Crochet socks patterns and descriptions are simple. Crochet socks. Master class with step by step photos. Sock Knitting Basics

With the onset of winter cold, some women pick up threads, knitting needles, a hook and start creating warm products for their family members, friends and just acquaintances. Knitted products are considered traditional. Many call this method easier and faster. A skilled craftswoman will knit warm children's socks with knitting needles in one evening.

Many women often ask themselves: crochet? I would like to please lovers of knitting and say that crochet products are no worse, the process of knitting socks is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, and for some, it seems even more exciting. Socks obtained in this way of knitting will be beautiful, comfortable. You just need to know how to knit them correctly. Let's consider this process in more detail.

Get started with the cuff:

Instructions for knitting adult socks

  • Take a hook half a size smaller than for knitting the main part, and proceed to the manufacture of the product. Knit a chain of 60 loops, close it in a circle.
  • Including the chain, knit 25 rows, as the instructions advise:
  • 2 single crochet for two loop walls;
  • 2 single crochets behind the back wall of the loop.
  • Connect the edges of the cuff.
  • Take a hook thicker than the diameter of the thread itself.
  • Divide the cuff in half and mark the edges.
  • Start from the middle of knitting with single crochets, take the thread darker. For example, if the cuff was knitted with a blue thread, take a blue thread for the heel.
  • Calculate your own heel height. The knitted triangle should be half the width in height.
  • Then make a round.
  • Divide the knitted fabric into 3 halves.
  • Knit the first of them with a half-column.
  • When you reach the second half, knit with double crochets.
  • After that, pull out two more loops from the next 2 loops so that there are 3 on the hook. Knit them together.
  • Expand knitting, knit the middle part of the heel, starting with the second loop.
  • When you reach the end, pull out two loops again from the side. Knit all three together again.
  • Thus, go step by step until you use all the loops. Only then will the heel be finished.
  • Take the thread of the original color, that is, the one that was used for the cuff, and tie the resulting hole in the sock in a circle. To get the knitting right, you can watch the whole process on the video.

To knit the main part of the sock, the following are used:

  • 2 single crochet for two halves of the loop;
  • 2 double crochets for the back half;
  • do not forget to decrease two loops in each row from both sides.
  • Knit the sock until you get an even figure.
  • Then, with reductions, stop. Return to them when you reach the beginning of the cape.

Knitting the toe of a sock with your own hands is a simple matter:

  • Change the thread to a darker one, for example, the one with which the heel was made.
  • Knit rows with single crochets.
  • In each subtract one column.
  • Continue knitting until 8 stitches remain.
  • Sew them carefully. The toe should have a round edge.

Toe knitting pattern

As you can see, the simplest way, crocheting a sock with your own hands is not difficult.

Having knitted one, proceed to the second. If you wish, you can decorate socks with ribbons, laces, ribbons, appliqués. Take a photo of your first piece, showing everyone how to crochet socks. By knitting several pairs of these socks, you will show a real crochet master class.

Consider for toddlers at 15cm feet. These socks are suitable for babies up to three years old:

In this instruction for knitting socks for children (*) - denote rapport.

A step by step simple diagram of how to crochet socks can be represented as follows:

  • 1 row: air loop for lifting, two columns with a crochet in the second loop, after which one column with a crochet is knitted into each until the penultimate loop. 2 double crochets are knitted into the last one and a connection is made. Knit the next rows in the same way.
  • 4 row knit according to the scheme: 4 lifting loops, one double crochet in the initial loop, skip two, one double crochet in the next loop, make two loops, knit a double crochet in the same loop *. Repeat knitting until the end of the row, starting with *.
  • Work rows 5-11 as follows: make 4 lifting loops, double crochet in the double crochet of the previous row, * double crochet in the arch, two air loops, double crochet in the same arch *. Repeat until the end of the row.
  • Fold the toe in half. Knit 15 air loops. Fasten them from the back side of the product. Knit in the ring from the loops of the chain to the toe in the same pattern as the 5th row was performed. Run 9 more rows. The next row is done with double crochets.

Do the cuff. It can be represented by the following knitting pattern:

Crochet cuff pattern

  • 1 row single crochet.
  • 2 row. Incise st, skip 2 sts, then to end of row:
  • Thread 5 double crochets into the next loop;
  • leave 5 loops;
  • Thread 5 double crochets into the loop again. Cut the working thread, fasten off.

Knitting heel to sock:

  • Fasten the thread from the side of the heel cutout and knit around the circumference.
  • 2 lifting loops and 2 loops together with a crochet column.
  • 2 loops together with a double crochet at the beginning.
  • Double crochets in each stitch.
  • Finishing the row, knit two times two columns together.
  • Continue knitting until a few stitches remain.
  • On the wrong side, combine them into one.

The first sock is ready. Start knitting the second. The principle of its manufacture is the same.

Hand-knitted socks are always soft, warm, beautiful. They can be a great holiday gift.

Today I propose to discuss a very important topic "How to crochet socks." These socks are more suitable for the cold season, so we will choose thick yarn. But if you are an experienced needlewoman, you can try a complex openwork model, which will take a lot of time.

How to crochet socks (step by step diagrams in pictures)

How to quickly learn how to crochet socks for a child or an adult, if you are still a beginner? Especially for you, we have collected the simplest and most interesting lessons from the best network masters. Starting with the simplest, we suggest moving on to more complex ones, delighting your home with warm, cozy new clothes.

Homemade women's woolen slippers for an adult foot (mk for women)

Knitting this model will take a minimum of time, and if you follow all the recommendations correctly, in the future you can move on to more complex products.

Size 37-38 Yarn - “Derevenka” from Troitsk, natural color (1508), 100% wool, 170 m / 100 g, Yarn consumption 100 g Hook No. 3.5 Knitting density of the main knitting (single crochet) Pg = 1 .54 loops in 1 cm, PV \u003d 1.8 rows in 1 cm Leg circumference (He) 23 cm Description of work: We begin to knit slippers from the toe. We make a sliding loop, we knit 6 single crochets into it, including 1 lifting air loop, then we knit a circle, obeying the main rule of knitting a circle: the number of columns added in each row should be equal to the number of columns in the first row, in our case - 6. We turn the work at the beginning of a new row. If you knit without turning the work, then the pattern on the toe and the rest of the slippers will differ in appearance. We knit until the circumference is equal to the circumference of the leg. Let's calculate the number of columns. It will be equal to the measure of the circumference of the leg, multiplied by the density of knitting horizontally: He x Pg \u003d 23 x 1.54 \u003d 35.42. Rounding up, we get 36 columns. That is, you need to knit in a circle with increments until we get 36 loops (columns). Given the circle rule, to get 36 columns you need to knit 6 rows. It is possible that, according to your calculation, in the last row you will need to make fewer increases - there is nothing to worry about, just distribute the required number of increases evenly around the circle. Next, we continue to knit in a spiral already without increments. We knit the desired length of the toe, in this case just below the bone of the thumb, which amounted to 7 cm or 14 rows. We knit the middle part of the slipper with a straight cloth. The middle part will have 2/3 of the 36 columns, i.e. 24 columns. We continue to knit the middle part. We will make the slipper shorter than the foot by about 2 cm, so that it sits more tightly on the leg. At this stage, you can iron the middle part of the slipper, since the single crochet fabric tends to curl. So the finished product will look neater. However, this can not be done: the slipper will sit on the leg well without it.

Now we begin to form the heel. To do this, we divide the loops into three parts. The number of loops in the middle part is 1/3 of 24 loops - it turns out 8 loops (columns). If you have 1 loop left, add it to the middle part, if 2 loops, one to the side parts. We will form the heel with short rows. We begin to knit the heel from the wrong side. We knit 8 single crochet of the first part, then - 7 single crochet of the middle part, skip the 8th column of the middle part, and knit a connecting column in the first loop of the third part. The heel turns out to be more accurate if on the front side the last, connecting column is knitted as usual, inserting the hook into the loop in front, and on the wrong side - inserting the hook into the loop from behind. We turn the work to the front side.

We knit the first column in the shortened row without a lifting loop in the first loop from the hook. Again we knit 7 loops of the middle part with single crochets, and in the first loop of the side part we knit a connecting column, while inserting the hook into the loop in front.

We continue to knit the heel correctly in the same way, attaching the loops from the side parts. We finish knitting the heel with the front row. The result is such a neat heel. Now we tie the edge of the slipper (except for the heel) with single crochets, slightly tightening the edge for a better fit of the slipper on the leg. Then we knit a row of connecting posts along the edge, already including the heel. Cut the thread and hide its end. The slipper is ready. We knit the second in the same way. In our example, the trim is made of patchwork motifs, and at the end, the edge is additionally tied with two rows of connecting posts with blue yarn. Motifs are attached to the slipper in the process of tying the edge.

Ideas for men

Men's socks for a loved one are the easiest way.

1. Plain wool fine yarn for socks (two ply)
2. Hook 2.5 mm
3. 3 hours for each sock

We will knit the sock from the toe. The sock is connected by semi-columns!
Dial 4 in. p., close in a ring ... further according to the scheme.

For the heel, divide the loops in half. We knit on 27 loops of the sole. To do this, step back from the seam with connecting posts of 13 loops.

The bottom of the heel is a triangle. We continue to work with semi-columns.
Knit a triangle on 27 loops, decreasing in each row on both sides one loop (knit 2 half-columns together), until 1 loop remains on the hook.

Now we will perform the instep wedge and the back of the heel together. To do this, dial 21 loops along the edge of the triangle on each side, on the front part, which we did not touch, you should get 28 loops = total first circular row (I made it with beige threads) 70 loops.

Side view. Note that the triangle is the bottom of the heel, not the entire heel. Decrease on both sides of the top of the toe to form a wedge of instep. Decrease = 3 semi-columns knitted together.

Decrease until there are 46 stitches left in the row. There are 10 rounds in total.

Now the gum. Knit according to the scheme:
1 row: double crochets in each loop
2 row: 2 in. lifting, *facial relief double crochet, 1 simple double crochet*, repeat from * to * to the end of the row.
3-16 rows: 2 in. lifting, * front relief column into the relief column of the previous row, double crochet into the double crochet of the previous row *, repeat from * to * to the end of the row.

Knitted children's patterns (photo)

Children's feet should always be warm, so women love to delight kids with funny crafts with their favorite characters.

Simple baby booties

Yarn:"Souffle", Semyonovskaya yarn, 100% acrylic, 292 m / 100 g. Yarn consumption 25 g. Tools: hook number 2.5. Size: sole length 12 cm. Oval sole. See the detailed sole knitting tutorial and you will be able to knit the sole of the size you need from your yarn. Sole length 12 cm. Width 6 cm. At the beginning we knit a chain of air loops 7 cm long or 13 loops, plus 1 lifting air loop. Having connected the sole according to the scheme, we get 56 loops around the perimeter of the sole.

Side part We knit the top of the booties with single crochets in rotary rows. We knit the 1st row with purl (at work) relief columns without a crochet to form a welt. For lifting we knit one air loop. We close the row with a connecting column, turn the work and knit the next row. Next, we continue to knit with single crochets for another 7 rows. In total, the side part turns out 8 rows. The height of the side part can be from 2 to 3 cm. In our case, 3 cm. toe We knit the toe in short rows. We find the center of the sole in front: 13 loops of the middle part, plus 7 loops of the front - the 21st loop from the beginning of the row will be the middle of the booties in front. You can just bend the booties in the middle. From the center we mark 5 loops to the left and right. We determine the number of loops needed to knit the toe. The width of the toe is equal to the width of the sole or slightly less. In our case, these are 11 loops (columns). In the photo, the center of the toe is marked with a pink marker, and the extreme loops of the toe are marked with blue markers.

9th row: We knit 15 loops of the side part and 10 loops of the toe with single crochets, skip the loop, 1 connecting column; 10 row: We knit 10 loops of the toe with single crochets, skip the loop, connecting column. Attention! The first loop in the row is tight, do not skip it.

Next, we knit 8 more rows in the same way as the 10th row. There are 10 rows in total. The toe occupies approximately half of the booties in length. In the 19th row We continue to knit the booties in a circle and close the row. We do not decrease the loops in this row. We tie the top of the booties with a Crayfish step. We knit the second bootie in the same way as the first. We decorated the booties with a crocheted bow. You can decorate the booties to your liking.

Video tutorials "Crochet socks for beginners" (crocheted)

A video tutorial with a detailed description helps to analyze in detail the entire knitting process. Thanks to accurate calculations and valuable comments of the master, the student is able to master even the most complex model.

Beautiful fishnet socks - master class

Openwork products look especially beautiful, but require more patience. Starting from the elastic, you can tie them with the thinnest thread, creating the thinnest lace (short and high styles look good).

Slippers from motifs

Sneaker socks for men

It's always nice to be able to do things with your own hands. Purchased socks will not bring as much joy as hand-knitted ones for yourself or your family. Have you previously knitted scarves, hats, sleeveless jackets, but never decided to take on socks, thinking that you would need special knitting needles - circular or a set of five pieces? Remember pictures from children's books, where a grandmother knits a stocking with knitting needles with a shaped toe and heel? This image is far from reality, because the work on the needles starts from the top of the product, while the toe remains to be tied at the end. Those who happened to crochet socks know that they often start work with this tool from the toe. The textbook grandmother needs to be armed not with knitting needles at all, but with a crochet. It is more convenient for beginner knitters to take the toe as a starting point, because the sock can be applied to the foot during knitting, referring to the size.

How to crochet socks - step by step description

Let's see how to knit children's socks, we will analyze a simple diagram step by step for beginners. A small thing knits faster, which will allow you to quickly master the techniques, understand how the toe, heel, elastic at the top are formed. First you need to decide which socks to knit: summer or winter, warm. For the summer version, openwork knitting is perfect, but it is more difficult for beginners to master it. It is good to knit warm socks from woolen yarn with a thick hook.

The choice of scheme and method of knitting

It is better to knit simple socks first, and then take on fishnet or with dense patterns. For the proposed option, you only need to know the chain (air loops) and double crochets. The “body” of the product will come out dense, without frills. You can decorate such socks with multi-colored yarn or melange thread. This will successfully replace the elaborate openwork texture.

Yarn selection

Mothers of children try to knit socks from natural threads, but pure wool is not very resistant to abrasion. The best option would be to choose mixed yarn or acrylic threads. Usually warm socks are worn over cotton tights, so the neighborhood of a child's foot with synthetic material is excluded. If there are separate skeins of synthetics and wool, then you can knit a thing at the same time from two balls. It does not matter if the threads are of different colors: you will get a melange texture that can make socks interesting. So that the socks do not turn out too loose, the hook should be chosen according to the thickness of the thread (two threads, if knitting is done simultaneously with synthetics and wool).

Knitting process

To knit a sock, you need to make a chain of five loops and close in a circle. From each loop of the ring we knit a pair of columns with one crochet and close the first row. In the same way, knitting of all round things begins: hats, napkins, motifs. The second row must be connected in the same way. The columns should be knitted from the top of the columns of the first row.

The toe has a smooth rounding, and it starts from the third row, where it is necessary to knit alternately two columns from one loop, then one column from one loop. In the fourth row, you can not make additions, that is, knit from each column one of the same. The fifth row must be connected according to the principle of the third, after which no additions are made.

How to crochet a sole

We stop before reaching the end of the rise of 1.5–2 cm. Here you need to switch to turning rows, leaving 12 columns not knitted. From this place the sole and "sides" are knitted. Turning rows must be connected so much that it is enough to the heel and the product can close behind it. If everything is connected correctly, then at this stage we finish the sole, getting a trace.

How to crochet a heel

To form the heel, fold the last row in half and knit a “seam”, connecting the edges and getting a trace. It is better to tie the "seam" with single crochets, turning the work inside out. An alternative is a knitted or kettle stitch made with a gypsy needle.

The resulting trace must be tied with single crochets. If necessary, then in the next row, make a decrease on the front of the toe and continue to knit in a circle several of the same rows.

How to do the top of the sock

How to tie an elastic band so that the sock does not fall off?

Here are some options:

  • thread a thread or lace that can be tied to a bow;
  • close the top into the "pipe" and skip the linen gum there;
  • add elastic threads to knitting (“corrugated” or others with a stretch effect).

How to tie a pipe? It is necessary to make a lapel a little more than the width of the elastic band and knit single crochets in a circle into the “body” of the sock. The last few columns must be left, thread the elastic, sew its edges, and then tie this place with the remaining columns.

Video: crochet socks for beginners

The chosen scheme is the basis, an example by which many other products can be knitted: footprints, slippers, booties, goose. The rest is additional details that will be easy to figure out in the process of work. That's why it's important to watch the video, which shows clearly how to knit the beginning of the sock, including the toe and heel.

Crochet baby socks

According to the above pattern, you can crochet socks for a small child. You can choose a smaller hook diameter and thinner threads. You can reduce the number of loops at the beginning - instead of five, take three air loops for a circle, and then the product will turn out to be almost half as much.

You don't need a lot of thread to crochet baby socks. If there is any leftover yarn in bright colors, this is ideal. The toe and heel (it is also half of the sole) should be done in a contrasting color or even make these details multi-colored. You need to change the thread for the first time in the 6th row, when the additions to the toe are finished. The second color change will be at the transition to the turntables. For the "shaft" you can use the third color or go back to the one used to tie the place between the toe and heel.

On the top of the product, you can make a decorative frill from alternating columns without a crochet, with a crochet, with two crochets and in the reverse order. This is how teeth are formed.

Baby booties for newborns

Knitting cute booties for your little one with your own hands is a great show of care and at the same time turn on the creative process. You can use the technology described above. It is also good to tie booties from the sole, not the toe.

We collect a chain along the length of the baby's legs or a little less. We don’t close it in a circle, but we first tie it on one side with half-columns, then turn it, knitting three half-columns from one loop, and continue the half-columns on the other side of the same chain. The rows will be circular, but the work will be elongated, not round. Starting from the third row, we knit the heel half with semi-columns, and the rest with columns, until we reach a rounding. It needs to be formed from six double crochets. The fourth row is knitted in the heel part with semi-columns, then on each side you will have to divide the loops until rounded in half. We knit the first part of the loops after the heel zone with simple columns, the second - with double crochets, on the rounding we also divide the zone into parts. On its sides we knit one from each loop, and in the middle - two columns with a crochet. The fifth row will consist entirely of half-columns. The sole is ready.

To form the foot, you need to knit 5-6 rows with single crochets. In the next row, in place of the toe, we knit columns with a crochet, and on the sides and on the heel - without it. After two rows on the toe, we make a decrease: we knit two loops in one column. The transition to the cuff can be done quite gracefully. Break the main knitting thread. Start knitting in the toe area 10-12 loops with double crochets, then bring them all together and connect with one half-column. Next, the cuffs are knitted in a circle of the product. The number of rows - its height - is at the discretion of the needlewoman.

Video: crochet socks for children

To better understand how to crochet socks, it is very convenient to familiarize yourself with the basics of working on video sequences. Today you can find many videos where it is well told, and most importantly, it clearly shows how to make a children's thing. Since the socks are small, it will be possible to knit them quickly. Here are some step by step video tutorials for beginners.

How to crochet slippers - a master class for beginners

To make not a souvenir, but a practical thing from threads alone will not work. As an option, first crochet the socks, then attach a rigid base to them. The sole of the slippers must be waterproof and resistant to abrasion. Ideally, the sole part should not be very dirty and slip. Some models use an overlay sewn over a knitted sole. Sometimes the sole is cut from a suitable material used under the base of slippers. Holes are punched or pierced there, where the thread is inserted for tying. Next, the upper part of less strength is knitted.

Photo examples of design

The variety of ideas for knitted slippers is amazing. There are even more of them than socks. You can knit typical men's slippers, stylized as sneakers or sneakers, Indian moccasins or gladiator sandals. For the beautiful half - openwork models, warm slippers, boots, women's sneakers, flip flops with flowers, moccasins with laces and shoes with buttons. And how to do without bunny slippers, cat slippers and dog slippers! The fantasy of needlewomen is truly indomitable. While you have time to knit the model you like, many other interesting options are already being posted on the World Wide Web.

The easiest knitted slippers for beginners

To crochet the simplest slippers, you should take felt and leather under the sole. You can circle the soles of your own shoes and use this pattern to cut out a kind of insole from leather and felt. The leather blank must be placed on the felt and holes for the hook should be punched into them. To do this, it is good to use either a hot awl or a pointed tube. The awl pierces the felt base well, but it is better to pierce the skin (leatherette, leatherette) with a tube, otherwise the edges will be shaggy. The tube can be taken from the old telescopic antenna from the radio. It is good to sharpen the edges with a file so that they are sharper. If you yourself are afraid to do such work, contact your male household members. They will definitely make a wonderful tool - a punch.

When the sole with holes is ready, it must be tied with synthetic thread - two loops in one hole. This will help to attach the leather part to the felt part, and then loops will appear, from which the first row is knitted in a circle. It is necessary to tie several such rows with double crochets, taking a woolen thread. Next is the rounding on the toe. To do this, several turning rows are knitted in the center of the sock, which can then be connected with single crochets with the side parts. Next, tie everything in a circle. How many loops to take on the toe, an elementary fitting will show.

Beautiful diagrams with descriptions

Unusual slippers can be knitted from an ordinary square. They are very reminiscent of medieval shoes. In the presented sample, melange yarn is used in the center of the square, giving a special charm to homemade slippers. Because of these threads, the work does not seem so simple, but it is elementary to do it. Center - a ring of 8 air loops. We make three lifting loops from the first loop of the chain, from the next three - double crochet, three air loops, again double crochet, only 4 pieces. Next, you should tie 3 air loops and 4 similar columns until we get a square. Next, on each side, we knit from the tops of the columns in a double crochet, and in the corners - 3 air loops. We make such a number of rows of a square to get a side along the length of the foot.

We fold the work diagonally, sew it with a knitted seam or tie the edges along one side (leg) of the resulting triangle. We connect the second leg to half - this will be the heel. We turn the remaining free part forward - this is the top of the shoe. It turns out an elegant thing that is very easy to knit. It is good to sew soles made of leather, polyurethane or other material that is resistant to damage and abrasion to ready-made slippers.

The freshest ideas - video tutorials

You can knit unusual slippers as a gift to a loved one. Lots of original ideas. If you are an experienced knitter, you can take something from the samples presented and create your own idea based on them, and then bring it to life. For the rest, everything is well shown and told in video tutorials. You can knit the type of slippers you like while sitting at the computer and studying the videos.

Crochet slippers

Need trendy shoes? Try knitting sneakers. They use a felt sole, but if desired, it can be supplemented with waterproof material. If you do not like the black color, take any other threads, while white can be replaced with cream or light gray. But synthetic thread should not be changed to another, because abrasion resistance is important. It can also be used to tie shoelaces.

Slippers-moccasins crochet

It is interesting to see the instructions step by step for beginners on how to knit moccasins. They knit unusually - not from a toe, and not from a solid (not knitted) base, but from a decorative part. After watching the video, it is easy to understand how to tie a new element - lush columns that decorate the product very much. The scheme of moccasins is such that it does not even require a pattern: you can measure on your leg as you work and continue to knit. It is also well told how to beautifully tie the places of decreasing loops.

Crocheted slippers "Minions" for children

It is good for children to knit "cartoon" slippers. It is difficult to find indoor shoes in the form of popular Minions. But if there is a hook, yellow and blue yarn, you can quickly knit the base. The scheme used is the same as for socks knitted with a toe. We knit with yellow threads until the transition to the lower leg. We knit turning rows with blue threads, we perform the heel. It can also be made round, for which several loops (5–7) are counted from the center, of which it is necessary to tie the turning rows to the height of the heel and connect them to the sidewalls of the slipper.

For decoration - Minion's eye - you need some white, gray and black threads. For one slipper - tie two white circles with a gray edging - eyes, and two smaller black ones - pupils.

Crocheted booties shoes "Minnie Mouse"

These are not mouse slippers and not even shoes that Minnie herself wore. However, charming booties are very reminiscent of this nimble mouse. To knit them, you need black and hot pink yarn, imitation pearls or beads. Slippers have a beautiful border-frill and curly tongue, reminiscent of round mouse ears.

Home knitted boots socks crochet

When it’s cold in the house, it’s good to wear warm socks, but it’s better to knit slippers-boots: they will warm and decorate. The presented slippers are well connected according to the well-known scheme from a thick thread. The tops of the boots are decorated with a special pattern - bumps. In this video sequence, the element is not analyzed in detail, however, there is a reference to the master class on how to crochet the bumps. Openwork crochet socks

Summer openwork socks-slippers look especially elegant, which are easy to knit by referring to the video material. The product does not slip off the leg thanks to the button closure. For beauty, it is proposed to tie it with threads of two colors. You need to start with a toe, which is usually knitted, without an openwork ornament. Next, a “tick” pattern is performed, which allows you to very carefully make a rounding for the heel. The video details how to tie this section.

The bootleg, so that it holds socks well, must be knitted with a single crochet single crochet. In order for the thing to sit well on the leg, the bootleg is knitted with reductions.

There is nothing difficult in knitting slippers or socks if you know the basics of crocheting. We recommend that advanced craftswomen come up with and knit their own model.

To make crocheted socks, you will need yarn of medium thread thickness. Then the socks will turn out dense, I will be worn for a long time. You can determine a suitable yarn using the example of knitting - a square measuring 10x10 cm. If at the same time its sides were 11 columns and 11 rows, then the yarn is ideal. The consumption of yarn for socks for a teenager is 150 grams, it is more convenient to take a hook No. 3.

Sock Knitting Basics

It is more convenient to start knitting from above, from a stocking, but there are patterns for crocheting socks from a toe. Knitting a chain of the desired size is easy, because you can check the girth of the leg and accurately measure its length. Cast on about 17 loops in the chain, knit in a circle for fifty rows to the beginning of the heel. At this stage, you can apply different knitting methods. Openwork socks are knitted and dense, with imitation of an elastic band and smooth with a change of different bright colors of threads, loose, lowered and tight to the leg.

Different rules in crocheting socks

There are patterns to help crochet craftswomen when knitting a heel; crochet, socks in particular, always require attention. The principle of knitting the heel is as follows - knit in a semicircle, turning the work around. The number of rows connected in this way is approximately seven. Reducing loops, if necessary, is simple - instead of seven, six are knitted, then five loops, and so on until the last loop.

The foot of the sock is knitted in a circle to the zone of the fingers, in which the loops are reduced. The length of the foot will take approximately 16 rows, depending on the size required. Then, in each subsequent row, you will need to knit two loops of one for a cone-shaped toe. From the final six loops form one loop and fix the thread on the wrong side of the work.

If you are not crocheting socks for a child, then make calculations for each model separately. The type of knitted fabric can play a cruel joke. If 20 rows are needed in an openwork sock, then in a dense version of knitting with single crochets, they will need much more. In any case, it is customary to knit the heel with single crochets - such a heel will last a long time and will not rub.

The disadvantage of tightly crocheted socks is obviously the inconvenience of using them in boots and boots. But for home use, they have no equal. Crochet socks are used in cases where the child does not like to wear slippers. Such socks can be knitted in the form of slippers or high boots and will provide warmth to the baby's feet.

We are sure you will enjoy the feeling of wearing knitted socks around the house, so we advise you to complete the ensemble

Everyone associates knitted socks with knitting needles, this is partly true, but you can also crochet socks. Crocheting socks is much more relevant for beginners, since it is not always possible to cope with five knitting needles at once. The result is a warm beautiful product that will help keep you warm, and will also look stylish and attractive.

Crocheting socks involves a minimum set of knitting skills, in addition, usually each stage of work is analyzed in great detail. Such crochet socks with a step-by-step description for beginners can be done by anyone. First of all, in order not to be afraid of the upcoming work, you should understand what knitting socks using a crochet consists of.

  1. Work begins with a toe.
  2. Then, by gradually adding loops, the foot is knitted.
  3. The next step is to make the heel.
  4. At the end, a bootleg and an elastic band are formed.

The most difficult step in knitting is knitting the heel. After this step is mastered, knitting socks will go quickly and without any problems.

To complete the work, only two sizes are required: the length of the foot and the girth of the instep. To calculate the loops required to complete the work, you should crochet a small test section. Depending on the density of knitting, the number of loops cast on will depend.

The crochet socks pattern is quite simple and versatile. With their help, you can perform various models. Men's, women's and children's sock according to the principle of execution do not differ.

Stepping through

Knitting will be represented by three colors of yarn and a pattern that requires a multiple of 4 number of loops with a knitting density of 2 tbsp. - 1 cm, 1 p. - 1 cm.

A step-by-step pattern for crocheting socks for beginners is as follows..

Knitting cuff

1 row: first, 2 loops are performed, which will serve as a lift in this row, then 1 tbsp is knitted into the 3rd loop. with n., the following are performed in each loop.

2 row: 2 air loops as a lift, 1 convex column (knitted not by the chain, but by the column itself), 1 concave double crochet.

3 row: 2 lifting loops, 1 concave column, 1 convex column.

The result is a work in which the concave columns are above the same ones, and the convex ones are above the convex ones.

Heel design

When the cuff is ready, you can start knitting the heels directly. The heel size is ¼ of the toe length. The execution of the heel is carried out in this way.