How to mold a walrus from plasticine with your own hands in stages. How souvenirs are made from walrus tusk Step-by-step photo lesson

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Walruses are inhabitants of cold countries, but they can be seen in many dolphinariums and even in zoos. You can also make a walrus out of paper and admire it at home at any moment.

  • Sheet of square paper
  • Marker

Step by step photo lesson:

To create an origami walrus, you need one sheet of square-type paper of any size. Take it and bend it in half diagonally.

We bend on the left side in the same way. We return to the starting position. We get two fold lines crossed with each other.

We open the workpiece completely.

Fold the left side to the right. We turn over.

We open and bend the lower part of the walrus craft. There should be a crease in the middle.

We bend this fold to the right side.

We bend the sides at the top. We bend the fold to the right side.

Fold in half.

Fold the fold back on the left side.

We'll do the same on the other side. Let's move on to making the tail. It should be bent to start up at an angle.

We turn over the entire craft. We make a neck. To do this, bend the paw to the left side, and the right corner up.

Open and place this part in the middle.

Let's make a head. To do this, bend the neck in half at an angle and then place it in the middle.

We will make the nose more blunt. To do this, bend the tip in the middle.

So we got a beautiful and such a cute walrus made of paper using the origami technique.

What is being brought from Chukotka? The main souvenir is crafts made from walrus tusks. Figures depicting Chukchi or wild animals will follow you everywhere, and sellers will persuade you to buy. But these are some of the most expensive souvenirs in the world: a walrus bone costs like gold! And a relatively small figure can cost thirty thousand rubles.

Bringing magnets is banal, buying such expensive trinkets is unsportsmanlike. Therefore, I brought a photo story about an Anadyr master who cuts tusks all day long.

1 A small apartment in an old wooden house in the center of Anadyr. There is a workshop for the production of national souvenirs. I have been to many "home" workshops, they always look about the same, no matter what they make.

2 The door was opened for me by Vladimir, the master himself. Pochachalu seemed rather gloomy: a business partner, a seller of these very souvenirs from a shopping center, with whom we talked on the street, asked for a meeting. He got down to business right away, showed a few knuckles, without fully understanding what I wanted from him.

3 Sticks lying underfoot, similar to pieces of wood, are those very expensive tusks, in whole and in parts. Raw materials are purchased in the eastern regions of the Chukotka District, everything is absolutely legal. But for some reason, walruses are not openly called walruses, calling him impersonally - sea ​​animal. Hearing this in Chukotka for the first time, I did not immediately understand what kind of sea animal it was!

4 What do you think is the most expensive walrus tusk craft? The eminence of the master, the art of carving? No, the size of the fang itself! It is up to seventy percent of the price. That is, everything else, it turns out, is not so important.

5 It was strange to see such expensive material practically lying on the shelves. In fact, it's fading. It takes at least a year from the moment of extraction for the tusks to finally ossify and be ready for work. If you start too early, it will crumble.

6 Another material for Chukchi souvenirs is bear claws. They do not become independent crafts, but are actively used as coasters.

7 Among other things, Vladimir showed a very rare thing - a f*cking walrus! The real one! I was surprised to learn that the walrus has a bone. And at the same time, the biggest penis on the planet is also in the walrus!

8 And here are the finished crafts: an engraving on a walrus tusk. This one is worth over a thousand dollars.

9 The previous photo shows only a blank, this is the final version, decorated with national scenes, all made from the same walrus bone. How do you like a souvenir for 60-70 thousand rubles? Ready to buy?

10 Meanwhile, there is a very funny wallpaper in one of the workshop rooms.

11 Vladimir has been engaged in artistic carving for fifteen years, but this is far from his only profession. Today he is 62 and has been a dancer in a local band for most of his life. Then he changed several professions, artists retire early. But I found myself in this thread. He recalls that his mother told him about how, as a little boy, he easily carved various figures and weapons from pieces of wood. He says that he is engaged in this business not so much for the sake of earning money, but for the sake of the process itself and his own pleasure. And one more thing, to be alone with yourself: Vladimir has a whole string of grandchildren of different ages at home.

12 The work of a carver is most similar, you will never guess, to the profession of a dentist! Incisors (the so-called tools), in fact, these are low-power drills with different nozzles.

13 A tusk blank, four centimeters in length, literally takes ten minutes of work to be transformed in skilled hands ...

14 ... into a lying bear! Or a Chukchi boy. Or in a walrus, mammoth, any other figurine.

15 This walrus doesn't seem to brush its teeth well! Comes across a natural marriage, caries and pulpitis. Such work has to be thrown away, it loses its value and becomes practically devalued.

16 On the mezzanine of the workshop lay a heap of elk antlers. Also material, but Vladimir said that it was not interesting to work with it, except to use it as an auxiliary one.

17 At first, Vladimir reacted coolly to my visit, but then we started talking, he began to smile, joke, talk about his life.

18 It is surprising that I spent a week in Chukotka, three days in the city of Anadyr, but I found a master and filmed this story in the last half an hour before my boat left for the airport village. This little photo story, in fact, made this whole trip meaningful and complete. Because the abandoned and colorful houses of the Soviet period are wonderful ... but living people and their stories are what I travel for.

If your plans include an unusual modeling activity with a child, create a plasticine walrus. Such a process will surely captivate the baby, because he has never seen such unusual mammals. An instructive story about the wise inhabitants of the Arctic will also be useful. Well-fed animals accumulate fat to survive through the harsh winter, and also have hard tusks that help them get their own food. Therefore, it must be remembered that the walrus does not have a neck, waist and individual limbs.

Get creative with the tips below. Together with your child, you will definitely get your own version of plasticine crafts.

A walrus can be molded from gray or brown plasticine. Choose the color of your choice. Stock up on a pre-stack, which will not only help divide the plasticine, but also draw the desired relief on the modeling mass.

Knead all the plasticine in your hands and make the main part - the oblong body of the walrus. Leave only a little plasticine for sculpting individual elements.

Pull out the tips of the tail with your fingers, then press down and flatten, and then turn them into flippers with the help of a stack.

Attach gray balls to the front of the head, apply dots in a stack, and also glue a black plasticine dot - the tip of the nose. The beginning of sculpting the muzzle of a walrus resembles the creation of the appearance of a cat.

Above the cheeks, place symmetrical black and white eyes. From white sticks, create tusks and attach to the cheeks.

Press two oblong gray sausages with your fingers against a modeling board to form flat cakes. At the ends, draw the fingers in a stack.

Attach the obtained front flippers to the body of the walrus.

To show that the animal has rough, wrinkled skin, casually slash the surface of the plasticine with a stack.

Plasticine walrus is ready. As you can see, the craft was obtained from the minimum number of shades.

Application from colored paper "Walrus-navigator". Master class with step by step photos.

Nechaeva Elena Nikolaevna, primary school teacher, KSU "Secondary school No. 21, Saryozek village" Osakarovsky district, Karaganda region Kazakhstan
Description: The guys love to make applications from colored paper. They like to fantasize and do things differently, to show their creativity in work. Application from colored paper "Walrus-navigator" can be offered for students aged 8-10 years. Can be used for labor lessons and circle work.
Target: development of the ability to perform interesting work from colored paper.
Tasks: give information about the animal; teach how to properly cut out the details of the application; observe safety precautions when using scissors in work; develop imagination, fantasy, creativity; cultivate respect for animals.
Materials and tools necessary for the manufacture of the application: cardboard, colored paper, scissors, glue, pencil, templates, sample work.

Guys guess the riddle.
Stretched out among the ice
Thick gentleman.
In the cold, brothers
He goes to swim.
Spending hours in the water
He got out on the ice
Important snorts in the mustache.
Scratches back.
Important, formidable, thick-skinned
Mustachioed Mr.

“Tell me about the walrus!”
I stuck to my dad again, -
"Show me in the picture
I really want to know!”
Dad didn't seem to hear
Didn't answer the question
And on Saturday, early in the morning
They took us to the aquarium!
There were a lot of people there
Moms and dads and their children
Didn't have to wait very long.
Everyone wants to hurry
To see the walrus Timokha,
He showed everyone
Like some gymnastics
Can do without interference.
The trainer went to bed
The walrus repeated after her,
Circled together as a couple,
He even rocked the press with her!
Loudly clapped their hands
We liked the walrus so much
He's funny, he's good
Too bad you can't take it with you.
Walrus- a marine animal of a rather unusual appearance, with strong fangs. Walruses are members of the pinniped family. In their kingdom of pinnipeds, they are second in size only to elephant seals. The weight of giant walruses can reach up to two tons, and the weight of an average male is 1300 kg, the weight of the female is less. In Latin, the name of the walrus can be translated as "a sea horse walking with the help of its teeth." When a walrus uses its protruding tusks to pull its heavy body out of the water onto an ice floe, it looks like it is "walking" with its tusks, hence the name. A characteristic feature of the walrus is its long, developed tusks. These are such elongated fangs that walruses (both male and female) are proud of, fangs can reach a length of up to one meter (for a male) and weigh up to five kilograms. Walruses live in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Walruses feed on benthic invertebrates, namely mollusks, crustaceans. They can eat fish, and some predatory walruses even birds and even seals. Guys, we learned about walruses, and now we will complete the application "Walrus-navigator". But first, let's remember - safety precautions when working with scissors:
Use scissors with rounded ends.
Store scissors in a certain place, put them with closed sharp ends away from you.
Pass the scissors with the rings forward with the blades closed.
You can't cut on the go.
When working with scissors, it is necessary to monitor the movement and position of the blades during operation.
Do not use blunt scissors or loose hinges.
Do not hold scissors with the blade up.
You have templates on your tables, with the help of them we will cut out all the details of our sparrow. Choose colored paper for your application.
For this work, we need templates.

Implementation of the application "Walrus-navigator":
1. Take a sheet of cardboard, in our case yellow. Below we glue the deck cut out according to the template.

2. Cut out 2 boots from black paper and stick them on the deck.

3. According to the template, cut walrus pants from white paper and glue them.

4. Cut out the shirt according to the pattern and glue it.

5. Cut out and glue the white collar.

6. Cut out the head according to the template from brown paper and glue it on top of the collar.

7. You need to put a cap on the head of the walrus. First, cut out a visor from black paper and glue it on the head.

8. We continue to make a cap. Cut out the top of the cap and glue it to our visor.

9. Now let's take care of the head. Cut out and glue on the eyes.

10. Cut out the mustache according to the template and glue it.

11. Now cut out the nostrils and glue them onto the walrus mustache. Next, glue on the mouth.

12. The walrus has large fangs, we need to cut them out according to the template and glue them on the mustache.

13. Our walrus smokes a pipe. Cut it out and glue it on.

14. Since our walrus is a navigator, it is necessary to cut out the steering wheel according to the template and stick it on the application.

15. Cut out and glue the paws so that they hold the steering wheel.

16. It remains for us to cut and glue the mount for the steering wheel.

Our seafaring walrus set out on a long voyage across the Pacific Ocean. Bon voyage walrus.

Walruses are one of the largest and most unusual representatives of the Arctic fauna. These pinnipeds can reach enormous sizes. An interesting feature of walruses are a couple of long tusks. Walruses need such fangs for a wide variety of purposes: to search for small food on the seabed, to move along ice floes and to climb them comfortably. Today we propose to arrange a joint modeling and try to mold a walrus from plasticine together with a child.

To create this marine life, you should prepare:

  • brown, white and black block of plasticine;
  • purple and blue plasticine for decorating;
  • plastic needle or brush;
  • convenient stack and spatula.

How to make a walrus from plasticine

Step 1. We knead a brown block of material and form a massive elongated torso and head from it. Flatten the thin tip of the drop-shaped part. With a stack we cut out two flippers on a flat tail.

Step 2. We give the base an arcuate shape.

From pieces of brown mass we create two paws-flippers. Glue them to the top of the abdomen.

Step 3. We make out the face. To form the cheeks, you need a beige material. We create it from a brown and white piece of plasticine. We give the finished mass the shape of the cheeks and glue the part on the head.

We attach a black nose to the light face. Below we create a mouth from the sausage.

We fashion long curved tusks from white plasticine. We fix them on the bottom of the thick cheeks.

Step 4. With a needle or the tip of a brush, press the area under the eyes. We glue white balls into the pits, and then we supplement them with blue, black and white cakes.

Step 5. We push the tips of the fins and the folds on the torso and abdomen with a spatula or a stack.

Step 6. We return to the design of the face and draw small details.

Step 7. Now we create a bright decor in the form of a knitted scarf. We roll thin flagella from pieces of colored mass, fold them in half and twist. In total, you need to create four or five such blanks.