Which position is best for conceiving a baby? How to get pregnant fast: poses for conception

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The likelihood of fertilization depends on various factors, and one of them is the position occupied by partners during intimacy. There are some positions for conception in which the chances of pregnancy increase as much as possible. Find out them and other features of sexual intercourse in order to become parents soon.

Are there really good positions for conception? There are no universal effective positions in which fertilization occurs 100%. But there are positions in which the bodies of the partners are located in such a way that the man's penis is extremely deep in the woman's vagina, and the sperm quickly penetrates the uterus and reaches the egg. These positions are discussed below.

Poses that solve problems in bed!

The knee-elbow position is borrowed from animals and is often referred to as "canine" due to its resemblance to dog mating. The woman kneels and rests her elbows on the floor, the man, also on his knees, stands behind his partner. The maximum penetration of the penis is ensured, and after ejaculation, the spermatozoa can be practically at the cervix, and then continue their way into the organ cavity and reach the egg. The pelvis is raised, so that the seminal fluid does not leak out after ejaculation.

The missionary position is the traditional and most popular. The woman lies on her back, and the man is between her legs on top. This position can be considered universal, as it is suitable for couples of any complexion that do not have pathologies in the structure of the genital organs. The benefits include deep penetration, additional stimulation of erogenous zones (in particular the clitoris), maximum contact and tactile sensations, as well as emotional closeness, which is important for spouses who love each other. In addition, the ejaculate will not flow out of the vagina, especially if you put a pillow under your partner's pelvis.


When listing the positions for conception, the position of the "Spoon" should be mentioned. This name appeared due to the similarity of the bodies of partners with cutlery located next to each other. The woman lies on her side, the man is also lying on his side and approaches his partner as close as possible. A representative of the weaker sex can slightly bend her legs and raise her knees to her stomach, giving her pelvis back.

Pose "Spoons".

In the “Spoon” position, unimpeded access of the penis to the vagina opens, and with deep penetration it will be as close as possible to the cervix. An additional advantage is the possibility of stimulating a woman's erogenous zones and giving her pleasure.

The position is called so because the woman places her legs on the man's shoulders, that is, where shoulder straps are usually located. The partner lies on her back, bends her legs at the knees and throws them over the shoulders of the partner, who is located in front and kneeling. Another variation: the man stands up to his full height, and the woman is on the table or on another elevation.

The likelihood of conception increases for several reasons. The first is the deepest penetration of the penis. The second is the horizontal position of the partner, which minimizes the likelihood of ejaculate leakage after ejaculation. The third reason is the pleasant sensations that both spouses receive. But a woman experiences special pleasure, which is due to the stimulation of the G-spot, which accelerates the onset of orgasm and makes it more vivid.

Are there any fertility positions that increase the chance of having a girl? In fact, the sex of the unborn child depends on which sex cell of the man will connect with the egg: with the X chromosome (female) or Y (male). Spermatozoa with the X chromosome are slower, but more viable. Cells with a Y-chromosome move rapidly, but are less tenacious. Using this feature, you can try to conceive a child of a certain gender by choosing a good position.

For the conception of a girl, poses with slight penetration are suitable: missionary, "Spoons", as well as one in which the partner lies on her stomach, and the partner is on top. With these positions, Y-spermatozoa can die in the vaginal environment, and more viable X-spermatozoa will slowly reach the target.

Positions for planning a boy

A boy can be conceived in a position that involves deep penetration: in the knee-elbow or "General". The missionary position is also suitable, but it is advisable to place a pillow under the woman's pelvis. If the penis gets as close as possible to the cervix, then the fast Y-spermatozoa will have time to get to the egg and not die, and the X-chromosome-bearing cells will be slower.

Positions for conception with uterine bends and other problems

Especially seriously, the choice of posture should be approached if there are pathologies in the structure of the organs of the reproductive system. And the position will depend on the specific problem:

  • With a lateral bend of the uterus, a woman is recommended to be on her side, but on the side into which the uterus is bent (ultrasound will allow it to be determined).
  • When bending forward, you can use the missionary position, but for deeper penetration, the partner should bend and press her legs to her chest.
  • When bending backwards, the knee-elbow will become the optimal position.

Fertilization is influenced not only by the position chosen by the partners, but also by other factors: pathologies and diseases of the reproductive system of a woman or a man, the date of intimacy, the lifestyle of the spouses, and even actions after intercourse.

To maximize your chances of getting pregnant, follow these guidelines:

  1. Conception can only occur at ovulation, so a woman planning a pregnancy should know when this day will come. With a regular menstrual cycle lasting 28-30 days, a mature egg is released and begins its journey to the uterus around the 14th to 16th day. With a cycle duration of 24-25 days, ovulation is likely to occur on the 12th or 13th day. But a more reliable way to determine the moment of maturation of the female germ cell is to use ovulation tests.
  2. Using the positions for conception described in the article, it is important to behave correctly after intimacy, otherwise the likelihood of fertilization will decrease significantly. Some gynecologists advise patients to raise their legs up and take the “birch” position so that the sperm moves faster along the cervix and eventually enters the organ cavity for further fertilization. But this is not always appropriate and convenient, so you can just lie down after sexual contact: in this case, the ejaculate will also linger in the vagina, which will increase the chances of pregnancy. Better yet, raise the pelvis by placing a pillow or a rolled-up blanket under it.
  3. If you want to get pregnant, you should not take a shower and thoroughly wash the genitals immediately after intercourse with a partner. Soap will change the acidity of the vagina and make it unfavorable for the promotion of spermatozoa. It is better to wait a while, and then proceed to hygiene procedures.
  4. If a woman has experienced pleasure, this will increase the likelihood of pregnancy, since contractions of the muscles of the walls of the vagina and uterus will help the sperm to move.
  5. At the stage of pregnancy planning, visit a gynecologist and undergo a comprehensive examination to assess the hormonal background, determine the state of the reproductive system and identify pathologies that prevent fertilization.
  6. Lead a healthy lifestyle and avoid stress. The good health of a woman will contribute to fertilization and successful gestation.

Correctly chosen position will help increase the chances of conception. But it is important to start preparing for pregnancy in advance, since not only the position, but also other important factors affect fertilization.

Planning couples are advised to have a regular sex life, optimal - every other day. A particularly good time is 5 days before ovulation and 1 day after. A woman should keep a calendar on which she will mark favorable days for conception. It is advisable to have sex at a time when spermatozoa are especially active - this is about 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

A prerequisite is to do only what you like. If any positions for conceiving a child do not give you any pleasure, then you should not practice them. Remember that you should not be nervous, stressed, because stress is the first enemy when planning a pregnancy. Due to stress, a woman ceases to experience sexual desire, and the chances of conception also decrease. No need to rush and perceive sex as a necessary work for conception. recommends that you do not use artificial lube replacements because they contain substances that destroy spermatozoa or hinder their progress.

The best positions for conception

Key tips for what positions for conception the best ones are based on the simplest laws of physics - even those who are far from the exact sciences know about the law of universal gravitation. Choosing positions for conceiving a child, it is better to refuse those in which the sperm will flow out. Your task is to ensure that as many spermatozoa as possible get the opportunity to "fight" for the championship. And in such positions as, for example, a woman on top, sperm will inevitably flow out, which will reduce the chances for sperm to fulfill their direct duty.

So what poses to focus on? In principle, any one is suitable, in which the spermatozoa at the time of ejaculation easily enter the uterus and continue on their way to the egg. At the same time, others are not excluded, but before ejaculation, it is better to change the position to one in which the male member and uterus are brought together, which will significantly increase the chances of conception. One of the most popular positions for conception is the woman from below. Another one that contributes to the goal is a man behind a woman, while a woman can lie on her side or kneel.

Thus, choosing best positions for conception, remember that the ideal options are those in which the sperm will not flow out after the completion of sexual intercourse.

By the way, the chances of successful and quick conception are increased for those women who are aware of their physiological characteristics. So, in some women, a bend of the uterus is observed, in others, the cervix may be located just above the uterus. In the first case, a knee-elbow position is recommended, in the second - a woman on her back, a man on top.

You can also cite folk beliefs as an example. However, they are not scientifically proven, but still .... So, there are rumors that girls are most often conceived in the classic “man on top” position, and boys are most often conceived in the knee-elbow position.

What to do after sex

Take a break, relax, cuddle with your husband, because this is the best time for caresses and romantic conversations. It is advisable not to immediately run into the bath, but for half an hour just to relax with your loved one. Many women are sure that for a greater effect, immediately after sex, you need to stand in a birch pose in order to "direct" the spermatozoa. However, this seems like sheer stupidity - after sex, and this, after all, is physical activity, you want to relax, and not stand on your head or raise your legs to the ceiling. And not all women can boast of acrobatic stretching, and therefore such poses can respond with back pain. If you are still sure that it is better to help the spermatozoa in their “big race”, then put a pillow under your buttocks, and this will be enough.

The best positions for conception, taking into account physiological characteristics

If a woman has inflammation of the ovaries, then the uterus can be turned to the side, then you need to choose position for conceiving a child, in which the woman will lie on the side where the uterus is turned.
If the uterus is located normally, then you can put a pillow under the buttocks, press your knees to your chest, and raise your legs.
If the uterus is bent, then it is advisable to lie on the stomach.

It is better not to have sex in a hot bathroom, especially in a bathhouse. The same goes for sex in a full bath, pool. This will make it much more difficult for you to achieve your goal.

And finally, the most important thing that I want to say. It is clear that you dream of a baby and direct all your efforts towards this. But still, you should not get hung up on this, because you are making love with your loved one, and not fulfilling the work plan. Whatever positions for conceiving a child whatever you choose, just enjoy the intimacy with your husband. After all, you want to conceive a child when you experience only positive emotions? The more tender, sincere and reverent your relationship is, the better it will be for you and your future baby!

Alisa Terentyeva
Women's magazine JustLady


We are glad to welcome you! We will conditionally divide this article into three parts, first general advice, then the most favorable positions for conception, and at the end just a wonderful video.

  • 1. To get pregnant faster, have sex 3 times a week.

Regular sex is the best way to get pregnant right away. Often, couples try to calculate everything in terms of ovulation, but for some reason do not have sex when it is not. Yes, it is true that sex outside of the ovulation period cannot lead to pregnancy. However, if three times a week, then a woman is unlikely to miss the opportunity to become pregnant, sooner or later.

  • 2. To get pregnant faster, have sex before, not after, ovulation.

Sometimes couples are just confused about when it is better to have sex for conception, and in relation to ovulation itself. Remember that there is a small amount of time each month to get pregnant. After ovulation occurs, the egg remains viable for approximately 24 hours. Sperm, on the other hand, will be active for three to five days. That is why sex two to three days before ovulation will greatly increase your chances of getting pregnant. So don't wait until your ovulation day and continue to have sex regularly. Your partner's sperm will "live" longer than your eggs, so you won't miss the chance of a successful conception.

  • 3. Do not rely on the calendar method for predicting ovulation.

Many couples have heard somewhere and think that it is necessary to have intense sex closer to the 14th day of the menstrual cycle. This assumption is based on the so-called calendar method, in the presence of a regular 28-day cycle and ovulation in the middle of it. Of course, this is better than just randomly choosing a day to conceive. However, this is not an accurate way to determine ovulation. Many women don't ovulate by day 14, so either special kits, measuring basal body temperature, or general signs of ovulation will help you better determine when ovulation actually occurs.

  • 4. If you want to get pregnant faster, don't rely solely on actual fertility charts to determine ovulation.

Charting your most propensity to conceive is considered an excellent method of tracking your cycle, but it has its drawbacks. By the time you see ovulation on the chart, it may have already happened. Undoubtedly, you need to mark and track the cycles every month to see if you have calculated everything correctly. But if it's only, or ovulation occurs at different times each month, an ovulation forecast kit will be more useful in this regard.

  • 5. Seek medical advice before trying to conceive.

First of all, make sure that you are in good health and checked not only by a gynecologist, but also by other specialists. Advanced/untreated sexually transmitted infections or poor health can affect your chances of getting pregnant. It's a good idea to start taking prenatal vitamins before you conceive.

  • 6. When trying to get pregnant, do not smoke, drink alcohol or take drugs.

It is obvious that it is not necessary to get pregnant while smoking, drinking alcohol or drugs. It is well known that smoking, drugs and alcohol significantly and irreversibly affect not only your reproductive function, but also the health of your unborn child. Stop smoking or using drugs/alcohol before you decide to get pregnant, not when you find out you are pregnant.

  • 7. To get pregnant faster, you need to enjoy sex.

Sometimes, when a couple is trying to conceive, sex becomes a chore or just a reproductive function, which is not very pleasant. Why not plan a romantic evening or try something different in an intimate relationship? Know that your sexual sensations can increase your chances of getting pregnant. According to some studies, the presence of many times increases your ability to conceive. So, for women, contractions during orgasm contribute to faster penetration of spermatozoa into the uterus; and the male orgasm contributes to an increase in the number of active spermatozoa.

  • 8. There is no such thing as "difficult to get pregnant."

Most couples are able to 100% conceive a child within a year. But if you are still unable to conceive after this period, it is highly recommended that you consult your doctor for advice.

  • 9. Have sex in positions that keep sperm in your vagina longer.

The missionary position is an excellent position when trying to get pregnant. Avoid positions when the woman is on top, as gravity prevents the sperm from "focusing" in the right place. Also try putting a pillow under your hips to tilt your pelvis well and hold the cum longer. Don't get up immediately after sex: try to relax and let the sperm stay in your vagina for as long as possible. More on this below.

5 Best Positions to Conceive a Baby Quickly

Conception may be the easiest thing to do, however, some couples have difficulty with this for some reason, such as weak or insufficient sperm.

When it comes to the best position, the golden rule is that the male sperm should penetrate as close as possible to the woman's cervix. The whole secret is in the life span of the female egg and male sperm. After the egg is released from the ovary (ovulation), it begins to travel down the fallopian tube to the uterus. Such an egg usually lives only 24 hours, while the sperm cell can “wake” in the female body for three to five days. Thus, they must be as close as possible to each other in order to meet and reunite before the egg dies.

While sexual positions do matter for conception, it's logical to just take the position that will help the sperm meet the egg in the shortest possible time. This is especially important for couples who have problems or difficulty conceiving.

First of all, it is necessary to avoid positions that favor the penetration of male sperm into the cervix of a woman in the least: standing, sitting, or a woman on top. The main thing is to do everything possible to ensure that the sperm stays longer in the vagina. Therefore, the woman's thighs should be positioned in such a way as to keep the semen inside, giving it enough time to get to the cervix.

Let's look at the following sex positions to get pregnant quickly:

1.Missionary or "man on top" position. This position promotes deep penetration of sperm into the cervix.

2."Above the hip." Try to put a pillow under your thighs, and the maximum amount of sperm will enter the cervix.

3. "Like a dog". In a position where a man enters a woman from behind, sperm is released closer to the cervix, thereby increasing the chances of a quick conception.

4. Side by side. You can also try side-by-side intercourse. This position also contributes to the most penetrating sex and the direct entry of male sperm into the woman's cervix.

5. Orgasm. Finally, although it has nothing to do with sexual positions, a number of studies have shown a direct connection between the female orgasm and conception. Indeed, the female orgasm is characterized by specific contractions that "push" the sperm up to the cervix.

Enjoy the process of conception and have fun!

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Reading time: 5 minutes

When planning a pregnancy, you need not only to have a mutual desire, give up bad habits, eat right, eliminate stress and observe the daily routine. In addition, favorable positions for conceiving a child should be chosen in which the spermatozoa will reach the target faster so that the woman can become pregnant. There are many positions that help to carry out the process more efficiently. Each takes into account the structure and location of the internal organs of the partners.

What are poses for conceiving a child

The correct effective postures for conceiving a baby are the special positions of the bodies of a woman and a man relative to each other, in which the sperm freely enters the fallopian tubes and the desired result is achieved faster. After research conducted by reproductive scientists, it has been proven that not only the day of the cycle when sexual intercourse occurs, but also the choice of position for pregnancy is the decisive factor.

In what position is it better to conceive a child

Gynecologists with many years of experience advise, when choosing a position, to adhere to the principle of simplicity and convenience, taking into account the individual characteristics of the female body. If you want to conceive a baby of a certain gender in a short time, then you should choose special positions during intimacy that allow you to quickly achieve the desired result.

Their effectiveness is confirmed by the experience of many couples who participated in sociological surveys. The probability that the observance of this or that provision will help to achieve the birth of a girl or a boy is 75%. In any case, it is recommended to give preference to optimal positions, in which both partners can relax and enjoy as much as possible by the end of the act.

Poses for conception of a girl

If a married couple wishes to have a girl born 9 months after intercourse, then it is recommended to adhere to a position with a slight penetration of the penis. Doctors explain this phenomenon by the fact that sperm carrying X chromosomes of the female type can live longer in the vaginal environment. They move more slowly, so the chance of fertilizing an egg to conceive a female baby increases before ovulation. Ideal poses for girls are Spoon, but Missionary on the side will do.

Poses for conceiving a boy

A suitable position for conceiving a boy is one that can provide the greatest penetration. After all, the viability of spermatozoa that transmit male chromosomes is small. They are destroyed by long exposure to the alkaline environment of the vagina, so their path to the egg should be shortened by proper positioning during sex. Poses to get pregnant with a boy:

  • missionary;
  • General;
  • Doggy style.

The best position for conceiving a child

When it comes to such an important occupation as procreation, you need to forget about sexual preferences and exquisite poses. It is recommended to abandon any positions that lead to the fact that after ejaculation the sperm will flow freely from the vagina. The best positions on which the effective conception of a baby depends are recognized as natural, uncomplicated, when both partners are located horizontally on the bed or on the floor.


One of the most comfortable positions for both partners during sex is the classic Missionary position. She assumes that the woman lies on her back, and the man is located on top. To diversify this simple position, placing a small pillow or roller under the hips will help. This position is suitable not only for couples who do not have physiological contraindications. The pose is recommended for slight bending of the uterus.

Pose General

This position is considered a variation of the Missionary position. It is called General due to the fact that the partners are facing each other, the woman slightly bends her legs and puts them on the shoulders of the man who is kneeling. It turns out a kind of general's shoulder straps. With this arrangement, the maximum depth of penetration is obtained, helping to enhance the acuity of sensations. The raised pelvis of the partner increases the likelihood of conception several times. It is much more difficult to perform a pose if the partners are overweight or have vascular problems.

Spoon Pose

The name of the pose was due to the fact that during intimacy, partners lie like spoons in a kitchen dryer. The woman sits with her back to the man. The position helps to achieve very close contact with deep penetration to the cervix. The good news is that a man can produce caresses, control the pace, and after ejaculation, remain motionless for a long time without pulling his penis out of the vagina.

Doggy style

Translated from English, the well-known pose "Doggy Style" means "Dog Style", because these animals are engaged in conception of offspring in this position. Its other name is the elbow knee. The woman is on all fours or lying on her stomach, and the partner is behind. So the seminal fluid quickly enters the vagina, and the raised hips do not allow the ejaculate to leak out. The position is also convenient in that it is suitable for women and men with increased body weight.

Birch Pose

This position is suitable not only for physical exercises, but also for making love for the purpose of conception. In order to take the correct position, the partner should lie on her back, raise her legs higher up, placing her bent arms under her lower back. The man gets on his knees. Only a woman with excellent physical fitness will be able to stay in this position for a long time, therefore, mostly couples use this position after the completion of sexual intercourse, so that the sperm enters the uterus faster.

exotic poses

It is not recommended to get involved in exotic when you need to conceive a baby faster, so positions in which the entry of seminal fluid into the uterus will be difficult will not work. For example, the Waterfall pose. The man lies head and shoulders on the floor, lifting his hips onto the bed. The woman sits on top, lowering her legs down. The position is very effective for the onset of orgasm. However, conception in this arrangement is unlikely.

In order to get pregnant, positions when both partners are against the wall are not suitable. In this case, the sperm will simply flow out, although there is still a small chance of conception. If you slightly change the position so that the partner is sitting on a horizontal surface, and the partner is standing nearby, then the chances of conceiving will immediately increase. It is only necessary to briefly fix the hips in an elevated position.

Poses for conception with the bend of the uterus

If such a serious pathology as the bending of the uterus is diagnosed, then it will be much more difficult to conceive a child. This anomaly is characterized by the fact that the main female organ has a deviation from normal development, so the entry of seminal fluid to the egg is difficult. The diagnosis can be confirmed with a gynecological examination or ultrasound examination.

When the violation is insignificant, then it is possible to ensure better penetration of spermatozoa by changing the usual position. There are options for bending to the right or to the left, but the deviation is more common when the uterus is bent slightly backwards. If the woman lies on the side of the direction of the bend, then the following poses will help:

  • Spoon;
  • Doggy style;
  • Missionary, with a pillow placed under the hips;
  • Birch.


Official medicine does not have reliable information on how to plan the sex of the unborn child in advance. Couples who want a boy or a girl use traditional methods for successful conception. In order not only to get pregnant, but also to conceive a baby of a certain gender, you need to make love in certain positions. In what positions should you have sex to conceive a boy or a girl?

How are conception positions different from normal ones?

There are many different positions for making love. Just as some positions are best for orgasm and deep penetration, some positions are best for conceiving a child.

How can the position of partners affect the fertilization of the egg by sperm, and in what position can you quickly get pregnant? For the fusion of germ cells to occur, the spermatozoa must overcome several obstacles in the form of an acidic environment of the vagina and cervical mucus. Cervical mucus becomes thicker when using hormonal contraceptives, such as birth control pills or a birth control patch.

Approximately half of the male gametes die en route, and only a fraction make it to the fallopian tubes, where the egg is expected to be released. Correct postures provide the deepest possible penetration, due to which the man's penis is located close to the cervix, so it is easier for sperm to penetrate inside.

The most successful positions for pregnancy:

  1. The partner is on all fours, the partner is behind. This is how sexual intercourse occurs in animals, such a position is natural and provided for by nature. During intercourse, the deepest penetration is provided.
  2. She lies on her back, he is on top. The so-called missionary position for many is the most familiar. For a better angle of penetration, the partner needs to raise her legs high or put a pillow under her buttocks.
  3. She lies on her back with her legs draped over her partner's shoulders. If physical fitness does not allow you to throw your legs so high, then the partner can lie on the table, while the man will stand between her legs.

What positions should be used to conceive a child of a certain gender?

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Is it possible to get pregnant with a child of a certain gender? There is a theory that in the right position, a couple will be able to conceive a boy or a girl. It is based on the fact that X-chromosome and Y-chromosome spermatozoa differ in their degree of mobility and lifespan. Of course, it is impossible to say 100 percent that such a hypothesis is reliable, but it is worth a try.

Conceive a daughter

In what positions should you get pregnant so that a daughter is born 9 months after intercourse? Spermatozoa containing the X chromosome are more tenacious than those containing the Y chromosome. They survive the acidic environment of the vagina and are able to wait several days in the fallopian tubes for the egg to mature.

To conceive a girl, the penetration of the penis must be shallow. Spermatozoa with a Y chromosome will die on the way to the cervix, and male gametes with an X chromosome will successfully overcome obstacles and merge with the egg. The photo shows the most effective positions for the birth of a daughter.

The most effective positions for conceiving a girl:

  • partner from above, and she must regulate the depth of penetration;
  • the woman lies on her stomach, the man is on top - the missionary position is vice versa;
  • partners on their sides facing each other.

Position alone during intercourse is not enough, you must choose the right day for conception. Since sperm with the X chromosome live longer, it is necessary to have sex 1-2 days before ovulation, and then refrain from sexual intercourse.

Conceive a son

For the birth of a son, on the contrary, positions are chosen in which the penis is closest to the cervix, so that male gametes can immediately penetrate the uterus and fallopian tubes. Y-chromosome spermatozoa are not as durable as those carrying the genetic information of a girl, but they are much faster. If they manage to overcome the acidic environment of the vagina and cervical mucus, then they will outstrip their competitors and be the first to merge with the egg.

Poses for conceiving a boy:

  • missionary;
  • On knees;
  • "spoons", when the partners lie on their side, the man is behind the woman;
  • with legs thrown over the shoulders of a man.

For successful fertilization, it is necessary for a woman to experience an orgasm. The contractile movements of the uterine muscles and the muscles of the vagina promote the advancement of male gametes inward and help them freely enter the uterus. For the conception of a girl, an orgasm, on the contrary, is undesirable. On the video you can see the most favorable positions for pregnancy with a boy.

On what day after menstruation is it better to conceive a son? Since the sperm that carry the genetic information of a boy have a short lifespan, making love is best on the day of ovulation, which follows the month in which the woman refused birth control pills or contraception in the form of a patch.

Poses for conception of twins

Is it possible to give birth to twins or triplets using certain positions during intercourse? To do this, you need to understand how the formation of twins and twins occurs.

Contrary to popular belief, two embryos are not formed at all because two sperm enter the same egg at the same time. Such triploid embryos are not viable, and the pregnancy ends in miscarriage. In some women, two eggs mature at the same time during ovulation, each of which merges with a sperm cell. This is how twins, or fraternal twins, are obtained.

In some cases, the egg, fertilized by one sperm, is divided into two parts at the stage of crushing, each forming a separate embryo. This is how identical homozygous twins are born.

The ability to give birth to twins or triplets is genetically determined. If a woman had cases of multiple pregnancies in her family, then she is also likely to have twins, but there is no 100% guarantee of this either. It is impossible to influence this process from the outside with the help of sexual positions.

Will exotic poses help?

Many couples try to try something new in bed, diversify their sex life. Will unusual, exotic positions help you get pregnant?

Among exotic positions, the following are most favorable for achieving orgasm:

  • partners stand against the wall opposite each other, she throws her leg on the partner’s thigh;
  • the man lies on the floor with his legs and hips on the bed, and the woman sits on him;
  • the woman lies on her side, stretching out one leg and bending the other at the knees, the man sits on his knees between her legs.

During intercourse in this position, penetration is usually shallow, and the location of the partner is such that the sperm quickly flows out and does not enter the uterus. However, among the exotic positions there are those that will help you get pregnant. For example, a woman lies on her back and throws her legs over her head, a man at this moment inserts his penis from a standing position. This position is only suitable for couples with good physical fitness.

What poses are effective for bending the uterus?

Women with anomalies in the structure of the genital organs have difficulty conceiving. Such pathologies that interfere with successful fertilization include the bending of the uterus.

Retroversion, or bending of the uterus, is a pathology in which the organ is located in a non-standard position. The reason, as a rule, lies in heredity, however, inflammation of the pelvic organs, neoplasms, and endometriosis can provoke a bend. Usually, retroversion is asymptomatic, and a woman finds out about it only by going to the hospital with an infertility problem. When bending, it is really difficult to get pregnant, but you should not give up, the correct positions during intercourse will contribute to fertilization.

With retroversion of the uterus, you need to choose positions with deep penetration:

  • missionary;
  • knee-elbow;
  • "Spoons" - if the bend is to the right or left, then you should have sex on the side of the bend.

Another pathology that interferes with fertilization is the saddle uterus. Even during embryonic development, a septum and a recess at the bottom are formed inside the uterus. Such an organ is called bicornuate. For fertilization, a woman should put a pillow under her buttocks. However, most often, difficulties arise not with conception, but with bearing a child.

What should not be done if you need to get pregnant?

What should never be done if a woman wants to get pregnant? A few recommendations:

  1. You can not immediately jump out of bed after intercourse, otherwise the sperm will pour out of the vagina. After intercourse, you need to lie down for some time, it is advisable to raise your legs up into the birch gymnastic stance.
  2. After coitus, you do not need to immediately go to the bathroom and wash yourself. Hygiene is of course important, but water can wash the sperm out of the vagina.
  3. For conception, not only the position is important, but also the day of the menstrual cycle when sexual intercourse occurs. Do not try to get pregnant immediately after or before your period. The most favorable period is the middle of the cycle.
  4. Gynecologists claim that hormonal contraception, such as birth control pills or a birth control patch, increases fertility. After using them, you need to wait until the next ovulation and try to get pregnant.
  5. If you did not manage to get pregnant the first time, do not despair. A couple is considered infertile if they cannot conceive a child after having regular sex for one year. For the onset of pregnancy, you should make love regularly 2-3 times a week.
  6. Bad habits interfere with conception. Alcohol, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet, diseases of the pelvic organs - all this worsens the quality of sperm and reduces fertility.
  7. Stress reduces the chances of pregnancy. Excessive nervous tension, stress reduce libido and prevent fertilization.

Often a woman maniacally wants to get pregnant, it becomes an obsession for her, but the desired pregnancy does not come. Psychologists say that the stronger the fixation on the idea of ​​pregnancy, the more difficult it is to conceive. Intimate life should not be conducted under duress, and then the couple will be able to conceive a baby.