Special copybooks written in Tempo font will help you develop quick, beautiful adult handwriting. Old copybooks, Soviet textbooks, arithmetic: download culture for free

When teaching writing, a traditional school consistently adheres to its two fundamental principles: firstly, to teach ineffectively, and secondly, to teach something that could not be useful in the future. In fact, how often in real life does the need to write something in calligraphy arise?

Very soon, schoolchildren discover that if they begin to write letters exactly as they were taught in the first grade, they will literally turn into underachieving students. They inevitably have to somehow change the outline of the letters in order to speed up the writing process. This happens completely spontaneously, under the motto “who knows what,” without any help from teachers. As a result of such alteration, an individual handwriting is developed, and it is not surprising that it is not always good.

I suggest purposefully teaching children not only calligraphy, but also (much more practical) fluent writing. This requires special copybooks, which are written in beautiful adult handwriting. For this purpose, I developed another (TrueType) font called Tempo, which I present on this page. It looks like this:

Moy dyadya samx chestnyx  pravil, Kogda ne v shutky  zanemog, On uvazhatj seb I am matj ne mog.

In principle, this font can be used to write any word in the Russian language without interruption. But in practice, this is completely unnecessary. If your way of holding a pen is more “modern” than “classical,” then your hand will inevitably move irregularly across the sheet of paper. During these jumps, the pen inevitably comes off the paper. And if so, then, of course, there is no need to write the connecting line on which such a separation occurred. The whole point of connecting lines is that they allow you to write without interruption and thereby increase your writing speed. And if the separation still occurs, then there is no point in the connecting line.

On our website you can download and print copybooks for children aged 4 years and above. There are many copybooks for preschoolers and schoolchildren with developmental tasks, and copybooks for correcting handwriting, which will be useful even for older schoolchildren.

  • Copybooks - tracings for children

    Preparing your hand for writing. We learn to trace along the dotted line and, at the same time, draw.

  • The baby's fingers are so clumsy, it's so cute to watch their fuzzy movements. But it’s cute, but what about school? What will these cute fingers have with their handwriting? Fine motor skills must be developed in a preschooler from an early age; this guarantees not only smooth, beautiful handwriting at school, but also the development of thinking, because, as you know, thinking and fine motor skills are directly related. And we will develop our fingers and prepare our hands for writing according to the rules.

  • The activity of the right and left hands in humans is associated with the left and right hemispheres of the brain, respectively. Consequently, by developing the motor skills of the right hand, we develop the left hemisphere of the brain, and the left - the right. And for everything to develop harmoniously, you just need to learn to work with both hands, the left as well as the right. To do this, we have prepared for you recipes that use both hands at the same time. It will be fun to study according to such recipes not only for children, but even for adults!

  • Recipes on an autumn theme

    Autumn is not a time for sadness. If the rain outside does not allow you to go for a walk, you can find entertainment at home, for example, writing and coloring pictures in a copybook with an autumn theme. The activity is both interesting and useful, and parents will thank you for the silence. On this oldie you can download and print autumn copybooks for preschool children.

  • Preparing your hand for writing "Step by step"

    The exercises presented in the “Step by Step” series of notebooks are aimed at the gradual development of fine motor skills in a child’s hand, which is necessary for mastering writing skills. The notebooks will also contain tasks for attention, the development of logic and the formation of ideas about the world around us. The exercises alternate with finger exercises, and this is directly related to the development of the child’s intellectual and speech abilities. The tasks in the copybooks will help the child step by step to overcome the path from drawing simple lines and doing shading to creating ornaments and drawings on checkered paper, as required by the school curriculum.

  • Author - T.P.Voronina. The copybooks are included as a supplement to the ABC textbook by V.G. Goretsky. Copybooks in 4 parts. Each part is a logical continuation of the previous one. The first part is aimed at developing fine motor skills, the child learns to trace simple lines, repeat patterns or elements of a picture, there are tasks to complete the picture according to the model. Towards the end of the 1st part of the copybook, we begin to write the elements of letters, and by the end of the 4th notebook, the child should already learn to write words and sentences beautifully. The notebooks perfectly complement the ABC textbook and smoothly lead the child to independent writing in a lined notebook.

  • Copybooks in which the child gets acquainted with the letters of the Russian alphabet, learns to recognize them and write. The copybooks indicate with arrows how to write printed letters correctly, so you don’t have to re-teach your child later. An image next to a letter will help to associate the letter with an object that begins with it, and letters for shading will help a five- to six-year-old preschooler develop fine motor skills, and, as is known, the child’s intellectual development depends on it. Make sure that the child takes his time and draws neat, even lines in the correct order and direction. And wonderful pictures can be colored.

  • Parents and teachers come up with everything they can to diversify their children’s education. And modern copybooks keep up with fashion. Now this is not only a striped piece of paper on which a child can practice writing letters and handwriting, but also educational activities. In the Copybooks with stories about animals, calligraphy has something in common with zoology. An animal has been selected for each letter of the alphabet, it is drawn in the copybook and there is an opportunity to color it, and a little about this animal is also written.

  • Copybooks with stories about plants Larina T.Ya.

    Parents and teachers come up with everything they can to diversify their children’s education. And modern copybooks keep up with fashion. Now this is not only a striped piece of paper on which a child can practice writing letters and handwriting, but also educational activities. In the Proceedings with stories about plants, calligraphy has something in common with botany. A plant has been selected for each letter of the alphabet, it is drawn in the copybook and there is an opportunity to color it, and a little about this plant is also written.

  • A person’s handwriting is formed in childhood, in the first grade, and this time must not be wasted, since retraining a child will be much more difficult. And teachers, as a rule, pay attention to the formation of handwriting only in the first grade, and even then not properly. A child's first assistant in developing handwriting is copywriting. Already in kindergarten, your child became acquainted with these notebooks when he wrote hooks and curls, and, I hope, now the copybooks no longer frighten him. You can move on to writing capital letters.

  • Copy numbers for children 5,6,7 years old (download, print)

    Somehow, undeservedly, in the development of a child, parents bypass the writing of numbers; by default, it is believed that copybooks only train the writing of letters. But this is a very important area of ​​development. If a child learns to write numbers automatically, having previously practiced writing, when solving mathematical problems at school, he will have much more time to think about the problem itself, and not how to write this or that number. In addition, any copybook forms a child’s beautiful handwriting in the future.

  • Copybooks of printed and capital letters (download, print)

    Already at the age of 5, almost any child is interested in letters, and some already know how to read and “type” (write in block letters). And few mothers know that they also need to type wisely. Our copybooks “from block letters to capital letters” will help your child not only write block letters correctly, but also immediately familiarize him with capital letters. And a huge advantage of these copybooks is that the arrows show how to write this or that letter, in which direction to draw the line. Even if your child cannot read yet, such copybooks will help develop automaticity in writing letters.

  • Copybooks for children free download

    In order for a child to develop beautiful handwriting, it is necessary to confidently hold a pencil and pen in his hands; this requires practice and more practice. It is convenient to practice writing skills using copybooks. The recipes are very different; it is necessary to relate them to the age of the child.

Handwriting, like the ability to draw, is a kind of art. Often a person cannot understand his own handwriting, for example, when taking quick dictation. Today, correct and understandable writing fades into the background, giving way to electronic documents. But there are situations when written language must be clear and legible. This article will tell you how to correct your handwriting and make it beautiful.


How to achieve beautiful handwriting

Handwriting is a talent, because it is directly related to the hands. Beautiful writing is a type of drawing art. Not so long ago, schools had a special subject aimed at developing clear and beautiful handwriting. It was called calligraphy.

Today, schoolchildren are no longer forced to fill pages with one hook in order to perfect their writing. The program is aimed at mastering writing skills. In this case, the beauty and neatness of handwriting are given the last roles.

But if parents and teachers monitor children and the formation of their handwriting, then how can an adult learn to write clearly and correctly? If an adult wants to correct or change their handwriting, there are several useful tips.

Selecting a writing instrument

A comfortable writing instrument is the key to beautiful handwriting. The pen or pencil is not so important. The important thing is that the writing instrument fits comfortably in the hand and allows you to use it without straining your hand.

Landing when writing

Proper posture when writing helps you not feel discomfort. Your back should be kept straight, and the sheet on which the text is written should be placed at an angle convenient for writing.


The main tip for improving handwriting is to re-write tasks in school copybooks. They will help you remember the correct spelling of connections between letters and practice them.


When developing a handwriting style, it is important to remember that constant practice will allow you to better remember the correct spelling of all letter elements. It is important to try to write more often and to carefully monitor your writing progress. For example, if you cannot write a separate element of a letter or a connection, you should write it out on a separate sheet and write it down until you get a satisfactory result.


You shouldn't expect your handwriting to improve after an hour of writing. When working on handwriting, it is important to do the work thoughtfully and slowly. If you don’t like the result, you should work on it some more and compare it with what happened before. Progress in work can occur either in a week or in several months.

Fantasy and fonts

When working on writing, you should use your imagination or take your favorite capital fonts on your computer as a model. There are many pictures with capital letters on special websites. You can find an image with the font you like on the Internet. Perhaps the idea of ​​adding long strokes or graceful curls to your own writing style will help when working on the beauty and style of your handwriting.

Changing the writing instrument

After mastering one instrument, it is worth trying other devices. If you used a ballpoint pen, you should use a marker or fountain pen. This is important so that the developed handwriting does not change when using tools of different configurations. Thus, you can adjust the pressure on the paper and a comfortable grip for each type of pen or pencil.

Writing a foreign alphabet

Mastering capital foreign letters helps when making edits to your own handwriting. It’s worth starting with the basics - the English alphabet, written in beautiful handwriting, looks quite similar to Russian, which helps when working on problem areas at the associative level.

With these simple tips, you can completely change your handwriting, making it calligraphic. However, proper handwriting for school is not always appropriate for an adult.

The handwriting of an adult bears the imprint of personality and its uniqueness.

The copybook is made in the best traditions of “Soviet” and pre-revolutionary manuals, taking into account the latest pedagogical discoveries in this area. Recommended for children from 7 to 11 years old.
The practical guide provides classic examples of writing combinations of letters and words; it includes various concepts relating to the child’s home and school life, as well as the world around him: “Family”, “School”, “Toys”, “Colors”, “Seasons” ", "Animals", "Plants", "Transport", "Numbers", "Numbers", "Planets". At the end of the copybook there is a template for a short story for a child “about himself”.

Correct position of the child's body and hand when writing.
We especially draw your attention to how the child should sit and hold the pen! Remember, your child’s health depends on this!

When writing, the writing object lies on the upper phalanx of the middle finger. The index finger and thumb grab it from above. The thumb is located slightly higher than the index finger. If the index finger can easily rise without the pen falling, then the pen is positioned correctly in the hand. All three fingers are slightly curved and should not grip the handle too tightly (a bend in the first knuckle of the index finger indicates excessive tension when holding the handle). The ring and little fingers can be inside the palm or lie freely at the base of the thumb. When writing, the hand rests on the upper joint of the little finger bent inward. The middle and ring fingers are located almost perpendicular to the edge of the table. The distance from the lower tip of the writing object to the index finger is 1.5 - 2 cm. If the distance is too large or small, the hand will be tense when writing. The upper end of the writing object is oriented towards the shoulder. The hand is in motion, the elbow does not leave the table.

Download the e-book for free in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Writing syllables and words, For good handwriting, Georgieva M.O., 2013 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

  • Correct combinations of letters for good handwriting, Georgieva M.O., 2016
  • Both study and play, Russian language, Tarabarina T.I., Sokolova E.I., 2001
  • Speech therapy notebook for the correction of dysgraphia and dyslexia in primary schoolchildren, Ogloblina I.Yu., 2015

The following textbooks and books.

Forming a letter is a complex process. It involves painstaking, hard work. In addition, it is important to keep your handwriting individual, but make it as legible as possible. Not everyone is able to remember how this important skill was developed. Gradually, adults notice that their handwriting has deteriorated greatly. If this fact is obvious, you need to download copybooks to correct an adult’s handwriting, because the consequences of such a conclusion can be very sad:

  1. A person cannot capture even a short text.
  2. Poor handwriting often makes a conclusion about the author's organizational and executive abilities.
  3. At the slightest emotional stress, handwriting deteriorates, and you have to not only improve it, but also normalize your mental state.

It is also impossible to remember when your handwriting became bad. Many people believe that this happens during training, when you need to write a lot and quickly. The opposite circumstance is no less mysterious - that is, it is impossible to understand when a person began to write legibly and beautifully.

The importance of clear handwriting cannot be understated. It is impossible to take seriously a text consisting of incomprehensible signs and squiggles. The manner in which characters are written is related to a number of factors. It is difficult to determine the reasons why it gets worse or better. Scientists are trying to identify the role of hereditary genes, perseverance in class, and the conscientiousness of the teacher. These are only a number of conditions; it is very difficult to identify all of them.

It is much more accurate to identify what each person’s handwriting says. If you want to change your destiny, try to change it. In order for adults to create understandable texts, we have developed special copybooks for adults to improve handwriting, solving this difficult problem. They are purchased by those who decided to correct the spelling of letters and numbers, to improve their writing, making it simpler and more understandable.

Excellent teaching material, written in a special font, created for those who have set themselves the goal of achieving quick, beautiful adult handwriting. In teaching children this knowledge, the traditional school has long adhered to two basic fundamental principles. Effective learning, according to the first of them, is not an end in itself. It is much more important to structure the educational process, to explain to students why they are obliged to circle the signs, instead of achieving an end in itself.

Writing quickly but beautifully is difficult, and this is most likely within the capabilities of an adult. To control your actions, you need to have a certain responsibility. And, of course, it is very important not to give up and strive to achieve the goal by practicing regularly and persistently.

Print out copybooks to correct adult handwriting