Murphy Joseph work with the subconscious. Joseph Murphy the power of your subconscious. The importance of getting good sleep

Joseph Murphy - The Power of Your Subconscious - read online free book


Discover the treasures within you!

Joseph Murphy


This book has stood the test of time and international fame. Miracles happened to people of all classes, races and peoples. Your life will also miraculously change as soon as you begin to use the magical power of your subconscious. This book is about how the way you think and picture your imagination shapes and determines your destiny. Do you know why:

The life of one person is overshadowed by sadness, and the other - shines in the rays of happiness? "one person is rich and respected, and the other suffers hardship?

One person is tormented by fear, while the other looks to the future with confidence?

One person makes brilliant discoveries, while the other works sluggishly and without a soul?

One captivates people, and the other does not find a response?

One conquers an incurable disease and the other dies?

Discover the treasures within you!

Who can read, he has the key to great things,
to endless possibilities
to a dazzlingly beautiful life,
full of meaning and happiness.

CHAPTER 1 Treasures within you

CHAPTER 2 The Way Your Mind Works

CHAPTER 3 The Miraculous Power of Your Subconscious Mind

CHAPTER 4 Spiritual Healing in the Ancient World

CHAPTER 5 Spiritual Healing in Our Time

CHAPTER 6 Practicing Mind Therapy

CHAPTER 7 The Subconscious Serves Life

CHAPTER 8 How to Achieve Your Goals

CHAPTER 9 The Subconscious Mind as the Key to Wealth

Joseph Murphy, the great master of working with the subconscious, made a discovery that applies to every person: he discovered a way to perform miracles in our lives, suitable for everyone without exception! Because the main tool for the fulfillment of any desires is given to each of us from birth. This is our own subconscious. Yes, you too can work miracles, changing your life and the reality around you the way you want. To do this, you just need to learn the lessons of the guru and be trained by two experienced researchers who have developed unique practices. This book contains the most complete collection of Joseph Murphy's advice and the best exercises for mastering them.

A series: Secret knowledge that changes lives

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by the LitRes company.

How to give commands to the subconscious. Technique number one: working with the imagination

The subconscious mind understands the language of images best.

If you believe that you can get everything you need and desire, if your thought has power, if you feel your connection with the Divine, you can use your subconscious for the benefit of yourself and others, creating both a new life and a new self. - strong, healthy, free from bad habits, able to realize their abilities and achieve success in anything. To do this, there are a variety of methods and techniques. One of the most important techniques is competent work with your imagination.

Have you ever thought about why a person is endowed with imagination and the ability to dream?

Is it just to escape from the harsh reality and fly into the world of dreams? Or to make plans and be disappointed when they fall apart?

No! Imagination is what allows a person to imagine the result of his activity before it is actually achieved.

Imagination is necessary for planning actions.

So is the imagination to be blamed for the fact that we simply do not know how to dream correctly?

Imagination is a necessary tool, without which it is impossible to achieve what you want! The main thing is to learn how to use it correctly.

Why imagination and not will?

A predictable objection would sound like this: only those who have the will to win will achieve their goal.

However, let's take a look at these concepts.

If we're talking about will as perseverance, consistency and faith, then in this case, the will will help to realize what the subconscious plans.

In this case, the will will discipline the imagination.

If we're talking about will as about the power of habitual ideas, which comes into conflict with the imagination, then in this case you will not achieve anything: by an effort of will you will pull your life in one direction, and your imagination will carry it in another direction.

That's why it's so rare for alcoholics to quit drinking!

That's why it's so hard to quit smoking!

That is why it is difficult to achieve heights at an unloved job!

Do not repeat other people's mistakes!

Let the will serve as an assistant to the imagination, disciplining it. Use your imagination the right way, and you will achieve what you only dreamed of before!

But what does it mean to use the imagination correctly? This means referring to your subconscious in the language of images. And not just images, but precisely those images that you would like to see embodied in your life.

For example, if you are sick, imagine yourself healthy! This will be the right work with the imagination. But many people, when they get sick, imagine how they get sick more and more. This is the wrong use of the imagination.

According to Joseph Murphy, in such cases there is a conflict between desire and imagination. You want to be healed, but the imagination does not draw pictures of healing at all, but quite the opposite. Healing doesn't happen! Even if you think at the level of consciousness that you want to be healed, the subconscious mind will ignore thoughts of healing and will bring to life the picture of the disease that you gave it! It is a picture, not a thought, that it will perceive as a signal for action, as a command.

This happens because the language most understandable to the subconscious is the language of images. The subconscious mind always perceives a picture, an image very well. And first of all, the subconscious mind always accepts for execution precisely the pictures drawn by the imagination, and only secondarily - words and thoughts.

This always happens when we want one thing, but imagine something else. If it happened to you that your prayers, desires, requests to God and the universe were not fulfilled, it means that you verbally asked for one thing, and completely different pictures were spinning in your imagination.

The way out is to subdue your imagination.

Teach him to create exactly those pictures, the implementation of which you want in reality.

Visualization is the most important technique for fulfilling desires

For the conscious creation of imaginary pictures, there is a visualization method.

The image that you create in your imagination is a kind of project according to which the events and circumstances of your life will be built. No building can be built without a preliminary design, plan, drawing - the same rule applies to our lives. One way or another, we plan everything we receive, but it often happens that these plans and projects are made unconsciously.

Everything that scrolls in our imagination becomes a plan for the subconscious, the project that it begins to implement. The visualization technique is aimed at creating in your imagination only pictures of well-being, prosperity, joy, health, happiness and everything that you really want to receive.

The easiest and most obvious way to formulate an idea is to present it visually, as a picture, as a visual image, as alive as possible, as if it were real and embodied. This technique is commonly known as visualization.

You can only see with the naked eye what already exists in the outside world; similarly, you can see something just as real, but with your inner vision, in the invisible depths of your consciousness.

Joseph Murphy, "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind"

Let your imagination run wild! Often imagine that your desires have already come true. And imagine them being realized not sometime in the future, but now, in the present. Be sure to place yourself in the center of the imaginary picture in order to perceive it as if from the inside, and not from somewhere else. Imagine not only a picture of visual images - try to imagine what you will hear, touch, feel, smell, taste. The picture of your realized dream should be detailed, detailed, as full and bright as possible.

If some undesirable pictures come into your head, replace them with good, desirable, positive pictures.

In order not to think about the bad - think about the good! Develop the habit of creating such imaginary pictures, and your subconscious mind will begin to embody them in reality.

Any picture you paint in your mindit is the substance of your hopes and evidence of the existence of the invisible.

What you form in your imagination is as real as any part of your body. Idea and thought are real and will someday appear in your objective

World, if you are faithful to the picture drawn in your Thoughts-

When you learn to imagine the pictures you want to bring to fruition, and it starts to come easy to you, you will feel that you are entering into meditation when you focus on these pictures. The meditative state will help you quickly and easily convey your plans to the subconscious.

Joseph Murphy recommends applying this technique before any responsible business, an important event: for example, you need to speak well in front of an audience, or you dream that your trip will go very well - imagine the day before that everything is exactly the way you want.

The likelihood that this will happen will increase many times over!

Exercise 1

Visualization Practice

Be alone with yourself, relax, close your eyes and think about what desire you would like to fulfill the most.

Ask yourself: “What if that wish came true right now?” And let yourself dream.

No need to try hard and strain; let it be something like a game. Dream like you dreamed as a child, easily and naturally.

Imagine a picture of a dream that has already come true. For example, you live in the house of your dreams. Imagine that you are in this house right now. What does he look like? What do you see inside? What is the view from the window? What sounds do you hear, what do you feel? How do you breathe, what smells around? If there is someone else around you, who are they, how do they behave, how do they look, what do they say to you, what kind of voices and facial expressions do they have?

If these fantasies are pleasant to you, if you feel happy when you imagine a picture of your dream come true, then this is your true desire, your inner wisdom gives it a “go-ahead”, and your subconscious mind is ready to accept it for fulfillment.

Practice creating such imaginary pictures for several days in a row, and you will notice that you easily enter a meditative state as soon as you begin to imagine them.

Joseph Murphy recounted how he himself used the visualization technique on a regular basis before speaking in public. First, he calmed the mind, entered a state of rest, freed himself from obsessive thoughts. And then he mentally pictured to himself the whole audience, all the rows filled with the public, and, most importantly, in his imagination he saw each listener passionately interested, inspired and even beaming with happiness.

He kept such a picture in his head for about ten minutes, literally seeing, feeling, knowing how the consciousness of every viewer and listener is charged with love, beauty, perfection and harmony. Then he let go of this picture and went to the podium, from which he was to speak. After that, his speeches were invariably successful, and there were many cases when people were healed at his lectures, or after a lecture, their cherished desires were magically fulfilled.

The next exercise is for more detailed visualization techniques.

Exercise 2

Practicing visualization techniques

Mentally draw yourself a picture of a happy resolution of your problem or fulfillment of a desire: if you want to buy real estate, imagine in colors - what kind of house or apartment it is, if you are going to speak to the public - draw yourself a hall filled with friendly spectators, if you have an exam - imagine how brilliantly you answer, etc.

After drawing a preliminary picture, add colors to it. Imagine how people around you react to what they say. Imagine what all the objects around you look like.

Hold this picture in your head for at least 10 minutes.

Try to reach a state where you have the feeling that you are inside this picture.

When there is a feeling of merging reality and an imaginary picture, we can say that the subconscious mind has completely absorbed the desired image and is ready to realize it.

Important: everything that you imagine, including the reaction of the people around you, should be positively colored! If any negative image arises, immediately discard it and replace it with a positive one.

Make a mental movie about your happy life!

But what if your problem takes a long time or you want to change several aspects of your life at once?

There is a variant of the visualization technique for this called "Mental Movie".

The essence of this technique is that you simply act as if your dreams have already been realized.

The subconscious absorbs these pictures every day, perceives them as truth and begins to realize them in reality!

Mentally replay the movie of your life—the life you dream of.

Focus on the fact that your whole life becomes different, be an actor, play the main role in this performance!

Don't step out of character when you're in public or when you're alone.

... I was in the Midwest of the United States on a lecture tour of a number of states and wished to drop anchor, find some kind of permanent home in those parts, from where I would help those in need. I went far from those Places, but the desire did not leave me. One evening in a hotel in Spokane, Washington, I completely relaxed on the couch, unfocused my attention, and calmly, passively imagined myself speaking to a large audience and saying, "I'm glad to be here, I was praying for an ideal opportunity." In my mind's eye, I saw this imaginary audience and felt the full reality of what was happening. I played the role of an actor, making the mental movie as much like a performance as possible, and felt the satisfaction that this picture was transmitted, broadcast to my subconscious, which realizes it in its own way.

I woke up the next morning feeling energized, energized, and energized, and a few days later I received a telegram inviting me to take a position with an organization in the Midwest. I accepted the offer and for several years I was glad that my wish came true, working in this position.

Joseph Murphy, The Power of Your Subconscious

Exercise 3

Using the Mind Movie Technique

Relax, calm your mind.

Think about your problem (task).

Imagine the way out of the situation that would suit you the most. Think over the details - what accompanies your success? What will your life be like with this turn of events?

Remember that in this movie the main character is you! Do not allow thoughts of defeat and trouble.

As with the visualization technique, do not allow negative thoughts to arise!

“Scroll through” different episodes of your movie in your head at any free moment until these episodes begin to be perceived by you as reality.

Here is an example of how you can apply the mental movie method to a specific problem.

Let's say you want to lose weight.

Imagine that this has already happened!

Think of a rough “scenario” of your life AFTER you have lost weight.

Imagine walking down the street with your head held high and seeing your reflection in the shop windows.

Imagine walking into a store and choosing a beautiful dress or suit.

Imagine how easy it is to run along the path of a picturesque park on a summer day.

Imagine tasting a gourmet dish, enjoying the smell and taste. Look - a very small portion was enough for you to satisfy your hunger.

Imagine that you receive compliments from a variety of people, including strangers.

In your imagination, combine these episodes so that they, alternating, create a real film about your new life!

If you performed the exercise correctly, then at the end you should feel an emotional lift.

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The following excerpt from the book All the lessons of Joseph Murphy in one book. Control the power of your subconscious! (Tim Goodman, 2016) provided by our book partner -

Joseph Murphy


This book has stood the test of time and international fame. Miracles happened to people of all classes, races and peoples. Your life will also miraculously change as soon as you begin to use the magical power of your subconscious. This book is about how the way you think and picture your imagination shapes and determines your destiny. Do you know why:

The life of one person is overshadowed by sadness, and the other - shines in the rays of happiness? "one person is rich and respected, and the other suffers hardship?

One person is tormented by fear, while the other looks to the future with confidence?

One person makes brilliant discoveries, while the other works sluggishly and without a soul?

One captivates people, and the other does not find a response?

One conquers an incurable disease and the other dies?

Discover the treasures within you!


CHAPTER 1 Treasures within you

CHAPTER 2 The Way Your Mind Works

CHAPTER 3 The Miraculous Power of Your Subconscious Mind

CHAPTER 4 Spiritual Healing in the Ancient World

CHAPTER 5 Spiritual Healing in Our Time

CHAPTER 6 Practicing Mind Therapy

CHAPTER 7 The Subconscious Serves Life

CHAPTER 8 How to Achieve Your Goals

CHAPTER 9 The Subconscious Mind as the Key to Wealth

CHAPTER 10 Your Right to Wealth

CHAPTER 11 Subconscious Help Brings Success

CHAPTER 12 Leading Scientists Activate Their Subconscious

CHAPTER 13 The Subconscious and the Miracles of Sleep

CHAPTER 14 The Subconscious and the Problems of Marriage

CHAPTER 15 The Subconscious Mind and Your Happiness

CHAPTER 16 The Subconscious and Harmonious Relationships with Others

CHAPTER 17 How to Get Forgiveness Through Your Subconscious


CHAPTER 19 How the Powers of the Subconscious Cast Out Fear

CHAPTER 20 How to stay forever young at heart



I saw with my own eyes how miracles happened to people of all classes, races and peoples. Your life will also miraculously change as soon as you begin to use the magical power of your subconscious. This book will tell you how the way of thinking and pictures of the imagination will shape and determine your destiny, because the type and essence of a person is identical to the content of his subconscious.


Why is the life of one person overshadowed by sadness, while another shines in the rays of happiness? Why does one person have wealth and respect, while his neighbor suffers poverty and deprivation? Why one suffers from insecurity and fear, while the other looks to the future with confidence. Why does one have a luxurious villa while the other spends his life in a slum? Why does success follow success for one person, while another slides irresistibly down? Why does one speaker captivate masses of people with his speech, while another does not find the slightest response? Why does one make brilliant discoveries, while the other works sluggishly and without a soul? Why does one conquer the so-called incurable disease from which the other dies? Why do many good and God-fearing people suffer from terrible bodily ailments, while many of our contemporaries, who are not distinguished by special virtues, have excellent health and brilliant success? Why does one woman have a happy marriage, while another suffers only suffering and disappointment from her husband? Why? The answer to these and many other questions lies in the essence and function of consciousness and subconsciousness.


When I wrote this book, I was guided by the desire not only to answer this or that question, but also to show the relationship. I have tried to explain the root cause and the deepest secrets of your spiritual life in simple terms, as I have always firmly believed that even these hidden relationships of the human soul can be stated extremely easily and simply for understanding. Therefore, my book is written in the everyday language that you are used to hearing in the workshop, office and family. I would like to urge you to study these pages and the method described here, because I am absolutely sure that you will discover here for yourself a miraculous power that will pull you out of chaos and adversity, free you from despondency and depression, and protect you from any failure. This book will give you the strength to achieve the position you deserve, it will help you resolve all difficulties, free you from the hardships of mental and physical suffering, and indicate a direct path to freedom, happiness and peace of mind. The miraculous power of the subconscious will bring you healing and awaken new youthful strength in you. Mastery over the powers of your soul will free you from the thousand fears and fears that you are now in captivity, open the door to that life of blissful freedom, which was intended by St. Paul for the children of God.


Our own healing is perhaps the most amazing proof of the miraculous powers of our subconscious mind. More than 42 years ago, I was healed in this way from a malignant tumor, which in medicine is called a "sarcoma", and it is the same force that created me that controls - I know this - today the life currents of my body. Such a description of the technique I applied then, will no doubt induce any reader to fully trust in that infinite healing power that lives in the deepest recesses of the soul of every person. To the kind suggestion of my friend and medical consultant, I owe the sudden realization that the same creative wisdom that shaped my body, created all my organs, and made my heart beat, could naturally best heal its own creation. After all, the old proverb says: "The doctor bandages the wounds, but God heals."


By "scientific prayer" we mean the harmonious interaction of the conscious and subconscious forces of the mind, which are used by scientifically proven methods to achieve a specific goal. This book will teach you a technique that will give you access to the inexhaustible reserves of your soul forces, the attraction of which will fulfill all the desires of your heart. Are you longing for a happier, fuller and richer life? Then use this new miraculous power and make your life path more even, solve your personal and business problems and create harmony in your family circle. Please read this book several times! It will show you how this miraculous power works, as well as how you yourself can use the insight and wisdom that lie dormant in the depths of your soul to achieve your goals. Learn how to influence your subconscious - is it quite simple? Apply a new, scientifically based method that will reveal to you the immeasurable powers of your soul! Read this book carefully and open your heart and mind to its miraculous advice. See for yourself the stunning results of this method. I firmly believe that reading these pages can and will be a turning point in your life.


Can you pray "effectively"? How long has it been since prayer has taken a firm place in your daily life? At the moment of trouble, danger, illness, with the fear of death, prayer itself appears on the lips of you and your compatriots. Just take a look at the daily newspaper! Almost every newspaper will probably come across an article that people all over the country have united in one common prayer for the recovery of a child who is ill with an "incurable disease, or in a prayer for the salvation of a group of miners buried in the bowels of the earth, or for the salvation of peace on earth . Freed from mortal danger, the miners then recount how they spent agonizing hours in prayer before the rescue teams arrived; a jet pilot prayed for rescue as he and his car made an emergency landing. Without a doubt, the power of prayer is always at our disposal in times of trouble. Why don't you want to use its effective help every day, making it a constant and fertile part of your daily life? Major press headlines tell how, in dramatic situations, prayer has been heard and words spoken like an oath ensure the effectiveness of prayer. However, how can one consider all those numerous humble prayers that children say, with which we thank God for the laid table and with which a person addresses his creator with trusting devotion? My work in the service of man has forced me to explore the different types and motives of prayer. I have experienced the power of prayer for myself. I have also spoken and collaborated with many people whose prayers have also been answered. The main difficulty is to teach people how to pray "effectively." At the moment of trouble, a person is most often no longer able to think and act with full consciousness, and therefore he needs a simple, unmistakable formula.

Joseph Murphy


This book has stood the test of time and international fame. Miracles happened to people of all classes, races and peoples. Your life will also miraculously change as soon as you begin to use the magical power of your subconscious. This book is about how the way you think and picture your imagination shapes and determines your destiny. Do you know why:

The life of one person is overshadowed by sadness, and the other - shines in the rays of happiness? "one person is rich and respected, and the other suffers hardship?

One person is tormented by fear, while the other looks to the future with confidence?

One person makes brilliant discoveries, while the other works sluggishly and without a soul?

One captivates people, and the other does not find a response?

One conquers an incurable disease and the other dies?

Discover the treasures within you!


CHAPTER 1 Treasures within you

CHAPTER 2 The Way Your Mind Works

CHAPTER 3 The Miraculous Power of Your Subconscious Mind

CHAPTER 4 Spiritual Healing in the Ancient World

CHAPTER 5 Spiritual Healing in Our Time

CHAPTER 6 Practicing Mind Therapy

CHAPTER 7 The Subconscious Serves Life

CHAPTER 8 How to Achieve Your Goals

CHAPTER 9 The Subconscious Mind as the Key to Wealth

CHAPTER 10 Your Right to Wealth

CHAPTER 11 Subconscious Help Brings Success

CHAPTER 12 Leading Scientists Activate Their Subconscious

CHAPTER 13 The Subconscious and the Miracles of Sleep

CHAPTER 14 The Subconscious and the Problems of Marriage

CHAPTER 15 The Subconscious Mind and Your Happiness

CHAPTER 16 The Subconscious and Harmonious Relationships with Others

CHAPTER 17 How to Get Forgiveness Through Your Subconscious


CHAPTER 19 How the Powers of the Subconscious Cast Out Fear

CHAPTER 20 How to stay forever young at heart



I saw with my own eyes how miracles happened to people of all classes, races and peoples. Your life will also miraculously change as soon as you begin to use the magical power of your subconscious. This book will tell you how the way of thinking and pictures of the imagination will shape and determine your destiny, because the type and essence of a person is identical to the content of his subconscious.


Why is the life of one person overshadowed by sadness, while another shines in the rays of happiness? Why does one person have wealth and respect, while his neighbor suffers poverty and deprivation? Why one suffers from insecurity and fear, while the other looks to the future with confidence. Why does one have a luxurious villa while the other spends his life in a slum? Why does success follow success for one person, while another slides irresistibly down? Why does one speaker captivate masses of people with his speech, while another does not find the slightest response? Why does one make brilliant discoveries, while the other works sluggishly and without a soul? Why does one conquer the so-called incurable disease from which the other dies? Why do many good and God-fearing people suffer from terrible bodily ailments, while many of our contemporaries, who are not distinguished by special virtues, have excellent health and brilliant success? Why does one woman have a happy marriage, while another suffers only suffering and disappointment from her husband? Why? The answer to these and many other questions lies in the essence and function of consciousness and subconsciousness.


When I wrote this book, I was guided by the desire not only to answer this or that question, but also to show the relationship. I have tried to explain the root cause and the deepest secrets of your spiritual life in simple terms, as I have always firmly believed that even these hidden relationships of the human soul can be stated extremely easily and simply for understanding. Therefore, my book is written in the everyday language that you are used to hearing in the workshop, office and family. I would like to urge you to study these pages and the method described here, because I am absolutely sure that you will discover here for yourself a miraculous power that will pull you out of chaos and adversity, free you from despondency and depression, and protect you from any failure. This book will give you the strength to achieve the position you deserve, it will help you resolve all difficulties, free you from the hardships of mental and physical suffering, and indicate a direct path to freedom, happiness and peace of mind. The miraculous power of the subconscious will bring you healing and awaken new youthful strength in you. Mastery over the powers of your soul will free you from the thousand fears and fears that you are now in captivity, open the door to that life of blissful freedom, which was intended by St. Paul for the children of God.


Our own healing is perhaps the most amazing proof of the miraculous powers of our subconscious mind. More than 42 years ago, I was healed in this way from a malignant tumor, which in medicine is called a "sarcoma", and it is the same force that created me that controls - I know this - today the life currents of my body. Such a description of the technique I applied then, will no doubt induce any reader to fully trust in that infinite healing power that lives in the deepest recesses of the soul of every person. To the kind suggestion of my friend and medical consultant, I owe the sudden realization that the same creative wisdom that shaped my body, created all my organs, and made my heart beat, could naturally best heal its own creation. After all, the old proverb says: "The doctor bandages the wounds, but God heals."


By "scientific prayer" we mean the harmonious interaction of the conscious and subconscious forces of the mind, which are used by scientifically proven methods to achieve a specific goal. This book will teach you a technique that will give you access to the inexhaustible reserves of your soul forces, the attraction of which will fulfill all the desires of your heart. Are you longing for a happier, fuller and richer life? Then use this new miraculous power and make your life path more even, solve your personal and business problems and create harmony in your family circle. Please read this book several times! It will show you how this miraculous power works, as well as how you yourself can use the insight and wisdom that lie dormant in the depths of your soul to achieve your goals. Learn how to influence your subconscious - is it quite simple? Apply a new, scientifically based method that will reveal to you the immeasurable powers of your soul! Read this book carefully and open your heart and mind to its miraculous advice. See for yourself the stunning results of this method. I firmly believe that reading these pages can and will be a turning point in your life.


Can you pray "effectively"? How long has it been since prayer has taken a firm place in your daily life? At the moment of trouble, danger, illness, with the fear of death, prayer itself appears on the lips of you and your compatriots. Just take a look at the daily newspaper! Almost every newspaper will probably come across an article that people all over the country have united in one common prayer for the recovery of a child who is ill with an "incurable disease, or in a prayer for the salvation of a group of miners buried in the bowels of the earth, or for the salvation of peace on earth . Freed from mortal danger, the miners then recount how they spent agonizing hours in prayer before the rescue teams arrived; a jet pilot prayed for rescue as he and his car made an emergency landing. Without a doubt, the power of prayer is always at our disposal in times of trouble. Why don't you want to use its effective help every day, making it a constant and fertile part of your daily life? Major press headlines tell how, in dramatic situations, prayer has been heard and words spoken like an oath ensure the effectiveness of prayer. However, how can one consider all those numerous humble prayers that children say, with which we thank God for the laid table and with which a person addresses his creator with trusting devotion? My work in the service of man has forced me to explore the different types and motives of prayer. I have experienced the power of prayer for myself. I have also spoken and collaborated with many people whose prayers have also been answered. The main difficulty is to teach people how to pray "effectively." At the moment of trouble, a person is most often no longer able to think and act with full consciousness, and therefore he needs a simple, unmistakable formula.

Many of the people do not deny the existence of the subconscious system and its use in the process of life. Some even attribute the roughness of their character to the game of the subconscious. But the actual state of affairs suggests that if a person finds willpower in himself, learns to control his inner world, then he will inevitably succeed in life. Every person needs to learn how to control subconscious processes, because it is then that the mind will control life, and not emotions and feelings. All decisions will be made harmoniously. So, in order to understand how to control the subconscious, it is necessary to understand the fundamental facts.

What is the subconscious?

The subconscious mind is not a fictional concept. This is a very real component of the human body, which is considered even in medicine. It helps a person to navigate in certain life situations. Some people confuse the subconscious with intuition. Throughout his life, a person accumulates in his subconscious a lot of information, which is acquired through the experience of life years. Certain thoughts produce habits or induce a person to some actions, sometimes actions that are unusual for him.

Habits acquired in this way are called psychological skills. They are laid down to a person by parents, acquaintances, and their own experience. Thanks to this, a personality is subsequently formed with its own unique view of the world around it. It is this fact that explains the diversity of opinions and characters of people.

The subconscious does not regenerate new ideas or anything like that. The thing is that a person creates his subconscious information himself. Thoughts, feelings, subconsciousness - in this order information passes. Thus, everything that is reproduced in the thoughts of a person becomes part of the inner world. People are programming themselves. This quality can be used for yourself with incredible benefits, but otherwise you can get the opposite negative effect. The accumulation of this information is also influenced by the external environment, so a person must select his social circle in a quality manner so that later he does not become part of a not entirely favorable company of people. Subconscious mindsets are not easy to change. Although there are certain techniques that help to completely eliminate negative programs.

The initial task of the subconscious is to systematize and filter out unnecessary information. The choice, so to speak, of rational grain. This happens in the process of converting thoughts into visual images. The subconscious mind helps a person achieve their programmed goals, which will help to get success and complete certain desired tasks. The power of the subconscious mind is quite a powerful thing that can make a person more resistant to difficulties, thereby making the passage of life easier.

But, despite a number of such positive and important properties for a person, not everyone can dispose of such skills rationally. This suggests that with his thoughts a person can program his subconscious for negative phenomena, which can subsequently lead to a disastrous result. That is why it is important to monitor not only your actions, but also your thoughts. Psychologists recommend thinking positively.

If a person constantly thinks that, for example, he cannot start a family. After some time, thoughts move to the programming stage and the person completely loses the desire to have his own family. And already in the course of even a serious relationship, he avoids the family, psychologically pushing his partner away.
This is how simple actions a person is able to harm himself and destroy his life radically.

Functions of the subconscious

For many, it will be a discovery that the work of the human body is determined by the functions of the subconscious. For a more visual representation, the human body can be compared with some kind of large production, which employs a huge number of people. Thus, the subconscious is the numerous working class that performs the necessary processes for the normal functioning of the enterprise. Consciousness and subconsciousness are in close cooperation. The role of consciousness is to set global goals, that is, it is the director of the enterprise.

In addition, you can find other ways to compare. For example, the human body in its properties can be similar to a kind of computer. Human consciousness acts as a kind of programmer who is able to install certain programs and other components for the normal operation of the machine. But the subconscious ensures the operation of these programs, their reliability and the precise execution of the necessary tasks. Only when consciousness and subconsciousness form a harmonious tandem, a person can be happy.

The functions of the subconscious mind are quite simple to understand. They are primarily aimed at systematizing and storing the necessary information in the human brain. If you develop its capabilities, then you can come to the conclusion that it is simply unrealistic to limit them, a person can remember everything that he needs. It is known that by the age of 21, an individual is able to accumulate in his head an incredible amount of information, which is several hundred times greater than the volume of the great Encyclopædia Britannica. But the problem is that many do not know how to use such a gift of nature and how to apply this or that knowledge at the right time. Working with the subconscious can bring a person to a different level of life.

Scientists have conducted studies in which they found that a person in a state of hypnosis in great detail can display any events in his life. But older people can even tell what happened 50 years ago, and the details will not be omitted. Such an experiment once again proves that the human brain is limitless and has amazing possibilities. All the secrets of the subconscious are not fully disclosed, but some points have already been studied.

The existence of this is quite easy to explain. The brain contains a huge amount of information due to the processes occurring at the subconscious level. In addition, a large number of variable actions are constantly taking place in the brain, for example, rewriting information, building logical chains. Unfortunately, man has not yet reached the point of directing such phenomena. It is quite simple to explain this, because the process of assimilation of information and its systematization has not yet been fully studied. All the secrets of the subconscious are not yet revealed at the moment.

The process of subconscious transformations is very complex. One of the most important functions is the homeostatic process. For example, here you can include the temperature of the human body. It is the subconscious that supports it at the level of 36.6. The subconscious mind controls the process of breathing and heartbeat. Thanks to this, a person is maintained in a normal and stable state. The nervous system works offline, which supports chemical metabolism and many other processes. Thanks to such a well-functioning work, the body feels comfortable and continues its vital activity.

The balance of the body is also maintained by other functions, this also happens in the sphere of thinking. Your subconscious mind is able to remember the most comfortable conditions you have ever experienced. Based on these conditions, our body seeks to return to that comfort zone again. If a person tries to go beyond its limits, the body begins to react not quite correctly, discomfort is felt both on a physical and emotional level. This only says that the human subconscious has turned on its old functions and is trying to return a state of complete comfort.

Any new sensations for a person, both physically and emotionally, can cause inconvenience, a feeling of embarrassment and fear. Such feelings can manifest themselves, for example, when looking for a new job, passing the first exams, meeting new strangers, trying to establish a connection with the opposite sex. This is what the whole palette says that a person needs to leave the comfort zone, but the subconscious, unfortunately, does not allow this to be done, because of this, nervousness and a feeling of discomfort arise. To avoid such phenomena, people should learn how to control the subconscious.

Human development depends on the activity of the subconscious

The comfort zone can become a kind of trap. This is especially true for creative and creative people. After all, a flight of thought is required here. Sometimes it's good to experience physical stress. Calmness and measured fluidity of life is truly a hell of a creative person. The comfort zone must be left for those people who decide to become leaders. A person acquires new experience, new skills, which will later help him. But over time, all this again enters the comfort zone.

For example, if you decide to move up the corporate ladder or are forced to make an expensive purchase, you will feel discomfort and inconvenience for some time. In general, this process leads to the fact that a person builds a new comfort zone for himself already on the basis of those rules that are necessary to achieve a certain goal. If a person cannot overcome these feelings, then it will be almost impossible to build a new comfort zone, but if he copes with this test, then, in the end, he will receive new knowledge, experience, as well as a new comfort zone that expands his capabilities. .

If someone has set himself too high a goal, then he needs to be prepared for a long road. He will need to learn to let go of stereotypes and remove labels. And this process takes time. This is work with the subconscious.

The main rule is that a person must formulate a goal for himself. Moreover, this goal should be similar to the law, which he will constantly scroll through in his thoughts. It is thanks to this that this goal will be recorded, so to speak, on the subcortex. A person will gradually begin to believe in this, and soon events will begin to come true. The power of the subconscious will itself push to the right actions that are necessary to achieve a specific goal. A person will become sensitive to the information that needs to be received in the process of achieving the goal, and then he will really embody a big goal in his ordinary life.

How the subconscious works

As mentioned earlier, the subconscious mind is truly an amazing tool. It can influence all areas of life. But how does it happen? If you understand this issue, you can understand how to change the subconscious.
A person constantly builds some of his inner beliefs and principles. Thus, its development or degradation occurs. Consciousness independently attracts interesting factors of a person's life, makes him get acquainted with those people who correspond to his principles and beliefs, and much more. The amazing fact is that whether a person believes in it or not, the subconscious will still exist. It does not depend on the desire of people or on their social status. This law is permanent. All troubles in life will occur only thanks to beliefs, because the subconscious mind can do anything - make a person happy or lead to problems. For example, if he is convinced that he is doomed to poverty, then that is exactly what it will be. You need to start with the world will help change and the outer shell. It doesn't make any sense to start with the latter. There will be no changes. Situations will be repeated until the internal deep causes are eliminated. Therefore, it is very important to know how to control the subconscious mind. It must first be programmed correctly. In order for life to be harmonious in all areas, it is necessary to study the world around you. That is, thoughts must be literate and combined with real events. With this arrangement of affairs, a person will be able to achieve well-being by changing not only the world around him, but also by changing something in himself. It will give you the opportunity to get what you want, improve yourself in some way and help other people.

Subconscious Concentration

Not every person knows how to control the subconscious, although many have heard about it more than once. Not everyone understands its nature and uses. Its power is limitless, and scientists have long proved this. If a person has learned to control his own subconscious, then he has received additional vital energy that will help him later. By learning to control his own subconscious, he can direct his life in the direction that he needs.

There is a wonderful book "Techniques for controlling the subconscious" (Joseph Murphy). The author reveals in it the secrets of such a thing as "mental treatment". This term has several interpretations. First, by changing his subconscious, a person can change his essence. The author says that all the problems of people lie in unfulfilled desires. A person is deeply worried because he did not achieve a result, his plans did not come true. In this case, you should not count on a life in harmony. Secondly, mental treatment also means the improvement of a person in the physical plane.

Subconscious Control Methods

The subconscious can do everything, a person only needs to set it up correctly. Many want to get some specific recommendations on how to do this. There aren't many of them. The following are some of the subconscious mind control methods:

  1. Before going to bed, it is necessary to give the subconscious a task - to solve the problem that worries. The thought-form, accepted as truth, travels from the brain to the solar plexus and eventually materializes.
  2. Do not limit your subconscious mind to traditional methods. You need to think big.
  3. Do not react deeply to painful sensations in the body. You have to trust fate.
  4. Before going to bed, visualize the fulfillment of your desire several times. Thoughts, feelings, subconscious - all these are links of one chain.

Abilities of the subconscious system

The subconscious mind is often compared to a computer that can be programmed with certain kinds of programs. This is how inner conviction and thought regeneration takes place. As for the formation of human habits, their regeneration occurs due to the repeated repetition of certain formulations.
Having formed certain psychological habits, a person begins to gradually move towards the goal. In such a process, he acquires certain beliefs, new views, exactly what he needs to perceive the environment in a new role. The subconscious system regenerates certain tasks through visual and mental images. It is these aspects that are necessary in order for a person to receive such an installation for success.

Tasks of the subconscious

A rather difficult function fell on the unconscious part of the human mind - this is the systematization and interpretation of certain data that are laid down in the process of thinking and visualization. The subconscious is obliged to help a person get exactly those desired thoughts and images that he imagined. But, besides this, it also helps a person to control the work of all internal organs and systems of life, this process is also incredibly important.

Possible difficulties

The problems that a person may encounter is a lack of knowledge for the correct formation of their own thoughts. People can fix in their subconscious absolutely not what they want. This is because the unconscious reaction cannot determine whether the thoughts are good or not. Therefore, he perceives everything as truth. In this situation, you must be very careful not to put destructive thoughts into your own unconscious reflexes.

How to deal with problems?

In order to overcome the destructive effect of thought, it is first necessary to understand why a person programs himself for failure. If he can cross this border, he will receive really invaluable knowledge, which will open a lot of doors for him. First of all, you need to accustom yourself to think positively in any situation, to find positive aspects even in the most hopeless situations, so as not to send negative energy flows into your own unconscious system.

Georgy Sidorov offers effective ways to change the paradigm. “Controlling the Subconscious and Exiting the Matrix” is one of the best seminars that provides techniques for working with your inner world. Many other authors in their works also reveal the realized practices of controlling the subconscious. Valery Sinelnikov's book "Secrets of the Subconscious" will help you to believe in yourself, resist difficulties, get rid of guilt, learn to forgive, eliminate depression and become a truly happy person.