On raising the retirement age for police officers. Police retirement age law

Pensioners are the subject of special attention in many countries. Mainly because they are getting harder to maintain. Hence the constant talk about raising the retirement age, including for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Russia is no exception, especially in conditions when economic and other sanctions are applied to it, efforts are being made to worsen the lives of its citizens.

In this situation, it is understandable the increased attention that the state pays to military personnel, both those who are in the ranks and those who have already moved into the category of former employees. They are the hope and protection of the state.

The Russian government understands this problem in its own way, from the point of view of the tasks facing it. Minister of Finance Siluanov, in one of his public speeches in February 2015, touched on his favorite topic, this time it was about increasing the length of service for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He considered that it would be expedient to increase it immediately by 10 years.

The minister's approach to the problem was reasonably differentiated, such measures should not have affected those who had been in "hot spots", their right to early retirement was not contested.

However, employees who spent time serving in the rear units or in offices, on “paper” work, were considered expedient to take a well-deserved rest a little later.

In any case, the official initiative of the Ministry of Finance, which he launched in 2015, was to increase the length of service to 25 years.

The proposed bill does not imply any changes in the formulas for calculating pensions. On the other hand, it increases the period giving the right to an increased pension by ¼ of today's length of service, that is, by 5 years. About, what is the pension in the Ministry of Internal Affairs now and will it be increased, .

Raising the retirement age of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2016

In 2016, the reform of increasing the length of service for retirement did start. The first who tried it on themselves were the police, but this does not mean that this will not affect the rest of the categories of employees of law enforcement agencies.

The deadline by which all preliminary work in pursuance of the Presidential Decree will be completed is determined by the following framework: November 1, 2016 - October 1, 2017. The reform is accompanied by a reduction in the composition of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, about which persistent rumors are circulating, not yet too much confirmed by the facts.

The media circulated panic news about an almost total reduction in the number of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but nothing of the kind happened. Police officers involved in ensuring the safety of citizens of the Russian Federation are practically not subject to reduction.

What are the rumors going around right now? an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who has worked in the system for at least 25 years can apply for a pension in 2017. And those who planned to retire after January 1, 2019 will have to serve another 5 additional years. The existing experience of 25 years allows you to retire in the future in any age category.

Issues of pensions for employees of law enforcement agencies in 2017 continue to be discussed, both in terms of increasing pensions and in terms of age characteristics. Only those of them who reach a certain age will be able to receive a pension. At the same time, there are options for the transition period, according to which growth will be gradual, for 6 months a year, . But so far they haven't made a decision.

The fact of increasing the length of service for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will increase responsibility and retain personnel, but at the same time, as the same Ministry of Finance points out, it will cause an increase in unemployment.

This will affect about 10% of citizens who are currently in the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Government officials do not tire of repeating that social spending in the Russian Federation is unreasonably high, and the state can no longer bear this burden. This also applies to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and there is no talk of canceling the intention to implement this bill from the authorities.

However, the debate has not stopped, the decision has not yet been made, and this is encouraging. Moreover, the notorious crisis, although not over, somewhat loosened its grip.

A draft law has been prepared that increases the term of military service for acquiring the right to a seniority pension to 25 years. What to do?

The very idea of ​​extending the term of service for military personnel to acquire the right to a seniority pension is far from new. Apparently, many are haunted by the fact that the military acquire the right to a pension 20 years after the start of military service.

Recall that according to the federal law "On the Status of Servicemen", a serviceman receives the right to pensions based on length of service after 20 years have passed since the start of military service.

So it turns out that if service under a contract begins, for example, at the age of 20, then at the age of 40 a military man can already retire. So the beginning of many "strangle the toad." Allegedly, so young, and already retired. Moreover, this “toad” sits inside those who have not served in the army for a single day. Those who have encountered military service are well aware that the acquisition of the right to retire after 20 years of service is well deserved, pardon the tautology and pun.

After all, firstly, for 20 years to be in the forefront in all military conflicts, risking life and health, for 20 years to have irregular working hours and irregular working nights, to make many moves with the family, not to have your own corner ... Many more points can be added to this phrase that do not make a person's life comfortable and attractive.

And secondly, the size of this very pension after 20 years of service, for example, for a major is 16,000-17,000 rubles, and for a contract serviceman from private to sergeant (who, by the way, are the absolute majority in the army), the pension for long service after 20 years of service is 10,000-11,000 rubles.

You can check this statement on the pension calculator for military personnel. Just imagine - after 20 years of service in the army, and a pension of 10,000 rubles. Worthy! That is, the state will not particularly go bankrupt by paying such a beggarly pension to servicemen.

But officials in the government want to go a little further and increase the term of this very acquisition of the right to a pension up to 25 years. The development of the draft law is currently underway in the depths of the Main Directorate of Personnel of the Armed Forces, better known to the military by its all-powerful abbreviation - GUK. But the meaning of the developed law is already clear without studying its subtleties.

In order to acquire the right to pensions, a serviceman under the contract will have to serve not 20, but 25 years. That is, if you have served for 24 years, then you have not yet received the right to a pension. The same period can be the period for obtaining the right to permanent housing, that is, not after 20, but only after 25 years of service.

Managers are now afraid to promote and adopt the law - after all, the presidential election. And the law, BETWEEN US, will not become especially popular and approved.

Because the military man, after 20 years of service, became much calmer and the understanding warmed his soul that he would no longer die of hunger and he already deserved his pension, albeit a meager one. Now there will be no such peace and the military will be able to be fired without a pension even after 24 years of service.

The law is likely to be adopted after the presidential elections in March 2018. But, it is still a little unclear what will happen to the servicemen who have served for 20 years and have acquired the right to a pension. Will they be deprived of this right? This is the main question that worries all servicemen with a length of service of 20 to 24 years. Should they sign another contract or not? And if you sign, will you lose your right to a pension?

These questions do not yet have answers, but we know one thing for sure - the state apparatus can do anything and how it is beneficial to it, and not to those for whom the law is being passed. This, BETWEEN US, we have already passed more than once ...

In the communities of active military personnel and military pensioners, information continues to be discussed, which many sources say, and which is the issue of raising the minimum length of service for acquiring the right to a military pension from 20 to 25 years

What is known about the bill at the moment and what does it mean for active military and military pensioners? Let's explain and bring together all the conflicting information.

Sources say that a decision in principle on raising the minimum threshold for qualifying for a seniority pension has already been made. This is very similar to the truth, because the document was developed in the Ministry of Defense and the heads of the Committees of the State Duma and the Federation Council know about them and even spoke about this.

For example, Frants Klintsevich, First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security, believes that such a bill will increase the responsibility of those entering the service in law enforcement agencies. “Increasing the lower limit of seniority, which gives the right to receive a military pension, will weed out “runners” and “swallows” for five years,” he told Kommersant. “That is, before going to work in law enforcement agencies, they will think”

That is, such a bill exists and talk about it is not empty speculation.

It should be noted that the bill is very significant for active servicemen and military pensioners.

For active military personnel

Here is a fundamental question. For example, for those who are considering signing a new contract or not ... The thing is that a serviceman has a “twenty”, and if he concludes a contract and the bill is passed, will he lose his right to a pension, since the minimum length of service will move from 20 to 25 years. This is what confuses the military when deciding to sign a new contract.

The latest version of the bill also provides for a transitional period of five years for military personnel. Persons covered by the law of February 12, 1993 shall retain the right to retire for service and receive a corresponding pension under the conditions "in force before the entry into force of this law until January 1, 2023"

That is, in theory, for those who have already acquired the right to a pension with 20 years of service, the law should not apply. But in Russia everything can be...

For military pensioners

In the new bill, the figures are changing: for 25 years of service, the military will be able to count on 65% of the amount provided for by the same Art. 43, and for each year in excess of this period - 3%, but not more than 95% of the allowance, that is, not 85% - the maximum, as it was, but 95%

There are no other significant changes in the document at our disposal that would concern military pensioners. But…

There is evidence that the monetary allowance for length of service, which directly affects the calculation of military pensions, may change. Now it is calculated as follows:

Amount (calculation procedure) of payment:

From 2 to 5 years - 10%;

From 5 to 10 years - 15%;

From 10 to 15 years - 20%;

From 15 to 20 years - 25%;

From 20 to 25 years - 30%;

25 years and more - 40%;


Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 18, 2000 No. 538;
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2011 No. 1074.

Orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation:

Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2011 No. 2700.

In the new version, supposedly, in this regard, there are changes in which the percentage bonus for length of service will return to the old versions and will reach 70%, that is, the gradation of time limits will expand for changing the numbers of the percentage bonus.

What can I say with 100% certainty:

The bill has not yet been submitted to the State Duma. There is evidence that it will be introduced after the 2018 elections.
There will be a law, since a fundamental decision has been made and key approvals have been passed.
The bill can be instantly adopted by the State Duma, we now have no doubts about its abilities ...
The bill brings very significant changes for military personnel and military pensioners.
25 years served in the army of Peter I, which is very symbolic)))
We follow!

Pensioners are the subject of special attention in many countries. Mainly because they are getting harder to maintain. Hence the constant talk about raising the retirement age, including for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Russia is no exception, especially in conditions when economic and other sanctions are applied to it, efforts are being made to worsen the lives of its citizens.

In this situation, it is understandable the increased attention that the state pays to military personnel, both those who are in the ranks and those who have already moved into the category of former employees. They are the hope and protection of the state.

The Russian government understands this problem in its own way, from the point of view of the tasks facing it. Finance Minister Siluanov, in one of his public speeches in February 2015, touched on his favorite topic of raising the retirement age, this time it was about increasing the length of service for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He considered that it would be expedient to increase it immediately by 10 years.

The minister's approach to the problem was reasonably differentiated, such measures should not have affected those who had been in "hot spots", their right to early retirement was not contested.

However, employees who spent time serving in the rear units or in offices, on “paper” work, were considered expedient to take a well-deserved rest a little later.

In any case, the official initiative of the Ministry of Finance, which he launched in 2015, was to increase the length of service to 25 years.

The proposed bill does not imply any changes in the formulas for calculating pensions. On the other hand, it increases the period giving the right to an increased pension by ¼ of today's length of service, that is, by 5 years. About, what is the pension in the Ministry of Internal Affairs now and will it be increased read this article.

Raising the retirement age of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2016

In 2016, the reform of increasing the length of service for retirement did start. The first who tried it on themselves were the police, but this does not mean that this will not affect the rest of the categories of employees of law enforcement agencies.

The deadline by which all preliminary work in pursuance of the Presidential Decree will be completed is determined by the following framework: November 1, 2016 - October 1, 2017. The reform is accompanied by a reduction in the composition of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, about which persistent rumors are circulating, not yet too much confirmed by the facts.

The media circulated panic news about an almost total reduction in the number of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but nothing of the kind happened. Police officers involved in ensuring the safety of citizens of the Russian Federation are practically not subject to reduction.

What are the rumors going around right now? an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who has worked in the system for at least 25 years can apply for a pension in 2017. And those who planned to retire after January 1, 2019 will have to serve another 5 additional years. The existing experience of 25 years allows you to retire in the future in any age category.

Issues of pensions for employees of law enforcement agencies in 2017 continue to be discussed, both in terms of increasing pensions and in terms of age characteristics. Only those of them who reach a certain age will be able to receive a pension. At the same time, there are options for the transition period, according to which growth will be gradual, for 6 months a year, like for civil servants. But so far they haven't made a decision.

The fact of increasing the length of service for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will increase responsibility and retain personnel, but at the same time, as the same Ministry of Finance points out, it will cause an increase in unemployment.

This will affect about 10% of citizens who are currently in the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Government officials do not tire of repeating that social spending in the Russian Federation is unreasonably high, and the state can no longer bear this burden. This also applies to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and there is no talk of canceling the intention to implement this bill from the authorities.

However, the debate has not stopped, the decision has not yet been made, and this is encouraging. Moreover, the notorious crisis, although not over, somewhat loosened its grip.

Raising the retirement age in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in 2017

Many good undertakings in our country turn from a necessary initiative into a cheap profanation. The global reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 seems to be somewhere between two extremes. The idea is good from the point of view of the declared end goals: to get rid of the ballast, to work better and more efficiently. But for some reason, such serious statements are put into practice with the help of half-measures that are unlikely to affect the growth of the professional suitability of the personnel.

Didn't start from there

The final form of the change has not yet been adopted: according to representatives of the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, operational adjustments will be made online, depending on the success of one or another undertaking. But there is no doubt that the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will begin with a reduction in the number of cadre employees. This means, first of all, the dismissal of thousands of police officers, who are in short supply in real life.

When a person comes to the police station with his misfortune, he is often denied help, not because they do not want to help, but because there is simply no one to deal with it. The police were covered with a wave of paperwork: in order to formalize the detention of a suspect in a violation, you must fill out up to 13 sheets of A4 format! It wastes hours of precious time. It is necessary to start with the elimination of red tape, the transfer of paper documentation into electronic form.

Interesting: in some regions, the heads of law enforcement agencies forbade their subordinates to visit nightclubs and restaurants.

Is less always better?

However, experienced and decent police officers have nothing to fear from cuts. First of all, employees of related organizations and departments will fall under it. Layoffs have been taking place since January of this year. In addition, many employees will cease to be military. The following categories of employees of the internal troops will become civilians:

  • accountants;
  • personnel officers;
  • psychologists;
  • doctors;
  • employees of departments for combating extremism.

This raises a lot of questions, because the salary after the transfer to civilian status will drop noticeably, many will probably quit (which the reformers seem to be striving for), but who will calculate the salary, restore the peace of mind of the acting policemen ?! As for extremism, the latest news about the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 makes it clear that the National Guard will deal with this from now on. Will the sum change from changing the terms in places?

The question of the fate of experts and criminologists, who also want to be left outside the system, has not yet been resolved. On the other hand, the idea of ​​removing police duties for issuing and replacing general civil and foreign passports has already been embodied. Now these functions are performed by Rosreestr, and every citizen can get an identity document not at the police passport office, but at the well-known and already familiar MFC.

The current figure: in total, about 20,000 regular police officers will be laid off.

Without medicine, but with pensions

The organizers of the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs took care of the image of the police. By the end of the year, departmental polyclinics, hospitals, and sanatoriums will come under the wing of civilian ministries. This is allegedly connected with the increasing complaints of doctors about pressure from representatives of law enforcement agencies. The latter will now be treated in regular clinics under the compulsory medical insurance and voluntary health insurance systems.

That's just who can prevent them from putting pressure on ordinary doctors, how the relocation will affect the microclimate of civilian medical institutions and patients, no one thought. The purity of the moral character of an employee of the internal troops should also be supported by the ban on loans from microfinance organizations, which has already entered into force. It remains to hope for the length of service: it will not increase yet, and the pension reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs 2018 provides for the indexation of payments by 7–9%.

Among the global changes is the disappearance of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the tasks of which will be solved by the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is not clear why the MGB is being created - the Ministry of State Security, which will absorb the FSO and the Foreign Intelligence Service. Investigators will reconnect with prosecutors, and the traffic police will merge with the patrol service. According to experts, this can unload the payroll of the ministry. It remains to be hoped that the changes will be useful to ordinary Russians.

Question of the Day: if a police officer is not even required to know the rules of the road, what's the point in merging with the traffic police?