How to revive a faded thing. Shed white thing: how to whiten at home

Ways to remove stains from faded clothes after washing.

Every housewife knows that it is necessary to wash things correctly. That is why, before loading the item into the machine, we sort the clothes by color and shade. But what if a white thing gets into the drum during washing and fades? In this article, we'll show you how to deal with the problem.

Of course, any woman will be upset if her favorite white blouse has taken on a gray tint. In this case, you can use the following methods:

  • Special stain removers
  • Bleachers
  • Folk methods
  • Dry cleaning

There are many bleaches that allow you to clean up your laundry after they have shed. The easiest way to restore whiteness is to cotton fabrics, since aggressive bleach-based products can be used to bleach them. It is difficult to restore snow-whiteness to chiffon and crepe blouses. After all, these fabrics are artificial and very delicate.

List of bleaches:

  • Vanish. There is an option for both white and colored items. Perfectly eliminates the shade that has faded. To do this, you can soak in cold water. Such a bleach does not destroy the fabric, as it contains optical particles in its composition.
  • Ecover. This is a Belgian stain remover that can be used to bleach whites and colored garments. Safe and does not damage the fabric structure.
  • Sarma active. An excellent stain remover that can be used both for bleaching white fabrics and removing stains from colored clothes.
  • Minute. This is a professional stain remover that can restore faded laundry. The action is similar to substances from dry cleaning. Easily restores even the most delicate fabrics.

There are many folk ways to restore things after washing with colored fabrics.

Overview of folk methods:

  • Hydrogen peroxide. It is necessary to dilute a vial of pharmacy peroxide in 2 liters of cold water and pour in a little bleaching washing powder. Leave the item in the bowl for 2 hours. After that, a normal wash is carried out. Do not use for things with colored inserts.
  • Lemon acid. It is necessary to grate laundry soap and mix it with citric acid. Everything is mixed to a state of slurry and applied to the spots. Aged 30-40 minutes. After that, it is washed out. Do not use on colored fabrics.
  • Ammonia. This product is suitable for bleaching tulle or bed linen. It is necessary to dilute 15 ml of ammonia in 10 liters of water and lower the damaged thing into the solution. Next, you need to soak the clothes in the liquid for 1.5 hours. After that, a regular wash with detergent is carried out. It also does not apply to things with color drawings and inserts.
  • Domestos. This product is used to clean toilets, but it contains chlorine and bleaching components. That is why it can be used to remove stains. Apply a little on the stains and leave for 15 minutes. After that, wash the item as usual. Please note that the substance is very aggressive and can ruin the fabric.

It's hard to restore such things. That is why be sure to follow the washing regimen. But if the dress is shed, you can try to restore it.


  • Soak the dress in cold water, adding 15 g of boric acid to it. It is necessary that the dress lie in the solution for no more than 20 minutes. Then the clothes are washed in cold water with washing powder.
  • If the stain is fresh, you can repair the fabric by sprinkling baking soda or citric acid on the stain. It is necessary that the substances do not touch the black areas, otherwise the thing will shed even more. This is followed by washing.
  • You can also use a stain remover, which is applied strictly to the stain. After that, the clothes are rinsed in cold water and washed as usual.
  • If you notice immediately after washing that the little thing has faded, you should not leave it to dry. Wash immediately in cold water in the machine with the addition of stain remover. Perhaps the color will be restored, and the spots will disappear.

Now clothes with embroidery are very popular, so many are wondering how to restore such a fabric. This is quite difficult to do, since the embroidery threads themselves are dyed with an unstable dye.

Ways to restore clothes with embroidery:

  • If a stain appears on the fabric around the embroidery, wet the clothes with cold water and apply a little Antipyantin soap. Rub the item and rinse it in cold water.
  • You can also try to point out spots with the help of Vanish. Pour the product on the stains around the embroidery, and wash after 30 minutes.
  • You can try to restore clothes with oxygen or optical brighteners. They work well on fresh stains. Therefore, do not wait for the fabric to dry, re-soak and wash the clothes in a bleach solution.

Initially, immediately after buying clothes, you need to check how well the fabric is dyed. To do this, the thing is pre-soaked in cool water and then washed.


  • During the first wash, before adding the washing powder, pour some salt into the bowl and soak in the solution for 30 minutes. And then wash it on a delicate wash.
  • Any new item should be washed separately from the rest, as it is difficult to predict how well the fabric is dyed.
  • Be sure to follow the washing conditions indicated on the labels. Never raise the washing temperature. It is better to turn on an additional wash or pour stain remover into the machine.
  • Solutions of vinegar and citric acid fix the paint well. If dark trousers shed, simply rinse them in cold water with 20 ml of vinegar after washing.

As you can see, it is not easy to wash a faded thing. That is why take care of your clothes and follow the rules indicated on the labels.

VIDEO: Wash faded clothes

The colored blouse "accidentally" ended up in the wash with white linen, the black sock "inherited" on a light-colored T-shirt. What should I do if one of the items faded during washing and left stains on other items? It turns out that there are many ways to correct the situation if the item has changed color during washing.

What colors are most likely to shed?

Not all fabrics shed. Usually, bright colored cotton fabrics, sometimes wool, give off “extra” paint. The paint comes off a lot from new denim, especially when washed in hot water. Red, dark green, orange, blue brown - any saturated shade can become a source of trouble and stain a thing of a different color during washing.

If there is a color or contrast trim, frill, bow on a skirt or blouse, you should first study the inscriptions and icons on the label, and then wash such a product.

There's been a "disaster"! What to do?

After washing, your favorite thing looks disgusting, all in some sort of stains or stains of an incomprehensible color. And you can’t wear it like that, and it’s a pity to throw it away. The first thing to do is rewash the item with bleach or powder.

The second thing to think about is to use dry cleaning services. With the right equipment, using the right reagents, this problem can be neutralized.

If you are too lazy to look for dry cleaning or the thing is not worth the extra cost, a list of funds verified by the housewives is quite suitable. Quite simple, available in every home, substances will help correct this incident.

The following components can be added to this list:

  • salt;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • stain removers for colored and white fabrics;
  • ammonia;
  • bleaches and powders;
  • lemon acid;
  • laundry soap;
  • bleach;
  • potassium permanganate.

Method using hydrogen peroxide

Immediately after the detection of unauthorized coloring, put the still damp, spoiled things in a basin or pan. Pour water, put on the stove and add peroxide. For 4-5 liters of water it takes 20 grams of peroxide solution. Heat up and boil for about half an hour. The paint from the stains will turn into water, the thing will be restored. This method can be used for white and colored products. If the laundry is unevenly dyed during washing, then peroxide will eliminate this trouble.

Ammonia works similarly in smaller quantities (1 full tablespoon). Linen is heated to a boil, rinsed in warm water and dried.

How to restore white products with starch?

Soiled with a faded thing, white or light-colored products are sometimes enough to re-wash in hotter water or boil with powder. If this measure only lightened spots and stains, you need to proceed as follows:

  • take 1 tbsp. planed laundry soap, citric acid, starch, coarse salt;
  • add some water;
  • mix everything in a small container until gruel;
  • apply on the back of the product in the place where the stain turned out during washing;
  • withstand about half a day;
  • rinse well and dry.

It is important to act before the paint has had time to harden in the fibers of the fabric.

Experimental methods

  1. If a thing, after contact with an alien dye, has completely lost its appearance and there is nothing to lose, you can try the "grandmother's" recipe using potassium permanganate. A couple of crystals are dissolved in water, washing powder is added, and the damaged thing is laid. After a while, rinse and dry.
  2. Another controversial method is to mix powders, bleaches and stain removers from different manufacturers at the same time and soak your favorite clothes in this “miraculous potion”. No one is responsible for the resulting effect. If a thing dissolves in this hellish mixture, then nothing will have to be thrown away.

How to get an original item of clothing from a damaged item?

Any stain obtained from a faded thing can be decorated. There are a huge number of ways to get exclusive clothes from things that seem to be damaged during washing.

  1. Did you get a few stains on the blouse? Let's increase their number! Art paints for fabric or ordinary watercolor are taken and applied with a sponge in random order on the surface of a favorite thing. Beforehand, so that the paint does not imprint on the second surface, a layer of thick oilcloth or cardboard must be laid inside, which is removed before ironing. Dry for several hours, then through an additional fabric, iron it well with an iron to secure it. In the future, this masterpiece can be washed in warm water (up to 40 degrees) in the usual way.
  2. Again paints, a sponge and any stencil. The resulting painting on fabric will not have an arbitrary, but a well-defined floral or other ornament and pattern.
  3. Any pattern on the fabric can be done with simple felt-tip pens. The fixing method is the same - ironing.
  4. Don't want to paint? No problem! With simple sewing threads or you can embroider a few arbitrary multi-colored lines on the spots.
  5. Applications from non-fading ribbons, sewn-on rhinestones and flowers, sequins and beads will not only save the dyed item, but also make it an unusual wardrobe detail.
  6. A cotton product can be drastically changed in color by boiling it in aniline dye. A woolen thing can greatly decrease, while an acrylic thing, on the contrary, will stretch.
  7. It is important to remember that not all knitwear is suitable for artistic painting methods. This is a great place to use embroidery or appliqués. And the surest remedy is to wash light, dark and colored items separately.

The thing sheds, not because the mistress has little experience or is distinguished by dishonesty, but because this very thing has a penchant for this, even despite the label that is attached to it. Of course, by washing by hand, such unpleasant events can be avoided. But somehow it is not interesting, in our time to wash everything with your hands.

How fabrics shed

  • After washing, a thing is considered faded if stains remain on a light background from contact with dark areas of the fabric.
  • After washing combined products, the dark part of the product loses color, and the light part looks dirty. Washed, originally black and white things take on a gray tone.

In the first case, it is necessary to remove the stain, and in the second case, white and black colors must be restored. If we have a faded thing, no matter how much you cry over it, it will not be easier. There is only one thing left - to reanimate, to return it to its original form at home.

How to wash a faded thing at home

Laundry soap is a centuries-old remedy of our grandmothers, but it is used to bleach things only from natural fabrics. There are several ways to bring a white thing back to life with laundry soap.

  • The fabric is abundantly rubbed with laundry soap and left for six hours, then rinsed. In this way, you can not only wash, but also bleach the faded thing.
  • Laundry soap plus the sun can work wonders. Linen soaked in laundry soap is placed under the rays of the hot summer sun. This is the most reliable and proven way to wash a shed item.
  • Laundry soap plus frost bleach things well. Only soap is used for washing, and frost bleaches when dried. A stunning smell and dazzling white colors will please the hard workers.
  • Another option is how to bleach things: the fabric is rubbed with plenty of soap and boiled for 30 minutes to an hour. You can put laundry soap grated on a grater together with things in the drum of the washing machine and turn on the “boiling” mode.

Mustard powder can be used to bleach silk and woolen items. Dissolve a spoonful of mustard powder in a liter of water. After an hour, the finished water for washing is drained. It's only a litre. The used powder is refilled with a liter of new water and an hour later another liter of water is obtained. The process is repeated until the required amount of water is collected. Wash as usual.

Plain plain White can remove stains well. Attention! Also great it destroys the paint on the product. Therefore, it is risky to use it for colored things. It is better to apply whiteness to a pre-wetted fabric, thereby lowering its concentration. Do not leave processed items unattended. Whiteness will burn through the fabric to holes. The liquid is unhealthy and has a disgusting smell. Special care is required when applying.

Surprisingly, manganese is able to whiten things. To do this, a weak solution of potassium permanganate is made in a bucket of hot water. Add washing powder or grated laundry soap. Keep under a lid or a plastic bag for two to three hours. They caress and are surprised, looking at the resulting white fabrics.


Ammonia is diluted in a bucket of water. Things are put into the solution and brought to a boil over a fire. The process is repeated three times. All this emits a terrible smell, but the method gives an excellent whitening result. After washing, the product must be rinsed and dried.

soda + peroxide

In order to whiten a washed thing at home, a complex solution is made: a little baking soda, 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide are added to 2 liters of water. Linen is attached, all this is heated to 700C and stirred for 10 minutes on fire.

Salt + citric acid

The following mixture for bleaching allows you to restore faded fabric: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grated soap, 1/2 cup coarse rock salt, 2 tbsp. spoons of citric acid, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of starch. The mixture is applied to the stains from the wrong side and left overnight.

  • In order to wash white things, add a little soda to the drum of the machine to restore the white color. Soak baby clothes for 3 hours before washing.
  • In order to wash old stains at home, 100 grams of vinegar are added to the water during the washing process.
  • A good whitening result at home is given by detergents offered by the industry. When performing work, you must follow the requirements of the instructions indicated on the box.
  • You can wash new products in a washing machine only if you are sure of the quality of the paint. Otherwise, only hand wash is acceptable.
  • Things can shed, change color not only when washing, but also when they are dried. At this time, contact between dark and light fabrics should be avoided. Water from a dark thing should not fall on a light fabric.
  • If the garment begins to lose color during hand washing, the addition of vinegar will help to fix and restore the color of the fabric.

What if the item faded during the first wash, and even ruined other clothes? This article provides tips to help you.

Many housewives have faced a similar unpleasant situation, and, most likely, more than once. As a rule, such problems arise from the fact that not everyone reads and takes into account the manufacturer's recommendations on how exactly this or that thing should be washed. Although this information is in most cases present on the label, and sometimes attached to the purchased item in the form of additional instructions. Naturally, a thing can lose color not only due to the use of the wrong washing regime - it can simply be made from poor quality material.

But be that as it may, the first question that pops up in our head after an unsuccessful wash has nothing to do with the selected mode or water temperature. At this moment, everyone thinks only about how to fix the situation. What to do if a thing has shed, can it be saved, or is the only way out is a garbage bag? Or maybe a wish-fulfilling one and ask him to return his favorite dress to its former form? Let's try to answer the question posed and sort out all the information about faded things “on the shelves”.

Quite often, even with proper washing, things can deteriorate. Consider some ways to return faded things to their previous color.

Modern washing powders can not only qualitatively remove dirt from clothes dirt, but also wash it along with the color. Some believe that such a nuisance cannot be fixed, but still there are methods that will help restore color to faded things and thereby extend their life. Old and time-tested folk remedies or natural natural dyes will come to the rescue, they are undoubtedly better than artificial ones, which can cause not only an allergic reaction, but also other more serious consequences.

For example, you can return the original color of the dress with tobacco solution(for 0.5 liters of water 20 g of the product). Of course, before this, the thing must be washed and dried, and only then wiped with a cloth or towel soaked in the solution. But be prepared for the fact that at first, after ironing a thing repainted in a similar way, you will have to clean the iron from soot several times, read how to do it correctly.

There is also an option with repainting faded clothes in a completely different color using a variety of coloring agents. Of course, it will not work to return things to their original form, but it is quite possible to use it for some time.

If the clothes shed very much, and most likely nothing will help her, then in order to restore her original appearance, it is better to contact the dry cleaner. They will be able to quickly, professionally and efficiently "reanimate" the damaged item.

It is possible to wash and save a seemingly completely spoiled color faded thing. And how to do this, read further in our article.

First of all, you need to try to wash all the clothes at a water temperature of 60 degrees. If the result is negative, then you can apply a stain remover for colored items marked "Color". Soak clothes for a few hours and then launder.

To return things to their original appearance will help the special tool "Antilina", which you can buy in almost any hardware store. It has unique properties and perfectly removes “foreign” paint from any damaged clothes. Also, for washing faded colored items, you can buy "Vanish" - a universal stain remover.

IMPORTANT: Before using any product, you must carefully study the instructions for its use, otherwise you can ruin the fabric even more.

If, for some reason, all of the above options are not available, you can try simple folk remedies. For example, ammonia. It is added to boiled water and the damaged clothes are soaked in this solution for about an hour, after which the item must be washed. But this method has a significant disadvantage - an unpleasant and pungent odor, which, in principle, disappears over time.

Many people would like to know how to wash a faded white thing, because at first glance it is unrealistic. But it turns out it's quite possible.

If during the washing process a colored item faded and left stains on white clothes, then the first thing to do is boil the damaged items or wash them at a temperature of 90 degrees. If the spots still remain after this, try the next remedy. Mix 0.5 tbsp. coarse salt, 1 tbsp. soap shavings, 1 tbsp. starch and 1 tbsp. citric acid and apply the resulting mass on the stain from the wrong side. In this form, leave the thing for 12 hours, then rinse it thoroughly in cold water. After such a procedure, as a rule, the spots disappear.

You can also use special concentrated products that help restore whiteness to linen that has yellowed from time to time and frequent washing. Of course, while observing the instructions for use. But if you didn’t succeed here either, then you should probably give up and be generous with a new blouse, when else can you please yourself with a new thing? After so much effort, you definitely deserve it!

Every housewife at least once in her life faced an unpleasant situation when things were stained or faded after washing. It is very disappointing to see that your favorite milky-colored blouse suddenly acquired a dirty pink hue, and a bright summer dress, on the contrary, lost its color.

The reason for this may be incorrect sorting of things before washing or incorrectly selected temperature conditions. What to do with a damaged item? Is it just throw away? Of course not.

If there is a lot of damage, especially if the product is expensive, professional dry cleaning is the best way out. In other cases, you can try to wash the faded thing at home.

As soon as after washing you notice that the clothes have changed their color, you need to act immediately, without delay, since it will be much more difficult to reanimate them later.

  1. If the color has not changed very much, but only a faint shade is noticeable, try simply rewashing things in cold water using powder and a small amount of bleach. Another wash and an extra rinse might be enough.
  2. In the case when the staining effect is strongly noticeable, more effective methods are needed.

  • Soak the damaged laundry in a small amount of warm water, after dissolving the stain remover powder or gel in it.

    Leave for at least 3 hours, stirring occasionally so that the bleach works evenly. After that, wash the clothes and rinse thoroughly.

  • Prepare a mixture of table salt, starch, concentrated citric acid and laundry soap shavings in equal amounts. Apply to faded spots and leave for several hours.

    Wash the thing - the original color should return.

  • Boil the damaged fabric in water with the addition of ammonia at the rate of 100 ml per 5 liters of water. It is enough to bring the container to a boil, turn off the heat and leave the clothes for several hours.

    Ammonia has a specific unpleasant odor, so it is better to immediately cover the basin with a lid. The effect of such a procedure is impressive - it can be used to restore color to faded colored things.

  • If your denim has faded, baking soda will help. Rub it thoroughly into the damaged area, leave for half an hour and wash at a temperature of 30 °.

    If it’s impossible to remove stains from a dark monophonic thing, it’s better to repaint it in the initial color using chemical dyes and strictly following the instructions.

Note! It is necessary to apply any bleaching agent, including those prepared with your own hands, only on the wrong side of the fabric.

How to bleach faded white clothes?

If a white thing faded during washing, how to bleach?

  • In a basin with hot (at least 70 °) water, dilute washing powder and a few drops of potassium permanganate to a slightly pink hue. If you hold faded white linen in this solution, it will perfectly remove unnecessary yellowness and gray spots.
  • A 6% solution of hydrogen peroxide mixed with baking soda (1 pharmacy bottle per 1 tablespoon) will well whiten a washed sheet or tablecloth.

    Soak the laundry in 5 liters of hot water, after adding the prepared mixture to it. Leave on for 3-4 hours and rinse well. This will help refresh the fabric and give it a brighter hue.

  • The most effective way to bleach white things is to immediately soak in whiteness. This is a very aggressive chemical bleach that can deal with any "extra" shades.

    Whiteness can be used to bleach only white and fairly dense fabrics. For delicate items, this method may not be suitable.

Important! When in contact with whiteness, do not forget to use rubber gloves, as you can get a chemical burn.

How to restore color to faded colored things?

The most difficult thing is to return the original color to clothes that have a two-tone color - for example, if a bright pattern is applied to a white T-shirt.

In this case, you need to act in several stages:

  • Gently treat the bright part with a special bleach for colored things.
  • Leave for an hour or two, while not soaking in water.
  • Rinse off the bleach until completely dissolved.
  • Wash the damaged item by adding two to three tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to the rinse water.

Particular attention should be paid to bleaching children's things. The skin of a child is much more susceptible to external stimuli than that of an adult.

Therefore, to correct the mistakes of unsuccessful washing, you can use only natural products specifically designed for children's clothing. Otherwise, the child may develop an allergy, and chlorine vapors may even cause suffocation.

Important! Buy baby clothes made from natural fabrics. They are more wear-resistant, do not contain allergy-causing components and are easily washed with laundry soap.

What to do so that things do not fade when washing?

We all know that it is better to prevent a problem than to deal with its consequences later. This rule also applies to washing clothes.

  • When purchasing a bright colored item, wash it separately and rinse it in water acidified with vinegar. Vinegar will help to fix the color and subsequently the clothes will not shed.
  • Carefully study all tags, adhere to the correct washing temperature. Many expensive items made of thin fabrics can only be washed in cool water and this information will be indicated by the manufacturer.
  • Sort clothes before loading into the washer. Wash colored and white items separately.
  • Give preference to clothes made from natural materials. A large amount of synthetic additive can stain other items even after several washes.

Stain removers

Stain removers or chemical bleaches are the simplest and easiest way to restore the old look of clothes. We present a rating of the most effective, according to buyers, means for bleaching colored and white fabrics.

Name Manufacturer Action
Frau Schmidt Austria Removes oil and grease stains from blood, wine, berries and fruits. Let's apply to white and color linen.

Contains bile soap. Carefully affects the skin of the hands.

Vanish for colored clothes Benkizer Russia Removes complex stains from coffee, tea, juice, wine, grease, etc. Liquid Vanish is safe for both colored and white items.

Can be used at low water temperatures. Recommended for delicate fabrics - wool and silk.

Ecover Belgium For white and colored fabrics. Contains mineral and vegetable natural components. Removes stains of dirt, grass, grease, fruit, blood.
Amway Pre Wash Amway Corporation Spray. Efficient and easy to use. Applicable for removing traces of wine, chocolate, fat, grass, etc.
Sarma Active Sarma Russia Removes grease, oil, traces of berries and fruits, tea, coffee, wine and ink. Improves the quality of machine wash.

Gets rid of old stains and restores white and colored things to their former freshness.

Stain remover Minutka Russia Removes fresh oil, grease, lacquer and paint stains from fabric. Suitable for cleaning car interiors and upholstered furniture.

If you follow all the conditions for the proper care of clothes, your things will not shed or wash out. However, if such a situation nevertheless occurred, use our tips and you can easily correct the error.

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