How to bathe a newborn baby for the first time at home, video. Basic rules for preparing herbal baths. As a rule, the reasons are classical

The appearance of a newborn child in the house is associated with a lot of trouble for young parents. They will have to do a lot for the first time, for example, bathe the baby after the hospital. In this seemingly simple matter, there are many nuances that need to be taken into account.

It is important to know in advance how to properly conduct the first bathing of the crumbs: what is needed for it, how to properly position the baby during the procedure, what should be the actions after it is over. Taking into account all the points, you can avoid possible problems and instill in your child a love for cleansing moisture from birth.

And now let's dwell on this in more detail.

How to bathe a baby for the first time?

There are different opinions about when you can bathe a newborn baby for the first time.

Some believe that bathing should be avoided during the first 10-14 days after birth. At this time, they suggest limiting themselves only to treatment after urination and defecation, as well as rubbing skin folds with baby wipes or cotton pads moistened with boiled water.
Others recommend bathing the baby for the first time immediately after arriving from the hospital.

In any case, bathing procedures cannot be avoided, so it is important to try to make sure that the first acquaintance with water is remembered by the baby on the positive side.

The first bath requires care and caution.

What do you need for the first bath at home?

It is better to find everything you need in advance and bring it to the room where the procedure will take place. This way you can avoid unnecessary distractions and panic. Prepare everything in order:

  1. bathing room. It must be chosen taking into account factors such as air temperature (at least 22 ° C), the risk of drafts, lighting, ease of movement. It can be a bathroom or another room that has a table in order to place a baby bath on it.
  2. bathing container. If it is an ordinary adult bath, it will have to be washed thoroughly with baking soda.
    The best option would still be to buy a special baby bath, which can be put on an adult using a wooden grate, or on a sturdy table in any room.
  3. boiled water. Until about a month old, it is better to avoid contact of the baby with unboiled water, because it carries the risk of infection. Not all experts share this opinion - some believe that boiling water with a healed umbilical wound is not necessary.
  4. Terry soft towel and flannelette diaper for drying the newborn after the procedure.
  5. Changing diaper or clothes in which the baby will be dressed after it dries.
  6. Assistant. Probably, you won’t have to look for it for a long time, since the baby’s relatives will gladly help their parents in this interesting and responsible business.

In order for bathing at home to be truly enjoyable for all participants in the process, you need to pay attention to some more important nuances.

What should be the comfortable water temperature?

Preparing water for a baby is a very delicate and important matter. If the water is colder than necessary, the baby may become cold, and hot water, on the contrary, will burn delicate skin, which will cause fear in the future. The water temperature for the first bath should be close to body temperature and be 36.6-38°C.

It is necessary to check the temperature indicator with a special thermometer for the bathroom, and not with an elbow, since each person's sensations are subjective.

Is it permissible to use potassium permanganate?

In the first weeks of a newborn's life, people from ancient times added potassium permanganate powder to the bathing water. This is a well-known remedy that helps to make water almost sterile.

Potassium permanganate dries the skin, so its use is not suitable for all children. The amount is calculated so that the water turns out to be slightly colored pink. For the umbilical wound, potassium permanganate is safe and even useful, as it contributes to its speedy healing.

Is it possible to use decoctions of herbs when bathing?

Herbs such as chamomile, burdock, and sage are effective remedies for skin irritations:

  • prickly heat,
  • diaper rash
  • eczema
  • and other dermatitis.

Therefore, if necessary, as well as for prevention, they can and should be used. Decoctions are prepared in accordance with the description on the package. The saturation should be such that the water becomes the color of freshly brewed green tea.

Potassium permanganate dries out the skin and is not suitable for all children.

Bathing technique for a newborn

The baby after birth remains helpless for a long time. For the first month, he cannot even hold his head, so he needs the right support for the first bath.

How to hold a child correctly?

Having prepared everything you need for bathing, take the baby in your arms and begin to slowly immerse it in a container of water: first the legs and slowly the whole body to chest level. Then position your hands so that the left grabs the child’s shoulder opposite from you from the back. Thus, the baby's head will be on your forearm, and you can control that it is always above the water. With your right hand, gently wash individual parts of the baby's body, starting from the head. Make sure that the water does not flow on the face - the baby will be unpleasant.

To help the parents of a newborn, manufacturers of baby products have released a number of devices that facilitate the process of bathing. This, for example, is a slide, thanks to which the position of the crumbs becomes more fixed. A special mesh hammock for a baby bath was also invented. These accessories will help make swimming even more enjoyable.

At the end of the bath, remove the baby by taking him by the armpits, and then carefully turn him over with his stomach on your hand. Ask someone to cover the child with a towel, wrap it up and take it to the room where he will sleep.

The whole process of the first bath does not tolerate haste, so try to be more collected and enjoy every movement.

bathing mistakes for newborns

Even in such a relatively simple matter as bathing a baby, there is a risk of making a number of mistakes. Moreover, the mother of the first-born allows some of them because she listens to the senseless advice of grandmothers and other well-wishers, without even delving into the essence of the action being taken. What are these possible errors?

The first bath can be a real test of attentiveness and caution. But over time, everything will happen faster and more confidently.

After swimming

A clean, bathed and relaxed baby in the water is set to sleep. But before that, it must be thoroughly dried, in no case using rubbing movements. It would be more correct to lightly blot the body with a diaper, not forgetting about the folds.

After the baby has dried, you need to process the navel, if this is still necessary, and dress in clean clothes or swaddle - as you prefer.

The baby is now ready to feed. If he is an artificial from birth, then after feeding it will be necessary to hold him in a column so that excess air comes out. With breastfeeding, such a need, as a rule, does not arise - the baby simply falls asleep at the mother's breast. It must be delicately transferred to the crib, keeping sleep. Read the necessary and useful information about in a special section.

To be less nervous during the procedure, watch this video with the baby's first bath:

That's it, the first swim is over. With the application of the tips from the article, everyone who participated in the bath will have only pleasant memories. There is no need to be afraid of a much-needed procedure, but it is important to approach it with responsibility and then everything will work out.


How to bathe a newborn baby for the first time at home and at what time. What should be the temperature of the water. Step by step instructions on what to prepare.

The discharge from the maternity hospital is over, the baby and mother have arrived home. Since that time, young parents begin a new stage of life, full of endless worries about the child, anxiety, worries. The first serious test that young parents must pass is bathing the baby. The child is so small that it's scary to even touch him, let alone bathe. Older relatives (grandparents) can come to the aid of a young family in such a situation, but often they also do not know what to do with the baby. What herbs to bathe in? How long? Whether to use a sponge. What should you start with?

bathing time

The baby should take the first bath on the first day of discharge after the hospital. Exceptions may be cases when contact with water is contraindicated by doctors (after vaccinations, procedures in the maternity hospital).

The time for swimming must be selected individually. Traditionally, it is customary to bathe children in the evening before going to bed, but for some babies, water acts as an energy booster. The child after water procedures looks cheerful, wants to play, not sleep. In this case, it is worth bathing the newborn in the morning.

There are no clear rules as to when it is worth feeding the child - before or after bathing. On the one hand, it is difficult to bathe when full, a newborn child tends to sleep after eating, on the other hand, a hungry child begins to get nervous, act up, a bath will not bring him pleasure and water procedures will end very quickly.

Parents will have to empirically find a comfortable time for bathing the child. and solve the problem with his feeding. If the baby is constantly naughty in the bathroom, the water does not calm him down, but rather excites him, it is worth choosing another time.

From personal experience

What is "to bathe a hungry child" we understood already on the first evening. The child was breastfed and always fell asleep on the chest, so at the family council it was decided to bathe the baby hungry. In the evening, the child was undressed and solemnly carried into his bath. We have not heard so many children's cries, probably, for the entire first year of life. Water procedures ended when there was no more strength to endure the continuous cry. In the future, before bathing, the child was fed a little, then supplemented and went to bed. There were no more tantrums in the bathroom.

What to cook

For bathing a newborn you need:

  • baby bath;
  • thermometer for water;
  • soap, shampoo (not necessary in the first months);
  • diaper;
  • ladle;
  • soft sponge (cotton pads);
  • herbal infusions and other supplements (chamomile, string) according to the doctor's indications, but not for prevention;
  • towel and baby clothes.

We select the temperature, prepare the water

For bathing a child, you need to choose the right temperature. It is worth considering the temperature of water and air in the bathroom. The baby should be bathed at 34-37 degrees, the temperature in the bathroom should not exceed 22 degrees. In the maternity hospital, it is recommended to start from 36-37 degrees and gradually reduce to 34. You can also start hardening procedures from the first days of life, in this case we reduce the water temperature to 30 and even to 25-26 degrees, but gradually we monitor the well-being of a particular child.

Special preparation of water for the child is not required. Before use, water must be boiled and cooled to the desired temperature, only if you doubt its quality. In urban conditions, the water has already passed through all the filters. There is another option - if the umbilical wound has not yet healed, you can simply wipe the baby with a warm, damp towel. There is no need to boil the water afterwards.

Be careful, a solution of potassium permanganate, infusions and decoctions of herbs (string, oak bark, needles, chamomile, and others) can cause an allergic reaction or dry skin.

Let's start swimming

The baby is undressed and ready to swim, but do not rush. We need to give him time to lie naked. Air baths are very useful for young children, they harden the body.

Bathing in itself is a simple process. Here is a step-by-step guide to help parents:

  1. fill the baby bath with water, cool it to the desired temperature, add (on the recommendation of a doctor) decoctions of herbs;
  2. first, let the child touch the water with a foot, then carefully lower it into the bath. The head and neck of the child must be above the water;
  3. gently wash the child;
  4. wash your ears (water should not get into the ear itself, you need to wash the outside), arms, armpits, chest, sides;
  5. wash the groin (the crotch of the girls should be gently wiped with a cotton swab, the boys should be washed outside, do not touch the foreskin!), gently rinse all the folds;
  6. rinse the baby with clean water, remove from the bath.

The first bathing of the baby should not exceed - 5-8 minutes, then this time should be increased. At 1 month, water procedures can last 15 minutes, after a month - 30-40 minutes.

There is no strict need to bathe the child every day, as this can lead to dry skin. You can bathe the child once every 2-3 days. But bathing is not only hygiene, but also emotional, physical development, as well as an element of hardening. Therefore, the decision is yours.

After swimming

The washed child is wiped with a towel (without friction, the delicate skin of the child is enough just to get wet with a towel). You need to wipe the child from the head: first the hair, then the chest and back, folds.

There is no need to cover the ears with cotton wool, avoid getting water in the ears, or clean the baby's ears after bathing.

At normal room temperature, you do not need to wrap the child and wear a hat.

If necessary, the baby's folds can be smeared with a protective cream, and the umbilical wound can be treated.

Water procedures take a lot of energy from the child, so after bathing the child needs to be fed and put to bed (if you swam in the evening). A well-fed and tired child will fall asleep quickly and soundly.

First you need to think about when it is more convenient for you to bathe your baby - before the last feeding at night or earlier. Having solved this issue, you can begin to prepare for the bath itself. It is more convenient for someone to do this in the bathroom, placing the bath on the bath grate, and for someone it is more convenient to move, for example, to the kitchen. The air in the room should not be too cold or too warm. That is, it is not necessary to specially warm up the room - the main thing is that there are no drafts. And the door to the bathroom does not need to be closed, so that when leaving it, a sharp temperature drop does not turn out.

What should be prepared for bathing a newborn?

Prepare everything you need in advance so that you do not have to run after a forgotten thing at the most inopportune moment. Spread in the room oilcloth With diaper, on which you will dress the baby after bathing. Fold all the necessary clothes, a diaper, side by side. Separately, but within reach of the hand, even better in a separate tray, prepare products for treating the baby's skin and the umbilical wound: cotton swab, cotton wool, brilliant green or potassium permanganate, talc or diaper cream. Do not forget spare diaper. Try to ensure that the cooked items are already laid out, and not stacked, then you do not have to unfold them with one hand.

In the bathroom (or the place where the child bathes), it is also necessary to make appropriate preparations: put baby soap or bathing aid, straightened towel or a diaper, a thermometer for water, a jug for clean water.

Since your child is still very small, it is better to spend the first bath in a small bath(You can read more about choosing a bath in the article “Devices for bathing a baby” in the magazine “Pregnancy” No. 4/2005). And right after giving birth, not every mother will be able to bend down to a large bath. Therefore, prepare a bath: wash it with plain baking soda and rinse (you can simply pour boiling water over the bath). Subsequently, the bath will need to be washed after each bath (there is a residue on the walls) and rinsed before bathing.

The umbilical wound has not yet healed. In order to ensure disinfection, in a separate container (jar, jug, ladle), you need to dilute a little potassium permanganate to an intense purple color. Prepare several layers of gauze or bandage for filtering. This is necessary so that undissolved potassium permanganate crystals do not cause a burn when it comes into contact with the baby's skin.

Start pouring plain running tap water into the tub. You don't need to boil water to swim. At the same time, pour a solution of potassium permanganate into the bath through cheesecloth. The water should turn a light pink color. Potassium permanganate crystals should not be! Make sure that the water temperature does not exceed 37 ° C, while the optimum temperature is from 34 to 37 ° C. The thermometer must be special, in a plastic coating. You need to check the temperature without removing the thermometer from the water.

In a separate jug, prepare clean running water of the same temperature. While bathing the baby, the water will cool down a little, and you will rinse the baby with it after bathing. This will be another step towards hardening.

While water is being drawn into the bath, you can do air baths, give your baby a massage or do gymnastics with him.

How to bathe a baby?

Each family is individual, so everyone bathes the child in different ways: grandmothers help someone, husbands-dads help someone, and someone will carry out this procedure on their own.

Is it possible to do it alone? Certainly! As they say, the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.

Undress the baby. If, when undressing, you find a “gift” in the diaper, then be sure to wash the baby before bathing.

How to hold the baby so that he does not slip? Many try to take the child "cozier" - so that his head is in the crook of his mother's elbow. Yes, the baby is so comfortable, but not to swim, but just to lie down. Leaning over and lowering the baby into the bath is so uncomfortable: you need to bend quite a lot so that your elbow is in the water. Standing in this position for a long time and bathing the baby is also uncomfortable. How to be?

If you are right-handed, then with your left hand support the baby by the back of the head, neck and back with your palm, and with your right hand - under the buttocks and legs (Fig. 1). The position of the baby with the shoulder grip is also possible: the baby’s head should be on your forearm, and your palm of the same hand should support the baby in the shoulder joint area for the baby’s outer shoulder from you (Fig. 2). So you insure the child from accidental slipping and diving under water. With your free hand, you lather the baby. This position is comfortable for both you and your baby.

Gently lower your baby into the tub. Submerge it in water. Now the right hand can be released, and the left hand continues to support the head, neck and back. The kid will not slip away anywhere and can easily move his arms and legs. With your free right hand, you can wash all the folds, lather the baby's head and then wash off the soap. In the water, the kids relax, and the fingers, usually clenched into a fist, are unclenched. Take advantage of this to wash the interdigital spaces: they often accumulate lint from clothes. To rinse the baby, raise it above the water, take a pre-prepared jug and water the baby from it (Fig. 3). For rinsing, you can also put the crumbs with your tummy on your left hand, and pour water from a jug with your right hand (Fig. 4).

What to do after bathing a child?

After bathing, wrap the baby with a prepared and already straightened towel on his head and take it to the room, where everything is also already prepared. You can change the wet towel to a dry diaper and get wet all the folds, pushing the skin apart. For boys, be sure to gently pat the skin around the scrotum. Now you can do the treatment of the umbilical wound and lubrication of the skin with creams.

Answers to frequently asked questions

How long does it take to add potassium permanganate to the bath?

Until the umbilical wound heals. Then you can start bathing the child in a large tub, which must first be cleaned with baking soda. You can also add decoctions or infusions of herbs, such as string, to the bath. Just remember that herbal baths dry out the skin, so you should do it no more than 2 times a week.

How often should soap be used?

You should also wash your baby with soap no more than 1-2 times a week. The same can be said about washing your hair. If the baby has long and thick hair, they should be washed no more than 1-2 times a week and not wiped, but thoroughly blotted.

Can foams and other detergents be used instead of soap?

Of course, you can, but also, like soap, no more than 1-2 times a week.

How long should the bathing last?

The first time - no more than 10-15 minutes. Then you can increase the bathing time to 30-40 minutes. Bathing cleanses the baby's skin not only from the dirt accumulated during the day, but also from desquamated skin particles, and simply opens the skin pores for breathing. In addition, it is an excellent hardening procedure and gymnastics for all muscle groups.

Over time, confidence in your strengths and capabilities will come to you, and you will get great pleasure from your baby's water procedures.

Upon arrival with the newborn home, it is necessary to carry out hygiene procedures and bathe the baby. However, if the discharge from the hospital coincided with the day of vaccination, then bathing should be postponed until the next evening.

The child's sweat glands have not yet formed, despite this, daily cleaning from dust is necessary. Traditionally, it has become customary that the grandmother is trusted to bathe the baby after the maternity hospital, as young mothers' hands tremble with excitement. Therefore, if possible, you need to learn from the older generation.

Before you start swimming, you need to conduct a thorough preparation. Everything you need should be at hand: a washing mitt, a water thermometer, cotton pads, a container for dousing after bathing, a towel or sheet for wiping, oil for the baby's skin. And, of course, a convenient plastic bath.

The first week at home, before the umbilical cord heals, the newborn is bathed only in boiled water with slightly diluted potassium permanganate. From the second month you can use ordinary water.

When can you bathe? Usually children are bathed before bed at night, as a pleasant procedure contributes to a good sleep of the baby. Water calms the baby and removes excess energy from him. No need to arrange a game out of bathing, this will excite the child and prevent him from falling asleep later.

The optimum water temperature varies from 36 to 37 ° C, the temperature in the room should be maintained at 22-24 ° C.

bathing procedure

How to bathe for the first time is a burning question. The ritual includes a series of sequential actions:

  1. First you need to undress the newborn (some recommend wrapping him in a cotton diaper, but this is not necessary).
  2. Then the baby is carefully placed in the water (right in the diaper), supporting the back with the left hand.
  3. With your free hand, water should be poured over the child's body, while not forgetting to speak affectionately to him.
  4. Then, with a cotton ball, gently wash the baby's face and head (from the forehead to the back of the head).
  5. At the end of the bathing procedure, you need to pour the crumbs with clean water.
  6. After the baby is placed on the changing table, where they are carefully blotted with a soft towel or diaper.
  7. Next, you need to lubricate all the folds with special oil, treat the navel with brilliant green or peroxide, and blot the water from the ears with special sticks for newborns. No need to cajole the entire skin of the baby - only the folds.
  8. After all the manipulations, the baby can be dressed and fed.

This sequence of actions should be made permanent, then over time it will know that after bathing it is fed and put to sleep. The first days of bathing lasts 2-3 minutes. Then the procedure is gradually increased to 20 minutes, the baby will not be able to stand it anymore and will get overexcited instead of calming down.

While bathing, you must carefully support the baby's head with your hand. To do this, the head must be placed on the left forearm, and the back of the child should be held with the palm of your hand. So the baby is reclining in the water, leaning on his mother's hand.

It is advisable to bathe the baby every day. After this period, you can once every 2 days. Soap should not be used more than once a week. Soap breaks down the protective layer of thin skin. And most importantly - you need to bathe the baby only when he is in a good mood!

In no case should you leave the baby alone in the bath on a special slide or stand, you can’t even turn away from it!

Folk omens about bathing

There are several signs for the first bath of a newborn at home. You can follow them, or you can just smile:

  • the girl is dipped into the water in a white diaper so that she becomes cute and pretty,
  • water from the bath must certainly be poured out, and not wash the baby’s things in it,
  • put something silver at the bottom of the bath so that the child becomes rich (but not a cross!),
  • You can bathe your baby for the first time on any day except Friday and Sunday.

A newborn is a great joy in the family, but no less responsibility. It’s good when a child comes to the house to a prepared mom (at least theoretically), who knows the basics of caring for such a crumb. This will avoid many problems with the health of the child and save the nerves of the parents.

Preparing for the birth of a baby, most women study baby care books, pediatric forums, and mom magazines. All this preparation is invaluable in the real life support conditions of the little man.

When is the first bath allowed?

The first bath of a newborn is almost a sacrament. When can you bathe your child for the first time after the hospital? It depends on the general condition of the newborn and the condition of his umbilical remnant.

It is recommended that bathing be carried out for the first time after the umbilical stump has dried out (this is the remainder of the umbilical cord, which is clamped with a special clothespin in the hospital). The residue dries up for 3-10 days, the norm is up to 2 weeks. On average, this happens for 4-5 days. Accordingly, if the mother was in the maternity ward for 3 days, the first bath can be scheduled the day after discharge.

If the umbilical residue lasts longer, the child's body must be treated with wet wipes, or the baby should be bathed in a small amount of boiled water, as agreed with the pediatrician. In this case, it is absolutely impossible to wet the stump.

Regarding whether to bathe the baby in boiled or raw water after the stump falls off, the opinions of pediatricians differ. Many recommend bathing a child in boiled water until the umbilical wound heals. Others believe that it is enough to treat the wound after bathing, and running water can be used, since if water is used to remove the original lubricant in the newborn's ward, it is running water from a centralized water supply.

Of greater importance is not so much the tank in which the baby is bathed, but the quality of the water. If all the years of life in the apartment there were no complaints about the taste and smell of water, you can use it. Otherwise, it is advisable to use boiled

What to prepare for taking the first home bath?

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  • baby bath;
  • thermometer for measuring water temperature;
  • soft terry towel;
  • a weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate);
  • water;
  • a small plastic bucket;
  • cotton buds (preferably with a special limiter);
  • brilliant green (brilliant green);
  • hydrogen peroxide.

For the first bathing of a newborn, it is better to use a special baby bath, which must be thoroughly washed and disinfected before the procedure by scalding it with boiling water (we recommend reading:). However, according to Dr. Komarovsky, the first bath may well take place in an "adult" bath. In his book "The Beginning of Life", he writes that in a large bath, nothing hinders the movements of the baby - he can move his arms and legs, and accordingly, the body's blood circulation and respiratory functions improve. Plus, in the "adult" bath, the newborn, actively moving, spends a lot of energy, which allows him to eat tastier after bathing and fall asleep sweetly.

What will be the temperature of the water for the first swim? To measure, you need a thermometer - it allows you to determine the optimal temperature of the water. Due to the immaturity of the thermoregulatory functions of the body of a newborn, temperature fluctuations that seem insignificant for an adult can lead to hypothermia or overheating of the baby.

What towel to choose for the crumbs? Soft and gentle, plus it must be individual, clean and large enough to wrap the baby's body. The baby's skin is still very delicate and can be easily injured.

A soft bath towel is essential. The delicate skin of a baby and a hard, pleasant pile for an adult are incompatible. Many manufacturers produce a towel with a corner in which the child can be comfortably wrapped up, covering his head.

It is strongly not recommended to use a washcloth, especially a hard one, for a newborn. In the future, you need to choose a soft washcloth or mitten in order to avoid damage to the skin of the baby up to a year. Toys during the 1st month of life when bathing the crumbs are absolutely not needed.

Modern pediatricians do not recommend using detergents, baby shampoos and even baby soap for several months of a baby's life. Firstly, the soap will dry out the skin, and secondly, it will wash away the beneficial microflora. An exception is the situation in which the mother detects poor-quality processing of the child's skin in the newborn's ward: for example, the presence of original lubricant or traces of blood. This should not happen, but if it happens, you should use baby soap, which is applied with a cotton swab and gently washed off with a scoop.

Herb extract or manganese?

You can hear advice on adding herbs to the water for bathing a baby (we recommend reading:). Until the umbilical wound heals, this is not recommended. After, if the baby does not show an allergy to one or another herb, you can periodically “tint” the water with a string, chamomile, brewing them, or use a ready-made pharmacy version of the herbal extract for children (we recommend reading:).

For the first bath, it is better to use a weak aqueous solution of potassium permanganate. The water in the bath should be pale pink. If mom doubts the saturation of the solution, before the first bath, you should consult with the local pediatrician, who will visit the baby the day after discharge.

Basic rules for the first bath

  • the child should not be sleepy or upset;
  • the baby must be healthy;
  • procedure time - about 10 minutes;
  • water is poured into the bathroom by about 15 cm (the baby's chest should not be immersed in water);
  • water temperature not more than 37 C;
  • the position of the baby is on the elbow of the mother's arm;
  • after the procedure, the baby is wrapped in a towel and on a hard surface (changing table) the baby's skin is dried with soaking movements (rubbing the baby's skin is strongly not recommended), special attention should be paid to the inguinal folds, armpits and neck of the crumbs;
  • then follows the mandatory treatment of the umbilical wound (more in the article:);
  • up to 6 months, it is recommended to bathe a child every day, at a later date - you can every other day (we recommend reading:).

We present you an affordable lesson for the first bath of a newborn:

Carried out with hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green. The processing time is until the umbilical wound heals. It is very simple to determine that the wound has healed - by dropping peroxide into the wound, you will not hear hissing, and the liquid will not foam. Up to this point, after each bath, treatment is required. It is better to buy a bottle with a dispenser, if it didn’t work out, peroxide should be dripped with a pipette, 2-3 drops. Then the wound is thoroughly blotted with a cotton swab and smeared with brilliant green (carefully so as not to get on the skin of the umbilical ring and cause it to burn). Even more tips can be found in the video lecture by pediatrician Komarovsky at the end of the article.

The first bathing of the baby is a responsible matter, the district pediatrician will give competent advice on how to do it right. But sometimes that's not enough. A convenient way to see how to carry out the procedure is video. The famous pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky did not go around with his advice and the first bathing of the crumbs.

If the baby took the procedure well, the time is allowed to be slightly increased, but if the child cries, he must be immediately removed from the bath. It is impossible to let a newborn cry for a long time, he can “scream” a temperature or an umbilical hernia. In the water, especially for the 1st time, the baby should be lowered slowly so that he is not scared.

  • If you use baby soap, then the breast is washed first, then the limbs and genitals.
  • Then the baby is turned over on his stomach, his head and chest are on the mother’s hand, and his back is washed with the other hand.
  • The head is lathered last, making sure that the detergent does not get into the eyes.
  • The baby is rinsed with a ladle.
  • Don't forget air baths.

The first bath of a newborn raises a lot of questions for new parents. You can learn more about the rules for washing a baby by listening to a lecture by Evgeny Komarovsky.