How to give a gift in an interesting and original way: unusual gift giving ideas. What an unusual way to give a gift to your loved one. Ideas for congratulations on Valentine's Day How to give a funny gift for a birthday

If you want to surprise a loved one and make his birthday bright and unforgettable, give him a gift in an original way. In the article you will find valuable tips and recommendations on how to brightly and spectacularly congratulate the birthday person at home and at work, and also learn about the rules of etiquette in the matter of presenting gifts.

Giving gifts is a real art that can convey all the nuances of the emotions of the giver. A hint of a certain event, a demonstration of devotion and love, a desire to support a person or show his non-standard nature - the object of a gift can have many functions, but the main ones are to bring joy and express attention and respect.

Giving a Birthday Gift: Rules of Etiquette

At all times, the culture of gift-giving has been given great importance. By the manner of presenting a gift, one can judge not only what the giver wanted to say and demonstrate, but also his character, habits, sense of humor, lifestyle, level of education, etc.

To ensure that your birthday gift evokes only pleasant emotions, pay attention to the rules of etiquette presented below:

  • A birthday present is a must. If it is presented within ten days after the holiday, it is considered a variant of the norm.
  • A birthday gift should be intended for the birthday person, and not for use by all family members.
  • It must be given in a packaged form, but the appearance of the packaging should not overshadow the contents.
  • Giving should be accompanied by warm, sincere wishes.
  • It is indecent to tell how difficult it was for you to find a gift or how expensive it cost you - this causes a feeling of embarrassment.
  • It should not be overly expensive, otherwise it will be perceived as a need to present a return gift of the same value.
  • You should not give a present that is too cheap - this can be a sign of disrespect. The exception is symbolic gifts made by hand.
  • When going to a celebration with a family man, take with you small gifts for the hostess or owner of the house and children - this will be a sign of attention and respect for everyone present.
  • Giving gifts is a real ceremony; they are given not in a hurry in the hallway, but in the room, emphasizing the importance of the moment (with the exception of a bouquet of flowers).
  • One of the rules of decency states that edible gifts are served immediately on the table.
  • If you are sending a gift by mail, please include an addition in the form of a congratulations card.
  • If you are congratulating several people who know each other, do not duplicate gifts.
  • The gift should be chosen depending on the degree of intimacy and characteristics of the relationship (for example, a stranger should not give a girl underwear).
  • It is indecent to flaunt the value of the object of donation; do not forget to remove the tag from the item and make sure that the check does not fall into the hands of the birthday person.
  • Bouquets are given to persons of the opposite sex. The flower arrangement is presented in a cellophane or paper wrapper, however, if you are giving several identical flowers, the wrapper is not needed.
  • Office etiquette states that subordinates should not shower their boss with numerous gifts. It would be more appropriate to share a gift for everyone by purchasing a solid and worthy item.
  • As a rule, sweets are not suitable as gifts for men, and strong alcoholic drinks and items related to smoking (cigarette case, ashtray, etc.) are not suitable for women.
  • Money is often inappropriate - it demonstrates a lack of time and attention towards the hero of the occasion.

If you want to surprise the hero of the occasion, give him a gift in an original and funny way.


Giving a present with a raffle is a great idea for an unforgettable holiday. You can play pranks on people who have an excellent sense of humor and a strong nervous system. The prank should not offend or humiliate a person; its main purpose is to “tickle the nerves” a little and surprise with a pleasant surprise.

Option 1. Gift to pieces

This idea is suitable for a valuable gift that is easy to break - a vase, glasses, tablet, laptop, etc. The fewer people present know about your idea, the more effective the prank will be.

From the branded box, place the contents in a safe place and fill it with fragments or ringing objects, which will make a characteristic rattling sound when dropped.

During the ceremonial presentation of a gift, you “accidentally” drop the box and watch the expression on the hero of the occasion’s face (it’s a good idea to film this process on a video camera).
After a few minutes of shock for all those present, the unharmed gift is solemnly brought in and given to the excited birthday boy amid applause.

Option 2. Box in a box

This method of presenting a gift is known to many, but the intrigue it gives always remains at its best. Take a small box, hide a small gift in it, put the box in another larger box. Pack this box into another larger box, etc.

The more layers of packaging, the more interesting it is to watch the birthday boy’s reaction. Take the time to decorate each box in a festive style.

Care must be taken to ensure that the birthday person is not disappointed after opening the last box. It is not necessary to put the present itself here - there may be an attribute of it or a hint of where it is located (for example, a key to a box, a note with a riddle, or parts of a puzzle).

Option 3. Waiting for a reprimand

This prank is for official purposes; it can be used at school, university or in the office. This is a great way to present a birthday gift to a friend in an original way (male people do not react so emotionally to conflicts with their boss).

On the day of the celebration, an announcement is posted in a prominent place that the birthday boy at a certain time urgently needs to report to his superiors for an important reason (it can be indicated, for example, expulsion from a university or penalties).
Meanwhile, in the dean’s office or in the boss’s office, preparations for congratulations are taking place - all colleagues gather, a present is prepared.

The secretary with a “stony face” asks the hero of the occasion to enter the office to wait a little, making him even more nervous. A few minutes later the doors open and congratulations fall on the excited birthday boy like a snowball.
It’s great if the main congratulatory words come from the leader himself.

Option 4. Lucky

To implement this idea, you need to attract several acquaintances whom the birthday boy does not know by sight. Under any pretext, you go with him to the nearest supermarket, and there he is greeted by smartly dressed “store employees” and announce that he has become, for example, the ten thousandth customer and he is entitled to a present for this.

This is followed by a ceremonial presentation. When to reveal your cards, depend on the situation. Don’t forget to agree in advance with the supermarket administration, or even better, involve them in the drawing.

Option 5. Telephone prank

Phone calls can have different contents, but we will focus on the most pleasant ones. The birthday boy allegedly receives a call from a radio station or television and is informed that he was the lucky winner of the winning number in a car drawing.

However, there is one condition: if you want to get a surprise, sing the national anthem (you can choose another unexpected task). After the speech, tell them that a courier is waiting outside the door with a gift. It is advisable that the gift reminds you of the win (for example, you can present a small replica of a car).

Option 6. Unpleasant call

If you want to give a gift to a friend or colleague in an unusual way, try this phone call prank idea, but this time the birthday person will witness a shocking scene. Prepare a non-working or fake phone and hide it in your pocket.

On your birthday, ask the hero of the occasion for his phone number, step aside and, quietly replacing it with a toy, allegedly start calling somewhere and swearing. At the very climax of the “quarrel,” you shout something and throw the phone against the wall.
You interrupt the birthday boy’s state of shock by shouting “Congratulations!” and presenting a gift.

Giving a gift using a quest game

A gift quest is an original way to congratulate a loved one on their birthday, combining an exciting game and presenting a gift.

A standard quest is the creation of a chain of riddles and puzzles that ultimately lead to the main prize. This way of presenting a gift will appeal to both children and adults.

We offer you three of the most interesting options on how to give an unusual birthday gift at home and beyond.

Finding treasure using map pieces

Prepare a map of any area (apartment, your area, city, etc.) depending on the scale of the game, and mark on it the location of the surprise. Then cut the card into pieces and hide each part in a separate envelope.

Each puzzle should be accompanied by a hint where to find the next piece of the map. These can be riddles, puzzles, charades and other puzzles. You can leave puzzle pieces with a janitor or security guard at work, with familiar employees of a store, pharmacy, post office, or in other unexpected places.
The place where the gift will be placed should be indicated on the last part of the map found. When all the pieces are collected, the birthday person folds the card and finds the gift in the indicated place.

You can simplify the task and distribute only encryption and clues at the points of the route without pieces of the map. The final stop will be the place where the surprise will be stored.

Luggage storage

This idea will tell you how to present a birthday gift to your loved one in an original and interesting way, luring the birthday person out of the house (perhaps you want to prepare another surprise at home).

In search of a present, the birthday boy will have to wander around the city quite a bit. Hide the gift in the storage room and take photos of several places on the way home so that they are recognizable to the birthday person.

Place the photos in the morning near the birthday person and add an accompanying letter with congratulations and indicating the task: find out the route from the photos and arrive at the location of the gift.

During the trip to the station, the birthday boy should receive several word messages from friends, which will need to be combined into one coherent sentence.

Each word in SMS is assigned a number (for example, “congratulations” – 5, “happy” – 1, “birthday” – 7, “with” – 9). The numbers placed in the correct order are the code for the lock in the storage room.

Tape quest

This is a great option for how to give a gift to a child in an original way.

Stock up on several long ribbons of different colors. From the birthday boy's bed in the morning, lay several routes, entangling the ribbons among themselves and circling them around tables, chairs and other furniture.

Only one route should lead to the main prize, while the remaining paths will be dead ends or lead to small consolation prizes.

An original cash gift

It is necessary to hand over money in exceptional cases- when you are absolutely sure that the birthday person is collecting a certain amount for his cherished dream or he himself is transparently hinting at a gift in the form of banknotes.

We offer you several ways to present money in an interesting and unusual way:

Wood with real banknotes will make a gorgeous work of art. Present it with wishes of prosperity and well-being in the home.

Money garland

Money can serve as an excellent decoration for a room. Attach a banknote to each letter of the congratulatory personalized garland and, at the very climax, point to your gift.

Money in the house

You can give a symbolic gift by putting banknotes in a toy house and wishing that there will always be money in the house.

Money fishing

Another idea on how to give a monetary gift to your husband is to arrange an exciting fishing trip. This method requires preliminary preparation, but the emotions after it will be remembered for a long time.

Build a small “lake” in which “fish” swim. Attach a paper clip to each “fish” and prepare a fishing rod with a magnet. Insert a folded bill of a different denomination into each fish.
Invite the birthday boy to take part in a goldfish catching competition. Give him three tries to catch real luck. Of course, all the money fish will eventually go to the hero of the occasion, but the excitement and desire to get a richer catch will add fun to everyone present.

Unexpected courier

In the midst of the celebration, the doorbell rings, and on the threshold the birthday boy sees a recognizable character (for example, postman Pechkin) with a parcel in his hands. He says that he has a letter of special value for the owner of the apartment, but he needs documents to deliver it.

After presenting your passport, the courier solemnly hands over the parcel with money to the applause and congratulations of the guests. The role of the postman can be played by one of your artistic acquaintances or an actor from an animation agency.

If you know that the birthday person is saving for some major purchase, present an original transparent piggy bank with cash contents

Search for treasure on “treasure island”

An interesting idea on how to give an original cash gift to a man on his birthday - turn his presentation into an exciting quest. Break the amount of money into several parts and attach envelopes in unexpected places: under a chair, in a coat pocket, in the microwave, on a chandelier, etc.

In each envelope, put a note with a hint where to look for the next part of the treasure. The original completion of the quest will be the discovery of an old chest with a colorful congratulation postcard inside.

Other ways to give a gift in an unusual way

Tape maze

This presentation method works great in a home environment. If you want to give an original gift to your loved one, then a win-win option is early in the morning, when the birthday boy is still sleeping, discreetly tie a long ribbon to his leg (you may have to tie several ribbons).
Pull it through all the corners, tangling it in some places and leaving sweet incentive prizes or some trinkets at regular intervals. Tie the other end of the ribbon to the gift item.

The ribbon will serve as a difficult road along which you need to walk in search of a long-awaited present.

Gifts from random passers-by

This unusual method is appropriate if the birthday person works close to home. Getting ready for work in the morning, he leaves the house and heads along a familiar road, suspecting nothing. However, strangers constantly meet him on the way, congratulating him on his birthday and presenting him with gifts.
This is how you can give a gift to a woman or girl in an original way by organizing the presentation of a bouquet of flowers to each person she meets. You can give him the main present by waiting at the entrance to the office.

To make this idea come true with a bang, find at least ten “random passers-by” and the same number of gifts (you can “break” one large one into pieces)

Accidental discovery of a gift

You can leave the gift in a visible place without drawing the birthday boy’s attention to it. For example, under a tree or at a bus stop, the hero of the occasion will be surprised to find a beautiful gift box with a bright congratulatory inscription addressed to him.

Another variant of this method is discovering gifts in the most unexpected places, but within the apartment.
Prepare several gifts and place them in places that will definitely come into view of the birthday boy while getting ready for work or school: in the refrigerator, on a can of coffee, in a closet with clothes, on a shelf near toiletries, in shoes, etc.

Gift in balloons

This method will help you a lot if you want to give your child an unforgettable holiday. The day before, you need to fill the birthday girl’s entire room with balloons and hint that the main present is hidden somewhere here.

Tape the gift to the string of one of the balloons or hide it in the farthest corner of the room. It is better if the object of donation is small in size. You can complicate the task and glue not the present itself to the ball, but a note with a hint.
To hide a gift in an original way, take several helium balloons and hang it or a reminder of it from the ceiling.

If you are not afraid of noise, we offer you a fun way to present your surprise to the birthday boy in an original way. Give him a deafening show - put notes of various contents inside the balloons (some may contain wishes, others may contain compliments, others may contain humorous aphorisms on a holiday theme). Hide a key note in one of the balls indicating the location of the surprise.

The hero of the occasion’s task is to get to this note by popping all the balloons and reading their contents.

Parcel from the balcony

Call the birthday person and ask him to go out onto the balcony. A helium balloon with a surprise or note attached will already be waiting for him in front of the window. Select a ribbon of the required length so that the “airy gift” reaches the desired window and make sure that there are no trees under the balcony.

If you use original ways to present a gift, the holiday becomes brighter and more spectacular, and the significance of the celebration and the prepared gift is felt. Memories of an amazing birthday adventure are a great addition to congratulatory words and the gift itself.

Video: gift ideas and beautiful packaging options

Giving a gift is a real art that should be learned. In the first video, we suggest exploring options for extraordinary presentation of banal gifts. In the second video you can get acquainted with ideas for original packaging for gifts.

Do you know how to give a gift in an original, fun and interesting way? And at the same time very simple! And even having played up the situation?

For some reason, it is believed - so to speak, by default - that a bag of gifts is an attribute only of the coming New Year and a prop exclusively for Santa Claus.

This is undoubtedly true. But - partially! From my experience, I know that a bag will help you out in many situations: it will add mystery, prolong the intrigue, and sometimes even save you, allowing you to get out of an awkward situation with dignity. And the question of how to give a gift will be easily resolved.

Gifts and prizes (if there are several of them, at least 3) are often more interesting to give out of a bag than to simply take from a table or an open box. Therefore, if the gifts can be placed in a bag without damaging both of them, then put them there.

Anything that breaks, breaks easily, melts and gets dirty - of course, don’t put it there.

If your prizes and gifts are exactly the same, tie different colored ribbons to them to create distinction and interest. Or small cards, or notes.

Where and when to use?

At any holiday where gifts will be distributed;

At any event where prizes will be given out for participation in competitions, quizzes, etc.;

If you need to give gifts to a lot of people, but the gifts are modest, or you don’t know;

If you need to congratulate just one person, it doesn’t matter what, but do it in a fun way. Only then you need to come up with and put more than one thing in the bag (the main gift + 1 - 2 small, useful or humorous ones, at least);

At home on New Year's Day, February 23 and March 8 - if at least 2 people in the family receive gifts on this day.

Finally, you can put money in it! Otherwise, many people are looking for, and what could be more original than a whole bag of money?

Give real money (change it in advance for the smallest paper bill - there will be a lot of it) or comic money - with a portrait of the birthday person. This is done quite simply, I did it myself using a copier on colored printer paper))) It will be even easier on a computer.

If you don’t have enough money for a whole bag, then sprinkle it on the included gift.

How to give a gift?

Three options:

1. The giver takes out the gift.

After a short introduction, the presenter or the one who gives the gift takes it out of the bag (slowly, with humorous comments):

- oh, it’s stuck, pull me, and I’ll pull him!

If it’s heavy, I can’t lift it, use an electric forklift (call a lift).

It stuck, does anyone have anti-glue? Bring it urgently!

Wow, the gift has grown while lying in the bag. Do you have a large apartment? Otherwise it will still grow!

Oops, I grabbed my finger! Look, it still bites! Have you been vaccinated against rabies?

Or remember “Field of Miracles” and the presenter looking into the black box - what big eyes he made and what facial expressions he used J

Let me especially emphasize: this is all a joke, we DO NOT give away anything animate - kittens, birds, hamsters and other living creatures. This is a big responsibility, and a person who is ready to make a friend must go and choose him HIMSELF. But not here and not now.

And we continue.

This is all suitable if the gift bag is intended for one, or maximum three, persons. If there are more people, you should choose option two -

2. The recipient takes out the gift.

He is simply invited to stick his hand into the bag and pull out his happiness))).

If time allows, you can scare him a little with previous comments or similar instructions:

Watch, or else it will bite!

Move your hand there, let it meow!

Grab it by the mouth right away so you don’t have time to release the sting!

But these horror stories are only for people with a strong nervous system, EXCLUSIVELY for them! My mother was seriously scared and screamed when she put her hand into her boot and stumbled upon something there - usually it was crumpled paper to maintain the shape of the shoe. She always thought there was a mouse there. It’s not clear to me when mom had time to think about this, because she screamed instantly! Now I’m smiling, but I know for sure - you can’t scare people, it’s dangerous for them, and sometimes for you - they can easily hit you with something out of fear)))

Therefore, once again: if a person is impressionable, easily vulnerable, there is no need to joke like that under any circumstances. Here it’s better simpler, but calmer:

You can have a snack right away. I really don’t know, is it edible?

Push and pull, there will be something to hang on the Christmas tree! Or on the wall instead of a painting!

Do you have a harmful neighbor? Then take out any one - if you don’t like it, you’ll give it to your neighbor!

How else can you give a gift, and what is the third option?

With the wish to complete the story about bags of gifts to the end,

Your Evelina Shesternenko.

Have you been married for several years and know everything about each other? Try to surprise your missus. Before the presentation, you can make her a little nervous. But only a little:

  • Present flowers and some trinket in the morning, let him decide that the gifts are over. The courier you ordered should deliver the gift only after a while. Which one is up to you to decide; the intrigue can be maintained until the festive dinner. It all depends on your endurance and the state of your spouse’s nervous system. And don’t forget to accompany the gift with a signed card to avoid any ambiguity in the situation.
  • The second option is suitable if you are going to gift your wife with a trip abroad or to a resort. Enter into an agreement with her friends - let them attack her with an SMS from the very morning with approximately the following text: “You are lucky, you are going to ... (name of the country or city where tickets or a trip were purchased).” Your spouse will be perplexed, and after you open the cards, she will rejoice.

To my sister

Family ties allow you to be original with your sisters in a serious way:

  • Arrange a quest for her with hints, where the gift will play the role of the main prize. To do this, you will have to get the key to her home under any pretext (for example, to help her prepare for a celebration) and prepare everything. The situation is easier if you and your sister live together.
  • Prepare many boxes with various small things and one with the main gift, take them out of the bag one by one. Clarify every time that you made a mistake and this surprise was not intended for her. The most important gift should come last - when she is completely disappointed in receiving anything worthwhile.

To mom

Your nearest and dearest should also be pampered with pleasant surprises:

  • Give a “gift within a gift.” As a “Trojan horse”, use warm socks made of angora wool, mittens, and an apron with a pocket. In general, everything where you can hide a small but significant gift. And inside, put what you really wanted to give as a gift - a phone, jewelry, a watch. At first she will be happy with the first (mothers are happy with any manifestation of care), then she will be delighted with the second.
  • Under any pretext, get your mother out of the house. The situation is easier if she is working that day or going shopping. During this time, you need to have time to inflate and lay a bunch of inflated balloons on the floor in her room. Hide a gift in one if it is not large or too heavy. Otherwise, just leave it among the balloons - the setting itself will become its colorful presentation.

We give an original birthday gift and surprise men

The stronger sex is more seasoned when it comes to pranks, give free rein to your imagination and creativity.

To my beloved guy

Emphasize the romance of your relationship with an appropriate gift presentation:

  • Have you purchased a watch as a gift that your loved one has been dreaming about for so long? Leave them in a visible place in the room or send them by courier. Attach a note to the gift setting up a meeting at the nth hour at your favorite place.
  • Hide the gift in the storage room and send your loved one an SMS from an unfamiliar number with its location, number and code. If he has doubts, persuade him to solve this riddle. A note in addition to the gift is required.

To my husband

Pamper your spouse not only with good birthday gifts, but also with an unusual way of presenting them. Moreover, there are conditions for you:

  • Prepare a long ribbon (knitting thread or twine will do). While your spouse is sleeping, tie one end of it to his hand, the other to a gift hidden in another room. Twist the ribbon around the house - let it take turns leading your husband to small intermediate gifts (you can even use a cup of coffee and breakfast in the form of your favorite croissants).
  • Does your husband plan to stay home on his birthday? Prepare him small gifts that you will give every hour. Save the most significant for last.

Unusual ways to give a gift. Playing pranks on friends

To give an original gift to a friend or friend for her birthday, use all your resourcefulness:

  • The birthday boy is not going to celebrate his birthday - throw him a party as a gift. Visit him unexpectedly, warn him that a surprise awaits him, but you need to get to his location blindfolded. Take your boyfriend or girlfriend around the area, ride with him on public transport, while others prepare the table at the birthday boy’s home. As an option, take him to a cafe or restaurant where all his friends have gathered.
  • Is there a policeman or firefighter among your acquaintances that your friend does not know? Ask them to appear at the moment of celebration “in full dress.” In this case, a police officer may say that the neighbors and the birthday boy are the main suspect were robbed, and a fireman may say that the apartment below is on fire and everyone needs to be evacuated urgently. The friend (or girlfriend) will be upset, but the joy from what the person presented in the form of a gift and, most importantly, from the fact that in fact it is all a joke, should compensate for everything.

How to give an original gift and make your child happy on his birthday

It is sometimes difficult to predict a child's reaction to gifts. “Insure yourself” by presenting it in an original way:

  • Rent a life-size puppet costume - your favorite cartoon character - from an agency that organizes holidays. Put it on yourself or ask a friend to do it - if you want to capture the presentation of the gift in a photo or video. Alternatively, hire an actor from the same agency.
  • For older children who can already read, have a “treasure map” under the pillow and clues around the house. With their help, the child must guess the location of his gift.

Unusual gift giving to a colleague

If relationships in your team are slightly informal, no one is stopping you from giving your colleague an original surprise on his birthday:

  • Ask the security guard at the checkpoint to detain the birthday boy under the pretext that his photo on the pass does not match the original - in fact, he is younger and prettier. After a short investigation, let him present your gift and tell you the name of the author of the joke.
  • The next surprise can work if the whole team (including the boss) congratulates the colleague. Give the birthday boy a call “on the carpet” to the authorities. He must go in full confidence that at least a reprimand awaits him. The whole team follows, congratulations and a gift are presented in the boss’s office.

Often women say: “It doesn’t matter what he gave, it’s important how.” This time, both “what” and “how” are important, because we will talk about how to give jewelry and surprise your loved one.

We offer you 5 ideas that will help you present your jewelry in an original way.

Surprise - inside

Guess what it takes for a gift to delight even the most serious person? Just a bunch of balloons!

It has been proven that balloons create a feeling of celebration and give truly childlike joy at any age. Even on an ordinary day, when you see a bright multi-colored armful of balloons in someone’s hands, you can’t help but smile.

Give your loved one balloons, one of which will contain your surprise - decoration. This will be a pleasant surprise, and joy will know no bounds.

Four-legged postman

This is the case when you discover that your four-legged friend can not only ruin everything, but also help.

Attach the decoration to the collar with a ribbon or tie a bow with a treasured box on the back of the little postman in the form of a backpack. So, waking up in the morning from a ringing bark or demanding purring, your beloved will see the desired gift. Believe me, she will remember this morning for a long time, and even a scratched sofa will be forgiven for your four-legged friend.

Like a true gentleman

What's one of every woman's favorite moments in Pretty Woman?

Of course, the moment when Edward Lewis presents Vivian with a necklace before going to the opera. So why don’t you take this idea and give your loved one a piece of jewelry along with tickets to the ballet or theater. Such a gift seems to say for you: “You are so beautiful! I want your beauty to shine this evening, and everyone to see what a dazzling woman is next to me!”

Your chosen one will appreciate not only the gift itself, but also the reason to wear it.

The effect of surprise

It’s not for nothing that they say that the best gift is the one you receive when you’re not expecting it.

Send jewelry and a bouquet of her favorite flowers by courier in the middle of the working day, or when she, suspecting nothing, is chatting with friends in a cafe or doing yoga. You'll see, the effect of surprise, multiplied by the beauty of your gift, will work wonders.

Vacation mood

It is believed that before flying to another country, you must buy other perfumes. The new smell will be associated with the trip and convey the flavor of this country.

This interesting tradition can be applied to jewelry gifts. Present her with jewelry a few days before your vacation. You can show your imagination and choose a symbol product. For example, before a trip to Paris, give a pendant in the shape of the Eiffel Tower, before a trip to the Netherlands - jewelry inspired by Van Gogh’s paintings, and before an unforgettable vacation on the islands - a fish pendant, jewelry with turquoise or coral.

There are many options. The main thing is that a jewelry gift will definitely preserve the most pleasant memories of the trip, and will be associated with this country for a long time.

Don't forget how to make surprises! As you know, only a gift for no reason is a real gift.

Sometimes the way we present a gift makes a stronger impression than the gift itself. Packaging, words of congratulations or an unusual manner of presentation can easily save a not-so-successful present and greatly increase the pleasant impressions of a long-awaited surprise. Today we will talk about gifts for men. We will share with you the most creative gift ideas for any situation and celebration.

Original packaging

Unusual packaging is the simplest and at the same time original way to present a gift. When decorating, it is best to use male attributes: tie, bow tie, suspenders, paper mustache, bowler hat, pince-nez, etc.

Using the art of origami, you can fold a shirt or suitcase out of paper. But alcohol should be placed in the sleeve of the same shirt or sweater, tying the neck with a strict bow.

Kind with healthy

If you don’t want to deal with complicated decorations, then pack your surprise in a box with socks or mittens. If your friend or loved one is interested in football, then buy tickets for a match or a certificate for a master class and put them in the goalkeeper's gloves. Thus, you will present a useful gift, which will certainly be useful for your favorite hobby, and give unforgettable emotions!

Pirate treasure

Men of any age love to play pirates and look for treasure! Right in the morning, hand the hero of the occasion an encrypted treasure map, adapted for your apartment.

Let the secret path not lead directly to the main gift, but only intrigue with its secret messages. Parts of the main puzzle will be hidden in the top drawer of the chest of drawers, behind a picture, in the bathroom nightstand... It all depends only on your imagination!

Romantic path

If you are preparing a surprise for your husband or boyfriend, then try to create a romantic mood and envelop the hero of the occasion with care and love. One of the warmest and most memorable ways to give a gift is a path of paper hearts, laid out from the bed (or threshold) to the present itself. Ideally, your own poems or your favorite song will be heard throughout the entire journey.

Air surprise

An equally romantic way to give a gift is to transport it by air directly into the hands of the hero of the occasion. Buy several helium balloons and tie a surprise to them (the number of balloons depends on its weight), and then hide the bundle in the closet. Most likely, your man or brother opens the treasured door every morning, so the original plan should succeed. For especially brave people, we suggest tying the balloons outside the window, but only very securely, so that the gift does not fly away from the birthday boy.

Crossword about love

Another good option for playing “hide and seek” is a crossword puzzle, the questions of which are related to your relationship: date of acquaintance, place of first kiss, affectionate nickname, etc. Try to make the solving process as interesting as possible: encourage with pleasant words, turn on a video, show photographs. As a result, the hero of the occasion must receive a keyword - the name of the gift or the place where it is hidden.

In the bag

If you have hidden acting abilities, be sure to please your loved one with them. For the New Year, dress up as a Snow Maiden, on February 23rd, put on a military uniform, and on your birthday, choose a hobby theme. What is your husband's hobby? Cowboys, Middle Ages, fantasy worlds, etc. In any case, the costume should evoke only positive emotions, and a small congratulatory program should include an original congratulation and presentation of the gift itself.

My best gift is you!

Yes, yes, now we need to remember the finals of the famous bachelor parties, when a beautiful girl crawls out of the cake in only a swimsuit. We only propose to take this classic idea as a basis, and its implementation will depend entirely on your imagination and capabilities. Instead of a huge cake, make a beautiful large box with your own hands and fill it with notes with compliments or declarations of love, and then climb into it yourself.

Now you know how to congratulate your loved one, friend or relative in an original and simple way. Show more imagination, and this holiday will become unforgettable!