An original gift for a guy on the anniversary of a relationship. What to give a guy for a relationship anniversary

The date when an acquaintance or the first meeting of a couple in love took place is a holiday that is worth it to please each other with memorable gifts. It is worth celebrating this important date every year, even if the lovers are already married. After all, such a cute holiday is another reason to express your tenderness and desire to be together. Choosing a gift for the anniversary of a relationship is with love, it should not be “on duty” and banal.

Love can be compared to a fire. If you stop throwing brushwood into the fire, the fire will quickly die out and turn into barely smoldering embers. Love is no less in need of emotional nourishment than a fire in wood. Therefore, a romantic sign of attention on the anniversary of the relationship can become one of those moments that will allow you to keep the freshness of feelings for a long time.

Gifts for young people

The worst option for a gift for an anniversary of a relationship to a young man would be an on-duty set of shaving cosmetics. The gift should surprise and be remembered.

When considering various gift ideas for an anniversary of a relationship, you must definitely take into account the interests of your man. It is clear that a gift that will appeal to an enthusiastic gamer is unlikely to delight an athlete or biker.

Of course, the best gift is the realization of a cherished dream. But, unfortunately, desires and opportunities do not always coincide. If a guy dreams of a brand new Lexus, it is unlikely that his girlfriend will be able to fulfill his desire. But, if the lovers are close enough, then the girl probably knows about the less global and expensive dreams of her lover. In extreme cases, you can give a miniature model of the same Lexus, beautifully arranging the gift and adding to the gift a wish that the toy jeep would soon be replaced by a real one.

Choosing an original gift for your beloved man, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money. For example, if a girl is a student, then she is unlikely to be able to afford significant expenses. But do not be upset, you can even make memorable and unusual gifts with your own hands.

Of course, the easiest way is to solve this issue for needlewomen girls. They can knit a scarf for a loved one or make some kind of romantic souvenir. But even if there are no special talents in needlework, you should not give up the idea of ​​​​a homemade gift.

For example, using joint photos, you can make an original collage, or a whole book dedicated to the relationship of a couple. Even if the relationship is only 1 year old, the couple probably has many interesting and romantic memories together. The guy will definitely like the original calendar, decorated with beautiful photos of his beloved. If possible, it is better to order a professional photo shoot to create such a calendar.

And you can arrange a whole "presentation" using photos and videos. The purpose of the presentation is to tell your beloved that he is the best and most desirable man on the planet.

And here is the idea of ​​​​a completely “free” gift that your loved one will remember. You need to take or make yourself a few envelopes and decorate them to your liking. Fill envelopes with love messages, sweet wishes, or "checks" for a "thousand kisses." Envelopes can be laid out in different places at home so that a loved one accidentally stumbles upon them or put them in the mailbox in the morning.

A loved one can also be presented with a joint adventure. Such a gift is usually remembered for a long time. Today in many cities you can buy tickets for hot air ballooning, horseback riding (on horseback or in a carriage) and other interesting things. You just need to find out in advance if the guy has any medical contraindications or personal phobias, such as fear of heights.

It is not necessary to choose something extreme, you can also have great fun during a joint visit to a water park, an amusement park or some kind of creative exhibition.

Gifts for a girl

And what can a young man give his beloved on the anniversary of their relationship? Most men solve the problem simply: they give a bouquet and invite them to a restaurant. In principle, this solution is quite a win-win, most girls will be satisfied with such a gift.

Traditional gifts include:

  • Sweets. If a girl is sweet, then she can be pleased with a custom-made cake with a personalized congratulation or a chic chocolate set.
  • Soft toy. Many girls love teddy bears and bunnies, but before buying a toy (especially a large one), you should still carefully ask how your beloved will react to such a gift and whether he will consider it another “dust collector”.
  • Jewelry. Jewelry will please many, but if you plan to make a surprise, it is better to find out in advance what style of jewelry your loved one prefers.

The above are traditional gifts for a girl, but you can deviate from the imposed rules and make an original and romantic gift. You can, for example, give a certificate to visit a good beauty salon - many girls like massages, masks and other care procedures.

But when choosing an original gift, you must always take into account the interests of your beloved. One girl can be pleased with a ticket to a theatrical premiere, and another with a rafting on a mountain river in kayaks. Therefore, it is simply impossible to give universal advice for all occasions.

An interesting gift idea can be a little adventure. It can be just balloons and inscriptions with declarations of love on the pavement at her entrance or a whole theatrical performance.

For example, you can organize a personal quest for your beloved. Today in large cities there are companies that specialize in organizing such entertainment, but you can do it on your own by connecting your friends. When planning a quest, you do not need to get carried away and do too many tasks so that the girl does not get tired until she gets to the finish line. When compiling a script, it is worth including tasks related to the history of the relationship of lovers.

What to give a couple?

It is customary to celebrate the anniversary of the relationship together, but if the couple decides to invite friends to celebrate a significant date with them, then you can organize a fun joint holiday.

But what to give a couple for the anniversary of a relationship? This question will surely interest the guests invited to the celebration. As a rule, “paired” gifts are given on such a holiday. These can be inexpensive souvenirs: a couple of candles, tea cups with photographs of lovers, T-shirts with funny and cute inscriptions, etc.

If you want to make a more “substantial” gift, then you can give the couple a tourist package for two. It can be a ticket to a seaside resort or a country boarding house. Identical or paired jewelry can also be presented, for example, pendants representing halves of one whole. And if the relationship between lovers is serious, then you can give them souvenir wedding rings.

So, a gift for the anniversary of a relationship does not have to be expensive, but it must be chosen with love and taking into account the interests of the recipient.

Every couple in love has a small but important event - the date of the beginning of the relationship. Today on the site we will talk on the topic,. The choice of a presentation is a responsible matter, so it should be approached seriously.

What should be the present?

Translated from Greek, "gift" means "grace." For two people who are going to celebrate their little holiday, it will be a visible symbol of love, tenderness and fidelity. When choosing what to give a guy for the anniversary of a relationship, follow some simple rules:

  • First, the gift should not be banal. The worst thing you can think of is a standard bottle of cologne, shaving accessories, insulated underwear, a tie or an umbrella. Show ingenuity and imagination.
  • Secondly, to have an adequate cost. No need to spend an astronomical amount, take out a loan to capture the imagination of a loved one.
  • Thirdly, should not oblige to something. You should not use it to hint that it is time to formalize your union, especially in cases where you have been together recently.
  • Fourth, do not complicate life. If you are going to give your soul mate a puppy or kitten, consider whether he can take care of him.

What to give a guy for an anniversary: ​​let the holiday be remembered

How do you know what your loved one will like? You should not ask about it directly, otherwise you will deprive him of the surprise. Here you will have to use ingenuity and resourcefulness to surprise your chosen one.

A lot depends on how long you've been together. If this is your first year, then try to make the present romantic, unpredictable, memorable and talk about your feelings. Choosing what to give a guy for first anniversary, do not try to stun him with the high cost of the present. This can put him in an awkward position and spoil the holiday. Arrange a romantic dinner for him, cook his favorite dishes, create an intimate atmosphere: candles, wonderful music. Thus, you will demonstrate your culinary skills and the ability to receive guests.

A romantic evening is a wonderful option in itself if you are thinking about what to give your boyfriend for his anniversary.

A memorable gift in the form of an album or book “A Whole Year of Happiness” made from your shared photos is a great idea to give a guy on the anniversary of a relationship. Leafing through it, together you can remember the happiest moments of your premarital relationship: meetings, walks, trips. A good choice would be cups or a beautiful digital frame, a set of puzzles with your photos. Today you can order a service such as applying an image to the fabric. A t-shirt or pillow with your photo on it is great, especially if you don't live under the same roof yet.

You can order a film about love and your relationship, edited from the frames of your personal film library, a clip with a romantic song for it - the possibilities of modern technology allow this.

On this holiday of two lovers, a present with a touch of eroticism will be appropriate. If plasticity and sense of rhythm allow you to move beautifully, then rehearse a private dance with striptease elements. Strip plastic lessons can be found on the Internet. Such a solution to the problem will be an excellent incentive to put your figure in order. And don't forget to buy sexy lingerie in advance.

If you have been together for a long time, then you know each other's preferences quite well and have common interests. Together you can dream about how you would like to spend this day, in what environment. This will help you figure out what to get your boyfriend for relationship anniversary 2 years. The main thing here is to be able to listen to the words of a loved one.

For example, you plan to get out into nature that day, have a picnic with an overnight stay - present your beloved with a set of tourists, spinning. If you have long dreamed of going on vacation together, then you can purchase a tourist certificate. Many travel agencies offer not only long trips, but also weekends in the most incredible parts of the country and the world.

Are you both into extreme and active sports? Make your gift in the form of a joint parachute jump, hang-gliding, downhill skiing, horseback riding. There are many different offers in this area, so you will have a wide choice.

If you do not know what to give a guy for relationship anniversary 3 years, then pay attention to good technique, which he does not yet have. From such "toys" as an e-book, mp3 player, netbook, gps-navigator, flash drive, men are always delighted. A wristwatch with a dedicatory inscription will be a wonderful present. You can choose a beautiful set for the house or silk pajamas, but this is only if you have been living together for a long time.

Solving the puzzle , think carefully about what dream he has, and then boldly get down to business. Try to make your present give him pleasure: made with love, he will certainly be accepted with delight and gratitude.

Natalia Viktorovna - especially for - a site for those in love ... with themselves!

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  1. We will soon have two years as we are together. I don’t know if he will remember this date, and I’m not particularly worried! She herself has already ordered a gift - a funny watch with a display on which you can leave notes!


So a year has passed since the first date, how to congratulate the guy on this holiday, what to give him? We will try to answer this question as fully as possible in today's article. You will find out what gifts are worthy of attention, what is best to choose from the “romantic” category, how pleasant it is to surprise a young man with extreme ideas. We will also tell you approximately how much money it will take to give something decent and original for a year of relationship.

Here are 3 of the most interesting and inexpensive solutions to arrange a surprise for the 1st year of dating:

  • Romantic dinner. Cook your own food or order at your favorite restaurant, buy scented candles, beautiful napkins. Turn on pleasant music, taking into account the tastes of your beloved man. Perhaps a rock ballad sounds more romantic to him than Chopin's Nocturne No. 2. For products and attributes you will need from 1000 rubles.
  • Evening at the hotel. In many complexes there are discounts up to 25% for the birthday of guests. They are offered free dinner in the room and champagne. The cost of a suite in a hotel with 3 stars will cost about 6,000 rubles. per day, depending on the city.
  • weekend for two. Choose a place that will please both you and your chosen one: mountains, forest, river or sea. It can be a recreation center, a resort town or a bus tour. You can go to the sea with tents.

There are many more ideas in this article.

Extreme ideas: how to surprise your loved one

The most popular way to celebrate an important date is to skydive, you can do it in tandem with an instructor or a guy. Preliminary preparation, a number of documents, training and the jump itself will cost approximately 8-15 thousand rubles.

Other options:

  • training flight on an airplane - from 3000 rubles;
  • pair flight in a wind tunnel - from 2500 rubles;
  • paragliding - from 2000 rubles;
  • a trip on an ATV - from 1800 rubles;
  • trolls for two over a pond - from 3000 rubles.

Joint positive experiences and a powerful adrenaline rush bring together, relationships reach a new emotional level.

Be sure to use additional services and record the event on video to keep the memory of the first anniversary (about 1000 rubles).

Do you also want to get something for a year of relationship? It is written here, . We told you how to behave, what you can and what you can’t say.

Search this article. Here are collected the most romantic, extreme and unusual ideas on how to spend an important day. You will be able to decide whether it suits you or not, with a budget.

Anniversaries are a great time to apply. Read here which inscription should be chosen, what it can be done on and how much this service will cost.

Try . Our other publication will help you choose the right option. It presents the most interesting novels and treatises on politics and not only.

Banal amenities

If your man's activity is connected with constant tension and stress, try organizing a holiday in a cozy atmosphere. No extreme and hyper-romanticism. Turn off your phones and go to the movies together, take a walk in the park, have a cup of coffee or tea in a coffee shop hidden from prying eyes.

Do you both love the theater but keep putting off going to it? Here it is, a wonderful gift, trite, but this is exactly what is missing in everyday life.

While at home, close the curtains, choose a few favorite films, stock up on wine and goodies, enjoy each other and unforgettable hours of peace and quiet.

As a gift, give T-shirts for two with funny slogans, mittens or a sleeping bag for a couple.

DIY gift

If you have free time and desire, you can try to create something with your own hands. Giving crafts is definitely original.


Your man will appreciate the homemade cake or cakes with a beautiful design. Choose a simple step-by-step recipe with comments on a culinary site. For example, here:

Movie, slideshow or collage

You can make a movie about you from small video clips. Photos from various events, places and events will serve as an excellent basis for creating it.

To figure out how many shots you need for a clip, divide the desired clip length by how often the clip changes. Here's what the formula should look like: 3 minutes x 60 seconds / 5 seconds = 36 photos. Substitute your values ​​here by selecting the appropriate music track in advance. You will find several options here:

Working with video and photo materials is easy in Sony Vegas Pro or Youtube editor. A detailed description of the process of processing and assembling photos can be found here:

Portrait of a loved one

Drawing a portrait of a beloved man is a great solution for talented girls. A quick pencil sketch, a concise ink drawing or an oil painting on canvas are equally valuable because they are done. Choose the right frame. For pencil and ink - with glass, for oil painting - without glass wooden. This video will help you learn how to draw:

Knitted scarf

A simple and useful gift that every girl can make. Choose threads with a minimum content of synthetics. This will help to avoid allergies, the product will be warm and soft. Ask for help from a sales assistant.

The cost of yarn is from 60-100 rubles. for a skein To create a unique gift, you will need about 300 rubles. and 3-4 pm.

Watch the step by step video on Youtube:

For a year of relationship, a guy needs to choose a truly original gift, and everything that we have proposed falls into this category.

The anniversary of a relationship is a serious holiday for lovers. It is usually celebrated quietly, in a romantic atmosphere. Lovers always give each other gifts and congratulate on this important event in life. Just at the stage of choosing a presentation, problems often begin. Picking up something pleasant and useful is very difficult. If you don’t know what to give a guy for the anniversary of a relationship, the list of ideas from our article will help you make the right decision.

What not to give a loved one for the anniversary of a relationship

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a present, it is necessary to discard all unsuitable options in advance. Do not give guys for the anniversary of the relationship:

  • Bouquets and romantic cards with flowers. These are traditional gifts for girls. You can give a postcard, but it must be strict and restrained, and necessarily signed by hand, in your own words, and not with poems from the Internet.
  • Hygiene products. Perfume falls into the same category. It is better that men buy such things themselves, focusing on their tastes and wishes.
  • Outerwear and shoes. Finding such a gift is very difficult, and such things are expensive.
  • Money. It's just indecent in this situation.
  • Too expensive gifts. What value is considered normal in your pair - determine yourself. But definitely don't give something of value if your boyfriend can't reciprocate, it will put him in an uncomfortable position.

Try to make the gift useful - guys appreciate practicality. But do not forget about romance, on this day everything should be saturated with the vibes of love.

TOP 10 anniversary gift ideas for boyfriend

  1. Special Candlelight Dinner
  2. romantic walk
  3. Paired T-shirts with funny slogans or a common print
  4. Wish checkbook
  5. Computer supplies and accessories
  6. Gadget case
  7. Unusual alarm clock
  8. home brewery
  9. Leather wallet
  10. Private dance

Practical anniversary gift ideas for boyfriend

Many girls, thinking about a practical gift, immediately imagine something boring and sad. In fact, useful gifts can be very interesting, especially since the perception of usefulness in women and men is very different. Guys have a positive attitude towards such practical gifts as:

  • Nice leather wallet. Such a present is especially relevant if the beloved’s old wallet is already in a deplorable state.
  • Watch. This is one of the most versatile gifts. If the guy already has a classic watch, you can give a bright youth model or vice versa. If your loved one is a big fan of watches, he has a whole collection of them, you can give a box to store them.
  • Good pen. This is another universal gift for a business person.
  • Electronic Cigarette- a great gift for a smoking guy. She will not only entertain him, but it is quite possible that she will help get rid of addiction.
  • home brewery This is the perfect gift for a beer lover. And an admirer of this foamy drink will be pleased with a set of beautiful glasses.
  • Unusual alarm. If a guy likes to sleep and is often late for work and important meetings because of this, he will need an original alarm clock, for example, with a target that you need to shoot and hit to stop the signal. You can also pick up an interesting running or flying alarm clock that makes unusual sounds or is equipped with a special vibrating ring so as not to disturb other people's sleep.
  • Cover for gadget. All modern young people use smartphones, tablets, etc. A beautiful and practical case is an inexpensive and useful present.

When choosing a useful gift, do not forget that the anniversary of a relationship is a romantic holiday. So that your present does not seem too dry and unemotional, think over your congratulations, make it sincere and sensual.

Anniversary gift ideas for a guy according to his hobby

If a loved one has a serious hobby, it will be much easier to determine the direction of the search for a gift. Hobby related gifts are always in demand. Most popular ideas:

  • The motorist will like any accessories for his iron horse. You can purchase a special coffee maker, thermo mug or kettle powered by a cigarette lighter. Also a good gift would be a comfortable car pillow, a stand for a smartphone or a massage chair cover.
  • Many modern guys are fond of photography. Even if your favorite and not a professional photographer, he will love a lens-shaped mug, a beautiful frame for his creation, a photo album or a digital photo frame.
  • Most men enjoy being outdoors. Therefore, any accessories that make spending time in the forest or by the river more comfortable will be a good gift. It can be a convenient folding grill, a picnic set, a folding chair, a sun umbrella, a tent, a sleeping bag, a backpack, a solar battery charger and many other useful devices.
  • A music lover will be delighted with rare recordings or an autograph of their favorite artist, as well as concert tickets.
  • An athlete can be presented with a paid subscription to a good gym or equipment for home training.

And the vast majority of modern young people spend a lot of time at the computer. Therefore, any computer supplies and accessories will be an excellent present. The best ideas for such gifts:

  • Beautiful printed headphones. For a gamer, this may be a picture from his favorite game.
  • Speakers with light music and / or waterfalls inside.
  • Mouse pad with an interesting picture.
  • A flash drive of an unusual shape.

If you don’t understand the hobby of your loved one at all, for example, he is a fisherman, and you don’t distinguish a fishing rod from spinning, visit several thematic forums in advance and ask people with the same passion what they dream about. So you can pick up a useful and necessary present and please your loved one.

Gift Ideas That Talk About Feelings

The anniversary of a relationship is a very romantic holiday, so it will be good if the gift matches the theme and helps create a special love atmosphere. The best ideas for such gifts:

  • A special candlelight dinner. It is advisable to cook delicious meals on your own, buy wine or another favorite drink and try to decorate the room so that it turns into a cozy love nest.
  • Private dance. This is what most guys dream about. And you should not worry and complex because of your appearance or inability to move beautifully. The guy loves you, so he will like the dance. If you wish, before the holiday, you can take a few lessons from a professional dancer or practice using master classes on the Internet.
  • Romantic walk. The features and scale of such an adventure will depend only on your wishes and financial capabilities. The easiest option is to walk around the places of your first meetings, and if there are no obstacles, you can even take a walk in Goa.
  • Paired things. Such gifts look very touching and romantic. You can choose T-shirts with funny slogans or a common print, mittens for two, matching baseball caps, etc.
  • photo collage telling about the best days of your love. Choose the most beautiful photos and make a unique and very touching gift from them.

DIY gift ideas for boyfriend for anniversary

A gift made with your own hands, like no other, will allow you to show your feelings, because time and a piece of a soul in love are invested in its creation. To create a small masterpiece, it is not necessary to be a real craftswoman, it is enough to make a little effort and imagination. Best Handmade Anniversary Gift Ideas for Boyfriend:

  • Sweets. Choose a recipe based on your culinary skills. It can be both a complex and tasty heart-shaped cake, and elementary sweets made from cookies and condensed milk. Be sure to come up with a beautiful packaging and delivery.
  • Checkbook of desires. You can make it from a simple thin notebook. On each page you need to write the possible wishes of your loved one, for example, a massage or a delicious dinner. Now he will be able to tear off the "checks" as necessary, and you will have to fulfill what is written.
  • Bank of confessions. Very simple and nice present. To make it, you will need an ordinary glass jar, ribbon decorations. Inside, we fold small pieces of paper with confessions and various pleasant phrases and close them tightly. Now the guy can get a little love at any time, you just have to get a leaf from the jar.
  • Gifts with embroidery. Even if you are very far from needlework, embroidering initials on a towel or bed linen will not be a big problem, and your loved one will receive a unique present.

There are a lot of handmade gift options and every girl can find something suitable. The main thing is not to be afraid and show your imagination. On this day, be sure to show your feelings and make each other happier.

Relationships are not only “musi-pusi”, but also serious work that any couple faces. And if the first months are a candy-bouquet period, then a joint anniversary can rightfully be considered the first significant date in your life, and you should prepare for it. In this article, you will find out what you can give a guy for a year of relationship, and what options should be avoided.

If you do not have money, or there is very little of it, then do not worry, we have prepared a list of inexpensive presents, as well as those that you can make yourself.

The best gift ideas for a relationship year for a guy

  • Portable charger- or in other words, powerbank. Surely you have heard of such a device! With it, your young man will not be left without communication due to the discharge of the smartphone battery. During long walks, travels or hikes, portable charging will become a really useful and indispensable thing. The price depends on the volume of the power bank, we recommend purchasing 20,000 mAh, which is enough for about 10 full charges of one phone! From 800 rub.
  • Folding knife or multitool. Nothing romantic, but this item can be useful, on the same hike or picnic, when you need to cut fruits or vegetables. Price from 800 rubles. Multitool is a multifunctional tool containing various useful gadgets (fork, bottle opener, pliers, etc.)
  • During the rapid development of technology and the emergence of various electronic assistants, we offer to give a smart bracelet for a year of relationship. In addition to the fact that it looks very cool and can be worn with almost any clothes, the bracelet can measure the pulse, show the time, count the number of steps taken, and when connected to the phone via bluetooth, it will report calls and messages using vibration. And the most ideal would be if your boyfriend buys the same for you, because. Once you see it, you won't want to part with it! Price in stores from 2000 rubles. You can buy on aliexpress for 1500 rubles, but you have to wait from 2 to 10 days.

  • Wireless headphones- to watch movies, listen to music, now you will not need to unravel the meter wires. True, they will have to be recharged, but they are worth it! From 2000 rub.
  • It is difficult to find a man who would not love radio-controlled toys. It seems like child's play, but any adult guy dreams of flying a helicopter or quadrocopter. By choosing a model with a built-in camera, you can record amazing videos from a bird's eye view. The cost is from 600 rubles. , for more advanced models you will have to pay from 4000 rubles.

  • Wristwatch, many people think that giving such an accessory is not worth it, as this will undoubtedly lead to separation. But, it is worth noting that a lack of love can lead to parting, but not a watch or a knife ... If you are superstitious, then the guy can give a coin in return, so this will not be considered a gift.
  • Leather belt, or any other that your soulmate has long liked! Unlike ties, or cufflinks, a belt will certainly be used. From 1500 rub.

  • Perfume - someone may notice that perfume is a rather selfish gift, because in most cases girls choose the smells that they like. But, on the other hand, not a single man will refuse a pleasant aroma as a gift for a year of relationship. From 2000 rub.
  • Jewelry - a bracelet or a chain is up to you, because it all depends on your budget! From 1500 rub.
  • computer gadgets- maybe it will be a gaming mouse or a low-profile keyboard, or RAM?

What not to give a guy for his anniversary?

  1. First of all, you need to consider relevance. For guys who prefer a sporty style of dress, a tie or cufflinks will not be appropriate!
  2. Price. Do not make very expensive gifts. After all, if a gift for a year of relationship is more expensive than the surprise of your MCH, then this will cause inconvenience to your soul mate.
  3. Alcohol or smoking accessories. Many will disagree with us, but we will always believe that it is necessary to make such gifts that will bring not only joy from use, but also health benefits.
  4. T-shirt or pillow with your general photo. Yes, this is undoubtedly "cute", but such surprises usually gather dust in the closet.
  5. Homemade crumpled notes with 1000 reasons for your love. Perhaps nothing more romantic can be invented, but the guy will be frankly too lazy to open every message. At best, your work will be put aside in a deep box, or on the very top shelf.

In our new article, you can find out, we think you will be interested!

Top handmade gifts for a guy for a year of relationship

1. The postcard will take the first place. Purchased or hand-drawn, it does not matter, the main thing is what is written inside it. You need to work on the text! do not rewrite boring statuses and poems from the Vkontakte social network, compose your congratulations, and it will be the most expensive and significant.

2. Tea mug, preferably plain. Buy a permanent marker and write your message on the cup. It will look very cool!

3. Love to cook? In this case, you can make a salad "Pomegranate Bracelet", in the shape of a heart. Or a cake, in the same shape! Believe me, a cake doused with hot chocolate and strewn with strawberries on top will not leave indifferent any sweet tooth.

4. Guy's Day! In one of the articles, we advised something similar, in an article about . Can be issued in the style of a joke gift certificate for 5000 points. Make a list of wishes and set the price for each of them. And your lover will be able to use it.

5. A letter is a regular, handwritten letter sealed in an envelope. Write about your feelings, how you met, what you thought, do not forget to mention that your beloved is the best thing in this world, etc. Despite the fact that the letter has no value to others, it will be priceless to your loved one!

6. Recently, edible posters have become popular. Take a sheet of drawing paper, and after writing various wishes, instead of some words, attach sweets. For example, “You are my heavenly delight” (attach a Bounty bar next to it).

7. Album with joint photos. I think in a year, you should have accumulated at least a dozen good shots. Choose the best of them and place them on the pages of the album. It would be great if you add a short annotation to each photo.

We hope that our list will be interesting for you, and you will not have any difficulties with what is best to give your boyfriend for the anniversary of the relationship. And most importantly, do not forget that the main gift is you! 🙂