to the cells.

In addition, massage movements stimulate the work of muscles, which eventually lose their elasticity. Therefore, if you massage your face correctly and regularly, sagging of the skin in the cheeks, cheekbones and chin area can be avoided.

It should also be noted that facial massage at home allows prevent the formation of mimic and age wrinkles, since such a procedure effectively smoothes the skin.

How to massage your face?

If you decide to master the technique of massage, then you need to consider that it should be done only after skin is cleansed and properly moisturized. For these purposes, you can use conventional cosmetics. However, practice shows that the most effective is facial massage at home with the use of special serums and creams that have a regenerating, toning and rejuvenating effect, perfectly tighten the skin and provide it with nourishment.

True, do not forget that self-massage of the face at home is contraindicated for people who suffer from chronic inflammatory processes of the epidermis, have skin burns or an increased level of facial hair.

It is believed that massage is best done a few hours before bedtime. However, in some cases, when it is necessary to solve aesthetic problems, it can also be used in the morning. For example, facial massage at home immediately after sleep allows you to quickly and effectively get rid of dark circles and bags under the eyes, as well as swelling of tissues and bruising of the epidermis.

But it should be remembered that the duration of the procedure should not exceed 10-15 minutes. For the first time, you can limit yourself to only 3-4 minutes, making sure that the massage movements are very soft and careful, did not stretch the epidermis and did not cause irritation.

How to do a classic facial massage at home

If there are no visible skin defects in the form of wrinkles and folds, then you can massaging the face according to the classical method. It lies in the fact that the effect on the skin and muscles is performed strictly along the given lines. This allows not only to maintain the epidermis in a constant tone, but also makes it possible to correct the contours of the face, making them clearer and more expressive. Facial massage at home should be performed along the lines from the eyebrows to the hair roots, from the lower lip to the earlobes, from the corners of the lips to the middle of the ear, from the wings of the nose to the temples and from the middle of the bridge of the nose to the tips of the eyebrows in a circular motion.

In this case, recommends using massage oil to soften the skin, which prevents excessive stretching of the epidermis. Starting a facial massage at home should be done with light stroking of the skin, which should gradually turn into patting. When the epidermis is warm enough, you can proceed directly to the massage, which should be performed with your fingertips. Movements should not be pressing or sharp, since in this case, instead of benefit, massage will only bring harm, causing the formation of new wrinkles.

Remove wrinkles and double chin

Wrinkles are the main enemy of any woman. They are grooves in the skin, which are formed due to the fact that in this place it is constantly subjected to mechanical stress. To smooth the epidermis and visually remove wrinkles, you do not need to stretch the skin with a classic massage, but influence it directly by light tapping and pressure. First, a small amount of moisturizer must be applied to problem areas, after which, using the inside of the wrist, lightly press on the skin several times in a row. After that, the procedure must be completed with light tapping on the epidermis with your fingertips.

Hand clapping is also effective in combating double chin. However, in this case, facial massage at home should be tougher and more intense. For these purposes, you can use not only the palms and the inside of the hands, with which pinches and pats are performed, but also use towel soaked in salt water. It must be rolled up with a tourniquet, taken by the ends and passed under the chin, then pulled with force, as if tying up the jaw, and then the tension is sharply relieved. It is recommended to do this simple exercise 7-10 times daily, and over time, the problem of a double chin can be forgotten once and for all.

We read about facial massage with silicone jars and about self-massage with honey - also excellent tools!

Japanese facial massage

Watch the video and repeat. Very powerful anti-wrinkle!

Facial Spoon Massage

A very unusual, but easily performed at home facial massage with spoons. Just watch the video about listen to the expert!

What kind of facial massage is done in salons?

And now about what you can’t do yourself at home. These are various facial massage techniques, for example,

Plastic massage designed to remove wrinkles. With it, even very deep layers of the skin and muscles are massaged. At home, doing such a facial massage is very difficult.

Spanish facial massage(in other words - chiromass)

Yes, if you are too lazy to do facial massage yourself, it is better to go to salons - they know what they are doing! Good luck and eternal youth!

Hello dear. I offer you an overview: the best facial massage techniques at home. Any woman does not want to put up with appearing wrinkles and does her best to prolong her youth. And in this she can be helped by facial massage, of which there are a huge number of varieties.

The most complex, for example, medical or Spanish facial massage, are carried out by specialists in beauty salons. And in this article we will show you several simple varieties available for doing at home, by yourself.

1. Universal facial massage

And let's start with the simplest and most affordable. This is a classic 5-minute facial massage.

Classical massage for sagging skin can be performed by both adult women and young girls. If girls start performing massage procedures as early as possible, they will postpone skin aging for many years. All actions are carried out along massage lines.

The technique of performing such a massage is well described.

2. Japanese Asahi facial massage

Looking at Japanese women, we are always surprised at how young they look. We, too, can have a toned face if we perform a magical Japanese massage. Revived Tsogan Yukuko Tanaki - Japanese beauty expert. It is also known as "Asahi massage" or Zogan.

Simple self-massage will take only 3 minutes a day, but will give a rejuvenating effect:

  • wrinkles will decrease;
  • the oval of the face will tighten;
  • the skin will become firmer, smoother and more elastic. You will look 10 years younger.

It is necessary to stroke the skin in the direction of the lymph nodes to the center from the periphery. Do not press, do not massage the knots, just stroke with a little effort.

3. According to the experience of Chinese women

Chinese facial massage, which is performed at home, will help restore its former attractiveness. It is based on 4 exercises that must be repeated 10 times.

  1. With the pads of the index fingers, press 2 times on the temples. After massaging the following points, each time we will return to this point.
  2. Place your fingers over your eyebrows so that they touch at the center of your forehead. With effort, draw from the center of the forehead to the temples, back without tension. So you can remove wrinkles on the forehead.
  3. The following movement will help remove the nasolabial folds: put the middle and index fingers to the recesses at the edge of the nostrils and press this area 5 times with force.
  4. Horizontally put one index finger above the upper lip, and the second - under the lower. We press to ensure complete relaxation of the whole body.

4. Facial massage from wrinkles with spoons

Let's see how Chinese women rejuvenate with a spoon. To carry out the procedure, you need to make a chamomile decoction, take olive oil, and one part of the decoction should be cold and the other hot. We do all the tricks 10 times.

  1. We dip a spoon into a cold broth and alternately apply it to the lower and upper eyelids.
  2. On the furrows on the forehead in a circular motion, we draw a spoon, lubricated with oil.
  3. We smooth the skin under the chin with hot spoons lubricated with oil, we lead from the base of the neck to the chin.
  4. The following technique will help to remove nasolabial folds: inflate the cheeks, stroke the folds, then tap with spoons, mimic wrinkles are removed by simply stroking a hot spoon clockwise, then back. The session ends with stroking with a cold spoon in the same directions.

5. Pinch facial massage for wrinkles

Most famous pinch massage by Jacquet, which is usually performed in the cabin. But there are also simple techniques available for performing at home.

6. Banks to help

Vacuum session is considered one of the most effective anti-aging procedures.

It is able to get rid of bruises, puffiness under the eyes, smooth out wrinkles, remove scars, stagnant spots.

Features of the vacuum procedure

There are two types of technology: kinetic and static.

With kinetic therapy, the procedure is carried out with oils that lubricate the skin in order to more easily move the stuck jar along the lymph flow.

With the static technique, banks are simply placed on the problem area of ​​the skin, then removed. This type of procedure is best done in the salon. At home, you can use a special massager purchased at a pharmacy.

7. Facial lymphatic drainage

If you perform a lymphatic drainage session at home, you can forget about enlarged pores, lowered corners of the lips, stagnant fluid in the tissues, and age-related wrinkles.

To perform the procedure, you first need to study the technique well, the location of the lymph nodes on the face, so as not to harm. Watch a detailed video tutorial with Margarita Levchenko on how to perform the movements correctly.

8. Point massage

No less popular is the technique, or acupressure. With the correct performance of shiatsu:

  • maintaining muscle tone;
  • sagging of the cheeks is not allowed;
  • efficiency increases.

9. Oriental youth treatments

There is a growing interest in oriental health techniques, including Thai massage.

Will the Thai technique help to get rid of wrinkles around the mouth, near the eyes, congestion, inflammation, to acquire tightened skin, a blooming appearance.

Of course, it will help if the sessions are carried out regularly. In addition, you will forget about insomnia, muscle fatigue, chronic fatigue, unhealthy appearance.

10. Honey treatments

It turns out miraculous sessions with honey on the face can be done at home. At the same time, do not forget to treat the décolleté area.

This delicacy can do real miracles with the face. Do not forget, honey can harm with dilated vessels on the face, allergies to this product.

Charging youth for the face

We have already said more than once how a simple gymnastics for the face. Do simple exercises every day, then you will forget about the "crow's feet", the folds around the mouth.

  1. Press the fingertips on the outer corners of the eyes, pull them to the sides, close your eyes, do 15 rotations with your eyes in each direction.
  2. Take air into your mouth, roll it inside your mouth 15 times in each direction. Easy, but effective!

Dear readers! You have learned many more new tricks to prolong your youth. We didn't say anything about hardware facial massage which is gaining more and more popularity. Hardware massage is carried out in salons, and another article will be devoted to this topic.

Subscribe to my blog so as not to miss an interesting topic, tell your friends, and you will always have useful tips at hand.

To conduct a facial massage session, it is not necessary to go to an expensive salon: you can easily master simple techniques on your own. The home procedure will not take you much time, and the result from self-massage will not be long in coming. If you use the right technique and observe regularity, you can noticeably tighten sagging skin, get rid of fine wrinkles and reduce swelling.

Self-massage at home: basic rules for implementation

Before starting a facial rejuvenation session using self-massage, it is important to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for its implementation. Remember that insufficient preparation of the skin for the procedure and neglect of the recommendations for the correct implementation of the massage can lead to the opposite effect.

Facial massage is a wonderful procedure that helps to improve skin tone and improve its condition.

The popularity of using self-massage for rejuvenation is explained by the high efficiency of the procedure: during the application of special techniques, muscles relax, especially facial ones, and metabolic processes are activated. As a result, the surface of the face is leveled - small folds disappear, and deep ones become smoother.


Perform self-massage only on cleansed skin, because with intensive manipulations on the face, any impurities can enter the dermis. Hands should also be thoroughly washed and treated with an antiseptic, otherwise there is a high probability of infection entering the pores, especially after steaming the skin.

  1. Using milk, clean the surface of the face from cosmetics.
  2. Remove hair so that it does not interfere during the session.
  3. Exfoliate half an hour before the upcoming procedure to remove dead skin particles.
  4. Steam your face - to do this, hold it over hot steam. In addition, the use of a compress prepared on the basis of fresh calendula decoction will be effective.
  5. Be sure to lubricate the surface to be treated with cosmetic oil or massage cream - this way you will avoid damage or stretching of the skin and ensure that your fingers slide smoothly over your face.

Give preference to evening sessions of self-massage, when you do not need to rush anywhere. In addition, the subsequent many hours of rest will ensure an increase in the effect of the procedure and a complete restoration of the skin.

Before the procedure, it is advisable to steam the face to open the pores.

Video: preparing for a massage session and popular techniques

During self-massage, it is necessary to follow the direction of the lymph flow lines. If you act randomly on the skin, you will only aggravate the situation with wrinkles and provoke the appearance of edema. Perform movements as smoothly and accurately as possible, avoiding excessive pressure and stretching of the surface.

Remember the main directions of the lines on the face along which the massage is carried out:

  • from the central point on the chin along the lower jaw to the temporal zones;
  • from points in the corners of the mouth along the cheekbones to the temporal regions;
  • from a point on the tip of the nose upward to the bridge of the nose;
  • from the central point on the bridge of the nose along the eyebrows to the points on the temples;
  • from points at the inner corners of the eyes along the upper eyelids to points on the outer sides of the orbits;
  • from points at the temples along the lower eyelids to points at the inner corners of the eye sockets;
  • from the zone of the "third eye" in the direction up to the middle of the forehead and to the sides to the hairline.

Turning to the processing of each next line, perform circular movements and small finger pressure on the temples.

When performing a facial massage, it is important to adhere to the main lines

Video: define massage lines

How often to do the procedure

Self-massage according to the chosen method must be performed at intervals of 2-4 times a week. The duration of one course should be 13-15 sessions. After completing one course, it is recommended to start the next one no earlier than in 2-3 months.

When determining the frequency of the procedure, it is important to focus on the type of epidermis. If the skin is not overly sensitive, then the sessions can be carried out up to 4 times a week, otherwise - no more than 2 times. In addition, age should be taken into account: up to 35 years, procedures can be performed less often, while at a more mature age, it is necessary to increase the number of self-massage sessions.

After 50 years, sparing techniques (for example, Ayurvedic or Chinese massage) should be preferred, which do not involve intensive displacement of the skin surface.

Can massagers be used?

For a self-massage session, you can purchase a special massager, but the use of most of them requires mastering some skills, so the first procedure is best done by the master. The most popular massagers are:

  • mechanical, which you just need to carry out along the massage lines;
  • pulse, working by means of microcurrents;
  • ultrasonic, acting on the skin due to high-frequency vibrations;
  • vacuum, creating negative pressure as a result of the absence of air;
  • infrared, which have a deep warming effect on the skin.

At home, the easiest way to use a mechanical massager is to simply swipe it over your face

When choosing a device, be guided by its dimensions and ease of use. Be sure to read the instructions for the massager before starting the procedure. The session should not cause pain: move very smoothly and do not pull the skin. At first, limit the time of self-massage to 5 minutes, in the future, you can increase the duration to 15 minutes.

Remember that the same area cannot be continuously affected by the device for more than a minute.

Video: an example of using a roller massager

What cosmetic oils are suitable

When choosing oil for self-massage, first of all, focus on the individual type of epidermis:

  • with oily or combined, jojoba or sunflower oils are suitable;
  • with dry and fading - apricot kernel oil or wheat germ;
  • at normal - olive or almond oil.

The base oil is applied in a thin layer, but sufficient for easy gliding of the fingers. At the end of the session, the surface of the face can be blotted with a napkin to get rid of the remnants of the product. Once you're done, apply your regular moisturizer to your face.

To perform a massage with a normal type of epidermis, ordinary olive oil is suitable.

Types and methods of implementation

Self-massage can be performed in a variety of ways, ranging from ancient Chinese techniques to more modern types of procedures. They can be alternated: after completing the course using one technique, try another method if the result does not satisfy you, or continue using the same technique after a break. Over time, you will understand which type of massage is right for you.


It is not difficult to perform Ayurvedic self-massage - it is enough to know the location of biologically active points on the face. As a result of the procedure, blood vessels are strengthened, the epidermis is tightened, and the complexion is evened out.

Ayurvedic self-massage is carried out on biologically active points

How is it done:

  1. We place the connected index and middle fingers on the chin area and smoothly move towards the earlobes.
  2. Using the same technique, we work out the area from the wings of the nose to the areas of the ears.
  3. We massage the points next to the nose with the same fingers: on the sides of the wings, then on both sides above the eyes, then press the points on the back of the nose and above the upper lip.
  4. We pass to the forehead: we press on the areas between the eyebrows, then close to the outer corners of the eye sockets, then on the “third eye” zone.
  5. We knead the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelids (mainly in circular motions), heading from the outside of the eye sockets to the inside.

Video: doing Ayurvedic massage correctly


The ancient practice of Thai massage involves the use of stroking, pressing and rubbing movements. The main purpose of the technique is to make the skin supple and smooth out small wrinkles.

How is it done:

  1. We start by patting the neck area, gradually moving on to stroking the surface of the skin from the chin down to the collarbones.
  2. We turn to the processing of the lower part of the face, moving smoothly with our fingers from the middle part of the chin to the ears.
  3. Next, we pass in a circular motion along the cheeks, processing at the same time the area around the nose.
  4. We knead the eyelids, moving along the line from the outer corners to the inner ones (use your index fingers).
  5. With stroking movements, we work out the forehead from the central part to the periphery.

After completing one cycle, repeat all the steps in sequence. 2-3 repetitions are enough.

Video: the basics of Thai massage


Lifting massage uses only upward movements on the face, since its task is to tighten the skin. This procedure is especially useful after 35 years, when the first signs of sagging facial contours appear.

Lifting massage smoothes mimic wrinkles, prevents the appearance of new ones

How is it done:

  1. Place your fingers on the sides of the nose and slide them towards the forehead, passing the bridge of the nose. Next, spread your arms and go down to the chin through the temples and cheeks. Return to the starting point and repeat. Use light pressure while moving.
  2. Focus on the forehead area: massage it mainly in a circular motion using the middle and ring fingers.
  3. Connecting the index and middle fingers, move along the contour of the face from the center point of the chin to the base of the ears.
  4. Massage the area where the second chin is formed with both hands: smooth the skin from the neck to the middle of the chin.

The session takes approximately 10 minutes.

Video: lifting massage lesson

The area near the eyes is characterized by very sensitive skin, so it is necessary to massage the eyelids very carefully. Use exceptionally smooth and soft movements. With the systematic performance of the sessions, the eyelids are tightened, the eyes “open”, swelling disappears.

Eyelid massage relieves swelling

Moisturize the eye area well before starting the procedure with a cream or oil. The areas are worked out with the middle or ring finger from the bridge of the nose to the temple and back in a circle with pressing movements. You need to start from the upper eyelid, pressing on which should be slightly stronger than on the lower one. The duration of this massage is about 5 minutes.

Video: getting rid of impending eyelids


The popular Asahi massage is the invention of a Japanese beautician named Yukuko Tanaka. This technique involves the impact on the lymph nodes in order to activate the lymph flow, which, according to the founder of the technique, affects the elasticity of the skin. The use of the technique is especially recommended after 40 years to smooth out nasolabial folds and facial wrinkles.

If you have diseases of the throat, nose and lymphatic system in general, as well as colds, Asahi massage is contraindicated.

How is it done:

  1. We start with the processing of the cheeks: we draw a smooth line from the cheeks in the upper part of the face down to the neck and further to the collarbones.
  2. We press three fingers to the central point on the forehead (we use pads) and move in the direction of the temples in zigzag movements.
  3. We massage the area near the wings of the nose, applying middle fingers to the surface of the skin.
  4. Pressing a point in the center of the chin with your fingers, we move along the line of the mouth to the areas of the eye sockets from the inside, then press them for a few seconds.
  5. Pressing with the left palm on the jaw on the left side, we draw with the right hand from the lower part of the jaw to the corner of the orbit from the inside. Hold for a couple of seconds and repeat on the other side.
  6. We put the open palms to the mouth, connecting the elbows, and press the lips. At the same time, we try to raise them to the level of the nose.
  7. In conclusion, we place the thumbs directly under the chin, and the rest on the nose. We stretch the skin under pressure and linger for 2-3 seconds.

Each movement is carried out with three repetitions. The total session time is about 20 minutes.

Video: Asahi's basic massage techniques


When performing myofascial massage technique, the fascia of the muscles is affected, which improves their functioning. It is believed that the release of tension from the fascia affects the blood circulation in the tissues and prevents the development of congestion.

It is better to entrust myofascial massage to a professional, since for a high-quality study of the fascia, it is important to find places of maximum tension on the face. It is not always possible to do this on your own.

An easy version of this massage can be done independently:

  1. We begin to move from the chin to the corners of the eye sockets, massaging the side zones with the pads of the thumbs. In this case, the skin should be slightly stretched.
  2. Next, we knead the area from the cheekbones to the corners of the mouth with soft movements, gradually increasing the impact.
  3. We perform light pinching of areas from the lips to the temples, and then change the movements to vibration.
  4. We are working on the eyelid area, adhering to the massage lines and trying to relieve tension from this area.
  5. We carry out the pads of the fingers in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temporal zones.
  6. In conclusion, we press on the central point of the forehead and gently knead the skin towards the temples.

These movements are repeated 3-5 times.

Video: myofascial massage lesson


This version of self-massage does not involve the use of other techniques other than pinching: you simply pinch the surface, grabbing the skin with your fingers (forefinger and thumb). You should move only along the massage lines. Particular attention is paid to the earlobes, brow ridges, lower jaw and the area under the chin. In conclusion, it is necessary to soothe the treated surface of the skin with stroking movements.

When performing a pinch massage, oil is not used, otherwise the skin will be difficult to grasp.

Video: pinch massage session


When using honey as a basis for self-massage, the skin is not only smoothed, but also intensively nourished and cleansed. It is very important to choose a natural product and make sure that there is no allergy to it before the procedure. To do this, a drop of the product should be applied to the wrist, and after a few hours, check whether the condition of the treated skin has changed.

To enhance the effect, a couple of drops of essential oil of bergamot, juniper, rose or lemon balm are added to the sweet mass.

It is easy to carry out a honey massage: spread the composition over the entire face and wait 10 minutes for it to be absorbed. Next, with soft movements, drive the sticky mass into the skin with your fingertips. Another option: press your palms to your face and gently detach them. The main thing is not to use stretching, kneading and pinching.

Video: honey massage procedure


To master Spanish massage, it is advisable to take a training course: it uses special vibrational and other movements aimed at deep tissue study. For self-massage, you can use simple techniques that will make your skin radiant and more elastic. The main thing is to relax as much as possible and tune in a positive way.

How is it done:

  1. Gently massage the entire surface of the skin of the face using oil, relaxing stagnant muscles. We pay special attention to the nasolabial area and cheeks.
  2. With the help of vibrational movements, we pass along the neck and lower part of the face.
  3. Using light pressure, we process the forehead area along the massage lines. At the same time, we are trying to gently stretch the skin in opposite directions.
  4. We knead the area of ​​​​the bridge of the nose and eyebrows, gradually descending to the cheeks and chin.
  5. Finally, we use pinching and smoothing movements to treat the surface of the neck.

Video: Spanish massage procedure


Sculptural (also called buccal) self-massage is aimed at working with aging skin: it helps to highlight the cheekbones, create a clear facial contour and reduce the severity of wrinkles.

Self-massage is carried out in several stages:

  1. Tilt your head slightly and rest it with your palm.
  2. With your mouth open, with your thumb massage the muscles of the cheeks from the inside, trying to pull them away from the jaw to the area of ​​the ears.
  3. Move your thumb to the nasolabial region, kneading this area from the bottom up, then go to the corners of the mouth. Use mostly circular motions.
  4. Work the area under the lower lip, performing pressure movements from the middle of the chin to the sides.
  5. Finally, go over the entire surface of the cheeks from the outside.

Keep track of time: do a session no more than 10 minutes at first, gradually increasing its duration to 20 minutes.

Video: beautician on the rules for buccal massage


To perform a vacuum massage, you need to purchase silicone or glass jars with a diameter of 1–5 cm. It is believed that the larger the diameter, the more intense the effect on the skin. Banks must be thoroughly washed and disinfected before each session.

During vacuum self-massage, the circulation of lymph and blood is significantly increased, due to which the muscles of the treated area are effectively tightened, swelling disappears and skin tone improves.

Vacuum jars can be of various diameters

The jar can be used pointwise or to rejuvenate the entire surface of the skin of the face:

  1. If you want to work out obvious wrinkles in one area (on the bridge of the nose, in the nasolabial zone, near the eyes), then attach a jar of the appropriate diameter to such an area: the skin should be pulled inward by 2–3 mm. Squeeze the jar after 3-5 seconds and carefully remove it. Repeat 7-10 times.
  2. To treat the entire face, attach the jar to the skin and smoothly move it in accordance with the massage lines, avoiding excessive pressure. When massaging the cheekbones, chin area and forehead, use circular motions. Finally, separate the jar from the skin and repeat the session (the number of repetitions should be no more than five).

Video: specialist in age-related cosmetology about vacuum massage


The Chinese technique involves performing self-massage with light pressure on special points. It is the impact on biologically active centers that activates tissue regeneration.

How is it done:

  1. With fingertips we move all over the face, smoothing the surface of the skin from the forehead down to the neck area.
  2. Following the same sequence, lightly pat the skin - we perform at least 5 claps for each area.
  3. We place fingers (use index) on the forehead, and put the thumbs on the temples. With smoothing movements, we draw from the center of the forehead to its lateral parts.
  4. Place your fingers on your eyebrows and massage them for a few seconds.
  5. We pass to the area of ​​​​the eyelids. We close our eyes and run our fingers along the inner and outer parts of the eye sockets in a circular motion.
  6. Next, knead the tip and wings of the nose, as well as the area under it.
  7. Place the palm of your hand with fingers wide apart and press it firmly against your cheek and massage it from top to bottom.

Do about 7-10 reps for each movement. The entire session takes no more than 20 minutes.

Video: an example of performing a Chinese massage


The founders of Tibetan massage were Tibetan monks who were of the opinion about the beneficial effect of massaging special lines and points of the face on the general condition of the body. As a result of this procedure, toxins are removed and rejuvenation processes are launched.

How is it done:

  1. We start by patting the bottom of the chin - where it goes into the neck.
  2. Then we process the cheeks. We carry out soft movements (mainly patting) along the lines from the chin, the corners of the lips and the wings of the nose to the sides to the ears.
  3. We massage the areas from the “third eye” to the hairline, then from the eyebrows to the upper forehead areas.
  4. Let's move on to the chin area: in this part, you need to walk from the corners of the lips up to the eyebrow lines.
  5. We draw with our fingers using circular movements from the cheeks to the areas of the eye sockets from the inside, then massage the areas under them and then go down to the neck through the ears.
  6. We rub the nose, moving from its bottom to the top.
  7. We are working on the area of ​​​​the eyelids: we draw small circles, moving from the bridge of the nose to the outer corners of the eye sockets and back along the lower eyelids to the inner corners.

We repeat each step about 6-7 times. The whole procedure will take only 10-15 minutes.

Video: learning to do Thai massage


Qigong was invented by Taoist monks. The difference between this technique and others is the ability to influence internal energy: it is believed that with regular exercises it is gradually restored.

Self-massage according to the Qigong method is best performed in the half-lotus position: the state should be as relaxed as possible, and breathing should be even.

To perform Qigong massage, take the half-lotus position and calm the mind.

How is it carried out:

  1. First, treat the entire face using soft strokes in the following areas:
    • forehead area;
    • area in the interbrow zone;
    • lower and upper eyelids;
    • inner corners of the eyes;
    • the surface of the nose (in the direction from top to bottom);
    • the area of ​​the cheeks from the ears to the center of the face;
    • chin and area around the mouth.
  2. Now go over the same areas, but with patting movements.
  3. Place your fingertips on the areas of the lips and eyes, gently stroking them.
  4. Again, knead all the zones in order - this time using smooth rubbing movements.
  5. Next, treat all areas, pressing on the skin first with the palm of your hand, then with its base, and then only with the pads of your thumbs.

Each movement must be repeated 8-9 times. At the end of the session, it is recommended to imagine golden threads that are applied to all parts of the face and, as it were, tighten the skin.

Video: Qigong massage session

How to make a session safe: contraindications, possible consequences, recommendations

It would seem that a massage session can only bring benefits. However, like any cosmetic procedure, it has a certain set of contraindications. So, the procedure should be abandoned if:

  • warts and obvious moles (especially protruding ones);
  • skin diseases, including acne, herpes, eczema;
  • any damage (wounds, abrasions) and severe inflammation on the face;
  • fragile capillaries or their location too close to the surface of the skin;
  • neurological disorders and diseases associated with the facial nerves;
  • elevated body temperature.

Remember that after cosmetic injections and chemical peeling, massage sessions can be started no earlier than a month later.

Possible consequences

With the correct conduct of self-massage, no unpleasant consequences after the procedure are observed. If you do not follow the recommendations, then there is a risk of getting the following complications:

  • if a session is performed in the presence of contraindications, such severe adverse consequences as damage to the facial nerves and circulatory disorders may occur;
  • if you stretch the skin too intensely, it can sag more;
  • when carrying out the procedure without the use of massage oils or moisturizing creams, red spots or dry skin may appear;
  • in case of too intense exposure to the skin surface, especially when using auxiliary agents, pain may occur;
  • with excessive sensitivity of the skin and fragility of capillaries, hematomas can form.

Safety regulations

To make the procedure completely safe, it is important not only to strictly follow the proven technique, but also to follow the following recommendations:

  • cut your nails before the session - this way you will avoid accidental scratches;
  • be sure to remove rings and other jewelry;
  • do not abuse the number of sessions - be sure to take breaks between courses;
  • completely relax your face during the procedure - even slight muscle tension can backfire;
  • avoid intense physical exertion and sunbathing (visiting a solarium) immediately before and after the session.

Consult a beautician before starting home procedures - he will help determine which technique is best for you to massage.