How cool to give a gift: the original delivery of gifts for a birthday. How to give a gift in an original way: ideas

The gift, of course, is important, but to a greater extent it is the way it was presented that is remembered. They proudly brag about it to their friends, retell it to their relatives and warmly keep memories all their lives. That is why it is necessary to think in advance how you will present the present.

If you are limited in funds for a gift, then it is the original presentation of it to the hero of the occasion that will save you. For example, you could only buy some not very expensive thing, such as a fruit basket. To make your gift the most unusual, connect all the guests at the table to present it. Develop a whole scenario - perhaps these will be contests for which you will give out prizes (fruits from your basket). Let the guests participate and guess, and the birthday man receives gifts. It has been proven that such gift giving helps at the table and even set the tone for the party, as well as cause a sea of ​​​​laughter and a storm of enthusiasm.

To prepare an original donation, it would be good to find out more information about the room where the holiday will take place. If it will be at your friend's house, then you can start preparing in advance by inventing your own secret places and preparing details for delivery in them. If a holiday is planned in a restaurant, you can easily involve its technical staff - waiters, musicians, cooks, etc. in the donation business. The main thing is to clearly plan everything in time so that there are no overlaps. For example, you agreed with the waiter that he will bring your gift hidden in some sweet from the chef, and at this time the musicians should play a certain melody. Of course, for all this you will have to pay extra for the services of the restaurant staff. But it is unlikely that anyone will present their present more original than you. By the way, men usually use this method when they want to propose to their beloved.

You can organize a collective congratulation for the hero of the occasion. True, for its preparation it takes a sufficient amount of time. The essence of this method is to agree with many people, both familiar and not to the birthday person, so that during the day they each call once or write by mail, Skype, in ICQ their congratulations. A person who is given such a gift will be very pleased that so many people know and remember about something important for him.

If you just want money, then don't do it corny. They can be hidden in a balloon, in a soft toy, in a package of several layers and boxes. Also in relation to money, yes, in fact, any other gift, it will be important to draw up a treasure map. Let the hero of the occasion look for his gift like a pirate treasure.

You can also give a gift like this: put it on the door mat, press the bell button and run back up a couple of flights of stairs so that you can hear everything that happens. True, you can only do this if you are sure that the door will be opened even if no one is seen through the peephole.

If the gift is designed for a romantic evening, then put it in an airtight container that is the right size. Wrap with wrapping paper. Then, with the help of a fishing line, or attach floating candlesticks to it in a circle and place the entire structure in a container of water. You need to give a gift in the dark, set fire to all the candles in advance. A romantic mood is guaranteed for you and your partner.

Any way to give gifts is good, because it shows how dear the hero of the occasion is to you. And most importantly, there are no restrictions on giving gifts - only what your imagination allows you to do.


If you have already bought a gift, but have absolutely no idea how to present it, then start with the general design. For example, decorate a beautiful room. It is not at all necessary to make new repairs for this, move furniture, etc. Buy a lot of different balloons, colored ribbons and, if a gift is being made, flowers. Hang it all up and place it all over the room. But it will look much more impressive when decorations made of ribbons and balls from one room smoothly move to another, where the main gift will be located.

From candles or light bulbs (you can take New Year's), lay out the inscription: "Happy Day!". If the gift is small, then make the place where it stands different from others and noticeable against the general background of the room. It can also be decorated with candles.

To immerse yourself in the festive atmosphere even more, do not forget about yourself. There are a lot of holiday items for sale that you will definitely need: masks, noses, whistles, some things for your head, etc. When all the guests are with various accessories, then even if a person did not have much joy and desire for a birthday, then everything will definitely appear.

If we are talking about the congratulation itself, then you can do this in two ways: either just congratulate, or link the congratulation directly to the gift itself. With a simple congratulation, it is enough to read ordinary verses, say simple words that are often desired by everyone, and give a gift.

And if we specifically talk about the thing itself, then before giving, you can say words that will contain either a serious or a comic subject. Because If this is a birthday, it is advisable to use the second method. Even in the most serious or ordinary gift, you can find a little humor. If you decide to give simple pots, then it is unlikely that anyone will remember them. But if you say that the pans are magical, and in order to get delicious food, they need to be shifted to the north by a few degrees, then such a rather unusual description will remain in your memory for a long time.
And most importantly, no matter how you congratulate a person, do it from the heart.


  • how to present a birthday gift in an original way

Giving gifts, like receiving them, is an art that also needs to be learned. After all, giving gifts correctly means being able to overcome selfishness and take care of what other people want for themselves. The main rule is that the value of a gift does not depend on its value. Because money as a gift - this is a manifestation of one's own material wealth. Or your friend might think that you were too lazy to come up with something original. The main purpose of a gift is to bring joy.


On the day they usually come at the invitation of the birthday man himself, and therefore hand over your you should put it in his hands, and not just put it on the table or somewhere to the side. Flowers are still the most popular and relevant present. However, for a day birth It is not always possible to limit yourself to only a bouquet. And if you have already received any present, then according to the rules of good manners, you are obliged to answer the same.

Do not give expensive gifts to friends or acquaintances. It is preferred among close relatives.
Give a thing made. Now it is not very common, but still it has a special charm. After all, it’s nice for anyone to get a day birth, for example, beautiful gloves, an original hand-knitted scarf or some kind of trinket.

You can give and money, it is not forbidden. Such present always helpful. But it is this ostentatious practicality that will deprive the gift of attractiveness and originality.

"Forbidden" gifts Do not give items that are associated with illness. For example, a thermometer or first aid kit. Give the bottom only to family members. At the very least, such present given to each other by close friends. There is also a category of "superstitious" gifts. For example, do not give handkerchiefs, even if they are exclusive work. As you know, this is to tears and grief. Do not risk with such a gift - people are very impressionable.

As you know, girls love surprises and gifts. Moreover, these gifts do not have to be expensive, girls need your attention and care. It is also important how you present present.


pack present in some unusual way. For example, if it is something small (ring, pendant, chain,), then buy some plush animal and hide present in him. There are special plush toys for such cases, they have a bag or box in their "paws" where you can put present.

Take your girlfriend to some very romantic place. For example, on the roof of a high-rise building - late at night, when the lights of the city are lit, it is very beautiful there. Launch an air lantern into the sky, write your general desire on it, and then present your present.

Arrange a romantic dinner on the roof of a high-rise building or, for example, on a mountain. Best of all, if from the place where you will be, a beautiful view will open. Bring champagne and candles with you, try to organize romantic music. If you are going somewhere in the evening, take blankets with you so as not to freeze. During dinner, give your present.

Book a table in a cafe, restaurant or nightclub - depending on where you like to be with yours. It is better that on this day there is some kind of show program in the institution of your choice. Arrange with the host of the show program to give you the floor. Say into the microphone how much you love your girlfriend and how happy you are with her. She will be happy that you are ready to communicate your love for her to the whole world.

If you already live together, then hide your present Houses. Try to make it an unexpected place, one where she can "accidentally" stumble upon it. Do this while she sleeps - let the beginning of the day be joyful and pleasant for her.

Often give your beloved small gifts for no reason. A box of her favorite chocolates, a printed photo of you and her in a beautiful frame, a book by her favorite author, a CD with a good movie, or something related to her hobbies or hobbies. These seemingly insignificant little things are actually very important for women, they are perceived as manifestations of love, so do not neglect them.


  • how to give a girl a gift

Giving gifts is no less pleasant than receiving them. Especially if you think in advance how you will present your present to the hero of the occasion. Here, originality is welcome. There are many interesting ways to give a gift in a creative and non-standard way. The more unusual option you choose, the more likely that your surprise will be remembered for a long time.

How to creatively present a gift: 5 original ways

Method 1. To prepare a creative gift giving, it is advisable to find out more information about the room where the festive event will be held. So, if the celebration is planned in a restaurant, you can involve its technical staff - musicians, waiters, cooks, etc. in the donation process. The main thing is to plan everything clearly in time so that annoying overlays do not come out.

For example, you agreed with the waitress that she will bring your gift, which will be hidden in some kind of sweetness, and at this time the musicians will play the favorite melody of the hero of the occasion. If you want to congratulate a woman, you can order a serenade dedicated to her personally. The birthday girl will be very pleased with such attention.

Of course, for this you will need to pay for additional services of the restaurant staff. But your present will surely be the most original. Usually men use this method of presenting a gift when they want to propose to their beloved.

Method 2. You can organize a collective congratulation for the hero of the occasion. To do this, arrange with many people, familiar and unfamiliar to the birthday man, so that each of them on his birthday calls or writes his wishes via Skype, mail, ICQ. The hero of the occasion will be pleased that so many people know and remember about an important date for him.

Method 3. You can present a gift like this: just put it on the rug at the door to the apartment, press the call button, and then run back a couple of flights of stairs. There you can hear everything that will happen.

Method 4 Wrap your gift in several layers of wrapping paper. At first, the unfolding process will cause slight bewilderment in the hero of the occasion, and then it will amuse both him and those around him. The main thing here is not to overdo it, 3-5 layers of paper will be enough.

Method 5. If your gift is designed for a romantic evening, place the present in a suitable sealed container. Then wrap it in wrapping paper. After that, using a wire or fishing line, attach a small container of water with floating candles to it. Give a gift in the dark, remembering to light all the candles in advance. Be very careful not to let them fall. A romantic mood for your loved one will be provided.

How to creatively present money as a gift

If you want to donate money, don't do it casually. They can be hidden in a balloon, a bouquet, in a soft toy or in a package of several layers and colored boxes.

Also, in relation to money or other other gift, it will be relevant to draw up a treasure map, according to which you need to find a pirate treasure. Each checkpoint will have a hint on where to find the next checkpoint. Your congratulations will turn into an incredibly exciting game.

Any way to give gifts is good when it shows how dear the hero of the occasion is to you. And most importantly, there are no restrictions in the matter of giving - do what your imagination tells you.

Anniversaries are no ordinary birthdays. This is an important date in a person's life, when friends, relatives and colleagues are happy to express their respect and admiration to him, note the value of life experience, and sincerely rejoice at his successes and achievements. Even if the hero of the day does not intend to celebrate this day on a grand scale, relatives and friends will still come to congratulate him and present memorable gifts.


Prepare an original greeting. Firstly, this is a rule of good taste, and secondly, a pleasant ritual during which you can sincerely express your feelings and show the hero of the day a sign of special attention and respect. You should feel confident when giving a congratulatory speech, giving a song, poetry, etc. Therefore, carefully rehearse the text, work out the movements and gestures. When presenting a gift and such an original congratulation, do not forget about a smile and a good mood, even if you have made any mistake.

Rent an urban billboard that the birthday person will see either by glancing out the window or by following their usual route, such as to work, a walk, or the mall. Place on it your heartfelt congratulations to the birthday man.

When presenting a gift, use unusual packaging. This always creates an atmosphere of mystery and pleasant expectation. Do not forget that depending on gender and age, gifts are packaged differently: men's gifts are more restrained, while women's, on the contrary, may have a different number of details. If a woman has a holiday, think, for example, about an original bouquet. It can be assembled not only from beautiful fresh flowers, but also made from chocolate, beloved by the birthday girl.

Surprise and cheer the birthday boy. Think of an enchanting gift giving. The main thing here is to preserve the effect of surprise, which will later remain a vivid impression of this day. The original presentation may be dictated by the theme of the gift itself.

Invite actors or comedians. Their performance will add brightness and extravagance to the festive evening, cheer you up and give you the opportunity to present your gift in an original way. You can arrange their performance in such a way that they will present your gift during their performance.

If you congratulate your wife, girlfriend, beloved, order a car with a lifting device and “hang” with a huge bouquet and a gift at the level of her window. First, be sure to find out if the one for whom your unusual tricks are intended is located behind these windows.

Helpful advice

Observe etiquette when presenting a gift to the hero of the day. Pay attention to your appearance, follow the culture of speech and behave appropriately in public places.

Choosing a birthday present for a son-in-law is not difficult if you have an idea of ​​​​his taste preferences or lifestyle. It is advisable to purchase something original to please the son-in-law.

Gifts not worth giving

For a birthday, of course, you should not give “duty” sets, for example, socks, shaving accessories and cosmetics, souvenirs in the form of key rings, mugs, fountain pens, lighters, and so on.

It is worth noting that not the best option is to give gifts that all family members can use. It is worth abandoning the idea of ​​presenting a gift to your beloved son-in-law with a hint of his not entirely positive qualities. To show your good attitude towards your daughter's spouse, it is better to come up with a worthwhile present, a gift with a soul, something that he will appreciate.

How to choose a gift for son-in-law

If you have the opportunity, then you should consult with your daughter or son-in-law's parents, find out about his hobbies, desires and needs for some things. Maybe he is interested in hunting, fishing, football, skiing, etc. In accordance with this knowledge, you can already start choosing a gift, for example, an accessory that your son-in-law will need for his favorite hobbies.

As a gift, you can present a set of tackle, hooks, bait, etc., if a person is fond of fishing. It is worth choosing a set of knives, a hiking backpack, and so on, if the son-in-law likes hunting and traveling. A ticket to a football match of your favorite team, socks, etc., if he is a fan or plays football in his free time, will do. A gym membership can be given if the son-in-law loves sports and takes care of himself.

If your son-in-law is passionate about his car, you can dream up and give him, for example, a silver keychain for car keys, a set of tools, a car thermos for drinks, a navigator, a radio tape recorder, etc. You can give your son-in-law a good digital camera, a wireless electronic shaver, and more. The list of hobbies and related gifts can be impressive.

If you do not want to tie the gift to the interests of the named son, then ask the daughter about his needs. If he works in an office or his professional activity is connected with communication with people, maybe he would like to receive a new expensive tie, cufflinks, shirt, a good watch, a business card holder or a case as a gift.

If the son-in-law spends a lot of time at the computer, he may be pleased with some device for the computer, for example, a removable disk with a large amount of memory, a good wireless mouse, keyboard, and so on.

If you want to present a gift “with soul”, then you can order or create something with your own hands, a picture, a cartoon, a T-shirt with an interesting print, a knitted scarf or hat, and the like. If the idea of ​​a gift has not visited you, then an envelope or piggy bank with money will always do.

On the daughter's 13th birthday, she decided to arrange not an ordinary birthday, but to a greater extent - his expectation and a sense of the upcoming holiday already in advance.

The idea was this. A garland was made from six envelope flags and hung on the wall. Each flag has numbers in descending order: 5-4-3-2-1 (these numbers mean how many days are left until the birthday) and the last flag with the inscription "Happy Birthday!" On the right day, you need to remove and open the flag-envelope, and there is an indication to look for a surprise. Thus, even before the start of the holiday, the child begins to feel its approach.

Are you prone to prejudices that it is impossible to congratulate and give gifts in advance? So it's just a holiday...

DIY garland flags

In order to make envelope flags, we need thick colored paper (cardboard), scissors. PVA glue and various decorations (flowers, buttons, paper tape, etc.).

I propose a flag-envelope template:

We cut out flags from thick colored paper, where the place of the fold - with the help of a ruler and the back of the brush with pressure, draw lines to make it easier to bend. We glue and get such a simple envelope, where we put instructions for the child, where to find pre-holiday gifts:

Of course, do not forget to decorate them to your liking.

We hang it on a thread by the valve, which closes the flag-envelope. So that the valve does not open, and the flag hangs firmly, you can fix it with paper tape or multi-colored paper clips.

Now I will tell you what and how was given on the eve of the birthday.

1) In the first envelope that we had to open (with the number five), there was a note: "A spool of yellow thread will lead you to good luck". Previously, the gift was hidden in a locker, and a thread was tied to it. With a spool of thread, you should walk around the apartment in advance, hooking it wherever you have to: door handles, on top of cabinets (to climb higher), by the legs of chairs ... The child’s task is to find the spool itself (it lies in a conspicuous place) and, winding the threads , get to the gift.

Thus, the daughter received the book “Time of Formation” from the series “UPS. Teacher from the Planet of the Sun. She was once given one, and she literally fell in love with the good advice of little Oops.

2) The second envelope contained instructions on how many steps and in which direction to measure around the apartment. To make it more interesting, the instructions looped, forced to utter funny phrases, such as “I am a bzyaka, gifts from a ljubljaka!” But in the end they led to a hidden gift: a board game from the "School of Magic" series - "10 Tricks" (we really love tricks and everything connected with them)

3) The third envelope forced the books to be opened on certain pages, where new instructions lay. In the end, a note was found: “This gift is the place under the pillow!” And there was a nightgown.

4) In the fourth envelope there was a note in which all the words were written in a row, without spaces. Do you think it's easy to read such "abracadabra"? Try it yourself. When we figured out this indication as well, it followed from it that we should look for it on our way. And during the morning preparations for school, we found various sweets on the floor.

5) In the fifth envelope is an encrypted letter. Dancing Men is one of our favorite ciphers because we love Sherlock Holmes. But first you need to find the key to the cipher, so the envelope with the encrypted message should also contain an indication of where to find the key.

This can be a simple crossword puzzle that you have previously compiled, where answers are entered vertically, and an indication will appear in their horizontal intersection where the key lies (for example, a refrigerator). Or even simpler - the word is cut into letters. Collect - and find out where the key to the cipher is hidden.

Print the key to the cipher on a printer, and the text of the message can be written by hand.

To make it more interesting and more difficult to decipher, first congratulate on the upcoming one, write a couple of affectionate words, and then an indication of where to find the gift.

For the penultimate envelope, we have prepared a set of a real soap maker: a soap base, molds, flavors.

6) Last and most important, the birthday envelope!
The note contains a riddle:

Transparent as glass
Don't put it in the window.

An ice cube is pre-frozen with the following note, which reads:

Cheesecakes are baked from me,
And pancakes and pancakes.
If you are making dough
I must be put down.

Let there be a plate of flour on the table, where you will bury the following note:

No arms, no legs
Roaring across the field
Sings and whistles
breaks trees,
Bends the grass to the ground.

Attach the next note outside the window. And so on, as long as you have enough imagination and strength. The more unusual the location of the note, the more interesting.
On this wonderful birthday, the daughter will find her most important and long-dreamed gift - a tablet.

I wish your holidays to be bright and unforgettable. And so that the children are surprised at your inexhaustible imagination.

Good afternoon dear friends! Let's talk about how to give a gift in an original way?

Soon we have Valentine's Day, which means you need to mentally select options for congratulations for this cherished date. Do you know how to give a gift to those you love and appreciate in an original way?

I think that every person likes not only to receive gifts, but also to present them to their relatives, friends and colleagues. But it is one thing to hand them over with a few boring symbolic words. And quite another - to present a gift in an original way. So that this tribute will leave joyful memories in the memory of the recipient for a long time.

There are many ways to present a present in an original way. Let's look at a few options, shall we?

Method number 1. Delivery by courier

You can present a present to the addressee by handing it over by courier. But not with the one dressed like a postman and handing it to the addressee in a monotonous voice. It is necessary to dress the courier in the costume of a character from a movie or cartoon that the future recipient of the gift likes.

If the present is intended for a woman, it is better to complement the gift with an armful of her favorite flowers and / or multi-colored balloons.

Method number 2. Delivery in the form of a quest

It is necessary to think over and draw on a piece of paper a plan for finding the gift you have hidden. The drawing can be a diagram or a drawing with hint images.

And the more complicated this plan is, the more interesting it will be for the recipient of the gift to look for it, and for you to observe this process (by the way, my beloved friend arranged such a quest for her husband on their wedding anniversary. Oh, and he wandered around the city that day! But ... an amazing reward was waiting for him, so he definitely did not remain offended 🙂).

It is possible to complicate the process described above. So, you should divide the plan into several parts and ensure that the recipient of the gift first searches for parts of the plan, and then the present itself.

This way of presenting a present will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. After all, even the process itself captures and adds excitement and mystery! And this is so valuable! We all miss a healthy dose of adrenaline in our lives.

Method number 3. Romantic way of giving

If you are giving a gift in the summer and you have enough spirit of romanticism and adventurism, you can lift your gift right to the recipient's window using helium balloons.

This is done as follows:

  • Take a long thin rope (you should calculate the footage depending on the desired floor)
  • Tie a beautifully wrapped gift to the rope (it should be light enough)
  • Attach a bunch of helium balloons to the gift (the more, the more effective, and the easier your gift will rise to the desired floor 🙂).

In addition, you can give a gift in this way even when the heroine of the holiday is at her workplace. In this case, pleasant emotions will increase several times due to the fact that all colleagues will see and appreciate the originality of the way you presented the gift.

In general, if you have a desire to make a special gift - experiment! As soon as you think about how to give a gift in an original way, your imagination will immediately give you many interesting ways! And then, believe me, the hero (or heroine) of the holiday will remember this day for a long time!

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We always choose gifts for our relatives and friends with imagination and excitement, but how do we feel about the process of giving? After all, I want to present such a carefully selected gift with humor and in an original way. Direct delivery of a gift is a crucial stage of its giving. A gift should not only be bright and memorable, but its presentation should remain in the memory of the person who receives it. How to give a gift in an original way? Often the characteristics of a gift depend on the way it is presented.

Extraordinary ways and individual approach

How to give a birthday present in an original and unusual way to a husband, man, child, wife, mother, girlfriend, girl, boyfriend, colleague...

  • For a child, for example, you can arrange a search for a gift with hints, a kind of quest. Remember such a team children's game? If you make an additional gift a sweet present, then you can involve all the friends of the birthday present in this game.
  • It is better to present a gift suddenly. Can you hide a gift? in a certain place. You need to tie a very long thread to the present. And attach the other end of this thread to the hand of the person to whom you are giving the gift. It is best to do this when the loved one is still sleeping. This will be an unexpected factor upon awakening!
  • For congratulations, you can choose an unusual way. For example, arrange a themed costume party for the birthday boy. You can choose different styles - from a pirate gathering to an oriental-style party. To do this, you need to gather all the friends of the birthday boy in one place and warn about the thematic outfit. And of course, prepare contests and treats on the chosen topic. This birthday will be remembered for a long time!

  • Another great way to surprise a person is to use the “matryoshka principle”, that is, to put boxes one into another, of ever larger sizes. Indeed, in anticipation of a gift, the congratulatory one will open the box, and there a surprise awaits him - another box, and so on. A friend of mine decided to propose to his girlfriend. He bought a ring. But just to pack it in a velvet box and give it to him, he considered banal. Therefore, I used the "matryoshka principle". To begin with, he took a packing box from under ... the refrigerator, placed a box from under the TV inside, then five more boxes came in smaller and smaller sizes. Can you imagine the reaction of his girlfriend, who, initially delighted with a huge box as a gift from her beloved, soon began to quietly hate him, unpacking another smaller box?! The end of this story with boxes is very predictable - in the last box there was an ordinary envelope with a bow and a ring inside. The girl was moved to tears and of course said "YES!"

  • Also, instead of a large number of boxes, you can use one large one filled with helium balloons. Can you imagine the surprise of the birthday boy at the moment of opening the box? Multi-colored balls will scatter around the room and will be a real decoration of the room. Some holiday agencies offer colorful butterflies as a service. The meaning is the same as in the case of balls ... Very beautiful and spectacular, I do not argue, but ... somehow inhumane, or something. Or give a gift in the summer, in the garden, in the open air? Presenting a gift in this way is, of course, bright and colorful, but do not forget about the gift itself. Put it in a box with balloons, butterflies, etc. in advance.

  • You can organize your surprise through an intermediary. Do you know exactly the route that your beloved man or girl walks every morning or evening? Find a person who always gets in his way (for example, a coffee seller). Agree that he will give your gift. And it does not matter that it will be just sweets or flowers, it is better if the gift is with a postcard. From such a surprise, the surprise will be even more pleasant.

There are a lot of ideas how to congratulate. The main thing is the desire to stand out with originality and congratulate the birthday man with all tenderness! And his happy eyes themselves will say that you guessed right!

And what gift delivery do you still remember with a smile and joy?