How to wash a knitted thing so that it sits down? Principles of washing knitted things: drying, ironing, storage

Handmade knitwear is always exclusive and individual, and they require special care. Therefore, when purchasing a handmade dress, jacket or tunic, you should be prepared to follow special rules that are different from caring for mass-produced items. The implementation of recommendations for the care of knitted garments will serve as a guarantee of their preservation from deformation and damage. In particular, when purchasing such wardrobe items, you need to imagine how to wash knitted items.

We wash properly knitted things

If you are a lover of exclusive hand-knitted items, you should know the basic rules for caring for this kind of things. There are few of them, and, nevertheless, they will save you from premature damage and deformation of your favorite items of clothing:

  • Knitted items from any yarn - cotton, mixed yarn, linen, and especially wool - should be washed by hand, you will have to refuse washing in the machine if you do not want to permanently ruin your jacket, cardigan or dress.
  • Washing is best done in warm water using a special detergent designed for washing items made of delicate materials with a vegetable composition that maintains the natural composition of the fiber.
  • During washing, it is not recommended to rub the product, exerting a mechanical effect on them. It is best not to bring your clothes to the point where stubborn stains form on them. If this happens, for example, on the cuffs and neck, the dirt can be removed using a brush with natural bristles.
  • The thing is laid out on the bottom of the container (basin or bath) with water and detergent, the contaminated places are rubbed with detergent using a brush. After that, the product should be held in water for several minutes. After such a procedure, as a rule, the dirt quickly leaves, the thing remains to be gently squeezed out and rinsed in clean water.

Features of washing things from mohair, angora and down

Things knitted from angora, mohair yarn or fluff are categorically not suitable for machine washing, they also cannot be brushed, as the surface may be damaged. Such products require special delicacy during washing. You need to wash them by immersing them in warm water, adding soap. After they should be shaken off a little, without removing them from the water.

After washing, knitted items do not need to be wrung out, you just need to let them drain naturally.

We rinse things right

After washing, it is important to rinse the products properly, you need to do this in a sufficient amount of clean water, without using the spin cycle, otherwise your favorite things may be deformed. Adding vinegar to the water when rinsing will prevent stretching and also help refresh the color. This is especially important when knitting with yarns that are prone to discoloration.

How to dry

If you do not want your jacket or cardigan to lose shape and stretch after washing, it is best to dry them in a straightened state on a horizontal surface. After water has been removed from the glass product, it is recommended to lay it out on a soft towel or terry sheet, having previously straightened it well. It is in this state that it should dry.

It is necessary to iron the product strictly on the basis of care recommendations: this procedure is contraindicated for some things, in other cases ironing through gauze or gentle steaming is recommended.

Knitwear is always in trend and never goes out of style, you will look individual and spectacular in them. In order for such exclusive things to please you for a long time, they require special care. But don't let that scare you, stay always at the peak of the ode, be beautiful and unique.

Knitwear made of cotton and other materials is always in fashion, they are worn not only in winter, but also in other seasons. Especially beautiful clothes with fur. However, not everyone knows how to properly wash such products so that they always look beautiful and neat.


If knitted clothes are not properly cared for, they will lose their shape and cease to be beautiful. When washing, you need to take into account certain recommendations, otherwise you can ruin the thing very badly. Some prefer to seek help from specialists and carry clothes to dry cleaning.

However, it is quite possible to wash it so that it does not sit down.


Delicate items (especially handmade items) are recommended to be washed by hand. So you can keep the look of a sweater, sweater, hat or other knitted item for a long time. Remember the following guidelines:

  • For washing it is better to use cold or warm water. If washed in hot water, the product will look worse and wear out faster. The best option is washing at 40 degrees.
  • Similar things also need to be rinsed in a special way. Rinse the products several times, and at the end add vinegar (one tablespoon) to the water. So you can restore the threads that were used for knitting, and also restore the color of the clothes.
  • Knitted clothing is not resistant to mechanical stress. If you decide to clean the product by hand, do everything very carefully, do not rub the item too hard. Soak it, wait and gently wring it out; you cannot twist such clothes.
  • It is recommended to opt for special soft products. Today, the stores offer a wide range of similar products. For washing delicate items, it is worth buying mild detergents - they last for a long time, they allow you to achieve wonderful results with cold enough water.
  • Many people add baby soap to the water, or rather, its shavings. Some use regular liquid hair shampoo. Remember that the liquid product must be completely dissolved in water.

Operating procedure

Do not wash knitted clothes too often, it is recommended to do this no more than once every few months. The procedure should be like this:

  • Dissolve a suitable product in warm water and shake it to form a foam.
  • Put the product in the basin (it should hide under water), wait a while, fifteen minutes is enough.
  • Remember the product carefully. Remember that this should not be done too hard, the clothes may be deformed.
  • If the water turns dark, pour in new water (do not forget to dissolve the detergent in it).

Detergent needed rinse thoroughly from the knitted product. If it remains, the structure of the material may be disturbed. You can use conditioner - this tool will make the thing very pleasant to the touch, soft.

Place the product in the sink after washing to let the water drain. Then lay the clothes on a terry towel (it should be large enough), create a roll out of it. Then it will need to be gently squeezed out. After that, take out the thing and put it on a dry towel.

Let the product dry to speed up the process, sometimes turn it over.

Things that are made of down, mohair or angora are especially delicate. They need to be handled as accurately as possible.

For information on what home remedies for washing warm clothes are, see the following video.

Getting rid of stains

If you need to remove a stain on a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product, refer to the following rules:

  • It is better to clean the material from the inside out. For maximum comfort, place the product on a flat surface.
  • Don't rub the stain, just press gently on it.
  • It is much easier to get rid of pollution that has appeared recently. Try to clean the stains while they are still fresh - this way everything will be done much faster. Slightly soften old pollution can be using glycerin.

You can buy stain remover in the store, but some people prefer DIY products. . Coffee Tea removed using water and ammonia. The same tool helps to cope with ink, pollution from the grass. Talc helps to remove fat.

If you need to get rid of traces of blood, rinse the product in cold water. Table vinegar is well suited if you need to remove fruit juice from the material. If the pollution does not disappear in any way, create a stronger remedy: mix salt, ammonia and vinegar.

Before washing a product with a high collar, you will need to prepare a little. Overcast the collar using a fairly strong thread. After washing, it will need to be removed. With this thread you will avoid deformation, stretching of the neck.

You can remove lipstick from a knitted product using regular alcohol. Dip a cotton swab into it and soak the material several times. When you can completely get rid of the stain, place the product in fresh air to ventilate it.

Before washing, try to figure out whether the material is of good quality. To do this, take one thread and place it in a soapy liquid. Then it will need to be rinsed and wrapped in a white napkin.

If a trace is noticeable, use vinegar when washing to fix the color - it will need to be added to the water (two tablespoons are enough).

Knitwear is best washed by hand, but if you still decide to use a washing machine, keep in mind certain guidelines:

  • Washing in the machine should be carried out in a special mode (for delicate and knitted products).
  • For washing you need to use a bag. It will protect your clothes from damage.
  • Use special tools - they are sold in many stores. To understand the range, you can consult with sellers, read consumer reviews.

Knitwear is gaining great popularity today, these products are very gentle and soft, they help to keep warm in the cold season. Before you wash clothes in a typewriter or by hand, you need to read the instructions on the tag, it should indicate the way to properly wash things. If you have not found it, then in this article we will talk in detail about how to properly wash knitted items in a typewriter or by hand.

Can it be machine washed?

Can knitwear be washed in a washing machine? A very popular question of many people. Today, well-known models of washing machines are equipped with modes to wash things made of silk or wool correctly and without negative consequences.

How to wash knitwear by hand

Delicate items are recommended to be washed by hand, so the clothes will serve you not only for a long time, but also retain their beautiful appearance. If things are not properly looked after, then it may lose its shape or color. So, how to wash knitted things with your own hands:

  1. In household chemical stores, purchase special detergents for washing delicate clothes. So you can buy a gel or powder that will be soft enough and will not damage clothes during the washing process.
  2. Knitwear needs a special kind of washing. It is recommended to soak the product for a while, and then gently wring it out. Remember that such clothes should never be rubbed and twisted, otherwise you will spoil its appearance.
  3. For knitted clothes, do not use hot water during washing, you can use warm or cold water. For washing knitwear, experts recommend using water, the temperature of which will not exceed 40 degrees. Also, after you have washed off all the detergent from the clothes, you need to rinse. You need to rinse things with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar, this procedure will help restore the original appearance of the product, as well as change the shape of the threads.

How to wash knitwear in the washing machine

If there is no desire to wash knitted things with your hands, then you can use a washing machine that will allow you to complete this process in automatic mode. It is important to adhere to the following rules:

  1. In the store you need to purchase special detergents for washing. There are many different powders from popular manufacturers that have helped housewives more than once when washing knitwear.
  2. Use the gentle washing mode that modern washing machines are equipped with.
  3. Use a laundry bag that will keep your item looking like new.
  4. Things should not be wrung out after washing, as delicate fabrics are damaged after that.

How to dry knitwear

When the water drains, the clothes should be wrapped in a large terry towel and pressed a little so that it absorbs the water.

After that, spread things on a flat surface, and put a white towel under the bottom, which will absorb all the excess liquid. Do not use colored towels as they may shed and ruin the delicate item.

  • This is interesting -

Drying rules:

  1. It is not recommended to dry knitted items on clotheslines, as they deform the product.
  2. Do not dry these products with heaters or stationary batteries.
  3. Drying is best on a horizontal surface fully straightened.

7 Secrets of how to care for knitwear - video

To begin with, you need to carefully study all the tags on the wrong side, as a rule, they give exact recommendations for care, depending on the composition of the material. As a rule, these are recommendations for water temperature and the possibility of using bleaching agents.

Can it be machine washed?

The only question the tags don't answer is how exactly to wash the jacket. Most modern washing machines provide for washing knitwear, but as practice shows, it is better to fearlessly send only tightly knitted items made of thick yarn or with a high content of synthetic fibers into the machine.

In order for the jacket to be deformed as little as possible during the washing process, it must be placed in a special bag, which, by the way, will also save you from possible creases on the canvas that may occur during the spin cycle.

The water temperature should be no more than 30 degrees. Choose the most delicate setting your machine has, the best for wool, even if the item does not contain natural fibers. Detergents for washing and rinsing should also be chosen as soft as possible, designed for wool or children's clothes. Not only the safety of the structure of knitwear fibers depends on this, but also the brightness of the color of a thing that may suffer from washing.

Things made of dense, thick knitwear can be fearlessly wrung out in a typewriter - the usual 1000 revolutions will not harm them. But clothes made of thin, especially woolen or openwork knitwear in a washing machine are best only rinsed. And gently, without twisting or pulling, wring out by hand. For this purpose, it is good to use a terry towel.

How to wash a knitted sweater

Knitwear, especially handmade, should not be trusted even with the most modern washing machine. They are washed exclusively by hand, in compliance with their own rules, especially if wool is included in the composition of the knitted fabric.

If you wash a wool sweater like a normal thing, the result can be unpredictable. Best of all, special detergents and rinse aids designed for woolen and delicate fabrics cope with the task. And also ... any hair shampoo and ordinary laundry soap, and for light clothes - baby soap, it perfectly whitens natural fibers. In any case, you need to take quite a bit of detergent.

Natural fibers - and wool is no exception - do not tolerate sudden changes in temperature, therefore, for washing and rinsing, you need to use slightly warm water, not higher than 30 degrees. Completely dissolve the detergent in water, whip up a light foam and gently immerse the item in it. If it is heavily polluted, you can hold it in water for a short time, no more than half an hour.

The main thing is to wash a knitted sweater as delicately as possible, do not twist it, rub it or wrinkle it. You don’t need to keep the thing in water for the same long time - no longer than 10-15 minutes, this time is enough for the fibers to absorb water.

So that knitwear does not fall off and pellets do not appear on it - and this can happen even with the highest quality things - emollients must be added to the water during the last rinse. It can be either a special product for wool, or ordinary baking soda at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 5 liters of water. At the same time, the wool fibers will straighten out, fluff up and take on their original form.

It is best to wring out knitted, and even more delicate things, with a terry towel. It is necessary to dry any knitwear only at room temperature in a straightened state; a table or clothes dryer is suitable for this. After spreading a terry towel, carefully lay out the thing, carefully straightening it at the seams, trying not to leave wrinkles or creases.

If there is a need to slightly stretch the thing, you can use the usual tailor's pins. Gently straightening and slightly stretching the edges, secure them to the fabric of the towel. The same is done if the thing is of thin openwork knitting without elastic bands on the cuffs and along the bottom edge or is trimmed with scallops. If there are doubts about the decor - collars, frills or embroidered elements, in order to avoid deformation, it is also better to fix them with pins.

After complete drying, knitwear with a smooth surface can be slightly ironed, observing the temperature regime; it is strongly not recommended to iron things with embossed knitting.

How to wash and dry knitwear?

Almost all of us have knitted items in our wardrobe, as they never go out of fashion and are always popular. Some knit themselves, others order or buy ready-made knitwear.

For many, knitting is not only a hobby, but also an opportunity to stand out in the crowd, emphasize your individuality and style.

Here are some tips how to wash and dry knitwear so as not to lose their attractiveness.

To avoid rolling and shrinking of knitted products, it is advisable to wash them by hand. To do this, use warm water. The water temperature for washing and rinsing should be the same. First, dissolve a little detergent in water (choose a detergent for delicates or for knitwear), and then put a knitted item in it and lather it with light movements. Leave the item seen in warm soapy water for a while.

If you still decide to wash a knitted thing in a washing machine, then be sure to select a program for delicate washing or hand washing, and also check and set the correct water temperature for this wash.

When rinsing by hand, a large amount of water is needed to wash the soapy solution well from the fibers of the knitted product. In no case do not twist the knitted item, otherwise it will deform. Only a light spin is allowed, pressing the product against the bathtub or sink to get rid of excess water.

After washing a knitted product, it is necessary to dry it quickly and efficiently. The drying process should also be taken seriously. Do not hang a knitted product on hangers or ropes, otherwise it may stretch or leave a trace of the rope on it. Also, prolonged improper drying can lead to an unpleasant musty smell.

We will dry on a horizontal surface (you can use a folding dryer), laying a terry towel on it, which absorbs moisture well. During the drying process, you will need to change wet towels for dry ones several times, and turn the product itself over.

I do not dry my knitwear in the washing machine, but sometimes I resort to machine spinning. But at the same time I monitor the set speed during the spin cycle.

In general, the process of washing knitted items, as well as drying them, will take a lot of your time, but the desire to keep your favorite item for many years will help you cope with this routine and preserve the beauty of your favorite product.

So, wear your favorite things with pleasure and create new ones.