How to kiss a girl on the neck for goosebumps. Kisses on the neck. What does a kiss mean, kisses on the neck? Gentle kiss. Important rules for kissing a girl on the neck

You can talk about your attitude to a partner without words, using different types of caresses. Psychologists consider kisses on the neck to be the most intimate and frank, since this part of the body is an erogenous zone for the vast majority of the fair sex and gives more pleasure to girls than traditional kisses on the lips - according to statistics, more than 95% of women "lose their heads" from kisses on the neck. For men, this type of kissing is also desirable and excites sexual attraction to a partner. Such caresses are unacceptable between friends, so this kiss is possible only between close and loving people.

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The meaning of a male kiss on the neck

When a guy kisses his beloved on the neck, he wants to please the girl, show his serious intentions and arouse female passion. Such a display of tenderness is a non-verbal declaration of love and desire for sexual intimacy.

The representative of the stronger sex needs his woman in this part of the body, otherwise there will be a hickey:

  • You need to lightly bite the female neck and gently run your tongue over it, but not dig into it with all your teeth.
  • Intermittent and passionate breathing into the ear of his beloved to achieve a more vivid effect from kisses.
  • Kissing should be slow and sensual, not in a hurry and not show excessive aggression.
  • Even a short stubble on a guy's face can create severe pain, since the skin on this part of the body is very thin and sensitive.

If a man often uses this type of caress, he has unlimited trust in his beloved and has sincere romantic feelings for her.

The girl feels liberated and relaxed after such a manifestation of feelings, spiritually draws closer to her partner and is ready to fully open up to her man.

How to kiss a guy the right way

Women's caresses

The meaning of a female kiss on the neck is a trusting and close relationship with your partner, a strong sexual desire. This is the best way to hint without words about your desires to your loved one in bed and start a love foreplay. However, if a lover allows herself such caresses in a public place, this indicates her selfishness, strong jealousy and narcissism.

What is a kiss

The kiss is familiar to everyone from early childhood. But not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. If we take into account the language of movements, these peculiar bodily messages that a person makes involuntarily, being under the influence of overwhelming feelings, then kisses at different points of the body can carry completely different messages. So, for example, a light kiss on the cheek means only a manifestation of friendly sympathy, and a passionate kiss on the lips means not only love, but also trust.

The neck is one of the most sensitive places in our body. A lot of nerve endings are concentrated on it (there are peculiar nerve "highways" to the head and back), which makes this area densely "populated" with erogenous zones. For those who are not in the know, these are zones, the impact on which brings sexual pleasure up to complete satisfaction. A person may not know about this, but the subconscious mind is pushing him to kiss on the neck if he wants intimacy. Although for girls, such a kiss can simply show confidence in a man.

How to kiss a guy on the neck

Any kissing is a real art. No wonder teenagers train on tomatoes or soft fruits. Almost every guy in his life, while still very young, went through this under the supervision of more experienced acquaintances. But a kiss on the neck is not at all the usual "hickey", but rather a gentle touch of the lips on the velvety skin of this area. Moreover, the lips should be soft and completely relaxed. This creates an effect of tenderness, which brings additional pleasure. But this only applies to men.

How to kiss a girl on the neck

But girls can show their feelings by adding biting or sucking to a simple touch with their lips. And the more violent it is, the more passion she will convey to her chosen one, and the more clearly she will tell him about the feelings that fill her, which are about to start to beat over the edge. It is this passion that becomes the culprit of occasional bruises on the neck of the stronger sex - "hickeys". But, oddly enough, most men really like such kisses, despite the pain they may experience.

Kiss on the neck. The meaning of sleep

But what about those who happened to experience such a manifestation of passion in a dream? A kiss on the neck, presented to a girl in a dream, means that in a relationship with her you need to beware of rash acts, otherwise it can lead to a break. If a kiss on the neck was made to a loved one, then it means honor and respect for relatives and friends, especially if you kiss your mother in a dream. But if a kiss on the neck was made to a dead person, you need to wait for misfortune. What and where, is unknown. The main thing here is to take the warning and stay alert all the time. If an outsider makes a kiss on the neck of a loved one, this will mean a loss of self-respect in the near future. As a rule, the meaning of such a dream is almost always negative.

In our life it is difficult to name anything more beautiful than the relationship between a man and a woman. An important role in their development is played by a kiss, which can both speed up the development of love events and slow it down, or even stop it soon. During the kiss, we determine how pleasant this person is for us and whether we will follow the path of further rapprochement with him. However, there are several tricks that can artificially win over a partner. It is possible not to become a victim of tricks only by carefully studying them. Such a potent factor literally for everyone is a kiss on the neck, to which researchers of human relations have paid undeservedly little attention. So, how to express feelings beautifully and effectively?

A kiss on the neck is not called the notorious "hickey", but a gentle touch on the neck with relaxed lips. On the part of the girl, such a kiss serves as an expression of complete trust in you and a sign of readiness to continue and develop intimate relationships. Outwardly, your girlfriend may hide her desires, but a kiss on the neck will clearly tell you that subconsciously she is ready to become completely yours.

If the partner kisses the chosen one on the neck, then this can serve as a sign of complete trust in her. And if a kiss consists of many gentle touches, then this means one thing - a passionate desire for intimacy between you. And kisses with gentle biting are a signal of falling in love with a guy who is afraid to admit it.

A kiss on the neck may have another, at first glance, a strange and implausible reason - the desire to warm a partner. The slight excitement that comes from this kiss helps the body cope with the cold.

neck kissing technique

How beautiful and effective to express feelings? Kiss the right way and where you need to! Men and women like different things. Strange as it may seem at first glance, but women prefer kissing with biting, and even carried out in a somewhat rude manner. They like strong tongue pressure and intense lip pressure. And men, on the contrary, prefer a gentle kiss with soft lips, occasionally using the tongue. And bites turn them on only with a violent intimate process, and with calm sex, biting can lead to a decrease in arousal.

Knowing how much a kiss on the neck affects a woman, a partner can use it to get the desired result. If the girl is not sure about the feelings of the chosen one, then she should be on her guard with such caresses and, if necessary, fight back.

Sensitive areas of the neck

How to express feelings beautifully and effectively: which neck area to choose? The area on the larynx, located under the chin, is best kissed gently, as they kiss, for example, on the cheek.

Kissing with biting at the site of the carotid artery is more likely to cause discomfort, so you should not use them. And they will be appropriate on the side under the jaw line and above the collarbone. Here you can completely surrender to your passion.

Kisses on the back of the neck are extremely exciting. Women like it when a partner, located behind, frees their neck from hair and kisses in the hole below the back of the head. You can kiss lightly from the side, which will resemble the behavior of a vampire and add spice to love games.

Try kissing the nape area, also known as the feline area. It is by the scruff of the neck that the cat wears kittens, and predatory felines use this place to hold the female during mating.

If your partner has his head thrown back, you can very carefully bite the skin with your teeth, running your tongue over it, then loosening the compression, then strengthening it.

Remember the magical power of a kiss on the neck and use it only for good purposes, bringing untold pleasure to yourself and your partner!

Probably none of us will deny: there is nothing more beautiful than the sensual kiss of a loved one. A gentle touch of the lips causes a storm of pleasant sensations.

kiss story

Historians believe that this form of tactile contact, like a kiss, is over 5,000 years old! In ancient Rome, for example, as a sign of greeting, they kissed not only relatives and friends, but even random passers-by.

In the Middle Ages, a greeting kiss depended not only on the relationship between people, but also on class affiliation. So, people of equal social status were kissed on the lips and cheeks, people of a higher rank - on the back of the hand, husbands and ladies of a higher class - on the knee. Well, representatives of the authorities and the clergy were kissed on the feet or even the ground near them.

In Italy, a man who kissed a girl on the cheek was obliged to marry her, otherwise the shame of the girl herself and her family could not be avoided.

Today, morals, fortunately, are no longer so strict. Nevertheless, the kiss has not lost its significance and relevance even now.

A pleasant touch of the lips is considered an integral part of the intimate relationship between a man and a woman. A kiss on the neck is especially beautiful for both sexes. But many young people do not know how to kiss the second half on the neck. Today we will look into this issue and give advice to both guys and girls.

How to kiss on the neck of a loved one?

Touching lips to the neck is, of course, a deeply intimate process, a kind of barometer of personal relationships. He can say much more than, for example, a kind "smack" on the cheek or even on the lips. He excites not only the fair sex, but even the most severe and unemotional men.

This gesture speaks volumes:

  • passions;
  • love or deep sympathy;
  • attachments;
  • tenderness;
  • sexual desire.

But in order for everything to go pleasantly for both partners, some rules of personal relationships should be taken into account.

  1. Freshness of breath. First of all, take care of the freshness of your breath. After all, even the most passionate and tender relationship can be spoiled by bad breath. Advertising, which we daily see on TV screens against our will, recommends using chewing gum for this purpose. In fact, chewing gum, although it repels unwanted aromas, still has a characteristic rich smell of menthol or fruits, which not every person likes, especially if he does not use such products;

To freshen your breath, brush your teeth with a neutral-scented toothpaste and/or eat a fruit like an apple or an orange. Well, if it is impossible to remove the smell even in this way, consult a dentist or gastroenterologist - it is quite possible that the reason lies in some kind of disease.

  1. Take care of your lips. Touches of dry, rough skin of the lips, you see, neither a guy nor a girl can lead to a state of delight. The softer and silkier the lips are, the more pleasant the touch will be;

For this purpose, you can use special lip softeners, which, fortunately, are on sale today in a great variety. You can also use folk remedies: lubricate sponges with honey, butter or petroleum jelly several times a day. But before the process itself, of course, the lips should be cleaned of any lubricants and lipstick.

  1. Take it step by step. You should not suddenly pounce on your soulmate with such tenderness, it is better to prepare her for the process. Neither a man nor a woman should be suddenly kissed on the neck, especially if a person is busy with important matters, as this can scare him or even make him angry!

It’s more correct to act like this: come up to your loved one from behind, hug, smack on the lips or top of your head, make sure that he is ready for caresses.

Gently run your palms over your back, shoulders, chest, but do not pinch, press your whole body and cheek to cheek, immerse your face in your hair. For greater effect, direct kisses from the lips to the neck area.

In women, the “cat's place” is considered the most sensitive - the occipital part of the neck, but not every girl likes kissing the front part (where the thyroid gland is located). As for the guys, they, as a rule, like the touch of the lips of their beloved in any part of the neck.

  1. Connect fantasy! This is especially true for those couples who have been together for a long time and have already become accustomed to the caresses of the second half. A man, for example, can lift a girl's hair and run his tongue over her skin, or shower her with many kisses. If your partner likes it, you can give her kisses with your mouth open - this intimate gesture rightfully belongs to love foreplay and is exciting;
  1. Consider the circumstances. If, for example, your beloved is busy in the kitchen, and in the next
    kids frolic in the room waiting for dinner, long and passionately kissing a woman on the neck with an open mouth is not entirely correct, because this can lead to the fact that both of you are seriously excited, and the continuation of lovemaking for obvious reasons will be impossible. In this situation, laconic, but talkative caresses are suitable - the other half will once again see how dear she is to you;

  1. Do not overdo it. Often we get so carried away that we no longer control the power of our passion. The fact is that the skin in this area is very delicate and has practically no subcutaneous fat, which is why a passionate kiss on the neck leads to a rather unpleasant consequence, namely, a hickey (ugly bruise). And although this to some extent flatters the partner and in the eyes of the surrounding people is an indicator of an established intimate life, in certain circumstances it can lead to embarrassment. For example, you should not “mark” a public person in this way - a school teacher or the head of a company. Certainly, "traces of crime" subsequently, you can skillfully disguise it with decorative cosmetics, a scarf or reduce it with the help of folk remedies (garlic and onion juice), it’s still not worth the risk;

Kissing a girl or a guy on the neck, many of us like to touch such an erogenous zone as the ear with our lips and tongue. This is certainly correct. But in order to give your partner a real pleasure, do not deafen his ear with a ringing loud “smack” - this is not only unpleasant, but can also lead to temporary hearing loss.

During the process, watch your partner's reaction - if he tries to move away, turns his head away, most likely he does not like your actions, or he is simply not in the mood for affection now. And if he tries to cling to you more strongly, responds with reciprocal caresses, feel free to continue - this is the first sign that you are on the right track!

  1. Do not be silent. Especially this point should be taken into account by our dear men, because women, as you know, love primarily with their ears. Say nice words, compliments, convince your soulmate of how dear she is to you and how much you love her. It would be useful to show your emotions with a slight moan or even a growl - such sounds can seriously excite your partner.

The meaning and decoding of various kisses.

From birth, a person is programmed to kiss. First of all, it is a kind of "oral" memory that occurs in the womb. After all, it is there that the child sucks his fingers to relax and calm down. Every kiss and touch of the lips has its own meaning.

Many girls are interested in the meaning of kisses, because the guy on a subconscious level decided what his partner means. With the help of a kiss, you can determine how a guy treats you.

Kiss options:

  • Sliding. It's a kiss by the way, which could mean that the guy wasn't going to kiss you.
  • Seductive. Most often, this is a kiss that involves the lips and tongue. Suctions may be present. This kiss speaks of sexual desire.
  • teasing. This is a kiss, when the movements of the lips are either active and sucking, then they stop kissing.
  • Provoking. This is a kiss that hints at sexual intercourse. In this case, the tongue inside the mouth moves, as friction occurs during sex.

The neck is an erogenous zone for most women. A kiss in this area causes a lot of excitement and sexual desire in the fair sex. The most interesting thing is that a US citizen was given a life sentence for kissing a woman on the neck. It was equated with sexual harassment of the first type. Therefore, if a man kisses you on the neck, he wants to possess you.

A kiss on the cheek has different meanings. Abroad, it is customary to greet your acquaintances with a kiss on the cheek. This is the usual friendly kiss that says that the person is glad to see you. But if you are in a relationship, then kissing a young man on the cheek indicates that he values ​​\u200b\u200byou and is glad to see you.

This kind of touching of the lips is called the kiss of an angel. It is believed that this is the highest degree of intimacy and only those who have serious intentions kiss in the eyes. Although the people believe that such a gesture promises separation.

Usually this is how small children are kissed. The same thing happens for a woman. In this case, the man takes care and is ready to support, patronize and protect you. This suggests that the guy treats you like a little girl.

The attitude of women to such a kiss in our country is ambiguous. In European countries, such signs of attention are considered the norm. It's just considered a greeting. But in Russia, the attitude towards such touching is ambiguous.

They are positively treated by older women, but young people do not really like it. But if you are unfamiliar with a man, and he kisses you on the hand, this indicates his interest and attention. If your wrists are kissed, then the man idolizes you and wants intimacy. Kissing fingers indicates a strong sexual desire.

The meaning of kissing a guy, a man in the hand, palm, wrist - why do men kiss a woman's hand?

A kiss on the nose means a desire to attract attention and bring a smile to your face. Used by mothers who want to cheer up their children. Often couples in love who have been together for a long time, with the help of a kiss on the nose, want to improve the mood of their soulmate.

This is a passionate kiss, it is often combined with nibbling of the lobe and indicates the passionate desire of the partner. A man makes it clear that he wants you.

This kiss usually has no sexual overtones and expresses patronage. A man in every possible way wants to protect you and take care of you. This often happens in couples where the man is older than the woman.

This kiss is ambiguous. This is still naev lips, but not on the forehead. Often this speaks of hidden passion. A man wants you, but so far he manages to restrain his desire.

Such a smack is usually used when people greet in a friendly company. In that case, it doesn't mean anything. But if it was an accidental kiss, then perhaps the partner is eyeing you and wants more. He decided to evaluate your reaction and the ability to move forward.

This is a classic kiss that speaks of passion. This is how newly-made lovers usually begin to kiss.


  • Tilt your head forward, relax your lips and touch them to one lip of a man
  • It could be the lower lip. Next, hold your lover's lip between yours, hold for 2-5 seconds
  • If your partner reaches out to you, you can suck on your lip, run your tongue over it, or bite

This is one of the most passionate kisses ever. He talks about the sexual desire of a man, which he is not able to restrain. At the same time, the partner's tongue moves in a businesslike way in your mouth.

Reasons for smacking with open eyes:

  • Wants to be in control
  • Wants to see that you are good with him
  • Can't relax until the end
  • I read in a smart men's magazine that kissing with open eyes is fashionable

If a man closes his eyes, then most likely he is head over heels in love.

Initially, many will think that this is a manifestation of passion. But it's not quite like that.

Causes of biting lips:

  • If during a kiss your man bites his lower lip a little, this symbolizes that he is not sure of your feelings, and the partner expresses jealousy.
  • If he lightly bites his upper lip when kissing, then this is usually how authority is expressed towards you.

Often there is not a single kiss, but a series called rain. It starts from the neck and goes down to the chest and stomach. Talks about the passion of the partner and his sexual desire.

This kiss is possible between lovers. Your partner is trying to tell you that you are close. After all, there are a lot of nerve endings in the lower abdomen. When stimulated, sexual desire is activated.

Such a smack speaks of the uncertainty of the partner. He is afraid that reciprocity will not follow from you. Perhaps the partner doubts your interest.

A kiss on the knee area speaks of the partner's tenderness and care. The man wants to dominate you. In you, he saw a little girl who needs care.

This kiss means the uncontrollable and violent passion of a partner. A man needs you as a woman and wants sex.

With the help of an air kiss, girls flirt. It adds mystery and zest. Men rarely do this, because they are used to acting.

As you can see, there are many options for touching the lips, and they all carry a hidden meaning.

VIDEO: The meaning of kisses