Mnemonic technique "how to quickly remember". How to remember where you put things

It must have happened to everyone that the keys just held in their hands disappeared somewhere, and a book was suddenly lost within a small room, or favorite shoes that were waiting for their season mysteriously disappeared from the closet. How to find a lost item in such circumstances? Is it possible to facilitate your own searches, and what is the reason for such misunderstandings?

How to find the missing item?

A rational approach in serious matters is the most winning tactic. Therefore, in search of a missing thing, the main rule is to let go of panic and think about the situation soberly. It is necessary to analyze as clearly as possible the last moments when you saw or held the object you were looking for. What circumstances accompanied this moment? What did you do? What happened around?

If a thing is lost within the house, you can breathe a sigh of relief: sooner or later you will be able to find it, although sometimes the sooner the better. Searching can be guided by several principles. Examine the proposed areas for the location of the object, according to its belonging to them, or, on the contrary, rely on intuition. For example, relax and think about where you could put this thing purely mechanically, without controlling yourself. Most often, it is precisely such spontaneous actions that lead to the fact that the object is subsequently lost, and the memory does not want to explain exactly where this happened and how.

The whole problem is that a person is used to performing several actions at the same time. While the brain is processing the main task, such as talking on the phone, hands shift something from place to place mindlessly. Side effects are not tracked by consciousness, and as a result, they are rarely imprinted in memory. And in order to fish them out of the depths of the subconscious, one has to again perform a distracting maneuver.

If your item is lost outside the home, the probability of finding it is significantly reduced. This is especially true for valuable items: wallets, keys, etc. Even if a stranger accidentally sees them, there is no guarantee that he will honestly confess and give them away. However, it's worth a try. The most effective in this regard are posts on social networks that all friends and acquaintances can transfer to their page (make a repost), as a result of which more people will see them.

The text must indicate at least the approximate place and time of loss. If the locality is small, you can even make an announcement on the radio. It is also recommended to post an announcement in the alleged place of loss. In addition, “lost and found tables” are gaining popularity on social networks: communities in which they post messages about losses and finds. Maybe your city has something like that too.

How to find a lost item at home?

The easiest way that helps in finding the loss, of course, is general cleaning. True, it is worth noting that it must be carried out exactly in that part of the apartment where the object is expected to be found, because otherwise the search will drag on for several days. Moreover, for small elements, a thorough review of every corner, all papers folded into a common pile, etc., painstaking and lengthy actions, may be required. However, this doesn't always work either. How to be in such a situation?

Psychologists advise weakening attention from the task at hand if thoughts about it are spinning in the subconscious for too long. This reduces the chances of a successful completion of the case, because breaks are needed everywhere. And if we take into consideration the energy field of each object, then after a long impact on it with the power of thought, it begins to reflect all the promises, as a result of which it becomes simply impossible to detect the loss.

Therefore, during the search, it is imperative to take a break, be distracted for half an hour or an hour. In this state, when you are not preoccupied with the question of the location of a particular object, it is easiest to suddenly catch the right thought, which will tell you in which direction to search.

6 ways to find things you forgot where you put them

It happens that no analytical reasoning in the search for a particular subject helps. In such situations, it is not difficult to agree with the version of Domovoy's pranks. Whether he did it or not - and a few old search methods will not become superfluous. Suddenly, what you are looking for is really found?

  1. If the Brownie is really rowdy, he needs to be appeased: put a glass of milk with honey on the threshold, put any bun or cheesecake, a piece of cake or other sweetness. According to ancient beliefs, this spirit is very fond of flour and confectionery, especially if they are homemade. In extreme cases, even refined sugar or butter will do. After that, you need to clap your hands, looking around, and invite Domovoy to play with the thing, but then be sure to return it to its owners.
  2. Perhaps a harmless house spirit has nothing to do with the loss. Then you can try the following methods: tie a personal towel or handkerchief to the leg of the chair that you most often use, making exactly 1 knot for this. Then you need to be distracted by any other business: at least start cleaning, at least just turn on the movie. It is important to relax your attention, and after a break, start searching again. They should be more successful. The same effect can be achieved if you put upside down on the table a glass or a cup that you have the most active in the course.
  3. It is impossible to exclude the possibility that the thing was lost in a certain "spatial pocket" of your home. Then, to find it, it may take a little more effort than in previous cases. For example, a purple candle without any decor is purchased in a store, placed on the table in front of you in the evening and lit. Looking at her flame, you need to visualize the image of the lost thing: either she will “call” herself, or the candle will tell you the direction in which to look. It is worth focusing on which side the melted wax flows down.
  4. A method similar to the previous one also involves interaction with fire: broken dry twigs of wormwood, lavender and motherwort are poured into a copper bowl. Then the herbs are wetted with alcohol and set on fire. Walking around the apartment with a bowl in hand, fumigating all the corners and walls with smoke, you need to imagine the loss as clearly as possible, mentally invoking it. If the thing does not respond, it is worth going in the direction where the smoke will stretch. You can also pick up a ball and go around the house with it, constantly scrolling the thread in your fingers and feeling how it extends towards the lost thing.
  5. Quite effective is the search with a pendulum. To do this, you can use a ready-made device, and build it yourself by hanging any medium-sized load on a soft thread. As in the previous versions, holding the pendulum by the upper end, you need to go around the apartment with it, mentally calling out the loss. Where the load begins to actively rotate, there is a high probability of finding what you are looking for.
  6. The last method will require you to wait for some time, during which the thing itself should respond to energy impulses from your side. You need to take a thread whose length is equal to your height, then fold it 10 times, and tie knots on it in the amount of 3 pieces. at an equal distance from each other. This should be done in the evening, as the thread is removed under the pillow on which you sleep. And in the morning, you should resume the search, relying on the information received at night.

And if none of the methods discussed above could help you find the lost thing, let it go from you. Probably, something from above decided that you really do not need this item. After all, everything in life happens only according to the right scenario, even if at a particular moment it seems that this event is negative.

Surely everyone has come across a situation where you need to quickly remember something, but it just doesn’t work out.

Neuropsychologists claim that our brain remembers absolutely everything that we have ever seen. Even when it seems to you that the information is erased from memory forever. It is enough to pull the right strings, and the memory will surface in all its details.

It seems incredible that our head remembers everything that was seen with our eyes. Science confirms this fact. So, in the early 1970s, a famous experiment was carried out (Lionel Standing). Ordinary people were shown 10,000 pictures at a fast pace. Let's say one was Muhammad Ali, the other was dumbbells, then Neil Armstrong's footprint on the moon, then the cover of Friedrich Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morals, then a red rose, and so on. And so as many as ten thousand pictures! (It took a whole week to complete the test.)

It would seem that such a volume of information will not fit in one head. However, the most ordinary people were able to remember more than 80% of the images.

The trick is to get the information out of memory correctly.

At the recall stage, the pictures were shown in pairs: people had seen one of them before, and the other had not. Let's say there was a photo of Muhammad Ali on the left and an effervescent Alka-Seltzer tablet on the right. The subjects had to recognize the picture that they had already seen. And the majority coped with the task without any difficulties.

We do not forget anything, but we are not always able to extract the necessary data from our storages. The history of neuropsychology knows only one case when a person had direct access to his memory. At the beginning of the 20th century, the famous Soviet neuropsychologist Alexander Luria observed a unique person named Solomon Shereshevsky (later he wrote a book about him, “A Little Book of Great Memory. The Mind of a Mnemonist”).

Shereshevsky easily memorized the page covered with numbers, and he could reproduce them without hesitation both in forward and reverse order. He remembered equally well both meaningful words and meaningless syllables, numbers or sounds, spoken aloud or written on paper. He could memorize complex formulas without any knowledge of mathematics and Italian poetry without knowing Italian. Shereshevsky did not forget anything even after a while (and suffered extremely from this!). Even after 16 years, he gave out information with amazing accuracy.

The peculiarity of his memory was that he involuntarily created a visual image for each word or sound he heard (and visual images, as we have already understood, remain with us forever).

So, each sound had its own color, structure and sometimes even taste for him. The voice of one person seemed to him "yellow and crumbly", and he described the voice of another as follows: "as if some kind of flame with veins was approaching me."

The numbers had a face for him: for example, “one” is a proud, slender person, “two” is a cheerful woman, “four” is a man whose leg is swollen, “seven” is a man with a mustache, “eight” is a very plump woman, a bag on a bag, etc. When he heard "87", a plump woman appeared in his mind's eye next to a man who twists his mustache.

Shereshevsky could drown out a toothache: it seemed to him like a red thread that worries him. The pain intensified - the thread became thicker. At the same time, he imagined how the thread becomes thinner and thinner, and then dissolves in the air, the pain passes.

Words filled Shereshevsky's consciousness with mental images without effort on his part - instantly and automatically. Therein lay his phenomenality.

An ordinary person needs to create such images consciously - and then the result of memorization will be as good as that of Shereshevsky.

How did Shereshevsky manage to easily get everything he wanted from his memory? After all, the non-linear associative nature of our brain makes it completely impossible to consciously retrieve memories from memory in the proper order. An ordinary person, in order to remember, for example, someone's name, needs some kind of association or at least a vague feeling: “it seems to start with “l”, so strange, something African ... ah! her name is Liana!

Memory does not follow the laws of linear logic, so we cannot view information sequentially.

In Shereshevsky's head, the memories were ordered like cards in a catalog. The fact is that he carefully organized the information, putting it on a map of familiar places in the order in which he received it (again, he did this involuntarily, without realizing it to himself). For example, when reading a long series of words, he visualized each word and placed these images along Gorky Street in Moscow or around his house in Torzhok. The first is at the door of the house, the second is at the street lamp, the third is on the fence, the fourth is in the garden, the fifth is in the shop window. To remember the whole row, Shereshevsky mentally walked down the street and looked around.

The incredible abilities of Shereshevsky lie dormant inside each of us. Although it seems absolutely incredible to hold huge amounts of information in memory, in fact, it is just a well-developed spatial memory that everyone has and which can be developed.

Tips for schoolchildren

1. Memorize a small number of key dates in history first. For example, in the history of Russia, it can be domestic wars, liberation from serfdom, the construction of St. Petersburg or other important moments. And distribute all other events in memory relative to these key dates. Reading about some period of history, you can ask yourself questions: when was it, before the war or after? What happened before or after the event being studied? Gradually, disparate dates will line up in a single picture.

2. Turn numbers, months and years into images and add stories about them. Figures can be represented as characters or objects with similar shapes, and then linked into a story. The year 1812 is remembered as follows: glasses hang on a column, a broom is fixed perpendicularly next to it, a goose sits on it. A column and a broom are images that look like a unit, and glasses and a goose are an eight and a deuce.

3. Do not repeat the material immediately after the first reading of the textbook. Recognition works earlier than recall. That is, it seems to you that you remember the lesson, because you have already seen this page of the tutorial and learned it. In fact, you did not remember the text, but simply looked at it. It is better to repeat the paragraph in a few hours or even the next day.

1. Create your own language for quick note taking. Write down only the most important. In some cases, you can even sketch.

2. Be sure to ask questions during the lecture. If the teacher does not give such an opportunity, then you can ask yourself. For example, we talked about the relationship between supply and demand - no need to waste time memorizing the curve, its location on the coordinate axis. It is better to try to understand how this knowledge affects real life. Ask yourself: "How does this dependence manifest itself in the market? How will I behave if the prices of goods rise?"

3. At home, without opening the notes, write down briefly five or six main theses from past lectures. You need a minimum of time for this, and at the end of the semester you already have the course content, almost exam tickets.

1. After leaving the meeting, write down or say to yourself what agreements were reached. Form the results of the meeting in the negotiation process - ask again. When the boss gives his recommendations, do not hesitate to ask again, formulating the task in your own words.

2. If something does distract you, return to your thoughts about work, remembering the events in reverse order. Start from the moment when something took you away from work, and, sorting through thoughts and events, return to the last memory of work. This will allow you to smoothly and without straining your attention to plunge back into the process, and at the same time help develop the ability to recall.

1. Don't justify your forgetfulness with age. If there are no clinical abnormalities, then age leads to a decrease in memory capacity by only 7-10 percent.

2. Start writing your autobiography. This technique is ideal for those who have retired. Firstly, it allows you to convey your life experience, and secondly, it trains your memory. In addition, older people are much more efficient than young people, they are more diligent. Therefore, it is easier for them to sit down and immerse themselves in memories, to delve into the work with the text.

1. Train your memory and attention in public transport, remembering the passengers sitting opposite. When you get on the subway or bus, look at the people around you. Then close your eyes and try to reconstruct their image in your head. Remember what they were wearing, what their characteristic facial features were, what they did. The more details you can recover, the better.

2. Remembering the appearance of unfamiliar people, pay attention not to the face as a whole, but to the individual, most striking features. Create an image where these signs are exaggerated, sketch it or associate it with a familiar character. So you can easily recognize a person when you meet him again, even after a short meeting. By analogy, you can remember names, creating associations between the appearance of a friend and his name.

3. Develop memory by restoring the events that happened to you during the day. Try to pay attention to details. Remember all the circumstances of your awakening. In what state of health did you wake up? In good, because you went to bed early, or, conversely, did not get enough sleep? From this you can recover what you did next.

4. Be able not only to concentrate, but also to defocus attention, capturing the situation around you as a whole. Observe the situation as if through a thick glass, do not evaluate anything, just note the facts. The unfocused observation method is often used by scouts during surveillance, but can be useful for more than just that. It also allows you to protect yourself from being manipulated with your attention. Scammers and gypsies often overwhelm their victims by forcing them to play by their own rules.

Sources used in the preparation of the material: and

I think each of us has experienced a situation where important information at the right time somehow miraculously disappears from our heads. At such moments, there is no need to worry or get upset, because there are various techniques with which you can "extract" the necessary information from the brain. So, how to remember what you forgot.

No matter how strange it may sound, but the most effective method to remember forgotten information is to memorize it correctly. Use the method of associations or analogies. So, for example, it is convenient to learn foreign words. Bull is a bull, but in your head you remember "gurgling bull", lip - lips, you can take away the association "drink Lipton tea with lips". The main rule is that the associative chain be very simple or absurd. In general, there are a great many memorization techniques or mnemonics, so each person should choose one of them to their liking.

In addition, how to remember the forgotten, and in general it is useful in life - to develop memory. To do this, you can learn poetry, foreign languages, memorize phone numbers. Remember that the human brain can be called a kind of muscle that needs constant training.

And the last advice is to be outdoors more often, eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible so that your brain receives nutrients and oxygen. In addition, it is advisable to give up such bad habits as smoking, alcohol and even overeating. A healthy lifestyle always has a positive effect on brain function, and therefore on memory, which will allow you to always remember the right information.

How to remember the forgotten: techniques and exercises


Psychologists identify several techniques in order to remember important information at the right time. One of the most common is the "ball" technique.

Its essence is to imagine a forgotten event or phenomenon from the moment you forgot until you still remembered it. To do this, you should concentrate as much as possible, and then start unwinding your memories.

For example, you don't remember where you put your house keys. Remember the last time you opened the door with them, then in great detail how you got the key out of the lock, then remember where you put them. And there will come a moment when you will understand where they lie. The more detailed your memories are, the more likely you are to remember the fact you need.

Crushing into component parts

Another useful exercise in order to remember what you forgot is the breakdown of details. To do this, you should break down the fact or event that you need to remember into the smallest details as much as possible. So, for example, when you forget what you need to buy at the store, you can imagine the dinner you planned to cook and highlight the ingredients that are needed to prepare it. Remove the ones you have at home. After that, in your head you will only have what you came to the store for.

Graphic image

A visual representation of the facts will help you both remember the forgotten and learn how to memorize with high quality. Surely, from the time of school or university, you remember how you wrote an outline of an article and a paragraph. It is the plan that allows you to remember large amounts of information.

If you urgently need to remember something, you can start sketching out words that are related to the subject of remembering, as well as associations and analogies. After that, you should re-read the text several times, and a logical chain of memories will begin to line up in your head. This method is great for exams when you have to keep a lot of information in your head.

Remember that human memory is not unlimited. Thus, the working memory of the average adult is seven plus or minus two units, and long-term memory quickly deletes information that is not used. Therefore, what you can not remember, you do not need to remember. So, for example, so that you are not tormented by the question: how to remember a forgotten password, you can save it in the memory of your computer or save it in a special document on your hard drive or flash drive.

So, now you know the various ways to extract information from your mind. Remember, in order not to be erased from the brain, the information must be relevant and important. Let's set ourselves up: remember, you can’t forget this! And everything will work out.

Throughout our lives, our brain processes an inexhaustible flow of information. Can our memory store "megabytes" of information? Of course not. Small, unremarkable events that occur on the machine are erased quickly and irrevocably. But we can easily reproduce important events. Sometimes there are situations when you need to remember something important, but it is impossible to get information from memory. Then hypnosis comes to the rescue. This powerful tool affects the human subconscious in such a way that it unlocks the doors of the "storehouse" of memory, giving out the necessary information. But it is important to understand what it is for. According to experienced hypnotherapists, the past does not always need to be stirred up.

Hypnosis is a powerful tool with great potential. The method allows you to concentrate as much as possible on one event or object, blocking extraneous information. For many years abroad, the influence of hypnosis on memories has been used. With his help, many serious crimes were solved.

How can you use hypnosis to remember what you have forgotten? Initially, you should find a good specialist with extensive experience. For qualified help, you can contact an experienced hypnotherapist Baturin Nikita Valerievich.

Regression hypnosis aims to recreate important moments that have been forgotten but continue to have an impact on today's life. Extracting the necessary information from the subconscious, a person experiences it again, analyzes it, and works it out. Hypnoreproduction is used to treat phobias, fears, and depression. Most often we are talking about the psychotraumas of childhood, which left a certain imprint on the behavior of an adult.

The main purpose of hypnosis is to recall forgotten moments. It revives events that affect the psycho-emotional state, and it doesn’t matter if they are negative or positive. Also, with the help of hypnosis, you can recall facts that are remembered much worse than bright moments.

When is hypnosis effective?

The use of hypnosis to recall important life events began in the early 19th century. Since then, it has been successfully used by psychotherapists, helping patients improve their quality of life. Numerous studies claim that hypnotherapy can help you remember the following:

  • shock moments that caused a strong shake-up;
  • emotional events. If you saw another person write down an address or password on paper, after a short time your memory will completely erase this information, since it was not colored with emotions. But if you wrote down the password yourself, while being nervous or worried, you will be able to remember the contents of the record under hypnosis;
  • days have passed since the event. Even if the action was carried out automatically and without emotions, it can be retrieved from the RAM;
  • if you need to remember an episode that occurred under the influence of alcohol intoxication. But provided that the person does not abuse alcohol. In hypnotherapy practice, there are many cases when cars were found in this way, which the owners left in the most unexpected places.

You can also remember events that caused shock, fear under hypnosis. Their roots usually grow from the past. It can be rape, an accident, and even operations under anesthesia. But if during the trauma an organic brain lesion occurred, it will not be possible to remember.

It is impossible to force to reproduce fragments of life against one's own will. For complete immersion in trance, the hypnotherapist and the person must act in concert. The latter reserves the right to contradict the instructions of the host and, if desired, terminate the session.

Note! The common belief that a person is not in control during hypnosis is erroneous. Even deep hypnotic immersion does not make it impossible to hear and control what is happening around. During the session, there remains a subjective feeling that the session can be terminated at the slightest desire.

The person who needs help always remains the main one. Without his efforts, it is impossible to remember the events. giving tips and advice. He does not affect the psyche of the hypnotized, and does not impose his ideas on him. If there is no internal mood to search for information, then hypnosis is ineffective.

Feedback on the use of hypnosis

Perm detectives have been using the services of professional hypnotists for a long time. Such cooperation helped solve dozens of cases. Witnesses of crimes are voluntarily hypnotized, after which they reproduce events that have long been erased from memory.

Employees of the Perm Investigative Committee decided to resort to hypnoreproduction in the investigation of serial murders in the city of Solikamsk. The criminal brutally killed people for 10 years. Detectives for a long time could not reach the maniac, who carefully prepared for the crimes and did not leave any traces. The photographic works that were compiled during the search were of little information and left practically no chances for a successful completion of the case. Then the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation decided to use all possible methods to solve crimes, one of which turned out to be hypnosis.

Witnesses who saw the criminal for some moments were able to recall his features with maximum accuracy under hypnosis. On this basis, a photographic portrait was compiled, and the serial killer was found. It turned out to be Alexander Gerashchenko, the deputy head of the guard of the fire service.

Evidence obtained as a result of hypnosis sessions formed the basis of the accusation. Interestingly, the defendant did not dispute them. Thus, the murderer was sentenced to life imprisonment. And the experimental method, which was based on hypnoreproduction, was widely used among criminologists.

You can give many examples and reviews of how, with the help of hypnotherapy, memories were extracted from memory, which made it possible to restore justice, punish criminals and justify the innocent, free oneself from fears, phobias and other things. All this once again confirms the high efficiency of hypnoreproduction and its positive effect on memory.


Memories under hypnosis have nothing to do with the "Polygraph" procedure. When immersed in a trance, a person retains willpower and control of everything that happens. To put it simply, hypnoreproduction is not suitable for bringing to the session a person caught in some kind of "ignoble" actions, for example, an unfaithful spouse or a thief. Not a single specialist, if he is not a swindler, will undertake such work. The principle is based only on the desire of man. If you do not want to disclose information, no one can force you.

The second important point is that not all events need to be remembered. Before you decide to take this step, think about how it will affect your future life. Feelings of humiliation and shame, our brain blocks with the aim of the possibility of human existence. Otherwise, many would go crazy. So think twice if you need such memories. Despite the fact that traumatic events are often “reached out” for the purpose of their analysis and elaboration, such therapy is not always effective. In the life of every person there are moments that are better not to “unpack”, especially if they are successfully forgotten. Many professional hypnotherapists are of the opinion that traumatic memories should be treated, not brought out.

Common Hypnosis Myths

Hypnosis has both adherents and opponents. One can cite hundreds of examples when the method helped people, getting rid of serious illnesses. But you can also give examples when the method turned out to be ineffective. This is due to poor hypnotizability of patients, skepticism about sessions, and others. Thus, many rumors and myths about this method have spread.

Myth #1. Memories recalled in hypnosis are always true.

Accurate data is not always focused in our memory. Recreating events, a person submits to knowledge and current information at the moment. Memories can change under the influence of suggestion. Our memory is also subject to other distortions, such as an overblown or simplistic imagination. In addition, memories tend to overlap each other, thus distorting reality.

All this confirms the fact that hypnotic memories obey the same laws as ordinary ones. In a state of trance, you can sharpen your memory, but no hypnotherapist will give a 100% guarantee of the accuracy of memories.

Myth #2. Hypnosis does not affect memory.

There is an opinion that you can remember under hypnosis exactly what you can remember without it. But it's not. Studies have shown that the trance state expands the volume of memories, thereby increasing the amount of true and false information.

Myth #3. Hypnosis affects the memories of all people in the same way.

The effectiveness of the method increases the hypnotizability of a person, and not the application of the procedure as such. Practice shows that less false information emerges in people who are difficult to hypnosis than in highly hypnotizable individuals. It is also worth noting that when there is a longstanding trauma that a person is trying to heal with hypnosis, more false information comes up.

Myth number 4. If a person is aware of pseudo-memories, there will be fewer false facts during the session.

This is an incorrect statement. There are many cases where people were warned about the possibility of false information, but this did not increase the effectiveness of the procedure. Hypnotized reproduced pseudo-memories during the session and after it. However, psychotherapists claim that warned people retrieve more reliable facts from memory. Therefore, many hypnologists give a brief "instruction" before the session, increasing the effectiveness of the procedure.

Myth number 5. Under the influence of hypnosis, events are remembered to the smallest detail.

With a high probability, the facts will be subject to distortions, especially if a lot of time has passed since then. If we consider hypnosis as a tool for solving crimes, then with its help you can reproduce the features of the criminal, his texture, but during the session, witnesses can give out a lot of false information. Hypnosis gives freedom of thought, and no one knows how far it will take this or that person.

Thus, the use of hypnoreproduction as an auxiliary tool in solving crimes must be supported by real and verified facts.

Myth number 6. In the state, past lives are remembered.

This is one of the directions of hypnosis, where a person can be exposed to such distant memories. So say the representatives of this direction. So far, no evidence has been found to support this fact. On the contrary, there are many denials. Checking the information provided by the participants in the experiment, the scientists found it to be false. For example, one person said that in a past life he was Albert Einstein, but at the same time he could not name a single correct event in the life of a physicist.

The hypnotized, having previously received information about a past life, reproduced previously provided facts in memory, which once again proves the inefficiency of the method.

Myth number 7. Hypnosis is a powerful tool for influencing memory.

Indeed, hypnoreproduction affects memory, sometimes even erasing certain fragments of life. But this influence is equivalent to that which the psychotherapist exerts in his sessions. Therefore, do not overestimate the possibilities of hypnosis.

Thus, everyone has the right to decide for himself whether to use the services or bypass. But the method works, and successfully. Hypnosis has been used therapeutically for many years. With its help, you can get rid of many mental and physical diseases. Even in those cases when official medicine is powerless.

Forgotten events, like invisible threads, can drag on a person all his life, making it impossible to breathe deeply. The only way out in this case is to remember the traumatic factors under hypnosis, and then to get rid of the negative influence forever with the help of a psychotherapist.

Very often we want to remember long forgotten moments. This may be an important episode from childhood or an event that happened many years ago. In this case, it is quite difficult to reproduce the pictures of past years. You should try to contact friends, acquaintances, parents, who, if they do not fully reproduce the event, will be able to suggest some details. Photos will also come to the rescue. But sometimes it all turns out to be ineffective. In this case, you can try to seek help from a hypnologist-psychologist.

Nowadays, hypnosis has formed an ambiguous opinion. Various charlatans, as well as criminal personalities, use hypnosis to pursue their own illegal goals. This may be a desire to get rich or commit a crime with the help of the wrong hands. But at the same time, qualified hypnologists, who must also be psychologists, really help a person. With the help of hypnosis, they try to eliminate neurosis, depression, and also remember the forgotten. But no one guarantees a 100% result, it is important to understand this.

In addition, there are some contraindications. It is impossible to plunge into a hypnotic state during psychosis or during an exacerbation of various diseases. You should also not forget that sometimes the brain, by blocking information, tries to protect a person from painful memories. But if you remember this unpleasant event is extremely necessary, then before conducting a hypnosis session, you should consult a psychologist.

When it comes to milder cases, like a lost pen or forgotten band name, there are easier ways to remember. One of these is the so-called coil method. The ball is the events that preceded the present moment, and the tail of the thread implies the length of time in which the loss was recorded. You begin to mentally unwind the ball from the minute you last saw the lost item. In addition, it is desirable to repeat all mechanical movements step by step. If you can’t remember, then the brain is still blocking information. Give him a little rest for a few minutes or even hours. Then start unwinding the ball again.

The method of associations is recognized as a very effective way to remember. An additional visual characteristic is assigned to an object, word or name. But it is necessary to understand that a certain connection must be established with the lost thing already in the past. Sometimes we assign associations involuntarily, and in other cases we consciously assign them. Therefore, when it is so important to remember certain facts, one should take quite seriously the choice of an appropriate association.

When associations do not help, close your eyes and try to relive the desired period of time again. Remember conversations with people, your actions and words. You can even try to take small notes or draw a diagram. If a synonym for a forgotten word is spinning on the tip of the tongue, then use the dictionary. By the way, now on the Internet there is the possibility of a quick search for synonyms. Don't forget to use it.

Sometimes, in order to remember, you need to sleep. But before going to bed, you should definitely think about a forgotten thing, an event. In the morning, try to reproduce your dreams, perhaps they already have the answer.

Don't forget to take breaks. If you constantly think about the same thing for several hours, then the brain begins to overload. Get distracted, do something else, and stop any attempt to search for memories. In this case, the brain will rest and relax. Very often, information about an object arises spontaneously, when we have already despaired of remembering it.

In addition, our brain needs oxygen to work well and fruitfully. Try to be outdoors as often as possible and give up bad habits. It has long been proven that nicotine, alcohol and drugs adversely affect both the brain and the entire body as a whole. Lead a healthy lifestyle and exercise.

Forgetfulness can sometimes ruin your life. Therefore, when it is necessary to remember important facts, you should not rely only on your memory. Create associations, make additional entries in the diary, or simply save important moments of life in photographs.