New Year's scenario new adventures of Pinocchio for schoolchildren. The scenario of the New Year's holiday of the adventure of Pinocchio. Karabas-Barabas bursts into the hall with a key in his hands

Morning in kindergarten or New Year's Eve at school, spend with this plan, Scenario of the New Year's children's tree(New Year's Adventures of Pinocchio!) offers a fun program with competitions and a performance.

Scenario of the New Year's children's tree - the beginning

PARTICIPANTS: Leading Snow Maiden Santa Claus Buratino Malvina Karabas - Barabas Children enter the hall to the music and stop near the Christmas tree. 1. Music sounds (Pinocchio plays the key)

Voice: Hello guys! Hello adults! We are glad to see you at our celebration of the new year! Now we will go on a fabulous journey. Tell me guys, do you know who Pinocchio is? Children: Yes! This is the hero of the story.

The fairy tale begins: The music sounds (1 beginning) The first one comes out

Snow Maiden: Hello guys! I am the Snow Maiden, all people have been friends with me for a long time. I love frost and wind and snowstorms in winter. Happy New Year, I wish you a lot of joy. How elegant and beautiful you all are!

Pinocchio runs in (song number 2 - Pinocchio sounds): That's right, my name is Pinocchio, everyone knows me! Hello girl! What is your name! And what are you doing here?

Snow Maiden: Like Pinocchio, you didn’t recognize me? Children, what is my name?

Children: Snow Maiden Pinocchio: Yes, that's right Snow Maiden Snow Maiden: What kind of rude are you, Pinocchio! First you need to say hello to the guys.

Pinocchio: What guys? I don't see guys here. It's just you and me here.

Snow Maiden: If you can't see well, then put on your glasses. (Gives Pinocchio large glasses cut out of cardboard.) Here, take it. Pinocchio (puts on glasses): That's better... Pinocchio: (Looks around the hall, then notices in surprise.) Oh, how many people are here! (Shakes hands with each guest.) Hello! Hello! Hello friend!

Snow Maiden: (turns to Pinocchio): If you shake hands with everyone, then our holiday will begin only in the spring ...

Pinocchio: It's true! There are many guests, but I am alone ... (Turns to the Snow Maiden) What should I do? How to be? Tell me, Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden: It's very simple. I show. You need to go to the middle of the hall and say loudly: “Hello, dear guests! Hello kids!" And that's it.

Pinocchio: (in disbelief): Is that all? Is it really that simple? Now I'll try ... (Goes out to the middle of the hall and greets loudly.) Hello, dear guests! Salute, kids! (Turns to the Snow Maiden) Well, how? Happened? Did you say everything right?

Snow Maiden: No, that's wrong! All mixed up! You can’t say “Hello” and “Salute” to strangers. You need to say hello. Understood? Try again!

Pinocchio: So, friends, the second attempt! (Bows low.) Hello, dear guests! Hello kids! (Looks at the Snow Maiden and waits for her approval.)

Snow Maiden: Now everything is correct. Well done!

Pinocchio: (depicts embarrassment): If I'm done, then I should be given for this ... what?

Snow Maiden: Mustard?

Pinocchio: Fu, disgusting what! No, not mustard!

Snow Maiden: Then soap!

Pinocchio: The answer is wrong! And why do I need soap?

Snow Maiden: Probably a bouquet of flowers?

Pinocchio: The answer is wrong again! I'm not a girl! Bouquets are useless to me! I suggest: on-...?

Snow Maiden: Bedspread?

Pinocchio: No! By-yes-…?

Snow Maiden: (thinking): Yes ... What is a “pod”? Don't know. (Turns to the children.) Guys, did you guess? Tell me what Pinocchio wants to get!

Children: Gift!

Pinocchio (joyfully): That's right! (Dreamily.) A present!

Snow Maiden: A gift?! (Turns to Pinocchio.) What gift did you need? And why do you need it now?

Pinocchio: Like this, what a gift?! You said yourself that everyone gets presents. And then, the holiday is on the nose.

Snow Maiden: (examines Pinocchio's nose): There is no holiday on your nose ...

Pinocchio: Oh you! And also the Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden: (offended): Well, if you are so smart, then tell me what holiday we have on our nose.

Snow Maiden: (turns to the children): Right, guys?

Children: No!

Pinocchio: How not?! Oh yes, March 8th is celebrated in the spring, and now it's winter ... What kind of holiday is today then? .. (Thinks.) I know, I know! Today is Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Snow Maiden: (addressing the children): Guessed Pinocchio?

Children: No!

Pinocchio: Then I don’t know what holiday we have today.

Snow Maiden: Guys, let's tell Pinocchio, what holiday is today !!?

Children: New 2015!

Pinocchio: Right! New Year and as I forgot, a wooden head.

Snow Maiden: Well, since you remembered, let's sing a song about the Christmas tree and stand in a round dance


Little Christmas tree It's cold in winter, From the forest we took a Christmas tree home.

Beads hung up stood in a round dance Fun, fun, let's celebrate the New Year!

How many colored balls, pink gingerbreads, golden cones are on the Christmas tree!

Let's stand under the Christmas tree In a friendly round dance.

Fun, fun Let's celebrate the New Year! Malvina appears on the scene.

Malvina: Where is Pinocchio? Where is this unbearable boy? .. Looked for him everywhere ... He is nowhere! .. (Turns to the children.) Guys, do you know where Pinocchio is?

Children: No! Malvina: Well... It's even for the best! Then I will get more New Year's gifts ... At this time, Pinocchio hides behind the Christmas tree and jumps out.

Scenario of the New Year's party "New Year's Adventure of Pinocchio"


Adults: Santa Claus, Snegurochka, Pinocchio, Malvina, Karabas Barabas, presenter.

Leading: Good afternoon dear children and guests.

Here came, guys, Christmas tree

To us for a holiday in kindergarten

There are so many lights, so many toys ....

How beautiful is her dress!

Happy New Year!

Let the fun come to you!

I wish you happiness, joy

To all children and guests!

Exit Pinocchio with a key in his hand.


Hello! Happy New Year! I am a very kind fairy-tale character, I love my Papa Carlo and believe that I was created to please people. Kind Turtle Tortilla gave me this key. This key is not simple, but golden and magical! She told me that this key works any miracles, but only in good hands!...

But for some reason I don't see my friend Malvina. I'll go look for her, and let the key hang on the Christmas tree for now. (walks off to music)

Leading: Guys, we have now been in a fairy tale ... did you recognize this hero? What doesn't happen on New Year's Eve?! Well, well ... we continue our holiday! Oh, who complained to us? ...

coming out

Karabas Barabas : Skip, skip. I froze in the cold. I'm looking for a big tree to cut down and build a fire to keep warm. ABOUT! Here is a tree ... big, fluffy. Lots of firewood!

Leading: Wait Karabas, look, it's a Christmas tree. After all, today is New Year's Eve.

Karabas Barabas (waves his hand) Oh, golden key! (Tries on the tooth) Almost like Pinocchio! This wooden boy must have left him here. Exactly! Pinocchio! I feel like he's around somewhere!

Exit Pinocchio and Malvina to the music.


I invited my friend Malvina, a girl with blue hair, to the party.


I don't need to be introduced

We will have fun playing!

On New Year's Eve, everyone knows the secret

Heroes of fairy tales come to life!

Happy New Year to all

Let fun come to you

I wish you happiness, joy

To all the children, to all the guests.


Malvina, look what key Tortilla gave me. I hung it on the Christmas tree ... (looks around several branches, does not find the key).

Karabas Barabas - Ha-ha-ha! Are you looking for a key? Here I have it! But I won't give it to you! He will be useful to me! What, do you really need him?


Of course you need it, what kind of Pinocchio is he without a golden key ?!

Karabas Barabas - I won't give it up just like that!


And what needs to be done so that you give Pinocchio the key?

Karabas Barabas: Nuuu .... somehow entertain me!


Fine! Get up with us in a round dance!

General dance (the whole group dances)

(after the dance, the children sit down, Pinocchio and Malvina and K.B. remain at the Christmas tree)

Malvina: Guys, let's play with you.

The game is being played

Karabas Barabas :

Well, they danced, played, and what ?! Do you know any poems about the New Year?


How do they not know this?! Guys, let's prove that we can tell poetry ...

Children: (go to the middle of the hall, stand in front of the Christmas tree)


Karabas Barabas : Well, okay, okay .... you know a lot of poems! Take your key!

(Pinocchio and Malvina take the key)


And do you know,Karabas Barabas, soon who will come here?

Karabas Barabas : Who?


Guess who's coming?

Grandfather with a beard lives in the world,

Never drink hot tea!


Father Frost!


Guys, Grandfather Frost loves the cold and snow very much. In order for him to come as soon as possible, it is necessary to sprinkle the path with snow! (children scatter snowflakes to the music)


I need to call my grandfather

It's time to welcome the New Year!


And I'll add

I love you all friends!

There is no better garden in the world,

How happy I am today!

Let's call Santa Claus

Let's light the Christmas tree!

Let's stand together in a round dance,

The New Year is coming to us!


Santa Claus, come out

Give the children a holiday!

(Children call Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden)

Exit Santa Claus.

Father Frost:


Happy New Year! Here I am!

Hello my friends!

I am the real Santa Claus, I brought you news,

That the New Year is already on the way, and will soon be on the doorstep!

Are you waiting for a miracle? There will be a miracle! After all, Santa Claus will not forget:

A gift is put for everyone, carefully packed in a bag,

Tied up, packed brightly, because everyone is waiting for a gift now,

Miracles and fairy tales by January, and I will give all this!

Snow Maiden.

Hello kids:

Both girls and boys!

Hello dear guests!

I'm called Snow Maiden

I'm very afraid of heat

Happy New Year.

I wish you happiness, joy.

Host: D foodie Frost! And our Christmas tree is not on fire!

Father Frost : It's not scary! Let's fix it now!

Light up, magic star!

Make everyone happy!

Let it sound at the holiday

Cheerful, ringing laughter!

(Yolka lights up)

Father Frost: Hey kindergarten people

Get into the round dance!

(children sit on chairs)

Father Frost:

Oh, and smart people gathered ... I even got hot!

And now, mischief-makers

Individual poetry reading (3-4)

Snow Maiden.

And now I want to know: do you like to play?

Children. Yes!

Snow Maiden.

Well, then the circle is wider, we start: three, four.

Only you help me, repeat after me. (a game)

Father Frost. You are a smart people, right,

Everyone enjoyed themselves to the fullest.

Well, now, it seems, it's time

Treat you kids.

Have you taken my bag?


Father Frost! We have been waiting for you...

We dreamed of gifts.

Karabas Barabas : What happened, grandpa?

Father Frost. I remember putting a bag of gifts under the Christmas tree, but I can't find it. Help friends.

Pinocchio: Don't worry, grandfather. Help!

Now I will find gifts.

All heroes are looking for gifts.

Pinocchio Well, we've found it!

Santa Claus, get it! And feed the kids!

Father Frost. Thanks, your friends helped out.

Santa Claus takes out gifts and distributes them to children.

Father Frost. I'm very happy guys

What visited your kindergarten,

I wish you a joyful whole year,

You are very nice people.

Snow Maiden. Don't forget us friends

and more often, remember.

Karabas Barabas : Now it's time to say goodbye

You need to part.

Pinocchio: Dear friends, thank you for the evening!

Until a new happy and joyful meeting!

Malvina: Thanks everyone for the fun!

I wish you all long years.

Be healthy everyone

May happiness await you

Let cheerful, joyful

There will be a New Year!

presenter . Our holiday is over

And the year is over

New - let health,

Happiness will bring!

Song " Happy New Year »

How Pinocchio and Malvina saved the New Year.

Target: contribute to the all-round development of children.

Tasks: - to acquaint schoolchildren with the symbol of the coming year according to the eastern calendar;

Develop attention, monologue speech, creative abilities of children;

To contribute to the rallying of the children's team, to cultivate a willingness to help others, to cooperate;

Creating favorable conditions and a festive atmosphere for a good rest for children.

Equipment: Christmas tree, New Year's toys and costumes, musical arrangement, attributes for games, gifts.

Characters:Pinocchio, Malvina, Fox Alice, Cat Basilio, Oak, Turtle Tortilla, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, 3 frogs, 3 Christmas trees, Puppy-symbol of 2018

There is a decorated Christmas tree in the center of the hall. The fires don't burn. A large padlock hangs on the Christmas tree, next to the padlock is an envelope with a video letter.

Pinocchio and Malvina appear on the stage to the music.

Malvina: Hello dear guests!

Small and big!

Pinocchio: Hello kids!

Girls and boys!

I, guys, Pinocchio! Papa Carlo from oak

Or maybe he made himself a son out of aspen.

The fidget and prankster sticks his long nose everywhere.

I came to you for a holiday and brought you fun!

Malvina: And I am a beautiful Malvina:

Hairstyle, dress - everything is with me.

And in the serpentine rain

Lovely shine of my curls.

Pinocchio: How beautiful in our hall,

Pretty and light!

As if they were in a winter forest -

Everything around is white-white!

Malvina: Came back to us today

Christmas tree and winter holiday.

This New Year's holiday

We were looking forward to it!

Pinocchio: And today we are with friends

We'll have a good time.

To make it more fun

Let's start our round dance.

Pinocchio and Malvina are conducting round dance N1.

Malvina: What a beautiful Christmas tree

Look how she dressed up

Dress by the Christmas tree of green silk,

Bright beads on her chest.

Pinocchio: Yes, our Christmas tree is standing

But no lights on!

Malvina, come on

Let's light the Christmas tree for the kids!

Pinocchio and Malvina (together):Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree -

Green needle!

Light up different fires -

Green and red!

There are no lights on the tree.

Malvina: Oh, Pinocchio! The lights on our Christmas tree didn't light up!

Pinocchio: Malvina, look, there's a big padlock hanging here, and some kind of letter next to it!

Pinocchio removes the envelope and hands it over to Malvina.

Malvina: Oh, guys, this is a video letter from the evil Karabas Barabas! Let's see it soon.

Viewing a video message.

Malvina: Oh! What to do guys? There is no key, and without it we cannot open the lock of Karabas Barabas!

Pinocchio: And if we do not open and remove the lock, the Christmas tree will not light its lights! And that means the New Year will not come!

Malvina: Wait, Pinocchio! I hear someone coming here!

Cat Basilio and Fox Alice appear on the stage to the music. They do a little dance.

Fox Alice: Look, Basilio, how many children have gathered, but they are all beautiful!

Cat Basilio: Aha! The hall was decorated, the Christmas tree was decorated! Probably ready to celebrate the New Year!

Fox Alice: And the children did not come alone, with their parents! (says something in cat's ear).

The cat and the Fox descend from the stage, stretching out their paws to their parents. They go around in circles, talking.

Fox Alice: Benevolent parents, give us money, don't you want to?

We didn't eat or drink, but we didn't accumulate anything!

Cat Basilio: Benefactors parents, would you like to help us?

Come to us soon, take the money with you!

Pinocchio: What are you doing here?

Malvina: The guys came to celebrate the New Year, and you ...!

Pinocchio: We know that Karabas Barabas gave you the key to the castle!

Malvina: Dear Cat and Fox! Give us back the key, please. We will open the lock, and the Christmas tree will light its lights!

Fox Alice: Here you will play with us, then we will give you your key!

Pinocchio: What, guys, let's play with the Cat and the Fox?

The cat and the fox are playing a game.

Malvina: Well, dear Cat and Fox! We played with you, we had fun!

Pinocchio: Give me the key to the castle!

Fox Alice (digging in her bag): Right now, right now! ( does not find the key, turns to the Cat). Cat, do you have the key?

Cat Basilio: I don't have it, you hid it in your bag!

Fox Alice: Oh guys! Lost key!

Malvina: Here you go! There were children without New Year and fun!

Pinocchio: Don't be upset, Malvina. Now let's think of something! (refers to the cat and the fox): Tell us which way you came here!

Cat Basilio: We walked through the swamp along the bridge,

And then, turning right, through the woods.

Fox Alice: Oh, right! They walked along the bridge, walked, I slipped and dropped the key into the swamp!

Pinocchio: So, guys, we need to go for the key to the swamp.

Malvina: The path is calling us

Let's start the round dance!

In a circle, guys, stand,

Hold hands together!

Pinocchio and Malvina conduct round dance N2.

Cat Basilio and Fox Alice quietly leave during the round dance.

The Magic Oak appears on the stage among the Christmas trees.

Pinocchio: Look, guys, we have come to a magical forest,

Full of fabulous wonders!

Christmas trees came out to meet us,

They invite you to dance!

Christmas tree dance.

Oak: Oh ho ho! Who came to us in the forest?

Malvina: Hello dear oak!

Pinocchio: The guys and I are going to the swamp to get the key. Evil Karabas Barabas decided to ruin our holiday!

Malvina: He put a padlock on our Christmas tree so that we couldn't light the lights on it and celebrate the New Year!

Oak: So you're after the key?

Pinocchio: Yes, dear Dub! Could you tell me how we can get to the swamp?

Oak: Of course I'll help! I know the magic words that will instantly take you to the swamp! But first guess my riddles!

Malvina: Well, guys, let's try?

Oak: many, many, many years
Grandfather gives us gifts,
Gives a Christmas tree, congratulations,
This holiday is ... Birthday?
(New Year)

Here she is, beauty
Everything is overflowing!
They brought her from the cold,
This tree is... a birch?
(Christmas tree)

To brighten up the night
We need to help Grandpa.
All the children say on holiday
In chorus: “Christmas tree, ... turn off?”
(Light up!)

Who is Santa's Helper?
Who has a carrot instead of a nose?
Who is all white, clean, fresh?
Who is made of snow? - ... Goblin?

Santa Claus came to us
I brought my young granddaughter.
Children are waiting for her gift -
This girl is... Mermaid?
(Snow Maiden)

Who is he, with a white beard,
Himself ruddy and gray-haired,
He is the best and kindest of all!
Guessed? - ... Barmaley?
(Father Frost)

Pinocchio: We guessed your riddles, dear Oak!

Oak: Well done! Yes, they are all smart! And now I want to see how you can dance!

Oak holds a repetition game like "We'll hang balloons"

Oak: Oh, what good fellows! Well, now, as promised, I will tell you the magic words.

Turn around, children, to the tree,

Close your eyes

And behind me in unison

Loudly repeat!

You, blizzard, sweep,

Take us to the swamp!

Pinocchio, Malvina and the children continue to say magic words. Oak leaves. An improvised swamp, a bridge and frogs appear on the stage.

Malvina: Look, guys, we really got into a swamp!

Frog: Kwa-kva-kva, what guests have come to visit us!

Pinocchio: Hello frogs! The guys and I are looking for the key.

Malvina: Without it, we can’t open the lock on our Christmas tree and celebrate the New Year!

Frog: Qua-qua-qua New Year? And what is kwa-kva-kva is the New Year?

Pinocchio: New Year is songs, laughter of friends, different games and dances!

Frog: Kwa-kva-kva dancing? We love dancing! Guys, dance kwa-kva-kva with us!

Malvina: Well, guys, let's dance with the frogs?

The frogs are dancing a flash mob.

Frog: Kwa-kva-kva what fun with you!

Pinocchio: Yes, frog, fun! We just need to find the key.

Frog: Kwa-kva-kva, I think I know who can help you! At kva-kva-kva in the swamp lives the wise turtle Tortilla. I think she kwa-kva-kva knows where the key is! And here she is!

To the music, the turtle Tortilla appears on the stage. She is being rolled on a chair by frogs.

Malvina: Hello, dear turtle Tortilla! The guys and I...

Turtle: I know, I know, looking for the key.

Pinocchio: Yep, key. Ahh how do you know?

Turtle: Dear Pinocchio! I have been living in this world for 300 years, I know everything!!! I'm so bored in this swamp! Now, if you played and cheered me up, I would give you the key.

The game "Ducklings"

Turtle: Here are some good fellows! Cheer up the old lady! Here is your key!(takes out a treble clef)

Malvina: No, Turtle Tortilla! This is not our key!

Turtle: Oh, what a grief! Then maybe this one is yours?(pulls out wrench)

Pinocchio: No, Turtle Tortilla! And it's not our key!

Turtle: What are you going to do! Well then maybe this one?(pulls out key)

Malvina: Yes this! Thank you very much, Turtle Tortilla!

Pinocchio: Thank you! Don't be bored, Turtle Tortilla! And the guys and I need to return to the Christmas tree, open the castle!

Malvina: Get into a round dance

The Christmas tree has been waiting for us for a long time,

Sing a song together

And don't get bored on the road.

Pinocchio and Malvina conduct a round dance N3

Pinocchio: Well, guys, we found the key, now we will open the lock!

Pinocchio approaches the Christmas tree, tries to open the lock. Nothing works.

Pinocchio: Malvina! I can not! Help me!

Malvina helps Pinocchio open the castle. Again, nothing works. Malvina is crying.

Pinocchio: Don't cry, Malvina. I think I know who can help us!

Without Santa Claus, snowflakes do not fly,

Without Santa Claus, the patterns do not shine.

Malvina: We can't open the castle without Santa Claus,

Without Santa Claus, the tree does not burn!

Pinocchio: Guys, let's all call Santa Claus together!

Everyone shouts: “Santa Claus! Father Frost!". Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden appear on the stage to the music.

Father Frost: Hello, here I am! My Snow Maiden is with me!

Snow Maiden: Happy New Year

And with all our hearts we wish

Happiness and health to you!

Father Frost: Both big and small!

I wish you success in your studies and strength,

Very, guys, I was in a hurry here.

I almost fell into a snowdrift on the way,

But it looks like he showed up just in time!

Malvina: Just in time, Grandpa!

Pinocchio: Evil Karabas Barabas put a padlock on our Christmas tree, but we can't open it and light the lights!

Father Frost:

We'll fix this issue!

This is where the power is needed guys.

We insert the magic key

And open the lock!

Santa Claus takes the key, opens the lock. Magical music sounds.

Father Frost: Repeat everything after me!

Come on, tree, smile!

Come on, tree, wake up!

Come on, tree, one-two-three!

Light joyful burn!

Magical music sounds, Santa Claus touches the branches of the Christmas tree with his staff, and the lights light up.

Snow Maiden: May this New Year

It will bring a lot of happiness!

Get up in a circle, everyone,

Start your round dance!

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden conduct a round dance.

Father Frost: New Year's tree holiday -

The best holiday of winter days!

But what a winter holiday

No fun games?

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are playing a game.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, the guys have already danced and played the game, isn't it time to give them gifts!

Father Frost: Certainly! Present! Where is my bag?

Could I have forgotten him at home?

But there is no need to cry! I whistle now

And my friend will rush and rescue us!

Santa Claus whistles, music sounds, a puppy with a bag appears on the stage.

Puppy: Happy New Year gentlemen

With new happiness, yes-yes-yes!

Let the dog guard

From trouble and adversity.

After all, a dog is a true friend,

Everyone around knows this!

Here's your bag, Grandpa!

I was in a hurry!

Let's continue the holiday

Have fun, dance!

The puppy is holding a flash mob.

Father Frost: Thank you, faithful friend, and for the cheerful dance, and for bringing my bag! Guys, have been waiting for gifts for a long time!

Pinocchio: At our Christmas tree

No wonder we spent time.

Malvina: They played, they sang, they danced,

And they could visit the fairy tale.

Father Frost: The merry holiday was a success,

I hope you liked it.

Snow Maiden: Goodbye, goodbye, everyone be happy

Healthy, obedient, and don't forget us!

Pinocchio (stopped being offended, fun): And my game is called “Let's bake a cake!”. Guys, stand in a circle and hold hands.
Children stand in a circle, hold hands. Then everyone needs to move in a circle, twisting the "chain" around the leader (Malvina or Pinocchio).
Malvina: That's how we got the cake!
Pinocchio: How huge!
Malvina: Guys, what is your cake with?
Children: With strawberries! With raspberries! With nuts! With apples! With jam! With cream!
Pinocchio: Very tasty!

Malvina: Only as if something is missing from our cake ... Pinocchio, do you know what we forgot to add?
Pinocchio: Maybe potatoes?
Malvina (addressing the children): Right?
Children: No!
Pinocchio: Then maybe fried onions?
Children: No!
Pinocchio: Probably meat?
Children: No!
Malvina: No, Pinocchio, not onions, not potatoes and not meat, but candles!
Pinocchio: What?! Candles? Is it possible to eat them?
Malvina: Of course, you can’t eat candles! They are needed to decorate the cake! (Turns to the children.) Guys, our cake lacks candles. Let's put our hands up! Look how many colorful candles are on our cake!.. Well, it's time to try our cake! Let everyone take a piece! (Children take a piece and disperse.)

Pinocchio (squinting dreamily): What a nice little cake we got! (Licks his lips.) Big, tasty, pretty, sweet!
Malvina: Pinocchio!
Pinocchio (does not hear, continues to dream): I wish there was such a cake every day! Beauty!
Malvina: Pinocchio! Can you hear me?!
Pinocchio: Where?! What?!
Malvina: Why can't you hear me? Do you have icicles stuck in your ears?
Pinocchio: What kind of "icicle" is this?
Malvina (takes out a paper icicle from her pocket): But what a one!
Pinocchio: Let me see!
Malvina: And you catch up!
Pinocchio is trying to catch up with Malvina. Malvina passes the icicle to the guests, and they pass it to each other. Pinocchio is trying to catch up with the icicle. Finally he manages to do it.
Pinocchio (disappointed): Yes, she's not real! I don't play with you! You deceived me!
Malvina: We did not deceive you! This was just a joke!
Pinocchio: Yes, I was not offended at all ... Malvina, how fun it is at our holiday. Let's play another game!
Malvina: No, you need to take a break. Look, the guys' tongues stuck to the sky from the heat ... They can't even say a word.
Pinocchio: And I know what will help! Need a tongue charger!
Malvina: And riddles will become such exercises.
Malvina and Pinocchio make riddles.
Malvina: Well done, guys, they guessed all the riddles! And tongues trained!
Pinocchio: Riddles are, of course, good! Only it's time to sing songs and dance round dances! After all, it's New Year's Eve!

Children stand in a circle, dance and sing.
Malvina (turns to Pinocchio): Well, we sang songs, danced in a round dance, solved riddles and congratulated each other. It's time to say goodbye...
Pinocchio: How to say goodbye?! We haven't met Santa Claus yet!

Malvina: Guys, let's call Santa Claus!
Children (three times): Santa Claus!
Santa Claus does not appear.
Malvina: Why doesn't Santa Claus come to our celebration?
Pinocchio: Yes, because we call him wrong! I know how to call Santa Claus! (Turns to the children.) Guys, I will name the signs, and you answer “yes” if they suit Grandfather

Frost, and "no" if they don't fit.
Pinocchio: He has a long white beard.
Children: Yes!
Pinocchio: He has a red nose.
Children: Yes!
Pinocchio: He has a long nose.
Children: No!
Pinocchio: He has a red hat.
Children: Yes!
Pinocchio: He has a magic wand.
Children: No!
Pinocchio: He has a staff.
Children: Yes!
Pinocchio: He brings gifts.
Children: Yes!
Pinocchio: Santa Claus is evil.
Children: No!
Pinocchio: Good Santa Claus.
Children: Yes!
Pinocchio: He loves children.
Children: Yes!

Pinocchio: Let's call Santa Claus again!
Children (three times): Santa Claus!
Santa Claus appears.
Santa Claus: Hello guys! Recognized me? I am Santa Claus! Without me there is no New Year's holiday. And remember, last year we also met with you! (Looks attentively at the children.) How big you have become! How they have grown in a year! The New Year is coming! We need to have fun with him! Get up in a circle, let's sing a New Year's song.

Children lead a round dance and sing a New Year's song.
Malvina: Grandfather Frost, why did you come alone? Where is your granddaughter? Snow Maiden?
Santa Claus: Oh, I'm old! I completely forgot about my beloved granddaughter ...
Where is she? Maybe lagged behind, delayed on the way. (Turns to the children.) Guys, let's call the Snow Maiden together.
Children (three times): Snow Maiden!

The Snow Maiden appears.
Santa Claus: Snow Maiden, granddaughter, where have you been?
Snow Maiden: The fur coat caught on a stump when we walked through the forest, barely unhooked it. I called you for help, but you were in such a hurry to the guys for the holiday that you didn’t hear me ... Am I late?
Malvina: No, no!
Santa Claus: You are not late. Our holiday is in full swing!
Snow Maiden (looks at the Christmas tree): What a beautiful and elegant Christmas tree you have! And how many colorful toys on it! And there are balloons, and tinsel, and garlands, and paper sweets ... But why don't the lights burn?
Santa Claus: Oh, but we completely forgot about the lights! You're right, granddaughter, a mess! Gotta fix it! (Turns to the children.) Guys, let's light the lights on our Christmas tree! Now together, all together we will say “One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!”.
Children, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Pinocchio and Malvina (three times): One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!
The lights are on on the tree.

Santa Claus (addressing the children): Have you been sitting up, kids? Isn't it time for us to play?
Snow Maiden: That's right, Grandfather Frost! Holidays are meant to be fun! What game are we going to play?
Santa Claus: And my game is called "Repeat the movement."
Santa Claus conducts the game "Repeat the movement." Children stand in a circle. Music sounds. The guys must repeat the movements that Santa Claus shows.

Pinocchio: And now I'm announcing a competition for the best dance!
Children are dancing. Pinocchio chooses the best dancers, who are given prizes, and among the winners is Santa Claus.

Santa Claus (wipes sweat from his forehead): Wow, tired! Haven't had this much fun in a long time! Something made me feel hot! (The Snow Maiden waves her scarf at him.) We need to make it a little colder in the hall.
Snow Maiden: And my girlfriends, Snowflakes, will help us with this.
Snowflakes appear and dance.

Santa Claus: Thank you, granddaughters! Cool me down! I almost melted! .. And now I want to know which of the guys is the smartest. To do this, I will make riddles, and let the kids guess them.
Santa Claus makes riddles.

Santa Claus: Well done guys! All of you are smart and smart!
All my riddles solved! And now I want to listen to poetry. Guys, which of you prepared poems about winter?
Children read poetry.

Snow Maiden (turns to Santa Claus): You see, Grandfather Frost, how smart our guys are! So many good poems were told to you!.. We sang songs, danced, recited poems, played games. It's time for us to say goodbye to the guys and leave.
Santa Claus: How to leave?! And the gifts?! Come on, kids, come to me, I'll give you gifts!
Santa Claus distributes gifts to children.
Santa Claus (looks at his watch): Indeed, it's time to leave. What a pity ... Well, nothing! We will meet again next year! For now, goodbye! Happy New Year! With new happiness!
Snow Maiden: Goodbye, friends! Happiness to all of you and health!
Pinocchio (addressing the children): Guys, let's arrange fireworks in honor of Grandfather Frost! (Gives out balloons to the children, which the guys should burst.)

Malvina: Pinocchio, it's time for you and me to say goodbye to the guys! Go home! It's almost midnight, and we still need to decorate the Christmas tree for the celebration of the New Year! (Turns to the children.) Goodbye, guys!
Pinocchio: Goodbye, friends!
Malvina and Pinocchio leave. The leader takes the stage.
Host: This is how the new adventures of our old friend Pinocchio ended. And our holiday has come to an end. Happy New Year, kids and adults! Looking forward to visiting you next year!

There is a Christmas tree in the hall, the garlands are not included, a huge castle hangs on it. Cheerful music sounds, children gather around the Christmas tree. There is a loud knock and creak of the door, Pinocchio runs into the hall, he greets the children by the hand and skips around the Christmas tree /

- Hello friends, hello friends, you all know me.
Yes, Pinocchio is me, and the fairy tale begins!

(Fairytale music sounds, against the background of music, the voice of a cricket sounds into a microphone)

- Hey, Pinocchio, you're having fun in vain, it won't be a holiday today, the holiday is canceled.

Why is the holiday cancelled? No, no, I don’t agree so much, look how many guys came to the holiday. We will have fun. And anyway, who are you?

- I'm a cricket, I'm sitting here under the tree.

(Pinocchio walks around the Christmas tree, but does not find anyone.)

Do you see the castle? So until you open this lock with a golden key, the lights on the Christmas tree will not light up and the holiday will not take place.

Where can I get this key?

- At the terrible Karabas-Barabas. The voice disappears.

- It's easy to say, but how to get there.

(Malvina enters the hall to solemn music, followed by girls in beautiful long dresses. Malvina teaches them court dances. A polonaise sounds, and they perform a dance.)

Pinocchio (mimics):
Ha ha ha, ladies of the court, you might think ha ha ha.

- Fi, shame on you, boy, teasing how ill-mannered you are.

- Not educated, but for that, well-fed. Now I will catch you. The girls run out of the room screaming.

- Artemon, Artemon, come to me!

(Artemon rushes into the hall barking)

- Woof, woof, woof, the hostess called me. Who offends you, this one, he? Speaks abruptly and clearly.

Pinocchio (stretches along the line and stammers):
- I, this, I, this, in fact, was just joking, I, this, I, did not want to.

- Do not touch him Artemon, we will re-educate him. And so, please, Pinocchio, bring me a chair.

- What, a chair for a girl.

(Artemon growls.)

- Well, well, well, well.

(She carries a chair, Malvina sits down. She reads the riddles “Right, wrong” to the children, you can use any riddles so that the children answer “True, wrong.”)

- Dear girls and boys, today is New Year's holiday and I have prepared a song and dance especially for you.

(Children stand around the Christmas tree in a round dance, any New Year's children's song sounds, to which Malvina shows simple movements, and the children repeat.)

- You sing here, but there will be no holiday, the tree will not light up, and the New Year will not come, so we will live in the old year. We don't have a key.

- Oh, what to do, oh, how so?

Artemon (calms her down):
- Woof, I know where to look, woof, I have a good nose. The key is kept by Karabas-Barabas. Come on, I'll take you.

(Malvina and Pinocchio follow him. At this time, Fox Alice and Cat Basilio enter the hall from the other side to their musical composition.)

Fox :
- What a blue sky, and there are two of us in the hall
And no one guards the Christmas tree here, toys sparkle on it.

- Come on, we'll rip her off, then we'll sell the toys,
We will earn money, we will go to the resort, we will bask in the sun, meow!

Fox :
- Stupid you, you see, the tree is not burning, but you and I sold the key to Karabas.
- Hush, someone is coming here, let's pretend to be beggars.

(They stretch out their paw and go to beg for their parents.)

Fox :
- Benefactors parents, give us money, if you don’t want We didn’t eat and drink, we didn’t accumulate money like that.
Benefactors, parents, you can help us, would you like to come to us as soon as possible, take money with you.

(They hold a competition among parents. You can take any, including running around chairs. Pinocchio appears in the hall.)

- What are you doing here? I have already seen you somewhere, it was not you who accidentally hung a castle on the Christmas tree.

Fox and Cat:
- Well, what are you saying, we are not capable of this, we love children, especially their parents.

- If you are so good, take me to Karabas-Barabas, I need to take the key from him.

Fox :
- Don't even hesitate, we'll call him here. Ka-ra-bass-Ba-ra-bass, come out, Ka-ra-bass-Ba-ra-bass, come out.

(Drum roll sounds. Karabas appears, a key hangs around his neck)

- Oh-ho-ho, oh-ho-ho, that the little ones, quieted down, you are afraid,
You are doing the right thing! Now I am your master, when I want, then the New Year will come. I am now instead of Santa Claus! Ha ha ha!

(The Fox and the Cat agree with him and run around him, serving.)

- Let's fight Karabas-Barabas honestly with you. If you win the Pull the Rope contest, then you will keep the key, if you don’t win, then the key is ours.

(Karabas whispers with the Fox and the Cat and agrees. The boys are equally recruited into the team. Karabas stands on one side, and Pinocchio on the other. They start pulling the rope on command, the Fox and the Cat help Karabas, but at the last moment Santa Claus enters the hall and helps pull Pinocchio's team.)

Father Frost :
- I'm Frost.

- No, I'm Frost.

Father Frost :
- Frost has a red nose and a big beard.

- My beard is long. Fox and Cat agree with him.

Father Frost :
- Well, since you're cold, freeze something for us.

(Karabas runs around, trying to blow on children to freeze them.)

Father Frost :
- You are a big liar.
Even with a long beard
Return the key immediately
Get yourself out the door.

(Karabas gives the key and runs away with the Fox and the Cat. Santa Claus passes the key to Pinocchio to open the lock.)

Father Frost :
- Tree turn three times
light up with lights
Come on kids: one, two, three
Our Christmas tree is on fire.

(The Christmas tree lights up, and at this time music sounds and the Snow Maiden and snowflakes appear in the hall.)

Father Frost :
- Hello, dear granddaughter, I see you are not alone.

Snow Maiden :
- Yes, snowflakes came with me, and winter swirled. Next is the dance of the snowflakes.

Father Frost :
- Who will tell me a poem
About me, about the New Year.

(Competition for the best poem.)

Snow Maiden :
Who will sing me a song
About me, about the New Year!

(Use any New Year's songs.)

Father Frost :
- It was good with you.
Only time has come for me
It's time to leave
Another child is waiting.

Snow Maiden :
- We'll be back in a year
Let's knock at the gate
Again fun and friendly
Let's meet the New Year with you!

- It's snowing outside
Gift bag for you.
We wish you happiness and joy!
Happy New Year!