Easy crafts for dad on February 23rd step by step. What a gift for a child to congratulate dad and grandfather on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Decoupage crafts for the holiday of dear men

Of course, dad will be touched and delighted by any gift from his children, but if it is not just a drawing or a postcard, but an unusual, memorable or useful thing, the man’s heart will immediately melt. We have selected great gift ideas that you can make together even with your baby, and older children can do it on their own.

glasses case made from dad's tie

It’s easy to do: choose an unnecessary tie, cut off the bottom part and bend it in half, leaving a corner free. Sew, finishing the edge. Then fold the corner of the tie as if you were closing a cover, mark the points where the cover will close and glue two Velcro in these places. The case is ready.

Tablet case made from an old sweater

Take the back and front of an old sweater. We cut it to the size of dad's tablet and sew it on three sides. If you don’t find a sweater or scarf that you don’t mind cutting, you can knit the cover yourself. By the way, this is a great opportunity to teach girls how to knit.

Keychain with key holder

Dad will not only get a great keychain, but will also stop looking for his keys before leaving the house. Lego parts will serve instead of a key holder and a key ring at the same time. And you just need to find suitable ones among the many parts of the children's construction set and attach them in a convenient place in the hallway with double-sided tape.

Apron from a men's shirt

Have you noticed an unnecessary men's shirt in your closet with a frayed collar and sleeves? It is ideal for a kitchen apron. Trim the fabric along the collar, cut off the sleeves and back, sew the edges on a sewing machine, and sew ties from the remaining scraps. A flannel or flannelette shirt is best, but you can also take a denim one.

Air freshener for car interior

It can be cut from any dense piece of fabric (soft felt, corduroy or wool are perfect), but you can also take plywood and cut out a simple figure (star, triangle, heart). To make a fabric air freshener, draw any shape (herringbone, triangle, flower, etc.) on cardboard and cut it out. After this, cut out the same two parts from the flaps, but a little larger, a few millimeters. Glue the fabric to both sides of the cardboard cutout. Make a small hole in the workpiece and thread a beautiful braid, rope or ribbon through it. After this, select any essential oil whose scent you like and apply it to the fabric using a pipette. If you decide to make a blank from wood, then it will be more convenient to apply the essential oil with a brush. To prevent the scent from wearing out before the gift is given, place the freshener in a closed bag.

Mug with drawings

Now you can find a huge number of options for applying photographs or drawings to a mug. For example, you can make an imprint of children's fingers, palms or feet, write any phrase or draw a funny picture. The activity is very exciting, and, as you know, there are no limits to imagination. You only need special paints for ceramics, which are sold in craft stores.

Flash drive for memory

It would seem that now who can be pleased with such a gift as a flash drive. But in our case, its material value is not at all important, but the content is important. Write down any rhyme or song for dad with your child, choose your favorite photos or tell him how much you love him. Throw the recording onto a flash drive, and don’t tell dad what’s on it. Let him check, watch and listen for himself.

Gifts based on your children's drawings

A child's drawing can be applied not only to a mug. In the My Little Rembrandt Gift Workshop you can order very touching items based on your child’s drawings by taking a photo of it on your smartphone and sending it by email. Cufflinks, bracelets, document covers and much more will become your dad's favorite things.

Photo frame made of twigs

We offer one of the simplest options for designing a photo frame in the eco-style that is currently relevant. Collect fallen branches in the yard, break them and stick them on a regular wooden frame, close to each other. Anyone can cope with this task.

Tab for books

Scissors, black velvet paper or cardboard is all you need to make a bookmark. If you are not confident in your artistic abilities, you can find and print a stencil from the Internet, or you can fold a sheet of thick paper in half and draw half a mustache on it (photo 1), and then cut the paper and unfold it. Then trace the prepared stencil twice on black paper. Cut out both parts and glue them together. Glue a thin strip to one side so that the bookmark clings to the corner of the book.

For a child, a father is a real protector. Therefore, questions about whether it is necessary to congratulate him on February 23 do not arise, but the problem of what to give dad on Defender of the Fatherland Day is quite relevant. And while adult children can choose an original or useful, and sometimes expensive, present, children often try to please their father with interesting crafts. In this case, ideas and master classes for homemade gifts for your father on February 23rd, as well as options for symbolic inexpensive gifts, will come in handy.

Gift for Defender of the Fatherland Day for dad from preschool children

Kids attending kindergarten usually don’t have to rack their brains about what gift to give dad on February 23rd. After all, ideas are suggested by teachers, and crafts are made under the guidance of teachers.

Sometimes children in the garden are given a task to take home to make a gift for Defender of the Fatherland Day. Definitely, the child himself cannot yet come up with interesting options. Therefore, this is a creative task for mom. A child who does not attend kindergarten will also need help from his mother or older brothers and sisters. In this case, the main thing is to find an interesting idea for a thematic craft that will correspond to the age abilities of the child.

Children 3-4 years old are able to make a thematic applique. But you will need to prepare templates so that your child can trace and cut them out.

You can make an original card with symbols and congratulations for dad with a small child.

To make the base, you need to take a sheet of blue paper and line it to make 6 even parts. For the applique you will need 2 of these blanks.

We trace the shoulder straps according to the template and cut out the blank. Glue both blanks onto white paper.

We cut out strips of equal length from white, red and blue paper. We glue the stripes onto the shoulder straps, red at the bottom and white at the top, to create an image of a flag.

Cut out a sun from yellow paper and paste it on the right.

All that remains is to finish drawing the sun’s mouth and eyes, and on the other side to glue the boat, airplane and tank.

In the second chase, we help the child write a congratulation for dad on February 23rd. You can use a ready-made template - cut it out and paste it.

Cut out both shoulder straps and leave until completely dry. All that remains is to glue the shoulder straps together and you can give your beloved dad a gift on February 23rd.

You can make other themed applications with your child.

This is a battle tank.

Or shoulder straps with stars.

Combat helicopter.

Interesting flags.

Or ties with stars.

Interesting airplane.

Children of primary school age enjoy modeling. Plasticine crafts are a good gift option for February 23rd.

In this case, the main thing is to show the child themed crafts and help make complex details.

You can make an almost real tank out of plasticine or modeling mass with your baby.

You can use an ordinary matchbox as a basis.

Airplane made of fir cones and plasticine.

Or just made of plasticine.

Thematic templates will be useful for home creativity.

What can you give dad on February 23 from a preschooler or elementary school student?

Preschoolers and elementary school students already have experience working with various materials. And not only with paper and scissors, plasticine, but also with cereals, dough, and natural materials.

They are already capable of making more complex crafts. But even in this case, it is better not to leave the child with thoughts of what he can give to dad on February 23, one on one. You can give your child an idea for a craft. If he himself has decided on the sample, take part in the process itself. The child may need help and tips. Not every child at this age is able to finish what he has started. Therefore, control from the mother does not apply.

Let's start with voluminous postcards. This is a simple craft option. But with some effort, you can make a rather original gift.

A detailed master class on making a three-dimensional star for a postcard for February 23 can be found in the video:

Preschoolers can also make three-dimensional crafts. Definitely, such gifts should be thematic, that is, related to military equipment and symbols of the Motherland.

But even gifts that are not related to the theme of February 23, but made by the baby with his own hands, will incredibly please dad.

Make a popsicle stick airplane for dad.

We make the frame for the airplane from 5 wooden sticks, gluing them together.

We also make the wings from a stick, for which we glue it across the base.

We cut two pieces from the water tube, the length of which is equal to the height of the frame.

Glue the blanks to the edges of the wings.

We glue another stick on top of the supports made of tubes and the frame - this will be the top of the wings.

We make a tail from half a stick, securing it to the tail part of the frame.

All that remains is to make a propeller. To do this, we glue together two halves of sticks crosswise, which must first be rounded. We will attach the finished propeller to the nose of the aircraft with glue after painting.

Now you need to decorate the airplane. You will need gouache paints and a sponge.

After drying, the finished craft can be opened several times with varnish.

The tank can be made from matchboxes or an ordinary sponge.

Greeting cards and appliques that are made using various scrap materials look interesting.

These can be either natural materials or corrugated paper, napkins, cereals, dough and even pasta.

The main thing is to use your imagination and not be afraid to experiment.

For example, postcards made from pieces of napkins.

You can get acquainted with the technique of making blanks and flowers from napkins in the video:

A beautiful applique can be made using regular cereals.

Small painted pebbles.

From coffee beans.

And even from ordinary matches.

Or an order for a fearless pasta dad.

Works using the origami technique are no less interesting than three-dimensional applications. Moreover, you can combine both techniques. You can make an interesting postcard in the form of a men's shirt and tie, which we will dress in a jacket.

Another option for making a cool card-shirt for a gift for dad in the video:

If a child is not too fond of making various crafts, this does not mean that he will not be able to give his father an interesting gift on February 23rd.

You can arrange a real congratulatory show with the participation of a baby or toddler.

The main prize of the home quest will be a gift from mom to her husband on February 23rd, which needs to be safely hidden.

Together with your child, you come up with a path to the surprise and draw the road on a homemade map.

At every stage of such a mysterious journey, dad should expect a surprise. This could be a small gift, for example, a postcard or a magnet, or the same socks.

You can arrange a real concert - let the baby sing and recite a congratulatory poem for dad.

At some stops, hold holiday-themed competitions or quizzes.

Such information will be useful for the child and interesting for parents. When dad completes the entire difficult quest, the intensity of emotions will be at its limit.

And here the main prize will be waiting for him, which the head of the family will be incredibly happy about. Moreover, the prize can be not only a gift from the wife, but also a festive table.

What to give a father from a schoolboy son on Defender of the Fatherland Day

A school-age boy can make not just a beautiful craft for his dad, but also a useful thing.

If a boy knows how to work with carpentry tools, he can build a box in which dad can store his tools and fishing tackle.

Homemade coasters for cups are also interesting.

It would be appropriate to give dad a photo from his son on February 23rd in a frame that you can decorate in an original way with your own hands.

Older kids can make a real hammock for their beloved dad.

Detailed instructions for making a hammock with your own hands in the video:

And even a rocking chair.

What to give dad on February 23 from his school-age daughter

Most school-age girls love to make various crafts, both themed and useful.

Girls who know how to knit can knit a long wide scarf or comfortable indoor slippers for their dad on February 23rd.

And it’s impossible to ignore delicious gifts. Moreover, you can make a themed tank or plane from candies and sweets, or decorate jars of sweets in an unusual way. Dad will be simply amazed by such a surprise.

You can please your dad with homemade goodies. A girl can ask her mother or grandmother for help to prepare gingerbread cookies decorated with icing for her dad.

Or bake Dad’s delicious favorite cake. Recipes for classic cakes are available.

It would be nice to take part in preparing a festive table for men. Moreover, the girl can cook on her own.

And also, which can be decorated with tomato stars.

Or from boiled beets.

Children's gifts are so heartwarming and cute.

When a child or teenager presents his father with a present in which a piece of his soul has been invested, it is impossible to say that it is a trinket or an unnecessary gift.

Such gifts are stored for a long time or must be used for their intended purpose.

Video: DIY gift for dad on February 23

We suggest making an original tank with delicious ammunition as a gift for dad on February 23rd. A detailed master class on making a gift for dad on February 23rd in the video:

DIY postcard for dad on February 23rd in kindergarten for children in the preparatory group

Crafts for February 23rd for children of senior preschool age

Target: making a postcard for dad for February 23rd.
- develop artistic and creative abilities;
- develop fine motor skills;
- introduce the technique of paper folding - origami;
- cultivate accuracy when folding and gluing paper;
- cultivate a sense of patriotism and pride for all defenders of the Fatherland.
- cardboard for the background of the postcard;
- colored paper;
- scissors;
- glue;
- simple and colored pencils;
- oilcloth;
- napkin.

First we will make the main detail of the card - the shirt. To do this, take green paper (1/2 sheet), fold it in half, aligning the long sides of the rectangle. Thus, we outline the middle.

Let's unfold the sheet and bend both sides towards the intended middle of the rectangle.

Then we will outline the collar of the shirt. To do this, bend the top edge of the workpiece 1cm wide back.

Fold the bottom edge up to the collar line on the front side of the workpiece and mark the fold.

Fold the bottom edge again and outline the sleeves of the shirt. To do this, bend the lower corners to the intended line as shown in the photo.

We bend the upper corners to the center fold line, aligning and joining the corners of the collar.

Finishing touch. We bend the lower edge of the workpiece along the intended line and secure it under the collar. Iron all folds to make the base stronger. The shirt is ready!

The next step is body parts - head and arms. Let's use a template.

On a sheet of white or pink paper, draw a head and arms and cut them out.

Glue the head, sticking the neck into the collar of the shirt, and the hands on the back side to the sleeves of the shirt.

Now we will make a military cap. Cut out an oval from green paper.
From black paper we cut out a visor in the form of a semi-oval.
The base of the cap is made of yellow paper in the form of a rectangle.

We glue the parts of the cap together.

We glue the cap to the top of the head, bending the visor forward. Glue the star.

From yellow paper we cut out 2 small rectangles for shoulder straps and glue stars on them.

We glue the finished shoulder straps to the shoulders of the shirt.

We cut out a tie from brown paper according to the template and glue it to the triangular part under the collar of the shirt.

Glue the finished work to the base of the card and draw a face.

We decorate the postcard with a frame.

The gift for dad for Defender of the Fatherland Day is ready!

Ilona Grosheva Defender of the Fatherland Day.
Congratulations to dad
Happy Men's Day:
In my youth, I know
He served in the army.
That means he is also a warrior,
At least not a commander.
Worthy of a holiday
Protected the whole world!
For me, you are the main one.
You won't let me fall:
I am the glorious Fatherland
Small part.

Using this master class, you can make different images: a portrait of your dad or any characters from literary works, for example, Dunno.

I wish you all creative success!

In our previous articles, we told you about how you can make interesting and original greeting cards for your grandfather or father for February 23rd. You will find such articles without any problems on our portal. A gift in the form of a handmade postcard can become an independent present. But still, it would be better to supplement it with a children’s craft for Defender of the Fatherland Day. Perhaps it will be a cardboard plane, a paper boat or a car, maybe even a DIY tank. There is another very interesting craft for Men's Day, which we will tell you about today in our article. This is a homemade robot made from tin cans, nuts, plastic caps, unnecessary screws and radio components.

February 23 with your own hands. Crafts for February 23

Here are special crafts for dads on February 23rd. A great gift for your grandfather or father on February 23 could well be a boat made by the child himself. And such a craft can be made from various materials: wood, cardboard, walnut shells, plastic bottles. The simplest option would be to make a paper boat. You can attach flags to the finished paper boat. An ordinary wooden toothpick will serve as a mast.

A very original gift-craft for February 23rd, which any grandfather or father will surely like - this is a paper boat filled with various sweets.

If you make waves from strips of paper, you will get a boat sailing on oxen. This will be a beautiful and impressive gift for dad or grandfather on Defender's Day. On our website you can find detailed instructions on how to fold a paper steamer. If you complement the steamer with a seascape made from colored paper, then you will have a beautiful craft for this wonderful holiday.

Crafts for February 23. DIY gift for dad

Grandpa or dad will definitely really like this homemade airplane. In this article we will bring to your attention three simple options for making this craft for February 23rd.

An airplane made from a matchbox.

Our site invites you to make a gift for your grandfather or father on Defender's Day - an airplane made from a matchbox. To do this, you will need to take 1 matchbox, scissors, colored cardboard and glue.

Craft airplane.

It is worth noting that handmade crafts for dads on February 23 can be created directly from handy materials. From a simple clothespin and wooden ice cream sticks (or medical spatulas) you can make a craft - an airplane for the holiday of February 23rd. When making this craft, we advise you to use a glue gun and acrylic paints. If you make a lot of these colorful airplanes, you can make a whole suspended mobile. Below you can look at the picture and see that the tail of the plane can be made from cardboard.

Airplane made of cardboard.

Even on our website you can see many articles that allow you to make various crafts directly from garbage. Indeed, if you look at this site, you will learn how to make your own boats, cars, airplanes, funny animals from simple garbage: cardboard boxes and packaging, lids, etc. Basically, every craft from this site can serve as a great gift for your dad or grandfather on February 23rd. Choose, watch, create! And of all the crafts presented, we liked the cardboard airplane the most, for the reason that it is very original and beautiful. And it's quite easy to make. In addition to all this, ready-made templates are also included with this craft. You need to first print this template and transfer it onto cardboard. In order to make this craft for a men's holiday with your own hands, you will also need a paper cup from a roll of toilet paper.

Airplane made from a plastic bottle.

A special article has been published on our website that is dedicated to crafts made from plastic bottles. As a rule, such crafts are made quickly and easily. Therefore, if you put a little effort into this, you will end up with a wonderful airplane.

DIY crafts for February 23rd. February 23 in kindergarten

There is another very interesting DIY craft for February 23rd. This is a tank made from matchboxes. Therefore, if you are looking for crafts for February 23 that you can do in kindergarten in the preparatory group, then you should like this idea. In order to make such an interesting gift, you will need: a cover from a regular notebook or a piece of wallpaper, magazine paper, three matchboxes, a plastic bottle cap and corrugated cardboard.

In preparation for the February 23rd holiday in kindergarten, you can make another interesting tank yourself as a gift for your grandfather or father.

We have for you another very interesting version of a tank made from a matchbox. This tank has a cannon barrel made of a cotton swab, tracks made of corrugated cardboard, and rollers made of buttons. Using corrugated cardboard, you can make not only tracks for your tank, but also the entire tank.

DIY crafts for February 23rd. Gift for dad on February 23

Your little child will also like to make a gift for dad on February 23rd. Small children, of course, cannot make very complex crafts. For this reason, we specifically published simple crafts for February 23 in our article. One of them is a machine made of cardboard. You will need a cardboard toilet paper roll, paint, cardboard, and glue.

Crafts February 23. Children's crafts for February 23

If you want to surprise your grandfather or father with something original, then original crafts for February 23rd will suit you. On our website you can find paper boats, various models of paper cars, helicopters, airplanes and all kinds of architectural buildings. Making these crafts for Defender of the Fatherland Day will be very interesting and exciting for both schoolchildren and adults.

Now we move from transport to robots. From simple cans, plastic bottles, caps, cogs, screws, nuts, washcloths and other things you can make many cute robots. It’s very easy to make such a gift for your dad yourself. Especially if you have a glue gun.

You can also make a robot-shaped pen and pencil holder. There is also a very interesting option for a pen stand. You can see below how to make such a gift for your dad or grandfather for the holiday. In addition, you can make a pencil stand by folding it from Lego Duplo.

If you want to make your own pencil holder, which will be decorated with a photograph, then you will need a part from the designer to make such a craft - a transparent door. The photo is inserted into the space between the door and the wall.

If you want to surprise your grandfather or father with a wonderful holiday gift, then make these beautiful cubes. In order to make this original craft for February 23, you will need: pasta of various shapes, cardboard, golden spray paint, a glue gun, various jewelry. It is necessary to cut out a cup from cardboard and make a stand from it. Then you need to stick pasta of different shapes onto the cardboard. The easiest way to do this is with a glue gun. After the glue has completely dried, you should paint the craft with golden spray paint. Next, you need to decorate the cup with various clippings from family photos and jewelry. It should be said that such a gift can be given to dad or grandfather not only for a men's holiday, but also for a birthday. You can write on the craft: “To the best father from the children,” or “To the best grandfather from the grandchildren.”

Here you can also find paper crafts for dad on February 23rd. If your dad wears a formal suit and tie to work, then the following gift for the twenty-third of February may well be suitable for him. Help your child make this interesting gift for dad - a paper tie. You can cut out a tie from cardstock or paper and then decorate it. Below in our article we have presented to your attention a detailed diagram of how to fold an origami paper tie. You should pay attention to the numbering of the photo in the above diagram of an origami tie.

Children's crafts for February 23. Crafts February 23

Make a paper airplane mobile for your dad as a Men's Day gift. This gift can create a good, festive mood. In order to make this craft yourself, you need to take colored paper and fold a lot of airplanes out of it. And then, using a thread, hang them from the chandelier.

Crafts for February 23. DIY gift for grandfather

At the end of our article, which is dedicated to children's crafts for Defender's Day, we will tell you about another very original and interesting craft made from waste material - a deer head, made from the caps of plastic bottles and the bottles themselves. If your grandfather or father is an avid hunter, then such a craft will be very relevant.


This extensive article was able to offer you a large number of different crafts for every taste. Just choose what you like and help your child create something interesting.

Material courtesy of svoimi-rukamy.com – Read original

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For the manufacture of crafts you will need: plastic bottle with a narrowed neck, volume 0.6 liters, cocktail tubes (balloon tube, corks for making landing gear, cardboard, newspaper, scissors, PVA glue, glue gun, brush, gouache. If desired, can be varnished.


Take a plastic bottle and cover it with scraps of newspaper using PVA glue. When the entire bottle is covered with newspaper, leave it to dry.

Cut out the wings, tail and propeller from cardboard. We glue the wings and propeller in the same way as the bottle. (with newspaper scraps and PVA glue). You need to wait until the glue dries.

While everything is drying we make the chassis. Take a cocktail straw (you can use a balloon tube). Using a glue gun, glue the corks with the tube.

Then glue the wings and tail using a glue gun.

We glue the chassis, glue the cork to the bottom of the bottle, and the screw to the cork.

Between the upper and lower wings on each side we glue cocktail tubes crosswise using a glue gun. We also cover the tail with scraps of newspaper. You need to wait until the tail dries airplane.

Then the craft is painted: we use green, yellow and black gouache.

Draw red stars on the wings airplane. The craft is ready.

I covered under the tree varnish for a longer service life.

Publications on the topic:

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MASTER CLASS "NEW YEAR'S CRAFTS" It became cold outside. Frost pricks my cheeks. There is snow everywhere; on trees, bushes, houses and ground.

February 23 is approaching - Defenders of the Fatherland Day. How nice it is for a child to make a gift with his own hands for his beloved daddy.

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Craft-applique for February 23 “For beloved dad” For the craft you will need: white paper, blue, purple, red, light green, felt-tip pens.

The sun is golden in the sky. A large bird is flying high, covering us with its wing. The sun in the blue sky. This bird is an airplane. It has taken flight.