Is it possible to dye hair before carving. Regrown hair after a perm. Pregnancy, breastfeeding and taking hormonal drugs

We all remember (or at least know) that in the 80-90s, almost the entire female population of the Soviet Union did "chemistry" - a perm. "Chemistry" burned her hair, and if they were also discolored, the client left the hairdresser, strongly resembling a black albino, and not at all a golden-haired beautiful princess. But it was the only way to make straight hair curly. Although, however, it was possible to wind up on curlers, having previously moistened the hair with beer (there were no styling products then either!). Or arm yourself with a curling iron.

Now there are many alternative ways. And this is where you have to be careful. In order to figure out what service is offered on the beauty market, how useful it is for the skin / hair / nails - you need to clearly understand what it is. For example, in some salons they offer long-term styling, the so-called carving.

The earth is full of rumors

Some say that carving is suitable for absolutely everyone and creates the effect of voluminous hair or natural curls. In their opinion, the main advantage of carving is that its composition affects only the surface scaly layer of the hair and does not injure the inner one. Actually, carving is the name of long-term styling, not chemistry, which many women avoid doing precisely because they do not want to injure their hair.

If you believe the fans of this p procedures, carving -

  • this is a styling that lasts 4-8 weeks;
  • done without the use of chemicals;
  • in the future does not require styling;
  • Suitable for all hair types;
  • can be done even on dyed, highlighted and bleached hair.

Opponents of carving argue that:

Scold carving mostly people interested. Carving is a product of Schwarzkopf, and it is clear that a salon, for example, L'Oreal, will not praise a competitor.

There is nothing like leather

Anya, master of the beauty salon "L'Oreal":

- Long-term styling necessarily includes the application of some kind of chemical composition to the hair, otherwise there will be no longevity! Here, at L'Oreal, such a procedure is called light chemistry, and at Schwarzkopf - carving.

- That is, when they write that carving is a long-term styling without chemistry, then they write a deliberate lie?

-Not in this case. In order for the hairstyle to keep its shape and volume even after washing, the special product must contain a component that gives hair splitting. Whether it's chemical or not, what's the difference? Hair is still changing its structure!

And yet, carving in beauty salons is very popular. At cosmetology conferences and forums, girls are actively interested in who, where, with whom and how much did carving. They pass on addresses and share tips - is it possible to do carving on bleached hair, and when it is worth painting - before or after. Therefore, in order for justice to prevail, I turned to the master, who is a specialist in carving.

Lena, master of a beauty salon working on Schwarzkopf cosmetics:

- First of all, the terms "carving" or "long-term styling" are no longer there. The Schwarzkopf company removed them and labeled the procedure as "light chemistry". We left the name “carving” so that no one would confuse it with a perm.

- And what are their differences?

- Firstly, when carving, there is no such burning curl as with “chemistry”. Hair can be easily straightened with a hair dryer, pulled out with a comb. Secondly, craving gives light volume at the roots, and a curl goes along the length. It turns out to be more fashionable, more broken than "chemical". And, thirdly, for carving you need carvers of different sizes and a special composition - OSIS Carving lotion.

Lena shows carvers for carving. They are plastic, transparent - they look like small sausage-shaped balloons with three bulges.

- Balls for three volumes - large, medium, small. Get different curls. The volume is completely different, and there is no such fluffy effect as with "chemistry". Then the carving slowly fades away. We have many clients who, after the carving is gone, come to do it again.

- How long does he keep?

- About eight weeks. But this is for natural hair. On dyed, it lasts much longer!

- Do you need special hair care afterwards?

- No. If the carving is done well, not burned out, not overexposed, then the minimum care is shampoo and balm.

- Is there an indication not to do carving?

- Well, very heavily dyed hair. Or who does not go curls. But curls suit everyone!

And so it turns out that:

- carving - the same perm, only, so to speak, a lightweight, gentle option (but the hair is still injured!);

Since carving is still the effect of chemicals on hair, you should not expect that it will look the same on dyed and natural hair;

When carving, hair becomes not so much curly as tougher, which means that you still have to style it yourself;

Carving comes off the hair gradually, on the one hand, this is good - you don’t have to cut your hair, on the other hand, in a month you will have to get mousses-gels-foams for styling again.

And most importantly - we must remember that we are all different, and what suits a friend may not suit you. The drugs are the same, but everyone's hair is different. The technology is standard, and the skill of the masters can vary greatly. Everything is individual, and curls must be done wisely.

Owners of wavy ones want to straighten them, make them smooth and silky, and girls with even and heavy hair try to wind them all their lives and dream of elastic curls. This is an eternal female problem 😉 and in this article I want to reveal the topic of long-term curling as extensively as possible.

So what is carving?

Carving can be called long-term styling, or rather, gentle chemistry, which is made with a special composition. Such a composition penetrates only into the outer layer of the hair, unlike simple chemistry, and causes much less harm. According to technology, it is very similar to conventional chemistry: hair is divided into zones, wound on curlers (any bobbins, spirals or rollers can be used) and covered with a composition. Finally, rinse it off with water and dry your hair. In terms of time, such a procedure can take from one and a half to two hours, but in the end, you will save your time, because the result lasts 4-8 weeks.


Carving can be light or stronger. The light one does not last as long, but it does less harm. This method of long-term styling is suitable for owners of weakened and thin hair. Strong - designed for a longer result, but it contains aggressive components.

What is good carving?

Despite the high cost, it is very popular among women of all ages, because it has many advantages that can be added to the list: Visually, the hair becomes fuller and thicker.

You will be surprised by the ease of creating new hairstyles. You don’t have to put strands on curlers or curling iron every morning, thereby drying them out.

If you are tired of curls, just straighten them with a hair dryer. It is not necessary to apply the composition to the entire length. If desired, carving can be done only at the tips or root area.

Your hairstyle will look natural and relaxed. Long-term styling straightens gradually and there is no need to worry about regrown roots. If you liked the carving effect, you can repeat it after 4 months.

So that you do not think that such a procedure has no disadvantages (and there always are), I want to remind you that:

Carving, despite its many advantages, is still a chemical effect on curls, which can lead to dryness and split ends.

Such styling may last less than the expected period (depending on the type of hair). Dandruff can develop if your scalp is too dry.

You should not do sparing chemistry on hair subject to repeated coloring, because it can change the original color and injure already weakened strands.

You will have to pay a lot of money.

Who shouldn't carve?

Pregnant and breastfeeding.

During the period of menstruation.

If you have recently dyed (highlighting or coloring). Better to wait a few weeks.

Girls with thick and heavy hair, because wrapping may not work. Allergists.

How to care for curls after carving?

Do not wash your hair for three days after long-term styling. Hair should dry naturally. You do not need to constantly comb them, it is better to straighten the strands with your hands.

You can not dye your hair immediately after this procedure, it is better to wait a few days (or better a week) and use a dye without ammonia.

After each wash, use a revitalizing mask. Purchase a wide-toothed comb.

Do not use a curling iron or iron, at least the first week. In the summer, buy a shampoo and conditioner with UV protection.

Is additional styling necessary?

Gentle chemistry makes it possible to change images almost every day, which is its main advantage.

Just a few strokes and you can get light sloppy waves or curly strands.

A variety of styling products will help fix the hairstyle or make it as natural as possible.

Apply gel or mousse, straighten them with your hands and get the effect of wet hair.

Just a few hairpins, bobby pins and hairpins and the hairstyle can change according to your mood or depending on the situation.

Is it worth it to do sparing chemistry on your own?

The technology for performing carving differs from curling only in chemical composition.

He, as mentioned above, is more gentle. If you are good at winding strands on bobbins or curlers, it may be worth trying to do long-term styling at home, but you need to study this topic well and choose a good chemical composition.

In order not to mourn your hair later, it is better to contact a professional and see for yourself what the effect of long-term styling is.

What is hair carving and how is it done? Video

And don't forget to write reviews on our website!

What kind of animal is carving?

The abbreviated name for this type of hair curling is “carving”. This is a real find for girls who do not want to spend half an hour every morning in front of a mirror with an iron or tongs in their hands. The pioneer of this hairdressing miracle was the Schwarzkopf company, which came up with a unique way to preserve a chic hairstyle made by a professional master in the salon for a long time. Initially, magic styling was done on special curlers patented by the same company, using a special hair fluid. The popularity of carving grew, as did the variety of means for obtaining a long-term effect. Today, hair is styled on curling irons of various shapes and sizes using fixing sprays, foams and mousses. The hair styling procedure is as follows: the hair is abundantly moistened with a fixative and the hair is given the desired shape within a few minutes.

"Indications for use"

There are two types of carving. The first allows owners of long and thin hair, devoid of volume, to achieve the desired splendor of curls. The second type of carving is a modeling of a hairstyle consisting of soft curls or natural curls. African curls should not be expected from this styling - the composition does not contain hard components, unlike a perm liquid.

Therefore, this styling is, in a sense, therapeutic - the keratin complex and multivitamins, which are the main components of the product, restore and nourish the damaged hair structure. Thus, long-term styling is not at all an analogue of chemical styling, it looks more like a panacea for its consequences. Even if you do not need to curl your hair, do carving - and your hair will stop fluffing and acquire a natural shine. Since a gentle composition is used during installation, the result will have to be updated quite often - once every one and a half to two months.

Fans of perm are aware of the unpleasant feature of this procedure, which consists in the "conflict" of the fixative used. It helps to wash out the paint and tarnish the color of dyed hair. What can not be said about carving - it calmly "coexists" with both professional paint and tint balms. Another nice bonus is that you do not have to get rid of the “washcloth” of chemically damaged hair through a haircut. A month after carving, your curls will simply begin to slowly “untwist”, which will look absolutely natural.

Subtleties of craftsmanship

Long-term styling for medium hair begins with the fact that the master selects a product that will be used as a fixing agent. The specific choice depends on the goal you want to achieve when sitting in a hairdressing chair. For dry hair, a moisturizing composition is ideal, for dyed hair - a product with panthenol.

This is followed by an allergy test of individual components - the fixative is applied to the inner bend of the elbow and the reaction is expected within 30 minutes. After that, the hair is treated with this composition and the hair is wound on curlers. If you don’t like the “little devil”, but you want curls like a Hollywood movie star, ask them to wind you up with boomerangs or roller skates. After an hour, you need to wash your hair, using a nourishing mask. After that, the hair is dried and styled with a hair dryer.

Long-term styling for long hair is different in that the master uses two compositions in his work. The first is intended for distribution along the length of the hair, the second is a more saturated composition and is intended for the tips. He "solders" the end of the hair, saving you from the section of hair for several months.

Hair care after carving

If you do not want to reduce all the efforts of the hairdresser to "no", do not use straightening products for styling at home. Otherwise, caring for your hair after visiting the salon is very simple. Be sure to use conditioner after shampooing. The use of alcohol-based sprays for fixing hairstyles is highly undesirable - they will dry out the soft core of the hair. To achieve tight curls, it is enough to use a styling gel with the effect of “wet” hair.

Is carving compatible with medium, short and long hair?

What is hair carving? This question torments many. It turns out that this is a kind of perm. But only in the distant 80s, its formula pretty much spoiled the structure of the hair, making it brittle and lifeless, and the composition of the funds necessary for this procedure today includes gentle components, thanks to which the structure of the curls is not damaged. During the imaging process:

The effect of such styling is quite long, it all depends on the condition of the hair and its structure. Neat curls will last three to eight weeks. Experts say that the more porous the curl, the less time it will retain the shape given to it.

A few secrets of styling a short hairstyle at home

To the delight of fashionistas, the procedure is applicable to hairs of various lengths. Carving for short hair should be done by a specialist in their field, since the minimum length suggests certain forms of curls. Curlers for carving play a special role here, because improperly selected tools will directly affect the final result: hair can jump a lot or have an ugly shape.

Therefore, upon arrival at the salon, the master will study the structure of your hair, offer curlers suitable for you (vertical, horizontal, large, small) and tell you how to care for your hair after the procedure so that long-term styling is neat, easy and successful.

After all the manipulations in the cabin, upon returning home, the scythe will need special care. Remember: for three days after carving, you can not wash your hair and paint, many experts do not even recommend getting caught in the rain.

To keep your curls attractive for as long as possible, use shampoos, gels, mousses, tip oils and other styling products that can highlight each strand. You can also style your hair with a flat iron or hair dryer, but do not use a comb with thick or metal teeth.

Large curls for medium and long hair with and without bangs

Carving for long hair opens up various types of curls to their owners. They can be small, large, vertical, horizontal, lush and not very. Just imagine that graceful and well-groomed curls in the morning do not need to be laid for hours, but only need to be corrected for a few minutes.

Today, most girls prefer to see large, voluminous curls on their heads that fall like springs from top to bottom. And it doesn’t matter if you have bangs or not, because a professional carving master is able to create an image that suits you and choose the care that suits your hair type.

Long-term styling for medium hair in its technology is no different from the procedure for short or long strands. The only difference is the size of the curls and their shape.

Carving: description of application technology, styling, reviews, price

Where to carry out the carving procedure is a purely personal decision for everyone, but nevertheless, experts recommend doing it in the salon, with a trusted master, in order to avoid unforeseen situations (incorrect proportions of the necessary funds, longer procedure time, which can lead to brittleness and dry hair).

The technology of the carving procedure consists of the following steps.

In order to look perfect, it is important to regularly monitor your usual appearance and especially curls, which is why hair styling after carving is a good daily option. In fact, carving is a modern way of curling, after which the hair must be carefully washed, moisturized and styled in the appropriate hairstyle. This is done so that they look good and keep their shape.

After light carving, the hair can curl in large or small curls, so sometimes just cleaning your head and applying a caring agent is enough. And then the strands are simply dried, carefully scrolling through each one with a comb or other improvised tool. By itself, laying after carving occurs with the help of such means and tools:

  • foam;
  • mousse;
  • moisturizing or nourishing lotion;
  • comb.

Carving procedure - pros and cons

Carving is suitable for those who prefer long-term styling. It's an easy way to always look great, especially when time is a little limited.

But carving has some contraindications:

  • this is a gentle procedure, but still not suitable for very weak, dry and coarse hair;
  • the styling itself does not last very long, about 2 months, but the consequences of this method of creating a hairstyle will have to be eliminated for a long time;
  • if you do carving with an unscrupulous master, then there is a risk that the curls will not last long and, as a result, the curls will become brittle and dry.

In order to recreate hair styling after carving, you need to know a few rules:

  • before starting styling, wash and dry the strands with a towel;
  • carefully use a comb or brush;
  • apply the product on the hair, stepping back a little from the roots;
  • dry hair, directing an active stream of air, slightly twisting the strands with a comb.

It is not necessary to style your hair every time, using all the tools and tools, a comb, a hairdryer and a small amount of foam are enough. More useful in the article "Long hair styling - the pros and cons".

Fashionable styling of curls after carving

Among the most popular hairstyles, you need to highlight a few that are created quickly and easily. In addition, such hairstyles quite favorably shade any skin color and facial contours. And styling after carving will look great and look great.

For the most common styling, you need to rinse your head well. Then apply a protective and moisturizing agent at the same time. This is especially important because curls retain their density only when they are fully moisturized.

Then the strands are dried with a towel and carefully unraveled. Next, you need to take a hair dryer and lower your head down. Drying occurs, affecting first the roots, and then the tips of the curls. This hair styling after carving perfectly retains the shape of curls and gives volume.

Features and nuances - carving and hair styling

As with any styling, some care must be taken. This will help when styling hair for the first time after carving and in all subsequent moments. You should always wash your hair with a special shampoo and be sure to moisturize the strands with conditioner. A nourishing mask once a week is a must in this case, as it is easy to damage the strands with constant styling and the use of heating devices.

When the styling itself is created after carving and if you need to slightly “straighten” the strands, it will be enough to pull them up with a brush, while additionally drying with a hairdryer from the roots. It turns out that strongly twisted strands will straighten out a little and will look like waves, which are easy to style in a high hairstyle or on one side, using hairpins and varnish.

It is best to use styling products that contain special substances that preserve curls. They seem to lift and leave longer curls elastic and soft. Additional care can be taken by using substances that contain silk proteins and natural extracts for this type of strand. Find out about this and more in the article " Caring for permed hair at home". And how do you create styling after such a procedure?

Good day everyone!

We are all women - sudden and unpredictable, we all love change and are always picky about our image - if the hair is straight, then we dream of chic curls, and if curly, then we strive to straighten them.

I am no exception to this rule either. Being the owner of straight and very thin hair, I always dreamed of a lush head of hair, so I constantly tried to wind my hair. But the problem is that the styling on my hair lasts exactly a second. Then my chic curls, which I spent several hours on, turn into a tangled bun, or just straighten out.

I was satisfied with the condition of the hair, smooth and shiny, thick enough, but too straight...

I had the idea of ​​doing chemistry for myself for a very long time. I asked those who did it, the opinions were different - someone praised, someone was categorically against it. In general, it was possible to check only empirically.

I just lacked the courage to bring the idea to life, until the case intervened.

On the day of my husband's anniversary, I went to the salon to do a manicure. Early in the morning, when there were no clients in the salon, I decided to ask the masters about the procedure called “Carving” or “Long-term styling”.

The masters described the procedure and the result to me in the best light, they say, all clients are satisfied, they do it all the time and the curls from carving are softer than after chemistry and the procedure is more gentle.

Before that, dreaming about curls, I often googled “chemistry for short hair” and the search engine gave me chic springs and beautiful curls. Therefore, inspired by these pictures, I agreed and sat down in the master's chair.

The procedure is almost the same as a perm. Takes about 1.5-2 hours. It all depends on your hair and the master.

First, your head is washed (degreased), slightly dried and the bobbins are twisted. This is the longest part and the most painful, sometimes the master wound the curl too tightly, I had to make comments.

Then the hair is treated with a chemical solution, a cap is put on the head and they are told to wait. If you do this procedure, be sure to pay attention to whether you wrapped a cloth / towel around the perimeter of hair growth before the procedure. This must be done without fail so as not to burn the skin on the forehead, ears, etc.

So, you were sent to wait...

At first everything goes well, you look forward to a great result, but then, a disgusting chemical smell begins to spread around you, from which your eyes water and your head spins. The scalp begins to burn slightly (in especially sensitive ones - NOT slightly). At that moment, I tensed up and nevertheless decided to read about this procedure on Airek.

This is where the fun began...

The reviews, one after the other, were overwhelmingly negative. The titles of the reviews looked like the headlines of articles in yellow newspapers - HORROR, NIGHTMARE, I KILLED MY HAIR, etc. At this point, I began to prepare myself for the worst. The fact that my hair would be irretrievably damaged did not frighten me much, most of all I was afraid to wake up and see half of the hair scattered over the pillow.

I sat like this for about half an hour, the master periodically unfolded one strand, checking it for curly hair. Each time, the strand hung like an icicle, reproaching me for what I had done.

After the third attempt, the master nevertheless led me to remove the bobbins. I wanted to finish quickly and go home, it was scary and the smell drove me crazy.

After removing the bobbins, the hair hung in the usual coils, as if I twisted the wet hair around my finger and let it go. This is how it all looked. Well, I think, okay, at least she didn’t turn into a ram. Calmed down a little.

Then the master applied some kind of styling product to my hair and started drying, simply squeezing the strands in her hand. As a result, I got a lush hair, due to the volume at the roots, but very weak curls. Apparently such chemistry did not take my naughty hair.

I felt somehow sad and hurt for my hair. One question was spinning in my head - why am I like that? Turn my thick, smooth, always well-moisturized hair into dry tow ...

I called my husband, cried, hobbled home, tried to make it beautiful. It didn’t work out beautifully, I had to go to the restaurant with a bunch. I wanted to impress everyone, alas, failed.

I think my mistake was trying to comb my hair on the day of the procedure. Don't do this because wash your hair and scratch your hair after carving DO NOT 3 DAYS! As a result, several strands remained straight.

I immediately thought about taking care of dry hair. I wanted to buy my favorite Japanese cosmetics, but on the way I came across a Natura Siberica brand store and I decided to buy there.

Now I have in my arsenal a super-moisturizing mask with Tuvan yak milk (I didn’t think of super, it’s written there), a balm with Rhodiola rosea (highly recommended by a consultant), sea buckthorn (I didn’t like the balm from this series) and cedar oil.

Reviews are mostly positive, some even enthusiastic. I hope I can put my hair in order, I do not count on recovery.

By the way, I can not say that the hair has become very dry. In fact, I was afraid that it would be worse. Of course, they became dry, but they did not break, fall out in bunches, and my skin did not fall off with a crust, as some wrote, nothing like this happened. It’s just that now, instead of 15 minutes, I spend on drying with a hairdryer, a maximum of 5 minutes. Sometimes, I just apply oil and dry it naturally. Yes, the hair became dry and lifeless, the shine was gone, but it was predictable.

And yes, sometimes there are signs of peeling. I can not say that there was dandruff. But occasionally I find particles of skin in my hair. I am afraid that dandruff shampoos will not eliminate this problem, rather, additional moisturizing will be required. For myself, I decided to try Ko-washing (washing my hair with balm). After such a wash, the hair became softer, a shine appeared.

A nice bonus for me was the increase in the period between shampooing. If earlier I washed my hair every other day, now I can wash it every 3-4 days.

As for the comb, the masters recommend forgetting about massage combs and remembering combs with rare teeth. I have a wooden one, it hurts to comb my hair, so I almost never brush my hair. It is important to lay the hair well when drying and there will be no need for further combing.

If you scratch yourself with massages, your hair will simply turn into tow. The curls will disappear and will stick out with sticks in all directions. It's terrible, don't do it, even for the sake of experiment.

Hair gets its most beautiful look when you rub it when wet. Hair turns into springs, as I dreamed before the procedure. But as soon as the hair dries, this effect disappears. I think I need to find a good styling tool. The master advised me to use mousse, but I bought Taft styling spray. I didn't like it, because it has only the 3rd degree of fixation and 40% of the composition is alcohol (when will I learn to study the composition before buying?). In general, I use it with reluctance, I'm looking for something else.

Now I want to combine everything written into the pros and cons of this procedure.


    The cost of the procedure is acceptable . In the middle-level salon for medium-length hair (on my shoulders), the cost was only 1,500 rubles. I thought it would be more expensive.

    Long lasting styling effect . Here you need to understand that "Carving" is not chemistry, which can only be eliminated with a haircut. This is a long term fix. After about six months (depending on the hair), the hair will take on its former appearance, only you need to take care of them a hundred times harder.

    Hair doesn't get greasy . Until your hair grows back at the roots, you can forget about washing your hair for 3-4 days. For those who have oily hair, this procedure can be a lifesaver.

    Hair looks thicker and fuller . This plus is suitable for girls with sparse, thin hair. My hair has doubled in size.

    Less styling time . Although everyone says that styling will now take more time, I do not agree with this. It's one thing to stand with a round comb for half an hour and twist each strand, it's another thing to just shake your hair for five minutes. Personally, my styling time has been reduced significantly.

    Hair becomes more obedient . If earlier the styling fell apart immediately after going outside, now you can wind your hair on curlers / curling iron and the hairstyle will last all day.

    No need to brush . I, after torturing my hair with a comb, scratching it with a massage, decided that it was better not to touch it at all. Let curly hair there to their health. Creative mess is all the rage right now, so goodbye hairbrush!


    Once again I will repeat and I will not get tired of repeating - hair after the procedure became very dry. This has advantages only for owners of oily hair. For those who have dry hair, I do NOT recommend doing the procedure. No need to spoil what nature has given you, hair is a very fragile material.

    In accordance with the previous paragraph, the cost of hair care has increased. These are no longer shampoos from the mass market and I would not recommend professional cosmetics either, I do not trust such products. It is better to take the most natural product that has a strong moisturizing effect.

    Hair began to fall out and break more . As I said, the hair did not fall off in clumps, which I was afraid of, but the number of lost fighters undoubtedly increased. After washing, I collect a ball of hair in the bathroom about three times the loss before the procedure.

    The scalp began to itch , there were signs of peeling. Probably, for those who are especially sensitive, real dandruff may appear. And if your head is already prone to its appearance, it is better not to risk it. Getting rid of dandruff is not easy.

    When the hair starts to grow back, maybe noticeable contrast between curled and regrown hair like when coloring. The only difference is that when carving, you will not be able to twist the roots when they grow back. There are two decisions left - either do carving again, or grow your hair.

    Hair is terribly electrified. After walking in the hood, the hair begins to reach for the sky. Everyone knows what a dandelion looks like? Your hair will look the same.

    Rather not a minus, but a warning - Carving is not recommended for dyed and, especially, bleached hair. , because I don't know how the hair will behave. You can permanently damage them.

As we can see, there are about the same number of pros and cons. Therefore, I cannot say unequivocally whether I will recommend Carving or not ...

The result can be too unpredictable, the risk of ruining the hair is too great. Therefore, before you decide to make yourself Carving, I advise you to carefully weigh the pros and cons and be prepared for anything.

During the procedure, I prepared for both the best and the worst, so I rate the result as an average - I would like it to be better, but it could have been worse.

Definitely, I DO NOT RECOMMEND the procedure for owners of dry, dyed, bleached hair, girls with sensitive scalp. I would not recommend the procedure in winter, when the air is too dry and before going to the sea, because. salt water and the sun can permanently dry out your hair.

If you still decide to do the procedure, stock up on vitamins, care products for damaged hair and patience, because. it will take you a long time to return a healthy look.

And finally, before and after photos, draw your own conclusions:

Review updated 05/18/2017

Six months later, my opinion about the procedure has not changed, yet I think that I went to such an experiment in vain and I definitely won’t repeat it. But, thanks to enhanced hair care, their condition is gradually improving.

I try to cut the split ends regularly, I rejoice in the growth of my natural, unspoiled hair. For six months, I have grown about 8-9 cm. Of course, not very much, but better than nothing. And the difference is, of course, palpable.

After the creases at the roots of the branch, the hairstyle began to look neater, the curls eventually became lighter and more natural.

What should be taken into account when caring for your hair after this type of curl? First of all, remember that regular washing with shampoo and conditioner will not be enough for you now.

It is necessary to acquire special products designed for hair care after chemical styling (read below on how to choose such products correctly).

In addition, you should generally be more careful and careful about your hair.

Try to avoid contact with salt and chlorinated water, minimize exposure to the sun and less often resort to complex hairstyles with an abundance of hairpins, barrettes and hairspray.

We exclude negative factors

There are a few downsides that can make your salon hairdo short-lived. First of all, try to exclude oil-based products from your cosmetic arsenal.

Of course, all kinds of hair oils are very popular today, but they harm curled hair. These products shorten the duration of your curl.

In addition, it is important to pay special attention to your hair in the first hours after the procedure. In the first three days, it is forbidden to dye your hair, as well as curl it on a curling iron or curlers and expose it to any chemical or mechanical influences.

Proper combing

When combing your hair after carving, be very careful. Start combing your curls from the bottom, gradually rising up. Moreover, the comb in your case is not suitable for any. Soft massage brushes, like small combs, should be discarded.

It is better to give preference to a large wooden or plastic comb with rather rare teeth.- it will allow you to make the combing process extremely accurate and not injure your delicate curls.

Washing head

After carrying out this kind of curling, washing your hair should be done very carefully.

Hair should be washed with special shampoos designed to care for hair after a perm.

After washing, in no case should you immediately start combing.
Spread the curls with your hands and leave them until they dry. Only after some time, you can comb the strands using a comb with wide teeth.

How to properly dry curls?

It is important not only to wash your hair properly, but also to dry your hair properly. Try to do it naturally.

Let the curls dry quietly without the use of thermal appliances. Hot styling can be detrimental to your hair.

If you really want to use a hair dryer, do it as infrequently as possible. During drying it is better to use a diffuser and turn on the gentle mode.

And most importantly, you need to remember - in no case do not go to bed with wet hair.

Choosing cosmetics

Today, on the shelves of stores you can find hundreds of all kinds of beauty products for hair care and styling. Your goal is to find those products that are designed specifically for hair care after a perm.

It's also a good idea to add moisturizing and restorative products to this list, since the hair after carving can be somewhat weakened. Here are some examples of tools that can help you:

Of course, these are just a few examples of such tools. You will surely find many more similar products on the shelves of stores. If you are not sure which one to choose, check with your hairdresser before going to the store. He will help you choose the right care, taking into account the structure and condition of your hair.

How often can the procedure be done?

Carving is considered one of the safest types of salon styling. And this means that it can be used much more often than conventional acid chemistry. The result of such styling will be quite short-lived - it is unlikely to last more than two months.

After this period, if you do not have any contraindications, the procedure can be repeated. Moreover, you can do this repeatedly.

Before the procedure, you should still consult with a specialist, as well as realistically assess the condition and capabilities of your hair.


Carving is really very fashionable today. No wonder, because this type of styling allows you to get beautiful waves or a pomp effect, and, moreover, do not harm your hair. Therefore, if you have seriously decided to get luxurious curls, it may be worth starting with carving. If you like the result, you can repeat the procedure, or choose a more resistant type of modern salon waving.