Alteration of jeans into flared jeans while maintaining the branded bottom. How to properly sew jeans on the sides, waist, hips, legs, back seam at home? How to sew in yourself, reduce large men's and women's jeans by a size smaller

Tips on how to sew jeans on the sides, at the waist, how to alter flared jeans.

Many people have jeans or even a few pairs in their closet that they haven't worn in a long time. Perhaps the thing has gone out of fashion, or maybe the jeans have become too big or small. Today we will talk about the case when jeans became great. Namely, how to properly sew them in.

How to sew in men's and women's jeans on the sides?

Important: It’s worth saying right away that sewing on jeans on your own is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. If you are not confident in your abilities, it makes sense to contact the studio. Otherwise, you can simply spoil the thing.

However, if you think that your sewing machine should not just gather dust, but work, you can try it. Just do not forget, this is the case when they say "Measure seven times, cut one!".

For work you will need:

  • Sewing machine
  • Scissors
  • Tailor's pins
  • Threads
  • Overlock
  • Ripper
  • Chalk or bar of soap

First, try on your jeans to determine where you need to sew in the product. If you need to remove excess fabric only on the sides - this is one way, and if you need, for example, to sew in the hips - there will be another technique.

Let's discuss all the options one by one. Immediately, we note that women's and men's jeans are sutured in the same way.

You can often find extremely simple tips on how to quickly sew in jeans on the sides. The bottom line is this: put a model that fits your size on top of the old jeans, cut off the excess and sew. Of course, this is by no means the case.

Important: It will not work to sew in jeans only along the side seam, it is necessary to sew in both the side cut and the inner one. Otherwise, the product will be twisted.

If the jeans fit perfectly at the waist and it became necessary to remove a little fabric from the sides, you can do this:

  • Put on your jeans inside out.
  • With tailor's pins, mark the places where you need to take in, first on one leg.
  • Do this with the inside seam and the outside.
  • Without tearing or cutting anything, take off your jeans.
  • With chalk or remnants, mark a line for the line.
  • Sweep the product by hand.
  • Try on jeans again, sit down, walk around.
  • Make sure your jeans fit properly.
  • Only after that you can cut off the excess 1 cm further from the future seam.
  • Now it's time to sew the jeans on a typewriter with threads that match the color.
  • Sew the finishing stitch along the outer edge of the jeans with double thread.
  • Iron your jeans carefully.
  • Finish the cut edges with an overlocker.

Video: How to sew jeans on the sides?

How to sew jeans in the hips?

You can try to sew in jeans only in the hips. This is appropriate in the case when the hips are narrow, and only the jeans are large in the hips, but sit normally on the legs.

Important: You can sew in jeans in the hips if you need to remove no more than 4 cm. Otherwise, you will have to flog the codpiece, which is often beyond the power of a novice needlewoman.

Jeans can be sewn in a few centimeters

You can remove excess tissue on the hips in this way:

  • Open the side seams.
  • Open the middle seam around the buttocks.
  • Sew, taking into account the necessary preliminary measurements.
  • The edges must be sewn strictly in the same style as the old seams, otherwise it will look ridiculous.

Important: It is almost impossible to sew finishing lines without experience. Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with this process by watching a video tutorial.

Video: How to sew a finishing line?

How to sew jeans on the pope along the back seam at home?

To sew in the back seam of jeans, you will need the sewing tools listed above. Sewing jeans by hand in this place will not work.

So let's get started:

  1. First, put on your jeans.
  2. It is inconvenient to make basting in this part of the body on your own, ask someone to help you remove the excess and make a basting with pins.
  3. Then you need to cut off the belt.
  4. After that, you will have to rip the back seam, it is not difficult to rip it.
  5. Measure with a ruler the same distance between the old seam and the pins on both sides.
  6. With a remnant, draw a cut line, do not forget to leave a 1 cm allowance.
  7. After that, baste the seam, then try on the jeans.
  8. If the jeans fit well, you can sew a seam on a typewriter.
  9. Overlock the cut with an overlocker.
  10. On the front side, make finishing lines.

How to narrow the back of jeans

How to sew jeans on the pope

Now you need to properly trim the belt:

  1. Shorten it to the desired length by cutting off the fabric on both sides.
  2. Sew the sides of the belt together.
  3. Then sew the belt to the jeans, make a finishing line.

How to sew jeans in the waist, belt?

If the jeans are large in the waist, it is best to take them in, as described above - along the back seam. If everything is done correctly, they will sit well on the pope.

If the jeans are too big in the waist and you don't want to bother, you can narrow the waist a little in an easier way.

You will need:

  • Rubber
  • Scissors
  • Sewing machine
  • Regular pin (in another way English)

Let's get to work:

  1. Take a small piece of elastic. The length depends on how much you want to shorten the belt.
  2. Make slits in the belt in two places (the distance between the slits is a few cm longer than the elastic band).
  3. Now thread the pin through the elastic band and pull it along with the elastic band between the slots.
  4. Pin with a pin to the jeans so that the tip of the elastic does not “run away”.
  5. On the sewing machine, sew two stitches from both ends.

Pull the elastic in

How to sew jeans in a belt: before and after

Video: How to sew jeans at the waist?

How to sew in, narrow in the legs flared jeans, straight to narrow at home yourself?

The now unfashionable flared jeans can be narrowed and get modern skinny.

Important: You should not try to make skinny jeans from flared jeans if the flare is initially too wide. The cut is completely different, the result will not please you.

It makes sense to narrow the flare by a few centimeters (3-4 cm). In this case, arm yourself with sewing tools and get to work:

  1. Iron your jeans and try them on.
  2. Have someone help you pinpoint the inseam and crotch.
  3. Open the folds, as well as the side and crotch seams.
  4. Draw seam lines with chalk or a bar of soap.
  5. Leave an allowance.
  6. Cut off excess fabric.
  7. Baste the seams by hand.
  8. Try on jeans again, walk around in them, try to sit down.
  9. If everything fits, you can sew the seams on a typewriter.
  10. Finish the edges with an overlock or zigzag.

Flared jeans need to be sewn on both sides

How to sew in men's and women's jeans a size smaller?

Important: Jeans can be sewn in a size, a maximum of 2 less. It is easier to sew new jeans than to take them in more than 2 sizes.

If you do take the risk, be prepared to completely recut your jeans.

To downsize your jeans, put them on and take a close look at exactly where they sit ugly.

Try to choose the easiest way to rework, with minimal labor investment and the best possible result.

There are several ways to change jeans a size smaller:

  1. Cut off the excess on the sides and the inner seam.
  2. Sew along the back seam.
  3. Remove a little in the hips only on the sides.

A few simple rules for successful sewing jeans:

  • Jeans, both women's and men's, are altered according to the same principle.
  • Before starting work, wash the product and iron it.
  • It is advisable to find an assistant (-tsu) to help you make correct and even marks.
  • Do not rush to cut off the excess, it is better to finally make sure that you are doing everything right.
  • Remember, there are some models that are not subject to redrawing.

How to sew jeans to size

How to shrink jeans at the waist without a sewing machine?

The above tips are suitable for those who have a sewing machine. If you do not have the opportunity to sew in jeans on a typewriter, you can resort to other methods:

  • Wash the product in water with a temperature of 90 °, the fabric will sit down for a while, however, then the jeans will become large again.
  • Choose a suitable belt if you need to collect only at the waist.
  • Sew the elastic by hand into the waistband.

In principle, it is possible to sew on the legs by hand, but it will not look aesthetically pleasing, finishing stitches cannot be done manually either.

Finally, I would like to say, if you are not sure of a good result, it is better to take your expensive thing to the studio, professionals will do everything right. However, following the advice, you can take in your jeans so that you can wear your favorite thing again. We hope everything works out for you. We suggest watching the video to better understand how to alter jeans.

Video: How to make skinny jeans?

Often, purchased clothes do not sit on the figure as well as we would like. This happens due to the fact that any item of clothing, including trousers, is sewn according to certain standards. Then a reasonable question arises - is it possible to sew in jeans so that they look perfect. It is possible, but it will take a little effort.

How to sew pants down a size

Many women's things gather dust in the closet because of the likelihood of their owner's rapid weight loss. Often clothes become large, but they like it so much that you want to alter it and continue to wear it. Before you make your jeans a size smaller, try them on and see if they are big everywhere. It happens that the pants are too big in the waist, but still sit tight in the hips. If the trousers everywhere have become larger in size, then you can get to work:

  1. Before sewing in jeans, make sure you have a sewing machine in your arsenal and know how to use it.
  2. When trying on, pin the excess fabric with pins, remove carefully.
  3. Lightly go over the pin marks with chalk, moving away a little from the measurements.
  4. Spread the seams on one leg and, cutting off the excess, sweep the edges.
  5. Do the same with the second leg.
  6. Sew the hand seams with a sewing machine. If there was a double stitch in the original, duplicate it.
  7. In the hip area, the actions will be the same, but before sewing, you will need to cut off the belt. At the final stage, shorten it and sew it back.

How to sew trousers at the waist

There are many styles of jeans. They are worn from very narrowed models, designed for very slender people, to straight wide ones. To answer the question of how to properly sew in jeans, in addition to the style, you also need to determine the purpose for which the size is adjusted. Let's say your pants have a straight cut of medium width, and they are too big at the waist. To remake these jeans for yourself, follow this algorithm:

  1. Step back from the middle seam at the back by 7 cm in both directions and at this distance unfasten the belt.
  2. Next, you need to space the crotch by about 8 cm.
  3. Open the middle seam too.
  4. Poke pins from the wrong side, showing the places of sewing.
  5. Sew along the marked lines, duplicating the double stitch if necessary.
  6. Cut off the excess length on the belt and sew it on.

How to narrow down jeans at home

When buying flared denim trousers, be prepared that in a short time the once fashionable item of clothing will be completely out of demand. This model is not suitable for everyone and is often bought only for the sake of current trends. And this applies not only to women, but also to the representatives of the stronger sex. So that the thing does not disappear, you can give it a second life. How to narrow men's jeans and transform a woman's trousers is easy to understand from the description:

  1. Before you take in your jeans, take a look at your figure and think about whether pants that are very narrow at the bottom will suit you. Ingoda it is better to limit yourself to a moderate width of the trousers.
  2. Turn the jeans inside out, draw a new sewing line with chalk parallel to the original seam. Pin up the pins and try on. The thing should not only sit beautifully, but also be comfortable. If necessary, adjust the bottom length before narrowing.
  3. Stitch the seams, gradually removing the pins. Trim off unwanted fabric.

How to sew jeans?

Jeans are by far the most versatile piece of clothing. We wear them in winter and summer, during work and leisure hours. It's comfortable and stylish... as long as the jeans fit you well. But what if the jeans are a little too big? In this article we will talk about how to sew jeans. Videos on this topic can be easily found on Youtube and also on this page.

We offer you instructions for sewing jeans. You will need:

  • centimeter,
  • ruler,
  • scissors,
  • tailor pins,
  • needle and thread,
  • sewing machine.

Important Points

Before we talk about how to sew in jeans, let's dwell on some important nuances. This is somewhat more difficult than , and here's why:

  1. The main problem lies in the finishing seams, which are done on jeans with a contrasting thread. Their color and texture are difficult to reproduce accurately enough. However, if you pick up the threads to match, the difference will not be too noticeable.
  2. Jeans are usually made from a dense material, and the seams on them are very thick. If your home machine is not designed for such a load, you will have to flash some sections manually.
  3. For the same reason, sometimes you should not copy the denim seam “in the lock”. You can do with its imitation.
  4. And finally, it is worth taking on this difficult task if you are going to sew in jeans for a size, in extreme cases - for two. Only then will the result be worth your efforts.

How to sew jeans in a belt

So you've bought new jeans and they fit great on the hips but are too big in the waist. This problem affects women more often than men, and is associated with the peculiarities of the female figure. Usually in such cases, jeans bulge at the back. Therefore, we will take them in at the back seam.

Step 1

Put on your jeans and use a measuring tape to measure your circumference at the waistband. Now take off your jeans and measure the length of your belt. Divide the difference between the two measurements by two. By this amount, we have to move the middle seam.

Step 2

Unlock the loop located at the back and the belt on both sides of it by 7-8 cm in each direction. Carefully spread the crotch a few centimeters to the right and left of the middle. Spread the middle seam, smooth it and pin it with pins, directing them perpendicular to the cut of the fabric. Set aside the distance from the old seam obtained in the first step. Using chalk and a ruler, draw a tangent to the curved section of the ripped middle seam.

Step 3

Stitch the jeans halves along the new middle seam. Trim the fabric 1 cm from the seam and finish the cut with a zigzag stitch. Iron the seam allowance and sew a double finishing stitch along the front side. Roll up the crotch again and topstitch along the right side.

Step 4

Now let's take a look at the belt. Attach it to the top of your jeans and mark where the belt touches the middle seam. Cut off excess fabric (don't forget the allowance!). Fold the halves of the belt with the right side and stitch. Iron the seam allowances and stitch the belt to the upper cut from the front side. If necessary, lay a finishing line. From the inside, it is better to hem the belt manually with a hidden seam. Sew on the loop again - it will close the seam on the belt.

How to sew jeans in the hips

Such a need may arise if you suddenly lost weight, but do not want to part with your favorite jeans. It can be even easier to sew jeans in the hips than in the waist, because the side seams are not always decorative, which means that your interference will be less noticeable.

The technology of operation is the same as described above. Only now you have to rip off the belt on the right and left and make two seams instead of one. In addition, rivets located on pockets may interfere with you. In this case, you will have to take the fabric from the back halves into the seam and use hand seams in the most inconvenient places. Try to hide the seams on the waistband under the side loops. And if you do everything carefully, the result will please you.

How to sew jeans in legs

Jeans almost never go out of fashion. But their shape can change from season to season. Now narrow models are relevant. Therefore, if you want to stay in trend, you can redo last year's pair.

Wear your jeans inside out and arm yourself with a pack of tailor's pins. standing in front of mirror, pin the fabric on both sides on one of the legs from the inside. Remove the jeans and draw a seam line so that it is even. Using pins and tailor's chalk, copy the line on the second leg also from the inside. Baste the seams and try on the jeans.

If everything suits you, you can proceed to stitching the seams. Before that, you need to undo the hem of the legs, and after sewing the legs, bend and hem the jeans again.


Denim shrinks when washed in hot water. Pour boiling water into a deep basin and lower it for 10-15 minutes, do not add the powder, otherwise the color of the material will fade. Bye jeans soak in boiling water, prepare a container with cold water. Quickly remove from boiling water and place in cold water for a few minutes. Then wring out the item and dry it. Usually the material wrinkles a lot, and to iron denim without much effort, turn on the "steam" function on the iron. You can try on jeans and evaluate the result, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you simply won’t be able to put on the thing.

When you need to greatly reduce, for example, after losing weight, then hot water obviously will not help. Decide on the right size and make a mark on the inside of the jeans. Do not rip the factory seams yet - this can be done a little later. Sew the marked places on the sewing machine, it is better to make a double seam, then unravel the factory seams. Overlog the edges of the material so that they do not fluff. Wash your pants in warm water and you're good to go. With this method, you can not only sew in pants, but also correct problem areas by hemming only in a certain place.

If you are completely unfamiliar with sewing, and you are afraid to wash them in hot water, contact any sewing shop. You will be reduced to the required size, moreover, the work will be done efficiently and professionally. It is very difficult to achieve a similar result, because the denim is dense and it is difficult to sew it on a typewriter without skills. But if you are “you” with a sewing machine, everything should work out for you without the help of professionals.

Helpful advice

Do not rush to reduce jeans in size, especially if you have recently bought them. Over time, they can shrink without the use of additional methods.

But even high quality jeans tend to stretch after being worn. Men are advised to buy jeans in their own size, but for long wear women need to choose them 1-2 sizes smaller. But do not overdo it: too narrow jeans create pressure on the internal organs, which slows down the blood circulation process and can subsequently lead to various diseases.


Therefore, choose, first of all, and if they stretch and you don’t want to part with them, follow a number of tips:
Wash jeans in the washing machine and then tumble dry. Normal jeans will surely shrink. If there is no hot drying, then after washing, rinse them with cold water and, without twisting or squeezing, hang them upright. Main motto: frequent washing is the key to a good look;

Spread jeans along the side seams (if you have a skill, and if not, then it’s better to contact), mark the width you want to get on the wrong side, then sweep with threads. After trying on, if the width suits you, cut off all the excess and carefully stitch;

Don't wear alone jeans too often: to prevent natural stretching, purchase several pairs of jeans. Alternately changing one jeans on others, you will allow them to keep their “factory” look for a long time.
After washing when jeans slightly shriveled, do not iron them when wet. slightly damp jeans after ironing, they will stretch again and the effect of washing will not work.

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In the wardrobe of any person, from a millionaire to a simple employee, you can find at least one pair of jeans. The main trump card of jeans - practicality and wearing comfort - has become decisive when choosing them by millions and millions of men and women around the world.

Sometimes it happens that losing weight turns into some problems with the wardrobe. For example, did you have favorite jeans. And suddenly they were big. However, if you have lost weight, then there is nothing to worry about. You can continue to enjoy slender forms, because there are several ways that can save your favorite thing.


The first and easiest is to wash in hot water. To do this, put them in the washing machine, set the temperature to 95 degrees. After the wash cycle is finished, stop it (before cold rinse water flows back into the machine) and start again, but without powder and any detergents. Dry after washing jeans either at the maximum temperature in the drum of the machine, or on a hot radiator or in the steam room of the sauna.

This method has a significant drawback. After a few days of wearing jeans may stretch again and return to their original state. So it needs to be washed periodically. jeans again in this way.

There is also a more time-consuming option, but at the same time more effective. It is for those who know how to sew. Jeans can be easily sewn in at the side or back seams.

If jeans you are great and , and in

One of the most effective ways to downsize your jeans is to sew them in. You can alter denim trousers at a clothing repair shop, but this method will be more expensive.

Sewing jeans at home is quite difficult without some experience. This is due to the complex cut of the trousers. However, with a sewing machine and minimal skills in working with it, this can still be done.

Start reducing the size should be from the legs. It is necessary to open the seam in those places where the jeans need to be reduced. When trying on, you should note the required leg width with safety pins or a couple of basting stitches.

In order for the sewing machine stitch to be even, the seams must first be sewn

To sew the legs of jeans, it is necessary to pick up threads of the same color and thickness with which all the outer seams of the trousers are stitched, and thread them into the sewing machine. As a rule, the line on jeans is double, and in order for the stitched-in places to not differ from the rest of the seams, it must be reproduced.

To reduce jeans at the waist, you need to take them in from the sides, after rebuffing the belt. After the operation, the belt should also be shortened and returned to its original place.

If the denim pants have become large in the hips, then you will need to additionally rip the line passing through the buttocks.

Ways to narrow jeans

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How to shrink denim pants at home with other methods

If jeans need to be reduced by just one size, then you can try to do this by washing at a high temperature. Pre-soak the trousers in hot water, wash by setting the lever of the washing machine to 60–90 degrees, wring out at high speeds. It is better to dry jeans in a horizontal position on a fabric that absorbs moisture well.

Washed jeans will shrink, but, unfortunately, the effect will not last long, after a day or two of wearing, they will stretch back to their original size.

Pants in this case will have to be washed quite often. Despite the rather high density of the fabric, due to constant washing, they can take on a slightly shabby look, lose color saturation.

So that denim pants do not have to be sewn in or washed to holes, you can just get a little better